Hướng dẫn cài đặt quảng cáo mobile app install ads của facebook
Trang 1What are mobile app install ads?
Mobile app install ads help developers and advertisers easily drive and
measure installs (CPI) for their mobile apps and games
This is the best ad unit to use if your objective is to drive app installs Mobile app install ads click directly to your app in the iOS iTunes app store (if using an iPhone) or Google Play store (if using Android) Mobile app install ads display
in mobile news feed
As of December 2012, we added several additional features:
- Ad customization and larger image size
- The ability to install apps without leaving the Facebook experience on iOS6 devices
- Demographic breakdown for all mobile app installs (information is
aggregate and anonymous)
We’re now excited to introduce enhanced device targeting With this
enhancement, advertisers will be able to:
- Target specific messages to people based on which operating system version they are using (e.g., iOS 6 or Jelly Bean 4.2)
- Target devices on Wi-Fi only connections With Wi-Fi targeting, advertisers can target people who may have more time and bandwidth to download and check out your app This new targeting option is a particularly good fit for apps that require significant data usage
Trang 2Why mobile app install ads?
• Mobile app install ads help developers and advertisers easily drive and
measure installs (on a cost per install basis) for their native mobile apps and games
• These ads appear in the most engaging place on the site, the mobile
news feed
• Ads can be targeted to exactly the right audience using all of Facebook’s targeting options
Spec details
• Text: 130 characters
o Headline is fixed, but the body is customizable
• Image (600x360) uploaded during the ad create process (customizable)
o If a new image is not uploaded during the ad create process, the
ad will pull the image from the app center (800x150, resized to 600x113 for mobile retina display)
• Primary icon from the app detail page of the app dashboard
o As of February 2013, mobile app install ads are “actor led,”
meaning that a primary icon (75x75) will be shown in the upper left-hand corner of the ad next to the app name If you don’t have one, you can upload a primary icon via the app detail page
of the app dashboard
Trang 3STEP ONE: Set up your app for mobile app install ads
Follow these details before building your ad in Power Editor or via API:
1 Install the latest SDK for iOS or Android if you want to track installs from your campaigns (OPTIONAL for running an ad)
2 Register your app with Facebook
3 Add information to the App’s Basic page
4 Complete App Details page
5 Build and launch your ad in Power Editor, API, or simple buy flow
on Developer Site
STEP TWO: Buy & build mobile app install ads
You can buy mobile app install ads through the Ads Create Tool, Power Editor
or the API
1 Visit the following link to download and install the Power Editor:
2 Once you install the Power Editor, you will be prompted to download your
Facebook Ads Account If you have already created ads, you should see them in Power Editor after they finish downloading
3 If you have not yet created any ads, you must first create a campaign Click
on the “Campaigns” tab on the top row, then the “Create Campaign”
button You can use this function to create new campaigns, even if you already have existing ads
Trang 44 Name your campaign, select your budget, and schedule the dates you
would like your ad to run All ads created within this campaign will share
this budget and schedule parameters If you wish to run multiple ads with
separate budgets and schedules, you should create separate campaigns
for those ads
5 After creating a campaign in Power Editor, select the “ads” tab and hit the
“Create Ad” button
6 After naming your new ad, select “Mobile Only Ad,” then click “For a native
mobile app.” Then, choose your app from the Destination dropdown
Trang 5
7 Customize the body and image of your ad
a Body
i The default language for the body of the ad is pulled from the App Detail page You can customize the body by placing your desired text in the “Body” prompt shown above
ii The character limit is 130 The prompt will allow you to type more than 130 characters for ease of editing, but the ad will render with a maximum of 130 characters
iii See red box below
b Image
i Clicking the “Choose” button next to the “Image” prompt allows you to customize the image for the ad The image must be 600 x 360 to render in the large ad format
ii The default ad image is the image from the App Detail page (800x150) This smaller image will display if you do not upload a separate image during the ad create process
iii Make sure that you have an image uploaded on the App Detail page, even if you customize the image during the ad create process If a user has an outdated version of the
Trang 6Facebook iOS app, then the ad will render with the 800x150 image
iv See green box above
A preview of the ad will appear on the right The actual unit on mobile
devices will look similar to this:
8 The “Placements” section allows you to select where your ad will appear
For mobile app install ads, “News Feed mobile only” will automatically be selected for you
You can then select which mobile platforms you’d like the ads to be delivered to under “Placements.” You must create separate ads for iOS and Android because the install process is different for each operating system You now also have the ability to only target users on specific versions of Android and iOS mobile operating systems and devices with Wi-Fi only connections
9 Select who you would like to reach with your ad The “Audiences” section
allows basic geographic, age, and gender targeting, as well as targeting
Trang 7based on interests and connections to Facebook objects such as Pages
and/or Apps
You can also target an existing audience, which includes custom audiences and previously created targeted audiences The “advanced options” tab
includes more granular targeting choices
Although mobile targeting categories are included under “Broad
Categories,” we don’t recommend that you use these to indicate which
