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Desktop GIS mapping the planet with open source tools

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What readers are saying about Desktop GIS Desktop GIS is a comprehensive survey of open source software for GIS users Everyone from casual mapmakers to seasoned professionals will find a wealth of information from data visualization to advanced spatial analysis techniques This book is an ideal text for anyone interested in a hands-on approach to learning the latest in open source GIS technology Matthew Perry Senior Staff Scientist, Geosyntec Consultants Desktop GIS Mapping the Planet with Open Source Tools Gary E Sherman The Pragmatic Bookshelf Raleigh, North Carolina Dallas, Texas Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks Where those designations appear in this book, and The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial capital letters or in all capitals The Pragmatic Starter Kit, The Pragmatic Programmer, Pragmatic Programming, Pragmatic Bookshelf and the linking g device are trademarks of The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC Every precaution was taken in the preparation of this book However, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages that may result from the use of information (including program listings) contained herein Our Pragmatic courses, workshops, and other products can help you and your team create better software and have more fun For more information, as well as the latest Pragmatic titles, please visit us at http://www.pragprog.com Copyright © 2008 Gary E Sherman All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior consent of the publisher Printed in China ISBN-10: 1-934356-06-9 ISBN-13: 978-1-934356-06-7 Contents Preface How to Use This Book Acknowledgments 9 10 12 13 20 21 22 22 23 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 34 36 37 37 42 44 45 56 Introduction 1.1 What Is Desktop Mapping? 1.2 Desktop vs Server Mapping 1.3 Assembling a Toolkit 1.4 Other Mapping Options 1.5 What’s Ahead? Getting Started 2.1 The Three User Classes 2.2 Which Are You? 2.3 Choosing a Platform 2.4 Selecting the Right Toolkit 2.5 Acquiring and Installing Software 2.6 Integration of Tools 2.7 Managing Software Change 2.8 Getting Support 2.9 Where to Find Data 2.10 Next Step Working with Vector Data 3.1 Viewing Data 3.2 Rendering a Story 3.3 Looking at Attribute Data 3.4 Advanced Viewing and Rendering 3.5 Making Attribute Data Work for You CONTENTS Working with Raster Data 4.1 Viewing Raster Data 4.2 Improving Rendering with Pyramids 4.3 Intelligent Rasters 67 67 73 76 Digitizing and Editing Vector Data 5.1 Simple Digitizing 5.2 Editing Attribute Data 5.3 More Digitizing and Editing 81 81 89 90 Data 6.1 6.2 6.3 91 91 93 96 Spatial Databases 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Open Source Spatial Databases 7.3 Getting Started with PostGIS 7.4 Using PostGIS and Quantum GIS 7.5 Using PostGIS and uDig 7.6 Summing It Up 98 98 99 101 110 118 119 Creating Data 8.1 Digitizing 8.2 Importing Data 8.3 Converting Data 8.4 Using GPS Data with QGIS 8.5 Georeferencing an Image 120 120 122 128 130 135 Projections and Coordinate Systems 9.1 Projection Flavors 9.2 Working with Projections 9.3 The PROJ.4 Projections Library 9.4 More Resources 138 139 140 145 148 149 150 153 156 159 164 166 Formats Common Formats Choosing a Standard Format Conversion Options 10 Geoprocessing 10.1 Projecting Data 10.2 Line-of-Sight Analysis 10.3 Hydrologic Modeling 10.4 Creating Hillshades 10.5 Merging Digital Elevation Models 10.6 Clipping