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General Zoology V08

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aiAL ZOOLOGY, w EORGE V/777A/A ///.V'J'-fj.ff) SHAW,>IJ>.KR.S.&C from the iMt Authorities and f jiiosi selee-l \'in A Pan i V K ^ , I.innlou.l'rintoil for KVai -sU-v, AYi'lku' ;uul Ixoliinsoii A':UIM- .Ji'ITi v lYosl>v,Lojit-;iKin Cr;iU- A- specimens / Hurst llt-os Ornio j\-lirov.'ii t'ln-Us.BaKiwin I.owi- ; ! f Stockdale Lea, Si-koit-v BootliJiaa^tei' GENERAL ZOOLOGY VOLUME VIII PART I BIRDS LONDON PRINTED FOR GEORGE KEARSLEY, FLEET STREET; LV THOMAS DAVISON, \\H1TEFRIARS 1811 CONTENTS OP VOL ALCEDO, Bee-Eater, VIII GENUS, common PART I CONTENTS IV CERTHIA GENUS Creeper, common rrrppri p 185 186 Rft CONT1 Creeper, Cardinal scarlet p _rvilliet r rp?t i H > 252 252 9*i'l CONTENTS VI fork-tailed Humming-Bird, 2/9 P- 'Humming-Bird, greenthroated 280 tailed tailed 281 - bellied 282 great great Cape 284 throated scalloped 304 gold-green 305 bellied 307 288 306 black- 287 303 303 aurulent red-breast , banded admirable 285 bright- ed supercilious - 302 punctulat- ed 283 301 rufous- black-cap- ped p 300 violet- scissars- trimaculat' violet 290 ed crimson- headed blue tailed 293 Mango 294 311 Harlequinf 311 296 yellow- 297 fronted black- 312 purple- 298 white- legged fork-tailed ash-bellied breasted 309 10 purpletailed 308 Cayenne fork-tailed white-tail- ed 292 small-fork- bar-tailed*291 313 crowned * N B It is doubtful whether the tail in this species be not rather cuneated than forked, though, from the position of the feathers in the dried specimen, it appears to be the latter A suspicion t men has been sometimes entertained that the speci- in the British Museum of this supposed species is a deceptive composition ed, it Should this suspicion must, of course, be struck out from the in reality be well-ground- list of species CONTENTS, Humming-Bird headed Vll v CONTENTS Brasilian Kingfisher, spotted P 76 VIELLOT'S HUMMING-BIRD 34? Native of Cayenne In his Appendix Monsr Vjellot appears to think this bird either a young or a female of some other species hitherto the tail undetermined VIELLOT'S Trochilus HUMMING-BIKD T olivaceo-nigricans aureo-nitcns t subtus al- Vielloti bicans, remigibusfusco-violaceis Humming-Bird, with golden gloss, beneath whitish, with violet-brown quill-feathers L'Oiseau-mouche a ventre gris Viell pi 53 Blackish-olive L'Oiseau-mouche de Trochilus niger ? ? St Domingue Briss ois t ?6.f T rectirostris rcctricibus subccqualibus corpore nigro subtus aurato, crisso albo, tibiisptnnatis Lath ind orn Black Humming-Bird Lin Syst Nat Lath syn THIS, which is one of the smallest of the genus, described and figured by Monsr Viellot, under the name of L'Oiseau-Mouche a ventre gris, and is is a species perfectly distinct from some others with which it has been confounded Its total length is two inches and three lines, and its colour on the upper parts green-brown with a coppery lustre the quill-feathers of the wings are violet-brown, : and the same colour, except the two middle feathers, which, as in most others of the genus, are of the colour of the back the whole tail of the : under parts, from the chin to the vent, are greyish white, and the legs are covered with grey plumes The female differs from the male in being rather smaller, of a dull grey beneath, and in having all 348 VIELLOT'S HUMMING-BIRD feathers, except the with white the tail This small species St is middle common Domingo, where Monsr pair, tipped in the island of Viellot assures us he pair, with their nest and young Each hrood, as in all of this genus, whose nests have been hitherto observed, consist of two has procured several The period of incubation is twelve days on the thirteenth the young are hatched, and remain in the : nest -seventeen or eighteen days, by which time their wings are fully grown: they then follow their parents in quest of food times placed with somebottom horizontal on a its : the nest is branch, and sometimes it is attached by its side to a perpendicular one; and is externally covered with lichen, and lined internally with fibres of cotton the male extremely affectionate to the female, watching her, and bringing her food during the time of incubation, and afterwards as: is sisting in the care of the young When the family usually perch on some dead twig on a neighbouring tree; the parents immediately extracting honey-juice from the neighleaves the nest, the young bouring flowers, and feeding the young; either sitting by them, or on the wing, by applying the tips of their tongues to those of the young, which immediately swallow with avidity, agitating their wings the while, and from time to time uttering a feeble cry or note of delight it Monsr Viellot seems to suppose this species to be the Trochilus