Tutorial Books © Copyright 2017 by Kishore This book may not be duplicated in any way without the express written consent of the publisher, except in the form of brief excerpts or quotations for the purpose of review The information contained herein is for the personal use of the reader and may not be incorporated in any commercial programs, other books, database, or any kind of software without written consent of the publisher Making copies of this book or any portion for purpose other than your own is a violation of copyright laws Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: The author and publisher make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this work and specifically disclaim all warranties, including without limitation warranties of fitness for a particular purpose The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for every situation Neither the publisher nor the author shall be liable for damages arising here from Trademarks: All brand names and product names used in this book are trademarks, registered trademarks, or trade names of their respective holders The author and publisher are not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book Download Resource Files from: www.tutorialbook.info Write to us at online.books999@gmail.com for any technical support NX 11 for Beginners Contents Introduction xii Topics covered in this Book xii Chapter 1: Getting Started with NX 11 Introduction to NX 11 Starting NX 11 User Interface Quick Access Toolbar File Menu Ribbon Home tab View tab Analysis tab Home tab in Sketch Task environment Tools tab Render tab Assemblies tab Drafting template ribbon Sheet Metal ribbon Ribbon Groups and More Galleries Command Finder Top Border Bar 10 Menu 10 Status bar 10 Roles Navigator 11 Dialogs 13 Mouse Functions 13 Edit Background 14 Shortcut Keys 15 NX Help 15 Questions 16 Chapter 2: Sketch Techniques 17 Sketching directly in the Part environment 17 i NX 11 for Beginners Sketching in the Sketch Task environment 18 Draw Commands 18 The Profile command 18 The Arc command 20 The Rectangle command 20 The Circle command 22 The Polygon command 23 The Ellipse command 24 The Studio Spline command 24 The Rapid Dimension command 25 Linear Dimensions 26 Angular Dimension 27 Over-constrained Sketch 27 Continuous Auto Dimensioning 28 Geometric Constraints 29 Coincident 29 Point on Curve 30 Tangent 30 Parallel 30 Concentric 31 Horizontal 31 Vertical 31 Equal Length 32 Equal Radius 32 Perpendicular 32 Collinear 33 Midpoint 33 Horizontal Alignment 33 Vertical Alignment 33 Constant Length 34 Constant Angle 34 Non-uniform scale 35 Uniform scale 36 Make Symmetric 37 ii NX 11 for Beginners Create Inferred Constraints 37 Display Sketch Constraints 38 Sketch Relations Browser 39 Alternate Solution 40 Convert to Reference 41 The Fillet command 41 The Chamfer command 43 The Quick Extend command 43 The Quick Trim command 43 The Make Corner command 43 The Offset Curve command 44 Examples 44 Example (Millimeters) 44 Example (Inches) 49 Questions 54 Exercises 54 Exercise 54 Exercise 54 Exercise (Inches) 55 Chapter 3: Extrude and Revolve Features 57 Extrude Features 57 Revolve Features 58 Datum Planes 59 At Distance 59 At Angle 60 Bisector 60 Curves and Points 61 Tangent 62 On Curve 62 Datum CSYS 63 Additional options of the Extrude command 64 Boolean 64 Inferred 64 Unite 64 iii NX 11 for Beginners Subtract 64 Intersect 64 None 64 Limits 64 Open Profile Smart Volume 66 Draft options 66 Offset options 68 View Modification commands 69 Examples 70 Example (Millimeters) 70 Example (Inches) 80 Questions 84 Exercises 84 Exercise (Millimeters) 84 Exercise (Inches) 86 Exercise (Millimeters) 87 Chapter 4: Placed Features 89 Hole 89 Simple Hole 89 Counterbored Hole 91 Countersunk Hole 91 Tapered Hole 92 Threaded Hole 92 Thread 93 Edge Blend 95 Variable Radius Blend 96 Corner Setback 96 Stop Short of Corner 97 Length Limit 98 Chamfer 99 Asymmetric chamfer 99 Offset and Angle chamfer 100 Draft 100 Shell 101 iv NX 11 for Beginners Examples 103 Example (Millimetres) 103 Questions 108 Exercises 108 Exercise (Millimetres) 108 Exercise (Inches) 109 Chapter 5: Patterned Geometry 111 Mirror Feature 112 Mirror Geometry 113 Pattern Feature 113 Linear Layout 114 Circular Layout 116 Along Layout 118 Helical Layout 119 Examples 