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Đọc hiểu DESERTIFICATION Desertification is the degradation of once-productive land into unproductive or poorly productive land Since the first great urban-agricultural centers in Mesopotamia nearly 6,000 years ago, human activity has had a destructive impact on soil quality, leading to gradual desertification in virtually every area of the world It is a common misconception that desertification is caused by droughts Although drought does make land more vulnerable, well-managed land can survive droughts and recover, even in arid regions Another mistaken belief is that the process occurs only along the edges of deserts In fact, it may take place in any arid or semiarid region, especially where poor land management is practiced Most vulnerable, however, are the transitional zones between deserts and arable land; wherever human activity leads to land abuse in these fragile marginal areas, soil destruction is inevitable [1] Agriculture and overgrazing are the two major sources of desertification [2] Large-scale farming requires extensive irrigation, which ultimately destroys lands by depleting its nutrients and leaching minerals into the topsoil [3] Grazing is especially destructive to land because, in addition to depleting cover vegetation, herds of grazing mammals also trample the fine organic particles of the topsoil, leading to soil compaction and erosion [4] It takes about 500 years for the earth to build up centimeters of topsoil However, cattle ranching and agriculture can deplete as much as to centimeters of topsoil every 25 years - 60 to 80 times faster than it can be replaced by nature Salination is a type of land degradation that involves an increase in the salt content of the soil This usually occurs as a result of improper irrigation practices The greatest Mesopotamian empires- Sumer, Akkad and Babylon- were built on the surplus of the enormously productive soil of the ancient Tigris- Euphrates alluvial plain After nearly a thousand years of intensive cultivation, land quality was in evident decline In response, around 2800 BC the Sumerians began digging the huge Tigris-Euphrates canal system to irrigate the exhausted soil A temporary gain in crop yield was achieved in this way, but over-irrigation was to have serious and unforeseen consequences From as early as 2400 BC we find Sumerian documents referring to salinization as a soil problem It is believed that the fall of the Akkadian Empire around 2150 BC may have been due to a catastrophic failure in land productivity; the soil was literally turned into salt Even today, four thousand years later, vast tracks of salinized land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers still resemble rock-hard fields of snow Soil erosion is another form of desertification It is a self-reinforcing process; once the cycle of degradation begins, conditions are set for continual deterioration As the vegetative cover begins to disappear, soil becomes more vulnerable to raindrop impact Water runs off instead of soaking in to provide moisture for plans This further diminishes plan cover by leaching away nutrients from the soil As soil quality declines and runoff is increased, floods become more frequent and more severe Flooding washes away topsoil, the thin, rich, uppermost layer of the earth’s soil, and leaves finer underlying particles more vulnerable to wind erosion Topsoil contains the earth’s greatest concentration of organic matter and microorganisms, and is where most of the earth’s land-based biological activity occurs Without this fragile coat of nutrient-laden material, plan life cannot exist An extreme case of its erosion is found in the Sahel, a transitional zone between the Sahara Desert and the tropical African rain forests; home to some 56 million people Overpopulation and overgrazing have opened the hyperarid land to wind erosion, which is stripping away the protective margin of the Sahel, and causing the desert to grow at an alarming rate Between 1950 and 1975, the Sahara Desert spread 100 kilometers southward through the Sahel Question 1: Which of the following statement is true about desertification? A It has a history as long as that of civilization B It was just as serious in the past as it is today C It is a fairy recent problem D Ancient societies managed the problem well Question 2: The word “arable” in paragraph is closet in meaning to _ A cultivate B dry C settled D populated Question 3: According to the passage, many people’s understanding of desertification is incorrect because _ A they not think of of it as a serious problem B they see it as being reversible C they not see it as being caused by human activity D they think of it as a very slow process Question 4: According to the passage, agriculture furthers desertification through which of the following activities A The repetitive planting of the same crop B Irrigation C The stripping away of native vegetation D Over fertilization Question 5: The word “degradation” in paragraph is closet in meaning to _ A rejuvenation B deterioration C contribution D consumption Question 6: Paragraph of the passage serves mainly to which of the following? A Show the progress of desertification down through history B Propose a method for dealing with the desertification problem C Describe one progress that leads to desertification D Describe the main cause of desertification in one particular area Question 7: The word “leaching” in paragraph is closet in meaning to _ A washing B depositing C concentrating D dispersing (1) Iron production was revolutionized in the early eighteenth century when coke was first used instead of charcoal for refining iron ore Previously the poor quality of the iron had restricted its use in architecture to items such as chains and tie bars for supporting arches, vaults, and walls With the improvement in refining ore, it