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TRANSACTIONS AND PROCEEDINGS Iuj OF THE * NEW ZEALAND INSTITUTE 1885 VOL (Flrst of XVIII New Sebies) EDITED AND PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE INSTITUTE BY JAMES HECTOR, C.M.G., M.D., F.R.S Issued May, 1886 WELLINGTON LYON & BLAIR, PRINTERS, LAMBTON QUAY TRUBNER & CO., 57 & 59, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.C PREFACE The present volume commences actions of the New size of the to An octavo the volume for the of Authors members series of the " for Trans- convenience page has been reduced from royal alphabetical index has also been added to first and Subjects, stitute the first series, to all new Zealand Institute," in which, and economy, the demy a time A General Alphabetical Index for the seventeen volumes which con- has been prepared, and will be presented of the Institute along with this volume J H S &\c & L * CONTENTS TRANSACTIONS I — Miscellaneous pages Akt I II The Maori By E Tregear On the Stone Weapons of the Moriori and the Maori By Professor Julius von Haast, C.M.G., in Asia •• Ph.D.,F.R.S Notes on the Difference in Food Plants now used by Civilized Man as compared with those used in Prehistoric Times By W T L Travers, F.L.S IV The Building Timbers of Auckland By Edward 3—24 24—30 III Bartley, Architect Description of the New Volcano in the Friendly Islands, near Tongatabu By the Rev S W 37 — 41 Baker, Premier of Tonga The Maori Language, with Remarks on the Reform of English Spelling By James Coutts Craw- — 46 V VI A ford, F.G.S VII 41 46—58 The Non-Euclidian Geometry Vindicated: a Reply to Mr Skey By F W Frankland, F.I.A VIII On a New Form of Seismograph II IX 30—37 On an Index F Bull By 58—69 69—71 — Zoology small Collection for Zoological Museums, in the Form of a Genealogical Tree of the Animal Kingdom By T Jeffery Parker, B.Sc, Professor of Biology in the University of Otago, and Curator of the University Museum - X Notes on a Skeleton of Notornis, recently acquired by the Otago University Museum By T Jeffery Parker, B.Sc, C.M.Z.S XI Remarks on the Feathers of two Species of Moa By Taylor White Observations XII Notes on New Zealand Ornithology on Pogonornis cincta (Dubus), Stitch-bird {Tiora) By A Reischek, F.L.S XIII Notes on New Zealand Ornithology Observations on Procellaria parkinsoni (Grey) Brown Petrel By A Reischek (Taiko) XIV Observations on Gould's Petrel (Hutton), Procellaria gouldi (Ohi), their Habits and Habitats By A Reischek XV Observations on Cook's Petrel (Grey), Procellaria cooki {Ti Ti), their Habits and Habitats By A Reischek ., , — 78 73 78—82 83—84 : 84—87 : ; 87—90 90—91 —93 92 323 80 Contents VI Art XVI Observations on Puffinus gavius (Forst.), Eain-bird (Hakoakoa), their Habits and Habitats By A Eeischek XVII Observations on Puffinus assimilis (Gould), Totorore, their Habits and Habitats By A Eeischek XVHI Observations on the Habits of New Zealand Birds, or Destructiveness to the their Usefulness Country By A Eeischek XIX Notes on the Habits of some New Zealand Birds By A Eeischek communicated by Professor Parker XX Observations on Sphenodon punctatum, Fringe-back Lizard (Tuatard) By A Eeischek XXI Notes on the Habits of the Polecat, Ferret, Mongoose, Stoat, and Weasel By A Eeischek XXH The Protection of Native Birds By Hugh Martin XXIII Notes on the Bones of a Species of Sphenodon (S diversum, Col.), apparently distinct from the By William Colenso, species already known pages - 93 — 97 95 —96 96— 104 ; XXIV A F.L.S List of the Native Birds of the Petane District, Hawke's Bay, with Notes and Observations By A Hamilton, of Petane XXV A remarkable 105-107 108—110 — 112 110 112—117 118—123 123—128 New Zealand Pigeon (Carpophaga novce-zealandice), with Eeferences to previous Notices By T W Kirk XXVI Notice of an Instance of Abnormal Colouring in Platyceicus auriceps, with Eecord of previous Notices of similar Variations By T W Kirk 129 XXVII On the Habits of Ocydromvs aiisPralis By W W Variety of the Smith ; communicated by Dr F.E.S XXVIII Duck (A and Grey Duck bosclius) — 130 C.M.G., Buller, 131-134 Common Hybrid Ducks, bred from Description of 129 (A super- By Taylor White, Glengarrie, Napier 134 a large Sun-Fish (Orthagoriscus mola, L.), recently captured at Napier, Hawke's Bay By ciliosa) — 135 XXIX Note on A Hamilton, of Petane XXX On a new Species of Chromodoris