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The Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology 16

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7 THE JOURNAL THE LINNEAN SOCIETY ZOOLOGY VOL XXII LONDON: SOLD AT THE SOCIETY'S APARTMENTS, BURLINGTON HOUSE, AND BY LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO., AND WILLIAMS AND NORGATE 1888, Dates of Publication of the several No 1.36, „ 137, „ 138, Numbers included 1- 64, published November 24, 1887 pp 65-128, „ December „ 129-176, „ January „ in this Volume 31, 1887 31, 1888 „ 139, „ 177-240, „ April 10, 1888 „ 140, „ 241-305, „ July 31, 1888, with Index and Titlepage PRINTKD BY TAYLOR AND RED TiION FBANOI.S, COURT, FLEET STKEET ^ou.^;>~ CONTENTS Page Dr Man, Dr J G Report on the Podoplithalmous Crustacea of the Merg-ui Archi- Museum, John Anderson, F.R.S., Superintendent of pelago, collected for the Trustees of the Indian Calcutta, by Dr the Museum —Part I The same.—Part 65 II The same.—Part III 129 The same.—Part IV 177 The same.— Part V , 241 LIST OF PLATES Plate I — THE JOURNAL OP THE LINNEAN SOCIETY Eeport on the Podoplithalmous Crustacea of the Mergui Archipelago, collected for the Trustees of the Indian Museum, Calcutta, by Dr John Anderson, F.E S., Superintendent of the Museum By Dr J Gr de Man, of Middleburg, Netherlands (Communicated by Dr John A-Ndbrson, F.E.S., F.L.S.) [Eead 17th June, 1886.] (Plates I.-XIX.) The Crustacea described in the following pages are mostly The Collection contains no fewer than 166 species, 38 of which are new to science, i e nearly a fourth of the whole number They are represented by about 1060 speci- littoral species mens, in an excellent state of preservation new to the 118 species are Eauna of the Bay of Bengal (including Ceylon, the Nicobar Islands, and Singapore), only 48 species in the Collection having been previously recorded from that part of the Indian Ocean These numbers are highly surprising, as the of Bengal has been explored, years ago, by many naturalists Large carcinological collections were made in former times by French naturalists on the coast of Coromandel and at Ceylon, and a still larger number of species were collected, in the years 1857-59, by the famous ISTovara Expedition, at the same In the Eeport localities and especially at the Nicobar Islands published in 1865, by Prof Heller on the Decapoda and Bay ' ' Stomatopoda collected during that expedition, no less than LINN JOUBN zoology, VOL XXII — ! DR J G DE MAN ON THE PODOPHTHALMOUS 109 species were enumerated from Madras, Ceylon, and the ScarcelyNicobar Islands, a fifth of which were new to science more than a fourth of these 109 species occur in the Mergui The Decapodous and Stomatopodous Crustacea in Collection Mergui Collection that are new to the Eauna prove to be about two thirds of the The species number of species hitherto known as inhabiting it therefore of th«se two groups now ascertained to occur in the Bay amount to nearly 300 These numbers are eloquent and demonstrate that the collection made by Prof Anderson is a most interesting one, and this interesting of the Bay of Bengal ! Fauna a valuable contribution to the of the north-eastern part of the Indian Ocean The following of the new table gives a species, summary number of the of species, and of the specimens in the Collection, according to the subdivisions of the group Number of Species : New Species Specimens Oxyrhyncha 21 Cyclometopa 48 205 Catometopa 47 17 540 Oxystomata 11 Anomura 26 26 144 Macriira 19 103 19 Stomatopoda Poecilopoda 38 166 1061 These results show that the subtribe Catometopa contains comparatively the