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JUL ia?5 \ HARVARD UNIVgRSITV BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY VOL 67, NO 287, 1975 STUDIES IN PALEONTOLOGY AND STRATIGRAPHY Dedicated to Kenneth E Caster, Professor of Geology, University of Cincinnati ON HIS 4Sth year of teaching pr BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY Volume 67, No 287, 1975 STUDIES IN PALEONTOLOGY AND STRATIGRAPHY Edited by John Pojeta, Jr U.S Geological Survey Washington, D.C 20244 John K Pope Miami University Oxford, Ohio 45056 June This book is 14, affectionately dedicated to KENNETH by 1975 his E CASTER former students Library of Congress Card Number: 75-1 Printed in the United States of America Arnold Printing Corporation i CONTENTS Page Dedication « - Biography of K E Caster La Casa en The _ Clifton Heights - , publications of K E Caster „ „ „ _ 12 Introduction List of monetary contributors Scientific contributions 15 — ~ and paleoecology of Carboniferous Group, Brooks Range, Arctic Alaska Augustus K Armstrong Stratigraphy Ontogeny and systematics of Timeischytes corals, casteri, n Lisburne 17 sp.: An enig- matic Devonian edrioasteroid Bruce M Bell 33 Podial efficacy of some Ordovician asteroids (Echinodermata) from North America J Wayne Branstrator 57 Lower Carboniferous brachiopods from Axel Heiberg and Melville John Islands, Canadian Arctic Archipelago L Carter 71 Middle Devonian Bone Beds and the Columbus-Delaware (Onondagan-Hamiltonian) contact in Central Ohio James E Conkin and Barbara M Conkin 99 New bifoliate tubular bryozoan genera from the Simpson Group (Middle Ordovician), Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma George T Farmer, Jr 123 American Lituitidae (Cephalopoda) Rousseau H Flower 139 Some problems in coral phylogeny and classification Rousseau H Flower and Helen M Duncan 175 Page 10 A Maquoketa-like molluscan community in the Brassfield Formation (Early Silurian) of Adams County, Ohio William B Harrison, III and Linda Kelley Harrison Casterolimulus: A new late Cretaceous generic link in limulid lineage _ Mark Erickson and Douglas E O'Brien F D Holland, Jr., J 11 12 13 14 Ontogenies of three late Cambrian trilobites from the Formation, northern Black Hills, South Dakota 16 17 235 Deadwood Chung-Hung Hu 251 ancestry, geographical extent, and fate of the Brassfield coral fauna (Middle Llandovery, North America) Richard S Laub 273 Hitchhiking clams in the Marcellus Sea Osborne B Nye, Jr., James C Brovver and Steven E Wilson 287 The Trilobite trace fossils from the Clinton Central New York State Richard G Osgood, 15 193 Jr Group (Silurian) of East- and William T Drennen, HI 299 Systematics and functional morphology of Columbocystis, a Middle Ordovician "Cystidean" (Echinodermata) of uncertain affinities Ronald L Parsley 349 Fordilla iroyensis Barrande and early pelecypod phylogeny John Pojeta, Jr 363 Evidence for relating the Lepidocoleidae, machaeridian echinoderms, to the mitrate carpoids John K Pope 18 19 20 385 _ The genus Plumalina Hall, 1858 (Coelenterata) Daniel B Sass and Barrett N Rock Monocyclism vs Dicyclism: John M Warn A primary schism — Re-examined in crinoid 407 phylogeny? 423 The sexual dimorphism and ontogeny of Ceratopsis chambersi (Mil(Ostracoda, Palaeocopida) from the Upper Ordovician of southwestern Ohio and northern Kentucky Steven M Warshauer ler) 443 STUDIES IN PALEONTOLOGY AND STRATIGRAPHY KENNETH EDWARD CASTER 'Paleontology is an art as well as a science." Kenneth Caster is a complex man Raised and educated in upNew York, and Pennsylvania, he blends the resourcefulness and craftsmanship of the Yankee pioneers of his part of this country with the imagination and analytical mind of the scientist and the wit and sophistication of a man of letters and international travel Those who have learned from him have come away inspired, aware not only of their science but also of the breadth of man's other finer endeavors, such as art and literature, and of nature's