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Space knowledge and power foucault and geography

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SPACE, KNOWLEDGE AND POWER This page intentionally left blank Space, Knowledge and Power Foucault and Geography Edited by JEREMY W CRAMPTON Georgia State University, USA and STUART ELDEN Durham University, UK © Jeremy Crampton and Stuart Elden 2007 All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher Jeremy W Crampton and Stuart Elden have asserted their right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as the editors of this work Published by Ashgate Publishing Limited Gower House Croft Road Aldershot Hampshire GU11 3HR England Ashgate Publishing Company Suite 420 101 Cherry Street Burlington, VT 05401-4405 USA Ashgate website: http://www.ashgate.com British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Space, knowledge and power : Foucault and geography Foucault, Michel - Knowledge - Geography Foucault, Michel - Influence Spatial behavior Geography Philosophy I Foucault, Michel II Crampton, Jeremy W III Elden, Stuart, 1971304.2'3 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Space, knowledge, and power : Foucault and geography / edited by Jeremy W Crampton and Stuart Elden p cm Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN: 978-0-7546-4654-9 (hardback) ISBN: 978-0-7546-4655-6 (pbk.) Geography Philosophy Foucault, Michel, 1926-1984 I Crampton, Jeremy W II Elden, Stuart, 1971G70.S673 2007 910.01 dc22 2006025030 ISBN: 978-0-7546-4654-9 (hardback) ISBN: 978-0-7546-4655-6 (pbk.) Printed and bound in Great Britain by TJ International Ltd, Padstow, Cornwall Contents List of Figures and Tables List of Contributors Acknowledgements Introduction Space, Knowledge and Power: Foucault and Geography Stuart Elden and Jeremy W Crampton viii ix xi PART Questions Chapter Some Questions from Michel Foucault to Hérodote Michel Foucault, Translated by Stuart Elden 19 PART Francophone Responses – 1977 Chapter Hérodote Editorial Translated by Gerald Moore 23 Chapter Response: Jean-Michel Brabant Translated by Gerald Moore 25 Chapter Response: Alain Joxe Translated by Gerald Moore 29 Chapter Response: Jean-Bernard Racine and Claude Raffestin Translated by Gerald Moore 31 Chapter Response: Michel Riou Translated by Gerald Moore 35 PART Anglophone Responses – 2006 Chapter The Kantian Roots of Foucault’s Dilemmas David Harvey 41 Chapter Geography, Gender and Power Sara Mills 49 Space, Knowledge and Power vi Chapter Overcome by Space: Reworking Foucault Nigel Thrift 53 Chapter 10 Foucault Among the Geographers Thomas Flynn 59 PART Contexts Chapter 11 Strategy, Medicine and Habitat: Foucault in 1976 Stuart Elden Chapter 12 Formations of ‘Foucault’ in Anglo-American Geography: An Archaeological Sketch Matthew Hannah Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Catalysts and Converts: Sparking Interest for Foucault among Francophone Geographers Juliet J Fall Could Foucault have Revolutionized Geography? Claude Raffestin, Translated by Gerald Moore 67 83 107 129 PART Texts Chapter 15 The Incorporation of the Hospital into Modern Technology Michel Foucault, Translated by Edgar Knowlton Jr., William J King, and Stuart Elden 141 Chapter 16 The Meshes of Power Michel Foucault, Translated by Gerald Moore 153 Chapter 17 The Language of Space Michel Foucault, Translated by Gerald Moore 163 Chapter 18 The Force of Flight Michel Foucault, Translated