free ebooks ==> WWW.EBOOK777.COM free ebooks ==> Symbiosis in Fishes WWW.EBOOK777.COM free ebooks ==> For Rachel for Everything WWW.EBOOK777.COM free ebooks ==> Symbiosis in Fishes The Biology of Interspecific Partnerships Ilan Karplus WWW.EBOOK777.COM free ebooks ==> This edition first published 2014 © 2014 by Ilan Karplus Registered Office John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8SQ, UK Editorial Offices 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ, UK The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8SQ, UK 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030–57 For details of our global editorial offices, for customer services and for information about how to apply for permission to reuse the copyright material in this book please see our website at The right of the author to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, except as permitted by the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, without the prior permission of the publisher Designations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks All brand names and product names used in this book are trade names, service marks, trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners The publisher is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and author(s) have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose It is sold on the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering professional services and neither the publisher nor the author shall be liable for damages arising herefrom If professional advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Karplus, Ilan Symbiosis in Fishes : the biology of interspecific partnerships / Ilan Karplus pages cm Includes bibliographical references and indexes ISBN 978-1-4051-8589-9 (cloth) 1. Symbiosis. 2. Aquatic animals. 3. Fishes. 4. Invertebrates. I. Title QH548.K37 2014 577.8′5–dc23 2013024351 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books Cover image: The goby Lotilia graciliosa associated with a burrowing alpheid shrimp Photo by IKAN Underwater Archive Cover design by Steve Thompson Set in 10/11.5pt Minion Pro by SPi Publisher Services, Pondicherry, India 1 2014 WWW.EBOOK777.COM free ebooks ==> Contents Preface x Introduction1 1 The Associations between Fishes and Luminescent Bacteria Luminescent Bacteria Symbiotic Luminescent Bacteria in Fish Light Organs Flashlight Fishes Taxonomy and Distribution The Light Organs The Eye and the Light Organ Reproduction, Larval and Light Organ Development The Photophobic Response The Use of Light by Flashlight Fishes School Formation Territorial Defense Sexual Signaling Deep Sea Ceratioid Anglerfishes Structure, Diversity and Distribution Reproductive Strategies Obligatory Sexual Parasitism Temporary Associations Facultative Sexual Parasitism Light Organ Structure and Development: Light and the Mechanisms Controlling its Emission The Use of Lures by Anglerfishes Ponyfishes Structure, Distribution and Taxonomy The Light Organ System (LOS) and Diversity of the Generated Light Patterns Disruptive Illumination Discrete Projected Luminescence (DPL) Ventral Body Flash Opercular Flash Buccal Luminescence Sex-Specific Signaling Inception of the Association between Luminescent Bacteria and Ponyfishes Sexual Dimorphism of the LOS, Sex-Specific Signaling and the Role of Sexual Selection in the Evolution of Leiognathid Fishes Specificity of the Partnerships between Luminescent Bacteria and Fishes Optimization of the Benefits to Fishes from their Association with Bacteria The Evolution of the Partnerships between Fishes and Luminescent Bacteria References WWW.EBOOK777.COM 6 11 11 13 17 18 20 21 22 22 22 24 24 25 26 28 29 29 34 37 37 38 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 47 48 49 52 free ebooks ==> vi Contents 2 The Associations between Fishes and Sponges Sponges Predator Deterrence by Sponges Multiple Species Assemblages in Sponges Obligatory Fish Symbionts and Adaptations for Living in Association with Sponges Nutrition, Reproduction and Sponge Occupation by Obligatory Symbiotic Fishes Partner Specificity and Sponge Sharing by Obligatory Symbiotic Fishes Evolution of the Partnership Between Obligatory Fish Symbionts and Sponges Sponges as Living Incubators of Fish Eggs Facultative Partnerships Between Fishes and Sponges References 58 58 59 61 62 68 69 70 72 74 75 3 The Associations between Fishes and Anthozoans 79 Sea Anemones 79 The Stinging Cells and their Release Mechanism 80 Obligatory Associations with Sea Anemones of Fishes of the Genera Amphiprion and Premnas 81 The Taxonomy, Distribution and Ecology of Host Sea Anemones and their Associated Fishes 81 The Protection of Anemone Fishes from Sea Anemones 86 Recognition, Attraction to and Selection of Sea Anemones by Anemone Fishes 93 Partner Specificity 104 Host Preference 106 Competitive Interactions 106 Stochastic Processes 109 Habitat Preference 109 Geographical Overlap 109 Protection from Sea Anemones 109 Species Coexistence 110 Adaptations of Anemone Fishes for Living with Sea Anemones 111 Protandric Sex Reversal 111 Monogamy and Mate Recognition 114 Step-fathering118 Social Control of Growth and the Tolerance of Nonbreeders by the Breeders 118 Fish Territoriality, Aggression and the Sea Anemone 121 Limited Larval Dispersal and Natal Recruitment 124 Benefits and Costs to Anemone Fishes and Sea Anemones from being Associated and their Short-term Mutual Impacts 128 The Evolution of the Anemone Fish–Sea Anemone Partnership 134 The Facultative Associations Between Fishes and Sea Anemones 135 Protection from Sea Anemones 140 Partner Specificity 141 Settlement and Recruitment of D trimaculatus to Sea Anemones 142 The Sharing of Sea Anemones with Anemone Fishes 143 Benefits and Costs to Facultative Fish Partners and Sea Anemones 144 The Associations Between Fishes and Scleractinian Corals 145 Scleractinian Corals 145 Microhabitat Selection by Coral Dwelling Fishes 146 Attraction of Pomacentrid Fishes to Corals 146 Attraction of Pomacentrids to Corals Inhabited by Conspecifics 150 Coral Occupation, Competiton and Coexistence of Coral