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'BuKctinsof VOLUME 98, NUMBER 334 JUNE Neogene Paleontology 10 in the northern 6, 1990 Dominican Republic The Family Cancellariidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) by Peter Jung and Richard E Petit Paleontological Research Institution 1259 Trumansburg Road New York, 14850 U.S.A Ithaca, y PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION Officers James President Vice-President E Sorauf Harry A Leffingwell Henry W Theisen Secretary Treasurer Assistant Treasurer Director Legal Counsel James C Showacre John L Cisne Peter R Hoover Henry W Theisen Trustees Bruce M Bell (to 6/30/90) Carlton E Brett (to 6/30/92) Richard E Byrd (to 6/30/92) John L Cisne (to 6/30/91) J Thomas Dutro, Jr (to 6/30/90) Cathryn Newton Harry Raymond Van Houtte (to 6/30/91) William P S Ventress 6/30/92) A D Warren, Jr (to 6/30/91) (to 6/30/90) Edward (to 6/30/91) James C Showacre (to 6/30/90) James E Sorauf (to 6/30/91) Henry W Theisen (to 6/30/92) A Leffingwell (to 6/30/90) Robert M Linsley (to B Picou Jr (to 6/30/92) BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY and PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA Peter R Hoover Editor Reviewers fi)r Matthew James this issue Gary Rosenberg A list of titles in both series, and available numbers and volumes may be had on request Volumes 1-23 of Bulletins of American Paleontology have been reprinted by Kraus Reprint Corporation, Route 100, Millwood, New York 10546 LJSA Volume of Palacontographica Americana has been reprinted by Johnson Fifth Ave., New York NY 10003 USA Reprint Corporation, 1 1 Subscriptions to Bulletins of American Paleontology may be started at any volume or year Current price is US $30.00 per volume Numbers of Palaeontographica Americana are priced individually, and are invoiced separately time, by on request for additional information, write or call: Paleoniological Research Institution 1259 Trumansburg Road Ithaca, NY 14850 USA (607) 273-6623 The Paleontological Research Institution acknowledges with special thanks the contributions of the following individuals and institutions PATRONS (SI 000 or more at the discretion of the contributor) Robert C Hoerle (1974-1977) Richard I Johnson (1967, 1986) J M McDonald Foundation (1972, 1978) Mobil Oil Corporation (1977 to date) Samuel T Pees (1981) Richard E Petit (1983) Robert A Pohowsky (1982) Allen (1967) American Oil Company (1976) Atlantic Richheld Company (1978) Christina L Balk (1970, 1982, 1983) James E HansM BoLLi(1984) RuthG Browne (1986) Mr & Mrs Kenneth E Caster (1967) Chevron Oil Company (1978 1982) Exxon Company (1977 to date) Lois S Fogelsanger ( Texaco, Inc (1978, 1982 1987) Union Oil of California (1982 to date) United States Steel Foundation (1976) 966) Charles G Ventress (1983 to date) Gulf Oil Corporation (1978) Merrill W Haas (1975) Christine C Wakeley (1976-1984) Norman E, Weisbord(1983) (continued overleaf) : MEMBERS (S200) William F Klose Ill KrIz Ralph L Langenheim, Jr Harry A Lefftngwell Egbert G Leigh Jr Tucker Abbott James E Allen R JiRi Elizabeth A Balcells- Baldwin Christina L Balk Bruce M Bell Robert A Black Richard S Boardman Gerard Hans David John Bottjer Donald R Moore Sakae O'Hara J Ruth G Browne David Bukry Samuel T Pees Richard E Petit Sybil B Burger Edward Lyle D Campbell Robert A Pohowsky John Pojeta, Jr John K Pope Anthony Reso Arthur W Rocker Bolli Carter S Caster Kenneth E Caster John E DuPont J Thomas Dutro Jr John L Anneliese Mark Erickson Richard J Erickson Lxjis S Fogelsanger J A A Lenhard Louie N Marincovich, B Picou, Jr Walter E John Saunders B Sage, 111 Judith Schiebout Miriam W Schriner Edward S Slagle David H Stansbery Jorge P Valdes Charles G Ventress William P S Ventress Eugene Fritsche Christopher L Garvie Ernest H Gilmour