by Gerald Moore 169 Chapter 19 Questions on Geography Michel Foucault, Translated by Colin Gordon 173 Contents vii PART Development Chapter 20 Geographies of Governmentality Margo Huxley 185 Chapter 21 The History of Medical Geography after Foucault Gerry Kearns 205 Chapter 22 Maps, Race and Foucault: Eugenics and Territorialization Following World War I Jeremy W Crampton 223 Chapter 23 Beyond the Panopticon? Foucault and Surveillance Studies David Murakami Wood 245 Chapter 24 Beyond the European Province: Foucault and Postcolonialism Stephen Legg 265 Chapter 25 Foucault, Sexuality, Geography Philip Howell 291 Chapter 26 The Problem with Empire Mathew Coleman and John A Agnew 317 Chapter 27 ‘Bellicose History’ and ‘Local Discursivities’: An Archaeological Reading of Michel Foucault’s Society Must be Defended Chris Philo Index 341 369 List of Figures and Tables Figures Figure 21.1 Figure 21.2 Figure 22.1 Figure 22.2 Some themes in the work of Michel Foucault The dimensions of the subjectivation of adult male citizens in fourth-century (BCE) Greek society 209 Conflicting ethnic claims in the Balkans Detail of Figure 22.1 227 229 Some links between medical geography and the historical writings of Michel Foucault 206 Immigrants into the United States from Southeast and Eastern Europe 238 211 Tables Table 21.1 Table 22.1 List of Contributors John A Agnew is Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles Jean-Michel Brabant was a member of the Hérodote editorial staff Mathew Coleman is Assistant Professor, Ohio State University Jeremy W Crampton is Associate Professor at Georgia State University Stuart Elden is Reader at Durham University Juliet J Fall is an Academic Fellow at The Open University Thomas Flynn is Professor at Emory University Colin Gordon is the editor of The Foucault Effect and Power/Knowledge, and Director, NHSIA Disease Management Systems Programme, Royal Brompton Hospital (London) Matthew Hannah is Associate Professor, the University of Vermont David Harvey is Distinguished Professor at City University of New York Graduate Center Philip Howell is a Senior Lecturer and Fellow of Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge Margo Huxley is Senior Lecturer at the University of Sheffield Alain Joxe is Director of Studies at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris Gerry Kearns is a University Senior Lecturer and Fellow of Jesus College, University of Cambridge William J King is at the University of Hawaii Edgar Knowlton Jr is Professor Emeritus, the University of Hawaii ‘Bellicose History’ and ‘Local Discursivities’: Society Must be Defended 363 The longer I continue, the more it seems to me that the formation of discourses and the genealogy of knowledge need to be analyzed, not in terms of types of consciousness, modes of perception and forms of ideology, but in terms of tactics and strategies of power Tactics and strategies deployed through implantations, distributions, demarcations, control of territories and organizations of domains which could well make up a sort of geopolitics where my preoccupations would link up with your methods One theme I would like to study in the next few years is that of the army as a matrix of organization and knowledge; one would need to study the history of the fortress, the ‘campaign’, the ‘movement’, the colony, the territory Geography must indeed necessarily lie at the heart of my concerns (Foucault 1980b, 77; this