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1yerko olga practical course of english phonetics

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J J J J J J J J J J r I JJ J J/J r D j j A PRACTICAL COURSE OF ENGLISH PHONETICS of O lga Yerko , ^ ^ ”!S Гг & ' / / /' c7crisis S Я й а ^ ь С Д I 837n J Д Practical Course of English Phonetics Рекомендовано М іністерством освіти і науки України як навчальний посібник для студентів вищих навчальних закладів (Лист МОН України від 29.12.2004 за N9 14/18.2-2871) ТОВ “ ВП Логос” Київ 2005 УДК 811.111*342 Б Б К 81.2 АНГЛ-1 Є71 Рекомендовано Міністерством освіти і науки України як навчальний посібник для студентів вищих навчальних закладів (Лист МОН України від 29.12.2004 за № 14/18.2-2871) Рецензенти: Л.Ф.Омельченко, доктор філологічних наук, професор Київського національного лінгвістичного університету H І Панасенко, доктор філологічних наук, професор Черкаського національного університету ім Б.Хмельницького I.В.Ткаченко, кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри прикладної лінгвістики Черкаського державного технологічного університету Є71 Єрко О К A Practical Course of English Phonetics = Практична фонетика англійської мови: Навч посібник - К.: ТО В “ В П Логос” , 2005 - 272 с.: іл - Англ., укр IS B N 966-509-070-4 Навчальний посібник є курсом практичної фонетики англійської мови для студентів лінгвіс­ тичних спеціальностей Його метою є формування та засвоєння стійких навичок правильної англійської вимови Посібник складається з чотирьох розділів (“ Звуки” ; “ Інтонація” ; “ Поезія” , “ Фонетичні ігри” ) та має додаток (2 аудіокасети) Автор висловлює щиру вдячність Дженет С Ас тон (коледж Пенрин, м Фальмут, Англія) таДжею С Муру (коледж Хілкрест, м.Гастінгс, Англія) за допомогу у створенні даного посібника УДК ББК IS B N 966-509-070-4 811.111*342 81.2 АНГЛ-1 © Єрко О К., 2005 © ТО В “ В П Логос” , 2005 © Художнє оформлення ТО В “ В П Логос” , 2005 CONTENTS FftO NUNCIATION ACHIEVEM ENT FACTORS S E Z 'IO N SOUNDS IN T R O D U C IN G T H E SO U N D (Elementary level) Co-sonants: Monophthongs: Unit 25: Say I'd 57 Unit 26: Say I I I 58 Unit 27: Say /е/ 61 Unit 28: Say /ае/ 64 Unit 29: Say /a:/ 6 Unit 30: Say /и/ Unit 31: Say /0:/ 70 Unit 32: Say /и/ 72 Unit 33: Say /u:/ 74 Unit 34: Say /л/ 76 Unit 35: Say /з:/ 78 Unit 36: Say /з/ 80 Review 81 I nit 1: Say /р/ L nit 2: Say /Ь/ Unit 3: Say Ш 11 Unit 4: Say /d/ 13 Unit 5: Say /к/ 15 nit : Say /g/ 17 Unit 7: Say /m/ 19 Unit : Sav /п/ 21 Unit 9: Say /г)/ 24 Unit 10: Say /f/ 26 Unit 11: Say /v/ 28 Unit 12: Say Is/ 30 Unit 13: Say /z/ 33 Unit 14: Say /0/ 35 Unit 15: Say /6/ 37 Unit 16: Say /J7 39 Unit 17: Say /3/ 41 Unit 18: Say /h/ 42 Unit 19: Say /г/ 43 Unit 20: S a y /1/ 46 Unit 21: Say /w/ 48 Unit 22: Say /j7 50 Unit 23: Say / t / / 51 Unit 24: Say /(±5/ 53 Diphthongs: Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit 37: 38: 39: 40: 41: Say Say Say Say Say 42: Say 43: Say 44: Say /еі/ 82 /зи/ 84 /аі/ /аи/ 8 /01/ 91 /ге/ 93 /ез/ 94 /из/ 95 A R O U N D T H E SO U N D (Intermediate level) Consonants: Unit 1: Say /р/ .96 Unit 2: Say /Ь/ 98 Unit 3: Say t\J 101 Unit 4: Say / d / 103 Unit 5: Say /k/ .104 Unit 6: Say /g/ 106 Unit 7: Say /m/ 109 Unit 8: Say /п/ 10 Unit 9: Say /r)/ 1 Unit 10: Say /f/ 113 Unit 11: Say N ! 115 Unit 12: S ay /s/ 116 Unit 13: Say /z/ 119 Unit 14: Say /0/ 2 Unit 15: Say /3/ 124 Unit 16: Say /// 125 Unit 17: Say /3/ 128 Unit 18: Say /h/ 128 Unit 19: Say /г/ 131 Unit 20: Say /1/ 133 Unit 21: Say /w/ .135 Unit 22: Say 1)1 137 Unit 23: Say / t f / 138 Unit 24: Say /ф/ .140 Monophthongs: Unit 25: Unit 26: Unit 27: Unit 28: Unit 29: Unit 30: Unit 31: Unit 32: Unit 33: Unit 34: Unit 35: Unit 36: Say Say Say Say Say Say Say Say Say Say Say Say /і:/ 143 I I I 145 /е/ 147 /ае/ 149 /a:/ 152 /о/ 154 lo J 155 /и/ 157 /u:/ 159 /л/ 160 /з:/ 162 Say Say Say Say Say Say Say Say /еі/ /зи/ /аі/ /аи/ /01/ /із/ /ез/ /ш/ /з/ 164 Review Diphthongs: Unit 37: Unit 38: Unit 39: Unit 40: Unit 41: Unit 42: Unit 43: Unit 44: 165 .167 .169 .172 173 175 177 178 SECTION INTONATION IN T O N A T IO N P A T T E R N S IN D IA L O G U E S (Elementary le ve l) 179 A S T O R Y IN D IA L O G U E S (Intermediate level) 188 SECTION POETRY N U R S E R Y R H Y M E S (Elementary level) 206 P O E M S (Intermediate le v e l) 223 SECTION PRONUNCIATION GAM ES 226 K E Y S .25S REFEREN CE L IT E R A T U R E .266 =-50NUNCIATI0N ACHIEVEMENT FACTORS Wt _ that it is difficult for adults to learn accurate pronunciation in a foreign language, ic : hat some people achieve better results than others What are the factors that might - _~_dents w ill achieve better pronunciation? If we knew the factors helping pronunci- Id improve our own learning ; _llt —’ Su:er a language researcher from California University decided to test the relative ;: r^-.ors that might predict which students would achieve the most accurate pronunci- m ir tz :o find out if there were any factors a student could change in order to improve per■ - _ R Suter did was to make a list of all the factors that might possibly predeter:= r-_: _ н results in pronunciation study Then he compared these factors with the pronun- :c - grc _r o f foreign students Here is a list of six of the factors that Suter studied L : females learn better than males? і.',- — - ;:ague Is it easier to learn a language close to one’s own? L - i.:r- Do out-going people learn pronunciation better than shy people? -~ ;e -: vard pronunciation Does it make a difference if the student believes that pro- ■ тп - L : л is a very important part of language? 