Merrill W Haas Anita G Harris Steven M, Herrick Emily H Yokes Harold Yokes Robert C Hoerle F D Holland, Jr Christine C Wakeley Frederick H C Hotchkiss Thomas Richard I Johnson David B Jones Peter Jung ToMOKi Kase David Garrett Kerr Albert D Warren, Jr Gary D Webster Norman E Weisbord Ralph H Willoughby Cecil H Kindle YlCTOR A ZULLO Membership dues, Jr Armour subscriptions, and contributions are the Paleontological Research Institution to continue its all E R C Waller Winslow important sources of funding, and allow existing programs and services The P.R.I, publishes two series of respected paleontological monographs Bulletins of American Paleontology and Palaeontographica Americana, that give authors a relatively inexpensive outlet for the publication of significant longer manuscripts In addition, leontological literature tebrate type and The it figured specimens, of well-documented and curated works from the paYork, houses a collection of inver- reprints rare but important older P.R.I, headquarters in Ithaca, New the five largest in North Amenca; an extensive collection specimens that can form the basis for significant future pa- among fossil leontologic research; and a comprehensive paleontological research library Paleontological Research Institution is a non-profit, non-private corporation, and contributions be U.S income tax deductible For more information on P.R.I, programs, memberships, or The may subscriptions to P R.l publications, call or write: Peter R Hoover Director Paleontological Research Institution 1259 Trumansburg Road New York 14850 U.S.A 607-273-6623 Ithaca, /^ ^ufOtins of VOLUME 98, JUNE NUMBER 334 Neogene Paleontology 10 The Family in the northern Dominican Republic Cancellariidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) by Peter Jung and Richard E Petit Paleontological Research Institution 1259 Trumansburg Road New York, 14850 U.S.A Ithaca, 6, 1990 Library of Congress Card Number: 90-6 1317 Printed in the United Stales of America Allen Press, Inc Lawrence, KS 66044 U.S.A CONTENTS Page 87 Abstract Resumen 87 Introduction Acknowledgments 87 87 Biostratigraphy 88 Biogcography and Paleoecology 91 Abbreviations of Repository Institutions 92 Systematic Paleontology 92 93 94 94 94 Introduction Family Cancellariidae Forbes and Hanley 1851 Genus Cancellana Lamarck, 799 Subgenus Cancellana Cancellana (Cancellana) guppyi Gabb, 873 mauryae Olsson, Cancetlarta {Cancellana) Cancellana (Cancellana) juncta 95 922 96 97 98 sp n Cancellaria (Cancellana) harrisi Maury 1917 Cancellana (Cancellana) rowelli Dall, Subgenus Pyruclia Olsson, 932 Cancellana (Pyruclia ?) uva n sp Subgenus Svellia Jousseaume, 887 896 100 101 102 Cancellaria (Sveltia) inquilinus sp n Subgenus Bivetiella Wenz, 1943 Cancellana (Bivetiella) gabbiana Pilsbry and Johnson, 1917 Cancellana (Bivetiella) epistomifera Guppy, 876 Cancellaria (Bivetiella) bajonensis sp n Subgenus Bivetopsia Jousseaume, 887 Cancellana (Bivetopsia) plectilis n sp Subgenus Hertleinia Marks, 949 Cancellaria (Hertleinia) miranda Subgenus Massyla n sp Adams and Adams, 1854 Cancellaria (Massyla) lopezana sp n Genus Aphera Adams and Adams, 1854 Aphera islacolonis Genus Perplicana (Maury, 1917) Dall, Perplicana canae, Genus Trigonostoma n 02 103 103 104 106 106 107 107 107 08 09 109 1 110 890 Ill sp II- 1827 Jousseaume, 1887 Blainville, 112 Subgenus V'entrilia Trigonostoma ( I entrilia) gurabis (Maury, 1917) Trigonostoma ( Ventrilia ?) insulare (Pilsbry and Johnson, 1917) Genus Axelella Petit, 1988 Axeletla emblema n sp 113 Genus Agatnx 115 Petit, 1967 Agatrix losquemadica (Maury, 1917) Genus Admetula Cossmann, 1889 Admetula zalayana Appendix n sp 113 113 114 1 '* 115 116 116 11^ References Cited 118 Plates 123 Index 139 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Page 88 foldoul inside back cover