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LNCS 10056 Rosa Bottino Johan Jeuring Remco C Veltkamp (Eds.) Games and Learning Alliance 5th International Conference, GALA 2016 Utrecht, The Netherlands, December 5–7, 2016 Proceedings 123 Lecture Notes in Computer Science Commenced Publication in 1973 Founding and Former Series Editors: Gerhard Goos, Juris Hartmanis, and Jan van Leeuwen Editorial Board David Hutchison Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK Takeo Kanade Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA Josef Kittler University of Surrey, Guildford, UK Jon M Kleinberg Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA Friedemann Mattern ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland John C Mitchell Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA Moni Naor Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel C Pandu Rangan Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India Bernhard Steffen TU Dortmund University, Dortmund, Germany Demetri Terzopoulos University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA Doug Tygar University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA Gerhard Weikum Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbrücken, Germany 10056 More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/7409 Rosa Bottino Johan Jeuring Remco C Veltkamp (Eds.) • Games and Learning Alliance 5th International Conference, GALA 2016 Utrecht, The Netherlands, December 5–7, 2016 Proceedings 123 Editors Rosa Bottino Institute for Educational Technology Genova Italy Remco C Veltkamp Utrecht University Utrecht The Netherlands Johan Jeuring Utrecht University Utrecht The Netherlands ISSN 0302-9743 ISSN 1611-3349 (electronic) Lecture Notes in Computer Science ISBN 978-3-319-50181-9 ISBN 978-3-319-50182-6 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-50182-6 Library of Congress Control Number: 2016959172 LNCS Sublibrary: SL3 – Information Systems and Applications, incl Internet/Web, and HCI © Springer International Publishing AG 2016 This work is subject to copyright All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made Printed on acid-free paper This Springer imprint is published by Springer Nature The registered company is Springer International Publishing AG The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland Preface The 5th Games and Learning Alliance (GALA) Conference was held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, December 5–7, 2016 It was organized by the Serious Games Society and the Center for Game Research at Utrecht University The GALA series of conferences provides an excellent opportunity to discuss important themes and emergent topics within the growing field of serious games The meeting involves academic researchers, industrial developers, teachers, and corporate decision makers GALA 2016 received 55 submissions Each paper was reviewed by at least three Program Committee members The Program Committee selected 27 of these papers for presentation at the conference, and 14 for presentation at a poster session at the conference The majority of the authors are based in Europe, but all continents except for Australia were represented at the conference The conference started with a day of tutorials, at which various topics such as learner models, interactive virtual characters, addressing learners with different backgrounds, and gamification were discussed European projects such as WATCHME, RAGE, and BODEGA contributed significantly to these tutorials It was an honor to have Jean-Marc Labat, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France, and Yasmin B Kafai, University of Pennsylvania, USA, as keynote speakers at GALA 2016 Jean-Marc Labat presented a meta-design perspective on enhancing the usage of educational games by teachers, and Yasmin Kafai spoke about connected gaming: what making video games can teach us about learning and literacy The conference featured eight paper presentation sessions A number of paper presentation sessions discussed the relation between serious games and particular domains, namely, health, sustainability, management, maths and programming, and soft skills Other sessions discussed game development and the assessment of games, the relation between games and learning, and mobile games As in previous years, selected best papers of the GALA Conference will be published in a dedicated special issue of the International Journal of Serious Games, the scientific journal managed by the Serious Games Society, which is a great reference point for academicians and practitioners to publish original research work on serious games and be informed about the latest developments in the field We thank the authors for submitting many interesting papers, the Program Committee members for reviewing these papers, and the Serious Games Society and the Center for Game Research at Utrecht University