was now possible to make cast-iron beams, columns, and girders During the nineteenth century further advances were made, notably Bessemer’s process for converting iron into steel, which made the material more commercially viable (2) Iron was rapidly adopted for the construction of bridges, because its strength was far greater than that of stone or timber, but its use in the architecture of buildings developed more slowly By 1800 a complete internal iron skeleton for buildings had been developed in industrial architecture replacing traditional timber beams, but it generally remained concealed Apart from its low cost, the appeal of iron as a building material lay in its strength, its resistance to fire, and its potential to span vast areas As a result, iron became increasingly popular as a structural material for more traditional styles of architecture during the nineteenth century, but it was invariably concealed (3) Significantly, the use of exposed iron occurred mainly in the new building types spawned by the Industrial Revolution: in factories, warehouses, commercial offices, exhibition hall, and railroad stations, where its practical advantages far outweighed its lack of status Designers of the railroad stations of the new age explored the potential of iron, covering huge areas with spans that surpassed the great vaults of medieval churches and cathedrals Paxton’s Crystal Palace, designed to house the Great Exhibition of 1851, covered an area of 1.848 feet by 408 feet in prefabricated units of glass set in iron frames The Paris Exhibition of 1889 included both the widest span and the greatest height achieved so far with the Halle Des Machines, spanning 362 feet, and the Eiffel Tower 1,000 feet high However, these achievements were mocked by the artistic elite of Paris as expensive and ugly follies Iron, despite its structural advantages, had little aesthetic status The use of an exposed iron structure in the more traditional styles of architecture was slower to develop Question 8: What does the passage mainly discuss? A Advances in iron processing in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries B The effects of the Industrial Revolution on traditional architectural styles C Advantages of stone and timber over steel as a building material D The evolution of the use of iron in architecture during the 1800’s Question 9: According to the passage, iron was NOT used for beams, columns, and girders prior to the early eighteenth century because _ A all available iron was needed for other purposes B limited mining capability made iron too expensive C iron was considered too valuable for use in public buildings D the use of charcoal for refining ore produced poor quality iron Question 10: Iron replaced stone and timber in the building of bridges because iron was considered _ A more beautiful B new and modern C much stronger D easier to transport Question 11: The word “it” in paragraph refers to _ A industrial architecture B internal iron skeleton C stone D strength Question 12: The word “surpassed” is closest in meaning to _ A imitated B exceeded C approached D included Question 13: According to paragraph 3, the architectural significance of the Halle Des Machines was its _ A wide span B great height C unequaled beauty D prefabricated unites of glass Question 14: How did the artistic elite mentioned in the passage react to the buildings at the Paris Exhibition? A They tried to copy them B They ridiculed them C They praised them D They refused to pay to see them Question 15: It can be inferred that the delayed use of exposed iron structures in traditional styles of architecture is best explained by the _ A impracticality of using iron for small, noncommercial buildings B association of iron architecture with the problems of the Industrial Revolution C general belief that iron offered less resistance to fire and harsh weather than traditional materials D general perception that iron structures were not aesthetically pleasing (1) Interest is the sum charged for borrowing money for a fixed period of time Principal is the term used for the money that is borrowed, and the rate of interest is the percent per year of the principal charged for its use Most of the profits for a bank are derived from the interest that they charge for the use of their own or their depositor’s money (2) All problems in interest may be solved by using one general equation that may be stated as follows: Interest = Principal X Rate X Time (3) Any one of the four quantities – that is, interest, principal, rate, or time – may be found when the other three are known The time is expressed in years The rate is expressed as a decimal fraction Thus, percent interest means six cents charged for the use of $1 of principal borrowed for one year Although the time may be less than, equal to, or greater than one year, most applications for loans are for periods of less than one year For purpose of computing interest for short periods, the commercial year or 360 days is commonly used, but when large sums of money are involved, exact interest is computed on the basis of 365 days Question 16: With what topic is this passage primarily concerned? (A) Profits (B) Rate (C) Interest (D) Principal Question 17: The word “fixed” in paragraph is closest in meaning to (A) Definite (B) short (C) repeated (D) trial Question 18: At percent interest for the use of $1 principal, how much would one pay? (A) Six cents per year (B) Twenty-five cents per year (C) Four cents per year (D) One cent per year Question 19: Which of the following would be a correct expression of an interest rate as stated in the equation for computing interest? (A) Four (B) 04 (C) (D) 4/100 Question 20: Most applications for loans are for (A) one year (B) less than one year (C) more than one year (D) 360 days Question 21: The word “periods” in paragraph refers to (A) time (B) loans (C) applications ( D) interest Question 22: A commercial year is used to compute (A) exact interest (B) interest on large sums of money (C) interest on a large principal (D) interest for short periods of time (1) The protozoans, minute, aquatic creatures each of which consists of a single cell of protoplasm, constitute a classification of the most primitive forms of animal life They are fantastically diverse, but three major groups may be identified on the basis of their motility The Mastigophora have one or more long tails, which they use to project themselves forward The Ciliata, which use the same basic means for locomotion as the Mastigophora, have a larger number of short tails The Sarcodina, which include amoebae, float or row themselves about on their crusted bodies (2) In addition to their form of movement, several other features discriminate among the three groups of protozoans For example, at least two nuclei per cell have been identified in the Ciliata, usually a large nucleus that regulates growth but decomposes during reproduction, and a smaller one that contains the genetic code necessary to generate the large nucleus (3) Protozoans are considered animals because, unlike pigmented plants to which some protozoans are otherwise almost identical, they not live on simple organic compounds Their cell demonstrates all of the major characteristics of the cells of higher animals (4) Many species of protozoans collect into colonies, physically connected to each other and responding uniformly to outside stimulate Current research into this phenomenon, along with investigations carried out with advanced microscopes may necessitate a redefinition of what constitutes protozoans, even calling into question the basic premise that they have only one cell Nevertheless, with the current data available, almost 40,000 species of protozoans have been identified No doubt, as the technology improves our methods of observation, better models of classification will be proposed Question 23: Where protozoans probably live? (A) Water (B) Sand (C) Grass (D) Wood Question 24: What is protoplasm? (A) A class of protozoan (B) The substance that forms the cell of a protozoan (C) A primitive animal similar to a protozoan (D) An animal that developed from a protozoan Question 25: To which class of protozoans the amoebae belong? (A) Mastigophora (B) Ciliata (C) Sarcodina Question 26: What is the purpose of the large nucleus in the Ciliata? (D) Motility (A) It generates the other nucleus (B) It contains the genetic code for the small nucleus (C) It regulates growth (D) It reproduces itself Question 27: Why are protozoans classified as animals? (A) They not live on simple organic compounds (B) They collect in colonies (C) They respond uniformly to outside stimulate (D) They may have more than one cell Question 28: The word “uniformly” in paragraph is closest in meaning to (A) in the same way (B) once in a while (C) all of a sudden (D) in the long run Question 29: The word “they” in paragraph refers to (A) protozoans (B) microscopes (C) investigations (D) colonies Question 30: Which of the following statements are NOT true of protozoans? (A) There are approximately 40,000 species (B) They are the most primitive forms of animal life (C) They have a large cell and a smaller cell (D) They are difficult to observe Reading to oneself is a modern activity which was almost unknown to the scholars of the classical and medieval worlds, while during the fifteenth century the term “reading” undoubtedly meant reading aloud Only during the nineteenth century did silent reading become commonplace One should be wary, however, of assuming that silent reading came about simply because reading aloud was a distraction to others Examinations of factors related to the historical development of silent reading have revealed that it became the usual mode of reading for most adults mainly because the tasks themselves changed in character The last century saw a steady gradual increase in literacy and thus in the number of readers As the number of readers increased, the number of potential listeners declined and thus there was some reduction in the need to read aloud As reading for the benefit of listeners grew less common, so came the flourishing of reading as a private activity in such public places as libraries, railway carriages and offices, where reading aloud would cause distraction to other readers Towards the end of the century, there was still considerable argument over whether books should be used for information or treated respectfully and over whether the reading of materials such as newspapers was in some way mentally weakening Indeed, this argument remains with us still in education However, whatever its virtues, the old shared literacy culture had gone and was replaced by the printed mass media on the one hand and by books and periodicals for a specialised readership on the other By the end of the twentieth century, students were being recommended to adopt attitudes to books and to use reading skills which were inappropriate, if not impossible, for the oral reader The social, cultural and technological changes in the century had greatly altered what the term “reading” implied Câu 31: Reading aloud was more common in the medieval world because A few people could read to themselves B there were few places available for private reading C silent reading had not been discovered D people relied on reading for entertainment Câu 32: The word “commonplace” in the first paragraph mostly means “ _ ” A attracting attention B for everybody’s use C most preferable D widely used Câu 33: The development of silent reading during the last century indicated A an increase in the number of books B an increase in the average age of readers C a change in the status of literate people D a change in the nature of reading Câu 34: Silent reading, especially in public places, flourished