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Bulletins of American paleontology (Bull. Am. paleontol.) Vol 335

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ins of mricayf , UUontowasJ 'AM VOLUME 99, NUMBER '? /*??/ DECEMBER 335 HARVARD UNIVERSITY Review of the Bullia Group (Gastropoda: Nassariidae) with comments on its Evolution, Biogeography, and Phylogeny by Warren D Allmon Paleontological Research Institution 1259 Trumansburg Road New Yoik, 14850 U.S.A Ithaca, 12, 1990 PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION Officers Harry A Leftingwell J Thomas Dutro Jr Henry W Theisen James C Show acre Roger J Howley Peter R Hoover Henry W Theisen President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Assistant Treasurer Director Legal Counsel Trustees Edward Bruce M Bell (to 6/30/93) Carlton E Brett (to 6/30/92) J Thomas Dutro, Jr (to 6/30/93) Harry A Leffingwell (to 6/30/93) Robert M Linsley 6/30/92) (to B Picou, Jr (to 6/30/92) James C Showacre (to 6/30/93) James E Sorauf (to 6/30/91) John Steinmetz (to 6/30/91) Henry W Theisen (to 6/30/92) Cathryn Newton (to 6/30/91) Samuel T Pees (to 6/30/92) A D Warren, Raymond Van Houtte (to 6/30/91) Ventress (to 6/30/93) William P S Jr (to 6/30/91) BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY and PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA Peter R Hoover Editor Reviewers for this issue David R Lindberg Elizabeth Nesbitt A list of titles in both series, and available numbers and volumes may be had on request Volumes 1-23 of Bulletins of American Paleontology have been reprinted by Kraus Reprint Corporation, Route 100, Millwood, New York 10546 USA Volume of Palaeontographica Americana has been reprinted by Johnson Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10003 USA Reprint Corporation I 1 Subscriptions to Bulletins of American Paleontology may be started at any volume or year Current price is US $30.00 per volume Numbers of Palaeontographica Americana are priced individually, and arc invoiced separately time, by on request for additional information, write or cal Paleontological Research Institution 1259 Trumansburg Road Ithaca, NY 14850 USA (607) 273-6623 The Paleontological Research Institution acknowledges with special thanks the contributions of the following individuals and institutions PATRONS ($1000 or more at the discretion of the contributor) Robert C Hoerle (1974-1977) Richard I Johnson (1967, 1986) J M McDonald Foundation (1972,1978) Mobil Oil Corporation (1977 to date) Samuel T Pees (1981) Richard E Petit (1983) Robert A Pohowsky (1982) Allen (1967) American Oil Company (1976) Atlantic Richfield Company (1978) Christina L Balk (1970 1982, 1983) Hans M Bolli(1984) James E RuthG Browne Mr & (1986) Mrs Kenneth E Caster (1967) Chevron Oil Company (1978, 1982) Exxon Company (1977 to date) Lois S Texaco, Inc (1978, 1982, 1987) Union Oil of Californl\ (1982 to date) United States Steel Foundation (1976) Fogelsanger (1966) Gulf Oil Corporation (1978) Merrill W Haas (1975) Charles G Ventress (1983 to date) Christine C Wakeley (1976-1984) Norman E Weisbord(1983) (continued overleaf) LIFE MEMBERS ($200) R Tucker Abbott William F Klose, II KrIz Ralph L Langenheim, Jr Harry A Leffinowell Egbert G Leigh, Jr James E Allen Elizabeth A Balcells-Baldwin Christina L Balk Bruce M Bell JiRj Robert A Black Richard S Boardman Hans Bolli David John Bottjer Gerard Ruth G Browne J David Bukry Sakae O'Hara Samuel T Pees Richard E Petit Sybil B A Lenhard Louie N Marincovich, Donald R Shuji Niko Burger Lyle D Campbell Edward John Robert A Pohowsky John Pojeta, Jr John K Pope Anthony Reso Arthur W Rocker L Carter Anneliese S Caster Kenneth E Caster John E DuPont J Thomas Dutro, Jr J Mark B Picou, Jr Walter E Sage, III John B Saunders Erickson Richard J Erickson Lois S Fogelsanger A Eugene Fritsche Christopher L Garvie Ernest H Gilmour Merrill W Haas Anita G Harris Steven M Herrjck Robert C Hoerle F D Holland, Jr Judith Schiebout Miriam W Schriner Edward S Slagle David H Stansbery Jorge P Valdes Charles G Ventress WiLLL\M P S Ventress Emily H Vokes Harold E Vokes Frederick H C Hotchkiss David Jablonski Christine C Wakeley Richard I Johnson David B Jones Peter Jung Tomoki Kase David Garrett Kerr Cecil H Kindle Albert D Warren Jr Gary D Webster Norman E Weisbord Ralph H Willoughby Membership dues, Jr Moore Thomas Armour R C Waller Winslow Victor A Zullo subscriptions, and contributions are the Paleontological Research Institution to continue its all important sources of funding, and allow existing programs and services The P.R.I, publishes two series of respected paleontological monographs, Bullclins of American Paleonlology and Falaeonlofiraphica Americana, that give authors a relatively inexpensive outlet for the publication of significant longer manuscripts In addition, leontological literature The it works from the paYork, houses a collection of inver- reprints rare but important older P.R.I, headquarters in Ithaca, New among the five largest in North America; an extensive collection specimens that can form the basis for significant future paleonlologic research; and a comprehensive paleontological research library tebrate type and figured specimens, of well-documented and curated The may fossil Paleontological Research Institution is a non-profit, non-private corporation, and contributions be U.S income lax deductible For more information on P.R.I, programs, memberships, or subscriptions to P.R.I, publications, call or write; Peter R Hoover Director Paleontological Research Institution 1259 Trumansburg Road New York 14850 U.S.A 607-273-6623 Ithaca, -fJipicrican toicqy DECEMBER OLUME 99, NUMBER 335 Review of the Bullia Group (Gastropoda: Nassariidae) with comments on its Evolution, Biogeography, and Phylogeny by Warren D AUmon Paleontological Research Institution 1259 Trumansburg Road New York, 14850 U.S.A Ithaca, 12, 1990 Library of Congress Card Number: 90-63452 The the publication costs of this EXXON volume were in large part defrayed by a generous grant of $15,000 from Corporation The Paleontological Research Institution gratefully acknowledges this rec- ognition and support of its publications program Printed in the United States of America Allen Press, Inc Uwrcnce, KS 66044 U.S.A CONTENTS Page Abstract Acknowledgements Introduction Study Justification Systematic Zoology and Paleontology; Introductory Remarks Institutional Abbreviations 9 Familial Classification The Bullia Group and Melanopsids 