5l Ifc r ~il ability How important is the ability to mimic, or to imitate? Most people assume — -^r_rai ability is the most important factor in learning pronunciation г г я і оп with natives Does the amount of conversation in English, with native speak- ': Engl:sh make a significant difference? ■> Tfc'ic- ' :: compared the students’ pronunciation accuracy scores with these six variables, Ї М -r: _/_i -.ere surprising He found that two o f the factors did not have any relation to the ; a: - in predicting who rim ing pronunciation These two factors were: t L k -.ciation That is, these two factors were not at all significant r~ i.e s were not better than males g-Z z z.->: r ,E - _ded from these results that the factors o f sex and personality were not signif- ;- ; - Out-going people were not better at pronunciation than shy people :: pronunciation accuracy On the other hand, he found that four variables did :ir.: difference They w ill be given to you in order o f importance PRONUNCIATION ACHIEVEMENT FACTORS \ -1 Mother tongue This was the most significant factor in predicting achievement I f the stu­ dent’s own language was closer to English, the achievement was likely to be greater Attitude toward pronunciation This was the second most important factor in predicting achievement In fact, a belief in the importance of pronunciation was far more important than any o f the remaining factors After the mother tongue factor, this factor of attitude was the single most significant variable in predicting good pronunciation learning Conversation with natives The third most important variable was the amount of time the students spent in conversation with native speakers of English Natural ability This was the least important variable The ability to imitate helped, but it was not nearly as significant as most people think It was far less significant than the first three The conclusions o f this research are encouraging O f course, we can’t change factor /, our mother tongue But we have control over factors and 3, which are next most important variables in learning accurate pronunciation First, we can decide that pronunciation is important, and second, we can choose to make the effort to speak the new language with natives You might say that our own choice is the most significant factor in achievement in the new language SECTION SOUNDS INTRODUCING THE SOUND (Elementary level) CONSONANTS UNIT Say /р/ Task Read the following words with the phoneme /р/ in different positions: initial: paper party people Pet picture Pig place pony pull put pack pad palm peak pin pine pole pool pot puff Final: chop clap help hop keep jump sleep steep stop up cap cape deep ripe rope ship shop shape stoop wipe Medial: apple apron rapid report open paper people typical surprise upon keeper oppose pepper carpet happy separate stopped stupid superior suppose And now test your reading of the following words: present practice postcard pocket passport passenger stupid stamp sloppy airport impatient happen sport speak spell spoon policeman shopman newspaper envelope Section INTRO DUCING TH E S P U N # Consonants Task Read the following words with blendings: plump plaster plenty plow play /pl-/ please pliable plot plum place prim prattle prayer precede presto /РГ-/ predict price prodigy programme proud /-ІР/ whelp kelp Alp scalp palp SulP yelp pulp scalp help Task Mind that sound /р/ is very quiet in these words and expressions: empty helpful upstairs dropped stopped M r Trupman perhaps help me cheap book top branch stop please stop pulling stop shouting stop talking stop looking Task Distinguish between the phonemes Ibl and /p/: beak - peak beet - peat beer - peer bees - peas bath - path bomb - palm bop - pop bar - par rib - rip nib - nip jib - g yp tab - tap cab - cap gab gap lab - lap nab - nap rabid - rapid nabbing - napping tabbing - tapping ribbing - ripping robing - roping cabby - Cappy lobbing - lopping mobbing - mopping Task Mind the phoneme /р/ in the following word combinations: Paul and Polly pen and pencil pepper pot plastic plate an apple, please a piece of pork pie put it in the pocket a plastic cup a pretty surprise a stamp on the envelope an impatient person push him into the pool pick up a piece of paper Paula ate apple pie Section IN TR O D U C IN G T H E SO UN D Consonants M Task Read the following sentences with the sound /p/: 10 She madela