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BIOL DEPT UHIV, TORONTO A MANUAL OF THE INFUSORIA: INCLUDING A DESCRIPTION OF ALL KNOWN FLAGELLATE, CILIATE, AND TENTACULIFEROUS PROTOZOA, BRITISH AND FOREIGN, AND AN ACCOUNT OF THE ORaANIZATION AND AFFINITIES OF THE SPONaES W SAVILLE KENT, FORMERLY ASSISTANT IN F.L.S., F.Z.S., F.R.M.S., THE NATURAL HISTORY DEPARTMENTS OF THE BRITISH Ml'SEUM VOLUME II LONDON DAVID BOGUE, ST MARTIN'S PLACE, : TRAFALGAR SQUARE, 1881-1882 W.C MANUAL OF THE CHAPTER INFUSORIA VIII SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION OF THE INFUSORIA-CILIATA Class 11 CILIATA Animalcules partly or more or less completely clothed with vibratile which constitute the essential organs of locomotion and prehension no supplementary lash-like appendages or flagella certain of the cilia often modified in the form of setae, styles, or uncini occasionally poscilia, ; ; ; sessing more or less distinct membraniform expansions a well-developed oral and anal aperture mostly present With the class CiUata we arrive at a group of the Infusoria with which micro; scopists will feel comparatively at home, all its members being of relatively large size, and for the most part very giants when set side by side T\'ith their flagelliferous compeers described in the preceding volume That no hard and fast line separates the two groups from each other is nevertheless clearly illustrated by the series of forms last described under the title of the Cilio-FIageUata, in many of wliich it requires but the suppression of either the flagelliferous or cihary appendages to convert them into ordinary representatives of one or the other of the two leading ciHate or flagellate infusorial classes That the first-named group has been phylogenetically derived from the Flagellata is by this annectant order fully demonstrated, its existence same time assisting substantially in the establishment of an unbroken line of increasingly complex Protozoic organisms, from the simplest Rhizopoda up to The probable lines of evolution by which these latter have the highest Ciliata passed onwards into the Metazoic animal series will be presently discussed Among the numerous indications of augmented complexity manifested among the members of the class now about to be introduced, the following may be The cuticular or cortical element in the majority, if not all instances, mentioned In by far the larger number of exhibits a much more complex composition instances it is delicately striate in a longitudinal direction, such striations conforming with a distinct subdivision of its substance in the direction indicated into deHcate, highly elastic fibrillae, whose properties and function are closely akin to that of the muscular tissue of the Metazoa, and has in consequence received the suggestive name of the myophan layer The oral aperture, or cytostome, with the Ciliata is, excepting in the case of the endoparasitic Opalinidje, always more or less conspicuously developed, and is frequently supplemented by a complex horny buccal apparatus, e g Prorodontidfe, Dysteriidse, or it may be by an evertile proboscis, as in modification in the first-named direction has been already notified in the Didinium preceding volume in connection with the flagellate genera Astasia and Aiiisonema An anal passage or cytopyge, rarely recognizable in the Flagellata, is of almost universal recurrence among the Ciliata, being sometimes, as in Nyctothcrus, so extensively prolonged as, in conjunction with the oral aperture and pharyngeal tube, to constitute at the : — A VOL II B CLASS 474 II CILIATA a rudimentary alimentary tract The rod-like bodies knoivn as trichocysts, recorded in but one or two doubtful instances as yet in connection with the Flagellata {Chilomonas and Merotricha), represent a common elementarj' factor of the cortical layer of the Holotrichous Ciliata, and are next met with in the Metazoic Already, in the cases of Anisonema grande and Entosiphon composite rosette-shaped organ often exhibits a yet higher degree of differentiation, not unfrequently {Spirostomiim, Stoitor, Ophiydium) being produced peripherally into one or more extensive canal-like prolongations, and may undoubtedly be accepted as foreshadowing the more or less complex water-vascular, segmental, and ambulacral systems of the Metazoic classes of the An imTurbellaria, Trematoda, Rotifera, higher Annelida, and Echinodermata, portant advance in the organization and physiolog)' of the Infusoria Ciliata has to be recorded in connection with all matters pertaining to the phenomena of Multiphcation by longitudinal or transverse fission is, as among reproduction the Flagellata, a common form of propagation The encystment and breaking up of the entire body-mass into sporular elements characteristic of the majority of the Flagellata, and in which form of reproduction they exhibit decided vegetable affinities, is of very rare occurrence among the Ciliata, the several Holotrichous genera Colpoda, Otostoma, and Ichthyophthirius constituting the chief exceptions In place of this, new zooids with the Ciliata are usually produced by the subdivision of the nucleus or endoplast into germinal elements, which are liberated independently from the parent animal after the manner of the ova or embryos of the Metazoa first progress in this direction has nevertheless been recorded of certain of the higher Eustomatous Flagellata The phenomenon of genetic union, or conjugation, directly or indirectly associated with the reproductive faculties, exhibits likewise, among the Ciliata, a decidedly advanced formula While with the Flagellata, so far as is known, the conjugative process is complete and permanent, according with the genetic union or so-called zygosis of unicellular plants, this process, though similarly manifested among certain Ciliata, such as the Vorticellidse, is more usually replaced by an incomplete and transient conjugative act that corresponds more nearly with the Finally, while all Flagellata are essentially unicellular, copulation of higher animals all instances very simple, nucleus or endoplast, a and in almost but single, possessing among the Ciliata this structural element very commonly exhibits a highly complex t)T3e of composition, and being in many instances represented in plurality, demonstrates the further advance made by these organisms towards the condition section of the Turbellaria sulcatus, attention has been directed to the exceptional contour of the contractile vesicle Among the Ciliata this A of multicellular beings The character and mode of distribution of the cilia yield reliable data for the subdivision of this class into minor sections or orders, the following plan as here adopted being in accordance with the one first introduced by Professor Stein in While the more characteristic members of these several orders the year 1S57 yield features which permit of their natural and readily appreciated distinction, intermediate forms occur in each such group indicative of their close relationship and common design Special reference is made to the more prominent of these annectant or