riches Few scientists combine the penetrating intelligence, rapid comprehension of detail, stamina, and enthusiasm for life to permit themselves simultaneously to become both masters of their chosen fields and broadly authoritative throughout the arts, humanities, and other sciences as state well Born in New Albany, Pennsylvania, in 1908, Kenneth Caster grew up in Ithaca, New York There he received his early education and at Cornell University, his A.B in 1929, M.S in 1931, and Ph.D in 1933 Even before entering college, Kenneth came under the influence and inspiration of J C Bradley, entomologist, and E Laurence Palmer, natural historian, both of Cornell University In his early college years Caster's interest was entomology even while serving as an assistant How- entomology to Bradley, his interest was diverted toward the work of G D Harris, paleontologist and stratigrapher in the Department of ever, as a senior, in Geology at Cornell University Harris, although a specialist in Tertiary mollusks, recognized the need for continuing work in the New York and there The result was Caster's study of the and stratigraphy of the Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniof southwestern New York and northwestern Pennsylvania, mid-Paleozoic rocks of Pennsylvania and directed Caster's attention faunas ferous his doctoral dissertation, his early publications, interest in that part of the geologic column and his continuing Kenneth While still Harris' "right Upon Caster E a graduate student at hand man" Cornell, Caster served as in the post of Instructor of Paleontology receiving his doctoral degree, and after his marriage to the gracious Anneliese, Kenneth moved rapidly through the positions of Instructor of Geology and Paleontology at Cornell, and Assistant Head He of Science at the New York State Normal School at Geneseo arrived at the University of Cincinnati in 1936 as Instructor in Geology and Curator of the Geology Museum and rose steadily to Geology (1952) and Fellow of his present position of Professor of the Graduate School Additionally, he held visiting professorships at Potsdam State College (1936), Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil (1944-47), Escuela Nacional de Minas, Colombia (1948), University of Virginia Biological Station (1955), University of Tasmania (195657), University of California at Berkeley (1962), University of Germany (1964), and Cologne, University of Southern California (1966, 1970) Kenneth's society memberships, distinctions are too numerous to activities, list fully and even honors and He was recipient of the Derby Medal at the Brazihan Geological Survey Centennial (1952) and of the Gondwana Medal at the Geological Survey of India Centennial (1956) He has received Guggenheim and Fulbright Fellowships for travel and study in South America, Africa, Australia, New Zealand and grants from the National Research Council, Geological Society of America and National Science Foundation for and study of Upper Ordovician, Devonian, and Mississippian faunas and stratigraphy He is a fellow or has been an executive officer of ten of the 38 societies and foundations of is a member, inMacDowell Society (1964- which he cluding the presidency of the Cincinnati 66), Paleontological Society (1960), and twice the presidency of the Paleontological Research Institution To find the source of Caster's success the impressively long most At list of geological time first and acclaim, we must scan Their subjects span of his publications and touch upon almost all animal phyla glance, there seems to be no general systematic or chrono- logic organization to the papers It quickly becomes apparent that the papers are divided into vaguely defined periods Like the paintings of Picasso, Caster's papers are arranged into periods reflecting his changing interests: the Devono-Mississippian Period, by exten- Ceratopsis chambersi (Ostracode) 445 SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY HOLLINACEA