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RHYNCHOTA HEMIPTEBA-HOMOPTEBA Vol II Part BY Prof T D A COCKERELL 1899 — BIOLOGIA CENTRALI-AMERICANA ZOOLOaiA INSECTA RHYNCHOTA Class Order Suborder HEMIPTERA-HOMOPTERA (continued) Fam ALEURODID^* The following species have been recorded from our region ALEURODICUS, Aleurodicus dugesi Aleurodicus dugesii, Ckll Canad Entom 1896, Hob Mexico : p 302 Guanajuato {Duges} Aleurodicus iridescens p 225 Aleurodicus iridescens, Ckll Psyche, 1898, Hah Mexico : Dougl : Tabasco {Townsend) Aleurodicus mirabilis Aleurodes mirabilis, Ckll Psyche, 1898, pr-agS Aleurodicus mirabilis, Ckll Psyche, 1899, p 360 Hab Mexico: Tabasco {Townsend); Minatitlan, on Anona, 189'8 (Townsend) ALEURODES, Amy & Serv Aleurodes vinsonioides Aleurodes vinsonioides, Ckll Psyche, 1898, p 225 Eab Mexico : Tabasco {Townsend) Aleurodes nicotiana) Aleurodes nicotiana, Maskell, Trans Hab, Mexico: Guanajuato New Zeal Inst 1895, p 436 (i>M^^s) Aleurodes erigeroutis New Aleurodes erigerontis, Maskell, Trans Hab Mexico; Escalon {Cockerell) * BIOL CENTR.-AMEE., By Zeal Inst 1895, p 429 See Ent News, 1896, p 247 T D A COCKEEELL Rhynch Homop., Vol II Ft 2, December 1899 fi ; HEMIPTEEA-HOMOPTEBA Pam COCCID^ * MONOPHLEBINJE MONOPHLEBUS, Leach \Llaveia, Signoret.] The supposed are due between Monophlehus distinctions to the immaturity { = Llaveia, Protortonia primitiva have 11-segmented antennae 1899, Sign.) and Protortonia of the type-specimens of the latter group Adults of See Proc Acad Nat Sci Phil 259 p Monophlebus axinus Llaveia axinus (Llave), Sign Essai sur les Cochenilles, p 404 (1875) Coccus adipofera, Donde Euiz (Ibarra), Abstr Scientific American, xlii p La Emulacion 10 (1880) Sci ; ; Ckll Can Ent 1897, p 271 (Merida, Yucatan), ii pp 174-180 (1879) Amer., Suppl no 184 (July 1879) ; Gaea, Colonies and India, 26 April, 1879, p 9; Lotos, 1875 (?), pp 199-200 Journ, Applied Science, x pp 24-25 (1879) {cf Taschenberg, Bibl Zool ii 1889, p 1526) vi 563-566 (1870) pp Hah Mexico in TIacotalpam {de la Llave) : Oaxaca (Townsend) This insect females is ; ; coral-red is between Salina Cruz and Tehuantepec ; Yucatan, on Spondias {Donde Euiz) ( $ ) and is covered with a fine whitish powder % of their weight of a bright yellow extracted 26 to 28 fat, From which is the said to be the most quickly drying oleaginous substance known Dr A Duges has described a var dorsalis, Nat Mex (2) i p, 160 (1888) Monophlebus bouvari Ortonia bouvari, Sign Essai sur les Cochenilles, p 402 (1875) Uab Guatemala Monophlebus primitivus Ortonia primitiva, Towns Journ N Y Ent Soc 1898, p 169 ilab Mexico : Cuautla in Morelos [Koehele) L Monophlebus mexicanorum & Mag Ortonia mexicanorum, Ckll Ann Hab Mexico * By : T D A CocKEEELL detailed list of Mexican Nearly Coccidae, all N Y Ent Soc, Sept 1898, Ann Since then, forty & Mag responsible for the identification of the Agricultural p 430 1898 by CoUege.— r D of the material of this family has passed through with food-plants and Journ N Y Ent Soc, Dec 1897 collection procured in Nat Hist., June 1898, Mixcoac {Koebele) Prof A C localities, new of Nat History, Panama was published by Prof C my hands H T Townsend A in have been described from Mexico in Journ June 1898, and 'Entomologist,' June 1898 I am species species collected Townsend I have been by Mr Dolby-Tyler assisted by Mr P In working over the J Parrott, of the Kansas MONOPHLEBUS The and following males MonopMebus, S may belong to one or name them therefore inadvisable to it is —ICERYA the other of the four species enumerated, : sp Expanse of wings about 16 millim Head, body, legs, and antennse ferruginous eyes bright scarlet abdomen thinly covered with cottony secretion, and presenting eight long fleshy caudal processes covered with short hairs Wings black, with the usual broad red costa and two white streaks ; Ilab Panama: Volcan de Chiriqui 3000 feet {Champion) and coloration resembles the African M raddoni, Westw., but that has the thoracic dorsum piceous This and the two following males are particularly interesting, In size because they show that the Monophlehus-Yike insects of Central America, variously referred to Ortonia and Llaveia, have indeed structure of true MonopJilehus female only, names As four probable that some or it is in the male, as well as in the female, the species are all known from our region from the of these males belong with them ; hence no are proposed for the males, although several species have been described in former years from the male alone Monophlebus, sp S Expanse about 10 millim Reddish; eyes, thoracic band, ventral surface of thorax, and legs black; antennae very dark brown abdomen bright scarlet, practically naked, with only four long fleshy processes, *which are brown Wings black, with a red costa, but no white streaks ; Hah Panama: Volcan de Chiriqui 3000 feet {Champion) This departs from typical Monophlebus in having only four (instead of eight) caudal processes It may possibly be the male of Protortonia, in which case that name might well be used in a subgeneric sense Monophlebus, S sp Expanse about 10 millim Dull red head, except the occiput, antennae, legs, and pro- and mesothorax black abdomen with eight fleshy processes, the first shorter than the rest wings black, with the usual red costa, and two white lines, which are longer and finer than in the large species from Chiriqui ; ; ; Hah Mexico : Acaguizotla in Guerrero 3500 feet (H H Smith) ICERYA, Icerya