transitional types in the general description of the respective orders SYNOPSIS OF THE ORDERS OF THE INFUSORIA CILIATA Cilia distributed over the entire surface of the body, similar, or differing but slightly in Order I ,, II ,, in Holotricha character Cilia distributed over the entire cuticular surface ; the oral series of conspicuously larger size > Heterotricha I Cilia not universally distributed, mostly limited to a conspicuous circular or spiral adoral wreath Locomotive j j > PERITRICilA ) cilia, conBned to the ventral surface of the body inferior or \ / „ IV Hypotricha CLASS n CILIATA 475 Before entering upon a systematic description of the Ciliata, it is worthy of until within a comparatively recent date the assemblage of organisms included within this class were accepted by many eminent authorities as possessing The Flagellata, previous to the only sound claim to the title of the Infusoria their more exhaustive scrutiny by recent investigators, were regarded for the most part as Protophytes or the so-called zoospores of higher Cryptogamic plants, while the Tentaculifera or Acinetidje were pronounced to be embryonic conditions only of various Peritricha Undoubtedly, this section of the Ciliata is one of the of the largest and most important groups of the Protozoic sub-kingdom In no other marked extent ; equivalent subdivisions is histologic differentiation carried to such a many of the higher forms being indeed so modified in this respect that they may be unhesitatingly cited as furnishing the most complex expression of unicellular To the notice of the evolutionist, to an equal or even greater degree organization It is than to the histologist, the Ciliate Infusoria deservedly commend themselves be class that attention this extensive ranks of to the may profitably beyond question directed in the search after those ancient stock-forms or archetypes out of which several of the more important groups or phyla of the Metazoa have been gradually That the group of the Spongida does not, as maintained by some evolved link between contemporary authorities, furnish the long sought for interconnecting the Protozoic and Metazoic series is substantially supported by the evidence submitted by the author in Chapter V of the preceding volume, in which it is shown that, notwithstanding the plausibility and fascination of external appearances, remark that these organisms remain in all structural and developmental details thoroughgoing, though peculiarly modified Protozoa and possible Already, in vol i., p 103 et seq., the homoplastic resemblances Infusoria and the other and the Ciliate between that subsist biogenetic relationship Metazoic animal series have been discussed at some length Further time devoted to the consideration of this important subject, enables the author to greatly extend the scope of the comparisons previously instituted, and to submit, in connection with the woodcut illustrations on p 477, and succeeding Genealogical Table, a of all of the more important Metazoic groups possible clue to the phylogeny That the Holotrichous Ciliata may be consistently regarded as the archetypes of the lower worms, has been frequently advocated, the likeness between the former and the simpler Turbellaria being so marked, see woodcut Figs and 4, that to include these Infusoria in the Annelidous earlier authorities have proposed K M Diesing, more especially, in recognition of such likeness, established " Prothelmintha." As related in vol i p 26, for their reception the new order of the Holotrichous Ciliata, this authority included, however, in this order not only the all the Ciliate and and the Vorticellidje of Stentoridas, with the exceptions but, In addition to the resemblances subsisting between the Flagellate animalcules size and Holotrichous Infusoria and the Turbellaria, as manifested by their minute their common possession and even entire their ciliation, by corresponding form, by of of trichocysts, and by the development in the members of the last-named group the contractile a water-vascular system, which may be regarded as a modification of of the Rhabdoccelous vesicles of the Infusoria, it may be mentioned that many the snnple Turbellarians multiply as the Holotricha and other Infusoria by characof transverse fission Taken collectively, the numerous collateral many class ; process evidence in favour of the biogenetic yield almost overpowering advocated.* here that is relationship , „ would seem to Other Metazoic groups, in addition to that of the Turbellaria, teristics cited possess a substantial claim to an Holotrichous ancestry In the sub-kingdom * Tlie near the structural plan of the lower Turbellaria is approach of the Ciliate Infusoria to ' of Invertebrated Animals, ed by Professor Huxley at p 678 of his Anatomy two parts communication addressed to the author since the publication of the first to the Holotricha as probably constituting, of this Manu'al, this authority has more distinctly referred of evolution from the Protozoic to the Metazoic in connection with the Turbellaria, the proper line reference to the The Spongida are further alluded to as occupying in such case, with series the Tunicata in relation to the Vertebrata Metazoa, a position equivalent to that held by briefly indicated 1877 • while in a B CLASS 476 II CILIATA Ccelenterata, including the Corals, Sea Anemones, and Hydrozoa, the initial term or larval form common to the group is an ovate, evenly ciliated body, or so-called " Planula," woodcut, Fig i differing entirely from the parent organism, but in all ways comparable with a mouthless Holotrichous Infusorium, as delineated at Fig In a similar manner, the mostly endoparasitic Scolecida (Trematoda and Cestoidea) are traceable to a like origin, many Trematodes, such as Monostotnum, giving birth to simple holotrichously ciliated embrj-os, whUe the aberrant Opalinidae, with reference to their often highly differentiated organs of adherence and, in certain instances, e g Anoplophrya prolifera, peculiar mode of reproduction, indicate a no very distant connection with the Cestoidea It is worthy of remark that while many of the higher Annelids, Lttmbricus and Nais, commence hfe as similar holotrichous infusorium-like , embryos, others, including the majority of the marine worms or Polychaeta, conform for the most part, as the larvas of the Echinodermata, ^rith the Peritrichous infusorial formula The order of the Heterotricha, whose members unite, in their plan of ciliation, both the Holotricha and Peritricha, not at present suggest any distinct Metazoic affinities It is at the same time perhaps deserving of attention that the ciliated '' lappet like appendages developed in the lar\'al stage, or so-called Pilidium" of the Turbellarian genus Linens, recall to some extent the ciliated lobes of the peristome developed in the Heterotrichous genus Follicularia ANTiile, in the preceding volume, loc at p 103, a passing reference was made to the affinities of the Peritrichous Vorticellidje with the Polyzoa, suggested by both L Agassiz and K M Diesing, such faint external likeness as subsists between the