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đề số 14( KEY) Chọn phơng án ( a hoặc b, c, d) chọn từ có phần gạch dới đợc phát âm khác với ba từ còn lại: 1. a. meat b. teach c. reach d. head 2. a. look b. blood c. good d. foot 3. a. loudly b. without c. thousand d. brought 4. a. earning b. clearing c. searching d. learning 5. a. main b. said c. paid d. laid Chọn phơng án đúng ( a hoặc b, c, d) để hoàn thành mỗi cụm ( từ) , câu sau: 6. I will communicate with you as soon as I have any news. a. have connection b. be related c. be interested in d. get in touch 7. If the air is polluted, it is a. diseased b. contaminated c. infectious d. pure 8. The interviewer asked me toone of their application forms. a. fill up b. fill out c. fill in d. fill down 9. areas are not densely populated. a. urban b. empty c. rural d. fertile 10. Jogging helps people lose weight. a. become weightless b. become lighter, like it c. become underweight d. become thinner 11. means keeping safe from harm and danger. a. preserve b. recycle c. pollute d. discharge 12. I only had a day to visit all the tourist there. a. attract b. attractive c. attractively d. attractions 13. In the last few years, this area has become heavily a. industrialized b. industrial c. industrious d. industry 14. Please come in. Makeat home. a.yourself b. you c. myself d. me 15. This is the placeI met her 5 years ago. a. when b. where c. whom d. which 16. Life here is too expensive. I dont know to get for food. a. why b. how c. what d. where 17. Parents often.their children. a. outrun b. outlive c. overdo d. underestimate 18. Your serious condition requires a. surgeon b. surgery c. surgical d. surgical knife 19. Birthmarks, one almost untreatable, are a mass of blood vessels. a. unhealthy b. uncountable c. unacceptable d. incurable 20. If he had got half a mark more , he.in the exam. a. wouldnt have failed b. would have succeeded c. would not fail d. a and b 21. Lets go. My parents allowto the cinema. a. go b. to go c. went d. going 22. Just your coats on the rack of the hall. a. lie b. leave c. Let d. take 23. His boring speech made everybody fall asleep. Theres.new in it. a. everything b. nothing c. something d. anything 24. I have written her 3 letters, but she hasnt answered.them. a. any b. some of c. all d. any of 25. he retired earlyhis ill health. a. on account of b. on behalf of c. in front of d. ahead of Đọc kĩ đoạn văn sau và chọn phơng án đúng ( a hoặc b, c, d) cho mỗi câu từ 26 đến 35. In the very distant geological past, all animals were aquatic. The very first vertebrates or animals with backbones, of which we have any fossil record, lived in water. These vertebrates, the fish , were adapted to underwater living. Their streamlined bodies were covered with scales to reduce surface friction: they had muscular tails so that they could swim swiftly in such a dense medium as water; and they were endowed with gills for breathing underwater. Descendants of fish-type ancestors crossed the seashore barrier and accommodated themselves to life on land. As amphibians, they possessed limbs instead of fins and lungs instead of gills. But they never became completely free of the bonds that tied them to the water; even today many amphibians return to the water to lay their eggs. Millions of years after the first clumsy amphibians crawled over the land, newer types of land dwellers appeared, these animals give rise to the present-day reptiles and mammals. They were completely converted for land dwelling, with bodies and biological activities far different from those of fish. With these special adaptations, mammals have been able to colonize the woods and meadow, the deserts and high mountains, often far removed from the sea. 26. Of the animals with backbones, the first to appear were a. mammals b. birds c. Amphibians d. fish 27. Fish are suited to underwater life because of their a. Scales b. Gills c. Streamlines shapes d. All are correct 28. In converting to land life, animals acquired a. eyes b. warm blood c. tails d. lungs 29. The word descendants is closest in meaning to a. Descenders b. Grand children c. Off spring d. Ancestors 30. The passage suggests that the first amphibians used their limbs to a. jump b. crawl c. swim d. run 31. An example of an amphibians incomplete adaptation to land life is a. need to keep its skin wet b. Scales-covered ski c. return to water to lay eggs d. inability to breathe air. 32. Animals found desert living possible only a. when they became amphibious b. when they were fully adapted to land. c. after they could walk on two feet. D. if they migrated to sea periodically 33. The seashore was a barrier for descendants of fish-type because a. crossing it required bodily changes. B. the land once rose much higher above the sea. c. every attempt to cross it ended in death. D. once they crossed, there was no return. 