Columnar section of Rio Cana showing (discontinuous) "ranges" of cancellariid species foldout inside back cover Columnar section of Rio Gurabo showing (discontinuous) "ranges" of cancellariid species Columnar section of cliff exposures on Rio Yaque del Norte near Lopez, north of Baitoa, showing (discontinuous) "ranges" of localities foldout inside back cover cancellariid species and stratigraphic position of Section at the mouth of Arroyo Bajon on Rio Mao showing (discontinuous) "ranges" of cancellariid species and stratigraphic Text-figure Index map showing Dominican Republic location of investigated areas in the Cibao Valley, NMB position of of 89 localities NMB Mao showing (discontinuous) "ranges" of cancellariid species and stratigraphic position 89 localities Section exposed at the downstream (eastern) end of Maury's Bluff on Rio species NMB Section exposed in Maury's Bluff! on Rio and stratigraphic positions of Schematic column NMB and TU for the central portion stratigraphic positions of NMB and TU of Rio 90 localities Amina showing (discontinuous) "ranges" of cancellariid species and relative 90 Rio Yaque del Norte showing (discontinuous) "ranges" of cancellariid species and Schematic column ( I (Restored) height width diagram of Cancellaria {Cancellaria) juncta, n 12 (Restored) hcightwidth diagram of Cancellaria {Cancellaria) harrisi Maury positions of NMB (discontinuous) "ranges" of cancellariid localities for Mao showing relative stratigraphic 90 95 localities Restored) height width diagram of Cancellaria (Cancellaria) guppyi Gabb 96 97 99 104 sp Restored) height width diagram of Cancellaria {Cancellaria) rowelli Dall ( (Restored) height width diagram of Cancellaria {Biveliella) epislomifera I (Restored) height width diagram of Cancellaria {Biveliella) hajonensis (Restored) height width diagram of Cancellaria {Hertleinia) miranda I (Restored) height width diagram of Aphera islacolonis (Maury) 110 (Restored) height width diagram of Agalrix losquemaJica (Maury) 115 18 LIST Guppy n n 106 sp 108 sp OF TABLES Table Numbers of specimens of the Page nineteen species of cancellariid gastropods collected in the Cibao Valley for this study 93 NEOCENE PALEONTOLOGY 10 The Family THE NORTHERN DOMINICAN REPUBLIC IN Cancellariidac (Mollusca: Gastropoda) by Peter Jung' and Richard E Petit- ABSTRACT and figured Their mode of occurrence and their Trigonostoma insulare is the only species described from the Dominican Republic which is not represented in the extensive collections studied and may not occur in the Neogene of the northern Dommican Republic The following 10 species are described as new: Cancellaria (Cancellana) jitncla, Cancellana {Pyructia ?) uva, Cancellana (Sveltia) inquitinus, Cancellana (Bivetiella) bajonensis Cancellaria (Bivelopsia) pleclilis Cancellaria (Herllemia) miranda, Cancellaria (Massyla) lopezana, Perplicaria canae, Axelella emblema and Admelula zaiayana The genus Cancellana is represented by 13 species, which are assigned to seven subgenera The genus Trigonostoma is represented by two species (including the enigmatic T insulare) and the remaining five genera (Aphera Perplicaria Axelella Agatrix and Admelula) by a single species each In terms of matenal, Aphera islacolonis is the most abundant species Of the 19 species present in the collections under study only one is definitely known to occur outside of the Dominican Republic, and three others have questionably been recorded from Twenty species of Cancellariidae belonging to seven genera are described stratigraphic ranges are discussed other localities No interpretation of this high degree of endemism is possible at this time RESUMEN Veinte especies de Cancellariidae pertenecientes a siete generos son descritas y figuradas Su ordenamiento estratigrafico y sus modos de ocurrencia