adult structures and gave rise to such correlation, was not considered worthy of serious entertainment Since then, however, it has occurred to the present author that from an entirely diverse standpoint the relationship suggested may be substantially A first impression in this direction was derived from a recognition of the upheld close correspondence in external contour presented by the motile larva or so-called Trochospheres of the Polyzoon Alcyoniditim gelatinostim, as delineated in a notebook placed at the author's disposal by Mr H E Forrest, and reproduced at PI XXXI Fig 53, and such a free Peritrichous Infusorium as Trichodina pediculus Following out this newly indicated clue, it was next found that the larval conditions of numerous other Polyzoa, as recently figured and described by Barrois,* bear out in a most remarkable manner the premised affinity This last-named authority, ftirthermore, reduces all of the more or less modified embr)'0s of this zoologic group to an ideal t)T5e, see Fig 1 of the accompanying woodcut, which, Tsdthout a pre-existing knowledge of its true import, would unhesitatingly be accepted as a slightly modified example of the ordinary Vorticellidae, as given at Fig 12 It is highly interesting to find that the class SloUusca, whose intimate relationship with the Polyzoa is universally conceded, abounds with larval forms reducible to the same Peritrichous formula suitable illustration of this fact is afforded by the figures representing the early larval condition of Chiton cinerais, as delineated by Loven, and reproduced in Hu.\ley's Manual of the Invertebrata,' and in other zoological textbooks Yet another leading section of the Metazoa, that of the Echinodermata, would appear to admit of being retraced phylogenetically to the group of the Peritricha, Here, as in the preceding instances, the clue has to be sought among the larval or embryonic, and not among the adult organisms The embr)'0 Echinoderm, or socalled Echinopaedium (Huxley), on leaving the egg, is altogether distinct from the parent, consisting of a laterally symmetrical, ovate body ha%ing usually two, four, or more girdle-like bands of cilia Through the process of histolysis or atrophy, this primary integument with its ciliary girdles becomes speedily obliterated, but there can be no doubt that during such transient lar\-al existence the young Echinoderm resembles in a truly remarkable manner such Peritrichous CUiate Infusoria as Urocen- A ' trum turbo,Y\ XXXIII Figs 7-9, and Bidinium nasutum, PI XXXII Figs 50-57, and woodcut Fig 10, the latter type more especially being characterized in its normal ' Recherches sur I'embryologie des Bryozoaires,' 1877 CLASS II CILIATA 477 condition by the possession of two, and, preceding the act of fission, four, cihary girdles An approximate estimate of this resemblance may be gained by a comparison of the figures just cited with the accompanying woodcut illustration, Fig 9, of the earliest larval or Echinopffidium phase of a Feather-star, Comatula, reproduced from Haeckel's ' Natiirliche Schopfungs-Geschichte.' The Echinus, the Star-fish, or the Holothurian, one and all, present an identical or but slightly modified initial structure, and may therefore be consistently regarded as the descendants of a similar simple Peritrichous archetype The figures, bracketed in pairs, represent six larval Metazoa, with their respective Infusorial isomorphs, as correlated in the accompanying text Fig I an Astomatous larval Coelenterate or Planitla; Fig 2, an Astomatous Holotrichons Infusorium, Opalina; Fig 3, a larval Aproctous Turbellarian ; Fig a Stomatude Holotrichous Infusorium, Paramitcium i Fig 5, a larval Ncmertian, Cepkalothrix, after Macintosh Fig 6, a Cilio-Flagellate Infusorium, Melodiniuin ; Fig 7, a Telotrociious Annelid larva, after Gegenbaur; Fig 8, a Peritrichous Infusorium, Telotrochidium ; Fig 9, a Mesotrochous Echinoderm larva, after Haeckel Fig 10, a Peritrichous Infusorium, Didinatm (prior to subdivision) Fig 11, a Fig 12, a Peritrichous Infusorium, VorticcUa, typical larval Polyzoon, after Barrois The letters or and an indicate respectively the oral and anal apertures ; ; ; ; The small group of the Gephyrea, including notably Sipunculus and Priapidus, frequently cited as possessing structural modifications that unite the two groups of the Echinodermata and Annelida, is of interest in connection with the present subject of discussion since the embryonic zooids, in at least Sipuiictiltis, accord in their Peritrichous plan of ciliation with those of both the first-named group and the Polychcetous section of the Annelida The ciliated embryos of the Polychaetous Annelida, while thus conforming to the Peritrichous type, are found within such As explained by Professor limits to exhibit three somewhat diverse modifications Huxley in his Anatomy of the Invertebrata,' p 243, the cilia in some cases form a broad zone which encircles the body, leaving at each end an area which is either devoid of cilia, or, as is frequently the case, has a tuft of cilia at the cephalic end Such larvfe are termed " Atrocha." In other embryos the cilia are arranged in one Where two bands of cilia are or more narrow bands which surround the body mouth, and the developed, the one encircling the body immediately in front of the " Telotrocha." In other around the anal end of the embryo, the larvK are called the third modification one or many bands of cilia surround the middle of the body between the mouth and the hinder extremity, such larvje being distinguished by the " a supplementary tuft of cilia also, in the case of the title of " Mesotrocha Telotrocha, being not unfrequently attached to the centre of the prssstomium or preoral region While such Peritrichous Infusoria as Urocaitrum and DiJiiiium conform more essentially to the Telotrochal larval type, in the intermediate structural form ' ; Calceolus {Peridinium) cypripedium of H James-Clark, PI XXXII Figs 23 and 24, the whole surface of having, with the exception of a bare cap-like anterior region, the body clothed with vibratile cilia, a decided approach is made towards the CLASS 478 Atrochal formula.