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EDWARDS'S BOTANICAL REGISTER: OR, ORNAMENTAL FLOWER-GARDEN AND SHRUBBERY: CONSISTING OF COLOURED FIGURES OF PLANTS AND SHRUBS, CULTIVATED IN BRITISH GARDENS; ACCOMPANIED BY THEIR ^Hstors, 3Scst iHetho& of treatment in Ciiltibation, ^Propagation, &c AND , MONTHLY CHRONICLE BOTANICAL and ' nm HORTICULTURAL NEWS CONTINUED By JOHN LINDLEY, Ph.D F.R.S and L.S PROFESSOR OF BOTANY IN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON, AND THE KOYAL INSTITUTION OF GREAT BRITAIN, VICE-SECUETARY OF THE HORTICULTUR AI, SOCIETY, (Sc Sfc Sec 1843 OR VOL XXIX OF THE ENTIRE WORK OR VOL XVI OF THE NEW SERIES -viret Carpitur semper nee fronde caduca de LA BIBLIOTHEQUB LU >v_i:J^I^7A~CinB BOTAK IQUE DB GENEVA VEi^DU EN 1922 ,^^-1.^ ( DON JAMES RIDGWAY, PICCADILLY LO r^ : M.DCCC.XLIII BOTANIQUE VILLE QJiMYE i' !^4-atens t'xceli^a 1841 1841 tiibiforniis 1839 1838 1840 1841 1840 1840 conlerliflora canesccns hians pruiielloides Reala 1840 1839 1843 1839 1840 1838 1843 1840 1841 1838 1838 1841 1838 1838 1840 1839 1842 1839 1839 1841 Saponiiria perfoliata Sarcanthus filitbrinis pallidas - oxypliyllus Sarcochiliis olivaceus - parvifloriis ungiiiculatus Satyrium pai>illosum caniciim camlidum • pustulatum Saussurea piilchella Saxifraga ciliata Scaphyglottis reflexa — stellata gcelochilus Ottoiiis Scbizantbus Candidas Scbizonotus tomentosus Schomburgkia maiginata tibicinis Schubertia graveolens Schweiggeria pauciflora Scilla pratensis 1839 1842 1840 1840 1839 1838 1840 1838 1838 1838 1840 1842 1843 1839 1839 1842 1843 18-10 1839 1841 1838 1841 1839 Peruviana, var di color Scleroon oleinum Scutellaria splendens Sedum miserum multicaule Senecio populifolius, latteus cruentus 1843 1843 1841 1838 1840 1839 1839 misc ' SPECIES DESCRIBED pi misc Stenomesson vitellinum aurantiacum Trigonidium Egertonianum 1838 1840 ringcns 1840 tcnue 1839 Triptilion spinosuni 1840 Stenocoi-yne longiconiis Stevia fascicularis 1843 1843 1843 1838 Stigmaphyllou 1841 121 1843 80 Triteleia aurea 7*8 Tritonia fucata Trollius acaulis ciliatiiin 90 68 59 jatiophae- foHiim Strobilaiithcs scabra Stylidiuin prolifurum pilo8um 1841 1841 1841 32 1842 41 1841 Brunonianiim 1842 Taberriuemontana dichotom 1841 1843 Taliiuim teretifoliiiin 1840 Tanacctura longifolium Tetranema mexicanutn 1843 Thalictrum cultratum 1840 Thomasia canescens 1840 Thuja filiformis 1842 Thysanotus intricatus 1838 1840 tennis 1838 proliferus 1838 isautherus 1839 Tigridia violacea 1841 Tillandsia Gardner! 1842 rubida 1842 Tradescantia iridescens 1840 tiimida 1840 Trichinium alopecuroidcum 1830 Manglesii(note) 1830 Stirlingii (note) 1839 Trichocentron iridifolium 1838 recurvum 1813 canrtidum 1843 Trichonema ediile 1842 Trichosma suavis 1842 Trifolium involucratiim 1840 Trigonidium acuminatum 1838 79 • • 95 15 TropBeolum azureum Trymalium odoratissimum Tulipa Gesneriana 53 maleolens 78 52 77 203 Turraea lobata Urceolina pendula Valeriana Napus Van Houtte's Phlox Vanilla bicolor Palmarum Vanda congesta 20 Ill cristata 50 , teres 63 63 34 160 42 28 28 