12 Recent Representatives 12 Ecology Previous Taxonomic Work Systematic Characters Systematic in 13 Recent Species 13 Summary 19 Fossil Representatives Miocene of the Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain 29 Introduction Work Previous 30 Present Study Stratigraphic Context 31 Methods 32 37 39 46 Results Discussion Form of the Shell Apex New Cretaceous of the southeastern U S 50 50 52 Paleogene of the Gulf Coastal Plain Cenozoic of the West Coast of North America 53 63 Cenozoic of the Caribbean, Central and northern South America Cenozoic of southern South America and Antarctica Cenozoic of Europe 79 Bulliopsis Systematic from Jersey Summary 71 Genera of Nuttall and Cooper 82 Problematic Continental Forms 83 Neogene of Africa Neogene of the Indian Subcontinent Phylogeny, Biogeography, and Evolution Phylogenetic Analysis and Paleontology Completeness of the Fossil Record Characters and Character Analysis 86 89 90 90 97 99 Polarity Ancestor-Descendant Series Phylogenetic Analysis of the Bullia 00 Group Method 100 Outgroup Comparison 102 Morphological Analysis 103 Paleobiogeographic Framework 109 Discussion and Conclusions 1 Systematic Summary 115 Appendix: Paleobiogeographic History of the Atlantic 116 References Cited 119 Plates 140 Index 155 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Page Text-figure Proposed phylogenetic tree for the evolution of the family Nassariidae Sketches of species of Buccinidae s I Radular dentitions of living species in the Bullia group Opercular outlines of living sp>ecies of the Bullia group Generalized stratigraphic classification for Miocene and early Pliocene sediments of the Middle Atlantic coastal plain 31 Map Map 33 10 15 16 of the Chesapeake Bay region of the Middle Atlantic coastal plain Alternative scenarios for the evolution of Miocene species of Bidliopsis Morphometric variables recorded for specimens of Bulliopsis on the first two factor axes for all specimens of Bulliopsis Scatterplot of scores 10 35 36 37 collected from the Chesapeake Bay region for this 40 study Scatterplot of scores 12 Scatterplot of scores fiar third factor axes for all specimens of Bulliopsis collected from the Chesapeake Bay region 41 this study this on the second and on the two discriminant axes first for all specimens of Bulliopsis collected from the Chesapeake Bay region for 42 study Proportional representation of the four Bulliopsis morphotypes at each of the four stratigraphic levels sampled in the Chesapeake 43 45 47 Bay region The 14 four "select groups" of specimens chosen to represent the four Bulliopsis morphotypes Representative samples of Bulliopsis from four stratigraphic levels in the upper Miocene of Maryland and Virginia Scatterplot of scores on the 16 first two factor axes for specimens of Bulliopsis Integra and Bulliopsis quadrala from Windmill Point Mary's Co., Maryland Plots of mean values of the two calculated shouldering indices for all specimens of Bulliopsis quadrala from the four stratigraphic horizons sampled in the Chesapeake Bay region Generalized correlation chart for Paleogene sediments of the Gulf coastal plain 48 St 17 Summary 49 54 56 specimens of Bullia have been found 89 21 Approximate stratigraphic ranges of the species of the Bullia group that have a known fossil record foldout inside back cover 91 22 Histogram showing the number of species of the Bullia group from the Upper Cretaceous through the Recent 92 23 Histogram showing the stratigraphic and geographic distribution of published fossil faunas examined in this study Map 20 phylogenetic tree for of southern Africa, showing 24 Strict consensus tree 5b 25 Preferred cladogram Table species of Bullia (Bulliopsis) all localities where fossil (SCT) derived from 13 most parsimonious cladograms generated by PAUP from the character matrix given 26-29 Paleogeographic in the history 104 106 for the family Nassariidae maps of the circum-Atlantic region for the Late Cretaceous to Recent, showing hypothesized dispersal events Ill of the Bullia group LIST OF TABLES Table Page Previous classifications of the Bullia group Protoconch diameters of some living species in the Bullia group Recent and fossil nassariid species included in the Bullia group 3a 3b in Fossil nassariid sf>ecies excluded Time 14 18 20-22 from the Bullia group analysis for collections of Bullia (Bulliopsis) specimens recovered from the 23 Miocene of Maryland and Virginia in this study Means and standard deviations 34 for all measured variables on 334 specimens of Bullia (Bulliopsis) from Maryland and Virginia Means and standard deviations and geographic distribution of species assignable to the genus Calophos Stratigraphic distribution of fossil species of Buccinanops in Patagonia 10 38 Varimax-rotated factor matrix for first three factors in the morphometric analysis of Bullia (Bulliopsis) in this study Correlation matrix for factor analysis of Bulliopsis specimens 12a for calculated shouldering indices for all laxa of Bullia (Bulliopsis) by locality 39 42-43 44 73 Stratigraphic 80 80 84 85 87 Revised chronoslratigraphic classification for the Tertiary of Patagonia Species from the Tertiary of continental Europe previously assigned to the genus Dorsanum 12b Species from the Tertiary of continental Europe previously assigned to the genus Cyllenina 14 Published occurrences of fossil Bullia in southern Africa Published taxonomic works consulted in the "faunal survey" method of estimating completeness of the Bullia group Morphological characters used for cladistic analysis of taxa in the Bullia group 5b Character matrix used for phylogenetic analysis of taxa in the Bullia group 15a 16 Oassification of the Nassariidae derived from this study fossil record of the 93-95 101 102 16 REVIEW OF THE BVLLIA GROUP (GASTROPODA: NASSARIIDAE) WITH COMMENTS ON ITS EVOLUTION, BIOGEOGRAPHY, AND PHYLOGENY By Warren D Allmon Museum of Comparative Zoology Harvard University 01238' Cambridge, MA ABSTRACT The "BuUia group", comprising those gastropods of the family Nassariidae not assignable to the subfamilies Nassariinae or group presently confined to temperate and subtropical shallow water habitats in the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans The group has a significant and complex fossil record, however, that indicates greater morphological diversity and wider geographic distribution in the Tertiary than today This fossil record suggests that Nassariidae arose and diversified initially in the New World