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Horace’s iambic criticism casting blame iambikē poiēsis

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Horace’s Iambic Criticism Mnemosyne Supplements Monographs on Greek and Latin Language and Literature Editorial Board G.J Boter A Chaniotis K.M Coleman I.J.F de Jong T Reinhardt VOLUME 334 The titles published in this series are listed at brill.nl/mns Horace’s Iambic Criticism Casting Blame (Iambik¯e Poi¯esis) By Timothy S Johnson LEIDEN • BOSTON 2012 This book is printed on acid-free paper Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Johnson, Timothy S Horace's iambic criticism : casting blame (iambike poiesis) / by Timothy S Johnson p cm – (Mnemosyne Supplements, ISSN 0169-8958 ; v 334) Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 978-90-04-21523-8 (hardcover : alk paper) Horace–Criticism and interpretation Iambic pentameter I Title PA6411.J56 2012 871'.01–dc23 2011036934 ISSN 0169-8958 ISBN 978 90 04 21523 Copyright 2012 by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands Koninklijke Brill NV incorporates the imprints Brill, Global Oriental, Hotei Publishing, IDC Publishers, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers and VSP All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use is granted by Koninklijke Brill NV provided that the appropriate fees are paid directly to The Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Suite 910, Danvers, MA 01923, USA Fees are subject to change For Pam (meorum finis amorum) CONTENTS Acknowledgements Abbreviations ix xi A Personal Introduction Civil War and “I” Horace’s Iambic Drama Singing with Canidia Iambik¯e Poi¯esis: Action and Continuity 17 Life, Times, and Literature 21 Raising Questions 29 Chapter  Non Res Et Agentia Verba Lycamben: On Not Hunting Down Lykambes Disavowing Iambic: The Negative and Positive Archilochus and the Lykambid Tradition Horace on Archilochus: The Limits of Mockery Another Side to Iambic 35 36 44 56 64 Chapter  Society, Iambic Rage, and Self-Destruction (Epodes –) 77 Complicating Loyalties (Epodes –) 77 Lykambid Infection (Epodes –) 100 Lykambid Rome (Epode ) 109 Γν ι Σαυτ ν 115 Chapter  Rage—Repression—Rage: Iambic Responsions (Epodes –) Keeping Vendetta Down? (Epode ) Sympotic Anxiety (Epode ) Cursing Maevius (Epode ) Elegy, Iambic-Style (Epodes  and ) Mixing-Up Iambic Expectations (Epode ) Late Delivery: Maecenas and His Love-Sick Poet (Epodes –) 121 122 133 136 138 144 146 viii contents Chapter  Horace’s Lying Lyre (Epodes –) 153 Sailing Away: Iambic Hopes (Epode ) 153 Horace’s Duet with Canidia (Epode ) 163 Chapter  Horace’s Iambic to Lyric Re/cantation (C I.; ; –) Overture to Re/cantation: Acts of Resolution (C I..; –) Lyric Attraction (C I.) From Outrage to Blessing (C I.; –) Re/cantation (C I.; ) Inviting Consonance (C I.) P.S Tyndaris (C I.) Summation Chapter  Critical Pluralities: Iambik¯e Poi¯esis in the Start and Stop of the Ars Poetica The Critical “Older Horace” The Bad Painter and Mad Poet: Artistic and Social Fragmentation At the Middle of Horace’s Ars The Value of Criticism: Artistic and Social Cohesion Quintilius: The Necessity