montserratensis & Howard, Insect leery a montserratemis, Riley Sign, Life, iii p 99 (1890), Hah Mexico: Izamal in Yucatan (Towwsew(Z)^Tampico {Townsend); Panama, Colon {S A Davis) Icerya palmeri & Howard, Icerya palmeri, Riley Ent Soc 1898, Hah Mexico : p 167 Insect Life, iii p 103 (1890) (young) ; Townsend, Journ N Y (adult) Guaymas {Palmer, Koehele) fi — HEMIPTEEA-HOMOPTERA Icerya purchasi New Icerya purchasi, Maskell, Trans Hah Mexico: Guaymas end) Zeal Inst xi p 221 (1878) (Tow;?se^^6Z) ^evmosillo {Townsend) ; ; Magdalena (2bwj«s- Monterey (Tawnsend) ; This insect exists in two forms, which are probably distinct species maskelli, CklL, The form found near Guaymas, and the form crawii at Magdalena is See Townsend, Journ N Y Ent Soc, Sept 1898, pp 165-167 Subg Pe©ticerta, CklL Icerya Icerya littoralis, Ckll Hah Mexico A var me by littoralis & Mag Nat Hist., June 1898, 429 p ; Tehuantepec city [Townsend) mimosce, Ckll.^ from Las Minas near Fionteia, (Townsend), has been described (loc cit.) Icerya Ann El Faro near Frontera (Townsend) : Icerya rileyi, Ckll rileyi Psyche, Dec 1895, Suppl Hah Mexico: Juarez in Chihuahua Originally described from New p 15 (CocJcerell) Mexico CRYPTICERYA, Crypticerya Icerya rosa, Eiley & Howard, Insect Hah Mexico: Tehuantepec mexicana, CklL About millim CklL rosae & Jjife, ii p 333, iii p 93 (Townsend) city Parrott, subsp n Dark red, stained with black in the dorsal region, more or less covered with white powder; three longitudinal series (one dorsal, the others lateral) of rather large patches of bright sulphur-yellow secretion, extending over the anterior half of the insect Legs blaek Newly-hatched larva similar to that of rosce, but the lateral hairs before the six long caudal ones are not usually so long, and there are two very long hairs -on each side of the body in the cephalothoracic region The following measurements (in /x) will assist identification $ long,, broad, 4| high : Larva Legs: coxa 70-74; femur with trochanter 231; tibia 239-281; tarsus 165; claw 38-41 segments (1) 39-49, (2) 57-66, (3) 66-74, (4) 53-57, (5) 49, (6) 149-165 Larva Median caudal hairs 994-1143 ju second caudal hairs 828-994^; anterior long cephalothoracic hairs 496-579 n posterior long cephalothoracic hairs 463-496 jj, Larva Antennae : ; ; Adult female Antennal segments (1) 132, (2) 99, (3) 107-115, (4) 82-99, (5) 78-82, (6) 54-66, (7) 54-66 Legs coxa 248-265, femur with trochanter 695-748, tibia 636-666^ (8) 82, (9) 82, (10)?, (11) 198 tarsus 331, claw 82 There are dermal hairs of two sizes the larger 298 fx, the shorter 66 u : — Hah Mexico : Aguas Calientes, May 1, 1898, on Broso^is, sp (Townsend) This subspecies has the yellow spots of insect and from C australis C rosce in the lateral hairs of the larva Mask., but differs from that ; OETHEZIA.— PSEUDOCOCCUS ORTHEZIIN^ ORTHEZIA, Bosc Orthezia sonorensis Orthesia sonorensis, Ckll Bull 4, Techn Ser., Div Ent., U S Dept Agric (1896) p 38 Hah Mexico : San Ignacio in Sonora (Tow7isend) Orthezia insignis Orthezia insignis, Douglas, Ent Monthly Mag., Jan 1888, p 170 (? Hah Mexico : Vera Cruz [Cockerell) Aguas Calientes (Townsend) ; Guanajuato [Duges) Izamal (Townsend) ; ; at ; ) (excl ^) Guadalajara (Townsend) Vera Cruz, on potted plants of Gardenia brought from Orizaba, April 23, 1898 (Townsend) COCCINjE PSEUDOCOCCUS, Coccus, L., which is species was first the proper subdivided by Geoffi-oy, name for Psylla) for which in the females " it seems to be a Pseudococcus Coccus Bijpersia cacti, uses Chermes (not Chermes, Linn., Lecanium, &c., and retain the shape of an insect." under Coccus, and only one of these, of the 'Systema Naturae.' Westwood who C ^halaridis, is restricts Coccus to those GeoflFroy has three species mentioned in the tenth edition This must apparently be regarded as the type of Coccus; See Proc Acad Nat Sci Phil 1899, p 260 cacti Burm Handb der Ent ii p 72 (1839) (nee Linn.) Hab Mexico; Guatemala; Honduras; Salvador; Nicaragua For a discussion of its detailed distribution, see The insect described as Coccus cacti received from Daniel Rolander, is Edward Wiepen, JB d Hohere Burmeister's type was from Mexico Biirgerschule de Stadt Koln, 1889 by Linnaeus, Syst Nat ed x p 457, which he a Monophlebid, as can readily be seen by consulting DeGeer's figures of specimens from the same source The Linnean description is full Burmeister's description, and to show that his insect was not the cochineal enough also his references, pertain to the true cochineal Pseudococcus tomentosus Coccus tomentosus Lam {opuntia, Lieht MS., CkU.); Ckll Bull 4, Techn Ser., Div Enfc., U S Dept Agric (1896) p 35 Hah Mexico: Guanajuato and in Tamaulipas (Townsend) Kancho Silao (Duges) Var newsteadi, Ckll.: La Puerta — HEMIPTEEA-HOMOPTERA Fseudococcus confasus Coccus confusus, Ckll Amer Nat 1893, p 1013 Hob Mexico: Cuautla, July 25, 1897 (Koehele, in coll U S Dep Agric, det Pergande) New Described from Mexico ERIOCOCCUS, Targ.