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  • SPARK – CHAPTER ONE ⠀匀一䔀䄀䬀 倀䔀䔀䬀)


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Kitchen Scandals Brooke Cumberland DEDICATION To my amazing family who are always within arms reach when I need them Without you, none of this would be possible A huge shout out and thank you to my friend, Stefani for always willing to read whatever I send her way and giving me amazing advice To my husband–for not feeling neglected when the computer got more attention than he did And to my readers for keeping me inspired Thank you for all your feedback and appreciation OTHER BOOKS By Brooke Cumberland KITCHEN AFFAIRS The Riverside Trilogy #1 Table of Contents AUTHORS NOTE PROLOGUE CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER THREE CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER TEN CHAPTER ELEVEN CHAPTER TWELVE CHAPTER THIRTEEN CHAPTER FOURTEEN CHAPTER FIFTEEN CHAPTER SIXTEEN CHAPTER SEVENTEEN CHAPTER EIGHTEEN CHAPTER NINETEEN CHAPTER TWENTY CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE EPILOGUE SPARK – CHAPTER ONE (SNEAK PEEK) ABOUT THE AUTHOR ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS To my readers who inspire and support me to keep going Your kind words and messages mean more to me than I could ever say! I love interacting with all of you on a daily basis on Facebook and Twitter! I truly from the bottom of my heart appreciate it! Thank you! And a quick acknowledgement to all my Facebook Authors & Bloggers/Reviewers who continuously share and post on my behalf I love being in our Author/Blogger community where we can talk about books & reading! Thank you to my cover designer, Steph, for making me a mouthwatering cover! And to my editor, Rogena, for always working her butt off to get my pages back to me on time There are too many blogs/FB pages to mention them all, but please know you make a difference and are amazing!! There are some I want to mention that are always promoting me, guiding me, and sharing my posts! Novel Grounds My Fictional Boyfriend & Book Whore Page Say What? Savannah Mae Kayla the Bibliophile Maria’s Book Blog Just Booked Turn the Page Book, Babes and Cheap Cabernet Bookaholics Blog Stephanie’s Book Reports All Romance Reviews Sarah’s Book Blog Mary Elizabeth’s Crazy Book Obsession Up All Night Book Addict Shh Mom’s Reading Talkbooks Who you callin’ a book whore Love Between The Sheets Swoon Worthy Books I Feel the Need, the Need to Read Twinsie Talk Book Reviews A Book Whore’s Obsession Bridger Bitches Book Blog The Book Bellas I Heart Books Seductive Romance Reviews Book Bitches Nose Stuck in a Book Inside the Pages of a Book Chicks and a Blog – Book Soul mates Romance Book Worm Hook Me Up Book Blog …and any others I forgot to mention! Also, a quick thank you to the blogs that were in my blog tour! Thank you for loving this series as much as I do! Brooke xo AUTHOR’S NOTE I wanted to give my readers a more intimate story, so I’ve included multiple exchanges of Molly & Drake’s point of view I hope it brings the story together well and you all get a better understanding of their love story PROLOGUE Drake From the moment I walked into the conference hall, which was large enough for a social gathering, I spotted her from across the room She was wearing a gorgeous red knee length V-neck dress with black stilettos Simple, but stunning Her long brown hair lay beautifully on her shoulders with loose curls at the end She was casually standing near another woman, holding a drink in one hand, twirling the straw with her other hand She looked bored at best I didn’t blame her These orientation gatherings normally were They were the official meet-and-greet of the new interns for the semester I stood there and stared at her for a moment, taking her in completely I studied her as if she were a painting I couldn’t help myself She stood with such grace you would have never guessed at how clumsy she was I lost all track of time staring at her that I barely noticed it was my time to speak I cleared my throat and fixed my tie before heading to the stage I always welcomed the new interns at orientation seeing as I was the one who oversaw the program and looked through the applicants I needed to know her name Somehow, I needed to hear her voice “Welcome Thank you all for coming tonight, showing your pride as you enter a new stage in your career Riverside is excited to have you become a part of our family! You will struggle, you will fail, and better yet, you