F.L.S By 135 — 136 T F Cheese- 137 man, XXXI On a new Paper-Nautilus (Argonauta bulleri) By T W Kirk 138-131) XXXII Description of a new Pill-Millipede By T W Kirk 139—140 XXXIII Critical List of the Crustacea Mahwostraca of New Zealand By Geo M Thomson, F.L.S., and Chas Chilton, M A new Species of Philygria By Chas Chilton, M.A XXXIV A XXXV Description 141—159 159—161 New Zealand of Micro-lepidoptera By E Meyrick B.A 162—183 XXXVI Notes on Nomenclature of New Zealand Geometrina E B.A 184 By Meyrick, XXXVII On the Spiders of New Zealand By A T Urquhart 184—205 XXXVIII Description of Diadema nerina By E J Kingsley 205—208 XXXIX Life History of Epyaxa rosearia, Dbld By A Purdie, M.A 208—209 so-called Vegetable Caterpillar of New Zealand By A Hamilton, of Petane 209 the Metamorphosis of the Caddis Fly By G V XL Notes on the -213 213—214 XLI On Hudson ., Contents Art XLII On some Specimens vii Vorticellce, collected in the of pages By T W Kirk, neighbourhood of Wellington 215 Assistant, Geological Survey Department III XLIII A Description of —217 —Botany some newly-discovered Cryptogamic Plants, being a further Contribution towards the making known the Botany of New Zealand By W Colenso, F.L.S of some newly-discovered and rare Indigenous Plants, being a further Contribution towards the making known the Botany of New Zealand By W Colenso brief List of some British Plants (Weeds) lately noticed, apparently of recent Introduction into this part of the Colony, with a few Notes thereon 219—255 XLIV A Description XLV A By W Colenso 256—287 288—290 XL VI On Clianthus puniceus, Sol By W Colenso 291—295 XL VII Description of new Species of Native Plants By D Petrie, XL VIII On M.A By K M the Classification of the Alga 296—298 Laing, M.A 299—302 XLIX Observations on the Fucoidea of Banks Peninsula 303—311 By B M Laing L On the Growth of Transplanted Trees By J 311—314 Baber, C.E LI Description of three new Species of Coprosma By T F Cheeseman, F.L.S 315—317 LII On Cyttaria purdiei, Buch By John Buchanan, F.L.S 317 LIII Additional Contributions to the Flora of the Nelson 318—324 Provincial District By T Kirk, F.L.S LIV On a new Variety of Desmid By W M Maskell, F.R.M.S IV LV On the Geology F W — Geology Scinde Island Hutton, F.G.S LVI New Species 325 of By Captain of Tertiary Shells By Captain F 327—332 W 333—335 Hutton, F.G.S System By Captain F W Hutton, F.G.S 336—367 the Age of the Napier Limestone By A McKay 367—374 LVIL The Wanganui LVIII On V —Astronomy LIX The Total Eclipse of the Sun of the 9th September, being a Digest of Communications to the Institute on the subject • 375 394 Maintenance of the Sun's Heat (Abstract of a 394—399 Lecture) By Professor F D Brown 1885 — : LX The VI LXI On new Mineral W Skey a — Chemistry (Awaruite) from Barn Bay LXII On Platinum Crystals in the Ironsands Goldfield By W S Hamilton of , By 401—402 Orepuki ,.402—404 Contents viii NEW ZEALAND INSTITUTE PAGES Seventeenth Annual Beport ., Accounts 407 —408 408 PEOCEEDINGS WELLINGTON PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY Notice Notice Notice Notice of of an Ancient Maori Kite Helix hochstetteri an Auriferous Pinolite of of Occurrence of a Bonita Old Books exhibited and Turtle 411 411 411 made by Mr Notice of a Geological Collection from Kaikoura, McKay 411 411 411 411—412 Manihera exhibited, and remarks 412 Presentation to Mr John Buchanan, F.L.S Suggestion as to Uniformity of Expression in the Transactions 412 By A de B Brandon Portrait of 413 Notice of a Trout caught in the Silverstream Nomination of Member to vote in election of Governors of N.Z Institute 413 On the Coniferous Plants in the Botanic Gardens at Wellington By J Buchanan, F.L.S Notice of a Trout caught in the Hutt Biver Notice of Fourcroya longceva Notice of Geological Collection from the Bounty and Antipodes Islands and Campbell Island Notes on an Ancient Map of New Zealand Abstract of Annual Beport Beport of the Microscopic Section Journey to Murimotu and Ascent Election of Officers for 1886 of By Buapehu J Park 414 414 414 414 414 414 415 415 415 AUCKLAND INSTITUTE Abstract of Anniversary Address by the President New Species of Carabidce By Captain T Broun Objections to the Theory of Evolution By J Buchanan Notice of the Death of Mr J T McKelvie The Sphyginograph By J Murray Moore, M.D Prehistoric Weapons By J Martin, F.G.S The Influence of