FIGHTING SONGS AND WARRING WORDS FIGHTING SONGS AND WARRING WORDS Popular lyrics of two world wars BRIAN MURDOCH ROUTLEDGE London and New York First published 1990 by Routledge 11 New Fetter Lane, London EC4P 4EE 29 West 35th Street, New York, NY 10001 This edition published in the Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2002 © 1990 Brian Murdoch All rights reserved No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilized in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Fighting songs and warring words: popular lyrics of two world wars Songs in German Special subjects War Songs in English Special subjects War Poetry in German 1900–1945 Special subjects War Poetry in English 1900–1945 Special subjects War I Murdoch, Brian O 784.6’835502’0931 ISBN 0-415-03184-2 (Print Edition) Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data available on request ISBN 0-203-00792-1 Master e-book ISBN ISBN 0-203-20630-4 (Glassbook Format) ‘Trumpeter, what are you sounding now? (Is it the call I’m seeking?)’ ‘Can’t mistake the call’, said the Trumpeter tall, ‘When my trumpet goes a-speakin’ I’m urgin’ ’em on, they’re scamperin’ on, There’s a drummin’ of hoofs like thunder There’s a mad’nin’ shout as the sabres flash out, For I’m sounding the “Charge” —no wonder! And it’s Hell’, said the Trumpeter tall J.Francis Barron The Trumpeter (1904) CONTENTS Preface Acknowledgements ix xiii GOOD WAR POETRY? WE HATE AS ONE: POEMS OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR 22 WHEN THIS BLEEDING WAR IS OVER: SONGS OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR 63 TOMORROW THE WHOLE WORLD: FASCISM AND THE LYRIC 99 THERE IS NO NEED FOR ALARM: POEMS OF THE ALLIES, 1939–45 134 MY LILLI OF THE LAMPLIGHT: SONGS OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR 175 WORLD WAR THREE BLUES: THE LYRIC AND AUGUST 1945 209 Notes 227 Bibliography 259 Name Index 281 PREFACE The two world wars are the major historical events of the present century They were new in that they were wars of machinery and of killing on an unprecedented scale; they were wars fought by soldiers who were mostly civilians in uniform; and as world wars they involved directly and on a massive scale people who were not soldiers at all But they gave rise to an enormous amount of poetry, they used the lyric in a variety of ways and, beyond that, they affected the idea of poetry The starting point for this book was the question of how to define war poetry in this century and, beyond that, how a good war poem is to be recognized The view that war poetry in the twentieth century actually means anti-war poetry appears inadequate given the enormous amount of poetry produced, and an aesthetic approach to poetry seems limited With these doubtless naivequestions came a series of others How useful in the context of the lyrics of the world wars was an aesthetic division between poetry and verse, and what was the place of song? Could aesthetic and moral judgements be mixed? Are war poems only those produced by soldiers who fought (and, so some interpretations seem to imply, actually fell) in the wars, or is a broader view of all lyrics associated with the events of the two world wars possible? How can we distinguish between the reception of war poems