of Constructive Criticism (Ars Poetica –) The Death of Vergil’s Quintilius: Criticism As Comfort (C I.) 181 183 183 191 209 209 226 229 231 231 235 259 265 265 267 An Iambic Post-Lude 275 Works Cited  Subject Index  Index Nominum  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My iambic criticism is not a solo Laurel Fulkerson, Stephen Harrison, and Lewis Sussman took on the first draft and made insightful criticisms Jim Marks read two drafts of the Personal Introduction and improved both, and Arne Johnson, my youngest brother and a talented structural engineer, corrected me about the construction of the courthouse in Paris (An Iambic Post-Lude) Gonda Van Steen insisted the structure be improved, and she was right Doug Olson told me I was assuming too much, and he was right From the start, Kirk Freudenburg advised that we all needed to take a fresh look at Horace’s Ars Poetica, and he was right When late in the game I lost my way in the theory, Allen Miller cleared my head by challenging me to interact with the literature on ritual reciprocity and the scapegoat His chapter, “Epos and Iambos Or Archilochus Meets the Wolfman” in Lyric Texts and Lyric Consciousness (London ), is essential reading Also, my brother Galen, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Rhode Island and General Secretary of the International Merleau-Ponty Circle, introduced me to the writings of Jean-Luc Nancy and recommended his work on listening, while we walked Daytona Beach Our back-and-forth e-mail conversations on aesthetics and phenomenology are interwoven throughout the Introduction Galen is the most gifted listener I am privileged to know His most recent book, Retrieval of the Beautiful (Evanston, IL ), is only one example Many helped me see beyond my faults and I am grateful: friends Mark and Fletcher Bowden, Russell Clifton, Dawn and Kevin Conti, John Fairless, Colleen Harrell, Al Latini, and Pat Stump; colleagues Randall Childree, Jim McKeown, Miller Krause, and Robert Wagman; brothers Dwayne and Mark; my beautiful daughter Katie; my wife Pam, who makes me whole wherever we are Here’s to you Gareth Schmeling and Silvia Montiglio, and the first time we will drink together in Charleston You both are always deep in my heart Gareth, I tried to “show up at the door with some fur on.” Although she enjoys her place and is in a strange way needed, singing with one’s own Canidia involves some pain and requires at times contrived surrenders, as Horace plays it (iam, iam efficaci manus scientiae, epode .) I am indebted to my colleagues at the College of Charleston for their confidence and for completing my journey to the South: Kristen  subject index Ariston, n Aristophanes, n, n, n, n, –, , n, , , n, , n Clouds,  Frogs, n,  Aristotle, n, n, n, n, , n, n, , n, – , , n, n, n, , n Asclepiadean meter,  Athenis, , , n Athens, , n, , n Atreus, , –,  Augustus, –, n, n, n, n, , ,  Aulus Gellius,  Aurelius, , ,  Auster,  autonomy, n,  Bacchylides, n “banausic” labor, n Bathyllus, , n Baubo, , n, n Bellerephon,  blame, –, n, –, n, , n, , , , –, n, –, n, , –, n, n, , n, , n, , , , n, n, , , –, n, , –, n, , –, n,  Blessed