dwelling Gobies 153 Adaptations to Habitat by Coral Dwelling Gobies 157 WWW.EBOOK777.COM free ebooks ==> Contents vii Small Size and Morphology 157 Noxious Skin 158 Hypoxia Tolerance and Air Breathing 158 Bidirectional Sex Reversal 159 Monogamy161 Social Control of Growth 162 Multiple Species Assemblages Involving Coral Dwelling Gobies and Crustaceans 164 Benefits and Costs to Fishes and Corals for being Associated 169 Benefits to Fishes 169 Costs to Fishes 173 Benefits to Corals 177 Costs to Corals 180 Social Structure and Mating System Evolution in Coral Dwelling Damselfishes of the genus Dascyllus 181 References 186 4 The Associations between Fishes and Siphonophores Siphonophores Physalia physalis −the Portuguese Man-of-War Fishes Associated with Siphonophores other than Physalia physalis Fishes Associated with Physalia physalis References 202 202 203 204 207 209 5 The Associations between Fishes and Scyphozoan Medusae Scyphozoan medusae Predation on Scyphozoan Medusae and their Structural and Behavioral Antipredator Defenses Fishes Associated with Scyphozoan Medusae The Protection of Fishes from Scyphozoan Medusae Recognition and Attraction to Scyphozoan Medusae by Associated Fishes Partner Specificity, Duration of the Medusa–Fish Bond and the Effects of the Medusae Size on the Associated Fishes Benefits and Costs to Fishes and Medusae from being Associated The Effects of Medusae on Fish Recruitment The Association of Fishes with Floating Objects and the Fish–Medusa Partnership References 212 212 6 The Associations between Fishes and Molluscs The Association between Fishes and Cephalopods Cephalopods Octopus Dens, Foraging and Antipredatory Behavior Scavenging Fishes Associated with Octopus Dens Fishes Associated with Foraging Octopuses Octopuses and Cleaning Symbiosis Transport Associations between Octopuses and Fishes Fishes Associated with Squid Schools The Association between Fishes and Gastropods Gastropods Predation on Conchs, Antipredatory Strategies and Foraging in Conchs The Association between Cardinal Fishes and Conchs The Association between Nudibranchs and Gobiid Fishes The Association between a Pearlfish and an Opisthobranch Gastropod 230 230 230 231 233 234 238 239 239 241 241 241 242 245 246 WWW.EBOOK777.COM 214 215 217 217 219 221 225 226 227 free ebooks ==> viii Contents The Association between Fishes and Bivalves Bivalves The Glochidia Larvae of Freshwater Mussels and their Host Fishes Bitterlings and their Freshwater Mussel Hosts Attraction of the European Bitterling to Mussels and Choice of Oviposition Sites Adaptations of Bitterling for Development Inside Freshwater Mussels Male Reproductive Behavior and the Mussel Female Reproductive Behavior and the Mussel Host Utilization by Sympatric Bitterling Species Costs and Benefits for the Mussel and Possible Coevolution of the Bitterling–Mussel Partnership Pearl Fishes Associated with Bivalves The Association of Snailfish and Red Hake with Sea Scallops References 7 The Associations between Fishes and Crustaceans The Associations between Fishes and Cleaner Shrimps Cleaning Symbiosis and Shrimp Taxonomy, Morphology, Coloration and Distribution of Cleaner Shrimp Cleaner Shrimp Activity Associations between Cleaner Shrimp and Sea Anemones Communication between Fishes and Cleaner Shrimp Removal of Parasites versus Mucus by Cleaner Shrimp Costs and Benefits for Cleaner Shrimp and Fish Clients and the Proximate Mechanisms for Cleaning The Evolution of the Cleaner Shrimp–Fish Partnership Feeding associations between fishes and crustaceans Mixed Species Schools of Fishes and Crustaceans Liparid Fishes Associated with Lithodid Crabs The Associations between Fishes and Burrowing Brachyuran Crabs Gobiid Fishes Associated with Burrowing Thalassinid Shrimp Thalassinid Shrimp and their Burrows The Facultative Association of Clevelandia ios with Callianassa californiensis and Upogebia pugettensis The Obligatory Association of the Blind Goby Typhlogobius californiensis with Callianassa affinis The Obligatory Association of Austrolethops wardi with Neaxius acanthus The Obligatory Association of Didogobius amicuscardis with Axiopsis serratifrons Gobiid Fishes Associated with Burrowing Alpheid Shrimps Systematics of Gobies and Shrimps Biogeography Diet and Feeding Behavior Habitat Specificity Population Structure and Dynamics Burrow Structure, Construction and Dynamics Activity Rhythms Aggressive Behavior and Territoriality of Goby and Shrimp Reproduction of Goby and Shrimp Interspecific Communication Communication under Natural Conditions in Indo-Pacific Partnerships Warning Signal Generation by Indo-Pacific Gobies in Response to Predators and Models of Predators Sequence and Information Analyses in Indo-Pacific Partnerships WWW.EBOOK777.COM 246 246 247 248 250 252 254 257 260 263 265 265 269 276 276 276 276 287 288 292 294 296 298 299 300 301 303 305 305 307 311 313 314 316 316 318 319 322 324 326 330 334 336 338 338 340 342 free ebooks ==> Species Index D auripinnis 184 D carneus 183, 184 D flavicaudatus 142, 172, 173, 179, 180, 183, 185 D marginatus 150, 152, 153, 176, 178, 179, 181–2, 184 D melanurus 175, 183, 184, 185 D reticulatus 150, 181, 184 D strasburgii 184, 185 D trimaculatus 134, 135, 139, 141, 142–3, 144, 144, 181, 183, 184, 382 Dasyatis americana 239, 241 Dellichthys morelandi 378, 388, 391 Dendropoma maximum 165 Dermatolepis dermatolepis 382 Diadema spp. 379, 380, 382 D antellarum 300, 374, 378, 380, 381, 382, 390 D saxatile 374, 376 D setosum 371, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 379, 384, 386, 390 Diademichthys lineatus 379, 384, 386, 389, 389, 397–8 Didinum spp. 129 Didogobius spp D amicuscaridis 308, 314–16, 315 D wirtzi 308 Diodon hystrix 241 Diplectrum spp D formosum 421 D radiale 421 Diplodus annularis 420 Dischistodus spp. 314 Discosoma spp D crinophila 396, 398–9 D giganteum 88 D sanctithomae 290 Discotrema spp. 395, 397 D crinophilum 395, 396, 398 D monogrammum 396, 397 Dofleinia armata 286 Dolabella auricularia 246 Doryrhamphus exsisus 382, 384 Drymonema dalmatium 221 Echinometra spp E lucunter 373, 378, 380, 386, 388 E mathei 373 E