in their own time and their reception now? Some points seem fairly clear Since wars are fought between nations, the study of modern war poetry ought surely to be comparative, even though there are enormous contrasts within and between national literatures The greatness ofsaythe English poets of the First World War who showed its horror is undeniable, but other ix BIBLIOGRAPHY Graves, Robert, Goodbye to All That, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1960 (originally 1929) Graves, Robert and Hodges, Alan, The Long Weekend A Social History of Great Britain 1918–1939, London: Hutchinson, 1940, repr 1985 Green, Roger Lancelyn, Kipling The Critical Heritage, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1971 Gregory, Kenneth, The Second Cuckoo, London: Unwin, 1983 Grew, Joseph C., Report from Tokyo, London: Hammond & Hammond, 1943 Griffiths, Richard, Marshal Pétain, London: Constable, 1970 Grimm, Reinhold, ‘Ein Menschenalter danach: über das zweistrophige Gedicht “Hiroshima” von Marie Luise Kaschnitz’, Monatshefte, 71 (1979) Grunberger, Richard, A Social 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Poetry of the Anglo-Boer War (1899– 1902), Oxford: Clarendon, 1978 Zürcher, Gustav, ‘Trummerlyrik’ Politische Lyrik 1945–1950, Kronberg/T.: Scriptor, 1977 280 INDEX OF NAMES This index includes personal names and the titles of films, recordings, collections and anonymous works, but not the titles of collections or individual poems by named authors Political and military figures are listed only when they have made a literary contribution, and critics only when mentioned in the body of the text Individual songs mentioned without their composers are included Abyssinia 202–3 Acuff, Roy 175 Adcock, A St John 10 Adamson, Harold 192n Aldington, Richard 60 Alford, Kenneth 201 Allies in Wilhelmsland 37 America Looking On 65 Anacker, Heinrich 105–6, 110–11, 121, 124–5 Andersen, Lale 177 anti-Semitic verse 125–6 Apollinaire, Guillaume Apple and Plum 89 Appleton, Peter 215, 218 Aragon, Louis 139 Archer, William 32 Argonnerwald um Mittemach 89–90 Army of Today’s All Right, The 72 Asahi Shimbun (newspaper) 152 Asili, Bachilio 108 Atom and Evil 220 Atomic Café, The (film) 211, 217, 220 Auerbach, Eugen 184 Austin, Alfred 6n Automne (The Falling Leaf) 102–3 Avanti popolo 175 Avanti-Schritt, Der 203 Baez, Joan 15n Bairnsfather, Bruce, 46, 71–2 Bakowski, Juliusz 194 Bandiera rossa: see: Avanti popolo Banditi della Acqui 198 Barker, George 215 Barron, J.Francis 73 Battalion National Anthem 88 Battle Hymn of the Republic (John Brown’s Body) 14, 205–6; parody 205 Baumann, Hans 121–2, 125 Beaton, Cecil 156 Bed-Sitting Room, The (film) 219n BEF Times, The 38, 46 Begbie, Harold 40 Belgium Put The Kibosh… 69 Bella Ciao 191, 195 Berger, Ernst Otto 31n Berlin, Irving 77, 181, 183, 187–8 Bernard, Jean-Marc 5, 52 Berossi, Victor 185 Berteaut, Simone 203 Better ’Ole, The (musical) 72 Better Times, The 61–2 Biggest Aspidistra in the World, The 183 Binyon, Laurence 18, 56–8, 169 Birch, Dennis 163 Birrell, William Dunbar 36, 41–2 Black, John 25 Blong, Arthur de 17n, 67 Blunden, Edmund 60 Bochmann, Werner 189 Bodart, Roger 217–18 281 INDEX Bogdanov, A 56 Boguslawski Antoni 140 Böhme, Herbert 7, 115 Bold, Alan 201–2 Böll, Heinrich 209 