Isles, n, , , , n, , n,  Bononia, n Britain, , n Brutus, , n Bupalus, –, , n, , , n Caelius, n,  Caesar, Julius, –, –, , n, , n, –, , , n, –, , n, n, ,  Callimachus, n, –, n, n, n, , n–, –, n, , n, n, , n, , n, , –, n, n, , –, n, n, , , n, n, n, n, n, n, , n Aetia, , n, n Calvus, n, n, n, , n Camillus, n,  Campanian, n Canidia, –, n, n, n, , , , , , , n, – , n, –, , –, n, n, n, n, , , , n, n, , , n, –, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, , , –, – , , –, , n, , –, n, –, n, n, n, ,  Horace’s duet with, – singing with, – Cannae, n,  Capua, – carmina, , –, n, , n, n, , n, n, ,  See Horace, Odes Castor, – Carthage, , n, ,  Catiline, n, , n Cato, , –,  Catullus, n, , n, –, , , , n, , n, , n, n, , –, n, n, n, n, , n, n, –, n, n, , n, –, n, , n, n, n, n, n subject index Celeus,  centaur, –, , , , , , – Chimaera, , n, ,  Chiron, , , ,  Chloë, , n Choerilus, n, , n Choris, n Chremes, , , n, –,  Christian ritual, –, n, n Cicero, , n, n, n, n, n, , n, n, n, , n, n, n Circe, , n, n,  civil war, –, n, n, –, n, n, n, , , , , n, n, n, , –, n, n, , n, , n, –, , n, , n, , n, , , , –  Cleisthenes, n Cleoboea, n Cleon, n, n Cleopatra, , n Clodia, n, n Clytemnestra,  Conon,  Corax,  Cornarius, n Corydon, n, n, n Crates,  Cratinus, – Creusa,  Critias, n Damisippus, ,  Damoetas, n Danaids, , n Davus, n Deianira, –, n, , n Delphi, oracle of, , n, , n Demeter, n, , n, ,  n, , n, –, n, n, n, n, , n, n, , n, –, n, n, , , – ,  Demophoön,  Demosthenes, , n, n derisor (“scoffer”), , , n Diana, , –, , ,  Dionysus, n, n, n, n, n, , n disyllabics, n Divine Comedy, n Egnatius,  Egypt, , ,  Electra,  elegiac tradition, n, , , n, , n, n, n, , –, n, n, n, , , –, , n, n, n, , n,  Elysian Plain, n Epicureanism, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, , n, n, , n, n, n epigrammatic tradition, , n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n,  Erictho, n, n Eros, n,  Eupolis, –, n,  Europa, n Eurus, ,  Euripides, n, n, n, n, n Bacchae, n, n Euterpe, ,  Evander, n Faunus, –, n Flaccus, , , n Florus,   subject index Furies, , , , , , , , n,  Furius, , , , n Gandalf, n Golden Age, n, , n,  Gratidia, n, n, n Greek tragedy, n, n, n,  “Gyges,” n Hades, n, , n Hannibal, n, –,  Helen, , , n, n, , n, n, , n, n, , , , n, n, n,  Hellenism, n, n, n, n, n, n, , n Hendacasyllables, n Herakles, n, n Hermes, , n, n, n, , n Herodotus, n hexameter, , , n, , , n, , n, n,  hierarchy, n, n, n,  Hipponax, n, n, , n, –, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, , n Homer, n, n, , , n, n, n, n, –, n, –, , n, , n, , n Iliad, n, , n, n Odyssey, n,  Horace, Ars Poetica, , , n, , , , , n, , , – , n, , n Carmen Saeculare,  Epistles I, , n, , –, , – , –, , –, , – , n, n, , n, , , n, , n, , , , , , , n, , , n, n, n, , , , , n, n, n, n, n, –, n, n, –, , , , , n, –, n, , – , , n, n, ,  epistle ., –, –, n, n, –, , , n, n, , ,  Epistles II, , n, –, , n, , , n, n, n, , , n, n, , , –, n, –, n epode , , n, , , – , n, n, –, n, n, , –, , , , –, , n, n, n, n, – , , , , – epode , –, , , n, – , , n, n, n, –, –, n, n, n, –, –, – , , , , , – , , n, , – , n, –, – , n epode , , , , –, n, n, –, n, , – , –, , , , –, , , ,  epode , n, , n, n, n, , , n, , , , , , , , – , ,  