in the Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary, spreading to Europe, Africa and beyond by Miocene limes The genus Bultia s s is today an important and diverse component of the South African sandy shore molluscan fauna The Cylleninae, a relatively small is current status of Buiha the late Miocene or s s., however, probably a relatively recent development Bullia apparently did not reach Africa until is and early Pliocene, its approximately 40 living species are of Pliocene age or younger Consideration of the phylogenetic and biogeographic history of the entire group suggests that the ancestors of mode Africa from South America via chance dispersal across open ocean, a branchs lacking a planktonic larval Among modes from Maryland and Virginia A new An North Atlantic were the is described late The phylogenetic Miocene of New Jersey and the Eocene of Alabama are may have reached Miocene species of Bullia being limited to the lower Eocene Hatchetigbee Formation, it relationships of these taxa to explicitly evaluated for the extension of the stratigraphic range of the species Bullia (Bulliopsis) choclavensis from The following genus-level taxa s s A morphological analysis of these species suggests that they show a variety of evolutionary subspecies, Bullia (Bulliopsis) quadrata bowlerensis species of Bulliopsis from the lower Bullia stage the last surviving representatives of the Bullia group in the (Bulliopsts) modem usually not seriously considered for marine proso- Alabama is first time reported; instead of appears to extend from the upper Paleocene Nanafalia Formation are considered to belong to the Bullia group: Buccinanops, Buccinopsis Bullia Bulliopsis IVhitecliffia The generic names "Cyllenina" and "Molopophorus" as well as the systematic status of many of the species to which they have been applied, are of uncertain status and are used in an informal sense The genus Thanetinassa may be intermediate between the Bullia group and other nassariids A new species of the genus Calophos C wilsoni from the Pliocene of Florida, is described Calophos Colwellia Desorinassa, Dorsanum, Keepingia Pseudocominella, and Methods of phylogenetic inference, particularly as applicable to fossil gastropods, are discussed "faunal survey" method) for considering the effects of the completeness of the available The suggested is this group A fossil record is An informal method (the record on phylogenetic reconstruction evolutionary history of in interpreting the phylogenetic analysis of the family Nassariidae, based primarily but not exclusively on conchological characters, presented, but the taxonomic position of several fossil is fossil considered to be of unique and special importance and Recent groups remains unresolved A classification for the group subgenus level, and a new subfamily, the Bulliinae, are proposed This paper points out a number of gastropod groups in need of detailed taxonomic study, and highlights the currently meager knowledge of the basic patterns of Cenozoic marine molluscan biogeography to the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Over the protracted history of this project M I have from the kindness of many people, in many places, without whose help this paper could not have assumed its present form I am grateful to the following for all manner of assistance, guidance, suggestions and advice on matters large and small: at Dartmouth College G D Johnson, F L Konopka, K A Korey, D S McCormick, and R Neff; at the U S National Museum F J Collier; at Harvard University, D Backus, benefitted K J Boss, F C d'Escrivan, R Dorit, R C Eng, bat, ' W P M J Johnson, A RaMaddison, M Matthewman, G C Mayer, Foote D H Geary, S J Gould, R I Current address; Department of Geology, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33620 Patterson, G Rosenberg, R Turner Many colleagues from M Ross, and R D, many institutions gen- erously answered unsolicited inquiries and provided me with a great deal of information on living and fossil representatives of the Bullia group, and associated problems: C G Adams [British Museum (Natural Brown [University of Capetown]; W O Cernohorsky [New Zealand Institute and Museum]; D T Dockery, III [Mississippi Geological Survey]; B Kensley [U S National Museum]; R A Lutz [Rutgers History)]; A C J Moore [U S Geological Survey Menlo Park, CA]; C P Nuttall [British Museum (Natural History)]; P Penchaszadeh [Universidad Simon University]; E Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela]; Academy of Sciences]; W G W D Pitt [California Siesser [Vanderbilt Uni- Bulletin 335 vcrsity]; and W J logical Survey Reston, VA] provided stratigraphic information R T Rye, Museum] provided [U S National S Geo- valuable bio- Museum Study Justihcation and D Wilson II The "Bullia group" (Brown, 982, early encourage- ment for this work I am especially grateful to L W Ward, formerh of the U S Geological Survey, now at the Virginia INTRODUCTION Zinsmeister [Purdue University] T Collins [Yale University] and T Cronin [U of Natural History, Martins- and encouragement throughthank K J Boss, A C Brown, W O p 309) refers here heterogeneous group of neogastropods in the famNassariidae not assignable to the subfamilies Nas- to a ily sariinae or Cylleninae Unlike their more familiar rel- care or in their private collections available for study: mudsnails of the genus Nassariits Dumeril, 806, living members of the Bullia group are never very common Except in some localities in southern Africa and the Indian Subcontinent, they not appear to form (or ever to have formed) a conspicuous or quantitatively important component of shallow marine faunas Although living species of Bullia s s appear to be intricately adapted physiologically and behaviorally to their high-energy, nearshore environments (see, e.g., Branch and Branch, 1981; Brown, 1982), members of the group are (and were) otherwise unremarkable morphologically Their shells are typically simple bucciniform, and lack notable or conspicuous features of form W Blow, or sculpture ville V.A for his advice out this project I Cernohorsky, D T Dockery, berg, E J ser Moore, R D Turner, L Zinsmeister and two all Gould, D R LindW G SiesG Williamson, W J S J E Nesbitt, C P Nutlall, W Ward, P anonymous reviewers for reading or parts of previous drafts, and for valuable comments and making many suggestions that substantially improved the manuscript Any errors in or misinter- pretations of fact that remain are of course wholly