vanbrundti 381 Echinothrix spp. 382 E calamaris 373 E diadema 374, 375 Echiodon spp. 401, 418 E dawsoni 401 E exsilium 418 Elacatinus spp. 63, 68, 69, 70, 276 435 E chancei 63, 65, 71 E evelynae 62, 71, 239 E figaro 71, 380 E genie 71 E horsti 63, 65, 68–9, 69, 71, 72 E lori 65, 70, 71 E louisae 65, 67, 68, 71 E lourisae 71 E multifasciatus 380 E oceanops 71 E prochilos 71 E punticulatus 71, 72, 380 E randalli 239, 239 E tenox 63, 65 E xanthipora 65, 68, 71, 72 Eleotris pisonis 303 Encheliophis spp. 401, 414, 418 E gracilis 403, 405, 406, 408, 409, 410, 412, 413, 414, 416, 422, 423 E sagamianus 422, 423 E vermicularis 409, 413 Endoxocrinus parrae 394 Engraulis mordax 127 Entacmaea spp. 82 E quadricolor 82, 86, 87, 90, 92, 93, 95, 96–7, 98, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 111–12, 115, 119, 120, 122, 130, 131, 132, 133, 143, 289, 290 Ephippium complex 83, 85, 104 Epiblasma spp. 248 Epinephelus spp E fario 171 E fasciatus 152, 234, 237, 238 E fulvus 294 E guttatus 294 E labriformis 237 E marginatus 232, 237, 238 E merra 158, 237 E panamensis 237 E striatus 292, 294 E summana 171 Equulites spp E elongates 44, 45, 46 E klunzingeri 38 E leuciscus 45 E rivulatus 44, 45, 46 E stercorarius 46 Euapta godeffroyi 246 Eubleekeria spp. 45 E splendens 46 Eucidaris thuarsi 380 Eupagurus spp. 299, 421 Eupomacentrus spp. 241 E leucostictus 139 E partitus 139 Euprymna scolopes 48 Eurypleuron spp. 401 WWW.EBOOK777.COM free ebooks ==> 436 Species Index Eutaeniichthys gilli 308 Evechinus chloroticus 378, 388 Evermannichthys spp. 61, 63, 68, 69, 70 E bicolor 64 E convictor 64 E metzelaari 63, 64, 67, 69, 70 E silus 64 E spongicola 63, 65, 71 Fistularia commersoni 235 Flabelligobius spp. 317 Florometra serratissima 394 Forskalia tholoides 205 Fundulus heteroclitus 266 Fungia spp. 145 Grantessa mitsuqurii 73 Guavina guavina 303 Gymnodoris nigricolor 245–6 Gymnogobius spp G castaneus 308 G cylindricus 308 G macrognathus 308 G mororanus 308 G scrobiculatus 308 G uchidai 308 Gymnothorax spp G griseus 357 G undulatus 285 Gyrodactylus 296 Gyrostoma hertwigi 91 Gadus morhua 225 Galathea elegans 395 Gazza spp. 38, 45 G minuta 41, 42 Gigantactis spp. 26, 29, 36 G macronema 414 Gillichthys mirabilis 303, 309 Ginsburgelius novemlineatus 71, 380, 391 Gnathanodon speciosus 218 Gnatholepsis thompsoni 137 Gnathophyllun panamense 278 Gobiesox spp G eugrammus 379 G maendricus 234 G pinniger 379 Gobiodon spp. 153, 157, 169 G axillaris 155, 156, 173 G brochus 154, 157, 173, 175 G ceramensis 157, 159 G citrinus 148, 157, 173 G erythrospilus 154, 157, 159, 161 G histrio 148, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 173, 174, 175, 177 G oculolineatus 156 G okinawae 156, 157, 158, 173, 174 G quinquestrigatus 155, 158, 173, 176, 177 G reticulatus 148 G rivulatus 155, 156, 175, 177 G unicolor 155, 158 Gobionellus spp G saepepallens 319 G stigmalophius 319 Gobiosoma spp. 70 G bosci 266 G evelynae 239 Gobius spp G bucchichi 137, 140, 142, 144, 380 G geniporus 308 Gobiusculus flavescens 217 Goneplax rhomboides 303 Haemulon spp H aurolineatum 240 H flavolineatum 137, 178, 233, 295, 300, 381 H plumieri 381 H steindachneri 240 Halichoeres spp H bivittatus 137, 235, 238 H garnoti 137 H maculipinna 138 H radiatus 235 H trimaculatus 169, 235 Haliclona spp. 62, 64 Halicondri panacea 73 Hapalochlaena maculosa 231 Haplophryne spp. 29 H mollis 26, 28 H schmidti 28 Haplophrysa spp. 28 Haplosyllis (Syllis) spp. 70 Hemicaranx amblyrhynchus 224 Hemicyyclops callianassa 310 Hemiemblemaria simulus 137 Hemigrapsus oregonensis 303 Hemilepidotus hemilepidotus 234 Hemitripterus americanus 72, 73 Hesperonae spp. 310 H adventor 309 Heteractis spp. 82 H aurora 86, 96–7, 106, 107, 136, 138, 139, 140 H crispa 83, 86, 90, 92, 93, 95, 96–7, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107, 109, 110, 112, 115, 118, 128, 130, 136 H cristata 108 H magnifica 83, 88, 92, 96–7, 103, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 120, 126, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 138, 142, 143, 144 H malu 82, 86, 96–7, 103, 104, 107, 139, 141 Heterometra saviini 396, 398 Heterorhabditis 6 Hexagrammos decagrammus 400 WWW.EBOOK777.COM free ebooks ==> Species Index Himantolophus spp H albinares 31 H azurlucens 34 H groenlandicus 33 Himerometra robustipinna 393, 396 Hippocampus spp. 115 H zosterae 215 Hippoglossus stenolepis 74 Hippopdius hippops 203 Holocentrus spp. 137 Holothuria spp H argus 412 H forskali 399, 400 H fuscogilva 413 H inornata 416 H mexicana 410 H nobilis 413 H poli 412 H tubulosa 405, 412 Hydra spp. 80 Hyperia spp H curticephala 224 H galba 223 Hypselodoris apolegma 245 Ianthella spp I basta 66 I ianthella 65 Iricinia strobilina 64, 66, 69 Isostichopus fuscus 417 Jenkinsia spp. 407 Karalla spp. 45 Kryptolebias marmoratus 303, 304, 305, 306 Kryptophanaron sp. 11, 15, 16, 51 K alfredi 12, 13, 13, 18, 19, 20, 21, 48 Labrisomus spp. 138, 139, 235 L gobio 138 L kalisherae 138 L nigricinctus 378 L nuchipinnis 235, 238, 299 Labroides spp. 276 L dimidiatus 138, 143, 239, 297 Labropsis manahei 162 Lagodon rhomboides 420 Lamprometra klunzingeri 396, 398 Lamprotula caveata 262 Lampsilis spp. 247 L altilis 248 L fasciola 248 L subangulata 248 Lanceolaria grayna 262 Laticauda spp. 233 Leiognathus spp. 38 L equulus 39, 40, 44 Lepadichthys spp. 395 L caritus 396 L frenatus 379 L lineatus 395, 396, 397 Lepadogaster candollei 379 Lepidogobius lepidus 308 Lepidopsetta polyxystra 74 Leptacanthichthys spp. 29 Lesueurigobius friesii 303 Lethrinus spp. 128 L caeruleus 372 L nebulosus 393 L olivaceus 173 Leuroglossus stilbius 204, 205 Librunia danae 291 Linophryne spp. 26, 34 L arborifera 33 Liparis spp L fishelsoni 396 L inquilinus 265–9, 267 Lissocarcinus orbicularis 414 Lithodes spp. 301–3 L aequispinus 301, 302 L antarctica 301 L californiensis 301 L santolla 302 L tropicalis 301, 302 Lophius piscatorius 35 Lopholithodes foraminatus 301 Lotilia spp. 317 L graciliosa 319, 340, 340, 353 L klausewitzi 316, 319 Luciogobius pallidus 308 Luidia senegalensis 421 Luposicya spp. 63 L lupus 63, 66, 67 Lutjanus spp L analis 241 L carponotatus 169 L kasmira 171 L sebae 382, 384 