-Tozz Eriococcus dubius Eriococcus dubius, Ckll Bull 4, Techn Ser., Div Ent., Dept Agric (1896) Hal Mexico : p 37 Valles (Townsend) Eriococcus quercus Rhizococcus quercus, Comst Kep U S Dept Agric for 1880 (1881), p 340 Eah North America, Florida Mexico, Guanajuato (Buges) Originally described from Florida CEEOCOCCUS, Cerococcus corticis, Towns Ilab Comst Cerococcus corticis & Ckll Journ N Y Eut Soc 189H, p 170 Mexico, Nogales in Sonora (Koebele), SOLENOCOCCUS, Solenococcus, Ckll Bull {Solenophora, Maskell, Ills nee Ckll State Lab Nat Hist 1899, p 392 Solenophora, Benth 1840, nee Solenophorus, Crepl 1839, nee Solenophorus, Muls 1840.) Solenococcus koebelei Solenophora koebelei, Ckll Ann & Mag Nat Hist., June 1898, p 429 Eab Mexico, Tulare (Koebele) Mr E E Green (in litt.) suggests that Solenococcus but I think they are POEOCOCCUS, might be merged in Cerococcus, sufficiently distinct Ckll Porococcus tinctorius Porococcus tinctorius, Ckll Ann & Mag Nat Hist., June 1898, Eab Mexico, Amecameca {Koebele) p 427 POEOCOCCUS.—DACTYLOPIUS Porococcus pergandei & Mag Porococcus pergandei, Ckll Ann Mexico Ilah : Nat Hist,, June 1898, CAPULINIA, Capulinia Capulinia sallei, p 427 Cuautla (Koebele) Sign sallei Sign Essai sur les Coclieniiles, p 326 (1875) Bab Mexico (Salle) Arroyo San ; Isidro, near Frontera (Townsend) See Townsend, Journ N Y Ent Soc, Sept 1898, pp 173-174 PHENACOCCUS, Ckll PhenacoccTis yuccse Pseudococcus yucca, Coq West Amer Scientist, Sept 1890, Hah Mexico many : localities p 44 See Townsend, Journ N Y Ent Soc 1897, p 180 The var mexicanus (det Tinsley) from the (Ckll.), described the dorsal markings of the body On city of Mexico, is distinguished by April 30, 1898, Townsend found this species on bark of Phytolacca in Mexico city Phenacoccus helianthi, subsp gossypii & Ckll Journ N Y Ent Soc Phenacoccus gossypii, Towns 1898, p 170 Eio Usumacinta in Tabasco (Townsend); Tlacotalpam, April 19, 1898, on leaves and twigs oi Malvaviscus in the Hah Mexico Frontera (Townsend) : Las ; del Islas plaza (Townsend) The last-mentioned specimens were determined by DACTYLOPIUS, Dactylopius Dorthesia citri, Costa citri Eisso, Essai sur I'histoire naturelle des Grangers (1813) Hah Mexico : Orizaba, Cordova, Uruapan, Ario, Cuicatlan, Jacona, and Tacambaro Orizaba, on Erythrina, det Tinsley (Koehele) (Segura) ; Tinsley (Koehele) Guatemala: Marlatt, Bull 18, N Prof Tinsley S., injuring coffee ; Mexico city, (Bieseldorff) on Braccena, det See Howard and Div Ent., Dept Agriculture, 1898, pp 99-100 Dactylopius virgatus Dactylopius virgatus, Ckll Entomologist, 1893, Bah Mexico: Cuautla (Koehele); p 178 Tlacotalpam, April 19, 1898, on leaves of HEMIPTEEA-HOMOPTERA a small palm in a tub at the hotel, also on Croton, at the same place, det Tinsley (Townsend) Originally described from Jamaica and myself that case, only the It has occurred independently to Prof Tinsley I), examination of Signoret's types can prove it indicus ; but if this is the Dactylopius nipae Dactylopius nvp(R, Maskell, Trans Hob Mexico : New Jicaltepec in Not seen by me may possibly be Signoret's this species Zeal Inst xxv p 232 Vera Cruz {Townsend) Originally described from Demerara Bactylopius pseudonipse Dactylopius pseudonipa, Ckll Science Gossip^ April 1897, p 302 Hah MEXiro: Vera Cruz, April 23, 1898, on coco-nut palm; and Coatzocoalcos, April 24, 1898, on a large tree called "laurel"; det Tinsley {Townsend) Dactylopius steeli steelii, Ckll & Twns Ent News, Bergrothia Oct 1894, p 263 Hah Mexico: "El Paso, Mexico" (Uuarez) First described from the Mesilla Valley, ; New det Tinsley {Koehele) Mexico Dactylopius olivaceus Dactylopius olivaceus, Ckll Bull 4, Techn Ser., Div Ent., Dept Agric (1896) Hah Mexico Ciudad Porfirio Diaz {Townsend) : Found on Yucca ASTEBOLECANim^ LECANIODIASPIS, Targ.-Tozz Lecaniodiaspis radiatus Lecaniodiaspis radiatus, Ckll Canad Entom 1897, p 269 Hah Mexico: near Salina Cyuz {Townsend) Lecaniodiaspis manihotis Prosopophora manihotis, Towns Journ N Y Ent Soc 1898, Hah Mexico : Cuautla {Koelele) p 172 p 86 ASTEROLEGANITJM.—KERMES ASTEEOLECANIUM, Targ.-Tozz Asterolecanium pustnlans Planchonia pustidans, Ckll Science Gossip, April 1893, Hah Mexico : p 77 Vera Cruz {Cocker ell) TACHARDIIWM TACHAEDIA, Blanchard Tachardia mexicana Carteria meximna, Comst Rep U S Dep Agric for 1881, p 212 Had Mexico: Tampico; Oaxaca (Zoe^e/^) Tachardia larresB Carteria larrecs, Comst Rep U S Dep Agric for 1881, p 211 Hah Mexico: see Comstock, 2nd Rep., Dept Entom., Cornell Univ Exp (1883) p Also occurs at Tucson, Arizona {Tourney and Cockerell), and at {Br Palmer) ; Specimens in : U coll S Dept Agric Tachardia nigra & Ckll Tachardia nigra, Towns Hah Mexico : Guaymas, on Coursetia Described from Arizona Journ N Y Ent Soc 1898, p 172 Tachardia Mvoradiata, & Mag : ; Orizaba {Koehele) Tachardia fuhoradiata, Ckll Ann Hah Mexico p Guaymas, on Mimosa or Proso;pis {Koehele) Hermosillo, on Coursetia glandulosa {Koehele) Hah Mexico Tempe {Cockerell) Tachardia fulgens Tachardia fulgem, Ckll Psyche, July 1895, Suppl Sta 130 Nat Hist., June 1898, p 431 Eancho Carbonel near Frontera {Townsend) KEBMESINJE KERMES, Kermes, Boitard, Man d'Entom Boitard is ii p Boitard 171 (1828) the earliest author I have yet found using Kermes (not Chermes) as a true generic name, including the species term, appears in many BiOL CENTE.-AMER., we now refer to it Of course Kermes, as a popular earlier works Rhynch Homop., Vol II Pt 2, Decemher 1899 fi HEMIPTEEA-HOMOPTEEA 22 Described by Signoret from specimens found upon Cyanophyllum magnificum^ a Venezuelan plant introduced into Europe Sect Hemiberlesia, Ckll.