34. The word They refers to. a. Animals b. Reptiles and mammals c. Land dwellers d. Amphibians. 35. The adaptation process described in the article was completed a. Over millions of years b. Through biological changes c. By the receding of the sea d. a and b Đọc kĩ đoạn văn sau và chọn phơng án đúng ( a hoặc b, c, d) cho mỗi câu từ 36 đến 40. There are three kinds of goals: short term, medium range and long- term goals. Short- term goals are those that usually deal with current activities, which we can apply on a daily basis. Such goals can be achieved in a week or less, or two weeks or possibly months. It should be remembered that just as a building is no stronger than its foundation, our long-term goals can not amount to very much without the achievement of solid short- term goals. Upon completing our short- term goals, we should date the occasion and add new short- term goals that will build on those that have been completed. The intermediate goals that build on the foundation of the short- range goals. They might deal with just one term of school or the entire school year or they even extend for several years. Any time you move a step at a time, you should never allow yourself to become discouraged or overwhelmed. AS you complete each step , you will enforce the belief in your ability to grow and succeed. And as your list of compassion dates grows, your motivation and desire will increase. Long-range goals may be related to our dreams of future. They might cover five years or more. Life is not a static thing. We should never allow a long- term goal to limit us or our course of action. 36. Our long-term goals mean a lot a. if we cant reach solid short- term goals. B. if we complete our short- range goals c. if we write down the date d. if we put forward some plans 37. new short- term goals are built upon a. two years b. long-term goals c. the goals that have been completed d. current activities 38. When we complete each step of our goals, a. we will win final success b. we should build up confidence of success. c. we are overwhelmed d. we have strong desire for setting new goals. 39. Once our goals are drawn up. a. we have made great decisions b. we may change our goals as we have new ideas and opportunity. c. we had better wait for the exciting news of success. D. we should stick to them until we complete them. 40. It is implied but not stated in the passage that a. those who have long-term goals will succeed. B. writing down the dates may discourage you c. Everyone should have a goal. D. The goal is only a guide for us to reach our destination. Đọc kĩ đoạn văn sau và chọn phơng án đúng ( a hoặc b, c, d) cho mỗi câu từ 41đến 55. The hanging gardens of Babylon were considered to be one of the Seven wonders of the ( 41).world. They are believed to have been built by King Nebuchadnezzar in the sixth ( 42).BC as a present for his wife, Amytis. The gardens were ( 43).in layers-one on top of the other, much like a modern multi- storey car ( 44) .although a lot more ( 45).to look at. Each layers was a large terrace ( 46).with tropical flowers, plants and trees. The large ( 47).of water which these plants required was ( 48).from the river nearby. It is said that the King and his wife would sit in the ( 49)of the gardens and ( 50) down on the city of Babylon below. The gardensfame quickly (51).and travelers would come far and wide to ( 52).them. Even thousands of years ago, people used to go ( 53). The city of Babylon was so famous throughout the whole ( 54).for its beautiful buildings, huge tiles walls and gates made of brass. Sadly, nothing ( 55).today of the beautiful hanging gardens and the city of Babylon lies in ruins in what is modern- Iraq. 41. a. antique b. ancient c. Historical d. Traditional 42. a. decade b. period c. century d. era 43. a. collected b. assembled c. constructed d. invented 44. a. garage b. stop c. station d. park 45. a. attractive b. good-looking c. handsome d. adorable 46. a. included b. contained c. consisted d. filled 47. a. total b. amount c. sum d. number 48. a. pumped b. pulled c. pushed d. dragged 49. a. shadow b. gloom c. shade d. glow 50.a. look b. see c. watch d. observe 51. a. distributed b. moved c. extended d. spread 52. a. admire b. respect c. approve d. assess 53. a. glimpsing b. staring c. glancing d. sightseeing 54. a. planet b. globe c. world d. earth 55. a. Waits b. stays c. remains d. continues Đọc kĩ đoạn văn sau và chọn phơng án đúng ( a hoặc b, c, d) cho mỗi câu từ 56đến 