Lysmata spp. 277 A californica 278 L amboinensis 278, 285, 285, 295, 298 L argentopunctata 278 L californica 277, 287, 288, 296, 298 L debelius 279, 285, 299 L grabhami 279, 285, 287, 288, 291, 292, 295 L intermedia 279 L kuikenthali 279 L rathbunae 279 L seticaudata 280, 288 L splendida 280, 285 WWW.EBOOK777.COM 437 free ebooks ==> 438 Species Index Lysmata spp (cont’d) L ternatensis 280 L vittata 280 L wurdemanni 280, 296, 298 Lythrypnus spp L dali 381, 388, 390 L nesiotes 137 Macrodactyla spp. 82 M doreensis 82, 92, 96–7, 107 Macrorhamphosus scolopax 206 Mahidolia spp. 317 Malacoctenus spp M aurolineatus 381 M boehlkei 138 M gilli 138 M macropodus 139, 141, 144 M triangulatus 139 Marthasterias glacialis 420 Melanocetus johnsoni 31 Melanogrammus aeglefinus 225 Merlangius merlangus 215, 217, 219, 222, 223, 225 Microdeutopus spp M anomalus 61 M dammoniensis 61 Microphilypnus amazonicus 300 Micropterus spp. 247 Millerigobius macrocephalus 381 Monocentrus japonicus 48 Montipora spp. 174 Mugil cephalus 217 Mulloidichthys martinicus 240 Mupus maculatus 206, 207 Mycale adhaerens 73 Mycteroperca spp M acutirostris 222 M interstitialis 294 M rosacea 237 Myersina spp. 317 M adonis 316, 324, 325 M macrostoma 335, 352 M nigrivirgata 324 Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus 73 Myrichthys maculosus 357 Myripristis Jacobus 137 Myrophis punctatus 303 Mysidium spp M columbiae 300 M integrum 300 Nardoa semiregularis 422 Naso spp N lituratus 133 N tapenosoma 44 Naucrates doctor 207 Nautichthys oculofasciatus 234 Nautilus spp. 230 Neaxius acanthus 308, 313–14 Nemopilema nomurai 216, 221, 224 Neobenedenia melleni 295–6 Neoceratias spinifer 28 Neocrinus decorus 394 Neopomacentrus myriae 180 Nephrops norvegicus 303 Nes longus 319, 321, 329, 332, 335, 347, 349 Niofibrularia spp. 65 Nomeus gronovii 206, 207–9 Nototheniops larseni 73 Nuchequula nuchalis 43, 44, 45 Oboralis omiensis 262 Octopus spp O cyanea 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239 O dofleini 232, 234 O macropus 234, 235, 236, 237, 238 O rubescens 144, 232 O tehuelchus 231 O vulgaris 232, 232, 234, 235, 237, 238, 239 Oligometra carpenter 393 Oneirodes spp. 37 Onuxodon spp. 401, 417 O fowleri 265, 266 O margaritiferae 266, 413 O parvibrachium 266, 413 Ophiactis savigni 61 Ophiodon spp. 417 Ophiothrix spp. 388 O lineata 61, 62 Ostreobium spp. 62 Oxycomanthus bennetti 398 Oxylebius pictus 137, 142, 144 Paguristes spp. 299 Palaemon spp P adsperus 282, 296 P elegans 276, 282 P platessa 295 P ritteri 283 Palaemonetes carteri 300 Panulirus versicolor 285 Parablennius incognitos 136 Paracaristius spp. 205 Paracentrotus lividus 378, 379, 381, 390 Paracerceis sculpta 62 Paracirrihites arcatus 173, 179 Paraclinus marmoratus 72, 73 Paragobiodon spp. 153–4, 157, 169 P echinocephalus 148, 154, 157, 158, 159–61, 160, 161, 162, 166, 168, 168, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177 WWW.EBOOK777.COM free ebooks ==> Species Index P lacunicolus 166, 167, 168, 173 P melanosomus 174 P xanthosoma 158, 159, 162, 163, 173, 174, 176 Paralithodes camtschatica 301 Paralomis spp P formosa 302 P granulosa 301 Parapandalus longicauda 283 Parapercis spp P hexophthalma 169, 339, 340, 341, 343 P millepunctata 326 Paraques acuminatus 382 Parhippolyte uvea 280 Pariah spp. 63, 69, 70 P scotius 66, 70 Parmops spp. 15, 16 P coruscans 12, 13 P echinatus 12, 13 Parupeneus spp P cyclostomus 235, 238 P macronema 236 P multifasciatus 236 P pleurostigma 236 Pelagia noctiluca 225 Pentaceros hawaiiensis 422 Peprilus spp P burti 219, 223 P paru 217, 219, 222, 223, 224 P triacanthus 222, 222 Perca fluviatilis 36, 263 Percilia gillissi 72, 73 Percula complex 84, 85 Periclimenes spp. 285, 286 P anthophilus 288, 289, 291, 292, 293, 293 P brevicarpalis 286, 287, 289, 290 P holothuisi 291, 295 P kobayashii 276, 289, 292 P longicarpus 276, 291, 292, 296, 297 P lucasi 292 P pedersoni 276, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 291, 292, 294, 295, 297 P yucatanicus 277, 283, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 292, 295, 297 Periophthalmodon schlosseri 303 Phacellophora camtschatica 217 Phaeoptyx xenus 64, 68, 69 Pherallodus indicus 379 Photobacterium spp. 6, 7, 8, 48 P kishitanii 7, 9, 48–9, 51 P leiognathi 6, 7, 9, 36, 37–8, 43–4, 47, 48–9, 50 P mandapamensis 6, 7, Photoblepharon spp. 11, 13, 15, 16, 51 P palpebratus 12, 14, 14, 17, 17, 18, 21, 48 P steinitzi 12, 13, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 Photocorynus spp. 28 P spiniceps 26 Photodesmus spp. P katoptron 6, 8, 50 Photopectoralis spp P aureus 45, 46 P bindus 45, 46 Photorhabdus spp. Phthanophaneron spp. 11, 15 P harveyi 11, 12, 19 Phyllephryne scortea 36 Phyllogobius spp. 63 P platycephalops 66 Phyllorhinichthys micractis 31 Phyllorhiza punctata 218 Phyllospongia spp. 66 P foliascens 66 P papyracea 66 Physalia physalis (Portuguese man-of-war) 202, 203–4 Pilinia spp. 162 Pimelometopon pulchrum 372 Pinna carnea 243 Pinnixa franciscana 310 Pinnotheres deccanensis 414 Placopecten magellanicus 265–9, 267 Platophrys podas 420 Pleurogyra spp. 145 Pleuronectes platessa 295, 296 Pleurosicya spp. 63, 153, 245 P elongata 63, 66 P labiata 66 P mossambica 69 P spongicola 66 Plotosus anguillaris 391 Pocillopora spp. 149, 154, 166, 172, 174 P damicornis 146, 149, 164–5, 166, 177, 178 P eydouxi 179, 180 P ligulata 141 P meandrina 149 Pogonoperca punctata 158 Pollachius pollachius 222 Polydactylus virginicus 240 Polymnus complex 84, 85 Pomacanthus arcuactus 292 Pomacentrus spp P amboinensis 127 P moluccensis 149, 150 P partitus 117, 123 P tripunctatus 139 Porites spp. 149 P cylindrica 128 P furcata 178 P rus 170–1, 172 Porpita spp. 207, 209 WWW.EBOOK777.COM 439 free ebooks ==> 440 Species Index Praya spp. 205 Premnas spp. 81, 83, 85, 208 P biaculeatus 84, 93, 96, 101, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 120, 134 Preprilus spp. 206 P paru 206 P triacanthus 206 Priocharax ariel 300 Priolepis hipoliti 137 Protoblepharon rosenblatti 12 Psenes arafurensis 216 Pseudoanthias squampinis 152, 180 Pseudochromis fuscus 149 Pseudupeneus maculatus 236, 240 Psilogobius spp. 317 P mainlandi 326, 332, 337, 