Features CONTENTS 11 Using 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 Command-Line Tools GMT Using GDAL and OGR Creating a Spatial Index for Shapefiles PostGIS 174 174 186 201 203 12 Getting the Most Out of QGIS and GRASS Integration 12.1 Loading and Viewing Data 12.2 Editing GRASS Data with QGIS 12.3 Using Analysis and Conversion Tools 12.4 Summing It Up 208 209 211 218 233 13 GIS Scripting 13.1 GRASS 13.2 QGIS 13.3 GDAL and OGR 13.4 PostGIS 235 235 236 248 255 14 Writing Your Own GIS Applications 263 14.1 Options for Writing Your Application 263 14.2 Examples of Custom Applications 265 14.3 How to Approach Your Own Project 267 A Survey of Desktop Mapping Software 269 A.1 GUI Applications 270 A.2 Command-Line Applications 283 A.3 Other Tools 289 B Installing Software B.1 GRASS B.2 OpenJUMP B.3 Quantum GIS B.4 uDig B.5 GMT B.6 GDAL/OGR B.7 FWTools 290 290 292 292 293 293 295 295 C GRASS Basics C.1 Location, Location, Location C.2 Getting Some Data C.3 Working with Data C.4 Getting to Know the GUI C.5 Digitizing and Editing 296 296 306 315 319 322 CONTENTS D Quantum GIS Basics D.1 Vector Properties and Symbology Options D.2 Project Properties D.3 Map Navigation and Bookmarks D.4 Plugins Index 330 330 336 336 339 343 Preface Open source GIS is a rich and rapidly expanding field of endeavor Take a look at the FreeGIS Project website,1 and you’ll see an impressive list of more than 300 applications With such a wide array of software available, it’s impossible for any one book to cover everything In Desktop GIS, the goal is to introduce you to some of the major open source GIS applications that are in active development today It’s a tough proposition to cover each of these to the extent they deserve Instead, the approach is to introduce you to tools that will get you started with open source GIS and enable you to reach out and expand on your own You might think this book is a beginner’s book Although it’s true that it starts out that way, we move quickly into areas that intermediate and advanced users can profit from Starting from a simple problem and moving through the concepts of using open source, we’ll advance to examples of real GIS analysis How to Use This Book If you are new to the concept of GIS, begin at the beginning For those of you familiar with GIS but new to open source, the introduction is worth reading, but you should definitely take a look at Chapter 2, Getting Started, on page 23 for an overview of things to consider If you want an overview of what’s available in open source GIS, before you proceed take a look at Appendix A, on page 269 Following the introductory chapters, we delve into working with data, digitizing and creating new data, and then doing analysis using open source GIS applications such as GRASS, QGIS, and uDig In later chapters, you will find information on scripting and writing your own applications http://freegis.org A CKNOWLEDGMENTS Since this book is not a tutorial, we won’t go into all the nuances of each application mentioned We will show you how to accomplish common tasks using the software, and in those cases you’ll find a fair bit of guidance The appendixes contain information on installing and using some of the applications mentioned in the book If you need further assistance getting started, refer to websites for the respective projects where you’ll find a wealth of information Versions The dynamic nature of the open source GIS community was readily apparent during the writing of this book with several projects releasing major versions Fortunately, the differences between the versions don’t significantly