70. Many parent believe that they should begin to teach their children to read when they are scarcely more than toddlers. This is fine if the child shows a real interest but (56).a child could be counter-productive if she isnt ready. Wise parents will have a ( 57).attitude and take the lead from their child. What they should provide is a selection of ( 58).books and other activities. Nowadays, there is plenty good ( 59) available for young children , and of course, seeing plenty of books in use about the house will also ( 60).them to read. Of course , books are no longer the only ( 61).of stories and information. There us also a huge range of videos, which can ( 62) and extend the pleasure a child finds in books and are ( 63).valuable in helping to increase vocabulary and concentration. Television gets bad ( 64).as far as children are concerned, mainly because too many spend too much time watching programs not intended for their age ( 65). Too many television programs ( 66)an incurious, uncritical attitude that is going to make learning much more difficult. However, ( 67)viewing of programs designed for young children can be useful. Just as adults enjoy reading a book after seeing it ( 68).on television, so children will pounced on books which ( 69).their favorite television characters, and video can add a new dimension ( 70).a story known from a book. 56. a. insisting b. forcing c. making d, starting 57. a. cheerful b. contented c. hopeful d. relaxed 58. a. bright b. thrilling c. stimulating d. energetic 59. a. material b. sense c. amusement d. produce 60.a. provoke b. encourage c. provide d. attract 61. a. source b. site c. style d. basis 62. a. uphold b. found c. reinforce d. assist 63. a. properly b. worthily c. perfectly d. equally 64. a. review b. press c. criticism d. result 65. a. set b. band c. group d. limit 66. a. induce b. imply c. suggest d. attract 67. cautious b. choice c. discriminating d. approved 68. a. serialized b. revised c. transferred d. visualized 69. a. illustrate b. extend c. feature d. possess 70. a. to b. for c. on d. of Chọn phơng án đúng ( a hoặc b, c, d) ứng với cấu có nghĩa gần nhất với mỗi câu cho sẵn sau đây: 71. Dont worry about that she said to me. a. She said to me not to worry about that. B. She told me not to worry about that. c. She told me to not worry about that. D. She said to me should not worry about that. 72. Somebody repaired her bike last week. a. She had to repair her bike last week b. She had her bike to repair last week. c. She had her bike repaired last week. D. She had her bike repair last week. 73. The carpet still needs cleaning. a. The carpet hasnt cleaned yet. B. The carpet hasnt been cleaned yet. c. The carpet has cleaned d. The carpet has been cleaned. 74. If only I had taken that job in the bank. a. I regret not take that job in the bank. B. I wish I took that job in the bank c. I regret not taking that job in the bank d. I wish I have taken that job in the bank. 75. They finished their tea then they left. a. After they had finished their tea, they left. b. After they had left, they finished their tea. c. They had left before they finished their tea. d. They finished their tea after they had left. 76. They would rather see the boat race than the cricket match. a. They prefer seeing the boat race than the cricket match. b. Seeing the cricket match is not as likeable as boat race. c. Seeing the boat race is rather than watching them. d. They dont like to see the cricket match as much as the boat race. 77. As soon as he arrived at the airport, he called home. a. He arrived at the airport sooner than he had expected. b. No sooner had he arrived at the airport than he called home. c. Calling home, he said that he had arrived at the airport. d. He arrived at the airport and called me to take him home. 78. Your refusal to attend the party made everyone feel sad. a. Your attendance at the party made everyone feel sad. b. You made everyone sad about your refusal to throw the party. c. Every one felt sad when attending the party. d. Every one felt sad when you refused to attend the party. 