28 178 17 18 99 21 violacea 75 134 116 136 lamcllata Veronica diosmiEfoIia formosa nivea Verticordia densiflora Victoria regia Viscaria oculata Vriesia psittacina Weinmannia venosa Xerotes longifolia Zichya tricolor angustifolia (note) villosa Zigadenus glaucus Zygopetalum africanum pi misc 136 100 121 59 129 1841 1841 22 1838 1842 1843 1842 1838 1838 1839 1843 1838 1840 1843 1838 1842 1839 1842 1842 1841 1838 1840 1839 1842 1843 1838 1843 1843 1840 1839 1839 1839 1841 1842 1838 1840 35 56 32 66 161 30 46 66 86 151 18U 58 75 94 48 25 82 125 30 85 43 106 13 53 10 • • 36 52 52 81 68 67 139 PART II.— GENERAL INTELLIGENCE, AND ENUMERATIONS OF SPECIES.' Acineta Humboldtii, 1843, misc p 68 Boykinia Barkeri, lSiS,viisc j) 68 Agardh, Recensio generis Pteridis, noticed, 1840, misc p 13 Albumen, remarkson,by Drs Schleiden and Vogel, 1842, niisc p 45 Amelanchier canadensis, lSi2, misc p 16 American Quackery, 1842, misc p 16 Amianthium muscietoxicum, 1842, misc p Brown, Robert, a Copley medal awarded to 14 Astilbe decandra, 1842, misc jj 16 Bseckea, its structure, 1842, t- 10 BalsHminese, their affinities and structure, 1840,^8 Balsam Poplars, 1843, misc p 20 Baner, his sale, 1841, misc p 35 Beet Root, observations on, by M Decaisne, 1839, misc p 28 Bifrenaria, sp described, 1843, misc p 51 aconitifolia, 1842, misc p 13 him, 1840, Campanula, p.3 collecting hairs, 1840, misc tnisc its p 54 Cape of Good Hope, notes on its vegetation, 1832, viisc p 52 Circulation of the latex in plants, 1839, 7nisc p 48 Cirrhopetalum, sp described, 1843,^ 49 destines in plants, 1840, misc p 13 Clethra acuminata, 1842, misc p 13 Clerodendron, structure of its ovary, 1842, t.7 Coburgia, species described, 1842, 7nisc p 52 Colax, sp described, 1843,7nMc p 50 Cordage plants, some account of, 1839, jnisc p , GENERAL INTELLIGENCE Crocuses, described, 1843, vdsc p 26 Cunningham, Allan, his death, 1840, 7nisc p Cyclamens, European, described, 1842, misc p 2G Dendrobium, sp described, 1843, 28 t Encyclia, characters of, 1842, viisc p 28 Endiicher's Genera Plantarum, 1839, ?mse p 40 Genera Plantarum, noticed, viisc p 31 theory of vegetable fertilization, 1839, mlsc- p Enchiridion Botanieum, 1841, jnisc p 8.5 Epidendrum, 1842, misc p 27 sp described, 1842, t 50 Extracarpellary attachment of seeds, 1841 misc ]) 25 Flora de Filipinas, Blanco's, 1839, ]} p 28 Oaks of Koordistan, 1840, 7iiisc 75 Frankincense tree of Sierra Leone, 1839, misc p 30 Frozen Potatoes, 1839, misc p 12 Gentianacete, Grisebach's Monograph of, 1839, misc p 57 Geum radiatum, 1842, misc p 15 Glycine sinensis, 1840, misc p 41 Gray's Notes of a botanical excursion to the mountains of N Carolina, 1842, misc p 11 Guatemala Orchidacese, 1840, misc p 43 Gum, its motion in plants, 1840, mwc ;; 14 Hair-like roots ofCotyledoncristatum, 1839, misc p 84, Hedyotis serpyllifolia, 1842, miic.p 12 Heuchera villosa, 1842, 7nisc p 11 Horse-chesnuts, poisonous, I839,?msc.p 23 Horticultural Society's Garden, \8'39,misc p 17 Hymenocallis and Pancratium, the distinction between, 1840, ?nisc p 12 Koordistan