338, 342, 356, 358, 359 P randalli 318 Pterapogon kauderni 135, 136, 140, 141, 143, 376, 388 Ptereleotris hanae 317, 359 Pterois spp. 21, 233 P volitans 236, 339 Pyramodon spp. 418 Quietula y-cauda 308 Rencocila heterozota 129 Rhinecanthus assasi 171 Rhizophysa eysenhardti 204 Rhizostoma octopus 219, 224 Rhodeus spp. 248, 265 R amarus 248 R colchicus 248 R ocellatus 250, 253, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 261, 262, 265 R ocellatus kurumeus 252 R sericeus 248 R sinensis 252, 261 Rhynchactis spp. 26, 29 Risor spp. 63, 69, 70 R rubor 63, 66, 67, 69, 71, 71 Rosella nuda 73 Runula tapeinosoma 136 Rutilus rutilus 263 Rynkatorpa pawsoni 414 Saprolegnia spp. 129 Sarcocheilichthys spp. 262 S variegates 262 Sargassum spp. 219 Scarus spp S sordidus 171 S vetula 139 Schedophilus spp S medusophagus 217 S ovalis 206, 207 Schewanella 6 Scleroplax granulata 309, 310 Scomber japonicus 222 Scorpaena plumieri 140 Sebastes spp S caurinus 234 S maliger 144 S melanopus 234 S nebulosus 234 Secutor spp. 38, 45, 46 S megalolepsis Seleroides leptolepsis 224 Sepioteuthis sepioidea 233, 239–41, 240 Seriatopora spp. 154, 166, 176 S hystrix 154, 162 Seriola spp S rivoliana 206 S zonata 206, 208 Seriolella violacea 223 Serranus spp S cabrilla 420 S scriba 237, 420 Sesarma spp. 303 Siganus rivulatus 171 Siphamia spp. 10 S argentea 376, 390, 391, 391, 392, 421 S elongatea 377 S fuscolineata 421 S majimai 377, 421 S mossambica 377 S permutata 377, 386, 387 S tubifer 377, 385, 387, 388, 390, 391, 419, 421 S versicolor 9, 377, 386, 390 Snyderidia spp. 418 Sparisoma spp S chrysopterum 140 S viride 140 Spatha spp. 263 Sphaeramia nematoptera 127 Sphaerechinus grannularis 378 Spheciospongia vesparia 61, 64, 65, 66, 69 Spirastrella inconstans 73, 74 Spongia barbara 64 Spongilla egloviformis 73 Starksia hassi 70, 139 Stegastes spp S fuscus 394 S partitus 149 Stegopontia commensalis 390 Stenobrachius leucopsanus 205 Stenopus spp. 277 S hispidus 277, 284, 285, 287, 294, 295, 296 S pyrsonotus 284 S scutellatus 277, 284, 285, 295 Stenorhynchus lanceolatus 276, 280 WWW.EBOOK777.COM free ebooks ==> Species Index Stephanolepis hispidus 215, 219, 221, 223, 224 Sterna hirundo 222, 222 Stichodactyla spp. 82, 101 S gigantea 82, 83, 88, 93, 96–7, 101, 102, 103, 128, 130 S haddoni 83, 88, 89, 90, 92, 96–7, 106, 107, 109, 133, 291, 292 S helianthus 289, 290 S mertensii 83, 92, 96–7, 104, 106, 107, 109, 130 Stichopus spp S badionotus 410 S chloronotus 406, 411, 412, 414, 416 S regalis 418 Stigmatogobius sadanundio 303 Stomolophus meleagris 207, 215, 217, 219, 221, 223 Stomopneustes variolaris 379 Stonogobiops spp. 322 S nematodes 322 S xanthorhinica 319, 360 Strombus spp S gigas 241, 242–5, 243 S maculatus 242 S pugilis 243 S raninus 243 Strongylocentrotus spp S franciscanus 379, 381, 390 S purpuratus 390 Stygiomedusa gigantea 217 Stylophora spp. 154, 166 S pistillata 165, 174, 175, 176, 178, 180, 181 Syllis spongicola 68 Symphyrus spp. 137 Synalpheus spp. 61, 395 Synancea verucosa 36 Synodus spp. 357 S variegates 169, 171 Syringodium filiforme 315 Tanakia spp. 248, 265 T lanceolata 260, 261 T limbata 260, 261 Telmatactis cricoides 291 Tethya seychellensis 62 Tetralia spp. 164–5, 177 Tetraodon schoutedeni 29 Tetrasomus gibbosus 171 Thalassia spp T hemprichii 329 T testudinum 315 Thalassobathia pelagica 215, 216, 217, 218 Thalassoma spp T amblycephalum 138, 144 T bifasciatum 60, 62, 113, 138, 202, 214, 394 T duperrey 234 T hardwicke 235 T lunare 138, 158 441 T noronhanum 239, 239 T purpureum 138 Thaumatichthys spp. 29, 33 T axeli 29 Thaumoctopus mimicus 233 Thelenota ananans 412–13, 414 Theragra chalcogramma 219, 220, 222, 225 Therapon jarbua 339 Thyone briareus 400 Thysanostoma thysanura 216 Tigrigobius spp. 70 T dilepsis 71 T gemmatum 71 T limbaughi 71 T macrodon 71 T multifasciatum 71 T pallens 71 T saucrus 71 Tomicodon spp T eos 379 T zebra 380 Tomiyamichthys spp. 317 T latruncularis 337 T oni 337 Trachinus spp T araneus 299, 299 T draco 299, 299, 421 Trachurus spp. 217 T japonicus 216, 216, 217, 218, 220, 221, 222, 223, 223, 224, 225, 227 T lathami 206, 207, 222 T trachurus 218 Trapezia spp. 162, 164–5, 177 T cymodoce 165, 166, 167, 168 T ferruginea 166, 167 t intermedia 165 T rufopunctata 165, 173 T serenei 165 Trematomus bernacchii 68, 73 Tremoctopus violaceus 203 Tripneustes spp. 372 T ventricosus 373 Typhlogobius californiensis 307, 308, 311–13, 312 Uca spp. 303 Ucides cordatus 303 Unio spp U douglasiae 262 U pictorum 249, 250, 251, 257, 263, 264 U tumidus 250 Upogebia spp. 306 U major 308 U mediterranea 308 U pugettensis 307–11, 307, 308, 309, 310 U yokoyai 308 Urechis caupo 307, 309 WWW.EBOOK777.COM free ebooks ==> 442 Species Index Urocaridella spp. 277, 283, 285, 285, 286, 292, 293, 295, 297 U antonbrunii 239, 283 U pulchella 276, 283 Urophycis chuss 268–9 Urticina spp U lofotensis 137, 142, 144 U piscivora 137, 142 Vanderhorstia spp. 317, 319, 320 V delagoae 334, 335, 337, 338, 353, 355 V dorsomacula 356 V mertensi 355–7, 356 V ornatissima 324, 334, 335, 355 Variola louti 237 Varuna litterata 303 Verongia spp. 64 V archeri 64, 65, 68, 69 V fistularis 64, 65, 66, 68, 73 Vibrio spp. V harveyi 7, 43 Villosa spp. 247 Xentospongia spp X muta 65, 70 X testudinaria 66 Xyrichthys spp X novacula 138, 420 X splendens 138 Zaprora silenus 219, 220 Zebrasoma xanthurus 171 Zebrus zebrus 381 WWW.EBOOK777.COM free ebooks ==> Subject Index Page numbers in italics denote figures, those in bold denote tables This is a general index of subjects and fish and invertebrate orders and families The reader should consult the species index for more detailed information Acanthuridae 171 acoustic communication anemone fishes 414–415 Dascyllus albisela 124 pearlfishes 414–415 Acropomatidae air breathing by coral dwelling gobies 158–9 alpheid shrimps 278 association with gobiid fishes 316–60, 317 activity rhythms 330, 332–4, 333, 334 aggression and territoriality 334–6 biogeography 318–19, 320 burrows 326–30, 327, 331 characteristics and taxonomy 316–18, 317 communication 338–49, 341, 342, 344, 345, 346, 348 costs and benefits 357–8, 358 diet and feeding behavior 319–22, 320, 322 