for organizing the conference October 2016 Rosa Bottino Johan Jeuring Remco C Veltkamp Organization Games and Learning Alliance 5th International Conference, GALA 2016 Utrecht, December 5–7, 2016 Proceedings GALA 2016 was organized by the Serious Games Society and the Center for Game Research at Utrecht University General Chair Remco C Veltkamp Utrecht University, The Netherlands Program Chairs Rosa Bottino Johan Jeuring ITD – CNR, Italy Utrecht University, The Netherlands Demo Chair Jannicke Baalsrud Hauge BIBA, Germany/KTH, Sweden Tutorial Chair Carolina Islas Sedano University of Eastern Finland, Finland Program Committee Anissa All Alessandra Antonaci Sylvester Arnab Jon Arambarri Aida Azadegan Jannicke Baalsrud Hauge Per Backlund Norman Badler Sylvie Barma Francesco Bellotti Riccardo Berta Rafael Bidarra University of Gent, Belgium ITD-CNR, Italy Coventry University, UK Virtualwaregroup, Spain The University of the West Scotland, UK BIBA, Germany Högskolan i Skövde, Sweden University of Pennsylvania, USA Université Laval, Canada University of Genoa, Italy University of Genoa, Italy TU Delft, The Netherlands VIII Organization Staffan Björk Rosa Bottino Clint Bowers Maira Brandao Carvalho Sylvie Daniel Alessandro De Gloria Kurt Debattista Shujie Deng Michael Derntl Frank Dignum Ioannis Doumanis Miguel Encarnaỗóo Manuel Gentile Junghyun Han Valerie Hill Carolina Islas Sedano Michael Kickmeier-Rust Sotiris Kriginas Ralph Klamma Silvia Kober Milos Kravcik Niki Lambropoulos George Lepouras Theo Lim Sandy Louchart Katerina Mania Fabrizia Mantovani Michela Mortara Rob Nadolski Aniket Nagle Manuel Ninaus Jussi Okkonen Lucia Pannese Magda Popescu Rui Prada Marius Preda Matthias Rauterberg Ion Roceanu Margarida Romero Esther Judith Schek Avo Schönbohm Ioana Stanescu Kam Star Erik van der Spek Herre van Oostendorp Remco Veltkamp Chalmers, Sweden ITD-CNR, Italy University of Central Florida, USA Tilburg University, The Netherlands University Laval, Canada University of Genoa, Italy University of Warwick, UK University of Bournemouth, UK RWTH Aachen, Germany University of Utrecht, The Netherlands University of Middlesex, UK University of Louisville, USA ITD-CNR, Italy Korea University, Republic of Korea Texas Women University, USA University of Eastern Finland, Finland University of Graz, Austria University of Athens, Greece RWTH Aachen, Germany University of Graz, Austria RWTH Aachen, Germany Global Operations Division, Greece University of the Peloponnese, Greece Heriot-Watt University, UK Glasgow School of Art Digital Design Studio, UK Technical University of Crete, Greece Università di Milano Bicocca, Italy IMATI-CNR, Italy Open University, The Netherlands ETHZ, Switzerland University of Graz, Austria University of Tampere, Finland I-maginary, Italy Carol I Nat Defence University, Romania INESC, Portugal Institut National des Télécommunications, France TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands Carol I Nat Defence University, Romania Université Laval, Canada University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany Carol I Nat Defence University, Romania Playgen, UK TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands Utrecht University, The Netherlands Utrecht University, The Netherlands Organization Wim Westera Antonie Wiedemann Peter Wolf Josef Wolfartsberger Su Ting Yong Zerrin Yumak Open University, The Netherlands University of Genoa, Italy ETH Zürich, Switzerland University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Austria University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, Malaysia Utrecht University, The Netherlands Award Committee Antonie Wiedemann University of Genoa, Italy Local Arrangements Committee Heleen Groenendijk Rita Jansen Utrecht University, The Netherlands Utrecht University, The Netherlands Publications Chair Riccardo Berta University of Genoa, Italy Communication and Promotion Chair Francesco Bellotti University of Genoa, Italy Administrative and Financial Chair Antonie Wiedemann University of Genoa, Italy IX Contents Games and Sustainability Sustainable Competence Development of Business Students: Effectiveness of Using Serious Games Rink Weijs, Geertje Bekebrede, and Igor Nikolic The Design of an Augmented Reality Collaborative Game for Sustainable Development Alysson Diniz dos Santos, Francesco Strada, and Andrea Bottino 15 Designing Virtual River: A Serious Gaming Environment to Collaboratively Explore Management Strategies in River and Floodplain Maintenance Robert-Jan den Haan, Vivian Juliette Cortes Arevalo, Mascha van der Voort, and Suzanne Hulscher 24 Games for Math and Programming A Game-Based Approach to Examining Students’ Conceptual Knowledge of Fractions Manuel Ninaus, Kristian Kiili, Jake McMullen, and Korbinian Moeller EyeMath: Identifying Mathematics Problem Solving Processes in a RTS Video Game Aura Hernández-Sabaté, Lls Albarracín, Daniel Calvo, and