120 Example (Millimetres) 120 Questions 127 Exercises 128 Exercise (Millimetres) 128 Exercise (Inches) 128 Chapter 6: Additional Features and Multibody Parts 131 Rib 131 Slot 133 Multi-body Parts 134 Creating Multibodies 135 Split Body 135 Unite 136 Intersect 137 Subtract 137 Emboss Body 138 Swept Volume 138 Examples 140 Example (Millimetres) 140 Example (Inches) 145 v NX 11 for Beginners Questions 149 Exercises 150 Exercise 150 Exercise 151 Exercise (Inches) 152 Chapter 7: Modifying Parts 153 Edit Sketches 153 Edit Feature Parameters 153 Suppress Features 154 Synchronous Modeling Commands 154 Move Face 154 Pull Face 155 Offset Region 156 Replace Face 156 Make Coplanar 157 Make Coaxial 157 Make Symmetric 158 Make Offset 158 Linear Dimension 159 Angular Dimension 159 Make Parallel 160 Make Perpendicular 160 Label Notch Blend 161 Resize Blend 161 Replace Blend 162 Reorder Blends 163 Label Chamfer 163 Resize Chamfer 163 Make Tangent 164 Radial Dimension 164 Resize Face 165 Edit Cross Section 165 Delete Face 166 Group Face 167 vi NX 11 for Beginners Copy Face 167 Paste Face 168 Mirror Face 168 Examples 168 Example (Millimetres) 168 Questions 173 Exercises 173 Exercise 173 Chapter 8: Assemblies 175 Starting an Assembly 175 Inserting Components 176 Adding Constraints 176 Move Component 179 Touch Constraint 180 Align Constraint 181 Infer Center /Axis 182 Align/Lock 183 Concentric Constraint 183 Angle Constraint 184 Parallel Constraint 184 Perpendicular Constraint 185 Distance Constraint 185 Center Constraint 186 Bond Constraint 187 Simple Interference 188 Remember Constraints 189 Editing and Updating Assemblies 191 Replace Component 192 Pattern Component 193 Mirror Assembly 194 Sub-assemblies 196 Assembly Cuts 197 Top Down Assembly Design 198 Creating a New Component 198 vii NX 11 for Beginners Add 12 radius fillets at the bottom, and then trim the unwanted portions Finish the sketch Activate the Emboss command (on the ribbon, click Home > Feature > More > Design Feature > Emboss ) and select the sketch On the Emboss dialog, click Face to Emboss > Select Face and click on the label face Under the End Cap section, select Geometry > Embossed Faces 10 Select Location > Translate and type-in in the Distance box 11 Under the Draft section, type-in 30 in the Angle box and click OK Surface Design 370 NX 11 for Beginners 12 Likewise, create emboss on the label face on the opposite side (click the Transitional Direction in the End Cap section) Surface Design button 371 NX 11 for Beginners Blending the Label Faces Activate the Edge Blend command and select the edges of both the label faces On the Edge Blend dialog, type-in 10 in the Radius box, and click OK Activate Face Blend command (on the ribbon, click Surface > Surface > Blend Gallery > Face Blend ) and select Type > Two - Face on the dialog Click on the bottom face, and then click Select Face Click on the label face and type-in 10 in the Radius box under the Cross Section section Make sure that the arrows point inside the model Click OK Surface Design 372 NX 11 for Beginners Embossing the bottom face Construct a parallel datum plane at mm distance below the bottom face Start a new sketch on the parallel datum plane Activate the Offset Curve command and set the Curve Rule on the Top Border Bar to Connected Curves Click on the inner boundary edges of the bottom face Type-in 10 in the Distance box and click the Reverse Direction button Click OK to project and offset the edges Add 12 mm fillets to the corners and trim the unwanted edge portions Finish the sketch Surface Design 373 NX 11 for Beginners 13 Activate the Emboss command (on the ribbon, click Home > Feature > More > Emboss) and click on the sketch Next, click the Reset button located at the top right corner of the Emboss dialog On the Emboss dialog, click Face to Emboss > Select Face and click on the bottom face Under the End Cap section, select Geometry > Embossed Faces Select Location > Offset and type-in 2.5 in the Distance box 10 Under the Draft section, type-in 50 in the Angle box Click OK to add emboss 11 Activate the Edge Blend command and blend the sharp edges of the emboss features The blend radius is mm Sewing the Surfaces Activate the Sew command (on the ribbon, click Surface > Surface Operations > More > Sew click on the main surface