Bombed Last Night 89, 219 Borchert, Wolfgang 209 Bork, Robert H 189 Bourtayre, Henri 191 Braun, Reinhold 49–50, 114 Brecht, Bertolt 124, 145, 199 Bridges, Robert 24, 30, 58 Briggs, Greta 12 Briggs, Susan 13, 134 Bristowe, Sybil 44n British Soldier’s Discharge Song, The 172 British Way and Purpose 136 Bröger, Karl 113 Brooke, Brian 44–5 Brooke, Rupert 3, 10–11, 18, 23–4, 27, 56–7, 60, 137, 166 Brookes, J.E 168 Brophy, John 11, 84, 91 Brother Atom 221 Brown, J.A.C 104 Brown, W.J 121n Burrell, Arthur Burton, C.E.C.H 42 Cadogan, Mary 23 Caine, Hall 9, 33 Camicia nera 125, 175 Cammaerts, Emile 28–9, 140 Campbell, Roy 15 Campbell, R.W 43–4 Canaglia pezzente 198 Caron, Pierre 182 Carr, Michael 182 Cawser, Elsie 162–3 Ceannt, Eamonn 64 Challoner, Louis 169 Champagne-Kamerad (magazine) 45 Chapman, Guy 13 Charles, Hughie 181, 187 Chesteron, G.K 8, 163 Chevalier, Maurice 191 Chilton, Charles: see Oh What a Lovely War Chorliederbuch für die Wehrmacht 120 Church, Richard 172 Church’s One Foundation, The (parodies) 81, 106 Clapham, Walter 165 Clare, Tom 59 Clark, Cumberland 8n Clark, Lois 164 Clarke, G.H 10 Cocker, W.D 56 Cohan, George M 76 ‘Coldstreamer’ 43 Coleridge, S.T 1, 143 Collins, V.H Come and Join Us 40 Como, Perry 192 Cone, Helen Gray 35 Connelly, Reg 186 Connor, Tommie 178, 180 Cooke, Leonard 17n, 67 Cooper, George 87 Corbally, Molly 166n Corbett-Smith, A 23n Cornford, John 15 Costello, Elvis 16 Costello, John 178 Couragious English Boys, The Coward, Noel 165, 182, 190–1, 221 Craig, Patricia 23 Craonne, Chanson de 91–2 Crewe, Marquess of 13 Cri du Poilu, Le 84 Crosby, Bing 193 Cross, Tom Cunard, Nancy 140 Czarnomski, F.B 140 Czerwone Maki na Monte Cassino 195 Daily Mail, The 42 Damn Your Writing 1, 12 Danby, Frank 25n Dane, Clemence 165 Dans le Cul 203 Darre, Walther 105 Das kann dock einem Seemann… 132 Dawson, Coningsby 23n Dawson, Peter 73 Day After, The (film) 219n D-Day Dodgers, Ballad of the 180, 207–8 Deepest Shelter in Town, The 188 Dehmel, Richard 27 Dehn, Paul 221 Dennis, C.J 40, 44 Dent, Harry 93 Desmond, Florence 184 Deutschland über alles 64, 185; parody 96 Dickson, Gordon 61n Diederichs, Peter 113, 115 Dietrich, Marlene 177, 189 282 INDEX Disney, Walt 184, 193 Dix, J.Arlie 73 Dr Strangelove (film) 219n Donald Duck 184 Dorias, Walter 45 Douglas, Keith 135, 161 Doyle, Sir Francis Drayton, Michael Drinkwater, John 14, 56–7 Druon, Maurice 198 Dunhill, Thomas 28 Dunsany, Lord 154 Duras, Marguerite 218 Dürrenmatt, Friedrich 221 Dushak, Nina 15n Dylan, Bob 212, 219–20, 221n, 223 Dyrenforth, James 155n Eckhardt, Karl 102n Eckhart, Dietrich 120 Eich, Günter 217 Eisen, Herbert Jakob 223 El Abenico 92 Elgar, Sir Edward 28 Embarkation Leave 134 Emden, Song of the 49 England, du schlechtes England… 80 Enright, D.J 216–17 Es gibt kein schöner Leben… 83 Esser, Johann 199 Exodus, Book of Ewart, Gavin 19 Far, Far From Wipers 89 Fear No More (anthology) 11, 135 Feldman (music publishers) 70 Fenton-Livingstone, M.R 41n Fields, Gracie 183 Fichera, Filippo 108 Finkh, Ludwig 119 Flecker, James Elroy 9, 64 Ford, Lena Guilbert 68 Formby, George 182, 191–2 Foster, Stephen 87 Fosterling, Alice 112 France Libre, La 136 Francis & Day (music publishers) 69 Frankau, Gilbert 50 Frankenberg, Hermann v 32–3 Fuehrer’s Face, Der 184, 193 