oaks, 1841, misc p 24 Kunth, Enumeratio plantarum Vol III \M'2,,misc.p Lantana, list of sp of, 1843, misc p 53 Lselia, sp described, 1842, t 62 Ledebour's Flora Rossica, 1842, misc p Leiophylla, 1842, misc p 15 Link, Klotzsch, and Otto, Icones plantarum, 1840, misc p 87 Leptotes bicolor, its fruit aromatic, 1840, misc p 14 Lomandra, note upon, 1839, sub t Lycaste, sp, described, 1843, misc p 15 Magnolia Fraseri, \%^i,misc.p 12 Maxillaria, genus defined, 1843, misc p 10 Monstrum Planti, 1843, towc j) Mormodes, sp described, 1843, t 33 Moquin Tandon, Chenopodearum Mono- misc p 39 Orchidacese of Brazil, their habits, 1839, 42, 21 of Australia, Cunningham's notes on, 1843, t 37 of Guatemala, 1840, wn'sc p 43 Oxycoccus erectus, 1842, misc p 16 Pancratium and Hymenocallis, the dismisc Dietrch, Synopsis Plantarum sen Enumeratio Systematica, &c 1842, 7nisc p 7, Dipbylleia cymosa, 1842, misc p 13 1840, Myrtle, derivation of the name, 1839, 7msC' J) tinction between, 1840, ?Htsc p 12 cristata, 1843,7Hi.sc.p 14 Peristeria, 1843, misc p 66 Paphinia sp described, 1843, misc p 67 Perrine on acclimatisin'jr tropical plants in the United States, 1839, misc p Physostegia virginiana, its catalepsy explained, 1840, misc p 31 Pinetum Woburnense, 1839, misc p 23 Pisonai tree, 1839, misc p IS Plant's Vegetable Monster, 1843, misc p Pleiirothallis, sp described, 1842, misc p 67 Pollen coveredwith starch, 1839, misc p 74 Primary distribution of the Vegetable Kingdom," 1839, misc p 76 Proceedings of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1839, 9«wc p 24 Promentea, sp described, 1843, misc p 13 Pyrularia oleifera, 1842, misc p 13 Ribes, list of hardy sp 1843, misc j) 37 Royle's Illustrations of the Botany, &c of the Himalayas, 1839, misc p 26 Salep roots, their anatomy, 1841, ?/usc p 16 Schauer, Chamselaucieie, 1841 misc p 88 Sarcoglottis, sp described, 1843, misc p 35 Scuticaria Steelii, 1843, misc p 14 Schizanthus, sp described, 1843,^ 45 Seeds, extracarpellary attachment, 1840, , 7)iisc p 25 Siebold's Flora misc p Japonica, noticed, 1840, Solidago glomerata, 1842, misc p 15 Stanhopea, sp described, 1843, t 44 Starch on the outside of pollen grains, 1839, misc p 74 Starch, new view concerning, 1841, misc p 48 Tasmannian plants, 1840, misc p 16 Torreyand Gray's Flora of North America, 1839, misc p 42 1840, misc p 79 1841, misc p 74 Tragacanth, source of the drug, 1840, 7nisc p 38 Van Diemen's Land plants, 1840, misc p 16 Vanilla, first produced in England, 1840, misc p 66 Victoria regia, note upon, 1840, misc p 62, Warrea tricolor, 1843, misc j) 14 Wight's niustrations of Indian Botany, 839, 7nisc p 29 Wistaria sinensis, 1840, misc p 14 graphica enumeratio, 1840, viisc.p 78 NORMAN AND SKEEN, PRINTERS, MAIDEN LANE, COVENT GARDEN, ... Large-jiowered African Blue-Lilij HKXANDRIA MONOGYNIA Nat Old LiLlACE.^ AGAPANTHUS A umbellatus Far maximus Botanical Rer/ister, Bot Recf ; vol D./ol 699, I c foliis latioribus, floribus multo majoribus Since

Ngày đăng: 06/11/2018, 23:03


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