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* * *S>& M i EDWARDS'S \f? **"ni/ipri'm/) /niin/)0/i/)H^i/i /*•** rl+rir* lis* omfi %i 1* i ft il O'kl T ft T fl caulina longiorc ura> lacinits acuminatis, tncisis, aenians, oaseos mmorious nores awi, Calycis tubus teres, albidus, levissime* r -—osi, deflorati roseo-purpurei pubescens, uncias longus, basi paululilm incrassatus Petala subrotunda, venis volde* conspicuis, uncias longa Stigmatis loin lineares, cruciati Ovarium breve, pedunculatum, angulis acute gibbosis Although this species is a native of the island of Chiloe, some degrees to the southward of Valparaiso, yet it proves more tender than CEnothera acaulis, from the last-mentioned place so little does latitude often indicate the power of a ; plant to resist frost In our Gardens it grows \\ or feet high, forming a very erect, herbaceous bush, which puts forth from its summit beautiful white blossoms, of an unusually large size, expanding at the close of day, and filling the evening air with their mild fragrance neat, bright-green, If great care be taken to protect this plant See fol 1220 by covering with dry straw, or some such substance, during winter may be cultivated in the open borders ; but without this will not bear our frost It blossoms in July and August and lasts till October Seeds, which it ripens readily usually employed as the means of its propagation it The down upon the leaves, stem, and calyx, is so exceedingly fine, that it cannot be represented in a drawing without giving the surface too great an appearance of pubescence; f fact, so fine not to be visible the naked eye J L ; Styphelia Gnidium of Ventenat, also referred by Dr Brown to L lanceolatus, has been shewn by Mr Cunningham to be equally distinct Styphelia parviflora we are fortunately enabled to determine by means of an authentic specimen in our possession from the late Mr James Donn's That this really is the Herbarium For the specimens from which our drawing was made we are indebted to Mr Lowe, of the Clapton Nursery, who raised them from New Holland seeds It is a neat greenhouse plant, flowering in May The species very much in the breadth of the leaves of which are not more than two lines in breadth, while others are as much as four The two sprigs in our Plate are different in this respect N Fig is a magnified view of a flower, shewing the bearded segments of the corolla J L < * I I ! / - 56 i ; 1561 m \ BRASAVOLA* y Perrmii PerrirCs Brasavola '' GYNANDRIA MONANDRIA to Nat ord Orchide* Juss Tribas Epidendrece Lindl the natural system of Botany, p 262.) BRASA VOL A —SuprA, vol 17.fol.l465 {Introduction B Perrinii; labello ovato acuminato integerrimo: ungue convoluto columnse longitudine, petalis sepalisque Hnearibus acuminatis glabris, dentibus lateralibus clinandrii integris postico serrato Habitus omnin6 B nodosa Prsecipu& difFert characteribus supr& datis When we received a specimen of this plant in the month of September last from Mrs Arnold Harrison, by whom it X had been obtained from Rio Janeiro, we were disposed to consider it the same as Br nodosa more careful examination has, however, satisfied us that it is essentially distinguished by its smaller flowers, the short stalk of the labellum, and the toothing of the back lobe of the clinandrium It is by no means so handsome as that species but as it grows very freely, it will be esteemed an acquisition by the lovers of Epiphytes A Mr Harrison it is named after Mr Perrin, his Gardener, under whose skilful management the collection of Epiphytes at Aighburgh has arrived at a state At the request of great perfection of J L X See fol 1465 r362 1562 SCHIZANTHUS* pinnatus; humilis Pinnated Schizanthus ; Dwarf variety DIANDRIA MONOGYNIA I Nat* ord Scrophularine^: Juss of Botany, p 228.) SCHIZANTHUS.— Suprct, (Introduction to the natural system vol fol 725 S pinnatus Supra, vol fol 725 /3 humilis ; racemis multifloris congestis, caule humiliore If S pinnatus and porrigens are really distinct species, which we cannot think, then the plant now represented will be a third, distinguished by its very dwarf compact habit, and broader leaves But as we are unable to discover any permanent differences between the two, so are we equally at a loss to point out any thing positive that will discriminate this from S pinnatus ^J well-marked variety of considerable beauty It was raised from seeds sold in London last spring by Mr Cuming, and flowered in the Garden of the Comte de Vandes, at Bayswater, in June In all its habits it seems to agree with the species to which we refer it as a , It is nevertheless a variety Mr Cuming's dried plants this is numbered 712, from which it appears to be a native of Valparaiso In its wild state it is about inches high when cultivated it does not exceed a foot Among ; J _ * See fol 1544 L / P > J 63 1563 GOMPHOLOBIUM* capitatum Capitate Gompholobium , 4» \ DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA Jf A JL Nat ord Leguminosje Juss natural system of Botany, p 87.) GOMPHOLOBIUM.