Núria Gorgorió Building Arduino-Based Tangible Serious Games for Elementary Mathematics and Physics Luca Mollo, Francesco Bellotti, Riccardo Berta, and Alessandro De Gloria Database Engineering Game Markus Siepermann 37 50 60 70 Games and Health Effects of a 3D Virtual Reality Neurofeedback Scenario on User Experience and Performance in Stroke Patients Silvia Erika Kober, Johanna Louise Reichert, Daniela Schweiger, Christa Neuper, and Guilherme Wood 83 442 K Kim Familiarity (Q13, Q14) was in the middle as we expected because the avatars were in the middle ages Most participants showed good subjective satisfactions in their interviews also Conclusion In this research, we have developed a serious game for the elderly, ‘Paldokangsan4’ that is a walking game with memorization by motion capture interface using Kinect2 Advanced features from the last version ‘Paldokangsan3’: (1) Kinect2 for better recognition of motions, (2) ID system to accumulate in-game scores of the players, (3) tutorial level with better user interface, (4) new background of recent shopping mall The game has been tested by a survey from 40 visitors of all ages who were asked to expect the game for the elderly The questionnaires were nearly the same as those of ‘Paldokangsan3’ Their response showed the game were working well and valuable to go on with old people of more than 65 year old Acknowledgments This project was supported by Hoseo University (no 2015-0344) References Jeon, H.K., Kim, M.Y.: The benefits of aquatic exercise programs for older adults J Coaching Dev 5(2), 69–76 (2003) (in Korean) 2014 White Paper on Korean Games Guide to Koran Games Industry and Culture Korea Content Agency (2014) Abt, C.C.: Serious Games Viking Press, New York (1970) Kim, K.-S., Oh, S.-S., Ahn, J.-H., Lee, S.-H., Lim, K.-C.: Development and analysis of a walking game using controllers of armrests and footboards (title: Paldokangsan) J Korea Game Soc 11(6), 43–52 (2011) (in Korean) Kim, K.-S., Oh, S.-S., Ahn, J.-H., Ahn, J.-H.: Development and analysis of walking game using controllers of hand buttons and footboards (title: Paldokangsan2) J Korea Game Soc 13(3), 95–104 (2013) (in Korean) Kim, K.-S., Lee, Y.-J., Oh, S.-S.: Development and analysis of walking game ‘Paldokangsan3’ using kinect J Korea Game Soc 14(1), 49–57 (2014) (in Korean) Kim, K.-S., Lee, Y.-J., Oh, D.-N.: Development and testing of a serious game for the elderly (title: ‘Paldokangsan3’) In: Proceedings of International Conference on Games and learning Alliance (GALA), Serious Game Society (SGS) (2015) http://taikopsp3.namco-ch.net/ http://www.namcobandaigames.com/ 10 Tach, D.: Video Game Uses Kinect to Help Stroke Patients Walk Kyushu University, Asahi Shinbun, 27 November 2012 11 Gerling, K.M., Masuch, M.: Exploring the Potential of Gamification Among Frail Elderly Persons, Vancouver, BC, Canada (2011) 12 Wouters, P., Van der Spek, E.,Van Oostendorp, H.: Current practices in serious game research: a review from a learning outcomes perspective In: Games-Based Learning Advancements for Multi-sensory Human Computer Interfaces: Techniques and Effective Practice, pp 232–250 (2009) Development of a Serious Game for the Elderly 443 13 Seo, J.-M.: A design consideration element and serious game for disabled person Korea Soc Comput Inf 16(1), 81–87 (2011) (in Korean) 14 Ryu, W., Kang, H., Kim, H.: Development of personal training system using serious game for rehabilitation training J Korea Game Soc 9(3), 121–128 (2009) 15 Ok, 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Mamelak, M.: Effects of aging on the useful field of view Exp Aging Res 26(2), 103–120 (2000) 22 Wikipedia (2014) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Useful_field_of_view A Neuroscience Based Approach to Game Based Learning Design Nikesh Bajaj(&), Francesco Bellotti, Riccardo Berta, and Alessandro De Gloria Elios Lab, DITEN, University of Genoa, via opera pia, 11a, 16145 Genoa, Italy {nikesh.bajaj,franz,riccardo.berta,adg}@elios.unige.it Abstract In recent years designing a game for education has become very popular Neuroscience has developed many theories of learning, based on how brain learns We discuss a design approach for conventional teaching methods The proposed approach illustrates the opportunities to exploit the concept of neuroscience and combine it with game for educational purpose The pedagogies based on neuroscience and psychology have been adapted in teaching very well and the same is expected to work well with Game Based Learning (GBL) Introduction Pedagogies for educational learning have been improved over a time due to change in behavior of learners Education sector is experiencing the change in learners’ attitude and motivation towards learning [1], which is a driving force to change the ways of teaching Studies claim that computer games may be used for teaching [2–4], specifically these games can enhance learners’ cognitive