epode , n, –, , n, –, n, , –, n, , n, , , , , –, n, , –, n, n, subject index –, n, , , , , ,  epode , , , n, , , , n, , –, n, n, , , , , n, , , , –, –, n,  epode , n, , n, n, , , , n, , –, n, n, n, n, , , n, n, , , –, , , , n, n, , n epode , , , , , , – , n, n, n, n, n, n, n, –, n, –, , n, , , , , , n,  epode , n, , –, n, , –, , n, , , , n, n, , , n epode , –, , , , , n, –, n, n, , , , – , –, n,  epode , , , , –, n, n, , ,  epode , , , , –, , , , n, n, , , –, , , , , , , –, , n, , , n epode , n, , , – , n, , n, , , , , n,  epode , , , , n, , –, , –, n, , ,  epode , , n, , , , , , , , ,  epode , n, n, , , , n, , n, n, , , n, n,  , –, n, n, n, n, n, – , n, , , , n, , –, ,  epode , , –, , , – , n, n, , , n, , , –, n, n, n, n, , , n, –, , , , , –, n, , , n, n, n, – , n, n, , n, n, – Odes, n, n, , , , , , n, , , n, n, n, , , , n, n, , –, n, n, –, n, n, n, –, , n, –, n, , n, n Odes I, , –, n, n Odes I–III, , n, ,  Odes III, n Odes IV, , n, n, , n, n, n Satires, n, n, , n, –, , , –, , ,  Satires I, –,  Human Aggression (Storr), n, n The Human Stain (Roth), n Hymn to Demeter, –, ,  Hymn to Hermes, , n, n, , n Hymn to Mercury, n, n, n Hypermestra, n hypocrisy, , , n, –, n,  “I,” –, n, , , n, n  subject index Iambe, , n, n, –, n, n, n, n, n, n, ,  Iambi, n, n, n, , n, n,  iambic aesthetic, , , n, , n iambic couplets,  iambic criticism, , n, –, , n, , –, –, , , , , , n, , –, , , n, –, , , , , n, , ,  iambic drama, –, , ,  iambic invective, , , , , n, , , n, n iambic-lyric praxis, , , n, , n, , , –, , n, , n, n, , , , , n, –, , – ,  iambic tradition, n, –, n, , , n, –, n, , n, n, , n iambik¯e poi¯esis, , –, ,  Illyria, n Inachia, , n, , –, , ,  Io, n Iphigenia,  Isocrates, n jealousy, n, , , ,  Jove, n, , –, , ,  Kerkopes, n Kore, n Lady Justice, ,  Latium, , , – Leimones,  Leontius, n Lesbia, n, , –, , n, –, , , , , , –,  libertas, , n, n Liburnians, n licentia, , n Ligurinus, , , n liminal characters, –, n Lincoln, Abraham, –, , n literati, , n Lucilius, n, n, –, n, n, n Lucius, n Lucretilis, , n Lycaeus,  Lydia, n, n, n, n, –, n, n, n, n, –, n, –, , n Lykambes, , , n, , , , n, , , , n, – , n, , –, , n, –, , , n, n, , , n, , , , , , , –, , ,  Lykambids, –, , , –, n, n, –, n, n, n, , , –, , , , n, –, –, , –, , , –, – , , –, –, , –, , –, n, n, , n, –, , n, n, , , ,  and Archilochus See Archilochean-Lykambid tradition “mentality” of, , , , n tradition of See Lykambid tradition Lykambid tradition, –, , – , , , , n, , –,  Lynceus, n Lucian, n, n Lucilius, n, n, –, n, n, n subject index Lyce, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n Lyde, n, n lyre, , –, n, n, , , n, , n, n, , n, , , –, , n, –, , –, n, n, n, – , , n, , n, n, –, , , , n lyric tradition, –, n, –, n, n, n, n, –, n, , , –, n, –, n, , , n, n, , n, – , n, n, n, –, –, n, , n, , –, –, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, –, , n, –, n,  Lysias, –, n Maecenas, , n, n, n, –, n, , , –, , –, n, n, n, n, n, , n, –, n, –, n, , n, –, , n, –, n, , n, –, n, n, n, n, , , , , –, n, , n, , ,  Maenads, n Maevius, –, , n, –, n, , , ,  magic, n, n, n, n, n, , n, –, n, , , – , , n  Mamurra, –, n Martial, –, n “Masque of the Read Death” (Poe), n