the Means of Transit on the Social Condition the People By S Vaile The Minerals of the Cape Colville Peninsula By J A Pond Notice of Maori Carved House in the Museum Keference to a new Volcano in the Friendly Islands Lane The Survival of the Fittest Abstract of Beport for 1885 Election of Officers for 1886 By E A Mackechnie By W 416 — 419 419 41-9 419 420 420 of 420 421 421 S 421 422—423 423 PHILOSOPHICAL INSTITUTE OF CANTEBBURY Letter from the Widow of Dr von Hochstetter Lucretius By Professor Haslam Buddha and his Philosophy By G Hogben , , , , 424 424 424 Contents ix PAGES River Terraces By Professor F W Hutton Thought Transference By R M Laing, M.A The Stone Age in Europe By Professor F W Hutton 424 425 425 Annual Report 426 426 • Election of Officers for 1886 The Role af Phosphorus in Nature By the President Moas and Moa-hunters By Professor J von Haast, C.M.G., - •• •• Ph.D., F.R.S • • • 426 OTAGO INSTITUTE Protest against the Exportation of Tuataras On the Preparation of Vegetable Tissues By G M Thomson and Professor Parker On Explosives By Professor Scott Description of a new Species of Accena By D Petrie, M.A On Inebriety, and the Duty of the State with regard to Inebriates By Dr de Zouche Resolution regarding the Publication of a new Handbook of the 427 427 427 428 Phanerogamic Flora On of New Zealand Liudo Ferguson • • By • 428 428 • Bones and Teeth of Sections of the Preparation Dr 428 428 428 428 On the Preparation of Rock Sections By Professor Ulrich Notice of Trout from Lake Wakatipu By Professor Parker On the Early History of New Zealand By Dr Hocken Regarding Evolution the Previous Question of Science By Rev Dr Macgregor Notice of Exhibits for the Colonial and Indian Exhibition By Professor Parker Abstract of Annual Report Election of Officers for 1886 Abstract of Address by the Retiring President 429 429 429 429 429—431 WESTLAND INSTITUTE Abstract of Annual Report Election of Officers for 1885-86 482 432 HAWKE'S BAY PHILOSOPHICAL INSTITUTE On the Rev J Pearson's Method of Computing Solar Eclipses and Occultations By J Harding Notice of Neobalcena nuirginata, Stenorhynchus leptonyx, Hammer Shark, and Fossils from Takapau the Solar Eclipse By T Tanner the Solar Eclipse By R C Harding Notices of Phasma, Epiodon, Balmnoptera rostrata, Coronula aurita and Conchoderma balcenaris, On the various Legends and Stories current among the Maoris to the Sea and Sea Monsters W F.L.S Calenso, relating By Notice of a Flying-Fish, and of Fossils from the Upper Mohaka On the Early Discovery of Moa Bones in New Zealand, and their On On By Mr Hamilton Identification 433 433 433 433 134 434 434 Notice of Moa Bones from the North Island By W Colenso, F.L.S On some other Extinct Birds, more particularly the Dodo and tne Great Auk On the Study of Natural History By Mr Hamilton Abstract of Annual Report Election of Officers for 1886 433 434 434 435 435 435 Contents X SOUTHLAND INSTITUTE PAGES 436 436 436 436 436 436 436 436 436 436 Abstract of Annual Eeport On Sound By A Ireland On the Geology of the Bluff District By W S Hamilton On Optical Illusions By G Baker On Romance and Sensationalism By Rev H Stoeker On Respiration By D Macpherson On Encrinites and Crinoids By E Webber On Blood, and the Circulation By Dr CIoss On Population By A Ireland Election of Officers for 1886 NELSON PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY Abstract of Annual Report Election of Officers for 1885-86 A Rain Chart for the Year By the Bishop of Nelson Nomination of a Member to vote for a Governor of the Zealand Institute On •• • • • • • By 437 437 437 New Telegraphy By J C Lockley Description of the Stalactite Caves at Collingwood Browning •• J 437 437 S • • 437 APPENDIX 441 442 443 444 445 Meteorological Statistics for 1885 Notes on the Weather during 1885 Earthquakes reported in New Zealand during 1885 Honorary Members of the New Zealand Institute Ordinary Members of the New Zealand Institute List of Institutions and Individuals to whom this Volume Preface Contents List of Plates of Governors of the New Zealand Institute Abstract of Rules and Statutes of the New Zealand Institute Board List of Incorporated Societies Officers of Incorporated Societies, is 460 465 presented Alphabetical Index and Extracts from the Rules 454 Appendix Maunsell, Dr McGregor, Prof., M.A McArthur, J A McGregor, John, C.E McKerrow, J., Wellington McLean, Hon Geo., M.L.C McDonald, Dr W McCaw, McLeod, Melland, Dr., Mosgiel Jas Edward Moore, Geo H Right Rev Bishop, D.D Oliver, Hon Richard, M.L.C Orbell, M L., Waikouaiti Nevill, M.A.