abilities and understanding of topics [5–7] Nowadays, games are being designed for many other aspects such as education, healthcare, defense, training, advertisement, politics and social problems, such games developed for training purpose are termed as serious games [8] Yet serious games are not meant to replace the traditional teaching methodology, they mean to support learning On the other hand, neuroscientist and psychologist have been supporting to develop pedagogical tools for education and learning, using the concepts of cognitive psychology and neuroscience Educational Psychology is a branch of psychology that deals with human learning based on cognitive and behavior prospective Most of teaching practices used in classrooms are supported by educational psychology Considering games as effective pedagogy for teaching, it can be further improved by combing it with neuroscience There are many studies that show different approaches for designing games [9, 10] In this paper we propose an approach to design a Game Based Learning (GBL) system using concepts of neuroscience of learning In next section, the concepts of neuroscience which are related to learning are discussed and in subsequent sections a procedure of Game Based Learning with neuroscience is discussed © Springer International Publishing AG 2016 R Bottino et al (Eds.): GALA 2016, LNCS 10056, pp 444–454, 2016 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-50182-6_41 A Neuroscience Based Approach to Game Based Learning Design 445 Learning and Neuroscience Learning is most effective aspect of life, which changes personality with skills and knowledge From neuroscience point of view there are some aspects which should be taken care while designing any learning module or procedure [11] and they are as follows: Learning Cycle (Zull’s Model) Neuroplasticity (Neural Connections) Social Brain (Engaging with others) Emotions (Flow) Attention and Memory Sensory (Engage Senses) Among above six aspects, Learning Cycle is a complete process of learning and other are more related to each stage of cycle or flow of cycle This section will discuss these aspects with enough details to relate with Game Based Learning design for educational purpose 2.1 Learning Cycle (Zull’s Model) Learning cycle is based on Zull’s Model [12] as shown in Fig 1, according to which there are four stages of learning: Concrete experience (Gathering), Reflective observation (Reflection), Abstract hypothesis (Creation) and Active Testing Each stage is related to sensory cortices, temporal lobe, pre-frontal cortex and motor cortices respectively A simplified Zull’s model can consider as Learning Cycle as shown in Fig Fig Zull’s model (i) Gathering: Learning starts from gathering phase, which involves collecting information Information is collected by the senses of body such as vision, auditory, touch, position, smell and test This phase engages sensory cortices of brain [11] (ii) Reflection: The time duration is termed as reflection phase in which collected information is digested Insight formulation and connecting information to other information is part of the reflection This duration of reflection varies from person to person This process involves temporal lobe of brain [11] 446 N Bajaj et al Gathering Active Testing Reflection Creation Fig Learning cycle (iii) Creation: After insight formulation, learner needs to create his own understanding by creating idea and plan based on information gathered and processed This part of cycle engages the pre-fontal cortex of brain [11] (iv) Active Testing: Active testing is a physical process involving motor cortices It requires any physical activity related to idea formed in creation process As per Zull’s model any action inspired by idea qualifies as active testing [11] 2.2 Neuroplasticity Neuroplasticity is the most important aspect of learning, as it refers to neurological changes in brain by creating neurons or reorganizing neural pathways for tuning the brain for particular task As per Hebb [13], Neural Network and connections becomes more effective when associated neurons are used repeatedly Brain is affected in two ways by learning, either by creation of new neural connections or altering the existing connections In both cases brain gets modified to observe new information and retain it, if it’s useful [11] and this occurs in reflection stage of learning cycle For quick learner it takes less time as they have more neural connections and they can correlate new information with existing knowledge Whereas for slow learner it takes more time [11] For facilitating brain to observe the information and form insight, it should be given enough time for reflection process This can be fastened by providing extra information and correlation of new information to old information, which learner has acquired already This can be made effective and strong by repetition In summary, by