largest number of new species, and that more than a half of all the specimens belong to it The geuera of Catometopa include many groups that are at present very insufficiently and unsatisfactorily known I have : only to refer to the genera Telphusa, Ocypoda, Sesarma, and Gelasimus as instances of the great confusion that common Indian regarding these I first forms Only pointed out the distinctive characters of the widely distributed Ocypoda cordimana unsatisfactorily tinguish it more than known from that it allied forms, half a century before still five prevails years ago common and — a species at that time so was almost impossible to disit had been described although ; CRUSTACEA OF THE MERGTJI AECHIPELA&O This fact leads me to exists regarding the direct attention to the confusion that still synonymy phthalmous Crustacea of many common Indian Podomay be accounted for This circumstance by the fact that sucb authors as Milne-Edwards, de Haan, and Dana, when describing species of former carcinologists, e g of Fabricius and Herbst, had neither studied nor examined their typical specimens, preserved in the hagen, and BerHn descriptions and ; Museums of Kiel, Copen- although the diagnoses of Fabricius and the figures of Herbst were often too short or insuf- enable the species to be satisfactorily recognized ficient to A renewed examination of the typical specimens of these older carcinologists, so far as they are still available, appears to me most desirable I have made a beginning in to be this direction by examining the types of certain species described by Fabricius, Milne-Edwards, and some others, so far as this was necessary for the present Eeport and I am now occupied with a critical study of the Australian species which were described about twenty years ago by Mr Hess I have given in the present Eeport some results of these studies, which I think will prove to be of value and contribute to a more exact knowledge of the common Indian ; I have also pointed out the distinctive characters of Decapoda, Menippe Rumpliii, Fabr,, and of Myomenippe granulosa, A M.Edw., both common species of large size, but which nevertheless were insufficiently known I have furthermore given new and common full descriptions of four species of Gelasimus, and have elucidated the characters of the little-known group of Metaplaoo and those also of many species of the genus Sesarma, which are so extremely difficult to distinguish that great confusion regard- ing them is still observable in carcinological works The Collection made by Anderson contains, as already I would especia new form of the ally call attention to the following species rare Maioid genus Harrovia, two rare species of Leptodius (L nudipes and L cavipes), two species of Seteropanope a large series of Goniosoma merguiense and of Gelasimus; two new forms of the singular genus Dotilla the new genus Dioxifpe the rare and interesting forms of Metaplax eight species of observed, a large number Prof of interesting forms : — ; ; ; Porcellana ; and, finally, the interesting species of Macrura Some common Indian genera, on the contrary, are not at 1* all • — DE DE MAN ON THE PODOPHTHALMOUS J G represented in collection, tlie e g., Matuta, Palinurus, and the Hippidcs Most A by a small number of specimens species are represented few, however, are an exception and appear to haye been very common at the Mergui Islands at the time the collection made, as indicated in the following table Specimens Specimens Gelasimus triangularis, A.M.-'Ei 33 Leptodius exaratus, M.