* Aspidiotus cydonisB Aspidiotus cydonics, Comst Rep U S Dept Agric for 1880, p 295 Eah Mexico: Frontera, on "China tree" (Townsend); Vera Cruz, April 23, 1898, on " huasimo," a tree {Townsend) According to Marlatt, A cydonice is conspecific with A lataniw I am not at present able to decide whether the differential characters are varietal or specific Aspidiotus crawi Aspidiotus crawii, Ckll Bull 6, Techn Ser., Div Ent., U S Dept Agric (1897) pp 5, 8, 9, 23 Hah Mexico: Frontera {Townsend); Tlacotalpam, April 21, 1898, on a wild tree called '* amate," with trueno-like leaves, rounded at the end {Townsend) Aspidiotus tricolor Aspidiotus tricolor, Ckll Canad Entom 1897, p 266 Hah Mexico 10 : near Salina Cruz {Townsend) Aspidiotus palmse Aspidiotus palm(B, Morg Hah Panama 11 $ : whitish boss, which film Ckll Ent Aspidiotus lucumse, Scale suboval, about 1| & In young Monthly Mag 1893, pp 40, 80 outskirts of the city {Dolby-Tyler) Ckll., sp n by millim., fairly convex, pale yellowish, very rough, the exuviae forming a is apical but not central Eemoved from the bark, the scales leave a distinct white scales the exuviae exhibit a white dot and ring Aspidiotus lucumce, Ckll No group of circumgenital glands large anal orifice at their base Only one distinct pair of lobes The second lobe is ; these large, close together, with the represented by a minute lobule, easily overlooked On Sept 28, 1899, Mr Alex Craw quarantined at San Francisco some fruits of pomegranate, believed, but not certainly known, to come from Mazatlan On them were Aspidiotus rapax, Comst., and Ohrysomphalus aurantii (Maskell) This is the only evidence for the occurrence of these species in Mexico ASPIDIOTFS 23 Spines and squames well developed, the latter strongly fimbriate lerlesia this species works down the form of the scale Eah Mexico : It differs In Leonardi's table (1897) of EemiA camelUce (i e rapax), from which it may be separated at once by from A cupressi by having the median lobes close together to Esperanza, April 29, 1898, crowded on the bark of a Mammea Sapota tree (Townsend) 12 Aspidiotus, Hah Mexico : sp of Chihuahua, on Melia azedarach, Juarez, State March 6, 1899 (P / Parrott) Also occurs at Deming, New Mexico, on Populus {Cockerell) This species agrees well with the description of A convewus, Comst (Eep U S Dept Agric for 1880, p 295), but I am informed by Mr C L Marlatt that it is different He will shortly publish a description of 13 elsewhere it Aspidiotus cupressi Aspidiotus cupressi, Ckll Ann Hab Mexico : & Mag Nat Hist., Febr 1899, p 168 Toluca, on Cwpressus [Koehele) Mi' WA: Aspidiotus cupressi, Ckll 14 Aspidiotus lataniae Aspidiotus latanice, Sign Essai sur les Cochenilles, p 98 (1869) Aspidiotus greenii, Ckll Bull 6, Techn Ser., Div Ent., U S Dept Agric (1897) p 37, Aspidiotus cydoniae, Green, Coccidse of Ceylon, pt Edb Mexico: El Cuyo del Chico i p fig 46 (nee Comst.) Sapote, Tabasco {Townsend); Mexico city {Townsend) Subgen Taegionia, Sign 15 Aspidiotus yuccae Aspidiotus yucca, Ckll Bull 4, Techn Ser., Div Ent., U S Dept Agric (1896) p 32 Edb Mexico : Ciudad Porfirio Diaz {Townsend) Subgen Mtcetaspis, Ckll 16 Aspidiotus personatus Aspidiotus per sonatus, Comst 2nd Rep., Dept Ent., Cornell Univ Exp Sta (1883) p QQ Eah Mexico: Acapulco (found on a coco-nut palm from thence) {Craw); Colima Minatitlan, April 25, FrouteYSi {Townsend) (found on an orange from thence) {Craw) 1898, on mango {Townsend) ; ; HEMIPTEEA-HOMOPTEEA 24 Subgen Selenaspidus, Ckll Aspidiotus articulatus 17 Aspidiotus articulatus, Morgan, Ent Monthly Mag 1889, p 352 Hab Mexico: Tampico, San Kafael, Laguna, Izamal, and Balantam (Townsend); Vera Cruz ( Cocker ell) Tlacotalpam, April 20, on"limon real," and April 21, on ; orange (Toivnsend) ; Minatitlan, April 25, 1898, on Citrus (Townsend) ; Paraje Nuevo Vera Cruz, April 29, 1898, on orange (Townsend); Cordova, April 29, 1898, on mango (Townsend); Soledad in Vera Cruz, April 29, 1898, on tree called " guayado" in or "guayano" (Townsend) Panama: on Gardenia (Dolly-Tyler), Subgen Pseudaonidia, Ckll [Bull 6, Teclin Ser., Div Ent., 18 Dep Agric p 14 (1897).] Aspidiotus tesseratus Aspidiotus (Diaspidiotus) tesseratus, de Charmoy, Proc Soc Amicale Sclent (Mauritius), 1899, p 23, t figg 2, $ a-c Scale circular to oval, about millim diam., slightly convex, dull dark sepia-brown, with black and whitish particles Dark brown when dried ; more A thick ventral film after boiling in caustic soda transparent, with lobes, mouth-parts, and interlobular processes dark brown, and a large reticulated space in the anal region light yellow segmentation well marked ; Median lobes Pour pairs of lobes, largest, close together, and a small pointed process repre- but not contiguous, broad, equilateral, notched on each side Second and third lobes with the outer side oblique and notched large Many small dorsal glands Hal Mexico : Perm suboval, No circum- thorax with a deep constriction as in A trilohitiformis, Green genital glands, even in females full of embryos senting a fifth lobe or less encrusted exuviae about halfway between the centre and margin, or sometimes ; nearly central, marked by a shining ferruginous boss Four lobes pointed Spines Coatzocoalcos in Vera Cruz, April 24, 1898, on " tulipan," Malva- viscus, sp (Townsend) —Mauritius Aspidiotus tesseratus, de Cbarm Allied to A duplex, CkU., but easily known by From Coatzocoalcos the absence of circumgenital glands Since the above description was written, specimens of the same species have been received from Mr Doubtless this is d'Emmerez de Charmoy, who found much nearer its it on the grape-vine in Mauritius original locality than Mexico CHKTSOMPHALUS CHRYSOMPHALUS, 2§ Ashm Ghrysomphalus aonidum Coccus aonidum, Linn Syst Nat ed x p 455 (1758) Ghrysomphalus ficus, Ashm