79. Its possible that she didnt hear what I said. a. She may not hear what I said b. She might not hear what I said c. She may not have hear what I said. D. She might have not heard what I said. 80. When the speaker finished, she received a big hand. a. The speaker was known for her big hands, b. The speaker finished when she had got a big hand. c. The audience applauded the speaker. D. The speaker give her a big hand. đề số 14 Chọn phơng án ( a hoặc b, c, d) chọn từ có phần gạch dới đợc phát âm khác với ba từ còn lại: 1. a. meat b. teach c. reach d. head 2. a. look b. blood c. good d. foot 3. a. loudly b. without c. thousand d. brought 4. a. earning b. clearing c. searching d. learning 5. a. main b. said c. paid d. laid Chọn phơng án đúng ( a hoặc b, c, d) để hoàn thành mỗi cụm ( từ) , câu sau: 6. I will communicate with you as soon as I have any news. a. have connection b. be related c. be interested in d. get in touch 7. If the air is polluted, it is a. diseased b. contaminated c. infectious d. pure 8. The interviewer asked me toone of their application forms. a. fill up b. fill out c. fill in d. fill down 9. areas are not densely populated. a. urban b. empty c. rural d. fertile 10. Jogging helps people lose weight. a. become weightless b. become lighter, like it c. become underweight d. become thinner 11. means keeping safe from harm and danger. a. preserve b. recycle c. pollute d. discharge 12. I only had a day to visit all the tourist there. a. attract b. attractive c. attractively d. attractions 13. In the last few years, this area has become heavily a. industrialized b. industrial c. industrious d. industry 14. Please come in. Makeat home. a.yourself b. you c. myself d. me 15. This is the placeI met her 5 years ago. a. when b. where c. whom d. which 16. Life here is too expensive. I dont know to get for food. a. why b. how c. what d. where 17. Parents often.their children. a. outrun b. outlive c. overdo d. underestimate 18. Your serious condition requires a. surgeon b. surgery c. surgical d. surgical knife 19. Birthmarks, one almost untreatable, are a mass of blood vessels. a. unhealthy b. uncountable c. unacceptable d. incurable 20. If he had got half a mark more , he.in the exam. a. wouldnt have failed b. would have succeeded c. would not fail d. a and b 21. Lets go. My parents allowto the cinema. a. go b. to go c. went d. going 22. Just your coats on the rack of the hall. a. lie b. leave c. Let d. take 23. His boring speech made everybody fall asleep. Theres.new in it. a. everything b. nothing c. something d. anything 24. I have written her 3 letters, but she hasnt answered.them. a. any b. some of c. all d. any of 25. he retired earlyhis ill health. a. on account of b. on behalf of c. in front of d. ahead of Đọc kĩ đoạn văn sau và chọn phơng án đúng ( a hoặc b, c, d) cho mỗi câu từ 26 đến 35. In the very distant geological past, all animals were aquatic. The very first vertebrates or animals with backbones, of which we have any fossil record, lived in water. These vertebrates, the fish , were adapted to underwater living. Their streamlined bodies were covered with scales to reduce surface friction: they had muscular tails so that they could swim swiftly in such a dense medium as water; and they were endowed with gills for breathing underwater. Descendants of fish-type ancestors crossed the seashore barrier and accommodated themselves to life on land. As amphibians, they possessed limbs instead of fins and lungs instead of gills. But they never became completely free of the bonds that tied them to the water; even today many amphibians return to the water to lay their eggs. Millions of years after the first clumsy amphibians crawled over the land, newer types of land dwellers appeared, these animals give rise to the present-day reptiles and mammals. They were completely converted for land dwelling, with bodies and biological activities far different from those of fish. With these special adaptations, mammals have been able to colonize the woods and meadow, the deserts and high mountains, often far removed from the sea. 26. Of the animals with backbones, the first to appear were a. mammals b. birds c. Amphibians d. fish 27. Fish are suited to underwater life because of their a. Scales b. Gills c. Streamlines shapes d. All are correct 28. In converting to land life, animals acquired a. eyes b. warm blood c. tails d. lungs 29. The word descendants is closest in meaning to a. Descenders b. Grand children c. Off spring d. Ancestors 30. The passage suggests that the first amphibians used their limbs to a. jump b. crawl c. swim d. run 31. An example of an amphibians incomplete adaptation to land life is a. need to keep its skin wet b. Scales-covered ski c. return to water to lay eggs d. inability to breathe air. 32. Animals found desert living possible only a. when they became amphibious b. when they were fully adapted to land. c. after they could walk on two feet. D. if they migrated to sea periodically 33. The seashore was a barrier for descendants of fish-type because a. crossing it required bodily changes. B. the land once rose much higher above the sea. c. every attempt to cross it ended in death. D. once they crossed, there was no return. 