mainly because of _ A the decreasing need to read aloud B the development of libraries C the increase in literacy D the decreasing number of listeners Câu 35: It can be inferred that the emergence of the mass media and specialised reading materials was an indication of _ A a decline of standards of literacy B a change in the readers’ interest C an improvement of printing techniques D an alteration in educationalists’ attitudes Câu 36: The phrase “a specialised readership” in paragraph mostly means “ ” A a status for readers specialised in mass media B a limited number of readers in a particular area of knowledge C a requirement for readers in a particular area of knowledge D a reading volume for particular professionals Câu 37: All of the following might be the factors that affected the continuation of the old shared literacy culture EXCEPT A the inappropriate reading skills B the printed mass media C the diversity of reading materials D the specialised readership The Sun today is a yellow dwarf star It is fueled by thermonuclear reactions near its center that convert hydrogen to helium The Sun has existed in its present state for about four billion six hundred million years and is thousands of times larger than the Earth By studying other stars, astronomers can predict what the rest of the Sun’s life will be like About five billion years from now, the core of the Sun will shrink and become hotter The surface temperature will fall The higher temperature of the center will increase the rate of thermonuclear reactions The outer regions of the Sun will expand approximately 35 million miles, about the distance to Mercury, which is the closest planet to the Sun The Sun will then be a red giant star Temperatures on the Earth will become too high for life to exist Once the Sun has used up its thermonuclear energy as a red giant, it will begin to shrink After it shrinks to the size of the Earth, it will become a white dwarf star The Sun may throw off huge amounts of gases in violent eruptions called nova explosions as it changes from a red giant to a white dwarf After billions of years as a white dwarf, the Sun will have used up all its fuel and will have lost its heat Such a star is called a black dwarf After the Sun has become a black dwarf, the Earth will be dark and cold If any atmosphere remains there, it will have frozen over the Earth’s surface Câu 38: It can be inferred from the passage that the Sun _ A has been in existence for 10 billion years B is approximately halfway through its life as a yellow dwarf C will continue to be a yellow dwarf for another 10 billion years D is rapidly changing in size and brightness Câu 39: When the Sun becomes a red giant, what will the atmosphere be like on the Earth? A It will become too hot for life to exist B It will be enveloped in the expanding surface of the sun C It will freeze and become solid D It will be almost destroyed by nova explosions Câu 40: Large amounts of gases may be released from the Sun at the end of its life as a A white dwarf B red giant C yellow dwarf D black dwarf Câu 41: As a white dwarf, the Sun will be _ A a cool and habitable planet B the same size as the planet Mercury C thousands of times smaller than it is today D around 35 million miles in diameter Câu 42: The Sun will become a black dwarf when _ A the outer regions of the Sun expand B it has used up all its fuel as a white dwarf C the Sun moves nearer to the Earth D the core of the Sun becomes hotter Câu 43: The word “there” in the last sentence of paragraph refers to A our own planet B the core of a black dwarf C the outer surface of the Sun D the planet Mercury Câu 44: This passage is intended to _ A describe the changes that the Sun will go through B discuss conditions on the Earth in the far future C alert people to the dangers posed by the Sun D present a theory about red giant stars Câu 45: The passage has probably been taken from _ A a scientific chronicle C a work of science fiction B a news report D a scientific journal (1) The protozoans, minute, aquatic creatures each of which consists of a single cell of protoplasm, constitute a classification of the most primitive forms of animal life They are fantastically diverse, but three major groups may be identified on the basis of their motility The Mastigophora have one or more long tails, which they use to project themselves forward The Ciliata, which use the same basic means for locomotion as the Mastigophora, have a larger number of short tails The Sarcodina, which include amoebae, float or row themselves about on their crusted bodies Trong đoạn câu: “ Scenes of factory interiors account for only about one-third of Modern Times”, interior bên trong, two-thirds quay bên “outside a factory” Câu 97: Đáp án D Đoạn cuối câu:“ It does not offer a radical social message” khơng ý revolution Câu 98: Đáp án D domestication: phục = making (làm cho) thú vật used to living with and working for humans (quen sống làm việc người) Câu 99: Đáp án C Ở câu đoạn một, ta thấy cụm từ “nature’s provision” mà sau nó, người viết cung cấp thêm “is the oldest known subsistence strategy“ Ta chọn C Câu 100: Đáp án A Để trả lời câu này, ta cần đọc kĩ câu thứ đoạn The abundance of vegetation in the lower latitudes of the tropics, on the other hand, has provided a greater opportunity for gathering a variety of plants (cung cấp hội lớn lao để trồng nhiều loài cây) Vậy, câu A nghĩa tích cực, phù hợp (better food gathering) Câu 101: Đáp án A Câu hỏi, “việc nghiên cứu xã hội sinh tồn tạm thời cung cấp …“ Nhìn vào câu đầu đoạn 3: Contemporary hunter-gatherers may help us understand our prehistoric ancestors Chú ý chữ prehistoric ancestors (những tổ tiên thời tiền sử) ancestors nói lên thời đại (times) Ta bỏ C, D chúng khơng nhắc đến nghĩa tĩnh từ prehistoric (tiền sử) Còn A, B Ở câu B, danh từ mà prehistoric bổ nghĩa natural environments (môi trường thiên nhiên) => yếu