volume, 182) Acknowledgements Very substantial thanks to Stuart Elden for his encouragement, advice and patience, and for the quality of his Foucauldian scholarship, and also to Jeremy W Crampton for his help as well Thanks as well to the hills, lochans and paths around Arisaig, Mora and Mallaig, where many of the ideas for this chapter were formulated References Agomben, G (1998) Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bore Life Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press [trans., orig 1995] Barnes, T.J (2000) ‘Local Knowledge.’ In R.J Johnston, D Gregory, G Pratt and M Watts (Eds) The Dictionary of Human Geography (4th ed.) 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Postmodern Geographies: The Reassertion of Space in Critical Social Theory London: Verso Stone, B.E (2004) ‘Defending Society from the Abnormal: The Archaeology of Biopower.’ Foucault Studies, 1, 77–91 Strohmayer, U and M Hannah (1992) ‘Domesticating Postmodernism.’ Antipode, 24, 29–55 Surowiecki, J (2005) ‘Book Review of Society Must be Defended.’ Originally in Bookforum, but consulted at: http://www.holizbrinckpublishers.com./academic/ book/BookDisplay.asp?bookKey This page intentionally left blank Index Michel Foucault is referred to as MF A Actor-Network Theory 11, 245, 256 Agamben, Georgio 281 agency-structure issue 98 Agnew, John A 12, 317–39 agora 31 AIDS geography of 11 and medical geography 214–16, 217 Allen, Amy 41 Althusser, Louis 63 American Geographical Society (AGS) 225 anatomy, and geography 130–31 Anglo 111, 117 meaning 107 anthropology, Kant on 43–4 anthropology teacher, Kant as 42, 43 antihumanism, MF’s 53–4 apartheid, spatial control 279 ‘archaeology’, MF’s approach 59, 76, 84–6, 88, 94, 348 example 95–6 archipelago 176 armies, professionalization 145–6, 157 Arnold, David, Colonizing the Body 280 assemblages 256 ‘author’, MF as 89 ‘authorities of delimitation’ 100 meaning 90 B Bailly, Antoine 113 Balkans ethnic claims detail 229 map 227 spatialization of race 241 Bentham, Jeremy, Panopticon 67, 93, 194, 249–50 MF’s analysis 60, 248, 250 Berdoulay, Vincent 114 Berry, Brian 32 Besse, Jean-Marc 107 Binnie, Jon 309 biopower 298 and discipline 324–5 meaning 279 and space 278–80 borders geopolitical 226 Italy, Yugoslavia 226, 228 Boulainviller, Henry de 354–5, 358 Bourdieu, Pierre 112 Bowman, Isaiah 225, 226, 228, 232, 233–4 Boyne, Roy 248 Brabant, Jean-Michel 25–7 Braun, Bruce 279 British Columbia, native studies 279 Brown, Michael, Closet Space 309 Brunet, Roger, Chorèmes 115 Buckingham, James Silk 196 Buléon, Pascal 109 Bunge, William 33 Burton, Richard, Sir 298 Butler, Judith 310 Butor, Michel, Description de San Marco 166–7 C Canguilhem, Georges 62 The Normal and the Pathological 54 cartography MF on 223–5 nineteenth-century activity 224–5 and race 239–41 Chakrabarty, Dipesh, Habitations of Modernity 280 Chatterjee, Partha 276, 277, 280–81 Chauncey, George 308, 309 Chivallon, Christine 108, 112, 123–4 Christaller, Walter 31, 32, 33 citation conventions, impact 116 370 Space, Knowledge and Power class struggle as knowledge source 35–6 war as 35 Claval, Paul 109, 113 Espace et Pouvoir 120 Clayton, Daniel 99, 279 ‘closet’, discourse of 308–9 Cohen, Sande 109 Coleman, Mathew 12, 317–39 Collignon, Béatrice 114 colonialism ‘absence’, in MF 266–9 and geography 268–9 see also postcolonialism confessional booth, and spatial relations 50–51 Contagious Diseases Acts, UK (1864–89) 302–3 Cook, Hera 