Fussell, Paul 14, 36 Gangulee, N 121n Gebirtig, Mordecai 196 Gedichle zum heiligen Krieg (anthology) George, Stefan 23 Gerard, James W 33 Gielgud, L.L 140 Gin a Tommy… 32 Giovanezzi, Songs of 101 Glasier, J.Bruce 10 Gleiche Lohnung… Glenconner, Pamela 10 Glik, Hirsch 196–7 God Save the King 51, 64, 138, 181 Godfrey, Fred 192 Goebbels, Josef 112–19 Goethe, J.W v (parody) 147 Gold gab ich zur Whr 22 Goldburn, Tom 93 Golden Gate Quartet 221 Goodnight Wherever You Are 187 Goose Girl, The (magazine) 171–2 Gorell, (Ronald Barnes) Lord 10, 172 Graves, Robert 60 Great Atomic Power, The 217 Greek partisan songs 198 Greiner, Butzl 189 Grenfell, Joyce 163–4 Grew, Joseph P 147n Guest, Edgar 55 Gumilev, Nikolai 55–6 Guthrie, George 40 Guthrie, Woody 181 Hagedorn, Hermann 213–14 Hailey, Bill 220 Hall, John 135 Halls, W.D 110 Hamburger, Michael Hamilton, George Rostrevor 154, 160, 163 Hamilton, Sir Ian Hardcastle, Paul 15n Hardy, Thomas 10, 23 Hargreaves, William 71 Harris, Steve 19n Hartelt, Ingo 212 Hartung, Günther 125 Harvey, Anne 7, 134 Hassgesang gegen England: see Lissauer Hauptmann, Gerhard 24, 30 He jumps through the air… 206 Heartfield, John: see Herzfeld, Helmut Heath, P 165 283 INDEX Heil Dir im Siegeskranz 64 Heine, Heinrich: see Lorelei Henderson, Hamish 178–9, 203 Henderson, Robin 209, 221 Herbert, A.P 2, 7, 134, 138–44, 147–55, 162, 166, 183, 202, 221 Here We Are Again 72 Hire’s to the Day 69 Herr Hitler reitet… 199 Herr von Emmich mag nicht spassen 76 Hersey, John 210 Hervey, John 15 Herzfeld, Helmut 33 Herzog, Rudolf 38–9, 43 Hester, Gustav 23n Hewison, Robert 140 Heyck, Eduard 39n Hibberd, Dominic Hippen, Reinhard 184 Hitler Has Only Got One Ball! 200–2 Hitler Youth Songs 101–2, 112–13 Hochhuth, Rolf 222n Hodgson, William Noel 57 Hoffmann, Heinrich 168 Holloway, Stanley 44, 169 Homer Hopwood, Ronald A 48–9 Harsnell, Horace 60 Horst-Wessel-Lied 18, 113, 124–5, 185 Howard, G.Wren 164 Hughes, Cyril 219n Hughes, Jimmy 192 Huie, William Bradford 215 Hush, Here Comes a Whizzbang 89 Hymn of Hate; see Lissauer I Didn’t Raise my Boy to be a Soldier 76 I Don’t Want to be a Soldier 89 I Like to hear the News from the Dardenelles 83 I Want to Go Home 18n I Wore a Tunic 79 Ibuse, Masuji 210 If You Were The Only Girl in The World 72; parody 77–8 Im Schützengraben 46 In Bloody Orkney (etc.) 170–1 In dem Bache schwimmt ein Fischlein 94 In einem Polenstädtchen (and parody) 131 In Russland decken… 104 It’s the English-Speaking Race… 65 Jackson, Ada 154 Jacob, Violet 38 Jandl, Ernst 225 Jap and the Wop and the Hun, The 182 Jarrell, Randall 6, 165 Jean de Nivelle 82 Jesus Hits Like an Atom Bomb 209 Jeszcze Polska… 181 Johnson, Terry 211 Johst, Hanns 114 Just Before The Battle, Mother 66 Kaczerginsky, Shmerke 197 Kaiser ist in Holland nun, Der 97 Kamerad, wir marschieren 129 Kaschnitz, Marie Luise 216 Kästner, Erich 223 Katsenelson, Yitzkhok 195–7 Katzin, Olga: see Saggitarius Kennedy, Jimmy 182 Kennedy, R.A 35 Kennedy, Studdert 14, 20, 53–5 Kerrison, David 212 Kersh, Gerald 12, 172f Kershaw, Fay 138 Kessel, Joseph 198 Kester, Max 155n Ketelby, Albert W 69 Kevess, Arthur 195n Kihara, Koichi 211 King, Nosmo 137 King Albert’s Book 9, 28 Kingston Trio 222n Kipling, Rudyard 3, 8–15, 18, 20, 23–4 43–4, 56, 134, 137, 168 Kipphardt, Heinar 218 