tố thiên nhiên, theo câu đầu đoạn nói đến yếu tố người, yếu tố thời đại Câu A vừa hội đủ ý này, vừa thêm danh từ understanding giống động từ understand Câu 102: Đáp án A Trên đoạn 2, câu 3: In higher latitudes, the shorter growing seasons have restricted the availability of plant life Such conditions have caused a greater dependence on hunting, and on fishing along the coasts and waterways Such conditions nghĩa: điều kiện Điều kiện nào? Câu trước chữ such giải nghĩa cho Đọc câu trước, ta thấy nghĩa tiêu cực “restricted the availability of plant life” (giới hạn sẵn thực vật), mang nghĩa xét phương án: nhắc tới việc trồng (vegetation) không thích hợp (not favorable) để sống (grow) Phù hợp B hunter-gatherers khơng thể tìm ăn Chỉ nhắc đến yếu tố người, mà chưa nhắc ý “hạn chế trồng” Loại C plenty (phong phú, đông đảo) hoàn toàn ngược với restricted (hạn chế) Loại D can grow some crops (có thể trồng vài vụ mùa) Chưa nhắc đến yếu tố “hạn chế” Vậy, A Câu 103: Đáp án D Trả lời câu hỏi tính chất phủ định, ta dò đáp án xem chúng khố hay khơng A Đoạn nhắc tới B Đoạn C Đoạn D no effect (khơng tác động) => no từ tuyệt đối ý nghĩa câu không đề cập tuyệt đối Đây phương án chọn Câu 104: Đáp án D Câu hỏi, “Theo tác giả, hầu hết hunter-gatherers thời tiền sử đương thời giống …” Xem xét câu cuối đoạn 3: We also notice seasonal migration patterns evolving for most hunter-gatherers, along with a strict division of labor between the sexes These patterns of behavior may be similar to those practised by mankind during the Paleolithic Period similar to nghĩa giống Cái giống? these patterns of behavior Ta chọn câu D Câu 105: Đáp án B Câu chọn tiêu đề cho khoá Ta nên chọn phương án không chung chung mà không chi tiết, thiếu ý Ở đoạn nói xã hội sinh tồn (subsistence societies) Đoạn nói sống hunter-gatherers Đoạn nói hai điều Xét phương án: A Chỉ nói đến hunter-gathers Loại B đủ ý C Methods danh từ chánh, nghĩa “phương cách“ Hồn tồn thiếu ý D Chỉ nói đến việc làm nông xã hội sinh tồn Vậy, B Câu 106: Đáp án B Đoạn văn nói xung đột người Mỹ da đỏ người di cư Châu Âu Câu 107: Đáp án C To legitimize: (v) hợp pháp hóa = justify: (v) chứng minh đúng, hợp pháp hóa To encourage (v): khuyến khích Wrote to support: viết để ủng hộ To coordinate (v): phối hợp Câu 108: Đáp án D Thông tin đoạn 2: “Despite the resistance of the Indians, the Europeans were destined to win the conflict After Indian resistance was crushed, the whites legitimized the taking of Indian lands by proposing treaties, frequently offering gifts to Indian chiefs to get them sign the treaties.” Câu 109: Đáp án D Thông tin đoạn 2: “…Indian Territory-land the whites considered uninhabitable.” – vùng lãnh thổ người Da đỏ mà người da trắng (châu Âu) xem không Chú ý: undesirable: (a) không mong muốn, không ưa, không them muốn Câu 110: Đáp án A Thông tin đoạn 2: “…the whites proceeded to remove them from their land.” – người da trắng tiếp tục loại bỏ họ khỏi vùng đất mình… => người Da Đỏ khơng sống nơi mà họ muốn sau kí hiệp ước Câu 111: Đáp án D Thông tin nằm đoạn 3: “No aspect of American history is more poignant than the accounts of the forced removal of Indians across the continent.” – Khơng khía cạnh lịch sử Mỹ đau xót miêu tả việc bị ép phải chuyển người Da Đỏ qua lục địa Câu 112: Đáp án A Futility: (n) vơ ích, khơng hiệu = uselessness: (n) vơ ích Expense (n): chi phí Importance (n): quan trọng Advantage (n): lợi ích Câu 113: Đáp án A Ngay đầu đoạn văn, lợi ích giáo dục atlas đề cập: “No educational medium better as means of spatial communication than the atlas.” – Không phương tiện giáo dục tốt phương tiện truyền thông không gian atlas Câu 114: Đáp án D Thông tin nằm câu đoạn: “In fact, the very first map in the atlas is a cleverly designed population cartogram that projects the size of each country if geographical size were proportional to population.” Câu 115: Đáp án C Invaluable = priceless: (a) vô giá, giá trị, không định giá Incremental: (a) thuộc tiền lãi, tiền lời Invalid: (a) khơng hiệu lực; tàn tật, tàn phế Shapeless: (a) khơng hình thự [Phá t hành dethithpt.com] Cõu 116: ỏp ỏn B Các lựa chọn A, C, D nằm đoạn văn: “Following the proportional layout, a sequence of smaller maps shows the world’s population density, each country’s birth and death rates, population increase or decrease (D), industrialization, urbanization, gross national product in terms of per capita income, the quality of medical care, literacy, and language (C) To give readers a perspective on how their own country fits in with the global view, additional projections depict the world's patterns in nutrition, calorie and protein consumption (A)…” Câu 117: Đáp án A Thông tin nằm câu: “In fact, the very first map in the atlas is a cleverly designed population cartogram that projects the size of each country if geographical size were proportional to population Following the proportional layout, a sequence of smaller maps…” Câu 118: Đáp án C Thông tin nằm câu: “Following the proportional layout, a sequence of smaller maps shows the world’s population density, each country’s birth and death rates, population increase or decrease, industrialization, urbanization, gross national product in terms of per capita income, the quality of medical care, literacy, and language To give readers a perspective on how their own country fits in with the global view, additional projections depict the world's patterns in nutrition, calorie and protein consumption, health care, number of physicians per unit of population, and life expectancy by region.” Câu 119: Đáp án D Dựa vào nội dung đoạn văn rút ẩn ý tác giả Theo tác giả tập đồ dụng cụ đa Dựa vào tập đồ biết tăng giảm dân số, cơng nghiệp hóa, đại hóa, biết đất nước mình, tiêu thụ calo, dịch vụ chăm sóc sức khỏe hay tỷ lệ người biết đọc biết viết… Câu 120: Đáp án C Covey: (v) truyền đạt, bày tỏ, biểu lộ = demonstrate: (v) chứng minh, giải thích, bày tỏ, biểu lộ - devise: (v) nghĩ ra, đề ra, đặt kế hoạch - conjure up: (v) gợi lên gì, gọi hồn - indicate: (v) chỉ, cho biết, dấu Câu 121: Đáp án C Đáp án C Whales as the largest, gentlest but vulnerable creatures Dịch: Cá voi, lồi đơng vật lớn thân thiện lại dễ bị tổn thương + “Whales are the largest animals in the world, and the gentlest creatures we know” + “When whales are in danger” Câu 122: Đáp án C Đáp án C tail and skin “Whales have tails that end like flippers With just a gentle flick, it can propel itself forward.The skin of a whale is so smooth that it does not create any friction that can slow the whale down (Dethithpt.com) Dịch: Chiếc đuôi giống mái chèo da mượt giúp cá voi bơi dễ dàng nước Câu 123: Đáp án A On its head “A whale’s breathing hole is located on the top of its head, so it can breathe without having to completely push its head out of the water” Dịch: Lỗ thở cá voi nằm đỉnh đầu nên hít thở mà khơng cần phải hồn tồn ngoi đầu khỏi mặt nước Câu 124: Đáp án B Dịch: cá voi không di cư từ vừng nước lạnh đến vùng ngước ấm – Sai : “they have to migrate from cooler to warmer waters” A voi khơng bỏ mặc thành viên bị ốm bị thương - Đúng: “Whales are known not to desert the ill or injured members; instead, they cradlethem.” C voi sống di cư theo nhóm – Sai: “They live in family groups and they even travel in groups” D cá voi với cá voi bố mẹ khoảng 15 năm – Đúng: “The young stay with their parents for as long as fifteen years” Câu 125: Đáp án A Tiny (a): nhỏ bé = very small Câu 126: Đáp án C Từ “they” câu đến “whales” - cá voi “These holes would also serve as guides for the whales so that they could swim to warmer waters Dịch: Những lỗ hổng băng đóng vai cho dẫn cho cá voi để chúng bơi đến khu nước ấm Câu 127: Đáp án C Because whales couldn’t breathe without sufficient oxygen “Whales are mammals that require oxygen from the air, so the frozen ice was a great danger to them.” Dịch: cá voi động vật vú, chúng cần oxy từ khơng khí để sống, băng mối đe dọa chúng Câu 128: Đáp án A + “Mr Niel and his co-founders come from the world of technology and start-ups, and they are trying to to education what Facebook did to communication and Airbnb toaccommodation.” + “Students at ” 42 loại trường học Câu 129: Đáp án A Từ “them” đến” students at 42” “Students at 42 are given a choice of projects They complete a project using resources freely available on the Internet and by seeking help from their fellow students, who work alongside them in a large open-plan room full of computers.” Dịch: Học sinh 42 nhận dự án họ hoàn thành dự án sử dụng nguồn liệu sẵn mạng Internet tìm kiếm giúp đỡ từ bạn học, người mà làm việc với họ (học sinh 41) phòng lớn đầy máy tính Câu 130: Đáp án B “Students at 42 are given a choice of projects that they might be set in a job as a software engineer - perhaps to design a website or a computer game” (Dethithpt.com) Dịch: Để minh họa cho nhiệm vụ mà học tinh 42 phải hồn thành: thiết kế website game máy tính Câu 131: Đáp án A “And at the end, there is a certificate but no formal degree” Dịch: Một chứng đại học Câu 132: Đáp án D “Peer-to-peer learning develops students with the confidence to search for solutions by themselves, often in quite creative and ingenious ways” Dịch: Học chung với bạn giúp học sinh phát triển tự tin dể tìm kiếm giải pháp họ, thường với cách sáng tạo thông minh Câu 133: Đáp án C “Ms Bir says 42's graduates will be better able to work with others and discuss and defend their ideas - an important skill in the “real world” of work” Dịch: Sinh viên 42 làm tốt việc hoạt động nhóm với người khác, thảo luận phản biện ý kiến Câu 134: Đáp án C Notorious (a): biết việc xấu đó, tiếng xấu, khét tiếng Câu 135: Đáp án D thể suy từ khóa thơng tin: + “Students at 42 are given a choice of projects that they might be set in a job as “ + “Peer-to-peer learning develops students with the confidence to search for solutions by themselves, often in quite creative and ingenious ways” (Dethithpt.com) 42 áp dụng phương pháp học giải vấn đề thực dự án Câu 136: Đáp án B Thông tin nằm đoạn 1: “Aging is the process of growing old It occurs eventually in every living thing provided, of course, that an illness or accident does not kill it prematurely The most familiar outward signs of aging may be seen in old people, such as the graying of the hair and the wrinkling of the skin Signs of aging in a pet dog or cat include loss of playfulness and energy, a decline in hearing and eyesight, or even a slight graying of the coat Plants age too, but the signs are much harder to detect.” Câu 137: Đáp án B Thông tin nằm câu đầu đoạn 1: “Aging is the process of growing old It occurs eventually in every living thing provided, of course, that an illness or accident does not kill it prematurely.” Câu 138: Đáp án D Thông tin nằm đoạn 1: “The most familiar outward signs of aging may be seen in old people, such as the graying of the hair and the wrinkling of the skin Signs of aging in a pet dog or cat include loss of playfulness and energy, a decline in hearing and eyesight, or even a slight graying of the coat Plants age too, but the signs are much harder to detect.” Câu 139: Đáp án A Thông tin nằm đoạn 2: “Most body parts grow bigger and stronger, and function more efficiently during childhood They reach their peak at the time of maturity, or early adulthood After that, they begin to decline Bones, for example, gradually become lighter and more brittle In the aged, the joints between the bones also become rigid and more inflexible This can make moving very painful.” Câu 140: Đáp án C brittle: (a) cứng giòn, dễ vỡ, dễ gãy = hard but easily broken Câu 141: Đáp án A Thông tin nằm đoạn 4: “One of the most serious changes of old age occurs in the arteries, the blood vessels that lead from the heart They become thickened and constricted, allowing less blood to flow to the rest of body This condition accounts, directly or indirectly, for many of