* Purdie, A C Paulin, R Peattie, R., Parker, Prof., B.Sc Rattray, Jas Reynolds, Hon W H., M.L.C Roberts, John Ross, David Russell, G G Reid, John, Elderslie, Oamaru Roseby, Rev Thomas, D.D Reid, Geo Sievwright, B Sise, G L Seymour, B P Thomson, G M., F.L.S.* W Ulrich, Prof., F.G.S Ramsay, Keith M M.A Shand, Prof., M.A Shennan, Watson, Waipahi Scott, Admiral R A E., R.N Hanson Twopenny, E N Thomson, J C Prince, Walter Quick, E C Sale, Prof., M.D Sparrow, R S Salmond, Rev Prof., D.D Taylor, Turton, M.A Ritchie, T Strode, E C Spence, E J Smith, W C Shaw, J L Scott, Prof., McLaren, R Petrie, D., Skey, H Smith, James Stewart, A Stewart, W D., M.H.R Stout, Hon Robert, M.H.R Ure, A R Wales, N Y A Walter, H J Wilkie, James Wilson, Alex., M.A Williams, Mr Justice* Welsh, J S., Akaroa Wilson, R White, John White, David Wohlers, Rev J F H., Ruapuke* Watson, Mungo Woods, L B., Port Chalmers Wood, James H., Oamaru WESTLAND INSTITUTE Allen, Jno Aitken, Alex Chesney, Jas Churches, Jos Atkinson, M Cleary, M M Clarke, F E Clarke, F J Cross, Robert Arrow, W H Blake, H A Bonar, J A Batten, Miss Banks, W D Barnett, Jos Campbell, James Collins, Dr Duncan, Wm 455 List of Members Moss, M L McFarlane, Thomas McDonald, D Maher, John Mandel, Jos Dixon, E B Dignan, P L Douglas, Bev Douthwaite, W Daws, J Emerson, Mrs Nightingale, F Northcroft, L Paterson, G A Purkiss, M Pearson, James Eckman, F Evans, James Fowler, W Folley, Wm L Foreman, H Gibson, E Giles, Jos Perry, William Pizzey, Samuel Rich, E F Green, Thomas Gosson, B Harvey, H Bichardson, Boberts, G Balf, Mrs Hay, W T Bae, Miss Shrimpton, J South, M F Honeywell, Thomas Johnstone, W G Jack, McL W Eortegast, W J C Kellock, John Kerr, G Smythe, N Scanlan, T Smith, J Thomas Treloar, Trice, F Lewis, J B Martin, Bev Virtue, John Williams, Jos Williams, Willi ;m Mueller, G Manson, John Maunders, John Weber, J Wilson, William Malfroy, J McBeth, J W J J HA WEE'S BAY PHILOSOPHICAL INSTITUTE [* Life Members.] H L Baker, H Baker, H J., Hastings Allen, J Balfour, D P., Glenross Balfour, T W Banner, H A Beamish, N E., Okawa Bell, M S Biedermann, J S., London Birch, A S., Patea Birch, W J., Hastings W B Bowerman, J Blythe, N Campbell, H., Poukawa Caro, J S Carlile, J Carnell, S W Carr, J T Chambers, J., Te Mata Chambers, J., jun., Te Mata Chambers, W K., Poverty Bay Coleman, J H Colenso, W Cornford, H A Craig, J W De Lisle, F I Dennan, J J Dinwiddie, J 456 Appendix Dinwiddie, P Dobson, R Donnelly, J P., Crissoge Duncan, R J Edwards, C H Evers, Miss M., Auckland Faulkner, J., Hastings Fryer, J A Fulton, F Gannon, M J., Poverty Bay Gilberd, H J., Taradale Glass, B Wairoa Gollan, D Gollan, K., Tamumu Goodall, J Gosnell, Mrs L., Wairoa Gow, P., Waipukurau Grant, J., Buataniwha Hamilton, A., Petane Hardcastle, John Harding, J., Mount Vernon Harding, R., Mount Vernon Harding, R C Hardy, S W., Hampden Heath, N Heslop, W., Taradale H Hindmarsh, McLean, R D kaho McLean, P S McVay, J D., Maraeka- Meinertzhagen,F H., England* Miller, M R Mirbach, R von, Waipawa Moorhouse, E., England Morrison, T Mulvihill, A D., Hawera Nairn, C J., Pourerere Nairn, H., Liston, Wairoa Nairn, J., Pourerere Newton, T K Norton, C J., Taupo Ormond, G., Mahia Ormond, J D Paterson, J G Penty, R., Wairoa Preece, G A Price, R Rainbow, W., Hastings Reardon, C W., Gisborne Rochfort, J Russell, W R., Hastings Scannell, D., Taupo W., Pourerere Sheath, A P Scott, Hill, J, Hi tchings, T Holder, H R Sidey, Sidey, Holt, J Hovell, De Berdt Simcox, F E T., Porangahau Hutchinson, M Irvine, W T James Thomas Spackman, W Spencer, Stewart, W J., I Takapau Joseph, Brother Stuart, E Kennedy, C D Kinross, J G Stubbs, J H Sturm, F W Kirker, J., Adelaide Swan, G H Knowles, E W Large, James S Large, John T., Wairoa Large, Miss L Lee, G E Tanner, T., River slea Tanner, E D., Riverslea Lessong, L Livesey, J N Locke, S Taylor, C, Bishop of Waiapu W C, Clive S Thomson, A B Tiffen, H S Tiffen, G W., Puhatikotiko, Gisborne Luff, A., Wellington Torre, J J Trestrail, Mrs., Macdonald, A V Tuke, Ed Waipukurau 457 List of Members Tylee, H Vautier, J H Walker, E T Warren, W H., Wanganui Webb, A S., Ormondville Weber, C H Wbite, J Taylor, Herbertville Wbite, W