will succeed If you don’t struggle and if you don’t learn to fail, you will never know what it feels like to succeed So, before you get down on yourself, remember that This program is hard, time-consuming, and will mentally drain you, but I promise you, it’ll all be worth it.” As I was delivering my speech, I tried my hardest to scan the room and keep eye contact with the other interns and staff, but it was hard to peel my eyes away from her Just as I was telling a joke and ending my speech, it happened She laughed and smiled so big it made her cheeks turn pink She had the most beautiful smile I had ever seen She looked so carefree and full of life I wondered if she had ever had any heartbreak in her short life I certainly hoped she hadn’t By seeing her big, bright smile, you would have never known the pain she had been through I would have never guessed her fights and struggles She made it look easy Too easy “Excuse me? Mr Moon, I need to know that woman’s name.” I said to my assistant, nodding my head in her direction It wasn’t anywhere near an odd request on my part My assistant was used to my strange requests After being with me for six years, he never questioned anything I asked I decided to keep my distance from her that night knowing I wouldn’t be able to keep myself composed around her I didn’t even know her name, and I wanted to sweep her away and kiss her until our lips were bruised I decided to stay as close to her as I could without being too obvious I continued to hear her laugh as she spoke with the other woman standing near her It refreshed my heart every time Then I saw it The ring on her left hand I was in denial the second I noticed it She didn’t look any older than twenty-three, maybe twenty-four Most interns in the program were not married For some reason, deep down, I felt as if it CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE The following morning, I woke up tangled in Drake’s arms I was so giddy, I could hardly control it, but I knew I couldn’t act any different or he’d know something was up “Good morning, beautiful.” He leaned in to kiss me, making every part of me ache for his touch I leaned over, kissing him back as I straddled him “And a good morning it is.” I dug my pelvis against him, feeling his hardness underneath me I leaned down to kiss him, stroking my hands in his messy bedhead hair Gel that was put on from the previous day still clung to his hair, making it tough to weave my fingers in and out “I’m thinking we should spend all day in bed together,” I teased, my lips making their way to his ear, nibbling at the lobe I knew that was a very sensitive area, which usually got me exactly what I was after “That would be…amazing,” he groaned, as I placed his ear between my teeth A deep, husky panty-dropping moan let out as my lips made their way down his neck and over his chest “Then, call in sick.” “As much as I would love to, I can’t today, baby.” “Are you sure?” I asked, dropping my mouth down his torso, licking as I made my way down to where I wanted “Oh, Jesus…I can’t think straight when you that.” “That’s the point,” I teased, flicking a finger inside the waistband of his briefs I wrapped my hand around his thickness, teasing and manipulating him into what I was craving After a blissful and perfect start to our morning, I headed out to work I was still grinning when I walked into the kitchen, bumping right into Blakely “You’re happy…you just had sex, didn’t you? I can smell it.” She crossed her arms as if she was scolding me “That’s just wrong.” I laughed “I showered, so there’s no way you can smell it.” “Ha! I knew it You dirty skank.” She laughed, turning around to hand me an apron “You’re just jealous.” “Oh right, jealous I get to have sex with random men whenever I want…you’re stuck with one man,” she provoked, teasing me yet again “Now who’s the dirty skank?” I laughed, grabbing for my hat that was in her hand She bumped me in the arm as she walked away grinning Once I got into my position for the day, my mind whirled around what Blakely said…one man Was Drake the one man for me? I knew my feelings were strong and intense towards him…but part of me felt like I couldn’t hold on to hope I didn’t know whether it was because I had been let down before by fate, or if I just didn’t want to jinx myself into thinking I was finally getting my happily ever after As I racked my brain the rest of the morning, my cell phone blared Kelly Clarkson so I knew it was Michael “Hello? Everything alright?” I