306 Corbin, Alain, on regulationism 303, 304 Crampton, Jeremy W 1–16, 22344 Crush, Jonathan 278 Cusset, Franỗois 109, 116 D Dardel, Éric 134–5 Davenport, Charles B 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 236–7, 238, 240 Davidson, Arnold 75 Dean, Mitchell 268 Debarbieux, Bernard 113, 116 Defert, Daniel 69 Deleuze, Gilles 11, 72, 253–4 Demangeon, Alain, Les vaisseaux et les villes (co-author) 74 Derrida, Jacques, Subaltern Studies, influence on 277 Désert, Jean-Ulrich 310 Di Meo, Guy 113, 117 MF’s influence on 122–3 dietetics, MF on 211–12 discipline and biopower 324–5 in education 160 evolution of 146 in hospitals 148–9 localization of 322–3 military 146–7, 157, 159–60 as power technique 147–8, 159–60 as space analysis 147 in workshops 157 discourse analysis, colonial 273 of the ‘closet’ 308–9 as monument 96 of orientalism 270 of sexuality 293–4, 295, 306 ‘discursive formations’ 88, 90 n 4, 96, 100 disease, and spatialization 71–2 displacement 176 disqualified knowledges 348–50 Doel, Marcus 94, 101 domain 176 Donzelot, Jacques 78 Driver, Felix 2, 91, 92, 96, 98, 102, 192, 272, 300 Geography Militant 269 Duncan, James 278 Dupont, Louis 114 E education, discipline in 160 Elden, Stuart 1–16, 67–81, 87, 93, 102, 293, 295, 320 Mapping the Present 101 Enlightenment, MF on 349–50 ‘enunciative modalities’, formation 100–102 eugenics 230–33 Eugenics Record Office (ERO), US 231–2, 233, 237, 238, 240 Eurocentrism, MFs 267, 268, 298 Ewald, Franỗois 78 F Fall, Juliet J 5, 77, 107–27 field, definition 176 Flynn, Thomas 4, 59–64 Fortier, Bruno, Les vaisseaux et les villes (co-author) 74 ‘Foucault’ as archaeologist 94, 102 as construction 83–4, 87, 88 exegesis 101–2 formation as object 88–90 geographic construction of 89–90, 91, 92–3, 102 ‘shelf-life’ 95 Index Foucault, Michel activities (1976) 67–81 contexts 77 affect, failure to discuss 54 antihumanism 53–4 ‘archaeology’ approach 59, 76, 84–6, 88, 94, 95–6, 348 as ‘author’ 89 on cartography 223–5 collaborative works 72–3, 78 colonialism ‘absence’ 266–9 influences 268–9 postcolonialism studies 99 criticisms of 53–6 on dietetics 211–12 on the Enlightenment 349–50 Eurocentrism 267, 268, 298 ‘genealogy’ approach 76, 84, 85, 348 geographers, influence on 2, 86–7, 91–4, 98–9, 101–2 on geographical metaphors 176–7 on geography 175, 362–3 geography Francophone, lack of influence on 108–9, 113–18, 123, 124 significance for MF 182, 362–3 on governmentality 6–7, 186, 210–13, 278 as grand social theorist 99, 100 on ‘green spaces’, Paris 73–5 heterotopia 2–3, 44, 45, 55, 122–3 histories, critical and effective 213–16 on history writing 351–8 on identity 180 influence on Di Meo 122 Raffestin 118–20 interviews ‘The Masked Philosopher’ 83 ‘Questions on Geography’ 1–2, 3, 8, 13, 19–20, 75–7, 173–82, 224 Anglophone responses 41–64 Francophone responses 23–37 ‘Space, Knowledge, and Power’ 224 ‘The Ethic of Care for Self’ 76 ‘The Subject and Power’ 76 Kantian influences 41–6 on knowledge 75–6, 175, 358–9 371 lectures The Abnormals 50, 68, 72 Du gouvernement des vivants 69 ‘The Incorporation of the Hospital into Modern Technology’ 5–6, 141–51 ‘The Meshes of Power’ 6, 67, 153–62 Naissance de la biopolitique 69, 122 Le pouvoir psychiatrique 68, 70, 72, 75 Securité, Territoire, Population 6, 69, 71, 75, 333 Society Must Be Defended 3, 4, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 75, 76, 77, 267, 282, 332 archaeological reading 343–63 on Leviathan 320–21 as literary