-Edw 25 Goniosoma merffiiiense, n ST^ 20 GelasimusI)ussicmieri,'M -^dw 67 acutus, Siim-ps 67 annulipes, Latr 33 was : Botilla intermedia, n ap 32 Metaplax 29 eleffans, n s^p 66 25 Sesarma Edwardsi, n sTp Porcellana picta, Stimps The genus Porcellana is represented in the Bay of Bengal by no fewer than 15 species, of which are in the collection Finally, I desire to take this opportunity of expressing obligation to the following gentlemen, from I valuable assistance am especially indebted Jentink, Director, and to Dr Zoological Museum whom E my I have received to Dr Horst, Conservator, of Leyden, for having permitted F A of the me to study a large series of interesting typical specimens preserved in that My thanks are due to Mr C Eitzema, great Institution Conservator of the same Museum, for having kindly granted me many valuable carcinological works during the time the loan of Collection and also to Prof Alph Milne-Edwards, of Paris, to Prof Mobius, of Kiel, and to Mr C Koelbel, of Vienna, for having permitted me to study a large I was working at this ; number of typical specimens, described respectively by the late H Milne-Edwards, by Eabricius, and in the 'Novara' Expedition I have to express my thanks also to Dr E hagen, for having graciously presented to Meinert, of Copen- me excellent life-size photographs of three species of Eabricius, the types of which and to Dr Hilare preserved in the Museum of Copenhagen ; gendorf, of Berlin, and to Dr E Eichters, of Erankfort-on-the- Main, for having kindly compared for me specimens from Mergui with typical specimens of Herbst and Eiippell CHrSTACEA OF THE MERQUI AECHIPELAaO A List of Species collected in the Mergui Archipelago Decapod A Beaohtfka Doclea *Thalamita sima, H M.-Edw prymna, Herbst spiuimana, Dana, liybrida, Fabr Audersoni, n sp sp Dante, Stimps Hj'asteiius Hilgendorfi, n sp Pleione, Herbst Naxia (Naxioides) Petersii, Hilgend *Schizophrys aspera, H M.-Edw Micippa Haanii, Stimps * crenata, Latr *Goniosoma cruciferum, Fahr affiue, Dana * merguiense, n sp *Lambrus longimanus, H M.-Edw Harrovia elegans, #Atergatis integerrimus, * Eucrate affinis, Hasw Caroinoplax setosus, A M.-Edw n sp Lam integer, Miers *Telphusa Stoliezkana, Wood-Mason floridus, Eiornph Carpilodes Stimpsoni, A M.-Edw Actjeu areolata, Dana * rufopunotata, H M.-Edw parvula, de Haan Oallianira, n sp carinifera, n sp Pinnotheres Edwardsi, n sp parvulus, Stimps Xanthasia murigera White sp Euxanthus mamillatus, H M.-Edw Xantho impressus, Lam -— x- * * *Epixanthus M M.-Edw H M.-Edw frontalis, dentatus, White setifer, de Haan elegans, n sp Actuinnus n sp * Sesarma Aubryi, A M.-Edw * Dana *Eriphia Itevimana, Latr *Trapezia cymodoce, Herbst *Neptunus pelagicus, L ? gladiator, Fabr Audersoni, n sp Thalamita Savignyi, A M.-Edw Integra, Dana distinctus, H M.-Edw dentipes, Heller elegans, n sp intermedins, n sp vespertilio, Fabr Isevis, Eupp —— eucratoides, Stimjos Andei'soni, u sp seminudus, Miers Ei/d Soul Erato, n sp Dotilla breritarsis, n sp intermedia, n sp Dioxippe orientalis, n gen et n sp *Metopograpsus messor, Forsk maculatus, H M.-Edw *Grrapsus strigosus, Herbst Pachygrapsus minutus, A M.-Edw Pyxidognathus Deianira, n sp Metaplax crenulatus, Gerst nudus, A M.-Ediv Heteropanope indica, acutus, Stimps annulipes, Latr triangularis, A M.-Edw depressus, Sf Eurycarcinus maculatus,^ M.-Edw HsOzius taberculosus, Pilumnus —— !§ White Cymo Andreossyi, Aud *Meuippe Rumphii, Fabr Myomenippe granulosa, A.M.-Edw Pall cordimana, Latr Grelasimus Dussumieri, H M.-Edw Macrophthalmus tomentosus, sp *Chlorodopsis pilumnoides, Ad * sp *Ocypoda ceratophthalma Medseus diafcingaendus, de Haan *Ohlorodius niger, Forsk sculptus, A M.-Edw Leptodius exaratus, H M.