Amer Entom 1880, Hah Mexico p 267 Tampico, Chihuahua, Matamoros, and Laguna (Townsend) Vera Cruz (Cockerell); Tlacotalpam, April 19, 1898, on a palm (Townsend); Orizaba, on "trueno," April 29, 1898 {Ibwnsend); Vera Cruz, on a coco-nut palm, April 23, 1898 (Townsend) : ; Panama: introduced on Bictyosperma alba from the Kingston Botanical Gardens (Dolby-Tyler) The Linnean description of the female scale This must not be confounded with else G is excellent, and can apply to nothing adonidum Chrysomphalus rhizophorse Ghrysomphalus rhizophora, Ckll Ann & Mag Nat Hist., Febr 1899, p 169 Hab Mexico: El Rio Polo, Tabasco, on mangrove (Townsend) Chri/sompJiahi^ rhizophoro}, Ckll Ghrysomphalus dictyospermi Aspidiotus dictyospermi, Morg Ent Monthly Mag 1889, p 352 ocea'-i beach between El Faro Eab Mexico and San Pedro, Tabasco, on rose, June 9, 1897 (Townsend) Minatitlan, on mango (Townsend) Panama: on Bictyosperma alba from the Kingston Botanical Gardens Oaxaca (Koebele) : ; Cuautla (Koebele) ; ; (Bolbij-Tyler) Ghrysomphalus persesB Aspidiotus perseae, Comst Rep U S Dept Agric for 1880, p 305 Eab Mexico : Mazatlan (A de Cima) Ghrysomphalus reniformis, 265 Aspidiotus reniformis, Ckll Canad Entom 1897, p Eab Mexico: Tehnant^ipeG city (Townsend) Uhynch Homop., Vol II Pt ^BIOL CENTR.-AMER., 2, December 1899 f^ HEMIPTERA-HOMOPTEEA 26 Chrysomphalus scutiformis & Mag Aspidiotus scutiformisy Ckll Ann Hah Mexico (Townsend) ; : Nat Hist., July 1893, Soledad in Vera Cruz {CocJcerell) ; p 48 Victoria {Townsend) ; Monterey Acapulco, on Citrus fruit from thence (Alex Craw) Chrysomphalus mimossB Aspidiotus mimosa, Comst 2nd Rep Dept Entom., Cornell Univ Exper Sta (1883) p 62, Hah Mexico: Tampico Chrysomphalus bowreyi Aspidiotus bowreyi, Ckll Ent News, 1894, p 59 Hah Mexico : Frontera {Townsend) Described from Jamaica Chrysomphalus longissimus & Mag Nat Aspidiotus longissimus, Ckll Ann Hah Mexico 10 : Hah Mexico: Ckll.): Linares in : p 439 & p 433 Cuautla {Koehele) see Journ Var leonis (Twns N Y Ent Soc 1898, & p 179 koebelei Ckll Journ N Y Ent Soc 1898, p 179 Oaxaca {Koehele) Chrysomphalus agavis Aspidiotus agavis, Twns Hah Mexico 13 Nat Hist., June 1898, Nuevo Leon {Townsend); Chrysomphalus Hah Mexico & Mag Cuernavaca {Townsend); Aspidiotus koebelei, Twns 12 June 1898, Chrysomphalus albopictus Aspidiotus albopictus, Ckll Ann 11 Hist., Frontera {Townsend) : & N Y Ent Ckll Journ Toluca {Koehele) ; Soc 1898, p 178 also collected Chrysomphalus biformis May Aspidiotus biformis, Ckll Canad Entom., by Townsend, but locality-label lost 1894, p 131 Hah Central America Mr A Craw found this on an orchid from Central America Sect 14 Melanaspis, Ckll Chrysomphalus nigropunctatus Aspidiotus nigropunctatus, Ckll Bull 4, Techn Ser., Div Ent., U S Dept Agric (1896) p 31 Hah Mexico: San Luis Votosi {Townsend) ; Apam, April 29, 1898, on "trueno" (Townsend); Otumba, April 29, 1898, on "trueno" (Townsend); Einconada Puebla, CHEYSOMPHALIJS.—MOEINIA April 29, (Townsend) 1898, on ; "trueno" (Townsend); Mexico city, April 30, 1898, on ash (Koehele) Mixcoac {Koehele) Amecameca ; Chrysomplialv.s nir/ropunctatus, Ckll 15 Aspidiotm Chrysomphalus lilacinus, Ckll Hob Mexico : 2T Ann Ghfysomphalus nigropunetatus^ Ckll lilacinus & Mag Nat Hist., July 1898, Nogales, on black oak {Koehele) p 26 also ; Mouth on Quercus undulata of San Diego Canon, Sierra Madre, State of Chihuahua, on live oak, May 22, 1899 (Townsend) 16 Chrysomphalus calurus Aspidiotus calurus, Ckll Ann Hah Mexico : & Mag Nat Hist., June 1898, Orizaba [Koehele) ; Oaxaca XEEOPHILASPIS, 440 Ckll This was named as a subgenus of Aspidiotus, but p {Koehele), it seems nearer to Aonidia Xerophilaspis prosopidis Aspidiotus prosopidis, Ckll Pysche, Dec 1895, Suppl p 15 Hah Mexico: Hermosillo, on Prosopis juliflora April 24, 1897 {Koehele), Also occurs at Tucson, Arizona {Tourney and Cockerell), and at Phoenix [Cockerell) PSEUDODIASPIS, Pseudodiaspis dentHobis Aspidiotus dentilobis, Ckll Ann & Mag Nat Ckll Hah Mexico : Hist., June 1898, COMSTOCKIELLA, p 438 Cuautla {Koehele) Comstockiella sabalis, var Ckll mexicana Comstockiella sabalis (Comst.), var mexicana, Ckll Canad Entom 1897, p 267 Hah Mexico : region near Mazatlan FIORINIA, Piorinia Targ.-Tozz fiorinise Diaspis fiorinia, Targ.-Tozz Studi suUe Cocciniglie, 1867, p 14 Hah Mexico by Mr Craw at : in quantity on a coco-nut San Francisco, Febr 5, palm from Mexico (Mazatlan ?), quarantined 1899 t4 28 HEMIPTERA-HOMOPTERA DIASPIS, Costa Diaspis calyptroides Diaspis calyptroides, Costa, Faun Nap., Emitt Omott p 20 (1837) Ilab Mexico : A^era Cruz, on a succulent spiny shrub called " flor de Tampico," April 28, 1898 (Townsend) (Townsend) ; also called " siempre viva," April 28 Vera Cruz, on a plant ; from an unknown locality in Mexico, 1897 (Eoehele), Var opuntiae Diaspis cacti, var opuntia, Ckll Journ Inst Jamaica, 1893, p 256 Hah Mexico: Xcolak in Yucatan {Townsend) Described from Jamaica Diaspis persimilis Diaspis persimilis, Ckll Canad Entom 1897, p 267 Hob Mexico: Laguna, Carmen I [Townsend), Diaspis pentagona Diaspis pentagona, Targ.