K Wbite, G Williams, G Williams, H Williams, J N., Hastings Willis, G., Wellington Wilson, H C Wilson, J N Winter, C B Yardin, F., Meanee Ziegel, L SOUTHLAND INSTITUTE Anderson, John Hanan, Josiah A Bailey, George Brodrick, E H Henderson, A C Brown, John Instone, Matthew Kerr, Angus Ireland, Alex Bennett, T B Borrowman, James Basstian, Christopher, sen Baker, George C Bain, Minnie Brodrick, J W Carswell, Hugh John C Moir, Esther, E S Ferguson, Eev John Feldwick, Henry Froggatt, George Galbraith, Dr James Greig, J B Grigor, Dr W P Gilbertson, Charles Gammell, John Hamilton, W S Harvey, James, F.E.G.S Hall, W Y H Hannah, James E Henry, Eev James Hay, John Hain, James W H W G Macdonald, Thomas M Morgan, F G Mussen, Henry G Mackintosh, James McLeod, Eoderick Martin, John Tice McLean, Charles MacGoun, E M McArdell, John Denniston, Thomas Drabble, Fredk Daniel, Peter F Hoctor, Dr Lumsden, George Mehaffey, Conyers, Wm Closs, Dr John Cuthbertson, E F Dawson, A F Ellis, Kingsland, John Kingsland, John B W S Macpherson, Dr James Macpherson, John McLean, Henry Niven, E C Neill, John Eattray, E H Eoyds, John S Eowe, W A Eobertson, W E Eussell, William Scandrett, Wm B Stocker, Eev Harry Salter, Henry Scrutton, Alex Thompson, Fredk W Thomson, Janet Thomson, Margaret 458 Appendix Thomson, Patricia Thomson, John Tanner, Cyril Wade, Fredk Wood, Thomas L Williams, Henry C Wakelin, T W Vaugh, Young, Young, Young, Watson, Thomas Webber, Edmund White, Andrew Woodward, Frank Thomas Andrew Dr James William NELSON PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY [* Life Members.] Akers, J Barfield Gillow, George AnceU, W C Andrew, Rev Grant, D Green, Charles Greenfield, A J G Atkinson, A S Atkinson, W E Bain, A W Bannehr, — Bayfield, A D Bethwaite, W Bigley, R G Bishop of Nelson Blackett, G Black, W Blundell, J H Boor, Dr L Bowen, Webb C Branfill, Col B A Broad, Judge Browning, J S Burns, David Campbell, J Catley, J T Cock, J H Cock, H Coleman, Dr Curtis, W S Dillberg, G Gully, J., jun Hackworth, Vernon Harkness, James Hamilton, Harley, C J — Harling, C Heaps, W Hodgson, William Holloway, J Honeywill, E W Hudson, Dr J Jackson, Ralph Jackson, H D Johns, Israel Jones, Rev F Innes Jones, C Kingsley, R T Ledger, H Leggatt, Dr Lewis, Rev H J Lightband, G W Lightband, Martin Lightfoot, William Dodson, H Edgar, Miss EUlott, A Farrer, W E Littlejohn, J Lockley, J C Fearnley, M Fell, C Y Mackay, T Marsden, J Martin, H Meeson, J Moore, Rev L Field, H Field, T., jun Field, T ' Locking, Dr Macartney, Mrs 459 Last of Members Moore, Edward Mules, Archdeacon McDonald, D Scott, T Oldham, W Oldham, J Snodgrass, Pitt, Albert Shephard, Hon Joseph Sigley, J J Somerville, A K Stone, W Tatton, A W Eichmond, Hon J C Eichmond, Alfred Eowe, W E Tatton, J Saxon, Buller Saxton, Conrad Sealy, Dr W Scaife, A A Turnbull, A Walcott, Col Wells, W Wilson, James Sclanders, J Winton, D Thompson, F A 466 Appendix LIST OF INSTITUTIONS AND INDIVIDUALS THIS VOLUME TO WHOM PBESENTED BY THE GOVERNORS OP THE NEW ZEALAND INSTITUTE IS His Excellency the Governor, President of the Governors of the Institute (eleven) Honorary Members (thirty) The The The The The The The The The The The The Institute Prime Minister Colonial Colonial Minister Minister Secretary Treasurer of Lands for Public Works Postmaster-General Attorney- General Under-Secretary for the Colony Legislative Council House of Eepresentatives Colonial Office, London Agent-General, London Messrs Triibner and Co (Agents), 57, Ludgate Hill, London British Museum, London Linnean Society, London Koyal Society, London Royal Geographical Society, London Royal Asiatic Society, London Eoyal Society of Literature of the United Kingdom Royal Colonial Institute, London Geological Society, London Zoological Society, London Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, London Geological Survey of the United Kingdom, London " Geological Magazine," London " Geological Record," London Editor of " Nature," London " Zoological Record," London Philosophical Society of Leeds, England Literary and Philosophical Society, Liverpool, England Norfolk and Norwich Naturalist Society, Norwich, England University Library, Oxford, England List of Free Copies 461 University Library, Cambridge, England School Library Committee, Eton, England School Library Committee, Harrow, England School Library Committee, Rugby, England