Medea, –, n, , n, n, , n,  Meleager, n Meliboeus, n Melpomene, –, n,  Menalcus, n Menander,  Menoetes, Arcadian, n Metanaira, , , , ,  metaphor, n, , n, , , n, n, n, n, n, , n, n, , –, , , n, n, , n, , , , , n,  Metellus Scipio, , – meter, , , –, , n, , , n, n, n, , –, n, n, , –, n, , , , , –, , , n, , , n, n, , , , , , , n, , n, , ,  Mimnes, , n Mnesiepes Inscription (rd century bc), , n, , , n, n mockery, n, , n, –, n, n, n, , n, n, , , –, , , , –, n, n, n, n, n, , , n, n, –, n, , , n, , n, , , , , , , , n, ,  “Mockery of Demeter,” –, n Murrucinus, Asinius, ,  Muses, , , –, , , , n, , n, –, n, , , , , n, n,   subject index Nautes, , n Neaera, , –, , – Neobule, , n, n, n Nonius, ,  Octavian, , , , n, , n, , , n, , n, , , , n, –, n, –, n, n, , , n, , n, n Odysseus, n, n, , n,  Old Comedy, n, , , n, n, , , , n, n, n Orestes, , –, n, n Orpheus, n, , , , n Ovid, , , n, , , n, n, , n, n, n, n, n Pacorus, n Pactumeius, n, , n, n Palaemon, n Palatine Hill, n Palinode, n, , n, n, , , , n, n, , n, –, n, n, n, , n, n, , n Pamphile, n, n Pan, n,  Parian iambs, –, , n, –, n, , , n, , – Paris, , , n, , , n, n Paros, , , , n Parthia, , n, –, n Patroclus, n, n Pelops, , , n,  Penelope, n, n,  Persephone, , n Persians, n, n, n Perusine War (– bc),  Pettius, ,  Phantaste, n pharmakos, n, n, n, n, n, n, n Phidias, n Philippi, , n Philodemus, n, n, n, , n, n, n, , n, n Phocaeans, n Phoenicians, , n, n Phryne, ,  Phyllis, n, ,  Pindar, , n, n, n, n, –, n Piso, L Calpurnius, n, n Plato, n, n, n, , – , n, , n Phaedrus, n, n, – , n Philebus, , n Plautus, , n, n, n Captivi,  Menaechmi, n,  Pliny, n Plutarch, n, n Pollio, Asinius,  Pollux, – polyeideia, , n, n, , –, , n,  Polygnotus, n Polyhymnia, , , – Pompeius, Sextus, , n, , – , n, n, , n, , n, n,  Porphyrio, n, n, n “pretenders,” n, , , n Priam, n, , , n Prometheus, , n, , , , n, n Propertius, , n Proserpina, – Proteus,  Pylades, n, , n Pyrrha, –, ,  Pythian, –, , n Quintilian, n subject index Quintilius Varus, n, , –  Quirinus, –, ,  Rabelais, , n Ravidus, –, n, n rage, , –, , n, , , n, –, n, , n, , , –, –, , n, –, , n, , –, n, –, –, , , , n, , n, , n, – , n, n, , , n iambic, , n rage-repression-rage, – rage-revenge paradigm, – society and self-destruction, –  reciprocity, , n, n, n, n, n, , n, n, , –, n, , , n, , n, , , n recusatio, n, , n, n, n,  Regulus, M Atilius, n, n ritual, n, n, n, –, n, n, n, n, n, , n, , n, n, , n, , n, –, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, , n, n, –, n, n, n, n–, –, n, n, –, n, n, , n, n, –, , , , –, n, , n, n, , ,  ritual laughter, n, n, n, n, n, n, n Romulus, , n, –, , n,  Sagana, n, – Sallust, n, n  Sappho, n, , , n, – , –, n, , n, n, , –, n, , n, , n satire, , n, n, –, n, n, –, n, n, – , n, n, , , n, , n, –, n, n, –, n, – , n Saturnalia, , n, n, –  Scaliger, n scapegoats, ix, , n, n, , n, n, n, n, n,  Scarlet Letter (Hawthorne), n scholiasts, n, n, n, n, n, n, n Semonides, n, n, n, –, n,  Seneca, n Apocolocyntosis, n Sertorius, Quintus, n Sestius, n sexuality/sex, n, n, , , , –, n, , , n, –, n, –, n, n, n, –, n, n, n, , –, n, , , , n, , n, – shaming, , , n, n, , , , , n, –, n, , , n, , n, n, , , n, n, – , n, , n Simonides, n