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THE ORCHID ALBUM V2, Warner and Al

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« •-ft*^ \rc V Y THE '^*>^ COMPRISING COLOURED FIGURES AND DESCRIPTIONS OP NEW RAEE AND BEAUTIFUL 9 ORCHIDACEOUS PLANTS CONDUCTED BY KOBEET WARNER, F.L.S., F.R.H.S., ORCHIDACEOUS PLANTS, Author of SELECT AND BENJAMIN SAMUEL WILLIAMS, AUTHOK OF THE ORCHID-GKO WEES' OF THE MANUAL, F.R.H.S., etc THOMAS MOORE, The Botanical Desckiptions by CURATOR F.L.S., F.R.H.S., F.L.S., CHELSEA BOTANIC GARDENS THE COLOURED FIGURES JOHJf J{UGEJfT FITCH VO LXJIVI E >^7ccr> i.>r>' G -^ ' ', x:> F I I > "NTTr* '»• T r>Xr^r LONDON: Published by B AT YICTOEIA S WILLIAMS, THE AND PARADISE NUESERIES, UP MDC HOLLOW AY N k' t * ' DEDICATED V TO ^ BY HER EOYAL HIGHNESS' Very obedient and humble Servants, ROBEET WARNER, BENJAMIN S WILLIAMS \ INDEX TO PLATES PLATE ADA AURANTIACA, Lindley CATASETUM CHEISTYANUM, , Bclh / PLATE ODONTOGLOSSUM 53 Rchl) f 83 CRISTATELLUM, 66 79 * CATTLE YA ACL AND I^, Undhy ODONTOGLOSSUM GRANDE, 69 ODONTOGLOSSUM CATTLEYA CRISPA BUCHANANIANA, Williams ^' CATTLEYA Williams ^ Moore DOWIANA Lindlei/ CATTLEYA SCHOFIELDIANA, EcJih f CCELOGYNE CRISTATA ALBA, CCELOGYNE PANDURATA, Rchb f et EcA5 / Moore Lindley CYPRIPEDIUM EAIRRIEANUM, Lvndley CYPRIPEDIUM MBIRAX, MM / CYPRIPEDIUM PARISHII, McU f DENDROBIUM Parish 8r / Uchh f 51 EcJih.f 54 Lindley •• L^LIA PERRINII, Lindley DAVISII, MASDEVALLIA IGNEA, VEITCHIANUM, 63 ODONTOGLOSSUM 70 Echh f 95 68 ROEZLII, Echh f Echh f 64 TRIUMPHAN S, ONCIDIUM PHALyENOPSIS 86 , Lhid .95 PHAIUS TUBERCULOSUS, 58 et 57 Echh f *• 92 Blume 91 74 PHAL^NOPSIS MARI^, " 80 Burhidge See Note under Plate 87 SACCOLABIUM GIGANTEUM, Rchb / Bchh f , SCUTICARIA STEELII, THUNIA BENSONI^, 49 60 76 ODONTOGLOSSUM Lindley 55 Eooher fil 67 Echh f .62 61 VANDA ROXBURGHII, E Brown VANDA TRICOLOR, Lindley VANDA TRICOLOR PLANILABRIS, ALEXANDRA fil 56 ^ Hooker VANDA HOOKERIANA, Echb / .73 VANDA PARISHII MARRIOTTIANA, 72 ODONTOGLOSSUM Undley 75 ILorU Veitch Echh f Echh f ODONTOGLOSSUM MILTONIA EEGNELLI PURPUEEA^ GUTTATUM, PESCATOREI 65 » 71 ODONTOGLOSSUM L^LIA AUTUMNALIS ATRORUBENS, MASDEVALLIA MADRBNSE, 89 L^LIA ANCEPS, JBacJihouse 52 PESCATOREA LEHMANNI, EPIDENDRUM WALLISII, Rchh f EULOPHIA GUINEENSIS PURPURATA, MACULATUM, ODONTOGLOSSUM FINDLEYANUM, Rchh 85 82 93 MACROPLECTRON, Triana Echh f ODONTOGLOSSUM 88 F COMPARETTIA Lindley r CCELIA BELLA, lANUM, 84 CATTLEYA LABIATA, Bchl / ODONTOGLOSSUM LONDESBOROUGH- AUREA, Moore HEBRAICUM LINEOLIGERUM, 81 Lindley 94 Lindley ZYGOPETALUM CORADINEI, go 5^ 77 87 CLAYII, ZYGOPETALUM ROSTRATUM, m- 60 Echh f Eoolcer 78 INDEX TO NOTES AND SYNONYMS U^'DER PLATE Aerides Lobbii 53 wortli' s Bifrenaria bella^ Lemaire Bletia anceps^ McJib / Bletia Perrinii, 70, burfordiensis, 50 s Cattleya Mossiae, Mr 75 De Bariy Cattleya Perrinii, Lindlcy Crawshay's Cattleya Skinneri oculata^ Mr Hardy's Trianas Scbroder^s , Cattleyaa, high-priced Coclogyne cristata hololeuca, Echb tesselloides^ Cypripedium Dendrobium Parishii, Eoxh f Mr A PauPs Dearei, Sir T Lawrence's Alexandrge, Mr fine variety of , , •Odontoglossum grande, Mr Walker^s Odontoglossum Smith's Jen ningsianum, Mr CO, 64 Orcbids at Brentbam Park, Stirling 65 Orcbids at Chisleburst , 55 Orcbids at Edinburgh tbe Horticultural Exhibition, September, 1882 / 62 54 Orchids at Pickering