the diseases of the aged It may, for example, result in heart attack.” Câu 142: Đáp án C - “Aging is the process of growing old It occurs eventually in every living thing provided…” (Câu đầu đoạn 1) -> A, B - “Plants age too, but the signs are much harder to detect.” (câu cuối đoạn 1) -> “Cây cối lão hóa, dấu hiệu khó nhận hơn.” khơng phải “ít dấu hiệu lão hóa hơn”, => C sai (Dethithpt.com) - “Different parts of the body wear out at different rates.” (câu đoạn 5) -> D Câu 143: Đáp án C Thông tin nằm câu đầu đoạn 1: “Increasing numbers of parents in the U.S are choosing to teach their children at home.” increasing: (a) ngày tăng, tăng dần Câu 144: Đáp án A Homeschooled = be taught at home: dạy dỗ nhà Câu 145: Đáp án A Thông tin nằm đoạn 1: “In fact, the U.S Department of Education has estimated that in 1999, about 850,000 children were being homeschooled.” Câu 146: Đáp án D Thông tin nằm đoạn 1: “In fact, the U.S Department of Education has estimated that in 1999, about 850,000 children were being homeschooled Some educational experts say that the real number is double this estimate, and the ranks of homeschooled children seem to be growing at the average rate of about eleven percent every year.” Câu 147: Đáp án B Thông tin nằm đoạn 2: “Today, however, more parents are taking on the responsibility of educating their own children at home due to their dissatisfaction with the educational system.” (Dethithpt.com) dissatisfaction: (n) khơng hài lòng, khơng thỏa mãn, bất mãn Câu 148: Đáp án A dissatisfaction: (n) khơng hài lòng, khơng thỏa mãn, bất mãn = disappointment Câu 149: Đáp án C Thông tin nằm câu cuối đoạn 2: “Escalating classroom violence has also motivated some parents to remove their children from school.” Câu 150: Đáp án B favorable: (a) thiện chí, tán thành Quan điểm bộc lộ câu cuối đoạn: “Though once it was the only choice for troubled children, homeschooling today is an accepted alternative to an educational system that many believe is failing.” Câu 151: Đáp án C Chủ đề đoạnvăn gì? Câu chủ để đoạn nằm câu đoạn 1: “Most languages have several levels of vocabulary that may be used by the same speakers In English, at least three have been identified and described.” Hầu hết ngơn ngữ nhiều cấp độ từ vựng mà sử dụng người nói Trong tiếng Anh, cấp độ từ vựng xác định mô tả Đáp án C: loại từ vựng khác Các phương án khác lại ý nhỏ đoạn văn A Lối nói chuẩn B Các cụm thành ngữ D cách sử dụng từ điển Câu 152: Đáp án D Tiếng lóng tác giả định nghĩa Thông tin nằm dòng + +8 đoạn 2: “Slang, however, refers to words and expressions understood by a large number of speakers but not accepted as appropriate formal usage by the majority Colloquial expressions and even slang may be found in standard dictionaries but will be so identified Both colloquial usage and slang are more common in speech than writing.” Tiếng lóng đề cập đến từ diễn đạt hiểu nhiều người nói khơng chấp nhập cách dùng thức phù hợp hầu hết người Các diễn đạt thông tục chí từ long tìm thấy từ điển chuẩn ngoại trừ công nhận Cả việc sử dụng lối nói thơng tục tiếng long phổ biến văn nói văn viết Các phương án A Các từ cụm từ chấp nhận phần lớn cách dùng thống B Các từ cụm từ hiểu hầu hết người khơng tìm thấy từ điển chuẩn C Các từ cụm từ hiểu nhóm người nói giới hạn D Các từ cụm từ hiểu nhiều người nói khơng chấp nhận cách dùng thống Câu 153: Đáp án D Appropriate = important: (a) thích hợp, thích đáng, quan trọng Câu 154: Đáp án B Thơng tin nằm đoạn 3: “In some cases, the majority never accepts certain slang phrases but nevertheless retains them in their collective memories.” Trong vài trường hợp, phần lớn người không chấp nhận vài cụm từ lóng ngoại trừ việc lưu giữ chúng (cụm từ lóng đó) ký ức tập tập thể họ Câu 155: Đáp án C Thông tin nằm đoạn 2: “Colloquialisms, on the other hand, are familiar words and idioms that are understood by almost all speakers of a language and used in informal speech or writing, but not considered acceptable for more formal situations.” – Mặt khác, lối nói thân mật từ quen thuộc thành ngữ mà hiểu tất người nói ngơn ngữ sử dụng văn viết phát biểu thân mật, khơng chấp nhận tình trang trọng Thông qua câu này, ý tác giả là: Informal language contains colloquialisms, which are not found in more formal language – Ngôn ngữ thân mật bao gồm lối nói thân mật, ngơn ngữ khơng tìm thấy ngơn ngữ sử dụng tình trang trọng, nghi thức Câu 156: Đáp án A Câu để nói cách dùng chuẩn? Thơng tin nằm dòng +2 đoạn 2: “Standard usage includes those words and expressions understood, used, and accepted by a majority of the speakers of a language in any situation regardless of the level of formality.” Cách dùng chuẩn bao gồm từ cách diễn đạt hiểu, sử dụng chấp nhận hầu hết người nói ngơn ngữ hoàn cảnh mức độ trang trọng Câu 157: Đáp án D Tác giả đề cập đến tất yêu cầu cho cách diễn đạt lóng tạo thành ngoại trừ Thơng tin nằm dòng +3 + đoạn 4: “three cultural conditions are necessary for the creation of a large body of slang expressions First, the introduction and acceptance of new objects and situations in the society; second, a diverse population with a large number of subgroups; third, association among the subgroups and the majority population.” Ba điều kiện văn hoá cần thiết cho việc tạo cách diễn đạt lóng Thứ nhất, giới thiệu chấp nhận vật hoàn cảnh xã hội, thứ 2, dân số đa sắc tộc, thứ 3, kết nối nhóm dân tộc nhỏ nhóm dân tộc Câu 158: Đáp án A Conceal sb/ st: (v) che giấu, giấu giếm ≈ hide: (v) che giấu Create: tạo Erode: xói mòn Contain: chứa Câu 159: Đáp án D Đoạn văn ngụ ý guyots lần đầu phát nhờ vào đâu Thông tin nằm đoạn 2: “…a ship equipped with a fathometer…Since then, hundreds of guyots have been discovered in every ocean…” Đó nhờ vào máy đo chiều sâu ((máy dùng tiếng vọng để đo chiều sâu biển) Các phương án lại khơng đề cập đến phương pháp tìm guyot A thám hiểm lặn xuống biển sâu B phân tích máy tính C tàu ngầm nghiên cứu Câu 160: Đáp án D