body Click on the Through Curves surface, and then click OK Surface Design ) and 374 NX 11 for Beginners Adding thickness to the model On the ribbon, click View > Visibility > Edit Section View Section dialog Click OK Activate the Thicken command (on the ribbon, click Surface > Surface Operations > Thicken ) and click on the surface body On the Thicken dialog, type-in 1.5 in the Offset box Under the Region Behavior section, click Region of Different Thickness > Select Boundary Curve, and select the neck and spout region Type-in 2.5 in the Offset box under the Region of Different Thickness section Click OK Surface Design and select Section Plane > Set Plane to Y on the 375 NX 11 for Beginners Hide the Sew surface on the Part Navigator On the ribbon, click View > Visibility > Clip Section Activate the Edge Blend command, and then blend the sharp edges of the neck and spout Surface Design 376 NX 11 for Beginners Creating threads Activate the Datum Plane command, and then create a plane offset from the neck surface The offset distance is 20 mm Create another offset plane at 10 mm distance Activate the Intersection Curve command (on the ribbon, click Curve > Derived Curve > Intersection Curve ) and select the outer face of the spout Click the middle mouse button and select the two planes Click OK Activate the Helix command (on the ribbon, click Curve > Curve > Helix) and select the center point of the lower intersection curve On the Helix dialog, under the Size section, select Law Type > Linear Click the down arrow next to the Start Value box and select Measure On the Measure dialog, select Type > Diameter and click on the lower intersection curve Click OK Surface Design 377 NX 11 for Beginners Click the down arrow next to the End Value box and select Measure On the Measure dialog, select Type > Diameter and click on the upper intersection curve Click OK Type-in in the Value box under the Pitch section 10 Under the Length section, select Method > Turns Type-in in the Turns box and click OK 11 Hide the intersection curves and datum planes 12 Create a datum plane normal to the helix 13 Draw a sketch on the plane normal to the helix Finish the sketch Surface Design 378 NX 11 for Beginners 14 Activate the Swept command (on the ribbon, click Surface > Surface > Swept ) and select the cross section 15 Click Guides > Select Curve and select the helix 16 Under the Section Options section, select Orientation Method > Face Normals Select the outer face of the spout 17 Under the Settings section, set the Body Type to Solid Click OK 18 Unite the thread body with the main body Measuring the Volume of the bottle Activate the Measure Body command (on the ribbon, click Analysis > Measure > More > Measure Body) and click on the geometry The volume of the bottle appears Next, click OK on the Measure Body dialog Surface Design 379 NX 11 for Beginners On the ribbon, click Render > True Shading to activate the true shading Select the geometry and click True Shading Setup > Object Materials > Yellow Glossy Plastic ribbon Save and close the file on the Questions What is the use of the Sew command? How many types of face blends can be created in NX? Why we use the Patch Openings command? What are the commands that can be used to delete the openings on a surface? Which commands can be used to bridge the gap between two surfaces? Surface Design 380 NX 11 for Beginners 10 Name the command that can be used to perform a variety of surface operations How you add multiple thicknesses to a surface body? List the commands used to extend surfaces from an edge Why we use the Face Blend command? List the commands used to offset faces Exercise Create the model shown next Surface Design 381 Index Add Break Lines, 235 Adding Hole Callouts, 246 Align Constraint, 180 Align/Lock, 182 Along Layout, 117 Alternate Solution, 40 Angle Constraint, 183 Angular Dimension, 158 Arc, 20 Assembly Constraints, 176, 177 Assembly Cuts, 196 Asymmetric chamfer, 99 Auto Explode, 199 Auxiliary View, 230 Bead, 286 Bend, 282 Bolt Circle Centerline, 248 Bond Constraint, 186 Boolean, 64 Bounded Plane, 326 Break Corner, 292 Break-out Section View, 236 Bridge Surface, 328 Center Constraint, 185 Center Marks and Centerlines, 247 Chamfer, 43, 99 Circle, 22 Circle by Points, 22 Circle by Center and Diameter, 