son discutidos Trigonostoma insulare es la linica especie que no esta representada en las amplias colecciones estudiadas y puede que no encuentre en el Neogeno de la Republica Dominicana septentrional Las siguientes 10 especies son descritas como nuevas: Cancellaria {Cancellaria) juncta Cancellaria {Pyruclia ?) uva Cancellana {Sveltia) inquilmus, Cancellaria {Bivetiella) bajonensis Cancellaria {Bivetopsia) plectilis, Cancellaria {Hertleinia) miranda Cancellana {Massyla) lopezana Per- Admelula zaiayana El genero Cancellana esta representado por 13 especies, las cuales son asignadas a siete subgeneros El genero Trigonostoma esta representado por dos especies (incluyendo la enigmatica T insulare) y los restantes cinco generos {Aphera Perplicaria Axelella Agatrix y Admetula) por una iinica especie cada uno En terminos de material, Aphera islacolonis es la especie mas abundante De las especies presentes en las colecciones bajo estudio, solo una sola se conoce definitivamente representada fuera de la Republica Dominicana, y la ocurrencia de tres otras es cuestionable en otras localidades Una interpretacion de tal alto grado de endemismo no es posible por estos momentos plicaria canae, Axelella emblema y INTRODUCTION the This paper continues the series of taxonomic studies work of the junior author However, both authors all sections and this is a true joint effort contributed to dealing with Neogene fossils from sections situated in the Cibao Valley, northern fig 1) The Dominican Republic carried out has been outlined by Saunders et al 982) ( and Saunders, Jung, and Biju-Duval (1986) Some comments concerning early collections of molluscs from this area have been given by Jung (1986, p 5) We wish to state that the excessive number of ref- erences to previously published material which makes some instances, and the were mandated by editorial the text difficult to follow in number of tables, excessive dictate as is the following statement of authorship This paper is the result of a joint effort in which both authors shared responsibility The portions dealing with geology and stratigraphy are primarily the work of the senior author and the systematic portion ' Naturhistorisches Museum, Augustinergasse 2, is primarily CH-4051 Basel, SWITZERLAND ' 806 St Charles Road, North Myrtle Beach, SC ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (Text- project within which these studies are being 29582, U S A The material on which this paper lected during field work is based was col- carried out in the years 1978, 1979, and 1980 as part of the project referred to above The field work was made possible by a grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation (Grant 2.646-0.76) The financial help and the assistance in the field pro- vided by Institut Fran^ais du Petrole are gratefully acknowledged We are indebted to the following persons for the loan of specimens under their care: Dr Emily H Yokes, Tulane University; Dr Peter R Hoover, Paleontological Research Institution; Ms Jann Thompson and Mr F J Collier, United States National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution; Mr C P Nuttall, British Museum (Natural History); Dr Robert Robertson and Ms Elena Benamy, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; and Mrs J S Lawless, Peabody Museum, Yale University The manuscript Bulletin 334 was criticalh' read b> Dr Matthew J James, Sonoma and Dr Gary Rosenberg, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, and we are ap- Slate University preciative of their suggestions In addition, pecially grateful to Mr at the Wolfgang Naturhistorisches Dr Richard Museum we are es- Suter, photographer sediments of all the sections in which cancellariid species occur are of similar age (late Miocene to early Pliocene) with the exception only of the