critic on Machiavelli on madness 208–9 on the map, as power/knowledge instrument 180 medical geography, links to history writings 206, 216 on medicine and habitat 71–2 on panopticism 178–9, 248, 250 as philosopher 101 on philosophy 124 politics postmodernism 96–7 on power 6, 50, 76, 153–61, 343–5 on prostitution, regulation 302–3, 305–6 on punishment 246 on Rebeyrolle’s Dogs 169–72 review, ‘Bio-histoire et bio-politique’ 73 on sexual subjectivity 307–8, 324 on sexuality 293–306 on sovereignty 332 on space 5, 7–8, 45–6, 73, 117, 362 language of 163–7 spatiality 9, 55 spatialized thinking 59–60 on state racism 225 on strategy 70–71 Subaltern Studies, influence on 276 on subjectivity 319–20, 321–2 on subjugated knowledges 346–50 texts 5–8, 116 things, lack of 55–6 372 Space, Knowledge and Power work projected 67–8 themes 208–9 works Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View (translator) 41–2 The Archaeology of Knowledge 4, 53, 75, 85, 86, 87, 89, 90, 93, 96, 100, 122, 173, 268, 273, 350, 360 The Birth of the Clinic 4, 5, 71, 76, 85, 101, 208 The Care of the Self 255 The Children’s Crusade (planned) 67 Discipline and Punish 2, 4, 6, 11, 55, 60, 67, 69, 70, 91, 94, 101, 176, 178, 188, 195, 208, 245, 272, 300 analysis 246–9 critiques 249–52 popularity 93 Dits et écrits 77 The Flesh and the Body (planned) 67, 68 ‘The Force of Flight’ 7–8, 169–72 Histoire de la folie see Madness and Civilization History of Madness 4, 72, 75 see also Madness and Civilization The History of Sexuality 2, 4, 6, 11, 68, 69, 70, 87, 93, 210, 225, 291, 304 geographies in 292–9 ‘Introduction’ 292–3, 295, 297–8, 299, 300–301 popularity 292 projected volumes 67–8 ‘The Language of Space’ 7, 163–7 Madness and Civilization 53, 101, 208, 268, 345 medical geography in 209–10 Les Mots et les Choses 109 ‘Nietzsche, history, genealogy’ 348 ‘On governmentality’ 185 The Order of Things 7, 53, 55, 60, 75, 109, 174 Panopticon (Bentham), editor 67 The Perverse (planned) 68 ‘The Politics of Health in the Eighteenth Century’ 67, 71 Politique de l’habitat (1800–1850) (editor) 67, 72 Population and Races (planned) 68 Society Must Be Defended 3, 4, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 75, 76, 77, 267, 282, 332 archaeological reading 343–63 The Use of Pleasure 211 ‘What is an author’ 89 The Will to Knowledge 24, 67, 68, 70, 76, 109, 119, 129 Woman, Mother, and Hysteric (planned) 68 Foucault Studies, e-journal 102 Fourquet, Franỗois, Les ộquipments du pouvoir (co-author) 72 France, university system 110–11 G Galton, Francis 230 Garrison, William 32 gay men, geographies 308–9 Geddes, Patrick 198–9 ‘genealogy’ approach, MF’s 76, 84, 85, 348 geographical gaze as clinical gaze 130–32, 133, 135 lyricism 134–5 geographical metaphors, MF on 176–7 geographies gay men 308–9 of sexuality 292–312 geography and anatomy 130–31 and colonialism 268–9 comparative, history as 60 as ‘condition of possibility’ 42, 45, 46 as domination tool 31–2 feminist 49 Francophone 110–13 feminism, absence 123 and history 110 MF’s lack of influence on 108–9, 113–18, 123, 124 uniformity 111–12 history, medical topics in 205–8 in History of Sexuality 292–9 and identity 239–40 as intelligence gathering 180–81 Kant on 44 Index and landscape 132–3, 176 as liberation means 37 Marxist, absence of 181 meanings 37 MF on 175, 362–3 MF’s influence on 86–7, 91–4, 98–9, 101–2 panopticism in 101 and the philosophical gaze 135 postcolonial 273–5 Quebec 112 scientific