evolution of 358–60, 360 habitat specificity 322–4, 324 partner specificity 349–53, 350, 351 phylogeography 353–7, 354–6 population structure and dynamics 324–6 reproductive behavior 336–8 sequence and information analysis 342–4 anemone fishes see sea anemones anglerfishes, deep sea 24–37 escal gland 29–34, 31, 33 light organs 29–34, 31, 33, 34 phylogeny 29, 30 reproductive behavior 25–9, 26–28 sexual parasitism facultative 29 obligatory 26–8, 27, 28 temporary associations 28–29 structure, diversity and distribution 24–5 use of lures 34–7, 35, 36 Anguilliformes Anomalopidae cladogram 15 antennarid frogfishes 35–36, 35, 36 Antennarioidei 24 antipredator defenses see predator deterrence Apogonidae 7, 64, 136, 243, 375–377 Apolemiidae 205 Argentiformes Aulopiformes autotomy starfishes 420 crinoids 393–394 Bathylagidae 205, 214 Berciformes bidirectional sex reversal 159–61, 160, 161 bitterlings, association with freshwater mussels 248–65, 249, 253, 256 attraction and choice of oviposition sites 250–2 coevolution of bitterling-mussel partnership 263–5 costs and benefits 263–5 developmental adaptations 252–4, 253, 254 female reproductive behaviour 257–60 host utilization by sympatric bitterling species 260–3 male reproductive behaviour 254–7, 256 see also individual species bivalves 246–69 characteristics 246–7 freshwater mussels 247–65 pearlfishes associations 265, 266 sea scallops 265–9, 267 Blennidae 73, 136 buccal luminescence cardinal fishes 10 deep sea anglerfishes 29 ponyfishes 42 see also luminescent bacteria; light organs burrowing brachyuran crabs 303–5, 304 Symbiosis in Fishes: The Biology of Interspecific Partnerships, First Edition Ilan Karplus © 2014 Ilan Karplus Published 2014 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd WWW.EBOOK777.COM free ebooks ==> 444 Subject Index burrowing shrimps alpheid see alpheid shrimps thalassinid see thalassinid shrimps Bythitidae 215 Cadiformes Calcera 59 Calycophorida 202, 205 camouflage anemone fishes 128 bitterlings 253 cardinal fishes 385 cephalopods 233 chemical 90, 217 clingfishes 399 feather stars 394 scyphozoan medusae 215 weever fishes 299 cardinal fish association with conchs 242–5, 243 association with sea stars 421 association with sea urchins 373, 384–386, 388, 390–392 374–377, 387, 384, 385, 386, 391, 392 Centrolophidae 206 cephalopods 230–41 characteristics 230–1 octopuses cleaning symbiosis 238–9, 239 dens 231–3 fishes associated with foraging octopuses 234–8, 235–7, 232, 234 foraging and antipredatory behavior 231–3, 232 scavenging fishes associated with dens 233–234 transport associations 239 squid fishes associated with squid schools 239–241, 240 squid nests in pomacentrid territories 241 Ceratiidae 26 Ceratioidei see anglerfishes, deep sea Chaetodontidae 136 Chaunacoidei 24 chemical camouflage 90, 217 Chlorophthalmidae choanocytes 58 chromatophores 231 Cirrhitidae 136, 137 cleaner shrimps activity 287 associations costs and benefits 296–8 evolution of 298–9 with fishes 276–99 with sea anemones 288–92 cleaning activity 287–8 cleaning symbiosis 276 coloration 285–7 communication 292–4, 293 distribution 276–87, 277, 278–84 parasite removal 294–6, 296 taxonomy and morphology 276–87, 277, 278–84, 285, 286 cleaning symbiosis cleaner shrimps 276–299 octopuses 238–9, 239 Clinidae 137 Cnidaria 79 cnidocysts 80–1 computer-animated playback 150 conchs association with cardinal fishes 242–5, 243 predation, antipredatory strategies and foraging 241–2 Congridae coral dwelling damselfishes (Dascyllus) attraction to corals 146–149 attraction to corals inhabited by conspecifics 150–153 benefit to fishes 169–173 costs to fishes 174–177 mating system 176–177, 181–6 molecular phylogeny 185, 186 predator recognition 169–70, 170, 171 signal jump 150 social structure 181–6 species distribution 173–174, 183, 184 coral dwelling gobies 153–69, 148 adaptations to habitat 157–64 association with crustaceans 164–9, 167, 168 benefits to fishes 169, 173 bidirectional sex reversal 159–61, 160, 161 coexistence of coral dwelling gobies 153–156 costs to fishes 174–177 hypoxia tolerance and air breathing 158–9 monogamy 161–2, 176 nutrition 173 partner specificity 156 size and morphology 157–8 skin toxins 158 social control of growth 162–4, 163, corals see scleractinian corals Coronatae 213 Coryphaenidae 206 Cottidae 73 crabs association with coral dwelling gobies 164–9, 167, 168 association with coral dwelling plaemonid and alpheid shrimps 166, 167 association with liparid fishes 301–303 association with mangrove killifish 303–305 burrowing 303–5, 304 lithodid 301–3 trapezoid 165 see also crustaceans WWW.EBOOK777.COM free ebooks ==> Subject Index crinoids 392–9 characteristics 392–3 fish associations 395–9, 396, 397 benefits and costs 398 multiple species assemblages 394–5 partner specificity 398 scarcity of knowledge 398–9 predation and antipredatory strategies 393–4 crustaceans crabs burrowing 303–5, 304 lithodid 301–3 trapezoid 165 fish associations see crabs shrimp alpheid burrowing 316–60 cleaner 276–99 coral dwelling palaemonid and alpheid 166, 167 mixed species schools 300–1, 300 thalassinid 305–16 Cubomedusae 214 Cubozoa 212 Cyanobacteria 62 Cynoglossidae 137 Cystonectida 202, 205 deep sea anglerfishes see anglerfishes, deep sea Demospongina 59 discrete projected luminescence 41, 42 disruptive illumination 40–1 dominance hierarchies anemone fishes 120 coral dwelling gobies 162–164, 163 Dascyllus sp. 181 Mangrove killifish 305 echinoderms, fish associations 371–430 crinoids 392–9 sea cucumbers 399–418 sea stars 418–23 sea urchins 371–92 esca 24, 29–37 evolution of the partnership between alpheid burrowing shrimps and gobies 358–360 bivalves and bitterlings 264–265 cleaner shrimps and fishes 298–299 invertebrate hosts and pearlfishes 417–418 luminescent bacteria and fishes 49–51 sea anemones and anemone fishes 134–135 sea urchins and fishes 390–391 sponges and fishes 70–72 evolution of social structure and mating system of coral dwelling damselfishes 181–186 evolutionary lag 264–5 eyes bitterling 253, 258 blind goby (T californiensis) 312, 312, 313 conchs 242 deep sea anglerfishes 25, 26, 37 