providing relation of new knowledge to prior knowledge and giving information repeatedly, the learning process can be enhanced 2.3 Engaging with Others (Social Brain) As per UCLA social cognitive neurologist Lieberman and Eisenberger [14], brain learns quickly and effectively when it interacts with others The contribution to learning because of engaging with others is termed as collaborative learning [15] Because of interaction with others, brain gets forced to absorb useful information out of new A Neuroscience Based Approach to Game Based Learning Design 447 knowledge and try to make sense of it This works very well in classroom teaching such as group/team work, online discussion forums Learning becomes faster and effective when learner interacts with other people in same context [16, 17] 2.4 Emotion and Learning Psychology and neuroscience agree on role of emotions in learning Virtually all mental activities involve both emotion and cognition [18, 19] A memory researcher Richard Cytpwic [20] says; “it is an emotional calculus more than a logical one, that animates us” For moving through learning cycle, the right amount of emotion is required Less arousal makes learner to drop in between of cycle due to lack of interest and more arousal affects learner’s ability to focus Just right balance of emotion is required in order to move through learning cycle and it’s known as ‘FLOW’ in games research [8] 2.5 Attention and Memory In order to engage learner in learning cycle, not only emotion but attention is also required Brain always pays attention to something; the only question is on what? [21] Brain pays attention and remember only things that are relevant and important, rest it drops and forgets easily Attention is not only required in beginning but in entire learning cycle, It’s important to engage attention in start and manage it throughout [11] For learning process, the information that brain attends needs to be stored in long term memory The stored information can be retrieved when it’s needed This process has three stages, encode, store and retrieve Studies show that more attention is required to encode the information rather than retrieval Encoding is done in working memory, which is effected by cognitive overload [22] Cognitive load is defined as total efforts being used in working memory and overload is a situation when brain is given more tasks than it’s at most capacity By maintaining cognitive load with attention, brain is expected to go through life cycle smoothly [22] 2.6 Engaging Senses Deeper learning can be induced by engaging more number of senses Theory of multimedia learning shows visual stimuli has more impact than audio and others [23], Yet including more senses increase the richness of learning [24] However same can be argued as engaging more senses increases cognitive load, which can affect the working memory and attention Consequently affects the flow of learning cycle So there should be balance among number of stimuli Game Based Learning Design Procedure As it was discussed that game alone is not a replacement of complete educational learning experience but a system based on game can be designed In proposed design, game is incorporated with pre-game and post-game stages The learning cycle, as 448 N Bajaj et al discussed in Sect 2.1, is expected to be valid independent of medium The idea is to apply learning cycle to serious game with proper design procedure In rest of our discussion, User, Student and Learner will be used interchangeably, because a student is a user of a system and learner for a learning task, similarly knowledge and information will be used interchangeably Design Procedure: As shown in Figs and 4, Learning cycle is divided into three stages; Pre-Game (PrG), Game Activity (GA), and Post-Game (PoG) Figure shows the procedure of Game Based Learning and Fig shows the flow of Game Based Learning The actions of each stage for learning cycle are categorized for three different entities User/Student, Teacher and Designer User is subjected to a learning task with a User/Student Teacher Designer Identify prerequisites needed for users and provide them Set all the prerequisites provided and display Insight formulation Provide visuals, stories, animations, and humor Set visuals and animations Creation Play game to strengthen insight Provide game to play for applying the learning based on objective Oi Design a Game for objective Oi Discuss own insight with others Allow users to interact with others Design an interactive forum to discuss Attempt tests to check progress Assess users to check progress Design assessments for objective Oi Reflection Gathering Connecting information to previous known information Fig Game based learning procedure Post-Game Set information display through visual and auditory Game Activity Provide all the information of Objective Oi Pre-Game Gather all the information provided Active Testing Set