asked, knowing Michael only called me at work in emergencies “Can you meet me and Stella tonight at Millennium Park around 8? There’s a new showcase there Stella wants to see.” “Sure I’ll have to run home and change first.” “No, no I can swing by and drop something off Otherwise, you’ll be late since you’re working the dinner shift.” He sounded funny I didn’t know whether or not I was just imagining it, or if he was being weird “Um…okay Thanks,” I mumbled We arranged for him to drop something off and then said our goodbyes The rest of the evening went smoothly I managed to get through a whole day without wanting to throw up my entire stomach, so I was actually excited to be going to the park tonight “Well, Blakely, I’m out.” I my apron and hat up on the hook and took the dress bag Michael had sent over for me I wasn’t sure why he picked a dress for me, but the weather was nice so I went along with it “Telling Drake the big news yet?” she asked, begging for answers “No…I will though Just waiting to get in to the doctor.” I waved goodbye to her and went to go change As I left the Riverside, the beautiful sun glistened in between the buildings, making for a beautiful sunset As I watched the sun reflect off the river, I walked down the sidewalk reflecting on how much my life was about to change I couldn’t help but chuckle at how determined Stella and Liam were for Drake and I to have a baby I was starting to think Stella had some hidden secret powers Whatever she wished for always seemed to come true in some way I walked across the road, heading towards the park Michael told me to meet him in the front, but I couldn’t find them The park was crowded with other people walking around and taking pictures I heard someone call my name in the distance I turned around and saw Drake standing on top of the hill He was stunning The sun was setting right behind him He was wearing a classic black suit with a white button down and black tie It was one of my favorite looks on him Classic, but stunning Drake ran down the hill, beaming His smile was contagious As he finally met me down where I was standing, he was noticeably out of breath “What is going on?” I asked, giggling as he huffed for air “Come with me,” he finally said, as his breathing returned to normal He grabbed my hand, making my heart race all of a sudden He was making me nervous for some reason I had no idea what in the hell he was up to “Where are we going?” I asked, following after him Before he could answer, I noticed we were standing on an ice rink There were red rose petals sprinkled over the entire thing with tea light candles flickering over the ice It was breathtaking…something you would see in a movie “Oh my god…” I spun around, taking the whole thing in The sun was just setting, making the candles more noticeable “This is amazing!” I gushed I turned back around to face Drake when I saw him kneeling down on one knee Oh my god! He was smiling so big, I wondered if his cheeks were hurting I couldn’t believe he was on his knees…holding a blue Tiffany & Co box! I about squealed when he started talking… “Molly, you have no idea what you to me Every time I’m with you, I feel happy… normal…content You make me want to be a better person…you inspire me to be exactly what you deserve You have stolen my heart since the moment I laid eyes on you I want nothing more than to marry you…to hold you in my arms for the rest of my life and tell you every single day how amazing and beautiful you are I want nothing more than to be a family with you, Stella, and Liam You have changed me And I could never go back to who I once was, because I’m better because of you I have finally felt what love is supposed to feel like I want to marry you I want to be your forever and always.” He paused, breathing heavily as he opened the little blue box “Will you marry me?” Drake “Are you ready?” Michael asked me, brushing his hands over my white button up shirt, letting fuzz and lint fall to the ground “Yes You can stop groping me now,” I teased, flashing a wide smile at him “Oh god…you’re going to be one of those overly happy people now, aren’t you? All happily married and whatever.” He made a face that had me laughing out load “I wasn’t already?” “Oh you were…now it’s going to get worse,” he grinned, handing me my black suit coat He helped me put it on, brushing the fabric smooth “Don’t worry, Michael You will always be Molly’s first go-to man,” I reassured him as I say the worry plastered over his face “You better take care of my