Kiss Me Goodnight… 204 Klein, Holger M Knight, Charles 72n Kolbenheyer, E.G 102 König, Otto 49n Köppen, Edlef 76n Kops, Bernard 222 Kowalski, Adam 194 Krusche, Dieter 216 Kuckhoff, Gerhard 165 Kuntzen, Erich 189 Kyle, Galloway Lake, Frank 192 Lambert, Frank 71 Land of Heat and Sweaty Socks 204 Lange, Antoni 58–9 284 INDEX Langhoff, Wolfgang 109 Larkin, Philip Last Time I Saw Paris, The 187 Lauder, Sir Harry 76 Layton, Sir Walter 160 Lea, Margery 164 Leadbelly (Huddie Ledbetter) 183 Lee, Bert 73 Lee, Joseph 36, 43, 51–2 Leese, Oliver 136n Leher, Peter 225 Lehnow, Erwin 189 Lehrer,Tom 221–2, 225 Leip, Hans 176–80, 189; see also Lili Marlene Leonhardt, Rudolf Walter 7, 131, 180 Lersch, Heinrich 29, 114, 122 Leslie, Sir Shane 60 Let’s Put the Axe to the Axis 187 Lewis, C.S 211 Lied der 22 Division 96 Lieg ich einst im Massengrab 89 Lili Marlene (parody) 179–80; see also D-Day Dodgers Linberg, Irmela 115 Lindenthal, A.R 39 Linz, Ernst 147 Liptsin, Sam 183 Lissauer, Ernst 5, 13, 17, 33–5, 51, 122, 131, 135, 139–40 Little Folks 23 Lloyd, Bertram Loch Lomond 77 Longstaffe, Ernest 134, 136–7 Löns, Hermann 49, 131 Lord Haw-Haw, The Humbug of Hamburg 188 Lorelei (parody) 146–7, 184–5 Lucas, Robert 199 Lüllwitz, Adolf 102n Lyle, Kenneth 72n Lynn, Dame Vera 186–7 Macaulay T.B 12 McCrae, John 18 Macgill, Patrick 23n McGough, Roger 18, 222–3 McHale, Kevin 171 McHarrie, Denis 169 McHugh, Jimmy 192n Mackintosh, E.A 40n Macnamara’s Band (parody) 175, 204–5 Madelon, La 75 Madelon de la Victoire 75 Mademoiselle from Armentiers 84–5 Mahler, Gustav 113n Malbrouk s’en va… 161–2 Malheur la Guerre 63n Malinski, Jan 194 Malone, Bill 217 Mann, Erika 184 Mann, Hamish 36 Mansell, George 165 Maori war-chant 201–2 Maréchal, nos voilà see Montagnard, André Marmelade, Marmelade 95 Marly, Anna 198 Marseillaise, La 64, 139–40, 181 Marshak, Samuel 217 Marsz Brygady 194 Masefield, Charles John Beech 40 Masefield, John 14 Mason, John 256 Mason, Steve 15 Muriac, Franỗois 140 Mayo, Sam 70 Meissel, Friedrich 41 Memphis Willie B 205–7 Menzel, Herybert 106–7 Mercier, R 75 Merry Minuet, The 222 Miall, Antony 68 Mickel, Karl 218 Miegel, Agnes 126 Miller, Alice Duer 159–61 Mills, Angus 61 Mirbt, Rudolf 119 Moder, Josef 126 Molenaar, Heinrich 31n Montagnard, André 109–10, 181 Montague, C.E 29, 45 Montgomery, Viscount 136, 173 Moonraker, The (magazine) 32n Morgan, Charles 139–40 Morgenrot 77; parody 90–1, 95–6 Morley, Sheridan 187 Mother England’s Sons 65 Mother Hunt 84 Mühsam, Erich 59 Muss i’ denn 77, 131 My Bonnie (parody) 207 Nash, Percy 137 Nash, Phyllis 68 Nash, Ogden 118 285 INDEX Nathan, Robert 159 Nesbit, Edith Nettleingham, R 11 Never Mind 82, 93 ‘New Church’ Times 93 New Statesman 142, 200 Newbolt, Sir Henry 6n, 10, 12–13, 23–4, 42, 134 Newell, Raymond 73 Newman, Greatrex 59 Ngani, A.Z 155 Nicholson, Norman 135 Nicklin, J.A 42n Nicolson, Harold 11, 163 Nierentz, Hans Jurgen 123 Nobody Knows How Tired We Are 89 Nohain, Jean 182 Nordhausen, Richard 126–7 Novello, Ivor 68–9, 186 Noyes, Alfred 8, 10, 14, 25, 138, 147–8, 151–2 nuclear disarmament, songs of 219 O Tannsnbaum (parody) 39, 97 Oasis: see Salamander Oasis Trust Oh, it’s a Lovely War 73, 219 Oh My, I Don’t Want to Die 89 Oh What a Lovely War (play and film) 13, 63, 86 Oh, What A Surprise for the Duce 184 Old Barbed Wire, The 91 Old Man Atom 221 One Staff-Officer Jumped… 82 Our Sergeant Major 191 Onions, John Orczy, Baroness Orient (magazine) 146 Orient Weekly (magazine) 47 Orlowski, Hubert 104 Ou sont-ils, mes p’tits copains? 