impact our illustrations and examples Where there is a difference, it is noted in the text For software used in the examples, the following versions were used: GRASS For most of the examples, version 6.2.x was used Where the version 6.3 release candidate was used, it is noted in the text Quantum GIS Most of the examples use version 0.8.1 In later chapters where the Python bindings are discussed, version 0.9.x is used There are some minor differences in the user interface between 0.8.1 and 0.9.x, but you should be able to use the later version without much difficulty uDig For the uDig examples, you can use either the stable (1.0.6) version or the current version 1.1 release candidate For GDAL, GMT, PROJ.4, and PostGIS, you can use the latest versions to work through the examples in the book Acknowledgments I want to express my thanks to those who have reviewed all or parts of the book and provided input and encouragement: Markus Neteler, Matthew Perry, Barry Rowlingson, Tyler Mitchell, Frank Warmerdam, Aaron Racicot, Jason Jorgenson, Brent Wood, Dylan Beaudette, Roger Pearson, Martin Dobias, Patti Giuseppe, and Landon Blake 10 D ATA D EFINITION L ANGUAGE (DDL) GPS, 131f, 133f, 130–135 images, georeferenced, 137f, 136–137 importing, 124f, 128f, 122–128 management, 93 projection problems, 142–145 QGIS and GRASS integration and, 209–211 safety of, 86 sample dataset, 37 sources of, 34–35 symbolizing, 15 viewing, 37–42, 67–73 web deliverable, 93 see also Digitizing; Geoprocessing Data Definition Language (DDL), 258 Data types, 17 Databases Post-GIS enabled, 102–105 tables vs layers, 114 Databases, spatial, 94, 98–119 features of, 98 index, 105–106 open source, 99–101 PostGIS and, 101–110 PostGIS and QGIS, 111f, 113f, 115f, 116f, 110–117 PostGIS and uDIG, 118f, 118–119 spatial query, 99 structure of, 98 Datum, 140 Desktop mapping described, 13–21 GIS functions, 14f vs server mapping, 20–21 Digital elevation model (DEM), 76–77, 153, 154 contour maps and, 229, 230f hillshades, 161f, 163f, 159–165 hydrologic model, 156–159 merging, 166f, 164–166 units, converting, 233f Digital raster graphic (DRG) clipping, 171f, 166–173 collar overlap, 167f Digitize, 16–18 Digitizing, vector data, 82f, 83f, 84f, 85f, 81–89, 120–122 mistakes, 88f, 89f, 85–89 safety of, 86 subdivision plat, 121f 344 G ENERIC MAPPING TOOLS (GMT) tools for, 81 Distortion, 138 E E00 interchange files, 129–130 Eagle nest example, 222, 223f Earthquake data (Alaska), 125, 128f, 259, 260f Editing attribute data, 89–90 with QGIS, 211–218 Editing, with QGIS, 212, 213f Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) output, 174 EPSG notation, 141, 143, 144 European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG), 195, 198 F Formats, data, 91–97 conversion of, 96–97 raster, 92 selecting, 93–95 standardizing, 93 vector, 91 web deliverable, 93 Functionality, 94 FWTools, 44, 70, 202, 251 G GDAL and OGR, 186–201 data conversion, 197f, 199f, 190–201 documentation, 190 driver support, 187 raster information, 189–190 scripting, 249–255 vector information, 186–189 GDAL library, 74 gdaladdo, 75 Generic mapping tools (GMT), 174–186 -B switch, 183 coordinate systems supported by, 175 data sources, 179 Earth hemisphere view, 175f EPS output and, 174 fill colors, 182 flat example, 180–182, 183f Globe centered, 178f grid lines, 181 multiple commands and, 184 G EOCACHING overlay, 183 parameters and, 177 printing maps, 234 projection, 181 pscoast command, 176, 178 QGIS users plotted, 185f rivers, 181 scale bar, 182 Geocaching, 130 Geodata.gov, 21, 35 Geographic coordinates (GEOGCS), 141, 144 Geographic