Swartz, 1936 CTENONOTELLIDAE Schmidt, 1941 Subfamily CTENONOTELLINAE Schmidt, 1941 Superfamily Family Genus CERATOPSIS Ulrich, 1894 Type species: Beyrichia chambersi Miller, 1874, by original designation, Ulrich, 1894, page 676 — Diagnosis A subquadrate quadrilobed palaeocopid with LI modified into a dorsally directed fimbriate spine; infravelar antral dimorphism present, tecnomorph with morphs with a wide convex frill a narrow concave frill, Ceratopsis chambersi (Miller) Pis 1-3 Beyrichia chambersi Miller, p 234, text-fig 27 Non Beyrichia chambersi Miller, Hall and Whitfield, 1874 1875 hetero- p 104, pi 4, figs 11-12 Non Ceratopsis chambersi (Miller), Ulrich, p 676, pi 46, figs 19-22, 1897 (advanced edition, 1894, fide Bassler and Kellett, 1934) Ceratopsis chambersi (Miller), Keenan, p 564, pi 78, fig 1894 1951 Diagnosis — Ceratopsis with elongate, subconical and serrated LI; lateromarginal flange developed in adults but not in juveniles Description of adult tecnoviorphs — Valves equal in size and subelliptical in lateral view Greatest length slightly dorsal to mid- length and greatest height slightly dorsal to mid-height Greatest thickness coincident with the central portion of the lateromarginal flange Hingeline slightly convex and approximately 85% of the greatest length Ventral margin strongly convex and grades into anterior and posterior margins Anterior more bluntly rounded than posterior Cardinal angles obtuse and subequal, approximately 130° Velate frill narrow and concave, present on the convex anterior and ventral portions of valve but lacking on the posterior and marginal rim sub-parallel around entire free margin and coalesce at antero-dorsal and postero-dorsal cardinal corners Wide prominent canaliculus developed around the entire free margin between velar frill and marginal rim In lateral view marginal rim concealed by velar frill around the entire margin LI is prominent Velar frill and modified into a large sub-conical spine (speral process, Jaanusson, 1957, p 190) Edge of the process is serrated into comblike Steven M Warshauer 446 and directed postero-dorsally teeth Distally speral process sharp L2 short, narrow, incHned posteriorly, and does not reach dorsal margin Most dorsal portion of L2 separated from rest of lobe by a shallow horizontal sulcus Separated portion consists of small may hemispherical node of translucent calcite and represent an and separated from Ll by narrow shallow sulcus (SI) and from L3 by wide deep sulcus (S2), L3 long, narrow and extends to dorsal margin L3 curved, with concave side facing anteriorally, and separated from L2 by wide deep sulcus L3 eyespot L2 inclined posteriorly and L4 are separated by wide extremely shallow sulcus L4 wide, not well defined, and grades into posterior and postero-dorsal marconnected ventrally by lateral connecting gins All of the lobes are and sags ventrally, channel formed lobe Crest of connecting lobe sharply defined lateromarginal creating a beneath lateromarginal Hemi-conical flange flange supra-velar in Latero- position around anterior and anterofrill on the posterior margin with velar ventral margins but coalesces SI narrow, shallow and joins S2 dorsally S2 wide, deep and extends marginal flange parallel to velar approximately 75% of the way frill to the ventral margin S2 curved with concave side facing anterior S3 extremely shallow and poorly defined Entire surface of valves, including the velum, finely reticulate No hingement was observed morphs frill is — Heteromorphs like adult tecnodevelopment of the velar frill The wide, convex and distally recurved, thereby forming an Description of heteromorphs in every way except in elongate dolonal antrum In addition, faint radiating ribs present on lateral surface of frill Examination of the one nearly complete left frill borders not meet, carapace indicates that the right and thereby creating a gap around the entire ventral margin Measurements — See Table summary for statistical of the specimens