girls,” he warned “I promise.” The moment I saw Molly from the top of the hill, my mouth peaked in an ear-to-ear grin God, she looks incredible I called out to her, running down the hill until I reached her I’d have to thank Michael later for picking out her dress It fit her curves just right Molly looked amazing in anything, but the way she looked right now…took my breath away I walked her to the ice rink where I set rose petals and tea lights all over the ice It was gorgeous and I was praying like hell she would love it Her smile told me she did, and I was relieved I gushed my heart out to her, almost begging her to marry me…to be my wife I was kneeled down in front of her, holding the little blue box out in front of her She was speechless…literally She was not saying a word My heartbeat begins to race and fear overcomes me Shit, was this too soon? “Molly?” She has one hand covering her mouth, while the other one is placed lightly over her stomach as she stares at the ring and then back at me She hasn’t answered me yet, and it dawns on me that she has a tiny bump under her sweaty palms “Will you marry me?” I asked again, begging for her answer I couldn’t tell what she was thinking She continued to stare down at me, rubbing lightly over her stomach Her rounding stomach that was no longer flat Her eyes met mine as she caught me staring Oh, my word EPILOGUE Molly As I waited in line…a long line at the bagel shop, tapping my foot against the floor, I grew extremely impatient at the slow moving cashier Hello people…pregnant woman over here! I know I’m being impatient, but it’s not my fault…baby wants to eat “Mommy, can I have the chocolate bagel?” Stella pierced her eyes up to me, clenching my hand “You can have whatever you want, baby girl.” I smiled back, looking over at Michael who was waiting just as impatiently as I was Ugh, finally “Hi, may I help you?” the cashier woman asked “Yes, I need one chocolate bagel with cream cheese, one wheat grain bagel with low fat veggie cream cheese, a blueberry muffin, a pumpkin scone, and a decaf café latte.” I rambled on and glanced over at Michael’s shocked expression “What?” I asked Michael, his eyes popped open “Hungry much?” “Don’t judge me I didn’t eat much last night,” I lied I hadn’t told Michael the news yet He rolled his eyes at me as I handed cash to the cashier The doctor confirmed my pregnancy shortly after I found out She examined me, weighed me, and let me hear the heartbeat Make that…heartbeats Part of me couldn’t believe how ironic this was It was as if Stella and Liam’s wishes were coming true Twice Just as the cashier was handing me my latte, I turned around and got a glimpse of him Stanley I hadn’t seen him since he and Violet showed up that day to pick up Liam I knew I could never tell him And besides, who’d believe me anyway? The clinic was bound to a confidentiality policy, but some new aid had let the name slip out as she read the file aloud It wasn’t a big deal back then, but now…today…it would mean everything “Well, hello kids What a lovely surprise!” Stanley greeted us I said hello back, trying to keep the vile that was rising in my throat Stella began rambling a million things to him as if she’d known him her whole life I looked back up between Stella and Stanley It was sinfully cute Stella could talk to anyone…about anything I broke a smile as I watched Stanley interact with her “Well, I’d love to stay and chat, but I have a business meeting I’m waiting for.” Before he turns around, a hand leans on his shoulder, startling him from the conversation “Oh, and here he is already!” Stanley moves out of the way where I get the perfect visual of him My insides swirl in a million different ways like a roller coaster about to erupt This could not be happening My biggest nightmare is right before my eyes The reason my life took such a tailspin I realize I’m staring as Stanley continues to joke around with him I’m not sure he recognizes me, but I sure as hell recognize him Before Stanley had the chance to introduce us, I quickly let out a fake sigh as I interrupt their little chat to use the restroom It works, and as I grab Stella’s hand, I lead her the opposite way The opposite way of him Denny McMillan **Sneak Peek** SPARK Chapter One Coming August, 2013 I jolt from my sleep, smelling a smoldering aroma throughout my apartment I feel distraught, heavy, and even dizzy Where the hell am I? A loud, ear-piercing sound comes from the hallway, which I can only assume is a smoke detector Oh