cap out o f paper Keep the apple but give me the pear Please, draw a picture bn this piece of paper Polly/played a piece at the party The pig stopped in surprise/and pounced on the apple Do you suppose that Paul appreciates (painting and sculpture? After the party^there was paper all over the carpet Plan a speech improvement programme/and keep practicing Pretty poor peace prospects Pass the pink peas, please UNIT Say/b/ Task =aad the following words with the phoneme /Ь/ in different positions: - tial: Final: Medial: be bare because bed back ball barn basket been before begin big book both box boy bird black blue boat rib rob sob tab tub web bob bribe cab daub jab jib crib cub grab knob job robe scrub tube about above anybody baby cupboard fable number rabbit ribbon table bribery dubious labial liberty nobility robber sober trouble marble bubble-gum And now test your reading of the following words: Barbara birthday beautiful butterfly bring bread bride bright remember somebody table hobby hobnob cabman sobbed rub down terribly brown brother hairbrush 11 Intonation directions Point: the effect of tonic stress on meaning Minimum level: intermediate Game type: a listen and respond game for students working in pairs Preparation Copy the worksheet for each member o f the class The second (more difficult) version consists of two pages Presentation Write on the board the following sentence: W hy don’t we go to the cinema tonight? Then write two alternative follow-up sentences on the board: a I don’t want to go to the theatre, b I can’t wait until tomorrow Read the first sentence with the stress on tonight Ask the class to identify which of the two follow-up sentences they think is implied by the first sentence (Sentence b is implied.) Invite students to suggest how to say the first sentence to make sentence a the appropriate follow-up sentence (The stress would have to be on cinema.) D rill the two possible ways o f saying the first sentence Notice that for this sentence, there should be falling intonation beginning on the stressed word (either cinema or tonight) Wh- questions tend to have falling intonation Yes/no questions commonly have a rising intonation To illustrate this, repeat the above procedure with the following sentence: Do you ever go to rock concerts? a Or you just watch them on video? b Or you only go to classical concerts? (Stress go for follow-up sentence a and rock for follow-up sentence b.) Conducting the game Give each student a worksheet Divide the class into pairs (or groups o f three if necessary) Explain that one player reads the question, stressing one of the underlined words The other player must then identify which of the alternatives is implied Demonstrate the procedure first Read the questions for students to respond to If the listener does not give the answer the speaker intended, both players should discuss what went wrong One point players may disagree on is which stressed word in the question implies which of the alternatives Move around the class helping students to resolve such disputes or provide the key 255 Intonation directions What time does щ і plane leave? How long have ш My plane leaves at midnight What about yours? I know what time the airport bus leaves, but when does your plane leave? бате I want to know how long you’ve worked here, not how long you’ve lived here I I've told you how long I’ve worked here, now you tell me Why didn't tie tell ms he was Are you J m Smith? hW Which member of the Smith family are you? He told everybody else, why not me? I cant believe that's your surname! I don't want to go to the theatre ? ii Why did you have to tell me? Can't he speak for himself? Are you going to get him a present for his birthday? Why don't we go to the cinema ІопідЦ? worked here? іIt I can't wait until tomorrow I know you got him a present for Christmas; are you going to the same for his ^ birthday? What ш want to this evening? Do you ever flfl to £Q£k concerts? I know you go to classical concerts I know what you want to tomorrow evening but what about today? 256 Or you just watch them on the video? Intonation directions Game N We We've agreed what we want to this afternoon, but what about this evening? Because if not she shouldn’t be spending so much time helping you with your homework! I know what you don't want to do! I know Angela's finished, but what about Maria? Or is she still doing it? N N Have you decided yet? I know who the man in the black coat is ' Are you going4 to get M m a present (or his birthday? / I know you got him a present for Christmas Are you going to the same for his birthday? Or just a card? I know who the other man with the black hat is I know who the woman in the black hat is I know who the man in the grey hat is tuoy 257 17 ЄркоО От has she noV? TeN me me truth now now you tell me He got you one Are you going to ' the same? Sheet N vovi v

Ngày đăng: 06/02/2019, 22:45

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