-Tozz Bull Soc Ent Ital 1887, p 185 Diaspis amygdali, Tryon, Rep Ins and Fungus Pests, 1889, p 89 Bab Panama, on Capsicum {B G Fairchild, 1899) Diaspis phoradendri Ann Diaspis phoradendri, Ckll Hab Mexico : & Mag Nat Hist., June 1898, Diaspis baccharidis & Ckll Journ N Diaspis baccharidis, Twns Hab Mexico $ $ : p 437 Cuautla {Koebele) Amecameca Diaspis townsendi, Scale dirty white to snow-white, Y Ent Soc 1898, p 179 {Koebele) Ckll., sp n max diam 1^ millim., inclined to be more or less oval; exuvige rather dark reddish-brown, varying to yellowish, placed to one side of the centre Five groups of circumgenital glands, median of 10, anterior laterals about 20, posterior laterals Median lobes wide apart, strongly diverging, the long rounded inner edge minutely serrate or crenate, the apex Anal orifice decidedly posterior to posterior lateral glands Other characters of female almost as in Aulacaspis bromelice Scale with only one keel, and that feeble ; in some specimens woolly, resembling a Dactylopiid male pupa projecting beyond the margin c? Hab Mexico: Aguas Calientes, Leon in Guanajuato, Prosopis {Townsend) ; May 1, May 1, 1898, on bark of Prosopis {Townsend)-, 1898, on Prosopis {Townsend) Santa Barbara in Jalisco, May 1, ; Silao, May 1, 1898, on 1898, on Prosopis {Townsend) DIASPIS.— AULACASPIS The specimens were ^9 collected as the train stopped at different points on the Mexican Central Eailway From Diaspis townsendi, Ckll Diaspis towmendi, Ckll Silao From Biaspis towmendi, Ckll Belongs to a D fagrcBce, little JD is Jalisco, Silao townsendi, Ckll., Green, between Biaspis and Aulacaspis but the male scale The group consisting of From I), toumeyi, Ckll., and The female resembles Aulacaspis, as in Biaspis species is very variable ; the Silao form is AULACASPIS, Aulacaspis miranda Aulacaspis miranda, Ckll Ann & Mag to be considered the type Ckll Hah Mexico : Nat Hist.^ June 1898, p 437 Cuautla and Orizaba {Koehele) Aulacaspis rosse Diaspis rosa, Sign Essai sur les Cochenilles, p 123 (1869) ffad Mexico : Chihuahua (Townsend) This species was originally described by Sandberg in 1784, but was first named by Bouche Aulacaspis boisduvali Diaspis boisduvalii, Sign Essai sur Hah Mexico in Tabasco : les Cochenilles, p 114 (1869) El Cuyo del Chico Sapote ; Var tentaculata (Morgan), on " pitahaya " (a cactus) at Alta Mira in Tamaulipas {Townsend) (Townsend) Frontera, June 5, 1897 (Townsend) Aulacaspis bromelise Diaspis bromislia Sign Essai sur les Cochenilles, p 116 (1869) Hah Mexico: Tlacotalpam, April 21, 1898, on Bromelia pingiiin (Townsend) ; HEMIPTERA-HOMOPTEEA 80 $ Aulacaspis cattleyae, CklL, sp n Scales white, with the exuviae pale and marginal or nearly A Circumgenital glands bromelice : median Living female insect plump, white (the so Median lobes &e juices immediately turn bright yellow in caustic soda) 8, anterior laterals as in A boisduvali, not as in 11-20, posterior laterals 11-15 Eah Mexico, on leaves of Cattleya found by Mr A Craw, 1899, work at San Francisco ; in the course of his horticultural quarantine This is possibly a variety of A boisduvali, but what has passed Micr Club, cymUdii (Bouche), and as A ser 2, iii The pi xxvi it is seems to be a distinct species It is figured by Mclntire, Journ Quekett real A cymhidii of Bouche was said to be from China, and had a yellow female, and the scale " eiformig, flach, rait excentrischen Absatzen, an der zugespitzten Basis braun." It could hardly have been our insect possibly it was a Chionaspis CHIONASPIS, CMonaspis Chionaspis citri, p 100 Comst 2nd Rep.^ Dept Entom., Cornell Univ Exp Sta (1883) Eah Mexico in Sign citri Tampico, San Eafael, Laguna, and Izamal {Townsend) : Vera Cruz, April 29, 1898, on orange [Townsend) ; ; Paraje Nuevo Tlacotalpam, April 21, on orange (Townsend) HEMICHIONASPIS, Hemichionaspis minor Chionaspis minor, Maskell, Trans New Zeal CklL Eab Panama, outskirts of the Described from first New city, Inst xvii p 33 1898 {Dolby-Tyler) Zealand PINNASPIS, Ckll Pinnaspis pandani Mytilaspis pandani, Comst Rep U S Dept Agric for 1880^ p 324 Eai Panama, introduced from Kingston Botanical Gardens, on Bhysalidocarpua lutescens, Thrinax excelsa, and Bictyosperma alba {Lolby-Tyler), HOWARDIA Howardia (Berl & Leon.), Ckll biclavis Chionaspis biclavis, Comst 2nd Rep., Dept Entom., Cornell Univ Exp Sta (1883) p 98 Eab Mexico One : locality unknown of Mr Craw's finds " chaya/' Jatropha sp., Lately found also by Prof Townsend, at Minatitlan, on April 25, 1898 ISCHNASPIS —MYTILASPIS 31 ISCHNASPIS, Dougl Ischnaspis longirostris Mytilaspis longirostris, Sign Bull Soc Ent Fr 1882, p xxxv Hab Panama, introduced from Kingston' Botanical Gardens, on Mhysalidocarpus lutescens {Dolby-Tyler) PAELATORIA, Parlatoria proteus, var Sign pergandei Parlatoria pergandii, Comst Rept U S Dept Agric for 1880, p 327 Hab Mexico Matamoros {Townsend) : Var crotonis Parlatoria proteus, var crotonis, Douglas, Ent Parlatoria pergandei, var crotonis, Ckll Ann Monthly Mag., April 1887, & Mag p Nat Hist., July 1895, 242 p 62 Hab Panama {Dolby -Tyler) PSEUDOPARLATORIA, Ckll Pseudoparlatoria parlatorioides Aspidiotus parlatorioides, Comst 2nd Rep., Dept Entom., Cornell Univ Exp Sta (1883) p 64 Hab Mexico: Acapulco; Guadalajara, on peach {Jesus Aleman) ; rose, Dec 13, 1897; Hermosillo, a variety {Koebele) ; Guanajuato, on Frontera, a variety, on Opuntia {Townsend) Pseudoparlatoria serrulata & Ckll Journ N Pseudoparlatoria serrulata, Twns Hab Mexico : Hermosillo {Koebele) ; Y Ent Soc 1898, p 180 Cuautla {Koebele) MYTILASPIS, Sign Mytilaspis gloveri Mytilaspis gloverii (Pack.), Ashmead, Orange Insects (1880), p 1; Comstock, Rep U S Dept Agric for 1880, p 323 Hab Mexico : Tampico, Matamoros, Laguna, Izamal, and Jalapa {Townsend) In 1898 Townsend found it on orange at Minatitlan, Paraje Nuevo, Tlacotalpam, and Coatzocoalcos