Natural History Society, Marlborough College, England Royal Society, Edinburgh Royal Botanic Garden Library, Edinburgh Geological Society, Edinburgh University Library, Edinburgh Philosophical Society of Glasgow Royal Irish Academy, Dublin Royal Society, Dublin Asiatic Society of Bengal, Calcutta Geological Survey of India, Calcutta Geological Survey of Canada, Montreal Canadian Institute, Toronto Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, Canada East Royal Society of New South Wales, Sydney Linnean Society of New South Wales, Sydney Public Library, Sydney Library of Australian Museum, Sydney University Library, Sydney Royal Society of Victoria, Melbourne Public Library, Melbourne University Library, Melbourne Geological Survey of Victoria, Melbourne Legislative Library, Adelaide Royal Society of South Australia, Adelaide University Library, Adelaide Public Library of Tasmania, Hobart Royal Society of Tasmania, Hobart Free Public Library, Capetown Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C Geological Survey of U.S Territory, Washington, D.C American Geographical Society, New York American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia American Institute of Mining Engineers, Philadelphia Franklin Institute, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences Library, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, Buffalo Academy of Natural Sciences, San Francisco Academy of Natural Sciences, Davenport, Iowa Harvard College, Cambridge, Massachusetts Royal Society of Literature and Arts of Belgium, Brussels Royal Imperial Institute for Meteorology and Earth Magnetism, Hohe-Warte, Vienna Jahrbuch der Kaiserlich-koniglichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt, Vienna 462 Appendix Botanical Society of the Province of Brandenburg, Berlin Dr Bastian, Berlin Imperial German Academy of Naturalists, Dresden Physico-economic Society of Konigsberg, E Prussia Verein fur vaterladische Naturkunde in Wiirttemburg, Stuttgart B Accademia dei Lincei, Borne Imperial Museum of Florence Boyal Geographical Society of Italy, Florence Tuscan Natural Science Society, Pisa Editor of "Cosmos," Turin Academy of Science, Modena Boyal Academy of Science, Stockholm National Library, Paris Societe de Geographie, Paris Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, U.S.A Naturhistorischer Verein in Bonn Society of Natural Sciences, Batavia Societe des Sciences de Finlande, Helsingfors North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers, Newcastle-upon-Tyne Clifton College, England Victoria Institute, London Institution of Civil Engineers, London National Library, Honolulu Natural History Society, Glasgow Bedaktion des Biologischen Centralblatts, Erlangen University of Christiania, Norway Bergen Museum, Norway Boyal Library, Berlin Ornithological Society, Vienna Natural History Society, Angers Dr Lutkin, Copenhagen M Teyler, Haarlem Boston Society of Natural History, U.S.A Hamilton Association, Canada Connecticut Academy, U.S.A Imperial Society of Naturalists, Moscow Second Geological Survey of Pennsylvania Orto e Museco Botanico (B Instituto di Studi Superiori in Firenze) Libraries cend Societies in New Zealand Library, Auckland Institute Library, Hawke's Bay Philosophical Institute Library, Wellington Philosophical Society Library, Nelson Philosophical Society List of Free Copies Library, Library, Library, Library, Westland Institute Philosophical Institute of Canterbury Otago Institute Southland Institute General Assembly Library Library, New Zealand Institute Library, University College, Auckland Library, University College, Christchurch Library, University College, Dunedin Publishing Branch Editor Assistant Editor Draftsman (two copies) Lithographer Government Printer Photo -lithographer 463 INDEX Carpophyllum maschalocarpum, 310 Cheeseman, T F., 137, 315 Accena, 478 Address, Auckland, 416 Aeppli, Dr., 33 ; Otago, 429 Algce, Classification of the, 299 Alpine Parrakeet, 98 AnatidcB, 103 Aneura, 251 Anthoceros, 254 Anthus novce-zealandice, 102 Antipodes Islands, 414 Anisoplaca, 171 Apteryx, 103 Ardea, 99 Argonauta bulleri, 138 Arthropodium, 275 Aryan Maori, 3, Athene albifacies, 97 Athene novce-zealandice, 97 Atkinson, A S., 375 Attus, 202 Auckland Institute, 416 Australina, 266 Awaruite, 401 Chilton, Charles, M.A., 141, 159 Chromodoris, new species, 137 