status 26 significance for MF 182, 362–3 Switzerland 112–13, 121 see also medical geography geography teacher, Kant as 42, 43 geopolitics of sexuality 297 US foreign policy 317 Giddens, Anthony 98 Glacken, Clarence 205–6 globalization 61 Gordon, Colin 92 Gould, P., The Slow Plague 214 government, meaning 186–7 governmentality 78 aspects 187–8 geographies of 186–200 examples 192–3 as governmental self-formation 188–9 meaning 187 MF on 6–7, 186, 210–13, 278 sources, in MF’s works 186 and space 190–91, 193–9 studies 185 and subjectivation 210–13 Gramsci, Antonio, The Prison Notebooks 325 Grant, Madison, The Passing of the Great Race 232 ‘green spaces’, Paris, MF on 73–5 Greenwood, James, ‘A Night in the Workhouse’ 301, 302 Gregory, Derek 99, 269, 274, 279, 281 Geographical Imaginations 2, 91 Ideology, Science and Human Geography 92 ‘grids of specification’ 90, 97–9, 100 meaning 97 373 Guattari, Félix 72 Guha, Ranajit 275 H Halperin, David 308, 311 Hannah, Matthew 2, 4, 77, 83–105, 193, 278–9 Governmentality and the Mastery of Territory in Nineteenth Century America Hardt, Michael, Empire (co-author) 12, 317–19, 325–7, 328–31, 333–4 Harris, Chauncy 32 Harris, Cole 279 Hartshorne, Richard, The Nature of Geography 205 Harvey, David 33, 41–7, 223 Social Justice and the City 2, 77, 91 Harvey, Karen 299 Heidegger, Martin 122 Hepple, Leslie W 114, 115 heterotopia, MF’s 2–3, 44, 45, 55, 122–3 see also space history ‘bellicose’ 355–6, 360 as comparative geography 60 counterhistory 352–3, 357 ‘Roman history’ approach 352 ‘society’ in 353–4 writing, MF on 351–8 Hobbes, Thomas, Leviathan 324 MF on 320–21 Homeric return 163 horizon 176 hospitals 18th century investigations of 141–3 discipline in 148–9, 151 maritime/military 145, 146 medicalization 144–5, 148 characteristics 149–51 doctor’s role 150–51 pre-18th century function 143–4 as therapeutic instrument 141 Hotel Dieu, Paris 142, 144, 150 Howard, John 141, 143 Howell, Philip 11, 12, 99, 279–80, 291–315 Hubbard, Phil 307 Humboldt, Alexander von 132 on landscape 134 Huxley, Margo 10, 95, 185–204 374 Space, Knowledge and Power I identity and geography 239–40 MF on 180 ideology, and science 26 Ideology and Consciousness journal 185 immigration restriction, and race 238–9 Inquiry group (US) 225–30 race-based mapping 233–7 intelligence gathering, geography as 180–81 Italy, Yugoslavia, border dispute 226, 228 J Jackson, Peter A 266 Johnson, Douglas 226 Joxe, Alain 29–30 K Kant, Immanuel on anthropology 43–4 as anthropology teacher 42, 43 on geography 44 as geography teacher 42, 43 influence on MF 41–6 space, conception of 45–6 Kearns, Gerry 10, 12, 77, 91, 92, 205–22 Kesby, Mike 279 knowledge class struggle as source of 35–6 geographic 223 MF on 75–6, 175, 358–9 popular, and theory 32 and power 61, 120, 177 and practice 130 see also disqualified knowledges; subjugated knowledges Koven, Seth, Slumming 301 Kriegel, Blandine 78 L Lacoste, Yves 115, 121 Lafargue, Paul 206 landscape and geography 132–3, 176 Humboldt on 134 literary 134 Laporte, Roger, La Veille 164 Laqueur, Thomas 293 Latour, Bruno 246 Laughlin, Harry H 231, 232 Le Clézio, J.-M.