information system (GIS) analyze, 18–20 data types, 17, 91–97 defined, 12 desktop vs server mapping, 20–21 digitize, 16–18 as drug, 93n functions, 14f options and, 22 requirements, 23–29, 97 software for, 27–28 support for, 32–33 toolkit for, 21, 26 viewing data, 37–42, 67–73 visualize, 14–15 writing applications, 263–268 Geographic Markup Language (GML), 191 Geographic Names Information System (GNIS), 114 geometry_columns table, 104–105 Geoprocessing, 149–173 clipping feature, 167f, 171f, 172f, 173f, 166–173 data, projecting, 150–153 defined, 149 DEMs, merging, 166f, 164–166 hillshades, creating, 161f, 163f, 159–165 hydrologic modeling, 159f, 156–159 line-of-sight analysis, 153–156, 157f Georeferenced TIFF (GeoTIFF), 69 Georeferencer plugin, 136 GeoRuby gem, 255, 257 GMane, 32 Google Earth, 22 GPS data downloading, 132–133 loading and viewing, 133–134 345 GTOPO30 DEM S QGIS and, 131f, 133f, 130–135 uploading, 135f, 134–135 GPS exchange format, 132 GPS plugin, 131, 135 gpsbabel, 130, 134, 135 GPX, 132 Graduated symbols (QGIS), 53f, 52–53 GRASS browser, activating, 219–221 buffers and, 223f, 224f, 222–224 capabilities of, 95 clipping feature, 167f, 171f, 172f, 173f, 166–173 contour maps, 229f, 230f, 233f, 228–233 conversion, 96, 97 coordinate systems, changing, 150 deleting maps, 221 DEMS, merging, 166f, 164–166 E00 interchange files and, 129–130 FAQ, 137 geoprocessing and, 149 georeferencing, 137 hillshades, creating, 161f, 163f, 159–165 hydrologic modeling, 159f, 156–159 importing with, 126–127 line-of-sight analysis, 153–156, 157f maps, creating new, 216f, 215–216 mapset, opening in, 209 multiple layers in, 214 QGIS integration, 208–234 attributes, adding, 213f, 217f browser, 220f city map with water wells, 218f data, loading and viewing, 209–211 editing and, 212f, 211–218 mapset, opening in, 209f settings, customizing, 217–218 tools, 210f, 218–233 raster data, importing, 211 rasters, exporting, 165 saving in, 213 scripting and, 235–236 vector overlays, 226f, 227f, 228f, 225–228 wiki, 234 Windows support, 236n see also Appendix C GTOPO30 DEMs, 164 H ILLSHADES 346 P ROJECTIONS H O Hillshades, 161f, 163f, 159–165 Hydrologic modeling, 159f, 156–159 Open Source Geospatial Consortium (OSGeo), 93 Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo), 33 OpenOceanMap, 266, 268f I Images georeferencing, 137f, 136–137 warping, 199 Importing, data, 124f, 128f, 122–128 The Impossible Map (film), 148 Index, spatial, 202–203 Installation, see Appendix B Integer primary key, 259 Integration, 29 Intelligent rasters, 78f, 79f, 76–80 K KML, coordinates for, 194 L Lake buffer, 19f Large scale, 42 Latitude, 62 Layers editing in GRASS, 212 multiple, creating, 214 vs tables, 114 Libre Map Project, 15 Line-of-sight analysis, 153–156, 157f LiveCDs, 29 Logging example, 225, 226, 227f Longitude, 62 M Map algebra, 233f, 231–233 Mapnik, 264 MapServer, 202 MapWinGIS, 264 Minimum bounding rectangles (MBRs), 100f, 101 MSYS, 236 MySQL, 99, 100 N Nabble, 32 NASA Visible Earth, 71, 71n National Elevation Dataset (NED), 153 National Film Board of Canada, 148 P Performance, spatial indexes and, 204 Platforms, 25–26 Population, 43, 44f, 63 PostGIS, 97, 101–110 cities features, 194 command-line tools and, 203–207 commands, 103 coordinates, transforming, 259–262 data loading, 192 data unloading, 192 database, 102 documentation for, 110n gems, 255 limiting features, 114 loading data, 106, 260f vs MySQL, 100f, 99–101 OGR and connection strings, 188 QGIS and, 111f, 113f, 115f, 116f, 110–117 scripting and, 255–262 shapefiles, exporting, 206 shapefiles, importing, 203 shapefiles, loading, 