Sirmio, n societas, , , ,  Socrates, n, , n, – , n, n, –, n, n Solon, n, n sophism, n Spartan, , n spite, , , , , –,   subject index Stertinius, –, n, n Stesichorus, , , n, , , , , n, –, n, , n, n The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde,  Syria, n Tantalus, ,  Telephus, n, n, , n, , n, –, n, –, n Telesicles, , n testimonia, n, ,  tetrameter, n,  Thaliarchus, , n Theophrastus, n, n, n Thallus,  Thersites, , n, n Thyestes, , , , –,  transgression, –, n, n, – , n, n, , , , , n, n, n, , , n, , n, n, , , , , , , , , –, , , n Trebatius, , , n trimeter, n, n, n Troy, n, n, n, , ,  Tyndaris, n, , n, , n, – Ulysses, , n,  U.S Civil War, –, ,  unity, , –, , –, , – , –, , , n, n, n, , n, , , , n, , n, ,  See polyeideia utopia, , n, , –, n, n, n, , , – Varius, L Rufus, –, n, n Varus, P Alfenus, , , n, , , , n, n Vatinius, P., ,  vengeance, –, n, n, , , , , , –, –, –, , , , , – , , ,  Ventidius, n, n Venus, , –, n, n, , n Vergil, n, n, n, n, n, n, , n, , n, , n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, , n, n, n, , n, n, –, n, n, , n, –, n, n, n, , n, n Aeneid, n, n, , n, , n, , n, n Eclogues, n, n, n, n Volusius, , n witches, –, , n, , , , –, –, n, n, , , n, , –, n, n, n, , n, –, , , , ,  Zeus, n, , ,  INDEX NOMINUM Ableitinger-Grünberger, D., n, n Abrahams, R.D., n Acosta-Hughes, B., n, n, n, n Adkin, N., n Aloni, A., n Alston, W.P., n Alvar Ezquerra, A., n Anderson, W.S., n, n Armstrong, D., n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n Arthur, M., n Babcock, B.A., n, n, n Baiter, I.G., n Bakhtin, M.M., n, n Barchiesi, A., n, n, , n, n, n, , n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, , n, n, n, n Barra, G., n Bartels, C., n Bascom, W., n Bauman, R., n Ben-Ze’ev, A., n Bentley, R., , n, n, n, n, n, n, n, , n Bickel, E., n Blanchot, M., n, n Bond, R.,  Bonfante, L., n Bowie, A.M., n, n, n, n Bowra, C.M., n Branham, B.R., n Braund, S., n, n, n Bremmer, n Brink, C.O., , n, n, , n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n Brown, C (), n, n, n, n, n, , n Brown, T.S (), n Bücheler, F., n Bundy, E.L., n Burckhardt, J., n Burkert, W., n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n Burnett, A.P., n Cairns, F., n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n Campbell, A.Y., n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n Carey, C., n, n, n, n, n, n, n Carlin, George, n Carrière, J.C., n Carrubba, Robert W., , n Cávarzere, A., , n, n, n Chaniotis, A., n Clarke, J.R., n Clausen, W., n Clay, D., n Clayman, D.L., , n, n, n, n Clinton, K., n, n  index nominum Cody, J.V., n, n, n, n, n Cohen, D., n Collinge, N.E., n, n, n Commager, S., n, n, n, n, n, , n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n Compton, T.M., n, n, n Connor, P., n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n Conte, G.B., n, n Copley, F.O., n Corbeill, A., n Cucchiarelli, A.,  D’Arms, J.H., n, n Daube, D., n Davis, G., n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n Davis, N.Z (),  Degani, H., n Derrida, Jacques, n, n, n, n, n, n, n DeVivo, A., n Dilke, O.A.W., n Dover, K.J., n, n, n Dowden, K., n Drexler, H., n, n Drusus, n, n Dunn, F.M., n, n, n, n, n