-G., Le Procès Verbal 164–5 Lefebvre, Henri 122 The Urban Revolution 45 Lefort, Claude, Democracy and Political Theory 326 Legg, Stephen 11, 12, 265–89, 297 Lévy, Jacques 108, 113, 114, 121 Liberalism, Marxism, connection 248 liberation, and geography 37 Lippmann, Walter 228 Livingstone, D 208 The Geographical Tradition 207 localization, of discipline 322–3 Lotringer, Sylvère 109 Lussault, Michel 108, 110, 117–18, 123 M McEwan, Cheryl 274 Macey, David 83 madness, MF on 208–9 Magdalen Hospital, London 12, 302 map, as power/knowledge instrument, MF on 180 Marsh, George Perkins 135 Marx, Karl, on power 156–7 Marxism in geography, absence of 181 Liberalism, connection 248 Mason, Michael 306 Matless, David 96 medical gaze 303 medical geography and AIDS 214–16, 217 as environmentalism 207, 214 links with MF’s historical works 206, 216 in Madness and Civilization 209–10 and power relations 217 as spatial science 207–8 medicine, and habitat, MF on 71–2 Megill, Alan 84–5 Mendel, Gregor Johann 230 Mezes, Sidney 228–9 Mills, Sara 4, 49–51, 294 Minca, Claudio 107–8 modernity 326 Murard, Lion, Les équipments du pouvoir (co-author) 72 Index N Negri, Antonio, Empire (co-author) 12, 317–19, 325–7, 328–31, 333–4 Nussbaum, Felicity 299 O objects, descriptive method 90 Ogborn, Miles 96, 102, 302 Ollier, Claude Été indien 165–6 Le Maintien de l’ordre 165 La Mise en scène 165 Orain, Olivier 119 orientalism, discourse of 270 Osborne, T 194–5 P Paasi, Ansi 108 panopticism in geography 101 MF on 178–9, 248, 250 and plague 247–8 as surveillance metaphor 252–7, 300 Panopticon 60, 67, 93, 194, 245, 247, 248 prisons, resemblance to 249 Passarge, Siegfried 133 Philo, Chris 2, 12, 84, 85, 86, 89, 91, 94, 98, 99, 100–101, 191–2, 300, 341–67 ‘Foucault’s Geography’ 95, 96–7 philosophical gaze, and geography 135 philosophy, MF on 124 Pickles, John plague, and panopticism 247–8 police, invention of 179 political historicism, MF on 357–8 Polizeiwissenschaft 324 postcolonialism research 282 studies, MF’s 99 theory 265 Poulantzas, Nicos 98 power classical 147 conception of 154 force, distinction 62 and knowledge 61, 120, 177 Marx on 156–7 meanings 23, 36, 49 mechanisms 154–5, 156–9 375 MF on 6, 50, 76, 153–61, 343–5 possession of 36 Raffestin on 119–20, 121 and sexuality 161–2 and space 49 and spatial relations 50–51 and spatiality 50 of the state 26–7 and strategy 29 technique, discipline as 147–8, 159–60 as war 344–5 power relations, and medical geography 217 power situations examples 64 power institutions, distinction 63 practice, and knowledge 130 Prakash, Gyan 99, 277, 280 Pred, Allen 91 Prieto, Luis 129 prostitution regulation, MF on 302–3, 305–6 as useful delinquency 303–4 punishment, MF on 246 Q Quebec, geography 112 queer theory 309–11 R Rabinow, Paul 192–3 race 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 73, 99 and cartography 239–41 and immigration restriction 238–9 spatialization 239–41 Racine, Jean-Bernard 30–33, 113 racism, state example of 225–37 MF on 225 Raffestin, Claude 3, 5, 30–33, 108, 110, 113, 114, 115, 129–37 criticism of 120–21 MF’s influence 118–20 Pour une géographie du pouvoir 118–19, 120 on power 119–20, 121 Ransom, John 296 Rawls, John, A Theory of Justice 77 Razac, Olivier, Histoire Politique du Barbelé 110 376 Space, Knowledge and Power Rebeyrolle, Paul Dogs, MF on 169–72 region 176 regulationism, Corbin on 303, 304 rhizomes 255 Richardson, Benjamin, Hygeia: a city of health 197 Riou, Michel 35–7 Ripley, William, The Races of Europe 234 Robinson, Jennifer 278, 279 ‘Roman history’ approach, to history 352 Rose, Nikolas 92, 194–5 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 155 Ruffié, Jacques, De la biologie la culture 73 S Said, Edward 11, 99, 265 MF’s influence on 269–75 works Culture and Imperialism 272, 273, 275 