mobile platforms you want to target You should instead select the mobile platform you’d like the ads to be delivered to using the ‘Placements’
options below
The “New Smartphone Owners” category, however, includes people who
have recently purchased a new smartphone and is a good category to
target if you want to find people eager to download new apps
10 The “Pricing & Status” section allows you to determine your bid type and
max bid price For mobile app install ads, select “CPC” or “oCPM” for the bid type
a oCPM
i Selecting oCPM will automatically optimize delivery for users who are most likely to click then install your app
ii Note that oCPM for installs is only a bidding option if you have the Facebook SDK integrated into your app (3.0 or greater for iOS, and the latest SDK as of 8/29/12 for Android)
or if you partner with one of our third-party measurement providers
Trang 8b CPC
i If you do not have the Facebook SDK installed, you should bid on a CPC basis because you cannot bid using oCPM for installs
ii If you bid on a CPC basis, we recommend you bid your true value, as we will never charge you more than the lowest clearing price for competitive delivery Increase your bid if you are not seeing enough delivery
STEP THREE: Measure installs for your app
1 Insights for paid app installs (via mobile app install ad product)
a Look up your campaign in the Facebook Ads Manager
b Ads Manager provides total clicks and installs resulting from a given
ad (“actions” = installs)
c You can get insights into paid app installs for specific campaigns if
you have the latest Facebook SDK installed or if you partner with one of our third-party measurement providers
2 Insights for all app installs
a You must have the latest Facebook SDK installed to get
demographic breakdown for mobile app installs (3.0 or greater for iOS, and the latest SDK as of 8/29/12 for Android)
b If you have the SDK installed, go to the Facebook App Insights page
c Select the App about which you would like more insights by clicking
“View Insights”
Trang 9d Then select “Mobile app installs” on the left hand navigation
e The dashboard shows all organic and paid app installs, regardless of their origination
f In this dashboard, you will get data on all new mobile app installs and the demographic breakdown for all installs (by age, gender, country and language) See below for demographic insights
STEP FOUR: Best practices
Basic optimization:
1 Include only one ad in each campaign
a Goal: Maximize delivery to each ad
b The Facebook ads system automatically optimizes delivery across ads inside a given campaign We recommend including only one ad
in each campaign to bypass automatic optimization and maximize delivery to each ad in your account
2 Target at least 1 Million people in each ad
a Goal: Drive installs at scale
b People often target too few people when they first setup Mobile App Install campaigns We recommend targeting at least 1M+ people in each ad when you're starting out to drive installs at scale
3 Separate campaigns by device
a Goal: Understand ad effectiveness
Trang 10b Target only one device in each ad to measure the effectiveness of
your campaigns on different devices (e.g., iPhone, iPad, Android)
4 Test broad categories and precise interests
a Goal: Reach qualified players
b We recommend using Broad category and Precise interest targeting
at the same time The connection between broad category and
precise interest targeting is an "and" clause For example, you can
target people who like Running (Broad Category) and who like Nike
(Precise Interest) Learn more about targeting in the Help Center:
5 Integrate Facebook SDK and/or Mobile Measurement Partner (MMP)
a Goal: Measure installs and LTV
b The simplest way to measure installs from your Facebook campaigns
is to integrate our latest SDK We also recently announced support
for a number of 3rd-party measurement solutions including
HasOffers, AD-X, Apsalar, Localytics, and Kontagent
c You can find more information about these partners here:
6 Use Optimized CPM bidding
a *Must have Facebook SDK and/or MMP installed*
b Goal: "Simplified Campaign Management & Lower CPI
c oCPM campaigns allow clients with the latest SDK to specify CPM
bids to automatically optimize for installs Our optimization
algorithms determine the full potential value of each individual
impression based on the desired event
d We currently have several desktop gaming clients that have shifted
over 90% of their spend to oCPM because it is more cost effective to
drive quality installs This is a big opportunity for mobile advertisers Advanced optimization:
7 Test engaged gamer broad categories
a *Email your account manager to have your accounts whitelisted for
this option*
b Goal: Reach qualified players
c Our new "Engaged Gamer" categories help you connect with people
that currently play specific categories of games including Casino,
Puzzle, Strategy, and many others
8 Get help from a Preferred Marketing Developer (PMD)
a Goal: Scale your campaigns
b PMDs build tools on top of the Facebook Advertising API and help
companies find value from their Facebook ads Companies like
Trang 11Nanigans, AdParlor and many others run Mobile App Install
campaigns on behalf of many of our top advertisers
c Check out the complete directory here:
9 Include call to action in App description
a Goal: Motivate people to download your App
b Include a clear call to action or incentive within the first 90
characters of your app's description to help your ad stand out
against other News Feed content
c Note: Make sure that your app description is highlighting how the
app works (e.g everyone gets 10K coins) rather than making an offer (e.g install from this ad and get double the coins) to conform with
our policy guidelines
10 Target a Custom Audience
a Goal: Build advanced targeting groups with your data
b We can use email/phone number/Facebook UIDs to create a custom
audiences to target our ad too We can then specifically reach out to our customers we know are already like our apps Contact your
account manager to help get this setup