Lopez section which is of late early to early middle Miocene age (Saunders Jung, and Biju-Duval, 1986, p 30) Of the Basel as well as to Guggenheim and Mr Marcel Diiggelin, species restricted to single sections, four are from only one known locality each: Cancellaria (Pyruclia ?) The "ranges" of the various species in the different sections are shown in Text-figures to The word "ranges" is put in quotation marks because the term is misleading The species concerned not, of course, uva, n sp is recorded only from locality NMB 17275: Arroyo Lopez on Rio Yaque del Norte (Saunders, Jung, and Biju-Duval, 1986, text-fig 26); Perplicaria canae, n sp has been found only at locality TU 230: Cercado Formation (late Miocene) of the section on Rio Cana (Saunders, Jung, and Biju-Duval, 1986, text-fig 15); and Cancel/aria (Bixetiella) gabbiana Pilsbry and Johnson, 1917 and Axelella emblema, n sp are known only from localities NMB 16938 and NMB 16942, respectively: both situated in the Baitoa Formation (late early to early middle Miocene) of the Lopez section on Rio Yaque del Norte (Saunders, Jung, and Biju- occur continuously through a given sequence of sediments In fact, the occurrences are spotty This is par- Duval, 1986, text-figs 21, 25) The remaining eight species which are restricted to showing sections comprising a thick sedimentary sequence such as those of the Rio Cana Rio Gurabo, and the Lopez section on Rio Yaque del Norte The distributional patterns of the species discussed in this paper reflect a considerable degree of stratigraphic restriction Twelve species (more than 60% of single sections are distributed as follows: both of the Scanning Electron Microscope Laboratory, L'ni\ersit> of Basel Switzerland BIOSTRATIGRAPHY The Cancellariidae are represented in the Neogene of the Cibao Valley by 19 species These species occur in the areas shown in Text-figure except that no cancellariids occur in Area (Arroyo Puiial) ticularly evident in the text-figures Section on Rio Bajon and Bluff Text-figure is of investigated areas known from localities at Arroyo of Maury, whereas Cancellaria been found at loArroyo Bajon as well as at Bluffs 1, 2, and of Maury (Saunders, Jung, and Biju-Duval, 1986, (BiYctiella) bajonensis n sp has surprising considering that the — Index map showing location is calities at the cancellariid fauna) are restricted to single sections This large percentage Mao: Cancellaria {Cancellaria) maury- ae Olsson, 1922 text-figs 29, 30) in the Cibao Valley, Dominican Republic (after Jung, 1986, text-fig 1) Bulletins of American Paleontology, Volume Plate 28 all x6 Dominican Republic Neocene 10: Jung and Petit 137 Explanation of Plate 28 All figures x6 Page Figure 1-10 Agatrix losquemadica (Maury, 1917) 115 1-3 Holotype PRI 28671 Rio Gurabo at Los Quemados; 4-6 NMB H from mm; 7-10 17340; from locality width, 7.5 NMB H view; right side Height, 12.8 mm; TU width, 7.6 late Miocene part of Gurabo Formation, front view; rear view; mm 1250: Rio Verde; early Pliocene; apical view; front view; rear view Height 12.5 mm 17341; from locality apical view; 10 from NMB 15863: Rio Gurabo; late Miocene part of Gurabo Formation; right side Height, 15.5 mm; width, 8.9 mm front view; rear Bulletin 334 138 Explanation of Plate 29 Page Figure -4 Trigonostoma ( NMB TU H 17334; from locality proloconch tclcoconch, x55; 5-8 Agatrix losquemad'ica NMB H (Maur> Ventrilia) gurabis ( 113 1215; Rio Gurabo; late Miocene part of apical view, x28; Gurabo Formation; protoconch, x28; transition apical view, x55 NMB H 12 apical view Height 115 , new Holotype 1917) Maury 1917) 7342; from locality apical view x60 9-12 Admetula zaiayana TU 250; Rio Verde; early Pliocene; protoconch, x 30; transition protoconch/teleoconch, x 60; 116 species 7343; from locality 1.2 mm; TU width: 7.7 227: Arroyo