crap, now what did Carissa burn? Carissa Wright, my roommate and best friend I love the woman, but she couldn’t cook to save her life I chose to ignore the horrific noise, and fall back asleep She could burn water if it were possible My eyes get heavier, and I start to slip away My lungs begin to gasp for air, as my breathing is no longer controlled I heave as I try to inhale, but only smoke enters My head gets lifted, but it feels so heavy I can’t even move it My body is airborne for what feels like I’m floating I’m not Someone lifts me up from the comforts of my warm bed and carries me out of my room “Ma’am? Can you hear me?” A muffled voice that I hear in one ear asks me I nod lazily At least I think I nod My arms and legs feel so heavy I can’t even believe this person can lift me “What’s your name?” he asks again, carrying me through the living room I inhale the smoke, coughing it up as it hits my lungs “Velaney,” I whisper, hoping it’s loud enough for him to hear My hair falls loosely behind my head, wrapping my brown locks around a hard rock bicep He’s in a t-shirt, which I notice because my neck is resting on his bare arm It’s rock hard and chiseled solid “Velaney, I’m Eric.” His tongue wraps around my name so sweet that if I wasn’t already lying in his arms, I would pass out from the very sound of it His southern accent is ridiculously charming “I’m going to place this oxygen mask over you.” I nod as he places it over my face I inhale in as deep as I can The smoke thickens and I squeeze my eyes shut holding on to him as tight as I can My grip is so strong I wonder if I’m hurting him, but his muscles are so fine and curved that I highly doubt it I let him carry me out my apartment door, and as we reach the hallway, I notice the smell getting stronger Small flakes, ashes, are falling on my bare skin and in my hair The smell is revolting, heavy, and almost makes me choke I wonder how he can manage the smell, and if he’s done this before I lower the mask for a split second and ask, “Do you know where my roommate is?” I barely get the words out as I cough my way through them My lungs not approve of this I’ve never smoked a day in my life, and now they were getting their little butts kicked “She’s outside already, don’t worry, Velaney I have you.” His voice is so calm and soothing, yet I’m panicking at the fact that my apartment complex is on fire I’m suddenly aware that I’m not in my typical nightwear I brush my fingers along my stomach to feel lace Oh god Tuesday is laundry night, usually I skipped a few weeks working extra shifts at the bar I was out of my usual yoga stretch pants and all was left was a lacy nighty I got as a gift from my exboyfriend I stashed it in the bottom of my drawer after we broke up, but tonight of all nights is when I wear it Face palm I wonder if he notices Of course he does The damn thing barely brushes my butt cheeks and my smooth legs are wrapped up in his arms He continues carrying me down five floors of stairs He doesn’t appear out of breath, or even act as if I’m too heavy At five foot six inches, I weighed a merely one hundred thirty pounds, but most of it was toned muscled from running “Laney!” I hear Carissa’s voice scream as we walk outside The cold air hits me hard on the face as the streets of Boston are crowding with loud sirens and huge fire trucks The streetlights are still on, and I notice the full moon directly above us Eric places me on my feet I whip the mask off and run barefoot to where Carissa and the rest of my neighbors are standing “What the hell happened?” I ask, wrapping my arms around her neck She’s in tears I a once over making sure she’s all right I notice she’s in booty shorts and a tank top I wrap my arms around my body trying to cover the fact that eighty percent of my skin is bare “Ms Oakley left a candle burning in her kitchen next to a god damned towel!” she yells over the mass chaos “The fucking thing goes up in flames! By the time I went to get you, a man—a hot man, I may add, was all ready carrying you, so I ran down the stairs as fast as I could.” She looks down at her feet, and I realize neither of us are wearing shoes A man comes up behind the both of us and wraps us in a heavy cloth blanket It’s heated and feels so amazing “Thank you,” I mumble, not glancing in his direction I’m so distraught and upset that I can’t even remember the man’s name that saved me “Is he a firefighter?” I ask turning in closer to her “Who?” She looks up “The guy you said rescued me He wasn’t wearing the uniform.” “That one over there?” She nods her head towards a tall, built man who resembles a firefighter I see an oxygen tank and mask in his hand “He’s wearing a Boston Fire Department shirt.” “I don’t remember his name He told me though.” “Go ask him,” she says, smiling “Oh, right I’ll just walk my half naked butt right on over there and say ‘Hey thanks for saving me What’s your name again?’ Because that won’t sound pathetic or anything,” I say sarcastically, getting an eye roll from Carissa “Well, you should at least thank him, Lane I mean, seriously Look at that fucking body!” Carissa tilts her head at him, enjoying the view She has absolutely no regard for language Or class for that matter We are complete polar opposites, and if our moms didn’t meet giving birth in the hospital, we’d probably never be friends “I will Just…not right now.” I wanted to, but the moment just didn’t seem right He wasn’t in uniform, but he was speaking to someone on his radio “Ladies,” an older gentleman approaches us “We have secured a nearby shelter for you all They have food, clothes, blankets, and anything else you’ll need.” He’s sweet He reminds me of my grandfather with his salt and pepper hair and deep Boston accent “Thank you!” We follow him to the shuttle and wait until everyone is seated Our floor was the only one affected, so most of the residents go back in once the fire is out We arrive at the shelter by sunrise The air warms up slightly, and I’m no longer shivering The goose bumps up and down my arms and legs are still present, but that’s mostly due to my anxiety in full-blown mode “Sleep with me.” Carissa crawls in the twin bed with me, knowing that I need her She’s the strong-willed one, the one that always speaks up, and has the loudest mouth in Boston As I fall asleep I think about running I run I mean, I run a lot I miss my Nike’s right now Lacy nighty or not, I’d run right now if I could The Boston air at five in the morning is possibly the best air in the world It’s right when night meets day and their paths cross for a moment where the moon and sun are both in the sky Half the sky still blue, and the other half filled with oranges and reds The more I run, the more I’m free The faster I run, the more my past is behind me Way, way behind “Lane, wake up.” She shakes me until my eyes peek open She has called me Lane or Laney since she could talk In fact, that’s the only reason she does call me that When we were only two years old, that’s how she said Velaney, and well over the years, it just stuck Everyone else calls me Velaney though, or Vel Lane is just for her My parents couldn’t agree on my name to save their lives Nine months pregnant and still arguing about it My father wanted Delaney so I would grow up to be a tomboy, and my mother wanted Veronica after her grandmother After the nurses asked them my name, they compromised and formed, Velaney “What’s wrong?” I mumble, rubbing my eyes awake Smoke and ash still cover my body and eyes The smell is definitely still apparent I need a shower “That guy is here.” She’s smiling, which only means she’s talking about a hot guy “Who?” I look around trying to figure out whom she’s talking about “From the fire The one who rescued you.” She says rescued as if it’s a treasured word and twirls it around her tongue “Crap, where?” I panic, unprepared to let him see me again At least I changed and no longer look like a street corner hooker She nods her head to what looks like a kitchen area He’s talking with a few other people I get a better view of him now A damned good view Forget him being muscular He wasn’t just muscular—he was chiseled so damn hard he could crack squirrel nuts between his biceps My eyes wandered up to his abs, triceps, and pecks His shirt looked painted on it was so tight against him The V-neck was a perfect touch, giving a small view of hair on his chest His jeans are ripped, of freaking course, and his shoes—no boots, cowboy boots are sticking out the bottom He stands so tall and manly; I squint my eyes to make sure he was for real He turns his head and his eyes meet mine I quickly flinch away hoping he didn’t just catch me gawking at him “Oh, shit He’s coming this way, Lane.” She starts combing through my tangled knots in my hair I toss her a look and she winks at me as if I’m supposed to know what to with that “Velaney, right?” He approaches Carissa is smiling like an idiot as she brings her hand out to shake his “Yes And I’m Carissa Her roommate.” She smiles wide again He