my own The following persons made specimens under their T Waller, and F Collier [USNM]: R Van Syoc [CAS]; D R Lindberg [UCMP]; E Benamy [.ANSPj: W J Zinsmeister [Purdue University]; L Dolin [St Denis, France]; A M Phillips, Jr [LSU]; D Bohaska [CMM]; D C Parris [NJSM]; P R Hoover [PRIj M Carman [FMNH], and R D White [YPMj J Cooper and H G Owen [BM(NH)] kindly provided me with photographs of British Museum type specimens A C Brown provided juvenile specimens of two Recent species of Bullia from South Africa I thank R Dorit, G Seiler, R Allmon, K Boss, and M Olshan for timely translations from various nonGermanic languages N J B Aiello skillfully drew several of the figures A Colson assisted in digitizing S J Gould and A H Knoll allowed me the freedom to pursue this project when should have been doing I atives, The Bullia group has long been something of a taxonomic wastebasket and systematic Cinderella The generic names Bullia Gray 1834, Dorsanuni Gray, 1847 and Buccinanops d'Orbigny, 84 (and several others) have been freely applied to a great number of living and fossil forms, usually on the basis of no more than similar overall shell form, and seldom with much at1 tention to morphological details or possible phyloge- These arbitrary classifications have prevented recognition of potentially interesting bionetic relationships geographic patterns shown by patterns that may members of the group, apply to other Cenozoic molluscan taxa My approach to bringing some order to this group is unconventional, and consists of three in- of snails First, I present basic information knowledge) every fossil and living form previously connected by anyone with the name Bullia To this extent this paper is a compilation and synopsis of all available information and published references on terconnected aspects other things Above all, am grateful to my partner Robin Aiello Allmon for advice, patience, and support during this I and other endeavors This work has been supported by a grant from the Paul K Richter Memorial Trust at Dartmouth College, funds from the Department of Earth Sciences at Dartmouth College, the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Harvard University and the Department of Invertebrate Paleontology of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, and a National Science Foundation on (to my the group I summarize these taxa geographically and and suggest those which and stratigraphically, not truly belong to the Bullia group Several forms are also allied with the group here for the I first time Second, discuss in detail the evolution of a small branch of the group, the species of Bulliupsis Conrad, 862a from Graduate Fellowship Publication was made possible by funds from the College of Natural Sciences of the University of South Florida This paper is dedicated to the memory of Margaret C Clark, who took me on my first trip to the Calvert U S., tracing their relationships within the Cenozoic of North America as well as placing them in the larger context of the group as a whole Third, I present a phylogenetic analysis of the Bullia group, paying par- Cliffs ticular attention to details the Miocene of the Mid-Atlantic coastal plain of the of method and methodo- Bulletin 335 172 Odhner(1923) 14,15.20, 73.77 Alectrion Calophos 22,73, 11 Nassarius 77,78 Oliver and Mancini (1980) Olivula "! Olshan Parris, C D parryi Buccinopsis oldroydae, plicala (I Lea) Patterson (1981) Patterson, 94.151 22,71,94,1 1,152 94 94 Olsson (1929) Olsson (1930) Olsson (1932) 71,78,79,94 94 Olsson (1942) Olsson (1964) Olsson (1967) 21,22,72-74,76,79,94,150.151 94 Olsson and Harbison (1953) Olsson and Petit (1964) 94 74-76.94 84 ommva^im, Dorsanum patula 23,86 Ancillopsis "Anallopsis" Buccinanops "Buccinanops" Buccinanops (Brachysphmgus) 86 Buccinum 86 PAUP 100,103,104 Buccinanops Buccinum Dorsanum Ortmann (1900) Ortmann (1902) osculala Bullia (Bullia) 10 Bullia (Bullia) 21 Owen H 30.50 63 51 85 G 140 Oyama Mi/uno and Sakamoto (1960) 12,16,17 12,16,17 5,12,14 54,59,148 54 54 perpmguis 78 Alectrion 78 Nassarius 22 owenii Cyllene 88 12,14,16,18 ovata ovulata, Cyltenina 113 Penchaszadeh (1971a) Penchaszadeh (1971b) Penchaszadeh (1973) Penchaszadeh, P Pendleton Formation Rockdale Member Simsboro Member 90 Tritia (Bulliopsis) Pearse(1979) Peclen bed pemphigus Buccinum Bullia Desorinassa 24 16.21,25.141 94 94 84 "Cominella" 13,25 paytensis Bullia (Buccinanops) Peile (1937) othaeitensis Bullia {Bulliopsis) 14,25,79,80 Bullia 84 16,21 Ossaulenko (1936) 85 paytense 84 orgeevemis, 86 program [Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony] 23 20,25.84 58 pautucciana Cyllenina 6,13,14,20,23,25,30, 22.56.60,84 56,114,148 patutum opmahde Dorsanum d-Orbigny (1835-1846) d'Orbigny (1845) d'Orbigny (1850-1852) 23 100 M opinia Austrucoimnelta 79,80.103,112.115.116 53 27 Pasteur-Humbert (1962) palagomca Ausirocominella 58 Olsson (1922) Olsson (1928) Pasithea cociavensis (Aldrich) 56 M ,B 20,64 Perrilliat Montoya (1963) 21,73,75,77,94,150 Persian Gulf 21,140 21 persica Bullia (Bullia) Perunassa OHion, 1932 71,74,79,92 Olsson, 1964 73.74 /)rw;/>a.v ecuadorensis (Pilsbry and Olsson) Pacific Ocean 1,77,78,90,1 12-1 14,1 16 10.78,92 eastern 118 western Perunassa (1) «Marforef?m (Pilsbry and Olsson, 1941) Paes-Da Franca (1955) 28,29 " zorrilensis" CHtXson, 1870) 27 Pallary (1920) Palmer, A R (1984) Palmer, K V Palmer K V Palmer K V Palmer, K V Palmer K V W W W W W 105 (1927) (1937) 19 14,23,53,56-63,77,86,94,148 (1957) (1967) 18 18.1 19 118 (1974) Palmer, K, V W., and Brann (1966) Palmer, K V W and Richards (1954) 53,57-63,77 P.AN [pleural angle] Panchen (1982) 36-39,42.43 118 97 Paratethys 12 parhrazana Chrysodomus 77 71.152 Parinas Formation parinense Dorsanum "Dorsanum" 22.71 13 7/, 10,1 1,1 52, 73,74 " Perunassa" 69,70 20,23,25-27 78 ursa 0\^%o'[i, 1964 packardi iXassa Paetcl (1888) 79 zorritensis (Ue\son, 1870) 12 23,7^,151 74 118 perversus Velates 76 Petuch (1986) Petuch, E, 76 J Peyrot (1925-1926) 22,84,85,94 22 Pcyrot (1927) Philippi (1846-1847) 22,82 23,81,94 Philippi (18X7) 6,62 Phillips, A M., Jr Montfort 1810 haranoanus Anderson, 1929 hellaliralus Gabb 1862 inornalaGabb 1881 ic.xanus Gabb 1860 /«/)cra(7;s7v Anderson, 1929 Phos C?) rohn Rulsch 1942 Ph(}S (Buccilrilon) scalalum (Heilprin) "Phos group" /'/?(« Pilsbry (1897a) 10,72,79,83,110 73,76 61 73,74 61 12 151 73,76 62 72,83 80 B Review of the Bullia Group: Allmon 94 Pilsbry (1922) Pilsbry 75,76,150,151 D W 16 Punla Blanca beds 78 pura, Purdue University pusillum pleurolomoides Cyllenina 85 50 Buccinum Ancilla (Olivula) 58 Bullia (Bulliopsis) Ancillina ? 