Mytilaspis becki Newm Entom iv pp 217, 218 (1869) Mytilaspis citricola (Pack.), Comst Rep U S Dept Agric for 1880, p 321 Coccus beckii, E Hab Panama, in the city, on orange, in Bolivar Square {Dolby-Tyler) This species was described and beautifully figured by Richard Beck in Trans Micr 47-49 (1861) This is nine years earlier than Packard's insufficient Soc ix (N S.) pp HEMIPTEKA-HOMOPTEEA 32 account of the insect (Guide to the Study of Ins 2nd ed 1870, p 527), based merely on Glover's unpublished Newman's Coccus It does takable figures heckii is founded on Beck's figures and notes, which are unmis- name that Newman himself, later in pomorum (i e Mytilaspis ulmi = not afiect the validity of the the article, confounds the species with Mytilas])is Coccus ulmi, L Syst Nat ed x 1758, p 455) Mytilaspis carinata Mytilaspis carinata, Ckll Bull 4, Techn Ser., Div Ent., U S Dept Agric (1896) p 45 Hah Mexico: Acapulco Mytilaspis mexicana & Mag Mytilaspis mexicana, Ckll Ann Hab Mexico : Nat Hist., June 1898, p 438 Ouautla (Koelele) Mytilaspis philococcus Mytilaspis philo coccus J Ckll Bull Soc Zool Fr Hab Mexico {Koebele) ; xviii p Guanajuato {Duges) ; 252 San Cayetano in Guanajuato {L M Cockerell) Belongs to the subgen Opuniiaspis, Ckll Mytilaspis alba Mytilaspis alba, Ckll Ent Monthly Mag 1893, Hab Mexico : p 156 Medellin, April 22, 1898, on a Mytilaspis nigra, common shrubby Solanum (Townsend) Ckll., sp n $ Scale 3| millim long (exuviae 1§ $ millim.), pitch-black, with a narrow dull white margin; very narrow, very convex in a transverse direction, with a dorsal keel; exuviae elongated, half of first skin on second, first skin dull orange, second skin dull dark reddish-brown Greatly elongated, yellow, parts turning green in caustic soda circumgenital glands present, caudolaterals ; median doubtful (absent?) Two pairs of well-formed lobes, not ends, with minute lateral lobules a separate rounded lobule of fair size of three, cephalolaterals about four, particularly large, rounded at just laterad of the second lobe versely elongated gland ; ; Pirst interlobular interval wide, occupied by an obliquely-placed transother such glands are conspicuous along the margin beyond the lobes Margin beyond the lobes very coarsely and irregularly serrate, with some rather large spines Cephalic end without spines Embryo in female large, with dark blue eyes and 6-segmented antennae Larval antennae with segments measuring thus in Hab Mexico fx :— (1) 11, (2) 7, (3) 11, (4) 7, (5) 9, (6) 26 Coatzocoalcos in Vera Cruz, April 24, 1898, on leaf of a large tree called " laurel " (Townsend) One scale : on the edge of the leaf Very distinct by the narrow black scale XANTHOPHTHALM A,—PKOTODI A SPIS XANTHOPHTHALMA, A Type X concinnum genus of Diaspinse & Ckll having a peculiar 33 Parrott, gen nov below under tbe species and the abdominal margin ending in rounded processes, at the ends of which are small bristles No squames Ko circumgenital glands Allied, apparently, to Protodiaspis The female scales resemble the male scales of other Diaspinae, at least in general appearance The first skin retains the larval antennae as scale, as described in Diaspis $ :; Xanthophthalma concinnum, Ckll & Parrott, sp n Scale very minute, hardly half a millim long, white, with the tudinally ; The first skin is first skin bright orange and placed longi- large for the size of the scale, eye-shaped, with a longitudinal bright orange ridge, and the depressed areas on each side of this The second skin is placed beneath the first and blackish, the whole looking like a lizard's eye, closed The scale is convex and presents seems as if made of a number of discs threaded The scale has much the general shape of a Pulvinaria ovisac, with the first skin taking the place of the female Pulvinaria is a succession of transverse crests or ridges, so that inconspicuous it together After boiling in caustic soda, nearly circular, transparent ; the end of the abdomen minutely serrulate, and ending in six approximately equal rounded processes, on the end of each of which is a small bristle Anal orifice circular, near the hinder end Embryo in female very large Xanthophthalma concinnum, S Ckll & Parrott XantKophihalma concinnum, Ckll & Parrott On the leaf, usually in little pits, were some small white Biaspis-VikQ male scales, with the exuvia at one The colour of the exuvia makes us doubt whether they really belofiged to Xanthophthalma end, and black Hah Mexico: Coatzocoalcos in Vera Cruz, April 24, 1898, on leaves of a large tree called "laurel" {Townsend) Scales on under surface of leaf, scattered all over in numbers, but not massed, being distributed at rather regular intervals, though five or six are often PROTODIASPIS, bunched together Ckll Protodiaspis parvTilns Protodiaspis parvulus, Ckll Ann Hah Mexico : Amecameca BIOL CENTK.