34. The word They refers to. a. Animals b. Reptiles and mammals c. Land dwellers d. Amphibians. 35. The adaptation process described in the article was completed a. Over millions of years b. Through biological changes c. By the receding of the sea d. a and b Đọc kĩ đoạn văn sau và chọn phơng án đúng ( a hoặc b, c, d) cho mỗi câu từ 36 đến 40. There are three kinds of goals: short term, medium range and long- term goals. Short- term goals are those that usually deal with current activities, which we can apply on a daily basis. Such goals can be achieved in a week or less, or two weeks or possibly months. It should be remembered that just as a building is no stronger than its foundation, our long-term goals can not amount to very much without the achievement of solid short- term goals. Upon completing our short- term goals, we should date the occasion and add new short- term goals that will build on those that have been completed. The intermediate goals that build on the foundation of the short- range goals. They might deal with just one term of school or the entire school year or they even extend for several years. Any time you move a step at a time, you should never allow yourself to become discouraged or overwhelmed. AS you complete each step , you will enforce the belief in your ability to grow and succeed. And as your list of compassion dates grows, your motivation and desire will increase. Long-range goals may be related to our dreams of future. They might cover five years or more. Life is not a static thing. We should never allow a long- term goal to limit us or our course of action. 36. Our long-term goals mean a lot a. if we cant reach solid short- term goals. B. if we complete our short- range goals c. if we write down the date d. if we put forward some plans 37. new short- term goals are built upon a. two years b. long-term goals c. the goals that have been completed d. current activities 38. When we complete each step of our goals, a. we will win final success b. we should build up confidence of success. c. we are overwhelmed d. we have strong desire for setting new goals. 39. Once our goals are drawn up. a. we have made great decisions b. we may change our goals as we have new ideas and opportunity. c. we had better wait for the exciting news of success. D. we should stick to them until we complete them. 40. It is implied but not stated in the passage that a. those who have long-term goals will succeed. B. writing down the dates may discourage you c. Everyone should have a goal. D. The goal is only a guide for us to reach our destination. Đọc kĩ đoạn văn sau và chọn phơng án đúng ( a hoặc b, c, d) cho mỗi câu từ 41đến 55. The hanging gardens of Babylon were considered to be one of the Seven wonders of the ( 41).world. They are believed to have been built by King Nebuchadnezzar in the sixth ( 42).BC as a present for his wife, Amytis. The gardens were ( 43).in layers-one on top of the other, much like a modern multi- storey car ( 44) .although a lot more ( 45).to look at. Each layers was a large terrace ( 46).with tropical flowers, plants and trees. The large ( 47).of water which these plants required was ( 48).from the river nearby. It is said that the King and his wife would sit in the ( 49)of the gardens and ( 50) down on the city of Babylon below. The gardensfame quickly (51).and travelers would come far and wide to ( 52).them. Even thousands of years ago, people used to go ( 53). The city of Babylon was so famous throughout the whole ( 54).for its beautiful buildings, huge tiles walls and gates made of brass. Sadly, nothing ( 55).today of the beautiful hanging gardens and the city of Babylon lies in ruins in what is modern- Iraq. 41. a. antique b. ancient c. Historical d. Traditional 42. a. decade b. period c. century d. era 43. a. collected b. assembled c. constructed d. invented 44. a. garage b. stop c. station d. park 45. a. attractive b. good-looking c. handsome d. adorable 46. a. included b. contained c. consisted d. filled 47. a. total b. amount c. sum d. number 48. a. pumped b. pulled c. pushed d. dragged 49. a. shadow b. gloom c. shade d. glow 50.a. look b. see c. watch d. observe 51. a. distributed b. moved c. extended d. spread 52. a. admire b. respect c. approve d. assess 53. a. glimpsing b. staring c. glancing d. sightseeing 54. a. planet b. globe c. world d. earth 55. a. Waits b. stays c. remains d. continues Đọc kĩ đoạn văn sau và chọn phơng án đúng ( a hoặc b, c, d) cho mỗi câu từ 56đến 70. Many parent believe that they should begin to teach their children to read when they are scarcely more than toddlers. This is fine if the child shows a real interest but (56).a child could be counter-productive