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27/10/2008 Name: Class: 12 Anh ENGLISH WRITTEN TEST Time: 45 minutes I/ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others 1) A. height B. weight C. eighteen D. great 2) A. rotation B. sanguine C. Dane D. vapour 3) A. logical B. oxygen C. colleague D. language II/ Choose the word that has the main stress different from the other three words 4) A. accessible B. convenient C. resource D. property 5) A. contrary B. status C. outnumber D. tolerate III/ Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in each sentence 6) I _________ a lot of difficulties when I started doing this job. A. competed B. struggled C. encountered D. engaged 7) The _________ of land consists of draining, irrigating, and pushing back the sea. A. farming B. protecting C. fertilizing D. reclaiming 8) The safe _______of nuclear waste is a major problem. A. disposal B. rotation C. distribution D. pollution 9) I like everything in London __________ the weather. A. minus B. except C. respect D. abstract 10) Barbara moved her house to Manchester , and we have _______ each other since then. A. caught sight of B. lost touch with C. paid attention to D. made allowance for 11) Floods in north-eastern India made 250,000 people __________. A. homeless B. careless C. childless D. odourless 12) That's quite silly. What you're saying is ________. A. reason B. reasonable C. unreasonable D. reasonably 13) Their ________ to overcome the difficulty is really worth praising. A. determine B. determined C. determining D. determination 14) We've just had some extremely ________ news. A. disappointed B. disappointing C. disappointment D. disappoints 15) We have tried to increase ______________ by using better methods and tools. A. productive B. productivity C. product D. producers 16) The smoke coming from a lit cigarette contains many different _________ chemicals. A. poisonous B. poisoned C. poisoning D. poison 17) Who was responsible _____________ all that noise last night? A. from B. for C. at D. with 18) John seems to be occupied ________ the coming examinations. A. toB. for C. in D. with 19) My friend is capable ________ doing better work than she is doing at present. A. of B. at C. in D. on 20) Were they present ________ the meeting? 1 27/10/2008 A. with B. about C. at D. of 21) He had to give a good reason ________ being absent ________ several classes. A. for / at B. on / from C. on / at D. for / from 22) We tried to phone Henry this afternoon, but there _________ no answers. He ________ out. A. have been / went B. had been / went C. were / had gone D. were / has gone 23) During the past few years, a big number of people _________in natural disasters . A. have been killed B. have killed C. were being killed D. were killing 24) John was the last applicant ________ yesterday morning. A. interviewing B. to interview C. being interviewed D. to be interviewed 25) They find it difficult ________ across the rough river. A. swim B. to swim C. swimming D. to be swimming 26) Mary ________ her homework when we arrived so we all went out for the evening. A. had been finished B. was being finishing C. had finished D. was finished 27) The word ‘Medicare’ is combined from the two words: __________. A. medicine and care B. medical and care C. medicated and careful D. medical and careful 28) Ha Long Bay is the place _________ we can enjoy our holidays. A. where B. which C. who D. when 29) She has spent __________ her time reading English stories. A. most B. most of C. a big number of D. a few 30) Tony is a keen golfer, but unfortunately he has ___________ ability. A. a few B. a great deal of C. little D. a little 31) She thinks little about her future work. A. She doesn’t give a little thought to her future work. B. She gives little thinking about her future work. C. She has a little think about her future work. D. She doesn’t spend time thinking about her future work. 32) I am sorry I forgot posting the letter for you. A. I wish I had to post the letter for you. B. I regret not to post the letter for you. C. I regret not posting the letter for you. D. I am afraid that I should post the letter for you. 33) They felt disappointed because of the bad exam results. A. The bad exam results made them disappointing. B. They felt disappointed, so the exam results were bad. C. The exam results were so bad that they felt disappointed. D. The bad exam results made them to feel disappointed. 