188 Ovaltinies, Song of the 181–2 Owen, Wilfred 5, 10, 17, 19, 22–4, 29, 40, 42, 50n, 52, 60, 72, 74, 163 Oxenham, John 23, 37, 52–3, 55 Pack up Your Troubles 72, 79; parody 79 Page, Brian 7, 169, 172–3, 205 Palmer, R.F 169 Parker, Ross 181, 187 Partridge, Bernard 36 Partridge, Eric 11, 84, 91 Penderecki, Crysztof 218 Piaf, Edith 188, 203 Pimazzoni, Aida 108n Pink Floyd The Wall (film) 19n Plievier, Theodor Poems from the Desert (anthology) 136 Poems from Italy (anthology) 136n Pokrass, Dmitri 197 Poor Butterfly 147 Poor Kaiser Bill… 80 Porter, Cole 77 Porter, Peter 223 Postcard verse 22, 23n, 50, 117, 189 Potes du Potomac, Les 178–9 Pettier, Eugene 50 Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition 187 Preradovic, Paula, v 165 Prévert, Jacques 178 Private Smith of the Volunteers 65–6 Pudney, John 12, 19–20, 166–8 Quand le Maréchal… 154 Rabenau, Fritz v 112 Red Airmen’s Song 207 Red Army, Songs of 139, 181, 193, 207 Red That We Want, The 217 Reggiori, Ambrogio 108n Reilly, Catherine 4, 7, 9, 14, 164 Remarque, Erich Maria 4, 6, 60, 94, 113 Reynolds, Malvina 220 Rice, Tim 16 Rich, Hugh 186 Richards, I.A 14 Richey, Margaret F 166 Richter, Hans Werner Rickword, Edgell Ridgeway, Stan 15n Rilke, R.M 23 Rippon-Seymour, H 60n Ritchie, J.M 125, 127 Roberts, Cecil 156–9 ‘Rochan’ 46–7 Rose, Billy 20 Rosenberg, Isaac Rotchschild, Thomas 99 Roy, Harry 188 Rubaiyat of William Hohenzollern 38 Rule, Britannia 65, 78 Russell, Herbert 71 Rutter, Owen 47 Sabais, Winfried 212 286 INDEX Sablon, Adelmar 91 ‘Saggitarius’ 7, 142–4, 147, 152, 154–6, 164 St-Exupéry, A de 19 Saka, Pierre 75 Salaam al Malik 204 Salamander Oasis Trust Salmond, J.B 57 Salonika 95 Sassoon, Siegfried 9–12, 17, 19–20, 24, 40, 54, 74, 136, 163 Sawyer, Charles Carroll 87 Sayers, Dorothy L 138 Scannell, Vernon 10 Scarfe, Francis 166 Scarfe, Gerald 19n Schaukal, Richard 26–7 Schirach, Baldur v 101, 111, 119, 124 Schlesinger, Victor 185 Schmid, Hedda v 50–1 Schneider, Myra 188n Scholes, Percy 181 Schöne, Albrecht 100, 125 Schneckenburger, Max 66; see also Wacht am Rhein, Die Scholz, Wilhelm v 99 Schuhmann, Gerhard 107–8 Schulze, Norbert 129n, 177, 180 Schwartz, Teddi 195n Scott, Tom 218, 221n Scott, Sir Walter 12 Seaman, Sir Owen 25, 37 Secunda, Sholom 195n Seeger, Pete 188–9 Service, Robert W 43 Shanks, Edward 164n Sheard, Charles (music publishers) 64 Shelton, Anne 178, 180 Sholokhov, Mickhail 188 Sicilian-American poetry 109 Silent Night (parody) 112 Silkin, Jon Simmons, James 19 Sims, George R 67–8, 70, 79 Sloan, P.D 220, 225 Smith, Iain Crichton 215, 225 Smith, Martin van Wyk 14 Soergel, Albert 119 Soldate, der Soldate, Der 75 Soldier Poets (Songs of the Fighting Men) (anthology) 9, 47 Some Chicken, Some Neck 155 Songs and Sonnets for England (anthology) Songs That Won the War (anthology) 72 Sorley, Charles Hamilton 13, 29 Sous les Ponts de Paris 77–8; parody 63 Spender, Richard 166–8 Spurgeon, C.F.E 13 Spurrier, H 47–8 Squire, Sir John 2, 56 SS-Treuelied 120 Steffen, M 46 Steuart, Douglas Spens 36n Sting 19n Stirling, Robert W 