* IT CILIATA a further significant fact that in this type a fascicle of long from the oral region, which may be regarded as homologous with the terminal tuft common to both the Atrochal and Mesotrochal Metazoic larvae A yet more interesting and significant modification of the Telotrochal plan is perhaps exhibited by the recently discovered Peritrichous Infusorium represented by Fig of the accompanying woodcut, and upon which, with reference to the likeness indicated, the author has conferred the generic name of Tclotrochidium whip-like cilia is It is developed While somewhat resembling at first sight a temporarily detached Vorticella with a supplementary posterior ciliary circlet, it differs fundamentally from such a type in that the anal aperture does not open, as with the typical Vorticellidje, upon the oral vestibulum, but at the posterior extremity of the body and to the rear of the hinder The anal passage following upon the aperture is conspicuously circlet of cilia visible for some distance within the surface of the cuticulum, and, as will be at once recognized, it requires but a further prolongation and juncture of the oral and anal passages to produce an organism indistinguishable from Gegenbaur's representation of a Telotrochous Annelid larva, reproduced at Fig remaining and very important section of the Metazoa, with which as yet no attempt has been made to demonstrate an infusorial phylogenetic origin, is that of the Arthropoda, including most notably the Crustacea, Arachnida, and Insecta Such a connection, nevertheless, is, in the author's opinion, obscurely traceable in the direction of the Hypotricha, the interval separating the first-named highly differentiated Metazoa from the Protozoic order being bridged over by the group of the Wheel-animalcules or Rotifera The passage from the Hypotrichous Cihata to the Rotifera is indicated in two completely distinct directions Firstly, in such a type as the Dysteria armata of Huxley, PI XLII Figs 27 to 30, in which the complex buccal armature and jointed caudal style are so strongly suggestive of its Rotiferan affinities that the animal was originally referred by ^Ir P H Gosse to the class in question Secondly, in that aberrant group of the Rotifera, including Ichthydium, Chcetono/tis, Turbandla, and a few others, recently incorporated together by Metschnikoff and Claparfede under the title of the Gasterotricha,| which are all distinguished by the absence of the customarily developed trochal discs and complex mastax, while the entire ventral surface alone is clothed with fine vibratile cilia after the manner of the most simple Hypotricha It is at the same time necessary to observe that among the generality of the Rotifera, both in their larval and frequently in their adult state, the cilia form a single terminal wreath around the so-called trochal disc, and consequently correspond closely with the Telotrochous larvre of the Echinoderms and Polychaetous Annelida previously described f In common with these lar\-je, they are likewise apparently phylogenetically derived from the infusorial order of the Peritricha In this connection it may be further A remarked that the two endoparasitic Peritrichous genera Ophryoscolcx and Eiitotfiiiiiim, distinguished by the possession of indurated carapaces and variously modified spinous appendages, were originally referred to the Rotifera In one of these genera it is interesting to find that a second girdle of cilia is developed round The affinities of the Rotifera with the Crustacea are, as the centre of the body '' indicated by Professor Huxley,§ possibly manifested in Pedalion, with its jointed setose appendages and curious likeness to some Nauplius conditions of the lower It might be further added that many Rotifera, in common with Crustacea." • The so-called Atrochal larva of the Chaetopodous Annelid Serpula, as originally figured by in F M Balfour's treatise on Comparative Embryology, vol i., 1880, conforms entirely to the Holotrichous plan of ciliation, and with its ventral oral, and posteroterminal anal apertures, may be directly compared mth a Paramecium, or an embryo Turbellarian ' t "Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Entwickelungsgeschichte der Chaetopoden," Zeit Wiss Zool.', Bd xix 1869 X The resemblance between Rotifers and the lar\'ae of Echinoderms was pointed out by Professor ' Huxley in his account of Lacinularia socialis in the Transactions of the Microscopical Society for the year 1S51, and is further advocated in his Anatomy of the Invertebrata, p 193, 1877 § Anatomy of Invertebrated Animals,' p 193, 1877 Stossich, and reproduced , ' ' ' CLASS Tophorum Ceratijtm pyrophorum Ceratium seta „ „ 642 249 258 Cercomonadidas Cercomonas Cercomonas acuminata Cercomonas crassicauda Cercomonas curvata Cercomonas cylindrica Cercomonas detracta 690 693 692 „ „ „ „ „ Cercaria turbo trichoceros tridens tripos Cercaria pleuronectes Irlpos 691 322 272 272 273 273 452 455 453 456 389 caudata volvocina „ „ „ armata „ aspera 603, 777 3S9 391 391 540 540 Chasmatostoma reniforme „ Chilodon cucuUulus „ „ 746 746 860 propellens Chilodon uncinatus Chilomonadidae 455 Chilomonas granulosa 455 457 457 453 454 387 454 390 Chatospira remex Chatotypkla 462 454 455 453 456 456 462 859 458 456 457 457 453 453 391 747 Chilomonas , „ amygdalum „ cylindrica „ obliqua Chilomonas paramsecium Chlamydodon „ Mnemos)Tie Chlamydodontidas Chlorangium stentorinum „ Chloraster ' 315 317 316 agiUs „ 423 423 426 425 424 424 424 750 750 745 407 407 g>Tans tetrarhynchus 316 401 401 387 388 388 Chloromonas pigra Chloropeltis „ hispidula ovum „ F INDEX 900 PAGE PAGE 324 Choano-Flagellata Choenia teres „ S^i S^i 5^1 vorax Choncmonas hispida Sckrankii „ Chrysomonadidae Cha'iiia 390 390 401 402 402 Chrj'somonas „ flavicans „ ochracea 402 40S 408 Chrysopyxis „ bipes Ch)'tridium ampullaceum Chytridium Steinii 345 639 473 Ciliata „ „ -Heterotricha -Holotricha „ -Hypotricha „ -Peritricha 575 Cilio-Flagellata Cinetrochilum jnargaritaceum Cladomonas fruticulosa „ Cladonema laxa „ Class Ciliata 265 473 216 801 FlageUata „ Tentaculifera Classification of Infusoria „ Coccudina costata Codonella „ campanella „ galea orthoceras „ Codonellidas Codonocladiiim umbellatttm Codonodesmus phalanx Codonoeca „ costata inclinata „ Codonosigidas Codosiga „ „ allioides assimilis „ botrj'tis „ candelabrum „ cymosa Codosiga echinata Codosiga furcata „ grossularia „ pyriformis Codosiga pulcherrima Codosiga Steinii umbellata „ Coelomonas grandis Ccenomorpha nudusula Colacium 484 739 622,623 439,440 794 284 284 264 195-21; 794 61; 616 616 616 61; 336 342 261 26r 261 329 333 337 340 334 339 337 334 339 338 339 334 340 33; 392 393 „ arbuscula 64 393 394 „ calvum 395 „ „ multoculata 39b Steinii 395 vesiculosuni „ Colepids Coleps 359 505 506 508 506 Coleps amphacanthus Coleps elongatus Coleps fusus hirtus „ 507 506 5°^ 5°^ 507 incurvTJS „ Coleps inermis Coleps uncinatus Coleps viridis Colouring Infusoria during Life \o6 S62 ' 537 537 5'2 747 747 537 Colpidium cucullus „ Colpoda Colpoda aiculio cucullulus „ cucullus „ Colpoda cucullus „ „ pigerrima Colpodella „ pugnax Colponenia loxodes „ 490 490 Conchophthirus anodontae „ ,, curtus „ Steenstrupii Condylostoma , „ 490 arenata astaci 721 Cohnii 723 722 728 „ compressa Cothurnia corrugata Cothurnia curva „ elongata Cothurnia furci/er „ gigantea Cothurnia gracilis „ „ 584 584 584 849 719 725 Condylostoma patulum Condylostoma stagnale Corethra sertularia Cothurnia „ 491 5*^4 patens „ „ „ „ '2 5'3 5'3 378 378 297 279 parvifrons havniensis imberbis irregularis maritima nodosa 721 723 727 '6 724 720 720 723 720 721 Cothurnia operculata '9 operculigera Cothurnia ovata 726 722 722 „ „ „ „ patula pontica pupa Cothurnia pyxidiformis Cothurnia recurva Cothurnia Sieboldii Cothurnia socialis Cothurnia spissa Cricocoleps Cryptobia helicis Cryptoglena „ angulosa Cryptoglena cczruleus conica Cryptoglena Cryptoglena cordiformis 725 724 726 721 720 728 723 5°^ 256 419 420 420 '9 315 INDEX 901 PAGE PAGE Cryptoglena lenticularis „ pigra Cryptomonas Cryptomonas curvata Cryptomonas erosa ovata „ CryptomoJias polymorpha Cyathomonas „ alba „ elongata eniarginata lychnus spissa turbinata turbo „ „ „ „ „ „ viridis Cyclidium CycUdiitm abscissmn Cyclidium arboreum citrellus „ Cyclidium Claparidi crassion „ „ elongatum Cyclidium glaucoma Cyclidium maigaritaceum tiodulosum „ Cyclochaeta „ spongilte Cyclogramma rubcns Cyclotricha citrea ,, 419 402 404 404 404 404 481 Dicyema 425 Dicyemida Didinium nasutum „ Dileptus folium g'gas ,, granulosus 241 Dimastigoaulax 242 243 243 242 242 242 242 242 544 371 545 545 545 372 549 544 794 372 650 650 mutans „ Dinamceba mirabilis „ pusilla „ gracilis Dinobryon 409 Dinobiyoti gracile Dinobrj'on juniperinum Dinobryon pctiolatum 411 411 410 Dinomonas 421 „ tuberculata „ vorax 422 235,422 458 459 459 460 459 460 460 459 459 460 460 459 800 Dinophysis acuminata „ „ „ 495 535 535 acuta „ arctica atlantica caudata tevis „ crassipes 755 „ Michaelis „ lanceolatum „ spinigerum^ 754 754 496 497 „ „ norvegica ovata Dinophysis rotundata ventricosa „ Diophrys marina cyclopum Dendrocometes „ paradoxus Dendromonadidte 309 310 283 283 839 839 262 Dendromonas 265 Dallingeria „ Dr)'sdali Deltomonas „ „ „ pusilla virgaria Dendrosoma astaci radians Desmarella „ 412 278,411 409 Dinobryon scrtularia Dinobryon sociale Dinobryon stipitatum „ „ „ 437 431 555 555 Dinenympha „ leucas 221 Dinema griseolum 754 754 „ 527 462 462 856 856 cornutus „ aculeatum Cyrtostomum 743 524 Dimorpha „ Cypridium 480 638 476,639 moniliformis „ phalanx Dictyocoleps Dictyocysta acuminata „ cassis „ elegans ,, „ lepida ,, mitra ,, templum tiara „ Dictyocystida: 266 266 840 845 841 341 341 342 506 624 627 624 626 636 625 625 626 624 431 433 Diplomastix affinis „ ,, caudata „ saltans 432 433 289 435 289 859 859 435 800 Diplomita Diplomita insignis Diplomita socialis Diplopsalis lenticula „ Diploselmis Discocephaltis rotatorius Discophrya Discostoinata Discostomata-Gymnozoida Discostomata-Sarcocrypta Distigma „ proteus Distigma proteus „ tenax „ viridis 418 418 744 748 Drepanomonas dentata Drepanostonia striata Drepanostomum pectinatum Dysteria Dysteria aculeata Dysteria armata 568 35 325 365 418 418 418 861 752 755 478,752 INDEX 902 rAGH PAGE Dysteria crass ipes 755 Epistylis virgaria 754 754 Ervilia fliiviatilis Dysteriidas 75' monostyla Euchitonia Enchelyidse 509 503 504 „ lanceolata „ spinigera Enchelyodon „ elongatus Enchelyodon elongatus Enchelyodon farctus Enchelys arcuata „ Enchelys corrugatum Enchelys farcimen „ pupa Enchelys pyr iformis „ triquetra Endosphara Entodinium Entosiphon „ sulcatus Ephelota Ephelota apiciilosa Ephelota coronata Trold „ Epiclintes auricularis „ „ radiosa „ retractilis Epipyxis utriculus „ Epistylis anastatica Epistylis arabica Epistylis articulata „ „ balanorum barba „ Epistylis berberi/ormis botrytis Epistylis branchiopyla Epistylis brevipes Epistylis coarctata crassicoUis „ „ „ „ ,, digitalis euchlora flavicans galea Epistylis grandis „ hospes Epistyhs invaginata leucoa „ Epistylis minutus „ nebulifera Epistylis nympharum „ pavonina „ plicatilis Epistylis pusilla Epistylis pyriformis Epistylis ringens „ sphceroides Epistylis Steinii „ tubificis Epistylis umbellatits EpistyUs umbilicata Epistylis vegetans legumen „ „ 5-' 503 509 5'° 546 510 510 536 545 808 653 437 438 S46 847 846 847 773 773 774 774 409 409 700 701 710 701 709 709 712 334.709 705 665 706 705 704 709 702 701 702 714 706 704 710 665 708 709 701 266 707 666 666 708 707 336 706 710 Bcekmanni „ „ „ „ „ „ „ Gegenbauri Kollikeri Krohnii Leydigii MiiUeri Virchowii 228 Euchitonids Euglena acus „ „ agilis „ deses „ fusiformis „ geniculata Euglena hispidula „ hyaliiia Euglena longicauda Euglena miicronata „ obscura „ ovum Euglena oxyuris Euglena pyruin Euglena rostrata Euglena sang Jiinea Euglena spirogyra „ Supplementary Euglena triqueter Euglena tuba viridis „ Euglena zonalis Euglenidae Euplotes Euplotes appendiculatus Euplotes charon Euplotes excavatus Euplotes harpa „ 266 756 755 755 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 longipes 379 383 384 383 384 384 388 381 387 385 385 388 383 387 384 381 382 385 387 385 381 388 379 797 800 799 800 799 799 Euplotidae 755 798 792 Eustomata Eustomata-Dimastiga Eustomata-Monomastiga 401 367 Euplotes vionostyla Euplotes patella Eutreptia „ viridis Fertilization of FoUiculina ampulla „ Boltoni „ „ elegans „ hirundo producta „ stylifera Foraminifera Freia 416 416 862 Seaweeds by Infusoria 216,856 324 Flagellata -Discostomata „ -Eustomata „ -Pantostoniata „ „ 35 366 229 596 597 600 598 600 599 600 45 597 INDEX 903 PAGE PAGE Freia aculeata „ „ Americana ampulla „ elegans Frontonia leitcas Gastrophysema dithalamium Gastrostyla setifera „ General History of Infusoria fixa „ glans 496 Hemiophrya 166 783 „ „ „ „ Benedeni crustaceorum „ „ „ pusilla 1-30 657 657 657 Gerda „ Helicostoma Gerda inclinans 660 Glaucoma 795 796 795 533 446 446 446 859 304 863 426 280 280 772 463 margaritaceum „ „ scintillans Glaucoma Wrzesniowskii Glenodinium „ acuminatum „ cinctum „ Warmingii Glenopolytoma typiciim Glycogen in Infusoria Glyphidium marinum Goniomonas truncata „ Gonostomiim affinis Gonyaulax Grantia ciliata Grantia compressa Gymnodinium „ „ „ „ Gyrocoridee Gyrocoris Lewisi muscas-domesticae „ „ Heteroaulax Heteroniastigidse Heteromastix „ proteiformis Heteromita „ „ adunca „ crassa amyli Heteromita angustata Heteromita cylindrica exigua globosa „ „ Heteromita granuliim Heteromita lens ovata „ 173 173 „ pusilla rostrata „ „ „ sulcata Hexamita 858 „ „ inflata „ „ nodulosa uncinata Heteromitidse Heteronema „ acus „ „ globuliferum „ pusillum marina Heterotricha 640 640 640 intestinalis rostrata Hexamitidae Halisarca lobularis Halteria Halteria bipartila Halteria grandineUa lobata „ Halteria pulex Halteria verrucosa viridis „ volvox „ Halteriidae Haptophrya „ gigantea planariarum „ tritonis „ Hedrseophysa „ buUa 494 160 169,335 631 633 505,632 633 636 632 632 632 630 568 569 568 826 826 Herpetomonas spirale Habrodon curvatus Haliphysema Tumanowiczii 825 Thouleti truncata ^.14 oxyura „ gemmipara microsoma roseolum Lachmanni marinum monadicum 442 442 822 824 826 823 nasutum „ pulvisculus gracile „ Hemidinium 442 449 443 443 858 444 444 443 443 Gymnodiniiim apicttlatum Gymnodinium corpusculum fuscum „ „ „ » 501 501 oblonga „ 784 784 Steinii „ 598 598 598 599 Himantophorus charon Histology and Physiology Histrio „ similis „ Steinii Holophr>'a „ brunnea „ „ „ coleps discolor Kessleri „ „ lateralis ovum 825 245 245 245 463 463 463 463 290 297 296 298 435 297 296 29s 292 291 295 296 293 296 294 290 43° 430 430 43' 431 573 318 319 318 321 320 318 800 862 789 789 789 498 499 508 499 499 500 498 Holophrya ovum 511 Holophr)'a tarda Holosticha 499 769 769 769 770 571 „ flava 274 274 „ mystacea „ oculata • INDEX 904 PAGE PAGE Holosticha rubra Wrzesniowskii „ Holotricha Hoplitophrj-a HopUtophrya armata Hoplitophrya falcifera „ „ lumbrici „ „ recur\a secans „ securifomiis uiiciuata „ crassa sulcata roseola Hypotricha Ichthyophthirius multifiliis „ Iduna sulcata „ Isotricha „ „ „ intestinalis microstoma prostoma Lenibadion diiriusculum Lembidae 571 571 571 571 Lembus 530 530 752 752 497 497 498 497 536 537 537 