34) He lost his job three months ago. A. They are three months since he lost his job. B. It is three months since he lost his job. C. It is three months ago since he lost his job. D. It has been three months since he has lost his job. IV/ Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting 35) There were never any secrets (A) among my sister and (B) me (C) when we (D) were growing up. 36) Mr Brown was planning (A) to send (B) to me a package from Japan (C) as soon as he arrived (D) home from his trip to Hawaii. 2 27/10/2008 37) (A) The building is (B) currently used (C) like a (D) furniture store. 38) It is (A) importance that parents (B) take an active (C) interest in their (D) children’s lessons. 39) (A) Wait for me (B) until I (C) will come back (D) from Britain. V/ Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in the following passages: There are a few rules that all visitors to wildlife preserves should observe. (40)__________ these rules is necessary if people want to enjoy themselves and have an (41)__________ experience. First of all, it is (42)__________ to leave your car in the car park so as to cause as little disturbance as possible to the varied wildlife. Animals can be frightened by unexpected noises, (43)__________ those made by machines. Secondly, people need to be patient if they want to see the animals in their natural (44)__________ . This often means that people have to put up with (45)__________ weather conditions and annoying insects. 40) A. Answering B. Following C. Working D. Listening to 41) A. expensive B. unreasonable C. unforgettable D. unpleasant 42) A. outnumbered B. objective C. accessible D. advisable 43) A. particularly B. specially C. certainly D. automatically 44) A. atmosphere B. conservation C. surroundings D. investigation 45) A. pleasant B. pleased C. pleasure D. unpleasant VI/ Choose the best answers or complete the unfinished statement about the passage: The first few days after getting home from college were okay but then I began to feel rather bored and lonely. My parents were busy working and most of my friends were either away on holiday or else had holiday jobs. I tried to get a job myself but without success. I was beginning to wish I had not come home when I saw an advertisement for holiday courses in the local newspaper. For a small fee you could try lots of different activities organized by the town's youth club. Each activity lasted half a day and they were all exciting. I also met new people as many of the tourists staying in the town joined in. You could do things like painting, acting, play- writing or computing. I met some students from Bulgaria who invited me to visit Bulgaria next year. You can imagine how excited I am; in fact it was one of the best summer holidays I've ever had. 46) What is the writer trying to do in the text? A. describe a holiday in the country B. explain how she spent a holiday C. describe her new holiday home D. explain why she couldn't go on holiday 47) Why would somebody read the text? A. to discover the writer's news B. to find out about holiday courses C. to make contact with Bulgarian students D. to read about the advertisements 48) How did the writer feel when she arrived home? A. She was pleased to have time for herself. B. She felt nervous about being alone. C. She was delighted to see her friends. D. She almost regretted coming back. 49) What may the writer do next year? A. There will be new holiday courses. B. She has found a holiday job. C. She may go to Bulgaria. D. Her friends will visit her. 50) Which of these advertisements did the writer see? A. Painting courses for your holidays B. Computing courses for your holidays C. Tours to Bulgaria D. Holiday courses organized by youth club 3 27/10/2008 Name: Class: 12 Anh ENGLISH WRITTEN TEST Time: 45 minutes I. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. 1. A. handled B. installed C. confided D. confirmed 2. A. creates B. achieves C. struggles D. precedes 3. A.child B. chemist C. church D. chicken 4. A. seat B. heavy C. reason D. neat II. Pick out the word whose primary stress is different from the others. 