from West Fork Creek Ontogeny — On first examination, the discrimination of instar clusters on the size-dispersion diagram (Text-fig 1) success However, empirical examination makes diagram consists of four instar clusters range and one elongate cluster A in it met with in the 0.6-1.4 the 1.4-2.1 binary subdivision of the elongate cluster mm mm (length) (length) range may complished on morphologic grounds In this way, little apparent that the six be further ac- growth stages Ceratopsis chambersi (Ostracode) bn m u-^ "t ,ii ^ —3 00 U-l T-C OS 00 u-» O »— ( v^ vo '-' * 447 Steven M, Warshauer 448 -2.0 Cerafopsis chambers/ (Miller), 1874 West Fork Creek A 9> -1.8 o o o • s -1.6 -1.4 -1.2 E E S Heteromorph 4/ 1.0 o Adult Tecnomorph • Tecnomorph A Mean Size of Instar 'r -.8 Height (mm) A" 1.2 1.0 X — Text-figure Size dispersion diagram for 63 chambersi Comparative growth of the length (L) X linearity as indicated by the allometric equation (y least squares fit of these points to the above equation = of correlation, r^ -I J = 945 specimens of CeratoPsis height (H) approaches = A bx^), L 1.73H-887 indicates a high degree Ceratopsis chambersi (Ostracode) 449 the adult, adult-1, adult-2, aduIt-3, adult-4 and the adult-5 may recognized Smaller instars exist also as living ostracodes are have 6-9 instars (Kesling, 1961a) and some palaeocopids have been re- ported to have as many as 11 (Spjeldnaes, 1951) chambersi so far recovered, the adult-5, of C is The earliest stage with the trilobate, most posterior lobe (L3 or L4) being much wider than Ll or L2, and without a lateromarginal bend or flange The lateromarginal surface of the valves is convex, and as in the adults, finely reticulate The velar structure is limited to a low ridge on the adventral surface strong marginal ridge parallel to the entire free is not concealed by the velar ridge There is also margin and A is an ontogenetic change in the lateral outline of the valves In the adult-5 the greatest height is located in an extreme anterior position During the rest of ontogeny the greatest height moves progressively away from the anterior border until, adult-4 is in the adult, it is The just anterior to the mid-length quadrilobed and has a velar ridge developed on both the anterior and ventral borders These conditions also occur in the adult-3 and the adult-2, although they show a steady increase in the intensity of lobal inflation and sulcal impression close similarity exists An extremely between the adult and the adult-1, the most obvious difference being the occurrence of the lateromarginal flange in the adult but not marginal flange is in the adult-1 The occurrence of the latero- the unique criterion used to differentiate the adult from the adult-1 on the size dispersion diagram (Text-fig 1) The adult-1, however, has a sharp lateromarginal bend, a factor that allows the differentiation of the adult-1 from the earlier instars (Text-fig 2) Discussion topsis — Identification chambersi was made specimen is of the present specimens as Cera- difficult as the whereabouts of the type unknown However, Miller (1874), in his original ab- breviated description of the species, reported the following: "I first cinnati, found it in the about 150 feet excavation for Columbia Ave., above low water mark in [of the Cin- Ohio River]; (p 234)." This would fix the original occurrence as being within the (Kope Formation) of the type Edenian Stage (at Cincinnati the Edenian Steven M Warshauer 450 Stage and the lithostratigraphically defined Kope Formation are co- incident) Miller further wrote: "Subsequently I found part of the Cincinnati A it at Group Richmond, Indiana in the upper (p 234)." cursory examination of specimens of Ceratopsis (several hun- from different intervals throughout the Richmondian; collected by W Shideler and now in the Miami University collections) from the Richmondian Stage of Indiana reveals differences from the Edenian specimens of at least a specific nature dred specimens — Text-figure Schematic transverse sections through carapaces of Cerachambersi illustrating the ontogenetic development of the lateromarginal F Adult flange A Adult-5; B Adult-4; C Adult 3; D Adult-2; E Adult-1 Lateromarginal Bend; LMF Lateromarginal Flange; Tecnomorph; LMB Marginal Ridge; VR Velar Ridge (in this case, the frill) topsis ; MR = = = = Ceratopsis chambersi (Ostracode) 451 am reserving the name Ceratopsis chambersi for forms Edenian specimens herein described This restriction is felt to be imperative as no other species of Ceratopsis, with the exception of several specimens of C interfjiedia, a form without the large, elongate speral process described by Miller, have been recovered during the present extensive sampling of the Edenian Stage in its type area In fact, the two poorly preserved specimens of C intermedia were collected from the base of the Kope Formation and may represent material that has been reworked from the underlying Therefore, I identical to the Pt Pleasant Formation Accordingly, the identification of the speci- mens described and poorly figured by Hall and Whitfield (1875) from the Richmondian near Waynesville, Ohio, have been questioned in the synonymy In 1894, Ulrich reported and figured C chambersi from the Middle Ordovician Decorah Shale of Minneapolis and Cannon Falls, Minnesota Examination of topotype material (approximately 100 specimens collected from the Decorah Shale at Cannon Falls by L G Henbest and now in the possession of J U.S.G.S.) reveals that this species is also distinct Berdan of the from C chambersi sensu strictu As far as can yet be ascertained, the Trentonian and Richmondian specimens previously assigned to C chambersi are distinct and separate entities, differing from C chambersi in the development of the subvelar field and the disposition of the speral process Further information as to the nature of these specimens must await future investigation Examination of the holotype (U.S.N.M 41335) of C robusta Ulrich, from the Richmondian of Minnesota, reveals a great similarity between that specimen and the adult-1 of C chambersi In particular, both forms have a lateromarginal bend but no latero- marginal flange Whether or not the holotype of C robusta represents an adult of a paedomorphic derivative of C cham,bersi, the juvenile of a distinct Richmondian species or a juvenile chambersi, remains to be investigated Therefore, with the synonymy for the poorly known I of C robusta put forth Bassler and Kellett (1934) and have reevaluated each citation on own C not agree by its merit Ceratopsis chambersi differs from the other described Cincinnatian members of the genus, C intermedia and C oculifera, by the extreme development of the speral process In C intermedia, the Steven M Warshauer 452 is short and subtriangular while in C oculijera, it is short and circular More importantly, however, C chambersi exhibits velar dimorphism Thus far no sexual dimorphism has been reported for C intermedia, C oculijera or any other described member of the genus Admittedly though, the heteromorphs of C chambersi are process rare and fragile, thereby making them unknown until the present study This delicate nature of the valves could also explain the lack of heteromorphic valves for the other described species of Ceratopsis Keenan (1951) figured but did not describe C chambersi from the base of the Edenian at Cincinnati This was the photograph of the species ever to be published and was included in the on Ulrich's 1894 first adequate for that reason, synonymy Most previous figures were based and were merely inaccurate generalized illustration drawings For a synonymy that includes all citations of C cham,bersi, in- cluding those that simply repeat the original description, see Bassler and Kellett, 1934 Occurrence Kope Formation — In addition to its occurrence throughout the of the Cincinnati area, C cha'jnbersi has also reported from the Richmondian Liberty Formation at and Versailles, Indiana