547 547 549 548 548 547 buUinum 556 758 757 687 40S 408 739 Hydra coiivallaria Hymenomonas „ „ 571 757 Huxleya Huxleya 771 572 573 572 572 pungens „ Lembadion 482, 484 -Astomata „ 770 „ elongatus „ „ pusillus subulatus velifer 400 400 243 243 564 Leptodiscus medusoides „ Leptomonas Bjtschlii „ Leucophrya nodulata „ 501 587 signata Leucophrys Leucophrys anodontce carnium „ „ clavata „ cochlearifortnis 490 entosoon „ nodulata „ Leucophr\s patula Leucophrys striata Leucosolenia botryoides 577 565 587 565 173 173 651 651 coriacea „ Licnophora Auerbachii Cohnii „ „ 652 742 742 745 743 743 744 742 LitonotidiE Kerona Kerona histrio Kerona polyporum Kolpoda cucullus „ pirum Kiinckelia gyrans 763 789 763 537 536 857 Litonotus „ diaphanus fasciola „ Litonotus folium Litonotus varsaviensis Wrzesniowskii „ Lophomonas Lab>Tinthula 43 Lacrymaria Cohnii „ coronata „ Lacrymaria elegans „ farcta g"tta Lacrymaria lagenula Lacrymaria olor „ „ „ proieus rugosa tornatilis versatilis „ Lagenella acuminata „ euchlora „ Lagenceca „ cuspidata Lagenophrys 517 518 518 520 517 517 517 517 517 517 517 516 389 391 „ blattarum „ striata granulosus luridus Loxodes Loxodes brevis bursaria „ „ cithara cuculio cucullulus „ „ „ dentatus Magosphasra viridis 598 „ ampuUa nassa „ Lagynus „ , elegans lavis 585 747 747 747 748 Loxodes rostrum Loxophyllum Loxophyllum amphileptus Loxophyllum armatum „ vaginicola Lagotia atro-purpttrea „ hyalina „ 488 489 489 748 747 487 Loxocephalus 390 359 360 733 733 733 733 598 598 „ 321 321 322 321 Lophomonadidae „ „ „ lamella „ „ meleagris rostratum „ „ setigerum Wrzesniowskii 536 566 566 527 743 529 529 528 529 530 528 520 Mallomonadidae 323 323 464 521 521 Mallomonas 464 „ planula Fresenii 465 INDEX 905 PAGE PAGE I Mallomonas 412,464 Plosslii l-° S^o Maryna socialis „ Mastigamoeba aspera monociliata „ „ ramulosa „ „ ruberrimum „ Meniscostomum stomioptycha „ Menoidium „ pellucidum Merotricha bacillata „ Mesodinium acarus „ „ pulex Mcsotricha Metacystis „ Mitopliora dubia Mitra radiosa Monadida: Monas amy It astasioides Monas attenuata Monas bipunctata Monas concava Monas cotisociata Monas Monas consociatiim constricta cordata „ crepusculnm „ cylindrica Dallingeri Monas „ Monas „ Monas Monas „ „ „ „ Monas „ depressa deses Dumalii elongata enchelys erubescens excavata farcimcji flavicans fluida gibbosa Monas glistens „ 240 222 222 „ intcstinalis 256 236 238 23S 445 445 539 539 374 374 249 249 635 635 636 7^3 5^2 5^3 Microglena monadina „ „ punctifera Microthorax Microthorax pusillus Microthorax sulcatus „ 241 hyalina inanis contorta Microcystis Noltii olivacea „ „ 'hitla „ „ truncata Metopus Metopus inJJatus Metopus sigmoides Alonas globosa 239 393 „ S^' S'' Metopides „ !{randis globulus 221 221 221 simplex Melodinium Monas Monas 5^' 5^2 S^' 381 381 403 403 403 79^ 79^ 79^ 4^9 469 775 Monas irregularis Kolpoda „ „ lamellula lens Monas Monas mica „ „ „ nitellarum „ „ obesa oblonga Monas ochracea „ Okeni Monas ovalis „ ovata Monas ovum Monas parasitica Monas piscatorum „ prodigiosa Monas pulvisculum piinctum 240,291,418 Monas ramulosa Monas rotulits 235 241 „ rubra „ „ sitnplex „ socialis Monas Monas 240 240 235,240 „ termo 251 truncata u?nbra 280 240 241 301 237 239 239 307 45 „ urceolaris Monas „ varians vinosa „ viridis Monas vivipara Monera Monocystis tenax „ „ angustata brevipes consociata 418 329 330 332 330 „ „ fusiformis 331 globosa 332 331 333 332 Monosiga ,, „ „ „ „ gracilis longicollis ovata Steinii 240 240 Muscle or Nerve-fibres 241 241 Mycetozoa Myxomycetes 402 234 239 240 370 392 241 „ uva 371 241 237 241 spha'rica succissa „ 240 240 233 240 239 Monas scintillans Monas semen „ 241 239 237 239 238 236 237 403 238, 240 238 240 37° 236 241 241 240,291 Oberhauserii 232 238 237 287 362 237 291 nodosa 232 296 241 237 241 mytilus 331 in Stylonychia 862 42,187,192,470 42, 187, 192, 470 Nassula 494 „ ambigua Nassula conica 495 495 495 „ elegans INDEX 906 PACE PACE Nassula flava lateritia „ microstomata „ ornata rubens „ „ Nephroselmis olivacea „ Nerve-fibres or Muscle in Stylonychia 495 Ophrydina 49^ 49^ 494 Ophrydium Opiuydium jEda 495 40S 405 Ophrydium longipes Ophrydium sessile „ cordiformis „ gyoeryanus „ „ ovalis velox 581 miliaris „ Noctilucida; Notlwpleufotricha setifera Nuclearia simplex Nyctotherus Oikomonas „ „ „ mutabilis „ rostrata „ „ Steinii 250 250 252 254 253 253 termo 251 obliqua quadrata Onychaspis polystyla Onychodromus grandis „ Opalina „ caudata ,, dimidiata Opalina discaglossi Opalina intestinalis Opalina lineata lumbrici „ mytili naidos „ „ 793 766 766 558 563 561 571 562 564 565, 571 „ wicinata 571 OpalinidE Opalinopsis octopi „ Opercularia „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ sepiola; arenicola 861 articulata 711 711 berberina cylindrata hospes Lichtensteinii microstoma nutans stenostoma Ophidomonas „ „ 476,481,556 S60 S60 710 jenensis sanguinea Ophionella » picta 713 714 712 713 710 712 244 244 244 734 734 abietinum „ „ „ Belgicum multicapitatum pediceUatum Ophryodendron pedunculatiim Ophryodendron porcellanum „ sertulariae „ „ atra „ „ acuminata 532 532 532 533 csca Ophryoglena citrcum 535 534 533 533 533 53' flav leans „ „ griseo-virens Ophryoglena oblonga Wrzesniowskii „ Ophryoglenidae Ophryoscolecidje Ophryoscolex inermis „ 652 653 653 653 749 75° 785 Purkynjei Opisthodon niemeccensis „ Opisthotricha „ parallela simihs „ Organization of Infusoria Orthonectida Carteri „ „ marina Oxytricha „ Oxytricha aeruginosa affinis „ auricularis „ caudata „ crassa Oxytricha fallax „ ferruginea Oxytricha flava „ fusca „ gibba Kessleri „ Oxytricha macrostyla micans „ Oxytricha multipes „ mystacea „ parallela Oxytricha pelUonella Oxytricha per nix Oxytricha platystoma Oxytricha retractilis rubra „ Oxytricha scutellum sordida „ 850 853 854 852 853 852 851 Ophryoglena Oxyrrhis similis prolifera Opalina ranarum Opalina reciirva Ophryodendron Otostoma „ polymorpha „ „ 737 737 738 735 849 849 versatile „ 565 563 562 569 569 564 559 573 563 Opalina obtrigona Opalina planariarum 738 Ophrj'dium Eichornii Ophryodendridae 862 397 397 39^ 784 421 579 580 580 580 niytilus Noctiluca 734 735 785 785 49-117 480 500 500 427 427 786 787 772 773 780 768 787 786 77° 765 780 769 788 787 765 769 785 786 768 787 774 77° 788 788 INDEX 907 PAGE Oxytricha strenua ttibicola „ „ nrostyla velox „ 771 OxytrichideB Panophrys „ conspicua „ farcta Panophrys flava flavicans „ Panophrys griseola „ „ „ paramecioides rubra sordida „ zonalis -Monomastiga „ Paramaecidffi Paramscium „ aurelia „ bursaria Paramcecitun caudatum „ chrysalis , coli „ „ „ colpoda cotnpressum cucullus Paramaecium glaucum Paramacium inversum „ kolpoda Paramaecium marinum Paramcecium inicrostomutn „ „ nucleus ovale Paramaecium putrimim Paramacium stomioptycha 765 768 759 „ fusus nionas pulvisculus 262 232 305 505 4S3 483 483 486 4S6 488, 542 578 488 583 538 488 488 537 488 488 367 Paramonas 370 deses „ ovum globosa stellata „ Peranenta globnlosa ,, protracta Peridiniidae Peridinium „ sequale „ apiculatum Peridinium arcticum Carolinianum „ Peridinium chilophrenum 371 370 370 370 225,431 375 441 447 451 449 454 462 corpicsculum 450 446 462 443 „ cypripcdium 61 „ „ depressuin divergens 453 453 Peridinium cinctum cornutum „ „ 456 444 444 455 macroceros 454 442 444 442 449 450 449 449 448 445 444 monadicum Peridinium reticulatum sanguineum „ „ „ spiniferum splendor-maris „ tabulatum Peridinium uberrimum , vorticella „ 511 511 Perispira ovum „ Peritricha Peritromidae 620 758 759 759 Peritromus Emmas „ Peronospora infestans Petalomonas 293 abscissa „ „ erv'iha „ irregularis' mediocanellata sinuata „ „ Petalotricha „ ampulla „ spiralis longicaudus „ „ pleuronectes pyruni , „ triqueter Phalansteriidffi 361 361 Phalansterium consociatum „ digitatum Phalansterium intestinum 362 362 ,, Phascolodon vorticella „ Phialina vermicularis „ „ viridis Phialonema „ cyclostomum Phyllomitus undulans „ Physarum tussilaginis 371 371 372 373 371 372 627 627 629 386 387 386 387 387 Phacus 577 488 488 540 Paramonadidffi „ „ „ „ 455 443 incequale inerine lineatutn „ 35 „ 533 Pantostomata Pantostomata-Dimastiga „ -Polymastiga Pantotrichum lagenula fuscum 534 496 534 534 534 534 534 534 496, 534 534 534 Panophrys chrysalis chrysalis „ 729 729 cothurnoides „ 789 „ „ „ Pachytrocha „ PAGE Peridinium furea 287, 361 745 746 519 519 519 373 373 299 299 470 Physemaria 162 Physomonas 263 264 263 506 489 490 424 508 508 538 538 „ marina ,, sociaUs Pinacocoleps Placus striatus „ Plagiomastix Plagiopogon ,, coleps Plagiopyla ,, Carteri INDEX 9o8 Plagiopyla fiisca nasuta ,, Plagiotoma Plagiotonia acuminata blattarttin „ lateritia „ Plagiotoma lumbrici Plagiotricha affinis „ strenua ,, Planicola „ ingenita Platycola decumbens „ dilatata „ „ gracilis „ longicoUis mollis „ „ regularis „ striata ,, truncata Platytheca „ micropora Pleurochilidium „ strigilatum Pleuromonadidas Pleuromonas jaculans ,, Pleuronema ,, chrj'salis Pleuronema citrcllus Pleuronema coronata Pleuronema crassa ,, cycliditim Pleuronema marina natans „ PleuronemidEe Pleurotricha echinata „ „ grandis lanceolata „ Pleurotricha setifera Ploeotia vitrea Plwsconia affinis charon „ „ longiremis radiosa „ scutum subrotunda „ Podocyathus diadema „ Podophrya ,, „ astaci „ Buckei „ carchesii „ conipes cothurnata ,, Podophrya criistaceorum Podophrya cyclopum „ cylindrica „ elongata „ ferrum-equinum , fixa Podophrya gemmipara Podophrya infundibulifera 539 538 5S3 490 So 585 583 771 772 772 715 717 731 731 731 732 732 731 731 732 732 262 262 540 541 249 24S 249, 270 542 543 545 544 543 545 543 543 542 782 783 782 783 784 317 800 800 800 800 797, 800 Soo 827 827 813 819 822 818 815 815 826 818 814 S20 813 813 823 816 Podophrya infusionum 819 818 814 S16 Leichtensteinii libera „ „ hmbata „ „ „ „ 815 821 Lyngbyi moUis phryganidarum 818 826,827 819 820 Podophrya pusilla Podophrya pyrum „ quadri partita Steinii ,, 815 847 82; 817 224 225 508 859 508, 860 Podophrya Trold truncata Wrzesniowskii „ ,, Podostoma „ filigerum Polykrikos auricularia „ Schwartzii „ Polyoeca dichotoma „ Polystomata 360 360 Polytoma Polytoma ocellata Polytoma uvella Polytoma virens 301 35 304 302 304 301 Polytomidas Poteriodendron petiolatum Preserv'ative Fluid for Infusoria, &c Proaulax Proboscella vermina ,, Prorocentruni 461 „ Hma „ micans 462 461 462 491 492 493 492 Prorocentruni viridis Prorodori „ armatus „ „ edentatus „ griseus margaritifer 493 493 492 492 marinus „ „ niveus ,, teres Prorodontidae 491 858 418 Proterospongia Proteus tenax PROTISTA 44 859 859 Protoceratium aceros „ Protococcus chalybius „ turgidus Protomyxomyces coprinarius Protoperidinium „ pellucidum Protospongia Haeckeli „ Protozoa Pseudospora Pseudospora nitellarum „ „ parasitica volvocis Pseudosporidae Psilotricha „ 278 863 463 549 549 acuminata 381 381 472 859 859 363 363 31 304 237, 304 236,304 304 304 762 762 INDEX 909 PAGE PAGE Ptychostomum paludinarum „ „ ssenuridis Pulsatella convolutas Fycnobryon socialis Pyramimoitas descissus 272 314 313 399 399 375 554 554 7^5 727 rostrata „ Pyrocystis fusiformis Pyrocystis pseudonoctiliica Pyrone?>ia Pyrsonema vertens „ Pyxicola 541 541 541 861 „ affinis „ Carter! „ „ „ „ furcifer 729 727 operculigera 725 pusilla „ socialis 726 726 728 666 pyxidiformis Pyxidium „ cothurnoides „ inclinans 667 667 354 353 352 347 Salpingoeca inquillata longipes marina „ „ minuta „ „ „ napiformis 355 358 349 347 354 346 353 354 oblonga petiolata „ pyxidium „ „ » „ ringens teres „ urceolata Wallichi Steinii tintinnabulum tuba 35' 353 348 342 590 Salpingcecidas Salpisies castanciis „ 59; 750 750 800 778 778 658 659 659 667 658 658 659 Scaphidiodon navicula „ Schisopus norvegicus Schizosiphon socialis „ Scyphidia Radio-Flagellata Radiolaria 225 Raphidomonas 391 40 semen „ Reptomonas caudata „ Fromcntellii inclinans Scyphidia inclinans „ „ 392 223 223 664 665 Scyphidia limacina physarum „ „ rugosa „ brev „ „ „ „ „ longij 666 Sisyridion cochliostoma nebulii 665 Solcnophrya ovum ringens 664 666 crassa „ Sparotricha vexillifer sertulariun 665 Sphaarophrya „ sphEeroides 666 „ hydrostatica 285 „ magna Rhipidodendron „ Huxleyi splendidum „ Rhizo-Flagellata Rhizomonas „ verrucosa Rhodassa grimselina Rhopalura Rhyncheta „ cyclopum 286 285 „ pusilla 661 661 „ octocostata „ quadrangularis 349' „ Boltoni Spiromonas „ curvipes cylindrica „ fusiformis „ gracilis 351 ,, infusionum 356 „ convallaria comuta 10 gemmipara stylonychia; urostylae Sphenomonas ampulla Clarkii Scheutenii tintinnabulum stentorea Spirochona Carter! Clarkii 808 „ sol „ „ „ 343 347 343 259 357 348 358 346 357 350 355 348 346 811 „ „ amphora amphoridium campanula 861 808 810 810 810 809 438 439 439 244 660 660 Spirillum Salpingceca „ „ „ „ „ „ „ Salpingceca Salpingoeca „ 828 828 808 Sphcerophrya paramcscioruvi Sphaerophrya pusilla 220 224 224 412 481 806 806 241 241 501 Scytomonas Rhabdostyla „ angustata distorta „ volubilis „ Spirostomidae Spirostomum „ „ ambiguum teres Spirostomum fihim „ vire7is „ viresccns Spongasteriscus 297 298 298 298 583 586 586 5S6 587 587 587 229 INDEX 9IO PAGE PAGE Spongasteriscus quadricornis tetraceras „ Sponges, Nature and Affinities 143-194 365 228 Spongida Spongocyclia charybdaea „ cycloides „ elliptica „ orthogona ,, 229 229 229 229 229 284 2S6 287 287 288 „ scyllasa Spongomonadidse Spongomonas discus „ „ „ intestinalis sacculus uyella „ Spontaneous Generation Spumella „ Spumella guttula neglecta ienno „ Spumella vivipara Spumella vulgaris Spumellidae Squamulina scopula Stciiiia fcrruginea platy stoma „ Stentor Stentor Stentor Stentor Stentor albus amethystinus anceps auricula Barretti „ Stentor cucullus Stentor Cieruleus Stentor dcformis elegans fimbriatus „ „ „ fusciis Stentor Stentor Stentor Stentor Stentor „ igneus Uliilleri multiformis nanus niger pediculatus „ polymorphus Stentor pygmaus Stentor Rceselii Stentor roseus Stentoridffi Stephanomonadidse Stephanomonas loceUus „ Sterromonas 229 229 288 18-142 305 305 305 305 306 305 305 160 787 787 588 596 861 596 595 593 596 593 596 596 59^ 596 594 590 595 596 594 596 590 407 591 596 588 465 466 466 420 Stichotricha socialis Strombidinopsis „ gyrans Strombidium „ „ acuminatum „ caudatum Biitschlii „ Claparedi „ globosum Strombidiutn polymorphum Strombidium sulcatum turbo „ „ epistyloides Stylobryon insignis Stylobryon petiolatum