5. A. nursery B. ancestor C. tuition D. counterpart 6. A. decisive B. tertiary C. fantastic D. rewarding 7. A. keenness B. retail C. entry D. attempt 8. A. carry B. adopt C. fulfill D. record III. Read the following passage. Then choose the best option (A, B, C or D). It’s always worth preparing well for an interview. Don’t just hope (9) the best. Here are a few tips. Practise how you say things, as well as what you (10) to say. If you don’t own a video camera, perhaps a friend of (11) does. Borrow it and make a video tape of yourself. Find (12) to watch it with you and give you a (13) of advice on how you appear and behave. Before the interview, plan what to wear. Find out how the company expects its (14) to dress. At the interview, believe in yourself and be honest, open and friendly. (15) attention and keep your answers to the point. The interviewer doesn’t want to waste time and (16) do you. 9. A. against B. for C. to D. at 10. A. intend B. consider C. imagine D. think 11. A. his B. yours C. mine D. ours 12. A. anybody B. nobody C. everybody D. somebody 13. A. number B. slice C. plenty D. bit 14. A. colleagues B. employees C. customers D. employers 15. A. Attract B. Give C. Turn D. Pay 16. A. so B. either C. neither D. or IV. Read the article below. Then choose the best answer (A, B, C or D). In British schools most pupils learn French or German. In a few schools you can also learn Italian, Spanish or Russian. Not many pupils learn Latin now. All pupils must study one foreign language until they are 16. Schools usually organize school trips to France or Germany. Pupils travel in a group with their teachers. They stay in a hotel or they go camping. Some schools have an exchange with another school in France or Germany. A group of pupils from the British school go to the exchange town. Each pupil has a partner and they stay with their partner’s family. They sometimes go to school with their partner. Later in the year the pupils from France or Germany come to Britain and stay with their British partners. Exchanges are very useful, because you can learn about daily life in another country. 17. In Britain, nowadays, not many pupils learn 4 27/10/2008 A. French and German B. Italian and Spanish. C. Latin. D. Russian. 18. Until British pupils are 16, they must study A. a lot of foreign languages B. two foreign languages. C. one foreign language. D. their own language. 19. In an exchange scheme, each pupil has a A. family’s partner. B. partner. C. teacher. D. school. 20. Exchanges are useful because pupils A. learn about daily life in another country. B. stay in a hotel or go camping. C. travel in a group with their teachers. D. go to an exchange town. IV. Choose the suitable answers. 21. You should concentrate what the interviewer is saying. A. at B. in C. on D. to 22. An A-level course consists of some subjects either Arts or Sciences. A. for B. with C. in D. on 23. His father is always willing to give a hand cleaning the house. A. with B. for C. about D. in 24. My mother takes the responsibility running the household. A. in B. for C. with D. by 25. The academic year in England is divided three terms. A. in B. between C. among D. into 26. Reducing the size of classes may improve standards. A. educated B. educating C. education D. educational 27. The game is thought to have among the native peoples of Alaska. A. origin B. originated C. original D. originally 28. She has had to make some very difficult . A. decided B. decisive C. decision D. decisions 29. How many did you have for the job? A. applicants B. applicationsC. apply D. applied 30. Tom is a very person and writes lists for everything. A. method B. methodic C. methodical D. methodically 31. He was as a full member of the society. A. accepting B. accepted C. acceptable D. acceptance 32. Robert in three movies already. I’m sure he’ll be a star some day. A. appeared B. had appeared C. has appeared D. has been appearing 33. I don’t want any mistakes in his composition. A. him to make B. his making C. that he makes D. he will make 34. Tropical forests around the world due to human demand for hardwood for furniture. A. had been destroyed B. were destroying C. are destroying D. are being destroyed 35. We missed the train. It by the time we arrived at the station. 