-Edw nudipes, Dana cavipes, Dana aspera, Heller Melissa, n sp picta, de Haan Andersoni, n sp Haswelli, n sp Dussumieri, H M.-Edw, livida, A M.-Edw tseniolata White intermedia, de Haan DE Sesarma Edwardsi, , — DE MAN ON THE PODOPHTHALMOITS J Q n sp var crassimana, n ? Leueosia urania, Herbst Pseudophilyra Hoedtii, de polita, n sp *Philyra seabriuscula, Fabr platycheira, de Haan globosa, Fabr Myra punctata, Herbst sp Clistocoeloma merguiensis, n sp *Oalappa philargius, L * M Melita, n sp Kraussi, n sp *Doi'ippe quadridens, Fabr gallus, Herbst Anomuea Dromidia unidentata, Eu^p., Diogenes merguiensis, var * * cranioides, n sp Cryptodromia, sp *Porcellana iuermis, Heller japonica, de * dentafca, Boscii, H Haan M.-Edw ~~ avarus, Heller ^P- *Clibanariu8 infraspinatus, Hilgend padavensis, n sp virescens, Krauss And sculpta, n sp miles, Fabr H M.-Edw sequabilis, cor alii cola, Hasw picta, Stimps Buplirosyne, n sp *Pagurus punctulatus, Oliv deformis, H M.-Edw Oalcinus terrse-reginse, Sasw Dana, var mergui- ensis, n Arethusa, n sp *Ocenobita violascens, Heller Macetjea Nica macrognatha, Stimps Stimps Gebiopsis intermedia, n sp *Thalassina anomala, Herbst *Thenus orientalis, Fahr Gl-ebia carinicauda, Alpbeus * * Harpilius Miersi, n sp Hippolyte oligodon, n sp #PaIffimon carcinvis, Fabr brevirostris, Oliv acutirostris, rapax (Fabr.), de Haan Edwardsii, Aud Dana * equidens, Dana *Pen8eus semisulcatus, de Hippotlioe, n sp minor, Sa^, var neptunus var biunguiculatus Haan Bculptilis, Heller merguiensis, n sp Lysianassa, n sp , Stomatopoda *Squilla nepa, Latr raphidea, Fahr Pseudosquilla pilaensis, n sp *Gronodacty]us chiragra, Fabr P(ECILOPODA Limulus moluccanus, Latr [N.B —In the foregoing \ list Limulus rotundieauda, Latr those species which have been previously observed in other parts of the coast of Coromandel, at Ceylon, at the at Singapore are marked with an Bay of Bengal (on the Mcobar Islands) and asterisk.] Mer6ui P"x]jpd ] 1-4 5-7 INN vSljr oJo 'F^M '^OOJ Vol XXll 3ESARJV5A ANDERSON::, S.MELISSA S-12 S.DnSSUMlERl 13-15 S Pi 12 Mmterrv imp .sp.? Jiergui IjINN.SoC JOURN.ZOOL.'VOL.XXII Pl.13 Exped - SESARM/^ Crowt.Vr luK 1-0), EDWARDSI S POLITA G S EDW/.KDSI var CRASSIMAMA CLISTOCOELOMA MERGUIENSE Mmtem , 10 imp Linn ,Soc cJouRN ZooL Mer6ui Exped .-Vo], MIL Pi 14 '*^^4.t Sx ^1 1-3 CrowLker Ud^ li 0, SESARMA KRAUS31 S- DROMIDIAUNIDENTATA D C RAN 0] DES ^'^-^ ^ '"p MeT'6\u i'Jx'ped C-rowtao- i.ii^ Linn i)oc,cJOURN ZoolVol 1-3 PORCEi.LANA KUPRKOSYImE 4-6.DI0GEMh;S MERGUIEHSIS /-e) I), MILES XXli Fi, id Mergm Exped LlNN.SoC J0UJ5N^ ZOOL.VOL.J(XI1 Minterri 1-5 CLJBANARIUS PADA^/ENSIS 6-8 GEBIOPSIS INTERMEDIA Pl.16 imp , Mei'gui McKael LlIMN.SoC cJoUfiM.ZoOL.VoL,.XXIl.PL,r/, Exped lilK D'' De Mail del Min.tern 1-S.ALPREUS HIPPOTHOE 6-lO.HARPILlUS MIERSI imp Me^gu^ Exped LlNN.SoC JOXJRI^I ZoOL.VoL.XXll Pl J8 D'.'DeMariael l-k3.K!}-P0LYTE OLIGODON *^^"^^- PAL.^:vJO"N S.PEN^US MERGDIENSIS ACUTJRGSTHIS IvGntexr ,mp , LlNN.SoC JoURN ZoOL YoL XXII Pl.19 Mergui Exped / De Man del PEN^US LYSIANASSA ... interesting of the Bay of Bengal ! Fauna a valuable contribution to the of the north-eastern part of the Indian Ocean The following of the new table gives a species, summary number of the of species,... regards the shape of the carapace and the relative length and shape of the joints of the ambulatory legs, these specimens The cephalothorax of the larger 16 millim long and 17 millim broad; the three... some other setigera, characters As regards the proportion of the length and the breadth of the cephalothorax, this The may be expressed by the numbers 4)7 anterior half of the upper surface of the

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