Orientalism 267, 270, 272, 274–5 Sartre, Jean-Paul, Critique of Dialectical Reason 59 Schaub, Uta Liebman 266 Schmitt, Carl 319, 327–8 science, and ideology 26 Scott, David 280 Sedgwick, Eve, Kosofsky 310 Epistemology of the Closet 308 Senellart, Michel 78 September 11 (2001) events 12, 317 sexual subjectivity, MF on 307–8, 324 sexuality discourse of 293–4, 295, 306 geographies of 292–312 geopolitics of 297 MF on 293–306 and power 161–2 production of 293, 294 sites of 296–7 spatiality 299 and workhouses 301 Siena, Kevin 302 Sioux Native Americans, spatial control 278–9 ‘society’, in history 353–4 Society and Space journal 92, 93 Söderström, Ola 113, 114, 116, 118 soil 176 Soja, Edward 99 Postmodern geographies 91 Soubeyran, Olivier 114 sovereignty, MF on 332 space analysis, discipline as 147 and governmentality 190–91, 193–9 Kantian conception 45–6 language of, MF on 163–7 MF on 5, 7–8, 45–6, 73, 117, 362 and power 49 production, democratic control of 33 and strategy 25–6 territory, distinction 120 see also heterotopia spatial control apartheid 279 Sioux Native Americans 278–9 spatial rationality dispositional 195–6 generative 196–7 models 195–9 vitalist 197–9 spatial relations and the confessional booth 50–51 and power 50–51 spatial science, medical geography as 207, 207–8 spatiality MF’s 9, 55 and power 50 of sexuality 299 spatialization and disease 71–2 of race 239–41 Balkans 241 Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty 265, 267, 276, 277, 280 Staszak, JeanFranỗois 113 state, power of 26–7 Stoler, Ann Laura 267–8, 279, 297–8, 326 strategy meanings 23, 29–30, 36 MF on 70–71 and power 29 and space 25–6 and tactics 24 Index Subaltern Studies 275–82 criticism of 277–8 Derrida’s influence 277 Group 265, 275 MF’s influence on 276 subjectivation Ancient Greece 211–12 and governmentality 210–13 subjectivity, MF on 319–20, 321–2 subjugated knowledges meaning 346–7 MF on 346–50 ‘surfaces of emergence’ 90, 93 meaning 92 surveillance, panopticism metaphor 252–7, 300 surveillance studies approach 257–8 scope 245 Switzerland, geography 112–13, 121 Symanski, Richard, The Immoral Landscape 311 Szreter, S.R., Fertility, Class and Gender 213 T Tenon, Jacques 141, 142, 143, 150 territory definition 176 space, distinction 120 377 Thornborrow, Joanna 49 threshold theory, example 33 Thrift, Nigel 4, 53–8 time, and writing 163 U unknowingness 56–8 Urry, John 98 US foreign policy, geopolitics 317 V Velasquez, ‘Las Meninas’, MF’s analysis 60 Veyne, Paul 5, 59, 60, 129, 130 Victoria model town 196 Vidal de la Blache, Paul 135, 173 Villeneuve, Paul 121 W Walkowitz, Judith 303 war class struggle as 35 power as 344–5 Wood, David M 11, 245–63 workhouses, and sexuality 301 workshops, discipline in 157 writing, and time 163 Y Young, R.C 272–3 Yugoslavia, Italy, border 226, 228 ... relation(s) between Foucault and geography In its sustained and in-depth encounter between Foucault and questions of space, place and geography Space, Knowledge and Power: Foucault and Geography has.. .SPACE, KNOWLEDGE AND POWER This page intentionally left blank Space, Knowledge and Power Foucault and Geography Edited by JEREMY W CRAMPTON Georgia State University, USA and STUART... Publication Data Space, knowledge and power : Foucault and geography Foucault, Michel - Knowledge - Geography Foucault, Michel - Influence Spatial behavior Geography Philosophy I Foucault, Michel II Crampton,

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