if she isnt ready. Wise parents will have a ( 57).attitude and take the lead from their child. What they should provide is a selection of ( 58).books and other activities. Nowadays, there is plenty good ( 59) available for young children , and of course, seeing plenty of books in use about the house will also ( 60).them to read. Of course , books are no longer the only ( 61).of stories and information. There us also a huge range of videos, which can ( 62) and extend the pleasure a child finds in books and are ( 63).valuable in helping to increase vocabulary and concentration. Television gets bad ( 64).as far as children are concerned, mainly because too many spend too much time watching programs not intended for their age ( 65). Too many television programs ( 66)an incurious, uncritical attitude that is going to make learning much more difficult. However, ( 67)viewing of programs designed for young children can be useful. Just as adults enjoy reading a book after seeing it ( 68).on television, so children will pounced on books which ( 69).their favorite television characters, and video can add a new dimension ( 70).a story known from a book. 56. a. insisting b. forcing c. making d, starting 57. a. cheerful b. contented c. hopeful d. relaxed 58. a. bright b. thrilling c. stimulating d. energetic 59. a. material b. sense c. amusement d. produce 60.a. provoke b. encourage c. provide d. attract 61. a. source b. site c. style d. basis 62. a. uphold b. found c. reinforce d. assist 63. a. properly b. worthily c. perfectly d. equally 64. a. review b. press c. criticism d. result 65. a. set b. band c. group d. limit 66. a. induce b. imply c. suggest d. attract 67. cautious b. choice c. discriminating d. approved 68. a. serialized b. revised c. transferred d. visualized 69. a. illustrate b. extend c. feature d. possess 70. a. to b. for c. on d. of Chọn phơng án đúng ( a hoặc b, c, d) ứng với cấu có nghĩa gần nhất với mỗi câu cho sẵn sau đây: 71. Dont worry about that she said to me. a. She said to me not to worry about that. B. She told me not to worry about that. c. She told me to not worry about that. D. She said to me should not worry about that. 72. Somebody repaired her bike last week. a. She had to repair her bike last week b. She had her bike to repair last week. c. She had her bike repaired last week. D. She had her bike repair last week. 73. The carpet still needs cleaning. a. The carpet hasnt cleaned yet. B. The carpet hasnt been cleaned yet. c. The carpet has cleaned d. The carpet has been cleaned. 74. If only I had taken that job in the bank. a. I regret not take that job in the bank. B. I wish I took that job in the bank c. I regret not taking that job in the bank d. I wish I have taken that job in the bank. 75. They finished their tea then they left. a. After they had finished their tea, they left. b. After they had left, they finished their tea. c. They had left before they finished their tea. d. They finished their tea after they had left. 76. They would rather see the boat race than the cricket match. a. They prefer seeing the boat race than the cricket match. b. Seeing the cricket match is not as likeable as boat race. c. Seeing the boat race is rather than watching them. d. They dont like to see the cricket match as much as the boat race. 77. As soon as he arrived at the airport, he called home. a. He arrived at the airport sooner than he had expected. b. No sooner had he arrived at the airport than he called home. c. Calling home, he said that he had arrived at the airport. d. He arrived at the airport and called me to take him home. 78. Your refusal to attend the party made everyone feel sad. a. Your attendance at the party made everyone feel sad. b. You made everyone sad about your refusal to throw the party. c. Every one felt sad when attending the party. d. Every one felt sad when you refused to attend the party. 79. Its possible that she didnt hear what I said. a. She may not hear what I said b. She might not hear what I said c. She may not have hear what I said. D. She might have not heard what I said. 80. When the speaker finished, she received a big hand. a. The speaker was known for her big hands, b. The speaker finished when she had got a big hand. c. The audience applauded the speaker. D. The speaker give her a big hand. . speech made everybody fall asleep. Theres.new in it. a. everything b. nothing c. something d. anything 24. I have written her 3 letters, but she hasnt answered.them speech made everybody fall asleep. Theres.new in it. a. everything b. nothing c. something d. anything 24. I have written her 3 letters, but she hasnt answered.them.

Ngày đăng: 18/08/2013, 20:10