58 Bulliopis 58 22,B Anolax ••Cyllenina" 58 Olivula ? plicalile 16 Nassarius plicaiellus Dorsanum 74.75 ? 21,30,43,44,50,57,56,146.8 52 30.34,36,41,43,44,46,48,50-52 Bulliopsis Melanopsis 30,51 Nassa Nassa (Bulliopsis) 30.51 Tritia (Bulliopsis) 51 30.51 quadrata howlerensis, plicalilis 22,73,74,75,77,108,151,8 12 Calophos Cominella 73,74 Bullia (Bulliopsis) 5,21,43,44,52,56.146.147 7,8 44.48.113 Bulliopsis quadrata quadrata plicatilum 75 Dorsanum Dorsanum ? plicatum Dorsanum Plummer(1932) 74,75 84 94,95 51.146 Bullia (Bulliopsis) 46.48 Bulliopsis quadrata s 1., 44,46 Bulliopsis 46 quadrata (smooth subcylindrica form), Bulliopsis quadrata subsp., Bullia (Bulliopsis) polita Bullia Bullia (Pseudostrombus) 27 quadratum, Buccinum 27 Queen City Formation Bucanum Bullia 51 51 54.57 67 Quillayute Formation politum 13,27,61,71 14,27,85 Pseudostrombus polypleura Auslrocominella Radwm 23 Rafinesque (1815) 1 54 33 Powell (1929) Powell (1951) 11 22, praecedens Keepingia [Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, NY, U S A.] 22,82,154,8 15 22,82,154,8 84 5,7,52,83,102-107, 22,82, (Philippi, 1847) rfe5ma(Solander 1766) 22,8 semicoslata Nuttall and Cooper, 1973 io/anrfcn (Cossmann, 1889) Dorsanum Swamson, 1840 pseudogracile e//;pr/ca Whitfield, 61,63,118 1865 59,61 23 spp vrt«j(a (Conrad, 1833b) Pseudoschwagerina X3unh2ir and Pseudostrombus Morch, 1852 po/;7i« Adams and Adams, S\dr\r\tr 1858 1936 148 39 14,19 27 85 Red 15 90 99 39 94,118 94 recens Cyllenina retecosa Nassarius 58 Prothero and Uzarus (1980) ar»ia/a(Sowerby 1850) 33 22.82,154.3 ••prima", ••Expleritoma" 56,57 Pseudocominella Nuttall and Cooper, 1973 61 Rappahannock River Raup (1966) Raup and Stanley (1978) Ravn(1904) Ravn (1939) Reagan (1909) 110.111.116 56,57,94 97 116 Ragenella bellalvirata (Gabb) 15 Price and Palmer (1928) prima, Expleritoma 18,103 and D'Attilio (1971) Bluff Formation Reeve (1846-1847) Reeve (1856) Reklaw Formation Rennie (1929) Rennie(1945) Restin Formation 6.9,57-62,71,77,148,150,152 ftewrfo/n-a 65,66 Radwin and Chamberlain (1973) 27 9-11,97,103 Ponder (1973) Ponder and Waren (1988) Porters Creek Formation Potomac River />!v//ara Quimper Sandstone 27 (Dorsanum) Dorsanum PRl 15,16,21,8 Bullia (Bullia) quadrata plicata politus 56 79 13.87 63 and Addicott (1976) 14 Bullia planoidca "Melanopsis" Plafkcr 840 14 65 65 Pittsburg BlufT Formation 81 78 5,78 14 29 Pscudoslninibus [Pseudostrombus) Morch, 1852 PtvchosalpinxGiW, 1867 allilis (Conrad) 109,118,119 Pinctand Popcnoc (1985) Pitman and Talwani (1972) Pitt and James (1983) Pitt Expedition of 1982 Adams and Adzms 1853 truncalus (Reeve) Pseudostrombus (Leiodomus) Swainson, 23,72,79,94,151 and Olsson (1941) "Pinccrcst Formation" Pitt, Pseudostrombus (Adinus) 15,19-21,26,141 Pilsbry (1897b) 173 retusa 54 13.15.16,18,20,21,23-29,115,141,143,144 114 54 94 95 71,152 140 23 Auslrocominella Reyment (1980) Reyment (1985) Reyment and Tait (1972) 110,117 39 117 rhodostoma, 13.87.115 Bullia Bullia (Bullia) rhodostoma 1, Bullia Richards (1947) Richards and Harbison (1942) Richards and Palmer (1953) Rio Grande Rise,141,8 18,143 50,51,95 50,52,95 95,118 109,1 17 Bulletin 335 174 23,25-27 23.25-27 Rios (1970) Rios (1975) Rios and Calvo (1984) Rio Tubio Formalion 15 81 Ripley Formation 148 Risso (1826) Rissoa auriscalpium {Linnaeus 1767) Robenson (1974) R6ding(1798) Schcnk and Keen (1940) 70 Schilder(!936) 97 Scluzopyga Conrad 1856 77 98.100 and Tapscott (1977) Consensus Tree] 16 Sclater Hellinger 97 SCT 104.105.107 18.103,,97,112 [Strict Bullia 10,1 16.1 17 114 Searlesia dira (Ree\e, 1856) P Sebens, K Seiler, rogersi, Bullia (Bullia) 77 californiana Conrad 1856 Schoch (1986) 48 G senucoslala Pseudocominella 21 seminudum Dorsanum 10 semiovalis 22, 84 Dorsanum RogI and Steininger (1983) RogI and Slciningcr (1984) 117 semiplicaia Bullia 13,19,70,80 Rohlf(1982) 104 semislriata Nassa 28 sendersi Bullia (Bullia) rohri, Calophos Phos (?) Rosefield Formation Rosenberg, 11 22,73, 73,76 54 G Rosenkrantz (1970) 84 95,112,118.150 54,B 54.62 Sabinetown Formation Sagenella ComaA 1865b hellalirata (Gabb) bellirata (Gahb) texana 61.83 61 61 61 Sagenella Ha\\ 1851 61 Saman Formation 71 San Andreas Fault San Emigdio Formation San Lorenzo Formation San Ramon Sandstone Formation Sandbergcr(1863) Sandcl Sand sapius Colus Savage (1967) (1 65 66.70.149 65 66,68 22 54 10 117 10 827) scalaris, Dorsanum 36,38,39,42-44,49 32 22 Sabine (Wilcox) Stage 36,38,39,42-44,49 2] 31,32,50 Rutgers University II 1] [shouldering index Shattuck (1904) ruidum Dorsanum Rye R T., [shouldering index 95,1 18 Rutsch (1929) Rutsch(1942) SHI SH2 11,53 Shattuek (1902) 95 ruida "Cyllenina" 21 Sepkoski (1982) M Ross R Rossi and Levy (1977) Say 84 84 Sheppard (1937) SHL Shuto (1974) 17 Sieber (1958) 84 Siesserand Miles(1979) 88 Siesser and Salmon (1979) W Siesser, 62 62 Buccitriton Dorsanum "Dorsanum" Phos (Buccitriton) scamba, 14,16 114 similis 87 Bullia 15, 16,18, 21 Bullia (Bullia) Simkin (1984a) Simkin (1984b) Simpson, E S W (1977) Simpson, G G (1940) Simpson G G (1961) Simpson G G (1975) Simpson R D (1977) sinualus, Brachysphingus 78 78 117 92,109.114 97-100.115 90.99 113 23 sismondi Cyllenina 85 Skonun Formation 67 skoogi 14.29 Adinopsis "Adinopsis" 15,20,29,107,140 29 Bullia 29 Bullia (Adinopsis) 98 Smith A G and Bnden (1977) (1945-1946) 23,62,148 Smith E A (1878) 15.16.21 62 Smith E A (1904) 20,21,141 Smith, E A (1905) E Smith, Ancillaria Smith, Ancillaria (Ancillopsis) 58 Smythe and Chatfield (1981) Ancillina 58 Sober (1983) Ancillopsis 58 Sohl (1964) 58 Solander (1766) solanden Pseudocominella 10 B 58 Bullia Smith 58 Scheltema (1977) Scheltema (1978) Scheltema (1979) 5,6 da Silva and Brown (1985) Simberiofr(1983) Ancilla scamhum Buccinanops (Bullia) Schaeffer, Hecht, and Eldredge (1972) 88 G Smith, A (1984) scalatum "Bullia" 95 36-39,42 [shell height] 23,55,59,148 58 99 J 25 21 A (1906) 119 T (1975) 8,21 98 20,21,52,53,95,103,1 10,1 18 22,82,154 22,82,154,3 15 Soldado Formation solida sulida, Buccinopsis 109 Solomon ("reek Formation Solomons Island 7'/j' quad 18,1 19 21, solida Buccinopsis 113 109,1 12 18 21,148 54 32 Review of the Bull/a Group: Allmon Sooke Formation South African Museum South America Punta Blanca 66,68,69,149 87 5,8,1 Quequen Porto northern Peru de Copacobana Monte Hermosa mouth of Santa Cniz River 25 24 23,24,26,27 24,46,79 southern 64,79,91,96,108,112-114,117 13 West Coast 81 80 Cape Fairweather 