Lodge, Timperley 82 Orchids at 92 Hammersmith 63 61 Orchids in France (GouviUe) 61 94 63 54 Baron Alphoase de Eothschild's Orchids, Comte de Germiny's 59 Orchids, Loi*d Eendle^bam^s 94 70 Orchids, Mr Lee's (Downside) 71 Orchids, Orchids, effects of Fog on 61 76 79 57, 59 67 Phaius tuberculosus Baron Schroder's 81 Phaius tuberculosus, Sir T Lawrence's 81 56 Phaius Bensonisej Hemsley 91 Phaiasnopsis Marise, Barlidge 55 Vanda densiflora, Lindley 53 Vanda suaveolens, Vanda tessellata, Vanda tesselloides, Echh, /, Vanda tricolor, continuation r 68 Odontoglossum coronarlum miniatum Lord Rendlesham's Orchids in Franoo (Ferrieres) Buclian's * • 80 52 Petit-Thoiiars Odontoglossum 69 Orchids at Woolton "Wood, Liverpool 83 / Sallys Orchids, watering H Mesospinidium aurantiacum, Bchb • Orchids at The Kilns, Falkirk 88 Orchids at Bickley 89 58 / Maxillaria Steelii, RooJcer Oncidium PbalsenopsiSj Mr E Orchids for the Drawing-room Dodgson, Richard Barton, Esq., death of Limodorum tuberculosmn, Du Odontoglossum triumpbans^ Mr Gordon^s 50 93 Disa grandiflora superba, Mr Heywood's Mr A .71 , Orchids at New-Hall-Hey 64 Cattleya Warneri^ Mr Soutligate's 49 83 Cattleya virginalis^ Mr PercivaPs , 60 82 Orchids at the Manchester Exhibition, May, 1882 Baron Russelliana, non 93 64 Cattleya Triana? alba, Mr E Wright's Hool\ f maxillarc^ 87 Orchids at Fallowfield, 94 Cattleya superba, Mr Scbneider's •Cymbidium 8i T Sir Cattleya labiata, Mr Gaskeirs Cattleya 75 Odontoglossum 51 Cattleya aurea^ Mr Perciyal's Lawi.^ence 66 litt Odontoglossum lyroglossum, Mr Harvey^s 91 Botbriochilus bellus^ Lemaire Lclimann 51 60 Bletia tuberculosa^ Sprengel Cattleya in Lindley Itcfib / C Odontoglossum Lebmanni, F Ains- Dr Ainsworthii^ UNDER PLATE C7 Vandas flowering 72 V^ndas, Mr Blume Lodd 63 ^9 ^ 59 78 in a small state Lee's (Downside) Zygopetalon Lebmanni, Bchb U // 74 90 / 57 Zygosepalon rostratum, Rchh / 7S a- V I J.Nugcat ?itcn dei.el iilh LELiA AUTUMNALIS ATRO-KUEENS I"Nuaenl:Tibc})ini-C , \ L^LIA AUTUMNALTS ATRORUBENS [Plate 49.] of Mexico JSCative Pseudohulhs oblong-ovatc, terete, furrfiwed, hoaring two or three leaves at the attenuated a^^ex, and sheathed at the ba§e with large brown imbricated scales Leaves oblong-linear, spreading, smooth, leathery in texture Scape terete, issuing from between the leaves, and much longer than them, bearinor five or six flowers at the apex, jointed, with sheathing scales at the joints Flowers large and riddycoloured, much more so than in the tyj)ical form, sweet-scented sepals lanceolate acuminate, spreading, of a biiUiant purple-crimsun, paler towards the base petals Epipli}i;cal ; ; ovate acuminate, subundulate, same colour of the the as sepals lip ; the thrci^-lobed, lobes erect, tr'uncately rounded, white, the middle lobe obovatc-oblon^r, of an intensely brilliant purple- crimson colour, bilamellate on the disk, the apex recurved Column semicylindrical, decurved, rosy purj^c lateral L^LiA AUTUxMNALis ATRORUBENS, BackJiouse, Gardeners in n.s., 232 xii., Mr Bateman has well observed that "the genus Lcelia of Chronicle, most the duration, and ornamental delicious be combined in its of perfume various since tribe, its — pleasing There species." many Orchids be regarded as one graceful iloral are to be in genus this There found hues, varying from yellow to different long hal»it, beauty seem