an Objective Oi A Neuroscience Based Approach to Game Based Learning Design 449 Set an Objective Oi PrG Gathering i++ Reflection Creation GA Active Testing PoG Fig Game based learning flow learning objective; teacher provides all the required resources for entire learning cycle and designer is to design pre-game, game, and post-game stages for particular objective Teacher and Designer need not to be two distinct entities, they can be same, but we will discuss their role distinctly The collection of objectives can be from single syllabus of a course or from distinct 3.1 Pre-game In Pre-game stage, the teacher sets an objective Oi An objective can be adding two numbers or solving the complex equations Teacher and a designer both are required to decide the objective considering audience, level and system complexity Once the objective is set, teacher is required to provide all the information of objective Oi with help of designer who facilitate teacher to use video, animation, and audio Student is expected to gather all the information provided This is a Gathering phase of learning cycle After gathering all the information, Reflection phase is required, in which user needs to connect given information to prior knowledge and form insight about the information Though reflection is defined as a time gap, in which user forms insight, such time gaps are not so feasible in ongoing procedure Instead an alternative approach can be used to serve the purpose of reflection This can be done by providing stories, videos or animations related to the objective In addition, proving prerequisite will avoid the confusion and increase the likelihood of understanding and reduce the time duration of building insight As in conventional classroom teaching, an ideal teacher asks questions to students for identifying their level of knowledge and give perquisite as per requirement so that student can relate new information to prior 450 N Bajaj et al knowledge As all students not have same prior knowledge, this time duration varies between students to form neural connections An expert learner forms neural connection quickly than slow learner Here teacher’s role is to identify and provide appropriate prerequisite, where designer needs to have all plausible prerequisites available to be used The part of reflection phase is to form insight of information, where each student builds their own analogy and imagination to understand the concept Here teacher along with designer can accelerate this by including animations, stories and humor 3.2 Game Activity Once insight is formed in pre-game stage, user is ready to use information provided for Objective Oi This is Creation phase of leaning cycle; where user/student is supposed to create ideas based on gathered information A suitable design for a game with a particular objective can give a platform to a user for utilizing skills and to strengthen the understanding of concepts Designer and teacher should decide and design the game to fulfill the need of objective Oi Using game for learning is the most effective feature of proposed learning system, which distinguishes it from conventional pedagogical classroom teaching Game Design: Every game has some basic elements, such as; game plot, target, reward, penalty and game controller [9] First these basic elements are discussed for game based learning and then other elements of game supporting learning system from neuroscience point of view are discussed Basic elements of Game Design: • Game Plot: For maintaining the balance between fun and learning, the game plot does not need not to educational Game plot can be chosen to make it interesting and engaging It can be same for all the objectives or can be different for each objective, which teacher and designer can decide Let’s consider an example of teaching projectile motion, the game plot can be killing birds or hitting enemies with missiles or stones • Target, Reward and Penalty: Target, reward and penalty in the game should be chosen very carefully, as these will compute score of player which will show performance and this is the only way to quantify the learning progress of player Targets should be achieved by aimed skill for accomplishing the objective and score should be high if skill acquired is high For example, in projectile motion, target birds should be at many distinct positions to see if player can hit them by calculating right angle and right force For maintaining fun in game, reward and penalty might not be strictly on skills but roughly it should be • Game Controller: Though all computer games include at least some motor cortices for example using keyboard, mouse or joystick This serve the partial purpose of active testing on learning cycle as it involves motor movement Rest of the purpose of active testing is served in post-game stage For enhancing learning, game controller can be chosen such that it needs more motor movement [11] One of the A Neuroscience Based Approach to Game Based Learning Design 451 factor of popularity of ‘pokémon go’ game is that it includes more motor movements than usual mobile games [25, 26] Learning oriented elements of Game Design: • Multiplayer: As Mattew Lieberman suggested [14] brain learns faster when it interact with other people [11], this can be achieved in game by making a multiplayer game Other players in game can be opposite players or supportive players In both the cases, players will have interaction, which makes learning deeper and stronger [11] • Maintaining the Flow: For a serious game designer, maintaining the flow in game is perhaps the most important and challenging task In any game for maintaining flow, the difficulty of gameplay is dynamically adjusted according to player’s performance and this is called as Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment-DDA [27] Many approaches have been proposed for DDA [27] Approaches of DDA using EEG signal also show the ways to adjust game difficulty according to state of brain [28–31] Similar DDA approach can be applied in educational games to maintain the flow DDA in GBL will allow expert learners to move fast and slow learners to learn at their own pace It will ensures the users engagement • Possibility Space: As in game, the players will be able to use the information to complete some tasks of game There should be many possibilities to use skill for objective, for example in case of projectile motion; player should be able to use any combination of angle and force That range of possibilities is a possibility space for a user As Zull’s model suggests that ‘learners create their own understandings based on the unique ways that their brain operates’ [11] Learners need to be given the opportunities to make meaning in their own ways This can be provided by creating larger possibility space for a learner in ongoing game Though Zull’s model shows reflection, creation and active testing as three isolated phase of learning cycle, but they are not necessarily isolated In reflection phase, user connects new knowledge to prior knowledge and forms insight about it, which is also done in creation phase In creation phase, use of provided information in different ways, not only creates new ideas but also strengthens the insight of information [11] Similarly, playing game serves partial purpose of active testing, as defined by Zull’s model and discussed in Sect 2.1 Figure shows partial overlapping of reflection and active testing over creation 3.3 Post-game In this stage of GBL, user is subjected to physical activities such as; group discussion, assessments and participating in online forums, which are specifically designed for objective Oi The teacher should allow users to interact with each other This can be done as group discussion or online forums Group discussion and online forums should be designed in such a way, which reinforce users to participate actively For example of projectile motion, discussion can be on designing a launcher for a particular target Such discussion serves the whole purpose of active testing; however it’s challenging to 452 N Bajaj et al design such discussions for each objective After discussion, an assessment can be scheduled to check the progress and performance of students Assessment can be a test or a quiz Design of test and quiz are solely depended on teacher however the same can be designed with online assessment model with performance bar Discussion and Challenges Educational psychology has been using neuroscience findings as pedagogical tools for classroom teaching for long time Though many of findings and approaches are strictly applicable to classroom teaching where teacher can interact with students and act accordingly Due to increasing technological development, these approaches are being shifted to virtual classroom Table concludes the neuroscience aspects and its implication in Game Based Learning design Designing a game, which interests target audience and has high objective of learning is a challenging task There is always a trade of between fun and learning, in games By adding too many learning components fun is lost and for making a game very entertaining, clear learning objectives are lost Yet there are games well balanced between fun and learning Proposed approach to design Game Based Learning exploits educational game design and neuroscience concepts and it’s expected to be valid for an effective learning system Table Key aspects from neuroscience to game based learning designing Neuroscience aspect Gathering Reflection Neuroplasticity Creation Social brain Active testing Emotion Implications in GBL design approach Engage reasonably more senses: vision, auditory, touch, position, smell and taste Time break is not very suitable to games, so provide stories, animations, humors etc., to help relate objective with prior knowledge