20 of Magellan Gregory Bay Possession Bay Chubut Golfo de San Jorge 25 Salt 20,27,80 Isla Grande Uruguay Arroyo Miguelete Puerto Belgrano 27,80 24,142 Cabo Polonia Cabo Santa Maria 80 80 Flores Island near 80 24,80 20,24-27 24,25,142 80 25 118 Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande Sul 25 27 Chui 27 Cassino Rio Grande 26 24 Praia Saco de Manguerira Rio State, Ilha Grande 24 26 23,25,27 southern 71 central 23.25,81.93,94,119 Chile 20 24 Punta Arenas Rio Nigre Colombia Atlantico, 21,73,76,93,95,119 76 Baranoa-Sabana Larga area Mountain near Cibarco northeastern, north slope of Tubera Plott's Well southwest of Baranoa Tubera eastern Ecuador Mompiche-Potete 76 76 76 109,117 21,22,71,73,74,76.79,94,95,1 19,150 74 27,141 24,26 26 20,24-27 20,24,25,27.141.142 24,80 24 24 27,80 27 27 24-26 27 24 U Paloma 24,26,141 26,27 Solis Venezuela 21,76,94,95 Cantaure 151 Cubagua Island Nueva Esparta 24,26 Santos Montevideo Coronilla Island 24,25,27 Barra 27 27 Rocha Cabo Santa Maria Chuy 27 Pemambuco 25 24,26 Punta Ballena near Maldonado Punta Carretas Punta de la Coronilla 24,25,80,94,118,145 Capo da Canoa 25 16,20,24,26,27 Piriapolis 81 southern Brazil 151 La Coronilla Lobos Island Maldonado, Portezuelo Maldonado Bay Punta del Este Montevideo 20,23,24,27,141 Riacho del Ingles Rio de la Plata Rio Negro San Antonio Sierra Lazar Rio Colorado 80.81.151 Silva 20 25-27 Puerto San Antonio 25 20,23,25,81,95,112,151 Playa del Rio del Fuego 25 Puerto Piramides 25 25 Pond Carman 20,24 Puerto Militaire 25 San Gregorio Ticrradel Fuego Golfo San Jorge Mar de la Plata Puerto Lobos 24.25 Straits 24,25 Madryn Rawson Gallegos, Cabo Buen Tiempo 78 Trucillal southeast Atlantic coast 20,24,25,27,79,80,93,94,117.119,142 Puerto 25,141 26 Bahia San Bias Cassino Beach 71 Paraca Bay 20 northern Patagonia 71 Hills Lagunitas 20,25 San Matias 22,23,25,71,73,78,94,95,110,111,119.151.152 Keswick 24 Comodoro Rivadavia Dist Federal, Praia Sua 142 C'abo San Antonio Cjoltb 26 74 74 74 71,109,118 Cueva de Angostura 27 24,27,145 142 151 Rio Santiago, Barro Colorado 23,80,95 Huenos Aires Buenos Aires Province, Chapad Malal Mardc Ajo 76 Rio Cayapas, Telembi 92,96,109.1 10,1 12-1 17,1 19,141,142,145,151,152 Bahia Blanca 79,151 Punta Gorda 1-21,24,26,50,63,69,76,79-81, Argentina 175 76,150 76 110 western "South Seas" Southern Hemisphere Sowerby G B [I] (1826) Sowerby, G B [I] (1846) Sowerby G B [Ill] (1895) Sowerby G B [Ill] (1897) Sowerby, G B [Ill] (1900) Sowerby, J deC (1832) Sowerby J deC (1850) 13 114 114 23 21.89 15.16,21 16,21 84,86,152 22,82.154 sp Brachysphingiis 10 B Bullia (Bullia) Calophos 63.149 80.87.90 Bullia 11 150.B 176 sp Bulletin 335 90 90 90 A Bullia sp B Bullia sp C Bullia spp., "Dorsanum" "Molopophorus" Pseudolna Sparta Formation 96 23 54 Ancyllaria 56 Buccinanops (Brachysphingus) Bullia 57 subglobosum Buccinanops siihpolita "Cyllenina" 36 suhumbilicata Cyllenina 85 Dorsanum superabilc 84 78,79 supracostala Desorinassa ? 36,38 sulurosa Whilecliffia SPSS-X procedure FACTOR Suwannee Limestone Suwannee Strait [= Suwannee Channel] 76 Swainson (1840) 37 SWH 37,40 54 18 14,19,63,118 first spire whorl] 36-39.42.43 D 100,101 Tachilni Formation 67 Buccinum 25 tahilensis Bullia 90 Bullia 24 25 tahilensis 90 Bullia (Buccinanops) squalidum Buccinum 25 25 squalidus, Buccinanops Squires (1984) 70,95 Squires (1986) 118 Squires (1989) St (height of Swofford, 22,82,83,154,8 37.40 squalida St 22 15 76 150 Mclajo Clay Member Savaneta Glauconitic Sandstone Member SPSS Inc (1983) SPSS-X procedure DISCRIMINANT 84 suhquadrata Bulliopsis SPR Springvale Formation 56 Dorsanum suhpolituni Spicker (1922) [spire ratio] 56 22, 63 IW quad Mary's Formation Mary's City 33,34 30-32,34,41,43,44,46,50,51,146 Conoy Member "Deep Point beds" of Ward (1980) Little Cove Point Member "Little Cove Point unit" [= "Little Cove welder and Ward (1976) 31 32-34,41,44 31,32,34-36,44,46 Point beds"] of Black- 32,36 Windmill Point Member 31,32,34-36,46 "Windmill Point beds" of Blackwelder and Ward (1976) 32-34,36,44.46 Stanley (1984) 115 Stanley (1986) 76,109,1 15 Stapleton (1977) Dorsanum slavropolensis, Stcinmannand Wilckens (1908) Stephenson (1923) 88 84 21,80,81,95,108,151 20 Xfolopophorus 64,69 " \folopophorus" 23,6 stephensoni (cf), Molopophorus Stewart (1927) [shell thickness] Stimpson (1865) Stow (1871) Strathmann (1978) Slrausz (1966) Strebel (1906) striata Bullia 90 Tahiti Talar Sandstone (Hingol Section) 89 Tallahatta Formation 54 Taiwan! and Eldholm (1977) 117 Tankard (1975) Tankard and Rogers(1978) 115 115 Tapparone-Canefri (1882) larbellica Keepingia Taylor, D W., and Sohl (1962) Taylor, J D., Morris, 28 22, 11 and Taylor 1980) [Molopophorus) 23,63,64,66,70 36-39,42 1 87 113 Tcgland (1933) Tejon Formation 95 64,69 tejonensis, Colweltia 69 64,67,69.70 tcnera Ancilla 58 Ancillaria 58 incillopsis 58 Bullia 58 Xfolopophorus "Molopophorus" Struhsaker(1968) stun "Cyllenina" Bulliopsis ^'assa (Bulliopsis) 23,55,59,148 Bullia (Bullia) 13.16,18,87,88,144 15,16,18,21,141.8 Terebra 13 granulosa Lamarck, 1822 28 /«/ra« Adanson, 1757 27 lerebraeforme, 20,25 lerebraeformis 28 15,16 ? 28 Bullia Bullia > 63,64,70 2i.64 105 22, suhcylmdrica Bullia (Bulliopsis) tenuis Dorsanum Dorsanum 63,64 22,67,69,70,149.8 10 Cominclla Molopophorus 85,95 103 11.53 ( Teeter (1973) Bullia 69 striatus 146 34,40,41,43,44 30,51 18,107,1 16 "Bullia" Bullia (Bullia) ? Bullia 56 Ancillaria 56,57 incillopsis 56,57 28,29.140 21,102,104-106 (Dorsanum) 28 Dorsanum Dorsanum (Fluviodorsum) 28 28 85 Icrchnna Cyllenina tcrnodosuin Dorsanum "Tethyan" province Tethys subglobosa Ancilla Bullia "Bullia" stephensoni STH (cf.), 84 18,1 19 12,109,115-119 18 eastern western 119 texana Sagenella 61 Review of the Bullia Group: Allmon texanus, Phos 61 Turner R F (1973) Thais 88 turrita Thanetinassa Nuttall and Cooper, 1973 5.7,8,62,82,Si.86,102,104,106,107.] 