flashlight fishes 17–18 giant clams 246 pearlfishes 416 scallops 247 false eye spots cleaner shrimps 285–287 coral dwelling gobies 157 feather stars see crinoids feeding associations crustaceans 299, 299 sea stars 420–1 octopuses 234–238 film/video analysis coral dwelling gobies feeding 173 goby-shrimp interspecific communication 340, 344–347, 345, 346 predation on fishes 145, 172 predator model avoidance 169 settlement to sea anemones 142 fish aggregating devices 226–7 fish dialects 124 Fistularidae 235 flashlight fishes 11–24 eye 17–18, intraspecific communication 23–24 larval development 18–20, 19 light organs 13–17, 14, 15, 17 photophobic response 20–1 reproduction 18–20 school formation 22 sexual signaling 22 taxonomy and distribution 11–13, 12, 13 territorial defense 22 use of light 21–4 floating objects, characteristics 226 association of fish with 226–7 frogfishes 35–6, 35, 36 Gadidae 214 gastropods 241–6 characteristics 241 conchs 241–5, 243 association with cardinal fishes 242–5, 243 predation, antipredatory strategies and foraging 241–2 nudibranch 59, 80–1, 245 opisthobranch 246 Glochidia 247–248, 264 Gnathophyllidae 278 Gobies associations alpheid shrimps 166, 316–60 activity rhythms 330, 332–4, 333, 334 WWW.EBOOK777.COM 445 free ebooks ==> 446 Subject Index Gobies (cont’d ) aggression and territoriality 334–6 biogeography 318–19, 320 characteristics and taxonomy 316–18, 317 communication 338–49, 341, 342, 344, 345, 346, 348 costs and benefits 357–8, 358 diet and feeding behavior 319–22, 320, 322 evolution of 358–60, 360 habitat specificity 322–4, 324 partner specificity 349–53, 350, 351 phylogeography 353–7, 354–6 population structure and dynamics 324–6 reproductive behavior 336–8 sequence and information analysis 342–4 nudibranch gastropods 245 thalassinid shrimp 305–16 communication 166–169, 338–349, 341–346, 168, 169, 348 coral dwelling see coral dwelling gobies Gobiesocidae 378–80, 396 Gobiidae 380–1 Gobioninae 262 Gobiosomatini (seven-spined gobies) 70 phylogeny 71 growth, social control of anemone fishes 111, 118–21, 118, 119 coral dwelling gobies 162–4, 163 coral dwelling pomacentrids 182 habitat alpheid shrimps 322–4, 324 anemone fishes 109 gobies 322–4, 324 coral dwelling 153–156 Haemulidae 137, 381 Hemitripteridae 73 hermaphroditism anemone fishes 111–114 coral dwelling gobies 159–161 coral dwelling pomacentrids 182–186 mangrove killifish 305, 306 Hexactinelida 59 Hexagrammidae 137, 214 Hippolytidae 278–80 Holocentridae 137 home fidelity 154 Hydrozoa 212 hypoxia tolerance of coral dwelling gobies 158–9 individual recognition anemonefishes 116–118 coral dwelling gobies 161 Dascyllus sp. 182 imprinting 103–104 iridiophores 231 kinship associations anemone fishes 121 Dascyllus sp. 181 Mangrove killifish 307 Kyphosidae 226 Labridae 137, 138, 235 landmark orientation anemone fishes 95–99, 98 octopuses 232 Leiognathidae see ponyfishes leucophores 231 light organs deep sea anglerfishes 29–34, 31, 33, flashlight fishes 13–17, 14, 17 locations, size and openings 8–11, 11 luminescent bacteria in 8–11, 9–11 ponyfishes 38–40, 44–47, 39, 40, 45, 46 sexual dimorphism 44–47, 45, 46 Linophrynidae 26 Liophioidei 24 liparid fishes, association with lithodid crabs 301–3 lithodid crabs 301–3 Lophiformes luciferase 6–7, luminescent bacteria 6–57 benefits to fishes 48–9 characteristics 6–8, 7, discrete projected luminescence 41, 42 evolution of partnership with fishes 49–51, 51 fish hosts deep sea anglerfishes 24–37 flashlight fishes 11–24 ponyfishes 37–47 in fish light organs 8–11, 9–11 lux operons 7, phylogenetic relationships 8, 10 specificity 47–8 lures, use by anglerfishes 34–7, 35, 36 lux operons 7, Majidae 280 mate recognition anemone fishes 116–118 coral dwelling gobies 161 melanophores 39, 253, 253, 254 Merculidae mimicry bivalves 247–248 frogfishes 35–36, 35, 36 octopuses 233 pearlfishes 402, 402 shrimps 287, 290 siphonophores 202 molluscs 230–75 bivalves 246–69 WWW.EBOOK777.COM free ebooks ==> Subject Index cephalopods 230–41 gastropods 241–6 Monocanthidae 73 Monocentridae monogamy anemone fishes 114–18, 116 coral dwelling gobies 161–2, 176 Moridae mudskippers 303 Mullidae 235, 236 multiple species assemblages corals 164–9, 167, 168 crinoids 394–5 sponges 61–2 mussels, freshwater 247–65 flap lure 247, 248 pulsating papillae lure 247 superconglutinate 248, 248 glochidia larvae 247–8, 251, 252, 264 host fishes 247–8, 263 Myctophidae 205, 214 nematocysts 80–1, 86–93, 202, 214 Nomeidae 206 Notothenidae 73, 214 nudibranch gastropods association with gobiid fishes 245 nematocyst incorporation 80–1 sequestering secondary sponge metabolites 59 octopuses antipredatory behavior 231–3 cleaning symbiosis 238–9, 239 dens 231–3 scavenging fishes associated with 233–234 fish transport associations 249 foraging 231–3, 232 fishes associated with 234–8, 235–7 Ogcocephaloidei 24 opercular flash 42 opisthobranch gastropods 246 Opisthoproctidae Palaemonidae 276, 280–3 parasite removal by cleaner shrimps 294–6, 296 partner specificity alpheid shrimps and gobies 349–53, 350, 351 conchs and cardinal fishes 242–243 crinoids and clingfishes 398 freshwater mussels and their hosts 247–248 freshwater mussels and bitterlings 260–262 luminescent bacteria and fishes 47–48 scyphozoan medusae and fishes 219–21 sea anemones and anemone fishes 104–110, 96–97, 107 sea anemones and facultative fish partners 141–142 sea cucumbers and pearlfishes 410–14, 411, 412 447 sea urchins and fishes 390 sea stars and pearlfishes 266 sponges and fishes 69–70 pearlfishes acoustic communication 414–15 associations with bivalves 265, 266 with opisthobranch gastropods 246 with sea cucumbers 399–418 with sea stars 421–3, 422 life cycle 401–405 nutrition 406–8, 408 reproductive behavior 408–10 Perciformes Perciliidae 73 photophobic response in flashlight fish 20–1 physalitoxin 204 Physonectida 202, 205 Pocilloporidae 166 polymorphism corals 155 gobies associated with burrowing shrimps 324–325 octopuses 233 Pomacanthidae 139 Pomacentridae 83, 126, 139, 215, 382 ponyfishes buccal luminescence 42 discrete projected luminescence 41, 42 disruptive illumination 40–1 light organ 38–40, 