Durkheim, E., n Dyson, M., n, n Easterling, P.E., n Edmunds, L., n Edwards, A.T., n Eidinow, J.S.C., n, n Ellis, R., n Emerson, C., n Falkner, T., n, n Feeney, D.C., n, n, n, n, n, n, n Ferguson, J., n Fiore, B., n Fitzgerald, T.J (), n Fitzgerald, W (), –, , n, n, n, n, n Foley, H.P., n, n, n, , n Fontenrose, J., n Forsdyke, S., n, n, n Foucault, Michel, n, n, n, n, n, n, n Fowler, D., n, n,  Fraenkel, E., n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, , n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n Freudenburg, Kirk, , n, n Friedrich,G., n Frischer, B., n Fuchs, H., n Gagnè, R.,  Garrison, D.H., n Gerber, D.E., n, n, n Ghiselli, A., n Giarratano, L., n, n Girard, R., n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n Gold, B., n Golden, L., n, n Gowers, E., n, n, n, n Gowing, A.M., n Graf, F., n, n Grassmann, V., n Graver, M., n Griffiths, A., n, n, n, n, n index nominum Hadot, P., n Hahn, E.A., n, n, n, n, n, n Halliwell, Stephen, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, , n, n Hardin, R.F., n, n, n Hardison, O.B., Jr., n, n Harley, D., n Harriott, R.M., n Harris, W.V., n, n, n Harrison, G (), n Harrison, J.E (), n Harrison, S.J., n, n, , n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n Harrison, T (), n Haupt, M., n Hawkins, T., n Hawthorne, Nathaniel, n Heath, M., n Heinze, R., n, n Hembold, W.C., n Henderson, J., , n, n, n, n, n, n Hermann, G, n Hills, P.D., n Hirschfelder, n Holder, A., n Holther, W.B., n Holzberg, N., n Hooke, S.H., n Hooley, D.M., n Hornblower, S., n, n Houghton, L.B.T., n Housman, A.E., n, n, n, n, n Hubbard, M., n, n, n, n, n, n, n  Hughes, D., n Hughes, J.K., n Hutchinson, G.,  Ingallina, S., n Jäger, F.,  Janko, R., n Jenkyns, R., n, n, n Jocelyn, H.D., n Johnson, Timothy S., –, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n Johnson, W.R.,  Jonson, Ben, n Kaster, R.A., n Keller, O., n, n Keyser, P., n, n, n Kilpatrick, R., n, n, n Kipling, n Kirk, G.S., n, n Kirkwood, G.M., n Kirn, B., n Konstan, D., n, n, n Kraggerud, E., n, n, n Kroll, W., n, n Kukula, R.C., n La Penna, A., n Leeman, A.D., n Lewinsky, Monica, n Liebeschuetz, J.H.W.G., n Lindo, L.I., n Lorenz, Konrad, n Lowrie, M., , n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n  index nominum Luck, G., n Lyne, R.O.A.M., n, n MacKay, L.A., n Macleod, C.W., n, n Mankin, D., n, n, n, n, n, n, , n, n, n, n, , n Manning, C.E., n Marcovich, M., n Maurach, G., n, n Maurenbrecher, B., n Mayer, R., n, n, n McDonough, C.M., n McHardy, F., n McKeown, J.C., n, n McMahon, J.M., n Mendell, C.W., n, n Merrill, E.T., n, n Miller, P.A., n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n Miralles, C., n, n, n Mitscherlich, C.W., n Möllendorf, P., von, n Morrison, A.P., n Muecke, F., n Muir, J.V., n Muller, L., n Muretus, M.A., n, n, n Murgatroyd, P., n, n Musurillo, H., n, n, n, n Mylonas, G.E., n Nagy, Gregory, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n Nancy, Jean-Luc, , n Nauta, R.R., n Newman, J.K., , n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n Nisbet, R.G.M., n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n O’Higgins, D.M., n, n, n, n, n, n, n