108f spatial reference ID and, 204 templates, 103 uDig and, 118f, 118–119 PostgreSQL/PostGIS, 99, 100 Preprocessing data, 125–126 Primary key, 259 Printing maps, 234 “Producing Press-Ready Maps with GRASS and GMT” (Beaudette), 186 PROJ.4 Projections Library, 145–148 Projected layers (PROJCS), 142 Projections, 138–148 described, 138 determining, 141–142 EPSG notation, 143 focus of, 138 geoprocessing, 150–153 problems, data, 142–145 PROJ.4 library, 145–148 PSCOAST COMMAND resources for, 148 types, 139–140 utilities for, 145 pscoast command, 176, 178 Public Geo Data effort, 34 PyQt website, 236n Pyramids (raster data), 74f, 74–75 Python, scripting, 236–248 console, 238f, 237–239 PyQGIS plugin, 242f, 239–247, 248f resources, defining, 241 shapefile, volcanoes, 255f PyWPS, 21, 265 Q QGIS, 46–47 attribute data and, 56–66 attribute actions, 66f, 64–66 attribute table, 60f, 63f, 59–64 identifying features, 57–58 selecting features, 59 attributes, entering, 84f blog, 248 continuous colors, 51f, 50–51 data, importing, 124f, 123–125 data, loading, 107 delimited text plugin, 124f digitizing, 82, 85f earthquakes in, 128f generic mapping tools and, 185f geometry collections in, 214 georeferencing, 137f, 136–137 GPS data and, 131f, 133f, 130–135 GPS plugin, 131 graduated symbols, 53f, 52–53 GRASS integration, 208–234 browser, 220f data, loading and viewing, 209–211 editing and, 212f, 213f, 211–218 mapset in, 209f tools, 210f, 218–233 identifying features, 59f layers in, 83f libraries, 265 NASA World Mosaic, 71f options, 48–50 plugins for, 208 PostGIS and, 111f, 113f, 115f, 116f, 110–117 pyramids and, 73, 74f 347 S CRIPTING Python, scripting in, 236–248 raster properties, 72f rasters, loading, 68f, 68 sample data loaded, 47f shapefiles in, 82f SQL and, 62 tolerance, 87 unique values, 55f, 54–55, 56–58f vector layer properties, 48f world borders layer, 49f see also Appendix D Qt designer, 242f, 241–243 Quantum GIS, see QGIS Quantum Navigator, 265, 267f R Raster data, 17, 67–80 collar, 68 conversion of, 196 coordinate system for, 69 digital elevation models, 76–77 exporting from GRASS, 165 formats of, 92 GDAL and, 189 GDAL/OGR and, 189–190 GRASS, importing into, 211 intelligent, 78f, 79f, 76–80 properties, 72f, 72 pyramids, 74f, 74–75 silver grid, 77, 78f transparency and, 200 transparency model, 73f viewing, 68f, 67–73 Raster properties, 72f, 72 Refractions research, 118 Relief maps, shaded, 161f, 163f, 159–165 Requirements, 23–29, 97 S Safety, of data, 86 Scale, 42 Scaling, 75 Scripting, 235–262 data transformation, 262 GDAL and OGR, 249–255 GRASS and, 235–236 PostGIS and, 255–262 Python and, 236–248 console, 238f, 237–239 S EARCHING PyQGIS plugin, 242f, 239–247, 248f Searching, attribute tables, 63f, 60–64 Server vs desktop mapping, 20–21 Shaded relief maps, 161f, 163f, 159–165 Shapefiles conversion of, 250 creating, from delimited text, 255f, 251–255 described, 38 loading, 108f PostGIS, exporting, 206 PostGIS, importing into, 203 in QGIS, 82, 83f spatial index for, 202–203 vector data, getting, 186 volcanoes and, 193 Shell, 236, 249 Small scale, 42 Software, 27–28 change and, 30–31 support for, 32–33 see also Appendix A Spatial databases, 94, 98–119 features of, 98 index, 105–106 open source, 99–101 PostGIS and, 101–110 PostGIS and QGIS, 111f, 113f, 115f, 116f, 110–117 PostGIS and uDig, 118f, 118–119 spatial query and, 99 structure of, 98 Spatial index, 105–106, 202–203 Spatial queries, 99, 109–110 Spatial reference ID (SRID), 204 Spatial Reference website, 146 Spatial view, creating, 117 SPIT plugin, 107 SQL, 104 data loading and, 107 QGIS and, 62 virtual