-AMER., & Mag Nat Hist., June 1898, p 428 (Koehele) Ehynch Plomop., Vol II Pt 2, December 1899 t5 , INDEX [Names in small capitals refer to Families, &c ; roman type those in to the chief reference to each species included in the work ; those in italics to species incidentally mentioned, synonyms, &c.] Page Page parlatorioides 26 22 26 20 26 22 31 parrotti 21 persece personatus Aleubodes erigerontis Aspidiotus longissimus lucumse mimoscs mirabilis nicotianse nerii Yinsonioides nigropunctatus palmse Aleubodicus dugesi iridescens mirabilis Aleukodidjs Aonidia 27 rapax ASPIDIOTUS 20 27 26 26 reniformis articulatus 24 tesseratus biformis 26 townsendi Aspidiotus Off avis albopictus 26 scutiformis 23 sp 21 subsimilis 26 tricolor ^7 trilobitiformis camellicB vagabundus convexus 23 23 crawl 22 crawi 21 24 21 , bowreyi mexicana Cebococcus corticia 22 24 20 23 yuccae Astebolecaniin^ astbbolecanium cistudiformis 18 18 17 17 coloratus 18 dugesi floridensis 18 17 angulatu3 ceriferus cirripediformis — irregularis 17 mexicanus minutus 17 roseatus 17 19 18 15 roseatus townsendi dugesi 16 15 niveus 15 dalece boisduvali 23 boisduvali 30 Chionaspis -.dentilobis bromeliae -fraxini 21 miranda 29 28, 30 30 30 29 biclavis -.dysoxyli 27 25 24 21 -.greenii 23 20 rosae 29 agavis tentaculata 29 albopictus - - , cydonise dictyospermi duplex -.hederae 23 21 22 - jatrophae 21 - koebelei 26 pustulans AULACASPIS bromelice cattleyae Bergrothia - latanise 23 - lataniee 22 Capulinia 27 — lilacinus BIOL CENTR.-AMER., , cymbidii — sieelii sallei Rhynch Homop., Vol II Pt 2, 16 20 30 niveus -cydonm cupressi -cyanophyUi 18 Cerostoplastodes 29 29 - 17 19 albolineatus — 6 Ceboplastes 25 23 22, 23 25 ealurus Page Carleria larreee Chermes 5, hedercB aonidum 30 30 30 25 25 26 26 25 aurantii 22 citri minor Chbysomphalus adonidum bif ormis 26 bowreyi 26 ealurus April 1909 27 t6 INDEX 36 Page Page Chrysomphalus dictyospermi 25 25 ficus 26 koebelei 26 leonis 28 28 opuntice calyptroides 27 fagrcecB 28 29 mimosse 26 fioriniee 27 nigropunctatus 26 pentagona nigropunctatus 27 persimilis persese 2o pboradendri 28 28 28 , var opuntise Page Lecaniodiaspis manihotis 8 10 radiatus LeC ANIUM Lecanium armatum armeniacum 5, 11, 16, 16 14 14 12 castillose cbilaspidis 11 coffeee 12 renifonnis 25 7'osce 29 hemisphaericum 12 rhizophorse 25 toumm/i 29 hesperidura scutiformis 26 townsendi 28 hesperidum 10 19 townsendi 29 imbricatum impar 11 (Saissetia) inflatum 13 longulura 11 mirabile nocturnum 14 13 Coccus adipofera 25 aonidum 31, 32 beckii Dorihcsia citri Eeiococcus dubius quercus cacti Etilecanium 14 cmifufius JEvaspidiottts 20 ojiunticB —— phalaridis - tomentosus 32 ulmi COMSTOCKIELLA v*aba,lis, var COXCHASPIN^ mexicana , COXCHASPIS angrpeci, var liibisci 27 27 20 20 newsteadi 20 20 australis rosse , subsp mexicana nivea 15 FlOHlNIA Hemiberlesia Hemichionaspis minor HoWARDIA 22, ICKRYA craioii littoralis 'maskelli 4 3 4 15 Ctenochiton 16 montserratensis 15 palmeri Ctenochitonini 16 purchasi Dactylopius mimosce rileyi indicus 8 olivaceus rosce Inglisia malvacearuni JSCHNASPIS longirostris 15 15 31 31 11 10 14 16 sonorense strachani terminalise tolucanum {Saissetia) tolucanum 14 townsendi 12 tuberculatum 12 tubulif erum 11 veifucosum Lecanopsis dugesi LiCHTENSIA crescentise 19 grandis grandis 11 Melanaspis 24 nigropunctatus 10 olete 12 MoNOPHLEBINiE MONOPHLEBUS Biaspis amygdaii baccharidis 29, Llaveia axinus Monophlebus Lecaniin^ 10 bouvari Lecaniini 16 dorsalis Kermesinjb 19 19 16 19 mimosae 21 DiASPis 15 lutea 20 28 33 28 28 ^ 16 15 lutea virgatus tesseratus 13 Lecanochiton DiASPiN.^: 10 14 Diaspidiotus 14 subaustrale —— 14 14 schini steeli 10 sallei p8eud(inip8e Kermes 14 13 {Eidecanium) quercitronis 30 80 nipse 12 14 quercitronis 23 30 30 4 mirandum phoradendri 27 citri subsp persicce 15 27 fioriniae Ctknochiton aztecus 12 , perditum Fairmatria biclavis (yRYPTICBRYA 10 olese 16 Cn/ptes — cacti, var 26 • 29 longissimus — 29 bi'omelice lilacinus CocciDiE CocciNiE — Diaspis hoisduvalii axinus 2, 26 2 2 , 37 INDEX Monophlebus mexicanorum priniitivus raddonl sp sp Phenacoccus gosay^ni 3 helianthi, subsp gossypii sp Hhizocoecus quercus (^ Ripersia 31 Planchonia picsttdans 21 Platinglisia 32 POROCOCCUS — 32 eitricola 31 Prosopophora manihotis 31 Pvoticerya longirostris 31 Protodiaspis 32 32 Prvtortonm 30 32 32 32 philococcus pomorum ulmt tinctorius niexicana pandani 15 pergandei carinata nigra 30 30 pandani Mytilaspis — 19 Mycetaspis —— gloveri 19 simulans PiNNASPIS 31 Pulvinaria parvula mexicanus Mytilaspis becki 7 yuccse 23 —^ alba 33 33 parvulns primitiva Orthezia insignia sonorensis Ortheziin^ PSETJDOCOCCXJS cacti T) Ortonia bouvari perffandei, rar crotonis 24 6 SOLENOCOCCUS koebelei koebelei 6 Solenophorus Tacharcia Solenophora mexicana nigra 9 dentilobis 27 Tachardiin^ 27 Targionia 23 Toumeyella 14 ViNSONIA 16 31 parlatorioides 31 serrulata 31 31 PULVINARIA 31 Pulvinaria stellifera 16 33 33 ~) 19 33 Xanthophthalma camellicola 19 concinnum Xbrophixaspis , 31 lutea 19 var pergandei 31 paradelpha 16 Selenaspidtis proteus, \ar crotonis , 1*> !»> tomentosus Pseudokermes 31 pergandii 16 ScMzochlfimys yuccce Psylla Parlatorta 15 PSEUDODIASPIS • mexicana 12, 13 larrese PsEUDOPARXATORIA - SchizocMamidia , 5 2 mexicanorum fulvoradiata 14 primiiiva fulgens newsteadi SCHIZOCHLAMIDIA 24 Pseudaonidia 32 5 Saissetia 2, confusus Opuntiaspis Pag« Page Page prosopidis PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FBAKCI8, BED tlON COtTBT, FLEET STBEBT 27 27 ...— BIOLOGIA CENTRALI- AMERICANA ZOOLOaiA INSECTA RHYNCHOTA Class Order Suborder HEMIPTERA- HOMOPTERA (continued) Fam ALEURODID^* The following... antennae, legs, and pro- and mesothorax black abdomen with eight fleshy processes, the first shorter than the rest wings black, with the usual red costa, and two white lines, which are longer and finer... Prosopis juliflora April 24, 1897 {Koehele), Also occurs at Tucson, Arizona {Tourney and Cockerell) , and at Phoenix [Cockerell) PSEUDODIASPIS, Pseudodiaspis dentHobis Aspidiotus dentilobis, Ckll Ann

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