to no doubt that indeed, is, some of the most showy of our cultivated moreover, species presenting colours, the essentials of short, all in may are, purple, rich and while some of them produce small flowers, in othors they are gigantic in size The subject of our plate, as will be seen from the finjure, is a mairnificent Orchid, our *" O"""'' "'"o drawing of which was taken from a well-managed specimen grown by ^Ir Stevens, '" W Gardener to particular variety York, the far the colour to it The Esq., was im2)orted who grow stronger than flowers those blooms 1878 in of varieties most beautiful of thorn of the Grange, by AValton, Messrs Stone, James Staffordsliire & Backhouse Tliis Son, of one before us is great perfection many known There are by Thompson, The LoiUa autumnalis, but being superior both as regards the size and all, pseudol)ulbs of the type form „ ^ during the the of this This variety, ^ autumn and winter form, too, are as also much —— stouter and does the original L(Blia _, months, when flowc are in great request Lcelia autumnalis atroruhens Imlbs of which, with the foliage, is a compact-growing evergreen attain to plant, about ten inches in height B / the The pseudo flowver- ; produced ipikes completed and two last growth; its stout find nnrt it roof will to that of the suit it pi should house; cool equall} and Orchids at rich be Iso d just several It has of large size or purple-crimson colour, and fastened to a or block on placed colour damp the wall, this syringing will be shut up the afternoon is Ex i>lants, a suited pply of water during the found beneficial to it in May m 1882 —The probably such a magnificent display of of are The condit best and suspended fr should receive a copious Manche The period which flowers, k planted or if when the at burnin o fr o warm weather when the house seen shades fol in the sight, the well morning, many bulb tlie exposed situations, and on this account, no doubt sun and as much light as possible, just enoutrh plenty of to was never before of of produce alh likes it o g are that mar\ they each grow growing season the ape and of a rich crimson-mngenta three weeks perfection shade b to the substance, This we from many of were which b i?ed alonof O Exhil thes Orchids w^ere gi a plants grand masses of blossom both sides of the large house in the Gardens at Old Traff"ord, and had be m brought together from m par of the country, as well as from the nity of Manchester Everyone who possesses a taste for horticult and especially for the wonderful pr of nature which have been brought from distant lands by our collectors, and are transmitted to our exhib both by amateur gr and serymen, so that the publ may be able to see all these treasures at one xiQv; should avail themselves of the opportunity of witnessing this exhibition The entrance fee is only one shilling, and besid Orchids there is ays provided a grand t iSjJay of other too ( — numerous to mention It that is gratifying to learn 51,000 persons availed themselves of the opportunity to visit this grand show of 1882 A\ may venture to add th Council of the Manchest Botanical and H Society, and Mr Findlay, the Curator of the Gardens, are doinsf a great benefit to the ultural world as well as to the general pul by l)rin

Ngày đăng: 07/11/2018, 20:31

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