5 27/10/2008 A. left B. was leaving C. had left D. have left 36. Why did you sit there TV while everything was in such a mess? A. watch B. watching C. to watch D. and watching 37. We had a great time in the island. Every day we the island and in the evening we slept in tents. A. were exploring B. explores C. had explored D. explored 38. By this time next year we the course. A. will finish B. have finished C. will have finished D. will have been finishing 39. If energy unlimited, many things in the world would be different. A. would be B. will be C. were D. is 40. We are made all the cleaning in the house. A. doing B. done C. to do D. do 41. I television a lot but I don’t any more. A. have been watchingB. was used to watch C. used to watch D. was watching 42. “ I’m sorry I have to leave so early,” he said. A. He apologised for having to leave so early. B. He apologised to have to leave so early. C. He apologised that he has to leave so early. D. He apologised to have left so early. 43. John said, “ You’d better not lend them any money, Daisy.” A. John said Daisy not to lend them any money. B. John said to Daisy not lend them any money. C. John advised Daisy shoud not lend them any money. D. John advised Daisy not to lend them any money. 44. Turn off all the switches before leaving the room. A. All the switches must be turned off before leaving the room. B. All the switches must be turned off before you leave the room. C. You must leave the room before turning off all the switches. D. You must leave the room as soon as you turn off all the switches. 45. It is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car. A. The man is believed to escape in a stolen car. B. The man is believed to have escaped in a stolen car. C. The man is believed to be escaped in a stolen car. D. They believed that the man stole the car. 46. Ken does lots of mistakes, but he never seems to learn from them. A B C D 47. People had much to learn before they became civilization. A B C D 48. My son keeps asking me to have his car fix before he goes to Canada. A B C D 49. I read a number of articles, most of them were very useful. A B C D 50. The football match was televised lively from the National Stadium. A B C D 6 27/10/2008 Name: Class: 12 Anh ENGLISH WRITTEN TEST Time: 45 minutes I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others. 1. A/ honour B/ hour C/ exhaust D/ host 2. A/ rock B/ rose C/ polish D/ spot 3. A/ wear B/ way C/ where D/ whole 4. A/ sensible B/ traffic C/ city D/ intend II. Read the passage and choose the best answer: Man cannot exist without air, water and (5)… Many people think that soil is also necessary to man’s (6) …Without soil there could be no vegetation, no animals and consequently no people. However, the soil is being (7)… day after day because people use land without paying attention to the (8)… of land and the (9)… of soil erosion. In many (10) … areas, soil erosion is a (11)… problem which (12)…. the development of agriculture. 5. A/ jewel B/ light C/ clothes D/ money 6. A/ live B/ existance C/ being D/ existence 7. A/ eroded B/ erode C/ erosive D/ erosion 8. A/ distribution B/ prevention C/ protection D/ preservation 9. A/ preservation B/ prevention C/distribution D/ protection 10. A/ developed B/ developing C/ urban D/ rural 11. A/ major B/ important C/ necessary D/ practical 12. A/ enlarges B/ needs C/ endangers D/ encourages III. Choose the best answer: 13. She has written good essays before, but this one is … A/ substandard B/ surplus C/ overcharge D/ supernatural 14. The ………………. painting was given to the gallery in 1975. A/ useless B/ helpless C/ priceless D/ careless 15. We were very grateful ………………. our friends for all of their assistance. A/ for B/ to C/ in D/ with 16. Thin gloves aren’t very suitable ………………………. that kind of work. A/ in B/ with C/ for D/ of 17. I was delighted the present you gave me. A/ on B/ to C/ for D/ with 18. About a year ago, he … ………elected president of a big company and he …… a holiday since then. A/ was/ doesn’t have B/ was/ had C/ was/ hadn’t had D/ was/ hasn’t had 19. He is not popular. He has ……………… friends. A/ little B/ a little C/ few D/ a few 20. … ……………goods were sent to the exhibition. A/ a large number of B/ a great deal of C/ much D/ little 7 27/10/2008 21. I regret …………. you that we can not approve your application. A/ tell B/ to tell C/ to be told D/ telling 22. ………… countries cause acid rain and green house effect. A/ Industry B/ Industrial C/ Industrialize D/ Industrious 23. If we ……………… . time, we …………… the museum yesterday. A/ have had/ visited B/ had had/ would have visited C/ had / would visit D/ have / will visit 24. He drank ………………… wine last night and gets sick now A/ too many B/ few of C/ a lot D/ too much 25. When I was a child, I spent ………… . of my time with my aunts. A/ most B/ almost C/ either D/ both 26. I couldn’t have made it without your help.  