Chudleigh, E R., 25 Circus gouldi, 97 Clianthus puniceus, 291 Coleman, A., 375 Colenso, W., 118, 219, 256, 291 Coniferous Plants, 441 Conopomorpha, 183 " Cooke's Voyages in 1708-11," 411 Cook's Petrel, 92 heteroCoprosma rufescens, 261; phylla, 263; tenuifolia, areolata, 315 petriei, 316 Cordiceps, 212 Cotula, 295 Cow in Maori, 15 Crawford, J C, 46 Creadion, 102 Crow, 102 Orange-wattled, 106 Crustacea malacostraca, 141 ; ; Cryptogamic Plants, newly discovered, 219 Cuculidce, 102 B Baber, J., 311 Baker, Bev S W., 41 Barn Bay, New Mineral from, 401 Bartley, E., 37 Birds of Petane District, 123 Black, Prof., 427 Black Woodhen, 105 Bonita, 411 Brandon, A deB., 412 British Weeds, Introduction of, 288 Brown, Prof F D., 394 Brown Petrel, 87 Buchanan, J., 317, 412, 414, 419, 422 Buddha, 424 Building Timbers of Auckland, 37 Bull, F., 69 Caddis Fly, Metamorphosis of, 213 Canary, New Zealand, 102 Canterbury Philosophical Society, 424 Cape Colville, Minerals of, 421 Carex berggreni, 297 Carpophaga novce-zealandice, 103, 129 30 Cyathophorum, 226 Cyttaria purdiei, Buch., 317 D Desmid, 325 De Zouche, Dr., 428 Diadema nerina, 205 Dobson, E H., Maori Stone Implement found by, 29 Ducks, 103 D'Urvillea utilis, 308 Dysporus serrator, 99 E Earina, 267 Earthquakes, 1885, 443 Eccles, Major, Trout caught by, in Silverstream, 413 general Eclipse of the Sun, 375 description, 376; temperature, 381 of bands or 385 corona, light, rays 388 305 Ectocarpus siliculosus, Ecklonia radiata, 306 ; ; ; 466 Index Epinal Glossary, 411 F.pyaxa rosearia, 208 Eudyptes, 100 European and Maori Languages, 17 Evans, 414 Evolution, 419, 429 Fantail, 102 Fenton, F D., 421 Ferguson, Dr Lindo, 428 Ferret, Habits of, 110 Flora of Nelson District, 318 Food Plants used by Civilized Man, 30 Fossombronia, 248, 285 Fourcroya longava, 414 Frankland, F W., 58 Fucoidece of Banks Peninsula, 303 G Gahnia, 278 Gannet, 99 Gastrodia, 268 Gelechia, 166 Geology of Scinde Island, 311, 327 Geometrina, Nomenclature of New Zealand, 181 Geometry, Non-Euclidian, vindicated 58 Gerygone, 102 Glaucopis, 102 Glaucopis cinerea, 106 Goodall, J., 375 Gottschea, 238, 284 Gould's Petrel, 90 Ground Lark, 102 Gunnera, 260 Gymnomitrium, 236 H Haast, Dr von, 23, 24 Habits of New Zealand Birds, 96 Halcyon vagans, 101 Haloraqis, 259 Hamilton, A., 123, 135, 209 Hamilton, W S., 402 Haslam, 424 Hawke's Bay District, 340 Hawke's Bay Philosophical Institute, Hocken, Hogben, Dr., 428 G., 424 Honey -eaters, 101 Honorary Members, N.Z ; Indigenous Plants, 256 Inebriety, 428 Institutions, &c, supplied with " 460 the Transactions," Introduction of British Birds, 288 Isochasta, 163 Isolepis, 277 J Jungermannia, 236 K Kaka, 98 Kakapo, 98 Keller, Dr., on Lake Dwellings, 33 Kingfisher, 101 Kingsley, B J., 205 Kirk, T W., 129, 138, 139, 215 Kirk, T., 318 Kiwi, 103 L Laing, K M., 299, 303, 425 Landrails, 103 Lane, Captain, 45 LaridcE, 100 Laughing Owl, 97 Lautour, Dr de, Schist Implement found by, 29 Lepidozia, 244 Linyphia, 184 Lucretius, 424 Luzula, 276 Lycosa, 201 433 Hector, Dr., 376 Hemiclcea, 199 Hemitelia, 222 Hepialus virescens, 212 Heron, 99 Heteralocha, 102 Hieracidea novce-zealandice, 96 Hochstetter, Dr von, 424 Institute, 444 Ordinary, 445 Hookeria, 283 Hormosira banksii, 309 Hudson, G V., 213 Hudson, Dr., 375 Huia, 102 Hutchinson, Dr 413 Hutton, Capt F W., 328, 336 Hybrid Ducks, 134 Hydrocotyle, 260 M Macgregor, Kev Dr., 429 Mackechnie, E A., 422 Mackelvie, J T., 419 Macrocyatis dubenii, 307 Manihera, Portrait of, 411 Maori and Persian, 11 Maori and Sanscrit, hul ex Maoris in Asia, Maori House, Auckland, 421 Maori Kite, 411 Maori Language, 4(1 Maoris, Stone Implements used by, 29 Maori Word for Cow, 15 Fish, 16 Water, 16 Pig, 16 310 Marginaria boryana, Martin Hugh, 112 Martin, J., 420 ; ; Maskell, W M.,325 Mastigobryum, 245 McKay, A., 23, 367 Meeson, John, 375 Megacraspedus, 162 Meliphacidce, 101 Members, N.Z Institute: Honorary 444 Ordinary, Auckland, 448 Hawke's Bay, Canterbury, 451 455; Nelson, 458; Otago, 453; Southland, 457 Wellington, 445 Westland, 454 Mentha, 264 Metamorphosis of Caddis Fly, 213 Meteorological Statistics, 1885, 441 Meyrick, E., 162, 184 Micro-Lepidoptera, 162 Microtis, 269 Mnesarchcea, 180 Mnium, 225 Moa, Exterminators of, 23 Moa Feathers, 83 Moa Hunters, 23 Mongoose, Habits of, 110 Moore, Dr J Murray, 420, 421 Morepork, 97 Moriori and Maori, Stone Weapons of, 24 