been Richmond (Cummings, 1908), the Upper Ordovician New York (Ruedemann, Indian Ladder beds of Albany County, 1912), the Eden division of the Martinsburg Shale of Pennsylvania and Maryland (Bassler, 1919), the Middle to Upper Ordovician Utica and Lorraine Formations of New York (Ruedemann, 1926), and the Martinsburg Shale of Virginia (Butts, 1940) Figured specimens Yi.C.GM 40171, U.C.G.M 40812, U.CG.M 40816, U.C.G.M 40817, U.C.G.M 40818, U.C.G.M 40819, — U.C.G.M 40820, U.C.G.M 40813, UCGM 40813a U.C.G.M 40814 (47 specimens on one Measured specimens slide), U.C.G.M 40815 (9 specimens on one slide) — CONCLUSIONS Ceratopsis chambersi is definitely dimorphic, as suggested 345) The dimorphism makes ningsmoen (1965, p in the development of an infravelar antrum, itself by Henmanifest a type of structure that has been interpreted (Henningsmoen, 1965) as being an adaption for egg brooding in the heteromorph Ceratopsis chambersi (Ostracode) The occurrence of sexual dimorphism in C 453 chambersi makes it necessary to remove the genus Ceratopsis from the non-dimorphic Quadrijugatoridae and place it in a dimorphic family As presently chambersi understood, C most closely resembles the genera of the Ctenonotellidae, subfamily CtenonotelHnae, and has thus been placed in that group The developmental changes in lateral outline and lobal morphology most probably related to a posterior addition of appendages throughout ontogeny (Henningsmoen, 1965, pp 366-370) At each succeeding ecdysis more appendages were added and thus the posterior portion of the carapace had to be expanded to accomm.odate are them REFERENCES CITED Bassier, R S The Cambrian and Ordovician deposits of Maryland Maryland Geol Sur Cambrian and Ordovician, vol 1, 424 pp Bassier, R S., and Kellett, B 1934 Bibliographical Index of Paleozoic Ostracoda Geo] Soc America, Spec Papers 1, 500 pp Butts, C Geologic 1940 Geology of the Appalachian Valley in Virginia; Pt text and illustrations Virginia Geol Sur., Bull 52, 568 pp Cumings, E R 1908 The stratigraphy and paleontology of the Ordovician rocks of hidiana Indiana Geol Nat Res 32nd Ann Rept 580 pp 1919 — Guber, A 1964 and Jaanusson, V Ordovician ostracodes ivith posterior domiciliar Dimorphism Publ Pal Inst Univ Uppsala, No 53 {also as Geol Inst Univ Uppsala, L., Bull., vol 43, 41 Han, J., pp., pis and Whitfield, 1875 R P Descriptions of invertebrate fossils mainly from the Silurian System; Fossils of the Hudson River Group Ohio Geol Sur Rept vol 2, Geol and Palaeont pt 2, Paleont., pp 67-110, pis Henningsmoen, G 1965 On certain features of Palaeocope ostracodes Geol handl., vol 86, pp 329-394 Jaanusson, V 1957 Middle Ordovician ostracodes 1966 of Foren., For- Central and Southern Sweden Publ Pal Inst Univ Uppsala, No 17 {also as Geol Inst Univ Uppsala, Bull., vol 37, pp 173-442, pis 1-15) Ordovician ostracodes with supravelar antra Publ Pal Inst Univ Uppsala, No 66 {also as Min.-Geol Inst Univ Uppsala, Bull., vol 43, 30 pp., pis.) Keenan, E 1951 Ostracodes vol 25, No from the Maquoketa Shale of Missouri Jour 5, Paleont., pp 561-574 Kesling, R V \96\^ Ontogeny of Ostracoda; in Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, R C Moore Editor; pt Q, pp Q19-Q20 Steven M Warshauer 454 Quadrijugatoridae ; in Treatise on Invertebrate PaleonEditor; pt Q, pp Q150-Q155 1969 Copulatory adaptations in ostracods Part III Adaptations in some extinct ostracods Contr Mus Pal Univ Michigan, vol 22, pp 273-312, 23 text-figs Kesling, R V., and Hussey, R C 1953 A neiu family and genus of ostracod from the Ordovician Bill's Creek Shale of Michigan Mus Paleont., Univ Michigan, Contr 1961b Family tology, R C vol 11, No Moore 4, pp 77-95 Miller, S A Monograph of the Crustacea of the Cincinnati Group Cincinnati Quart Jour Sci 1(1), pp 115-147 Ruedemann, R 1912 The Loiver Siluric Shales of the Mohaiuk Valley New York State 1874 Mus 1926 Bull 162, pp 151, illus Utica and Lorraine Formations of Neiv York Pt 2, Systematic Paleontology (2) Mollusks, crustaceans