—Suprtl, § {Introduction to the Papilionaceae A v* vol fol 484 * » G capitatum; pilosum, floribus capitatis, foliis impari-pinnatis 3-4-jugis nunc subpalmatis, foliolis subulato-linearibus mucronatis supra laevibus, calycibus hirsutis, carina ciliata %> „ G capitatum 'Cunningh MSS Frutex tenellus, pilosus, habitu G tomentosi, sed minus ramosus Folia sed minHs pinnata, et superrib nequaquam scabra ; foliolis scepius tali modo approximatis ut h pinnatis palmata fiunt Stipulse minimce Flores ad fastigia ramorum congesti, pedicellis foliis multb brevioribus Calyx G tomentosi, sed viridis, nee discolor Corolla vitellina Carina paululilm ciliata Ovarium glabrum similia, * x -A \ ' Raised in the Nursery of Mr Knight, of the King's Road, from seed of the collector Baxter Mr Cunningham first discovered it in 1822, in brushy forest-ground on the hills around Oyster harbour, King George's Sound respects it approaches G tomentosum, figured at fol 1474 of this work but appears to be essentially distinguished by its less pinnated, shorter leaves, which are flowers its by and side, upper on the scabrous by no means growing in terminal clusters instead of singly, or in pairs It pallid not and yellow, deep bright They are also of a is also closely allied to the G lanatum of Mr Cunningham, capitate its but specimen ; a for to whom we are indebted inflorescence at once distinguishes it In many ; and July, in flowering plant, neat little greenhouse L J cuttings or readily increased by seeds A * See fol 1468 1564 MOSCHARIA* Turnip-leaved pinnatifida Musk- Succory SYNGENESIA JEQUALIS Nat ord Composite Juss (Introduction U *f Botany j p 197.) Nassauviacese Subtrib II Trixideae Lessing compos 400 R et P Achsenia seriei extimee (circiter 8) fertilia, compressa, obovata, obliqua, breviter rostrata, rostro ineequali, exths gibboso, bracteolis omnin6 iovoluta atque pappo uniseriali, paleaceo, plumoso, brevi, ^equali coronata, reliqua sterilia, calva Herba Chilensis, supernd in pamculam dichotomam divisa ; folns teneris, pilosiusculis, imis confertis pinnatisectis ; involucris campanulatis uniserialibus oligophyllis Lessing I c § MOSCHARIA — — Moscharia pinnatifida Fl peruv Linncea, vol 40 Gastrocarpha runcinata D Don in Linn, trans 232 gard t 229 Mosigia pinnatifida Spreng syst 661 Herba annua, bipedalis, moschum olens, apice paniculatus / , Rami striatic pubescentes Folia tenera, at roviridia, glabra, amplexicaulia, basi dentata; znferiora pinnatifida dentata, superiora ovata v ovato-lanceolata, indivisa Involucra 5-6-phylla ; foliolis laxis, ovatis, duplici serie imbricatis , aqualiReceptaculum paleaceum, planum Flosculi bus,foliaceis, pubescentibus omnes hermaphroditi, albi, circiter viginti, bilabiati ; labio exteriore oblongo y obtuso, integro v apice 3-dentato, interiore lineari revoluto ; fl radii paleis ventricosis, gibbosis, subtruncatis basi cincti, pappo brevi, simplici serie paleaceo, polyphyllo ; fl disci minores, paleis hand cincti, pappo nullo Antheree basi bisetosce Styli rami lineares, revoluti, truncati, stigmatibus fimbriatis An annual plant, found wild in the dry, barren, rocky districts of Aconcagua, Quillota, and Rancagua, in Chile, where it was originally gathered by the authors of the Flora Peruviana, and subsequently by many Botanical collectors Its native name is said to be Almizclillo in that country {Fl Peruv syst.) In allusion to the musky odour of the only known species With us it is a pretty bushy plant, growing about two feet high, and flowering in May It should be raised in a frame with French marigolds and other tender annuals, and afterwards planted in the open border, where it will blossom i and seed abundantly Our drawing was made Vandes in the Garden of the Comte de at Bayswater Mr Lessing considers Mr Don's Gastrocarpha runcinata the same as this and we presume with reason, notwithstanding some points of discrepancy in the foliage ; a view of two of the outer florets, enveloped at the base in a hooded scale ; is one of the florets of the disc ; represents an anther, with the two bristles at its base ; is an ovarium of the ray, with its pappus All these figures are more or less magnified Fig is J L * ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO VOLUME V OF THE NEW SERIES, OR VOLUME XVIII OF THE WHOLE WORK Folium Acacia pentadenia Aceras secundiflora Aerides cornutum 521 Foil urn Barleria lupulina 1525 1485 540 1522 477 1543 1507 1517 1487 1495 1537 1500 1509 1527 1559 1483 Brasavola renin ii 1561 Oxalis Cuminingi Oxalis variabilis Pharium fistulotum Camassia esculenta 1486 Potentilla lacini

Ngày đăng: 06/11/2018, 23:00


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