Ogden, D., n Olender, M., n Olienis, F., n, , n, n Orelli, J.C., n, n, n, n, n Osgood, J., n, n, n, n Palmer, A., n Parker, n, n, n, n, n, n Pasoli, E., n Perret, J., n Plass, P., n Plüss, T., , n, n Poe, Edgar Allen, n Pomeroy, A.J., n, n, n Porter, David, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n,  Pòrtulas, J., ,  Premerstein, A von, n Putnam, Michael, , n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n Quinn, K., n, n Race, W.H., n, n Rebuffat, R., n Reckford, K., n, n, n Redfield, J., n Reitzenstein, R., n, n Richardson, L., Jr., n, n, n, n, n–, n Richlin, A., n, n, n, n, n Ritter, F., n Rose, G.P., n index nominum Rosen, R.M., , n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n Rösler, W., n Roth, Philip,  Rotstein, A., , n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n Rowe, C.J., n Rudd, N., n, n, n, n, n, n,  Sampley, J.P., n Santirocco, M.S., n, n, n, n, n, n, n Schmid, U., n Schmidt, E.A., , n, n Schneider, C.D., n Schönberger, O., n, n Schoonhoven, H., n Schütz, H., n, n Scodel, R., n, n Screech, M.A., n, n Scullion, S., n, n Seaford, R., n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n Searle, J.R., n Seel, O., n Segal, C., n Segal, E., n Seidel, M., n Sellar, A.Y., n Setaioli, A., n, n, n Shackleton Bailey, D.R., n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n Shey, J.H., n, n, n Sider, D., n, n, n Slings, S.R., n, n, n Sluiter, I., n Smith, B., n Smith, David G., n  Smith, R.A., n Smolenaars, J.L.L., n, n Snell, B., n Steiner, D., n Storr, Anthony, n, n Sturtevant, E.H., n, n, n Sussman, L.A., n Sutherland, E.H., n, n, n Syndikus, H.P., n, n, n, n, n, n, n Tandoi, V., n Tarditi, G., n Taylor, G., n Thom, S., n, n Thomas, R., n Thomson, D.F.S., , n, n, n Thummer, E., n Tolkein, J.R.R., n, n Traill, D.A., n Truman, Harry S., n Tsouna, V., n Turner, Victor, n Versnel, H.S., n, n Vretska, K., n, n, n Wagenvoort, H., n, n Waterfield, R., n Watson, L.C., , n, n, n, , n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n  index nominum West, M.L., n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n Wickham, E.C., , n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, , n Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, U von, n, n Wilkinson, L., n, n, n, n, n Williams, B (),  Williams, G., , n, n, n, n, n Wimmel, W., n, n Winkler, J.J., n Wistrand, E.K.H., n Woodbury, L., n, n Woodman, A.J., n Worman, N., n, n, n, n, n, n Wray, David, n, n, n Zeitlin, F.I., n ... Action: ‘Until Now’.” The plural “criticisms” indicates that Iambic Criticism means both the criticism Horace delivers through his iambic and his criticism/ discussion of iambic The same operating principles... Reinhardt VOLUME 334 The titles published in this series are listed at brill.nl/mns Horace’s Iambic Criticism Casting Blame (Iambik¯e Poi¯esis) By Timothy S Johnson LEIDEN • BOSTON 2012 This book is... rubric holds for Horace’s iambic criticism, it should be applicable to his prime iambic character “Contagion, participation, sharing” / transgression, responsion, fusion epitomize Horace’s relationship

Ngày đăng: 25/02/2019, 12:59


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