22 Circular Layout, 115 Close 2-Bend Corner, 277 Closed Corner, 277 Coincident, 29 Collinear, 33 Concentric, 31 Concentric Constraint, 182 Constant Angle, 34 Constant Length, 34 Continuous Auto-Dimensioning, 28 Contour Flange, 278 Convert to Reference, 41 Convert to Sheet Metal Wizard, 297 Copy Face, 166 Corner Setback, 96 Counterbored Hole, 91 Countersunk Hole, 91 Create Inferred Constraints, 37 Creating a New Component, 197 Creating Multibodies, 134 Cutting across Bends, 292 Datum CSYS, 63 Datum Planes, 59 Delete Edge, 338 Delete Face, 165 Detail View, 235 Dimensions, 243 Dimple, 284 Display Options, 237 Display Sketch Constraints, 38 Distance Constraint, 184 Draft, 100 Drawn Cutout, 285 Edge Blend, 95 Edit Background, 14 Edit Cross Section, 164 Edit Explosion, 199 Edit Feature Parameters, 152 Edit Sketches, 152 Editing and Updating Assemblies, 190 Ellipse, 24 Emboss Body, 137 Equal Length, 32 Exploded View, 237 Export Flat Pattern, 301 Extension Surface, 336 Extract Geometry, 334 Extrude Features, 57 Extruded Surface, 320 Face Blend, 330 Fillet, 41 Fit, 69 Flange, 274 Flat Pattern, 293 Flat Solid, 294 Four Point Surface, 327 Geometric Constraints, 29 Group Face, 166 Gusset, 290 NX 11 for Beginners Helical Layout, 118 Hem, 280 Horizontal, 31 Horizontal Alignment, 33 Infer Center /Axis, 181 Intersect, 136 Jog, 282 Label Chamfer, 162 Label Notch Blend, 160 Law Extension, 331 Linear Dimension, 158 Linear Layout, 113 Lofted Flange, 295 Louver, 289 Make Coaxial, 156 Make Coplanar, 156 Make Corner, 43 Make Offset, 157 Make Parallel, 159 Make Perpendicular, 159 Make Symmetric, 37, 157 Make Tangent, 163 Midpoint, 33 Mirror Assembly, 193 Mirror Face, 167 Mirror Feature, 111 Mirror Geometry, 112 Mouse Functions, 13 Move Component, 178 Move Face, 153 No Explosion, 201 Non-uniform scale, 35 Normal Cutout, 291 Notes, 249 NX Help, 15 Offset and Angle chamfer, 100 Offset Curve, 44 Offset Face, 155, 334 Offset Surface, 332 Open Profile Smart Volume, 66 Ordinate Dimensions, 244 Over-constrained Sketch, 27 Parallel, 30 Parallel Constraint, 183 Parts List and Balloons, 241 Paste Face, 167 Patch Openings, 338 Pattern Component, 192 Pattern Feature, 112 Perpendicular Constraint, 184 Point on Curve, 30 Polygon, 23 Profile, 18 Projected View, 230 Pull Face, 154 Quick Extend, 43 Quick Trim, 43 Radial Dimension, 163 Rapid Dimension, 25 Rectangle, 20 Remember Constraints, 189 Reorder Blends, 162 Replace Blend, 161 Replace Component, 191 Replace Face, 155 Resize Bend Angle, 298 Resize Bend Radius, 298 Resize Blend, 160 Resize Chamfer, 162 Resize Face, 164 Resize Neutral Factor, 299 Revolve Features, 58 Revolved Section View, 233 Revolved Surface, 320 Rib, 130 Ruled, 323 Section View, 231 Sew, 341 Sheet Metal Drawings, 299 Sheet Metal from Solid, 296 Shell, 101 Shortcut Keys, 15 Simple Hole, 89 Simple Interference, 187 Sketch Relations Browser, 39 Sketch Task, 6, 17, 18 Slot, 132 Split Body, 134 Starting a Drawing, 224 Starting a Sheet Metal part, 272 Starting an Assembly, 174 Stop Short of Corner, 97 Studio, 325 Studio Spline, 24 383 NX 11 for Beginners Styled Sweep, 321 Sub-assemblies, 195 Subtract, 136 Suppress Features, 153 Sweep along Guide, 321 Swept, 321 Swept Volume, 137 Swoop, 327 Tab, 274 Tangent, 30 Tapered Hole, 92 The Angle Dimension command, 27 Thicken, 341 Thread, 93 Threaded Hole, 92 Through Curve Mesh, 325 Through Curves, 324 Top Down Assembly, 197 Touch Constraint, 179 Tracelines, 200 Transition, 328 Trim and Extend, 336 Trim Body, 342 Trimmed Sheet, 335 Unexplode Component, 199 Uniform scale, 36 Unite, 135 Untrim, 338 Variable Offset, 333 Variable Radius Blend, 96 Vertical, 31 Vertical Alignment, 33 View Alignment, 239 View Creation Wizard, 226 X-Form, 343 384 ... Getting Started with NX 11 NX 11 for Beginners Starting NX 11 To start NX 11, type NX 11. 0 in the search box available on the taskbar Select NX 11. 0 from the search results; the NX 11. 0 application... Chapter 11, “Surface Design”, covers how to create complex shapes using surface design commands xii NX 11 for Beginners xiii Chapter 1: Getting Started with NX 11 Introduction to NX 11 NX 11 is... list displayed Getting Started with NX 11 NX 11 for Beginners You can also add a ribbon tab by opening the Customize dialog Getting Started with NX 11 NX 11 for Beginners Ribbon Groups and More