57 Stone, Christopher Stöppler, Wilhelm 129n Storey, E 139 Stramm, August 1f Sullivan, Nancy 224n Stuzkever, Abraham 145 Swinley, Ian 73 Symons, John 11 Taffy’s Got his Jenny 69–70 Tambimuttu, M 2, 11 Tan, Tan 133n Teller, Oscar 185 Tennant, Edward Wyndham 10, 19 Teschemaker, Edward 68 Thanks, Mr Roosevelt 156 theatre workshop: see Oh What a Lovely War They took him on the Parade Ground 84 They’ll Never Believe Me 77 There’s A Ship That’s Bound For Blighty 71 Thingummybob, The 188 Thomas, Edward 10, 73 Three Caballeros, The (film) 193 Tipperary 72–3, 78, 181–2 Trakl, Georg 113, 212 Tramp, Tramp, Tramp 89 Treece, Henry 166 Trench Blues 85 Tucker, Henry 87 Turner, Michael R 68 Ungaretti, Giuseppe Union Jack of Old England, The 65 Unser Wilhelm hat gesagt… 80 Unsere Fahne flattert uns voran 102 Vallentin, Hermann 146–7 Vandair, Maurice 191 Vansittart, Lord 140–1 287 INDEX Vansittart, Peter 13 Vernède, Ralph 42 Vesper, Will 33, 35, 123 Victor, Arthur 134, 136 Vitalis 145n Volk im Kriege (anthology) 113–14 Von Finnland bis zum Schwarzen Meer 129 Wacht am Rhein, Die 51, 96–7; parody 66 Wain, John 215, 227 Wainright, Margaret 224n Waller, John 166 War Game, The (film) 219n Wargames (film) 219n Ward-Jackson, C.H 206 Warne, Sylvia Townsend 154 Warry, John 171 Was hallen die Trompeten 26 Wavell, Earl 1, 11–13, 17, 19 Way to the Stars, The (film) 168n We Are Coming Father Abraham 40 We Don’t Want to Lose You (Your King and Country Want You) 67, 79, 186; parody 79, 80 We Haven’t Seen The Sergeant 82 We’re Here Because We’re Here 94 Webber, Andrew Lloyd 16 Weinheber, Josef 111, 126 Wesley, John 78 Weston, B.P 73 What a Friend We have in Jesus: see also When This Bleeding War is Over 77, 86 What Did You Join The Army For? 205 When That Hell Bomb Falls 217 When the Bells of Peace Are Ringing 71 When They Sound the Last All Clear 187 When This Bleeding War is Over 18, 86–7, 171, 219 When You’re All Dressed Up 69 Whitcomb, Ian 76 White Cliffs of Dover, The (film) 159; (song) 5, 187 Whiting-Baker, A.E 29 Who Do You Think You’re Kidding, Mr Hitler? 183 Wienert, Erich 185 Wildmoser, Fritz 130 Wilkinson, Eric 42 Wilson, Edmund 14 Winterfeld, Achim v.118 Wipers Times, The 93 Wir kämpfen nicht… 6, 83 Wir sind die lust’gen Brüder 82 Wirth, A.L 189 Wish me Luck… 187 Wöhrle, Oskar 116–17 Wojenka 92–3 Won’t it be Wonderful 172 Woodbine Willie: see Kennedy, Studdert Wort, Das 146 Wyatt, Horace 37 Year Zero (film) 219n Yeats, W.B 2, 10, 18–19, 168 You Wore a Tulip: see also I Wore a Tunic 72, 78–9, 187 Young, Francis Brett 161–2 You’re a Sap, Mr Jap 187 Yours 187 You’ve Got a Kind Face 82 Zeitlin, Aaron 195n Ziv, Frederic W 10 ‘Zodiac’ 154 Zweig, Arnold 60, 146 Zweig, Stefan 119 288 .. .FIGHTING SONGS AND WARRING WORDS FIGHTING SONGS AND WARRING WORDS Popular lyrics of two world wars BRIAN MURDOCH ROUTLEDGE London and New York First published 1990 by Routledge... the popular and music hall songs of the Boer War into account, and several of these, too, survived to 1914 and beyond The two world wars, however, may be seen as a continuum, the poetry of the... tiny island invaded’.57 15 FIGHTING SONGS AND WARRING WORDS Even with a concentration upon the two world wars, much material has to be excluded The theme of the atomic bomb takes the study of the