Zaiaya, early Pliocene; mm x-6 front view; 10 rear view; 1 from right side; Bulletins of American Paleontology, Plate 29 Volume 98 X 28 11 x6 X 55 Dominican Republic Neogene Jung and Petit 10: 139 INDEX Note: Page numbers are in light face; plate numbers are in bold face type; the page numbers on which principal discussions occur are in B italics; indicates the foldout inside the back cover Adams and Adams (1853-1854) Adanson (1757) Admele MoWer 1842 /l(/men5;a 116 16 Benamy, Elana Bermont Formation 16 116 losquemadica (Maury \9\1) 15 116 1889) 1 beatrix (0\%%on 1964) 777 16 Admelula 87,91,7/5 1967 95,96,1 17 Cancellaria (Cancellaria) bayeri Pelit 1976 87,88,91,93,104,105,706 97 109 109 cooper; Gabb, 1865 106 98 94 92 corrugata Hinds, 1843 108 cossmanni Morlet, 1888 cossmanni 0\sson 1922 darienaTo\x\a, 1909 diadela Woodring, 1970 ellipsis Pilsbry, 1922 epislomifera Gnppy, 1876 117 117 104,117 100 110 90,103-106,118,8 B Bulletin 334 140 epislomifera dariena Toula 1909 105 coMwa««; Olsson, 1922 16 Gabb, 1873 epislomifera lipara Vk'oodnng 1970 104,105 ^?Mpp,v; epislomifera salhra Vt'oodring 1973 104,105 116 /;arn« Maury, 1917 17,20 juncta n sp 16 «Tu/ja (Solander, 1766) gabbiana Pilsbry and Johnson 1917 gladiator Petit, 1976 guppyi Gabb 1873 /iarm;Maur>, 1917 90,97,98,99,8 98 indemataSovieThy 1832a 103 90,102,103 inquilimts n sp 95,97,3 juncta n sp lacondamini Ohson 1964 lae\escens Gupp\ 1866 laevescens porioncana Maury 1920 //para Woodring, 1951 lopezana n 102 90,95,97,8 /lewnen Anderson, 1929 100 100-102,117,118 100 98 89,95-97,117 98 B milriformis Sowerby 1832a 107 montserratensis Maury, 1925a 104 mooreiGxxppy 1866 moorei (?) Guppy oZifia Sowerby, 1832a ovaia Sowerby, 1832a p«;n Olsson, 1967 plectilis n 104,105,107,118 118 101 101 117 sp portoncana (Maury, 1920) PK'a Olsson, 1964 tohW// Dall 1896 117 1896 ronelli Dall aff cf Cancellaria (Herlleinia) Marks, 1949 n initrifonnis corrugala Hinds 1843 a).f;afw Petit de jadisi Olsson, lopezana n la 109 23 sp oblusa Deshayes 1830 109 propevenusia Mansfield, 1929 109 115 Cancellaria (PyrucUa) 0\sson, 1932 700 spaliosa Nelson, 1870 Cancellaria (PyrucUa laevescens 101 ?) Guppy 1866 mquilinus n sp 100 113 1848 Sowerby, 1832a urceolata Hinds 1843 109,1 10 tessellaia 99 90,102 uva n sp zahni Boie 1910 102,103 Gabb 94 98 Cancellaria (Aphera) islacolonis Maury, 1917 110 103 Cancellaria (Bivetiella)'Wer\/ 1943 22,26 bajonensis n %p 87,88,91,93,104,105, /06 21 89,91-93,103, epmow/era Guppy, 1876 704,105,118 gaiWanaPilsbryand Johnson, 1917 19 88,93, /Oi Cancellaria (Bivetopsia) }o\i%sea\iTne 1887 706,118 /rafmosfoma Sowerby, 1832a 107 moore/ Guppy, 866 22 \01,118 moorei pachia %m\X\\, 1940 107,118 plectilis n sp 22 87,89,93,707,118 rugosa Lamarc\i 1822 107 Cancellaria (Bivetopsia 7) moorei Guppy 18 Cancellaria (Cancellaria) Lamarck, 799 94,96-98,100,101,103,117 barrelli Guppy, 1866 777 16 guppyi gurahis ( Tribia ?) losquemadica Maury , rowelli Dall 1 Maury, 1917 1917 insularis Pilsbry 87.91,93,702 115 113 and Johnson, 1917 113 94 Ca«rt'//ar;i« Montfort, 1810 Cantaure Formation Caribbean 99,105 91,96,102,107,109,113-116 area faunal province 91,93,100,105,107,113,115,117 Sea 91,93,94,107,113,116 casicaha Cancellaria 101 98 cassidiformis Cancellaria Central America ? Cancellaria 92 92 702 19,20 Cancellaria (Trigonostoma) tetiera Philippi 100,101,777 87,88,93.100.707,118 Cancellaria (Sveltia) iousseaume, 1887 101 telemba 0\%%on 1964 18 18 »va, n sp Cancellaria (Scalptia) ic/iMC>im; Olsson 1932 100 87,89,93,709 Cancellaria (N arena) losquemadica Maury, 1917 Cancellaria spaliosa Nelson 1870 109 1964 100 114 705 109 Saussaye, 1844 scalariformis Lamarck 1822 103 108 Adams and Adams, 1854 contabulaia Sov/erby 1832b 100,101 87,89,93,707,108 23,26 sp Sowerby, 1832a Cancellaria (Massyla) 118 Sowerby, 1833 smilhiiDaW 1888 io/;(ya