Stylochona coronata „ nebalina „ appendiciilatus echinata 791 789 783 791 790 macrostyla mytilus pustulata 800 800 31-48 Sub-kingdom Protozoa Sycandra raphanus Sycon ciliatum Syncrypta 180, 181 173 413 413 , volvox „ Synura 411 uvella „ 412 Telotrochidium crateriforme „ Tentaculifera „ Tetramitus 775 776 775 775 777 776 778 777 776 „ „ 791 Styloplotes „ appendiculatus 420 marina remex sccunda his trio lanccolata 421 „ fissiseta formicina „ tardus „ Stylonychia Siylonychia „ Stylonychia Stylonychia „ Stylonychia „ „ Biitschlii „ Stylonethes „ cornuta Stylochrysalis „ parasita Stylocola „ ampulla striata „ „ „ pediculiformis Stichotricha aculeata „ urceolare „ viride „ Strongylidium crassum „ Stylobryon „ Tetraraitidae Stichochceta Stichochceta cornuta ,, „ 778 613 614 633 634 634 635 634 635 582 633 634 634 635 779 779 278 279 278 278 662 663 662 405 405 730 730 730 782 782 790 800 783 478,643 643 40, 801 -Actinaria -Suctoria descissus rostratus sulcatus Tetraselmis cordiformis „ Thuricola „ foUiculata „ „ operculata valvata 846 806 312 313 314 313 314 315 315 718 718 719 718 INDEX ^ PACE Tillina 513 514 611 611 611 magna „ Tintinnidium „ fluviatile „ marinum 612 603 617 617 603 606 606 610,627 609 617,609 616,608 608 607 607 semiciliatum „ Tintinnoda; Tintinnopsis beroidea „ Tintinnus acuminatiis „ „ amphora Tintinnus ampulla Tintinnus annulatus „ campanula „ cinctus „ cothumia „ denticulatus „ Ehrenbergii j 611 Tintinnus Jiuziiatilis Tintinnus helix 60S 604 608 610 605 606 607 610,627 606 605 609 609 609 inquilinus ,, lagenula mediterraneus „ „ mucicola „ „ obliquus quadriUneatus „ Tintinnus spiralis Tintinnus Steenstrupii subulatus „ urnula „ Ussowi „ ventricosus „ Torquatella „ typica Torquatellidee 621 621 621 Trachehida; Trachehus Trachclius anas apiculatutn „ dendrophilus „ A^^ , » globulifer lamella „ „ meleagris Trachclius ovum Trachelius pusillus • stria/us ,, stricla „ teres „ „ trichophora Trachelocerca Trachelocerca biceps „ linguifera Trachelocerca olor „ phoenicopterus Trachelocerca sagitta Trachelocerca tenuicoUis „ 911 versatilis Trachelocerca viridis Trachelocercidce Trachelomonas acuminata „ Trachelomonas areolata Trachelomonas arniata 522 522 525 502 378, 523 527 431 529 526 522 503 522 529 521 376, 523 514 515 515 515 516 516 517 516 515 514 388 391 391 390 Trachelomonas aspera Trachelomonas bulla 391 391 391 caudata „ „ cylindrica „ eury stoma hispida „ „ 390 390 390 389 390 389 389 lagenella Trachelomonas nigricans Trachelomonas rugulosa volvocina „ Trachelophyllida; Trachelophyllum apiculatum pusillum „ „ Tremella primiformis Trepomonadida; Trepomonas agilis ,, Trichoda Trichoda athiopica ; 502 502 502 503 736 300 300 248,300 535 „ ambigua 536 519 ,, a>'as 525 „ angulata „ asiatica 536 536 536 800 800 Trichoda carnium Trichoda char 071 Trichoda cimex M"„ „ fa:ta „ g'bba grandinella index „ inquilinus ,, i> 8'3 767 767 632 525 603 536 751 587 „ nasamomum „ navicula „ patula „ „ paxillus 511 pellionella 786 536 780 Trichoda pirum Trichoda piscis Trichoda pura Jrichoda transfuga versatilis „ Trichodina baltica „ „ digitodiscus Trichodina grandinella Trichodina pediculus scorpasna „ „ Steinii Trichodina tentaculata „ 1/oh'OX „ vorax Trichodinopsidae Trichodinopsis „ paradoxa Trichogaster „ pilosus Trichomonas „ batrachorum Trichomonas hirsuta Trichomonas limacis 'Trichomonas locellus „ minima Trichomonas vaginalis 535 797 516 645 649 649 632 646 649 648 640 632 746 614 614 614 764 764 308 308 466 309 466 466 309 INDEX 912 Trichonema 469 469 468 552 hirsuta „ Trichonemids Trichonympha 552 agilis 551 811 812 811 TrichonymphidK Trichophrj'a digitata „ „ epistylidis Trichophrya Ophrydii Trichopus „ dysteria Trimastigidae Trimastix marinus „ Trochilia „ marina „ palustris „ polonica sigmoides „ Tropidocyathus octocostatus Tropidocyphus Trypanosoma Eberthi „ „ sanguinis Trypanosomata Undulina ranarum Urceolaria mitra „ Urceolariidae Urceolus Alenizini Urnula „ epistylidis Urocentrum turbo „ Uroglena volvox „ Uroleptus 219 219 218 219 649 650 645 857 807 807 641 476,641 414 414 779 ,, agilis 781 „ „ gibbus 780 mobilis 781 „ musculus 779 780 780 „ „ „ piscis rattulus violaceus Uronema marinum „ Uronychia „ transfuga Urostyla „ flavicans „ „ viridis „ Weissii grandis Urotricha farcta „ „ lagenula Uvella Uvella chamcemoriis „ disjuncia „ „ 813 758 758 307 312 312 756 757 757 757 757 439 438 218 »va -direscens Vaginicola 781 546 546 797 797 764 766 765 765 764 504 505 505 Vaginicola attenuata „ crj'stallina Vaginicola decumbeiis Vaginicola gigantea „ globosa „ grandis inclinata „ „ ingenita tincta „ „ ciliata Vibrio Vibrio cygtms 515 515 515 o'lor ,, „ proteus verminus Volvox vegetans „ 548, 550 267 667 Vorticella alba „ Vorticella ampulla 676 598 701 689 680 688 712 675 678 686 678 681 682 anastatica „ annularis „ Vorticella aperta „ appuncta Vorticella berberina Vorticella brevi sty la „ „ „ ,, „ „ „ „ Vorticella Vorticella Vorticella Vorticella „ „ „ „ campanula chlorostigma citrina communis constricta convallaria crassicaulis cratera cyathina 686 676 679 644 677 689 dilatata 681 dubia 676 686 crateriformis cucuUus elongata fasciculata 681 fluvialis 676 719 680 Vorticella folliculata „ gemella Vorticella globularia „ gracilis hamata „ Vorticella hians „ „ inclinans infusionum Vorticella longitilum mamillata „ „ margaritifera Vorticella margaritata Vorticella marina 681 675 678 557, 690 659 684 677 682 6S2 688 monilata „ Vorticella multangula 685 688 683 688 686 „ multiformis nasuta „ Vorticella nebulifera 639 673 „ microscopica 267 341 „ microstoma 714 731 716 716 716 717 717 716 718 717 714 613 613 244 Vaginicola valvata Vaginicola vestita Vaginicolina Vasicola 406 267 412 717 715 595 INDEX 913 PAGE Vorticella nutans „ , patellina picta Vorticella polymorphus „ Vorticella polypina procumbens „ putrinum Vorticella pyri/ormis „ pyrum Vorticella quadrangularis Vorticella ringens Vorticella spectabilis „ sphcerica 679 679 PAGB Zoothamnium „ „ 675 „ 591 691 685 685 659 698 alternans arbuscula aseUi 695 Cienkowskii dichotomum „ elegans „ „ „ „ gleniscum macrostylum niarinum niveuni telescopica Vorticella vaginata versatilis ,, 6S7 681 684 677 605 736 \'orticellidae 654 Zoothamnium simplex Zoothamnium spirale Vorticellina 657 Zygoselmidffi Wagnerella cylindrocotiica 639 „ „ striata 694 698 700 696 697 699 697 699 700 694 698 698 699 695 700 carcini „ „ „ 680 684 659 affine „ nutans „ „ parasita pictum Zoothamniutn pluinosiiin 695 416 417 417 417 Zygoselmis Zoothamnium „ „ insequalis ncbulosa 693 G ... sub-kingdom * Tlie near the structural plan of the lower Turbellaria is approach of the Ciliate Infusoria to ' of Invertebrated Animals, ed by Professor Huxley at p 678 of his Anatomy two parts communication... Metschnikoff,* copied in F M Balfour's Comparative Embryology,' and herewith reproduced, of the segmentation of the ovum of the Rose Aphis, Aphis rosa Fig in this series is ' A of the segmentation of. .. scheme of classification of the CUiata,* reproduced at page 210 of vol i., the order of the Holotricha is, exclusive of the Opalinidse, subdivided into the four minor groups or families only of the