and insight formulation Connecting new knowledge to prior knowledge and repetition of same task are keys to strengthen the insight Thus providing prior knowledge might not be required for an expert learner or a quick learner So teacher has to identify the appropriate prerequisite and provide accordingly Game can provide repetition of task Provide large possibility space or workspace i.e Many possibilities of using skills of objective Making game as multiplayer or interactive on social media helps learner Engage appropriate motor cortices; Keep measuring the engagement of player and adjust complexities accordingly by using DDA algorithm One of the recent studies in GBL [32] has proposed a design for learning technology based on neuroeducation This study reports that reward signal generated in brain with uncertainty, tends to release more dopamine and this supports learning A Neuroscience Based Approach to Game Based Learning Design 453 The study [32] described five design cycles for the game-based teaching, out of them the four design cycles are based on Microsoft PowerPoint and last one is a web based app The first four design cycles demanded a teacher to conduct class (roughly as a game show) and last one is online, where the teacher creates a task and students attend it as a game The design proposed is solely based on reward system combined with the uncertainty of a game Conclusion and Future Scope Approach to design game based learning discussed in this paper is based on neuroscience As game solely cannot replace all the aspects of teaching, a properly designed learning system based on game with pre-game and post-game activities conducted by a teacher can be very effective A system designed with this approach is expected to satisfy the procedural requirement of brain to 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Boytchev, Pavel 235 Calafi, Alfredo Pina 321 Calvo, Daniel 50 Carrión, Sergi Grau 321 Chasanidou, Dimitra 342 Choi, Eun-Jin 415 Città, Giuseppe 246 Clarke, Samantha 144 Cortes Arevalo, Vivian Juliette Gentile, Manuel 133, 246 George, Sébastien 281 Georgiev, Atanas 235 Gorgorió, Núria 50 Grigorov, Alexander 235 Groen, Daan 167 Haring, Priscilla 95 Helalouch, Anas 374 Hernández-Sabaté, Aura 50 Hofmann, Andreas F 177 Hollin, Paul 235 Hrehovcsik, Micah 257 Hulaas, Jarle 199 Hulscher, Suzanne 24 Huynh, Duy 268 Iida, Hiroyuki 268, 385, 395, 405 Jaccard, Dominique Jarvinen, Aki 246 24 Dagnino, Francesca 211 Dal Grande, Valentina 246 Dange, Gautam R 302 De Gloria, Alessandro 60, 302, 444 De Troyer, Olga 221, 354, 374 Debruyne, Christophe 374 den Haan, Robert-Jan 24 Dignum, Frank 133 dos Santos, Alysson Diniz 15 Dumont, Ariane 199 199 Kananat, Suwanviwatana 405 Kang, Kiho 415 Karahasanovic, Amela 342 Karoui, Aous 281 Keegan, Helen 144 Kiili, Kristian 37, 311 Kim, KyungSik 435 Kober, Silvia Erika 83 Koivisto, Antti 311 Kortmann, Rens 154 Kurapati, Shalini 167 La Guardia, Dario 246 Lee, Young-Suk 415 456 Author Index Lepouras, George 331 Lindstedt, Antero 311 Lo-A-Njoe, Andreas 354 Londong, Jörg 177 Luijten, Arlon 154 Lukosch, Heide 167 Marfisi-Schottman, Iza 281 McCallum, Simon 107 McMullen, Jake 37 Merilampi, Sari 311 Miyake, Youichiro 395 Moeller, Korbinian 37 Mollo, Luca 60 Moreno Ger, Pablo 235 Morini, Luca 144 Mühlhausen, Thorsten 187 Neuper, Christa 83 Nikolic, Igor Ninaus, Manuel 37 Nordin, Abu-Bakar 385 Ostiz-Blanco, Mikel 321 Ottaviano, Simona 246 Panumate, Chetprayoon 395 Paranthaman, Pratheep K 302 Peeters, Margot 120 Peng, Ying 385 Prada, Rui 235 Reichardt, Dirk 425 Reichert, Johanna Louise Sajjadi, Pejman 221, 354 Schier, Sebastian 187 83 Schnatmann, Lars 177 Schwarz, Daniel 177 Schweiger, Daniela 83 Siepermann, Markus 70 Söbke, Heinrich 177 Stefanov, Krassen 235 Steffen, Tamara 292 Strada, Francesco 15 Taneri, Pervin Oya 365 Tavella, Mauro 211 Terrillon, Jean-Christophe Tiemersma, Simon 167 405 Valente, Marilla 257 van de Schoot, Rens 120 van der Voort, Mascha 24 van Veen, Linda 167 Vassilakis, Costas 331 Veltkamp, Remco 120 Verbraeck, Alexander 167 Vlieghe, Joachim 354 Wallace, Manolis 331 Warmelink, Harald 95, 257 Weijs, Rink Westera, Wim 235 Winzer, Peter 292 Wood, Guilherme 83 Wood, Oliver 144 Xiong, Shuo Zuo, Long 385 268 ... Cham, Switzerland Preface The 5th Games and Learning Alliance (GALA) Conference was held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, December 5–7, 2016 It was organized by the Serious Games Society and the Center... serious games and particular domains, namely, health, sustainability, management, maths and programming, and soft skills Other sessions discussed game development and the assessment of games, ... games and learning, and mobile games As in previous years, selected best papers of the GALA Conference will be published in a dedicated special issue of the International Journal of Serious Games,

Ngày đăng: 09/11/2018, 14:51

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