39, 40 luminescent bacteria association 43–4 opercular flash 42 sex-specific signaling 44–7, 45, 46 structure, distribution and taxonomy 37–8 ventral body flash 41–2 Portuguese man-of-war (P physalis) 203–4 associated fish 207–9 predator deterrence cephalopods 231–3, 232 conchs 241–2 crinoids 393–4 scyphozoan medusae 214–15 sea cucumbers 400–1 sea stars 419–20, 419 sea urchins 371–3 siphonophores 202–204 sponges 59–61 predator recognition Aurelia aurita 214 damselfishes 152–153, 169–70, 153, 170, 171 gobies 339, 340–342, 341 protandric sex reversal in anemone fish 111–14, 112 protogynous sex reversal in damselfishes 111, 183–186 quorum sensing 8, 49–50 WWW.EBOOK777.COM free ebooks ==> 448 Subject Index red hake, association with sea scallops 268–9, 267 reproductive behavior alpheid shrimps 336–8 bitterlings 254–7, 256, 257–60 deep sea anglerfishes 25–9, 26, 27, 28 flashlight fishes 18–20 gobies 336–8 pearlfishes 408–10 sponge symbionts 68–9, 72–4, 73, 74 Rhizostomeae 213–14 Scaridae 139, 140 Sciaenidae 382 scleractinian corals 145–86 characteristics 145–6 reef fish associations benefits for corals 177–80, 178, 180 benefits for fishes 169–73, 170, 171 coral dwelling damselfish see coral dwelling damselfish coral dwelling gobies see coral dwelling gobies costs to corals 180–1 costs to fishes 173–7 Scombridae 226 Scorpaenidae 140, 214, 236 scyphozoan medusae 212–29 antipredator defenses 214–15 characteristics 212–14 fish associations 215–27, 216 benefits and costs 221–5, 222, 223 duration 219–21, 220 fish recruitment 225–6 with floating objects 226–7 medusae size effects 221 partner specificity 219 protection of fish from 217 recognition and attraction 217–18 predation on 214–15 sea anemones 79–145 anemone fish association adaptations for 111–128 benefits and costs 128–34, 128, 130, 132, evolution of 134–5 imprinting 103–104, 105 larval dispersion and natal recruitment 124–8, 125, 127 monogamy and mate recognition 114–18, 116 partner specificity 104–110 protandric sex reversal 111–14, 112 protection from sea anemones 86–93, 87, 90, 91, 109–10 recognition, attraction and selection 93–104, 94, 96–7, 98, 99, 100, 102, 103 sharing of sea anemones 143, 144 social control of growth 118–21, 118, 119 species coexistence 110–11, 110 step-fathering 118 stochastic processes 109 territoriality and aggression 121–4, 122 characteristics 79–80 cleaner shrimp association 286, 288–92 facultative fish association 135–145, 135, 136–40 stinging cells 80–1 taxonomy, distribution and ecology 81–6, 84, 85 sea cucumbers 399–418 characteristics 399–400 fish associations 401–5, 401, 402, 404 acoustic communication 414–415 benefits and costs 417 ecology and partner specificity 410–14, 411, 412 evolution of 417–18 host location, penetration and occupation 405–6 life cycle 401–405 morphological and physiological adaptations 415–17 nutrition 406–408 reproduction 408–410 see also pearlfish predation and antipredatory defenses 400–1 sea lilies see crinoids sea scallops, association with snailfishes and red hake 265–9, 267 sea stars 418–23 antipredatory defenses 419–20, 419 characteristics 418–19 fish associations 420–3 cardinal fishes 421 feeding assemblages 420–1 pearlfishes 421–3, 422 sea urchins 371–92 characteristics 371 defenses, predation by fish and antipredatory strategies 371–3 fish associations 373–92, 374–83, 384, 385 attraction of fishes to 386–8, 387 benefits and costs 388–90, 389 evolution of 390–1 mimicry by fishes 391–2, 391, 392 partner specificity 390 Semaeostomeae 213 Serranidae 140, 171, 236, 237, 383 sex reversal bidirectional 159–61, 160, 161 protandric sex reversal in anemone fishes 111–114, 112 protogynous sex reversal in damselfishes 111, 183–186 sexual dimorphism in ponyfishes 44–7, 45, 46 sexual parasitism in deep sea anglerfishes facultative 29 obligatory 26–8, 27, 28 WWW.EBOOK777.COM free ebooks ==> Subject Index shrimp burrowing alpheid 316–60 cleaner 276–99 coral dwelling plaemonid and alpheid 166, 167 thalassinid 305–16 see also crustaceans siphonophores 202–11 characteristics 202–3 fish associations 204–209, 205, 205, 206 P physalis 203–4 skin toxins in coral dwelling gobies 158 “smorgasbord feeding” by fishes 59 snailfish, association with sea scallops 265–9, 267 spatial orientation anemone fishes 95–99, 98 octopuses 232 sponges 58–78 characteristics 58–9 facultative partnerships 74–5 as living incubators 72–4, 73, 74 multiple species assemblages 61–2 obligate fish symbionts 62–8, 64–6, 67 evolution of partnership 70–2, 71 nutrition, reproductive behavior and sponge occupation 68–9, 69 partner specificity and sponge sharing 69–70 predator deterrence 59–61 secondary metabolites 59, 60 “smorgasbord feeding” 59 spicules 59, 60 spongin fibers 59, 60 squid 239–41, 240 Sromateidae 226 449 Stauromedusae 213 Stenopodidae 284 step-fathering in anemone fishes 118 Stromateidae 214, 206 suction feeding 36, 127 Syngnathidae 215, 383 synomones 101–103, 102, 103 tentilla 202 Tetradontidae 383 thalassinid shrimps 305–16 burrows 305–7, 307 gobiid fishes associations 307–316, 308 Austrolethops wardi and Neaxius acanthus 313–14 Clevelandia ios, Callianassa californiensis and Upogebia pugettensis 307–311, 309 Didogobius, amicuscardis and Axiopsis serratifrons 314–16, 315 Typhlogobius californiensis and Callianassa affinis 311–13, 312 Trachichthyidae trapezoid crabs 164–169 association with snapping shrimps 166, 167 Unioninae 252 ventral body flash 41–2 Vibrionaceae 6, 50 Zarcidae 214 Zoochlorellae 62 Zooxanthellae 62, 79, 130, 131, 146 WWW.EBOOK777.COM ... of fishes to sea urchins; partner specificity and mimicry of sea urchins; antipredatory defenses of crinoids; multiple spec ies assemblages in crinoids; adaptations of fishes for living in crinoids... reaches its zenith in fishes, being more diverse and complex than in any other group of organisms Overall, the majority of luminescent fishes produce their own light in intrinsic numerous photophores,... exposure to light (Herring and Morin, 1978) There have been reports of flashlight fishes with extinguished light organs that regained luminescence 3–6 months following maintenance in isolation Moreover,