tosses her a smile back and looks back at me “I just wanted to come and make sure y’all were doing all right.” His perfectly shaped white teeth me in I have a small fetish for teeth…okay, perhaps a big fetish That’s what happens when your dad owns his own dental practice I grew up staring at teeth My dad showed me pictures of smokers, tobacco chewers, non-flossers, gum disease, the whole works “Hi,” I manage to plainly say “Sorry, I forgot your name.” I’m extremely embarrassed; my cheeks heat as I watch him closely “Eric Reilley I’m on the BFD It’s nice to officially meet y’all.” He shakes my hand and rubs the pad of his thumb over mine before he releases He has large hands Large manly firefighter hands His thumb is callused, which strangely sends a tingle down my spine He releases, and I finally exhale the air I’ve been holding in since I saw him walking towards me “Thank you, Mr Reilley for what you did Honestly, you saved me I appreciate it.” I give him my best adult voice “Oh, please Call me Eric My father is Mr Reilley.” He nods his chin over to where he was earlier The older man he’s referring to is the salt and peppered hair man that helped me the night before Hmmm…father and son firefighters You don’t see that every day “And the pleasure is all mine, Velaney I’m just glad I found you in time You would’ve burnt right up in that lace.” He grins, obviously remembering what he found me in “Oh, crap.” I dug my head in my hands “That is the last time I’m ever wearing that damn thing.” I look back up to him laughing “I’m glad my embarrassment is amusing.” Carissa elbows my arm telling me to lighten up I give her my best evil eye and throw my legs over the side of the bed we shared “You two are safe to go home now The hallway has smoke damage, but your apartment is safe However, I’d leave the windows open to get the smell out.” He nods back at his dad as I see the group walking out “Well, if ya ladies are ready, I can take you back.” Carissa is leaping with joy I’m dreading it “Oh, you don’t have to that,” I insist, but with no back up way to get home, I don’t argue when he says he insists “We’re neighbors.” He blurts out as he escorts us to his car I shoot him a look and he continues, “I live in the apartment below you.” Everything finally starts making sense as to how he got to my apartment so fast, and why he wasn’t in uniform “You keep an oxygen tank in your apartment?” I ask “Yeah You never know.” He winked, and opened his door for me Carissa scoots in next to me and lightly pinches my arm I look at her and she is unnecessarily giddy She is all into the whole cliché love stories Girl meets boy Boy saves girl Girl and boy live happily ever after Too bad that wasn’t my story—was never going to be my story—and could never be my story **This chapter is unedited and subject to change before publication** More books by Brooke Cumberland Spark, A stand-alone novel Coming August 6, 2013 Wonderstruck, A stand-alone novel Coming October 2013 Kitchen Promises, the third book in the Riverside Series Coming December 2013 ABOUT THE AUTHOR Brooke is a Midwestern gal, from the cheese state of Wisconsin! Go Packers! She is a stay-at-home mom of three beautiful children (one daughter & two stepsons) and in her rare spare time loves to write She studied psychology in college, and counseling and education in graduate school where she fell in love with writing and learning about human behavior Most days you can find her reading and/or writing, and just hanging out with her family She loves movies, cooking, and shopping She’s addicted to Starbucks & Coach purses Please visit her pages to stay updated! www.goodreads.com/brookecumberland www.facebook.com/brookecumberlandauthor www.brookecumberland.blogspot.com Twitter @ blcumberland I would LOVE to hear your feedback! So please rate & review! ... turned and grabbed a box out of my dresser Her eyes widened, looking panicked almost She grabbed it out of my hand and slowly opened it Her eyes softened as she realized it was a key She pulled... she tripped reaching for the handle I smiled to myself as I realized she was quite the klutz My heart raced as she thanked me, not realizing who I was yet As she turned around, I am slapped in the... need to get out of bed.” I laughed, realizing it was late in the day already “My legs are jelly.” “Mine, too.” He huffed a laugh, clearly content “Guess we need to order in.” I winced as I tried

Ngày đăng: 14/12/2018, 14:42



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