niger of Linnaeus; but if this be it must be confessed that the Linnaean the case, WHITE-TEMPLED HUMMING-BIRD specific character since it is 349 not very correctly descriptive, be black above, and states the bird to gilded beneath WHITE-TEMPLED HUMMING-BIRD Trochilus leucocrotaphos T aureo-viridis , subtus canus abdominc albo, linea postoculari albida, re?nigibus cauduque chalybcis Gold-green Humming-Bird, beneath grey with white belly, a whitish stripe behind the eyes, and blue-black quill and tailfeathers Oiseau-mouche au tempes blanches TOTAL length Atara Par three inches and five twelfths : from the angles of the eyes a whitish stripe of a diameter passing towards the sides of the hind-head, and beneath it another which is black- line in two exterior tail-feathers tipped with a whitish spot, which on the third feather nearly vanishes bill red for half its length, and black for the remainder, and about eight lines long ish: the : The most common and female alike species in Paraguay Male 350 MAUGEAN HUMMING-BIRD Trochilus Maugeanus nitens, T avreo-viridu, subtus violaceo-cceruleo remigibus rectricibusque violaceo-nigris, cauda sulfur- cata Gold-green Humming-Bird, beneath glossed with violet-blue, with violaceous-black wings and tail, the latter slightly forked VielL pi 37 38 Tobago Humming-Bird ? Lath syn L'Oiseau-mouche Mauge LENGTH about three inches and a half: colour green-gold, with blue and violet reflexions on the under parts: lower part of the abdomen white: wings and tail deep violet-black: the latter forked Native of the island of Porto-Rico, from whence The female is it was brought by Monsr Mauge rather smaller than the male, of a coppery green above, and greyish white beneath: the wings brown, the two middle tail-feathers green, the succeeding ones tipped with blue, and the two exterior ones on each side green at the base, then grey, gradually deepening into blue, and tipped with whitish grey LITTLE Trochilus ruber BROWN HUMMING-BIRD T subfenugineusfusco submaculatus, rectricibus later alibus fusco-violaceis Subferruginous Humming-Bird, slightly spotted with with the side-feathers of the tail violet-brown Trochilus ruber corpore brown, T rectirostris, rectricibus laterulibus violaceia, testaceo fusco submaculato Lin Syst Nat Lath ind orn Edio pi 32 Little browu Humming-Bird L'Oiseau-mouche pourpre Buf ois Little brown Humming-Bird Lath syn DESCRIBED by Edwards from a pair of specimens brought from Surinam Length rather more than three inches: bill rather long, and slightly bent* top of the head dull brown, spotted with bright brown throat, sides of the head, neck, breast, and belly bright bay or dull orange under the eye a stroke of dark brown, and on the breast some dark spots: back and upper part of the wings dull brown, intermixed with brighter or yellowish brown quill and tail-feathers dull purple, except the middle tail-feathers, which are brown : : : : * So as to render should be placed it doubtful in which division of the genus it 352 CRESTED HUMMING-BIRD Trochilus cristatus T aureo-viridis subtus cincrtus, crista aureo- ccerulea acuminata, remigibus caudaque violaceis Gold-green Humming-Bird, cinereous beneath, with golden-blue pointed crest, and violet quill-feathers and tail T rectirostris viridis, Trochilus cristatus alis fusds, abdomine fusco-tinereo, crista ccerulescente, tibiis pennatis Lin Syst Nat Lath ind orn Crested green Humming-Bird L'Oiseau-mouche hupe Edw pL 37* Buff ois Lath syn PI Enl 22? / i Viell pi 47 48 THE first Crested Humming-Bird seems to have been described by Edwards, who, in the thirty- seventh plate of his excellent work, has given a good figure both of the bird and its nest The " The bill, says Edwards, is slender, sharp-pointed, and not so long as in most of this kind, of a black colour, and very little bowed downward the top of the head, from the bill to the hinder part, which ends in a crest, is first green, and toward the hinder part dark blue both these colours shine with a total length of the bird is three inches : : exceeding the brightest polished metals, the green part especially, which is the lightest in lustre far some lights, changes from green to gold-colour, so beautiful as not to be expressed by colours, or hardly conceived in the absence of the object: the feathers of the upper part of the body and wings are dark green intermixed with gold-colour just beneath the bill is a spot of dirty white: the breast : /'//// AVer/ but its shape the neck is of moderate length, and... though the bird exerted ail its endeavours to wound it Monsr Levaillant adds, that the Hornbills in general are, in his opinion, naturally carnivorous, all those which he observed in Africa feeding

Ngày đăng: 06/11/2018, 22:44

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