layers, 117 Support, 32–33 Symbolizing data, 15, 43f, 44f, 42–44 T Tables vs layers, 114 Templates, PostGIS and, 103 TIFF, georeferenced, 69 348 V ECTOR OVERLAYS Tolerance, 87 Toolkit, 21, 26 for analysis and conversion, 218–233 custom applications, 264–265 digitizing, 81 for GRASS in QGIS, 210f see also Command-line tools TopoGrafix, 132 Transparency, 200 Trolltech, 242 U uDig, 39, 265, 267 attribute data, 44–45, 46f Data Sources dialog box, 40f displaying world borders, 41f navigation, 40–42 PostGIS and, 118f, 118–119 symbolizing data, 43f, 44f, 42–44 Unique values (QGIS), 55f, 54–55, 56–58f U.S Geological Survey (USGS) datasets, 153 Digital Raster Graphic (DRG) topographic maps, 34 Map Projections: A Working Manual, 148 projections poster, 148 User classes, 23–25, 27f Utilities, projections, 145 V Vector data, 17, 37–66 attribute data, 44–45, 46f, 56–66 converting, 190 defined, 18 digitizing, 82f, 83f, 84f, 85f, 81–89 editing, 89–90 formats of, 91 GDAL/OGR and, 186–189 QGIS and, 46–47, 48f QGIS appearance options, 48–50 QGIS continuous colors, 51f, 50–51 QGIS graduated symbols, 53f, 52–53 QGIS unique values, 55f, 54–55, 56–58f shapefiles and, 38 symbolizing data, 43f, 44f, 42–44 viewing it, 37–42 Vector overlays, 226f, 227f, 228f, 225–228 V IEWERS Viewers, 38–39 Visualize, 14–15 Volcano location database search, 122 W W*S service, 93 Warping images, 199 Web deliverable data, 93 Websites Alaskan geologic maps, 55n American Society for Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, 148n Cygwin, 236n Daley Bay Quandrangle, 82n DEM Anchorage, Alaska, 154n Desktop GIS Book, 35n, 37n Earthquake data (Alaska), 125 EPSG documentation, 143n European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG), 195n Federal Geographic Data Committee’s clearinghouse network, 35n FWTools, 202n, 251n GDAL documentation, 190n gdaladdo, 75n geocaching, 130n Geodata, 21n, 35n Geographic Markup Language (GML), 191n Geographic Names Information System (GNIS), 114n GIS LiveCDs, 29n GMane, 32n GMT, using with GRASS, 186n gpsbabel, 130n GRASS FAQ, 137n GRASS wiki, 234n GRASS Windows support, 236n GTOPO30 DEMs, 164n Impossible Map (movie), 148n KML coordinates, 194n Libre Map Project, 15n Mapnik, 264n 349 Z OOM MapServer, 202n MapWinGIS, 264n MSYS, 236n Nabble, 32n NASA Visible Earth, 71n National Elevation Dataset (NED), 153n Open Source Geospatial Consortium (OSGeo), 93n Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo), 33n OpenGIS Simple Features Specification for SQL, 104n OpenOceanMap, 266n PostGIS, 101n PostGIS documentation, 110n Public Geo Data effort, 34n PyQt, 236n PyWPS, 21n, 264n QGIS API documentation, 237n QGIS blog, 248n QGIS libraries, 265n QgisInterface, 238n refractions research, 118n Ruby, 255 SDTS format, 92n Spatial Reference, 146n, 195n spatially enabled databases, 99n TopoGrafix, 132n Trolltech, 242n uDig, 265n USGS datasets, 153n USGS Map Projections, 148n USGS Maps, Archive of, 67n Volcano location database search, 122n Well-Known Text (WKT), 107, 141, 257 Writing applications, 263–268 X X and Y coordinates, 62 Z Zoom, 243–247 More GIS and tools More on GIS and the most popular 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Harrison has introduced

Ngày đăng: 14/12/2018, 09:36

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Mục lục

    How to Use This Book

    What Is Desktop Mapping?

    What's Ahead?

    The Three User Classes

    Selecting the Right Toolkit

    Acquiring and Installing Software

    Where to Find Data

    Working with Vector Data

    Looking at Attribute Data

    Advanced Viewing and Rendering