10.1 16 22,83,154,8 15 /'uwo«a(Melleville, 1843) Thiede(1977) Thiede and Eldholm (1983) Thiclc (1929-1935) Thorson (1950) Thulean Land Bridge group total group group total the total 38-43 marylandica] Bulliopsis subcylindrica from Mary's Fm of Maryland] St 38,40-43,48 group [Bulliopsis qiiadrata + Bulliopsis subcylindrica from 38,40-43 the Eastover Fm of Virginia] Toulmm 21 lownsendi Bullia (Bullia) 16,17.19 Bullia Bullia (Bullia) Traub(1938) Trechmann (1923) (1970) Dorsanum Comad, 1865a Trit la \dams 1852 a//(/w (e.v Risso MS) (Conrad) golfoyaquensis Maury, 1917 20 68,70 College of Natural Sciences UO Perunassa ursus Buccinanops 12 Bullia U Clarke 57 59.148 57-61 148 53, 148 Claiborne Salitpa Creek 22,73,77,79,150,8 southwestern 77,78 29 truncata Bullia 57 56 Washington Co 53.57 Tombigbee River Hatchetigbee Bluff Alaska [AK] truncalus Adinus Pseudostrombus (Adinus) Tryon (1882) Tryon (1883) tscharnozkii 23,29,140 29 20,23-28,64 58,60,64 Dorsanum [total shell height] [total shell width] Phos Tubera Group Tucker and Wilson (1932a) Tucker and Wilson (1932b) Tucker and Wilson (1933) Tully and O'Ceidigh (1986) Tumbez Formation 12 luheraensis middle Bull's Martinez Walnut Creek Co 68 69 Kings Co Solano Co southern 70,149 22,83,154,8 23,58,59,114,148 A ncillopsis 59 Turner, F E (1938) 68,70,95 D 66,70 75,95 Tejon Turner R 68,149 70 70,149 59 Turner, R D., Pechenik, and Calloway (1986) Co Head Point Kern Co Kern River San Emigdio 65 21,22,23,55,63-70,77,78,93-95,112,118,119 Fresno tuomeyi "Bullia" 75,95 78,151 Bullia 118 53.57,95 6,32,53,1 10,1 19 29,30,31,34,50 Contra Costa 95 15 Atlantic coastal plain 36-39,42 36-39,42 113 IVhilecliffia Appalachian Piedmont Arkansas [AR] California [CA] 151 53,55,146-148 10,22,63,65,67.94 84 76 Tunnel Point Sandstone tuomoyi 53,56,146 57-60.62 Monroe Co Alabama River Bell's Unding 73,77 Nassarius 15, 5,21,23,53,54,55,57-63,82,83,93-95,119,147 Lisbon Bluff tumida Co 51 TSW 26 Dale Co Gregg's Landing TSL 22,73,74,79,150.8 S A Alabama [AL] 51 11 75 9.66.68 26 Bullia (Buccinanops) Claiborne Bluff Calophos 5.6 19,26,80 51 Alectrion A 73,74 50 tropicalis S S A.] 11 uruguayensis 95 OR, U (7) Calophos marylandica (ConrnA 1862a) ovata (Conrad) (Comad, 1830) Tampa FL U [University of Oregon Eugene Integra (Conrad) qiiadrata Department of Geology Paleontological Collections 22 73,77 University of South Florida uruguayense Buccinanops Tritia (Bulliopsis) 22,8 Keepingia Universidad Simon Bolivar Caracas Venezuela University of Capetown Capetown South Africa uniseriale 21 84 83 30 56 trifonnis 6,9,64-70,76,149 S A.] Umpqua Formation 18,20,21,141 trifasciata Bullia (Bullia) Tritaria CA, U Ukraine ursa, tranquebarica et al 54,59.148 54,59,63,148 9.67 UA [University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK, U.S A.] UCMP [University of California Museum of Paleontology, Berkeley, 53,56.95 (1977) Trevallion 54,56 Member Member Landing Bell's 38,40,42,43,48 [Bulliopsis Integra] + Tuscahoma Formation Gregg's Landing 117 [Bulliopsis qiiadrata 21 hutlia (Bullia) 117 88 84 [Bulliopsis 18 28 Bullia 117 17,18 Dorsanum total 1,14,23,27,29,1 16 Tomlin lorpidum 177 15,18 5,6 Yuba Co Delaware [DE] eastern Horida [FL] Charlotte Acline 65 66,70 67 119 64 68 33 95 5,22.72,73.93- Co 75 75.76.151 Bulletin 335 178 east bank Bowler's Florida Dade Co Miami, "Bird Road Site" 75 Lee Co Jackson Bluff 75 northern 118 Sarasota 75 Co APAC Florida Pit at junction of Interstate Fruitville Highway 75 and 75,150 76 Road Sarasota 20.53,57 Georgia [GA] southern 18 8,53,54,56,58,67,69,86,95,110,112, Gulf Coastal plain 114,118,119,148 23,53,54,58,61,62,94 Louisiana [LA] 61 Ouachita Parish Mar>land[MD) 5,9,12,21,30-34,38,44,46,50,52,93,94,147 33 146 Baltimore Calvert Co 6,32,51 Calvert Cliffs Chesapeake Bay, Cove Point Light House Little Cove Pomt [LCP, loc 32 1] 33,51 Patu.xcnt River Mary'sCo loc 2] loc 5] E bank Mary's St cellor's Pt St [CP, 34,52 32,34,52 43,46,50 52 'lork River 33 Washington [WA] 22,23,63,65-70,93,95 149 Cowlitz Valley Grays Harbor Co Lewis Co Galvin Station 65,149 67 67 Lower Cowlitz Valley, Old Gnes Ranch Olequa Creek Vader Olympic Peninsula 68,69 67 69 67 Co Wahkiakum Co., Wilson Creek 67,149 Thurston 66 DC Washington 33 West Virginia [WV] West [= Pacific] Coast 33 63- 109,,119 USGS [United States Geological Survey collection, U S National 6,9,32-34,51-53 Museum, Washington, DC U S.A.] 67,73-76,150,151 USGS [United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA, U 30-32,ii.34.4 44.5 Mary's River ~ 0.5 km N of Portobello USGS [United States Geological Survey National Center Reston Bluff, 3.2 km S A.] Deep Point, E bank St Point [DP Layton's Landing 30,51,146 southeast of Her- Chesapeake Bay, Langley's manville [LB, 30-32,i4.36, loc 6] Union Mill Rappahannock River Richmond Co., Warsaw 30.31,i2.34,36.40,41 43,44,46,48.49.51,147 St Wharf [BW, 43,44,46,48,49,52,146,147 75,76 76 R ~ 30-32,i4,36,4 1,43, km S of St Mary's City Chan- 2.1 30-32,i4.36,44,51 loc 4] 30,32,33,41,51 Mary's River VA, U USNM S 6,9 A.] [United States National Museum of Natural History, Smith- sonian Institution, Washington, DC, U S A.] 5,6,9,19,20, 24-27,34,51-53.55.57,, Windmill Point, opposite mouth of St Inigoes Creek [WP, 30-32,ii,34,36,4 1,43,44,46,48,49,51 loc 3] 8,46,55 Middle Atlantic states Mississippi [MS] Clarke 20,21,23,52-54,57,59,60,93,94 Co Lauderdale 59 57 Co 148 Meridian 148 Union Co New New 10 England 5,9,20,21,30-33,50,52,95,1 18 Jersey [NJ] Cape May 30,33,50,52,146 20,33,34,35,93 North Carolina [NC] Oregon [OR] 22,23,63,65-71,93-95 65 Columbia Co., Pittsburg Coos Co 69,70,149 33 Pennsylvania [PA] Sumter Co 53,57 75 southeastern 52,81,83,93,94,95,108,110,112,114,118 South Carolina [SC] 20,21,52 Tennessee [TN] 148 McNairy Co 20,21,23,53,54,57-62,77,93,94,1 18 Texas [TX] Bastrop Co 57,59 Smithville 59,60,62,148 Co 58 Burleson Robertson Co., Wheelock Sabine Co., Sabine River, Pendleton Bluff southern Virginia [VA] 61 59,148 57 5,9,12,21,30-35,38,44,46,50,52,93,113,147 valida Hullia (Bullia) Van Couvering Van Syoc R er a/ 21 "! 117 (1976) Vanderbilt University variabilis 50.52 Buccinanops BuUia (Bulliopsis) 21,52,56,146,3 50,55 Bulliopsis Varswater Formation 86,87 Gravel Member Quartzose Sand Member Veatch and Stephenson (191 86,87 87 56 1) Venericardia ( I 151 12 Cyinatophos I'elales perversus (Gmelin, 1791) Vetera III Expedition of 1931-1932 vealchi [loc 9] Rappahannock River, 32,34 18 78 118,119 cnericor) plantcosla species group veneris 84 Dorsanum 13 Na.'isa 72,78,85,86,108,112,152 22, "Nassa" "veneris", '' Dorsanum" 97 Verduin (1984) Vermcij (1978) veslita Chlanulota velustu, I'seiuloliva 153 14 78,118 81 148 95 Vicksburg Group 54 Vicksburg Stage '3 Villiers(1967) Essex Co Essex Mill 113 Vagvolgyi (1976) Virginia Museum of Natural History Martinsville, VA, U S A Review of the Bullia Group: Allmon 27 vilrea, Bullia 21,50,52,55,146 Whitfield (1894) 54 Whitsett Formation villala, 13,16,19,1 15 Builm Hullia (Bullia) vitlatum var., 21,28,141 27 Buccinum 118 Yokes (1935) Yokes (1939) Yokes (1957) Vredenburg (1925) VSH 179 23,63,64,69,70,77,95,107 30,51 22,83,89 36-39,42 [ventral spire height] WIIR 36,38 [whorl