and eurypterids The New York State Mus Bull., No 272, pp 137-145, pi 23 Schmidt, E A Studien in bohmischen Caradoc (Zahofan-stufe) 1, Ostrakoden aus den Bohdalec-Schichten und titer die Taxonomie der Beyrichiacea Senck Naturf Ges., Abh 454, pp 1-96 Schallreuter, R 1966 Zur Taxonomie und Phylogenie der Ostracodenfamilie Ctenonotellidae Schmidt, 1941 (Paleocopina, Hollinacea) Geologic, Jahrg 15, Heft 2, pp 197-208, pis 1941 Spjeldnaes, N 1951 Ontogeny of Beyrichia jonesi Boll Jour Paleont., vol 25 No 6, pp 745-755 Swartz, F M 1936 Revision of the Primitiidae and Beyrichiidae ivith new Ostracoda from the Loiver Devonian of Pennsylvania Jour Paleont, vol 10, Warshauer, 1972 pp 541-586 M The Taxonomy, S and palcoecology of the Edenian of the Ohio Valley Unpub Ph.D Dissertation, University of Cincinnati biostratigraphy (Upper Ordovician) ostracods Ulrlch, E O 1894 Loiver Silurian Ostracoda of Minnesota Geologj- Minnesota, vol 3, pt 2, pp 629-693 Explanation of Plate All specimens, unless otherwise indicated, are from West Fork Creek Figure 1-7 Ceratopsis chambers! (Miller) Lateral view of the left valve of an adult tecnomorph; 30 7X Newport, Kentucky U.C.G.M 40171 Lateral view of the right valve of an adult heteromorph; 30.7X U.C.G.M 40812 Lateral view of the right valve of an adult-1 carapace; 39.5X U.C.G.M 40820 Lateral view of the right valve of an adult-2 carapace; 39.5 X U.C.G.M 40819 Lateral view of the left valve of an adult-3 carapace; 39.5 X U.C.G.M 40818 Lateral view of the left valve of an adult-4 carapace; 39.5X U.C.G.M 40817 Lateral view of the left valve of an adult-5 carapace; 39.SX U.C.G.M 40816 Drdovician Ostracoda Plate Steven M Warshauer Plate hfy / \^, ik Ceratopsis chambersi (Ostracode) Explanation of Plate 455 All figures are scanning electron micrographs of specimen U.C.G.M 40813, an adult tecnomorphic carapace from West Fork Creek Figures are not oriented in conventional manner, with anterior towards top of page, but instead are oriented in manner that original scanning micrographs were taken; 43 8X Figure 1-5 Ceratopsis chambersi (Miller) Ventral view, anterior towards bottom of plate; 20° tilt Ar.teroventral view, anterior towards bottom of plate; 57° tilt Dorsoventral view, posterior towards top of page; 57° tilt Oblique view, ventral surface up; 45° tilt Oblique view, ventral surface up; 45° tilt Steven M Warshauer 456 Explanation of Plate All figures are scanning electron micrographs of specimens from West Fork Creek Figure 1-6 Ceratopsis chambersi (Miller) reticulation Oblique dorso-ventral view of heteromorphic frill and Distal edge of frill of opposite valve is visible in bottom portion of figure U.C.G.M 40812; 66° tilt; 85.7X Oblique view of lateral surface of right valve, showing development of lateromarginal flange on an adult heteromorph U.C.G.M 40812; 84° tilt; 8S.7X Lateral view of a heteromorphic right valve, clearly displaying the radiating ribs on the frill U.C.G.M 40812; 10° tilt; 42.8 X Oblique interior view of valve Material on interior of valve consists mostly of bryozoan fragments U.C.G.M 40813A; 45° tilt 42 8X S Detailed view of reticulation along edge of heteromorphic frill Notice the differential rate of weathering of reticulation U.C.G.M 40812; 72° tilt; 500X Detailed view of reticulation on either side of marginal rim on an adult tecnomorph U.C.G.M 40813; 20° tilt; 428X Dbdovician Ostracoda Plate 1^'^ 'i ...pr BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY Volume 67, No 287, 1975 STUDIES IN PALEONTOLOGY AND STRATIGRAPHY Edited by John Pojeta, Jr U.S Geological... Palmer, was decided it the book as a volume of the Bulletins of American Paleontology, This seemed especially appropriate because Ken was D Harris, who founded the Bulletins and the Paleontological... of the Devonian of south^vestem Pennsylvania Amer Assoc Petroleum Geol., Bull., vol 19, pp 1546-1550 With R H Flower The stratigraphy and paleontology of northiuestern Pennsylvania, Part 2, Paleontology,