Sowerby, 1832a 98 98 707 107,108 107,108 rowelli Dall scheibei \t\dtTion 1929 similis 89,92,93,95,99 18,20 100,101 94-96 99.8 reticulata (hinni 1767) 88,93,95,96 ? Cancellaria (Cancellaria) miranda macneih Mansfield 1937 maldonadoi Ohson 1964 1922 metuloides O\ison 1964 miranda n sp IS 104,105 102 87,89,93,96 118 mu;/nae Olsson, 1922 pew; Olsson 1967 roHc//; Dall, 91,93,97 118 angosturana Marks 1949 warto Olsson, 1964 /iTflM (Brocchi, 1814) maunae Olsson lavescens 100,118 sp Guppy Guppy laevescens 104, 777 91,93,94,95,96 15,20 102,108,109,113,114 West Coast 102 102,103 cenlrota Cancellaria Cercado Formation Cemohorsky (1972) Chile 88,89,95-98,105,106,108,110-112,116,8 92 102 Chipola Formation Choctawhatchee Formation chrysosloina Cancellaria ciharcola Cancellaria clarki Perplicaria codazzii Cancellaria Collier, F J Colombia, Cibarco Cucurrupi River Department of Atlantico northern southwestern 112 100 06 100-102 112 98 87 101,117 117 99 95,98 117 Dominican Republic Neocene 94 92 92 contabulala Canceltaria (Scalptia) cooperi Canceltaria Canceltaria 108 109 Cossmann Cossmann Cossmann Cossmann Cossmann (1888) 106 (1889) 91,116 106 (1899) (1903) 94 (1913) 104 16 Canceltaria (Canceltaria) East Province, Rio Banano 88-91,98,103,105.1 90 88,90,101 90 Bella Vista 103 La Barranca 90,98,103,105,1 La Boca 90 Lopez 88-90,92,93,99,100,104,105,109,111,114,115.8 Sabaneta 112 Santiago 88.90 Santiago de los Caballeros 99 Santiago Rodriguez 17 Valverde 103 88 88 88 Zamba Yaque River Magne, 1966 v;^Areaw.v; Magne, 1966 111,112 105 DUggelin, Marcel 88 112 Dall(1888) 114,115 Dall(1889) 115,116 Dall (1890) 91,94,111,112 Dall (1896) 89,92,99,102 Dall (1903) 104,105,117,118 Dall (1908) 102 113 Eastern Pacific Ocean Ecuador 100-102,107.108,112,115,116 northwestern El 104,117 dariena, Canceltaria Daule Formation 101 Detpliinula irigonosloma Lamarck 1822 113 Admelula Deshayes (1830) deroyae 16 98,109 Salvador 101 Canceltaria ellipsis, 110 emblema Axetetla 27 Ill Engerrand and Urbina (1910) England 117 109 Canceltaria 100 Canceltaria (Bimietta) 117 87,88,93 88,89.95,96,106,110,111 Zamba Caiiada de Esperanza Guayubin Janico 88,107 88 88 88 88,112,113,115 90,103,104-106.118,8 89,91-93,103,;0m\\h NY, U 87.92,95-97,99,102,105,110,113,115.117 117 Olsson (1970) Olsson and Petit (1964) Ofao«f//a Gilbert and Van de Poel, 1967 Olssonella Pelit, 1970 O'Sullivan, 00 94-96,98-104,1 10,1 13,1 17,1 18 97 Pilsbry (1922) Pilsbry, H 17 Pctuch (1981) Petuch (1987) Pilsbry (1931) NMB 143 101,108 scalare ef a/ (1982) Buccinum 91 87-91,93-1 16,B 87 12,1 13 scalariformis Cancellaria (Scalplia) scalatella Axelella 92 15 Bayovar 99 northern Ill Zorritos 100 scheibei Cancellaria 100 Ill schucherli Cancellaria 101 100 Shasky (1961) Shuto(1974) peruana, Aphera /"en/c/Za Pilsbry and Olsson, 1941 Petit (1967) 91,115 Petit (1970) 114.116 Petit (1976) 102,115,116 Scanning Electron Microscope Laboratory University of Basel Basel, similis SWITZERLAND Cancellaria Smith (1940) 88 116 92 103 107.118 Bulletin 334 144 Smilh (1947) smithfieldensis Trigonosloma 112 luberculosum Trigonosloma 114 Tucker and Wilson (1932) Tumbes Formation smithii Cancettaria (1 766) 14 16 United Slate University, Rohnert Park, CA 88 113 northern northwestern South Carolma Sowerby (1832a) Sowerby (1832l>-1833) Sowerby (1894) States 108,109,113,114 99 urceolala Cancellaria Ill USGS [United States Geological Survey Washington, DC, U 92,112 94 98,100,101,103,106-111,113,118 92,103 92 USNM [United States National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution Washington Cancellaria 100 Cancellaria (Pyruclia) 101 100 strong! Agatrix Wolfgang Jousseaume, 1887 16 varicosa Brocchi Swiss National Science Foundation 87,92,99 S A.] 90,102 Cancellaria 1) 18 87.88,93.100,;0/,1 18 102 varicosa, Svellia 102 varricosa I'olula Venezuela 88 91,102 