Moriori Grindstones, 25 Morioris, Genealogy of, 29 Morioris, not possessing Nephrite Weapons or Implements, 27 Myosotis cheesemanii, 296 ; ; ; ; ; N Native Birds, Protection of, 112 Napier Limestones, Age of, 367 Nelson District, Flora of, 318 Nelson Philosophical Society, 437 Nestor, 98 New Native Plants, 295 New Volcano in Friendly Islands, 41 New Zealand, Early History of, 428 New Zealand, Old Map of, 414 Non-Euclidian Geometry Vindicated, 58 Noteroclada, 248 Notornis, Skeleton of, 78 467 O Ocydromus, 99 Ocydromus australis, 131 Ocydromus fuscus, 105 ' Ok'ewa, 27 Olearia, 263 Orange-wattled Crow, 106 Orthagoriscus mola, 135 Orthenches, 175 Ortlwceras, 273 Orthonyx, 102 Otago Institute, 427 P Palceomicra, 180 Paper Nautilus, New, 138 Parker, Professor T J., 78, 429 Parrakeet, Alpine, 98 Parrots, 98 Patus used for cutting up Grampus, 26 Peacock, T., 421 Penguin, 100 Persian and Maori, 14 Petalophyllum, 249 Petane District, Birds of, 123 Petrie, D., 295, 428 Petroica, 102 Phceosaces, 171 Phalacrocorax, 100 Plrilyyria, 159 Phosphorus in Nature, 426 Pigeon, Bemarkable Variety of New Zealand, 129 Pill-Millipede, 139 Pimelea, 265 Platinum Crystals at Orepuke, 402 Platyccrcus alpinus, 98 ; aariceps, 129 Plutella, 111 Podomitrium, 285 Pogonornis cincta, 84 Polecat, Habits of, 110 Polytrichum, 282 Pomaderris, 258 Pond, J A., 416, 421, 422 Porphyrio melanotics, 99 Prasophyllum, 273 Prehistoric Weapons, 420 Primaeval History, 33 Procellaria cooki, 92 gouldi, 90 parkinsoni, 87 Protection of Native Birds, 112 Protosyncema, 173 Psiloclada, 243 ; Psittacidce, 98 Pterostylis, 270 Puffinus assimilis, 95 Purdie, A., 208 ; gavius, 93 Putiki Series, Wanganui, 339 ; 468 Index E Swamp Hawk, 97 Swamp Hen, 99 Symes, Dr W H., Eainbird, 93 RallicUe, 103 Ranunculus, 256 Keform of English Spelling, 46 Beischek, A., 84, 87, 90, 92, 93, 95, 96, 105, 108, 110 Eeports, Auckland, 422 Canterbury, 425 New Zealand Institute, 408 Otago, 429 Wellington, 416 ; Westland, 432; Hawke's Bay, 435; Southland, 436 Nelson, 437 Rhipidura, 102 Eiver Terraces, 424 Eobin New Zealand, 102 Bock Sections, Preparation of, 428 ; ; ; ; ; S Scieropepla, 165 Scinde Island, Geology Scirpus, 277 Scott, Prof., 327, 429 Seagulls, 100 of, 327 Sea Swallows, 99 Sections of Bones and Teeth, 428 Seismograph, New, 69 Shag, 100 Shand, A 25 Skeleton of Notornis, 78 Skey, W., 401 Smith, W W., 131 Southland Institute, 436 Spliterotherium novcc-zealand'ue, 139 Sphenodon, 118 punctatum, 1U8 Sphenceacus, 102 Sphygmograph, 420 Spiders of New Zealand, 184 Splachnidium rugosum, 309 Stackhousia, 258 Stellaria, 257 Sterna, 99 Stoat, Habits of, 110 Stone Age in Europe, 425 Stone Axes, 25 Stone Clubs, 25 Stone Weapons of the Moriori and Maori, 24 Stitch-bird, 84 Stringops, 98 Sun-fish, 135 Sun's Heat, Maintenance of, 394 Survival of the Fittest, 422 Suter, Bight Bev Dr., 375 Swamp-bird, 102 ; 426 Symphyogyna, 251 T Tarepo, 113 Tertiary Shells, New, 333 Thelymitra, 272 Theridium, 187 Thiotricha, 164 Thomson, G M., 141, 427 Thought Transference, 425 Timbers, Building, 37 Tiora (Stitch-bird), 84 Tongatabu, New Volcano near, 41, 421 Transplanted Trees, 311 Travers, H H., 26 Travers, W T L., 30 Tregear, E., Triploceras tridentatum, Maskell, 325 Trout in Silverstream, 413 Hutt, 414 ; U Ulrich, Prof., 428 Urquhart, A T., 184 Vegetable Caterpillar, 20; Vegetable Tissues, 427 Vorticelhe, 215 I W Waders, The, 103 Wanganui Svstem, 336 Mollusca of, 346 Warbler, 102 Weasel, Habits of, 110 Weather, Notes on the, during 1855, 422 Weka, 105 Wellington Philosophical Society, 411 Westland Institute, 432 White, Taylor, 83, 134 Wood-hen, 99 Wood Pigeon, 103 ; Wren, 101 X Xenicus, 101 Zoopsia, 250 LTON AND BLAIR, PRINTERS, LAMBTON QUAY, WELLINGTON, N.Z ... Preface Contents List of Plates of Governors of the New Zealand Institute Abstract of Rules and Statutes of the New Zealand Institute Board List of Incorporated Societies Officers of Incorporated Societies,... 394 NEW ZEALAND INSTITUTE ESTABLISHED UNDER AN ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NEW ZEALAND INTITULED " THE NEW ZEALAND INSTITUTE ACT, 1867." Board of Governors (ex officio.) His Excellency the. .. 1885 Earthquakes reported in New Zealand during 1885 Honorary Members of the New Zealand Institute Ordinary Members of the New Zealand Institute List of Institutions and Individuals to whom this

Ngày đăng: 06/11/2018, 21:13