I couldn’t have made it … A/ if you didn’t help me B/ unless you had helped me C/ if you hadn’t helped me D/ B and C are correct 27. You are sometimes late for work, so your demand to get higher salary is …… A/ unreasonable B/ untrue C/ uncertain D/ unnecessary 28. Some large cities may have to ban cars. . . ………… the city centre to wipe . . ……… . smoke. A/ from / out B/ for/ out C/ from / off D/ to / out 29. The fifth man …………………was entirely unsuitable. A/ who was interviewed B/ to be interviewed C/ to interview D/ A and B are correct 30. The man and his dogs ………………… were reported missing yesterday have just been found safe. A/ who B/ whom C/ that D/ which 31. A lot of people are involved. . . ………………. the use of English. A/ at B/ on C/ in D/ of 32. During her . . . …………. , her parents lived in Paris. A/ child B/ childish C/ childlike D/ childhood 33. When did the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. . . ? A/ came in being B/ come in being C/ come into being D/ come into be 34. Yesterday my father ………… a new watch as his old one ……………… stolen. A/ bought/ had been B/ bought/ was C/ bought/ was being D/ bought/ would be 35. What made her ……… to do a thing like that? A/ decide B/ to decide C/ decided D/ deciding 36. We have to delay this course because there are ………. students. A/ many B/ few C/ a few D/ little 37. Vehicles account ………………… air pollution in the city. A/ for B/ with C/ of D/ about 38. Thank you. It was very kind………… you to help me. A/ for B/ to C/ of D/ with IV. Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the given one. 8 27/10/2008 39. John is fat because he eats so many chips. A/ If John didn’t eat so many chips, he wouldn’t be fat. B/ If John doesn’t eat so many chips, he won’t be fat. C/ If John hadn’t eaten so many chips, he wouldn’t have been fat. D/ A & B are correct. 40. The last person to leave the room must turn off the lights.  The last person _________________________________ A/ who lelf the room must turn off the lights. B/ that leaves the room must turn off the lights. C/ who leave the room must turn off the lights. D/ B and C are correct 41. Liz doesn’t go to school by motorbike.Robin doesn’t either.  Neither_________________________________________ A/ Neither Liz nor Robin doesn’t go to school by motorbike B/ Neither Liz nor Robin goes to school by motorbike C/ Neither Liz nor Robin go to school by motorbike. D/ Neither Liz goes to school by motorbike.Nor Robin goes to school by motorbike. 42. He looked at the pictures attentively. A/ He had an attentive look at the pictures. B/ He had an attentively look at the pictures. C/ He looked at the attentively pictures. D/ The attentive pictures that he looked at. 43. Henry wrote that book years ago, didn’t he? A/ That book was written by Henry years ago, was it? B/ That book was written by Henry years ago, wasn’t it? C/ That book was written by Henry years ago, did he? D/ That book was written by Henry years ago, didn’t he? 44. There’s a tendency among the adolescents to minimise problems. A/ Adolescents tend to minimise problems. B/ Adolescents have the tendency to minimise problems. C/ To minimise problems, the adolescents show a tendency. D/ A and B are correct. V. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order to make the sentence correct. 45. Smoking cause millions of early deaths in the world every year. A B C D 46. Carbon dioxide lets sunlight entering the earth’s atmosphere and heat the earth. A B C D 47. He showed a desire entering the University of Medicine. A B C D 48. Charlie Chaplin was one of the greatest and widely loved silent movie star. A B C D 49. Why did you take a decision to quit your job and continue your study ? A B C D 50. Tom apologized to the postman for being impolitely to him. A B C D 9 27/10/2008 10 . do a thing like that? A/ decide B/ to decide C/ decided D/ deciding 36. We have to delay this course because there are ………. students. A/ many B/ few C/. A. describe a holiday in the country B. explain how she spent a holiday C. describe her new holiday home D. explain why she couldn't go on holiday

Ngày đăng: 19/08/2013, 18:10

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