102 87 DC, U u\a Cancellaria (Pyruclia 105,114,116 109 Golfo de Triste Paraguana Peninsula I'e«(r(7/a 99,105 Jousseaume, 1887 113,114 ve«rn7;a Jousseaume, 1887 venirilia \ 113 113 'enlrilia Tabera Group 100 Vermeij (1978) telemba Cancellaria 100 vigneauxi lenera Cancellaria 113 91.108.109 112 Daguinia 112 Perplicaria lenerum Trigonosloma Trigonosloma (I'enlrilia) 13 Virgin Islands, St, John, Coral 13 Virginia tessellala, Aphera 1 109,1 10 Cancellaria ihisbe Axelella 15 Vokes(1938) Vokes(1989) Vokes Emily ( 91,98,103,105,111,116 87 H 'alula 1767 87 reticulata Lir\r\e 92 varricosa Brocchi, Trigona Perry 1811 pellucida Peiry- 1811 Trigonosloma BlainviWe 1827 agassi:ii DaW 1889 and Johnson, 1917) smithfieldensis 0\eks\shyn, 1960 tenerum (Phihppi 1848) Trigonosloma (E.xiracinx) Korohkov 1955 Trigonosloma (lenlrilia) Sousseaume 1887 (Pilsbry Weisbord (1929) 112 Wenz 112 West Indies wigginsi Aphera 87,91,94,112,113 115 87,114 114 Woodnng(1951) Woodnng(1966) Woodnng(1970) Woodnng(1973) 114 113 91 Tubara Group 98,99 91,103,105,107 107 Ill 112 Wilson (1948) Woodring(1928) Wrigley (1935) 107,112,116-118 104,105 91,108,109 94,98-102,104,105.110,111,114 104,105 120 113 Trinidad, Springvale 94 02 116 (1943) B 113 goniosloma (Sowerby 1832a) 89,93,//i gurahis (Maury 1917) 27,29 113 lenerum (Phihppi 1848) 113 luberculosum (Sov/erby 1832a) Trigonosloma (Ventrilta ?) insulare (Pilsbry and Johnson, 1917) 91,113,114 27 trigonosloma Delphinula vossi .-idmetula 112 113 Areve (Sowerby 1832a) 1814 103 ^rato (Maury 1917) (/i5M/arf (Pilsbry and Johnson 1917) 107 114 Torpedo californica Ayrts, 1855 Toula(1909) Toula(1911) Trigona iuhne 1807 104,105,117 Bay 100,118 Thompson Jann Tb' [Tulane University, S A.] 108,109 Spnngvale Formation cf (>i5u/are 114 southeastern spatiosa 5ve/f(a 117 100,101,111 Uscari Formation South America, Suter, 113 enlrilia) off the southeastern coast 100,101 soHda Cancellaria Sonoma I 114,115 Axelelta Solander ( 13 100,1 18 New Orleans, LA, U S A.] 87-92,94-103,105-107,111-113.116 95,98,100,101.117.118 Yorktown Formation VPM [Peabodv Museum Yale 114 University, New Haven, CT, U S A.] 87,92 102,103 zahni Cancellaria zalayana .4dmetula zapoteca .idmetula Zone D of Maury (1917) Zone E of Maury (1917) Zone H of Maury (1917) Zone of Maury (1917) Zorritos Formation 29 87,91,93,77(5 16 113 115 98,112 98 Ill Texi-figure 2.— Columnar section of Rio Cana showing (disconImuous) "ranges" of cancel lariid species (after Saunders Jung, and Biju-Duval 1986, text-fig 16) refer lo thickness TcKi-figurc ^^ Trig on OS to ma gurabis m Numbers in second column from left m 3.— Columnar section of Rio Gurabo showing (dis- toniinuous) "ranges" of cancellariid species (after Saunders, Jung, and Biju-Duval, 1986, texi-fig 6) Numbers second column from m left refer to thickness in urv 4, m —Columnar section of cliff exposures on Rio Vaque nc^r Lopez, north of Bailoa, showing (discontinuous) L'l isnccllanid species and slratigraphic position of i.ilicr Saunders Jung, and Biju-Duval 1986, NMB lexi-fig 23) PREPARATION OF MANUSCRIPTS American Paleontology usually comprises two or more sepin two volumes each year This series is a publication outlet for significant longer paleontological monographs for which high quality photographic illustrations and the large quarto format are a requisite Bulletins of arate monographs Manuscripts submitted for publication in this monograph series must be typewritten, and double-spaced throughout (including direct quotations and references) All manuscripts should contain a table of contents, lists of text-figures and and a short, informative abstract Format should follow that of recent numbers (or) tables, taxa must be stated equivalent mm in the metric system, alone or The maximum dimensions (7" X 9"; 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