CIRRICULUM VITAE 1. Personal Information: Fullname: DOB: POB: ID number: Nationality: Vietnamese Sex Marital status: Single Permanent address: Contact address: Desired position: Current Net Salary Desired Salary: Negotiation Other benefits: Time needed to inform my current employer: Negotiation 2. Academic Qualifications: Qualification Institution Country Majors Grad e Length of program Year completed 3. Key Training Courses: Name of Course Conducted by Durantio n Grade Year Certificate 4. Foreign Languages: Foreign languages Fair Good Very Good 5. Job History: CIRRICULUM VITAE Company Job title Period Title of Direct Supervisor Main duties: Achievements: 1- Airserco Labour Export Centre Main duties: - Be reponsible for handling labour input - Arranged English class for new labour - Taught English for labour… Note: This was the first company I worked as full time staff since graduation so what I have learnt was valuable Those experiences included administrative tactics, the self-confidence on standing amongs so many people, the effective way to work for the best results . 3- Command Group ( part-time job) Office Staff Diplomatic Division Main duties: Results: The starting time was so hard for me as the undergraduate but the experience I got was so great, the life is only useful, and I realised the great lessons studied from here: How to communicate effectively? How to work hard and efficiently in professional working environment? How to exchange my views to others? How to report to my boss? How to use my best knowledge to apply for my jobs?, and so on 6. Characteristics: Strengths Weaknesses Strong spirit and strong physics; High sense of confidence, responsibility. So strict with myself and to others Good office skills: communicative, corresponence Proven skills to work in group or individual under high pressure; CIRRICULUM VITAE Enthusiasistic, organized person; Prior experience with administrative position; Be on time, and proactive with everythings which I can By my signature, I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information provided in this C.V. is accurate and complete Signature: date: ------------------------------- . CIRRICULUM VITAE 1. Personal Information: Fullname: DOB: POB: ID number: Nationality: Vietnamese. which I can By my signature, I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information provided in this C.V. is accurate and complete Signature: date: -------------------------------