Đoạn văn nói Bắc Băng Dương Thơng tin nằm đoạn 2: “Since then, hundreds of guyots have been discovered in every ocean but the Arctic.” Kế từ đó, hàng trăm guyot phát tát đại dương ngoại trừ Bắc Băng Dương Các phương án lại sai khơng đê cập đến A Guyot phát B Các guyot khơng thể hình thành C Ở nhiều guyot tất đại dương khác Câu 161: Đáp án D Tác giả nói hẻm núi ngồi khơi guyot đặc điểm chung sau Thông tin nằm đoạn 2: “Like offshore canyons, guyots present a challenge to oceanographic theory.” Giống hẻm núi khơi, guyot gây thách thức cho việc đưa thuyết đại dương học chúng Các phương án lại khơng đề cập đến A Cả hai tìm thấy đáy đại dương gần với thềm lục địa B Cả hai hình thành hoạt động núi lửa C Cả hai thời điểm nằm mặt biển Câu 162: Đáp án D Theo đoạn văn, hầu hết guyot tìm thấy độ sâu Thông tin nằm câu: “Most lie between 3,200 feet and 6,500 feet.” Câu 163: Đáp án B Theo đoạn văn, trình sau liên quan đến việc chìm xuống biển guyot Thơng tin nằm câu cuối đoạn văn: “The great weight of the volcanic mountains depressed the sea floor beneath them, and the level of the sea rose a number of times…” Ttrọng lượng lớn núi lửa làm yếu đáy biển bên chúng, mực nước biển tăng nhiều lần " Các phương án khác không đề cập đến A xói mòn hoạt động núi lửa B Thuỷ triều lên cao động đất D Thi cơng núi hoạt động dòng hải lưu Câu 164: Đáp án A Theo đoạn văn, mực nước biển tăng mạnh Thông tin nằm câu cuối đoạn văn: “The great weight of the volcanic mountains depressed the sea floor beneath them, and the level of the sea rose a number of times, especially when the last Ice Age ended, some 8,000 to 11,000 years ago.” Câu 165: Đáp án A Mục đích đoạn văn Thơng tin nằm đoạn 1: “In addition to the great ridges and volcanic chains, the oceans conceal another form of undersea mountains: the strange guyot, or flat-topped seamount.” Ngoài dãy núi lớn núi lửa, đại dương che dấu hình thức khác núi: guyot, hay gọi núi ngầm nước đỉnh Câu câu mở đoạn để giới thiệu mục đích sau đoạn văn mô tả đặc điểm giới biển Các phương án khác khơng phải mục đích B để lần theo nghề nghiệp ông Amold Guyot C để trình bày kết nghiên cứu địa chất gần D để thảo luận dãy núi nước núi lửa Câu 166: Đáp án D Tác giả viết đoạn văn mang tính lịch sử Câu 167: Đáp án B Thơng tin nằm câu đầu đoạn 1: “The election of Andrew Jackson to the presidency in 1928 marked the political ascendancy of the “common man” in American politics.” Câu 168: Đáp án C ‘institution’ đề cập tới ngân hàng Hoa Kỳ xuất trước Đoạn 3: “Jackson waged a war against the Bank of the United States, vetoing the bill that rechartered the institution, declaring it a dangerous monopoly that profited the wealthy few.” Câu 169: Đáp án A Thông tin nằm đoạn 3: “…declaring it a dangerous monopoly that profited the wealthy few.” – tuyên bố tổ chức nguy hiểm mang lợi nhuận cho kẻ giàu Câu 170: Đáp án D Thông tin nằm đoạn 4: “He adopted what was at the time considered an enlightened solution to the Indian problem-removal.” Câu 171: Đáp án D ‘brutal’: (a) bạo, tàn ác = harsh (a): thô bạo, ác nghiệt, tàn nhẫn Câu 172: Đáp án D Thông tin nằm câu cuối đoạn 1: “His name became a household word during the war of 1812, when, as a U.S Army major general, he led troops against the Creek Indians in the Mississippi Territory and later defeated the British at New Orleans.” Câu 173: Đáp án B Thông tin nằm đoạn 2: “With the development of agricultural communities, women’s work revolved more around the home.” Câu 174: Đáp án C Thông tin nằm câu cuối đoạn 2: “As urban centres developed, women sold or traded goods in the marketplace.” (bán trao đổi hàng hóa chợ) Câu 175: Đáp án A Thông tin nằm đoạn 3: “Women’s indentured work has often been similar to their work at home.” - indentured work = work outside the home Câu 176: Đáp án C Thông tin nằm đoạn 4: “Some major changes are now occurring in industrial nations,…; decreasing family responsibilities (due to both smaller family size and technological innovation in the home); higher levels of education for women; and more middle and upper-income women working for pay or for job satisfaction Statistically, they have not yet achieved parity of pay or senior appointments in the workplace in any nation.” - dù giảm trách nhiệm với gia đình nâng cao giáo dục,… họ chưa nhận ngang hay vị trí cơng việc cao nơi làm việc Câu 177: Đáp án D Thông tin nằm đoạn 3: “Women have worked because of economic necessity; poor women in particular worked outside the home whether they were unmarried or married, and especially if their husbands were unable to sustain the family solely through their own work.” – phụ nữ phải làm cần thiết kinh tế, chồng họ khơng thể làm trụ cột gia đình Câu 178: Đáp án C sweatshops: xí nghiệp bóc lột cơng nhân tàn tệ Câu 179: Đáp án C Thông tin nằm đoạn 7: “…the Industrial Revolution developed, the putting-out system slowly declined Goods that had been produced by hand in the home were manufactured by machine under the factory system Women competed more with men for some jobs, but were concentrated primarily in textile mills and clothing factories.” Câu 180: Đáp án C Thông tin nằm đoạn 1: “The work of women has been economically vital since prehistory, although their contributions have varied according to the structure, needs, customs, and attitudes of society.” ... easier to transport Question 11: The word “it” in paragraph refers to _ A industrial architecture B internal iron skeleton C stone D strength Question 12: The word “surpassed” is closest in meaning... parents for almost fifteen years Question 125 : The word “tiny” in paragraph probably means A very small B very deep C very fat D very ugly Question 126 : The word “they” in paragraph refers to A... they wear out (6) Gerontologists - scientists who study the process of aging - believe this wearing out of the body is controlled by a built-in biological time-clock They are trying to discover

Ngày đăng: 11/12/2018, 15:13