ratio] Wilbert (1953) 57,95 Wilckens (1906) Wilckens(1911) 80,81 wilckensis, 95 80 62 Cominella Wilcox Group Wiley (1981) Williams (1986) 98-100,1 10 Wade 20,21,148 (1917) Wagner and 21,64,66,67,70,95,112,149 Schilling (1923) 46 Waller (1969) Waller, T 109,1 17 Walvis Ridge Wang (1982) Ward (1980) Ward (1985) Ward and Blackwelder (1980) Ward and Strickland (1985) Ward [in press] 64 30,32-34,46,50 54 Wood (1828) Wood and Hanley (1856) Woodbume and Zinsmeister 13,16,18,19,21,141,144 23 - (1984) 17 95 118 6,32,34,50,55 Woodnng (1982) Woods (1906) Woods (1922) 95 22,23,64-70,95,107,149 WP [U S A., 74 74 Maryland, mouth of St St 95 23,64-70,95 22,71,95,96,111,152 Mary's Co., Windmill Point, opposite Inigoes Creek (loc 3)] 30-32,ii,34,36,4 1,43,44,46,48,49, 51 87 22,64,66,149 Wybergh (1920) WyviUe-Thomson Ridge 117 54,59-62,148 117 Yale University 95 Yaquina Formation Yazoo Formation Yegua Formation Yonge(1938) Yorktown Formation YPM [Yale Peabody Museum, 60 Bullia (Bulovia) Buknia 23,60,148 54 Wellborn Formation Wells and Kilbum(1986) Wenz (1938-1944) 65 Yakataga Formation 95 weisbordi 114 68 54 54 98 31,32 New Haven, CT, U S A.] 6,9, 78,151 10,14,59-63,81,82 West Indies 92-94,109,119 21,73,94,112,118 Republic Cercado de Mao Bluff Jamaica Bartholomew Trmidad Brechin Castle Estate Zelinskaya 95,118 118 Ziegler Scotese, 64 Zhidkova (1972) and Barrett (1982) 10 Zinsmeister (1982) 81 76 Zinsmeister (1984) 109 68-70 30 57 D 6,78 and Cooper, 1973 5,7,8,52,83,102, 104-107,112.116 5»;»TOia(Nyst, 1836) Whitfield (1865) 20,82,84,85,95 (1968) Zinsmeister (1981) Wheatland Formation Wheeler (1935) White Bluff Formation »/m/rfa Nuttall el al 22,73,76,94,95,112,118,119,150 76 Melajo River West Tethyan province Whitecliffia Nuttall 82 Zealandiella Finlay, 1926 77,150 77 54 80 St White, R Winona Formation 8,21,71-79,86,95,103,112,1 16,150 22 Weddell Sea Weisbord (1929) Weisbord (1962) Dommican 6,75 5,22,72,73,75,76,150,151,8 11,12 Woodnng(1972) 100 Watrousand Wheeler (1981) Weaver (1912) Weaver (1916) Weaver (1931) Weaver (1942) Weches Formation G 32,34,46 118 Watelet (1853) P D wilsom Calophos 30,32,46,50 32,34,46,52 W Wilson, Woodring(1928) Woodring(1957) Woodring(1964) 30,32,46,50 Ward, L Waring (1926) Williamson, 17 22,83,8 williamsi Desorinassa and Cooper, 1973 22,82,83,154,8 15 15 22,83,154,8 23,58-61.1 14.148 Zilpha Formation Zinsmeister and Zinsmeister, zorritense, W Camacho 81 81 (1980) 6,80.81,1 19 J Argobuccinum 73,78.79 zorrilensis Buccinanops (Perunassa) 78,79 B Bullia (Buccinanops) ? 12 Calophos"! Nassa Perunassa "zorrilensis" 22,73,75,151,8 78 78 "Perunassa" 74 EuropeanSlage Sa, TTTTTT QuatF — Messiman" Campanian Text-figure 21 — Approximaie siratigraphic ranges of the species of the Bullta group that have a known fossil record Species are hsted in Table 3a For continental European species, only those for which reliable data concerning straligraphic occurrence are available are included Others are listed in Tables 12a and 12b Time scale from Harland ei a! (1982) and Berggrcn e! (1985) •} (3 b u I PREPARATION OF MANUSCRIPTS American /'alconlology usually comprises two or more sepin two volumes each year This series is a publication outlet for significant longer paleontological monographs for which high quality photographic illustrations and the large quarto format are a requisite Bulletins of arate monographs Manuscripts submitted for publication in this monograph series must be typewritten, and double-spaced throughout (including direct quotations and references) All manuscripts should contain a table of contents, lists of text-figures and and a short, informative abstract Format should follow that of recent numbers (or) tables, taxa must be names of all new in the series All measurements stated in the metric system, alone or in addition to the English system equivalent mm that includes The maximum dimensions (7" X 9"; outlined on for photographic plates are 178 this page) Single-page text-figures for reproduction as single column (82 mm; but arrangements can be made S'A") or full page to publish text-figures that lettering in illustrations should follow the ( mm x 229 should be drafted 78 mm; 7") width, must be larger Any recommendations of Collinson (1962) Authors must provide three (3) copies of the text and accompanying illusThe text and line-drawings may be reproduced xerographically, but glossy prints at publication scale must be supplied for all half-tone illustrations and photographic plates These prints should be identified clearly on the back trative material All dated text-citations must be referenced Additional references may be importance can be demonstrated by a short general comment, or individual annotations Referenced publication titles must be spelled out in their entirety Citations of illustrations within the monograph bear initial capitals {e.g., Plate, Text-figure), but citations of illustrations in other articles appear in lower-case letters (e.g., plate, text-figure) listed separately if their Original plate photomounts should have oversize cardboard backing and strong tracing paper overlays These photomounts should be retained by the author manuscript has been formally accepted for publication Explanations of on separate numbered pages within the text, and the approximate position of the text-figure in the text should be indicated Explanations of plates follow the Bibliography until the text-figures should be interleaved Authors are requested to enclose $10 with each manuscript submitted, to cover costs of postage during the review process Collinson, J 1962 Size of lettering for p 1402 te.xt -figures Journal of Paleontology, vol 36, Gilbert Dennison Harris (1864- 1952) Founder of the Bulletins of American Paleontology (1895) ISBN 0-87710-417-' ... numbers and volumes may be had on request Volumes 1-23 of Bulletins of American Paleontology have been reprinted by Kraus Reprint Corporation, Route 100, Millwood, New York 10546 USA Volume of Palaeontographica... S Jr (to 6/30/91) BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY and PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA Peter R Hoover Editor Reviewers for this issue David R Lindberg Elizabeth Nesbitt A list of titles in both... Palaeontographica Americana has been reprinted by Johnson Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10003 USA Reprint Corporation I 1 Subscriptions to Bulletins of American Paleontology may be started at any volume or

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