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THE AND MOLT OF SCRUB BLUE JAYS JAYS IN FLORIDA BY G THOMAS BANCROFT AND GLEN E WOOLFENDEN Departmentof Biology, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida 33620 ORNITHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS PUBLISHED THE AMERICAN BY ORNITHOLOGISTS' WASHINGTON, 1982 NO D.C UNION 29 THE AND MOLT BLUE OF SCRUB JAYS IN JAYS FLORIDA ORNITHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS This series,publishedby the AmericanOrnithologists'Union, has been establishedfor major paperstoo long for inclusionin the Union's journal, The Auk Publicationhas been made possiblethroughthe generosityof the late Mrs Carll Tucker and the Marcia Brady Tucker Foundation, Inc Correspondence concerningmanuscriptsfor publicationin the seriesshould be addressedto the Editor, Dr Mercedes S Foster, USFWS, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C 20560 Copies of OrnithologicalMonographs may be ordered from the Assistant to the Treasurerof the AOU, Glen E Woolfenden,Department of Biology, University of SouthFlorida, Tampa, Florida 33620.(See price list on back and inside back cover.) OrnithologicalMonographs,No 29, viii + 51 pp Editor of AOU Monographs, Mercedes S Foster Special Reviewers for this issue, Victor R Dolnik, Biological Station of Rybachy, Zoological Institute, USSR, Academy of Sciences, Leningrad,USSR; Martin L Morton, Departmentof Biology, Occidental College, Los Angeles, California; and Kenneth C Parkes, Life Sciences Department, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Authors, G Thomas Bancroft and Glen E Woolfenden, Department of Biology, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida 33620 First received, 22 December 1980; accepted, April 1981; final revision completed, 16 July 1981 Issued January 14, 1982 Price $8.00 prepaid($6.50 to AOU members) Library of CongressCatalogueCard Number 81-86487 Printed by the Allen Press, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas 66044 Copyright ¸ by the American Ornithologists' Union, 1982 THE AND MOLT BLUE OF SCRUB JAYS JAYS IN FLORIDA BY G THOMAS BANCROFT AND GLEN E WOOLFENDEN Departmentof Biology, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida 33620 ORNITHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS PUBLISHED THE AMERICAN BY ORNITHOLOGISTS' WASHINGTON, 1982 NO D.C UNION 29 TABLE INTRODUCTION MATERIALS METHODS OF CONTENTS SCRUB JAY MOLTS FIRST PREBASIC MOLT DEFINITIVE PREBASIC MOLT 4 BLUE JAY MOLTS FIRST PREBASIC MOLT DEFINITIVE PREBASIC MOLT 23 23 25 COST 35 CURVES FOR MOLT BY JAYS IN FLORIDA DISCUSSION THE SCORING SYSTEM FIRST PREBASIC MOLT DEFINITIVE LITERATURE CITED 39 OF MOLT AND BREEDING ACKNOWLEDGMENTS SUMMARY PREBASIC MOLT INTERACTIONS 37 37 41 d 43 46 46 48 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Intensityof the first prebasicbody molt in juvenile Florida Scrub Jaysexaminedin successivehalf-months Intensity of the first prebasicmolt in juvenile Florida ScrubJays of different ages Intensity of body molt in adult Florida Scrub Jays during different remex stagesof the definitive prebasicmolt Remex scoresof individual Florida Scrub Jay breedersexamined two or more times during one definitive prebasicmolt Remex scoresof individual Florida Scrub Jay helpersexamined two or more times during one definitive prebasicmolt Remex scoresfor adult Florida Scrub Jays examined during the definitive prebasicmolt The timing of breedingand the definitiveprebasicmolt in Florida Scrub Jays Remex scoresfor late-nestingFlorida ScrubJay breedersrelative to day in their nest cycles Remex scoresfor four breedingmale Florida Scrub Jays examined four to six times during one definitiveprebasicmolt 10 Intensity of the first prebasicbody molt of juvenile Florida Blue Jays examinedin successivehalf-months 11 Intensityof body molt for adult Florida Blue Jaysexaminedduring differentremex stagesof the definitiveprebasicmolt 12 Remex scores for 20 adult Florida Blue Jays examined two or more times during one definitive prebasicmolt 13 Remex scoresfor adult Florida Blue Jays examined during the definitive prebasicmolt 14 The timingof breedingand the definitiveprebasicmolt in Florida Blue Jays 15 Molt cost curves for Scrub Jays and Blue Jays in Florida vi 12 13 14 18 20 21 22 24 29 30 32 34 36 LIST Table OF TABLES Percentageof juvenile Florida Scrub Jays examinedin successive half-months molting feathers in various regions during the first prebasic molt Percentage of juvenile Florida Scrub Jays of different ages molting feathers in various regions during the first prebasic molt Percentage of adult Florida Scrub Jays in each remex stage of the definitive prebasic molt replacing primaries and secondaries 10 Percentageof adult Florida Scrub Jays in each remex stageof the definitive prebasic molt replacing rectrices 10 Percentage of adult Florida Scrub Jays in each remex stage of the definitive prebasic molt replacing body feathers, alulae, and coverts 11 Mean rate of the definitive prebasic molt in Florida Scrub Jays, basedon recapturedata and regressionanalysis 15 Variation in the rate of molt for 10 individual Florida Scrub Jays Percentageof adult Florida Scrub Jays examined in successive half-monthsmolting feathers in various regionsduring the definitive prebasic molt Percentageof adult Florida Scrub Jays examined in successive half-months that had started the definitive prebasic molt 10 Percentageof male and female Florida Scrub Jay breedersin successivehalf-monthsthat had startedthe definitiveprebasicmolt 11 Percentage of juvenile Florida Blue Jays examined in successive half-months molting feathers in various regions during the first prebasic molt 12 Percentageof adult Florida Blue Jays in each remex stageof the definitive prebasicmolt replacingprimaries and secondaries 13 Percentageof adult Florida Blue Jays in each remex stageof the definitive prebasicmolt replacingrectrices 14 Percentage of adult Florida Blue Jays in each remex stage of the definitive prebasic molt replacing body feathers, alulae, and coverts 16 17 19 20 23 26 27 28 15 Percentage of adult Florida Blue Jays examined in successive half-monthsmolting feathers in various regionsduring the definitive prebasic molt 31 16 Percentage of adult Florida Blue Jays examined in successive half-monthsthat had started the definitive prebasic molt 33 vii INTRODUCTION Molt and breeding usually have separate schedulesin the annual cycles of birds The mostcommonexplanationgiven is that by staggeringthesetwo events birds are subjectto less energy stress(Kendeigh 1949; Farner 1964) Reported exceptionsincludesomebirds living in tropical climates,where presumablyfood availabilityfluctuatesless seasonally,and somebirds from high latitudes,where apparentlyfor a shorttime duringthe year sufficientfoodexistsfor the completion of both molt and breeding(Payne 1972) Missingfrom most reportson molt-breedingoverlap are molt data for individuals whose exact breedingstatus is known Becausethe breedingschedulesof populations,and especiallypopulationsliving in warm climates,can extend far beyond that of an individual in that population, the information on true moltbreedingoverlap is far more limited than the literature suggests.Furthermore,if molt beginsgradually,then the mere fact that molt overlapswith breedingcontributeslittle informationusefulto the studyof the schedulingof major activities in the annualcycle of birds Characteristicsof the annualcycles of the two jay speciesthat breed in Florida suggestedthat detailed knowledge of their molt regimesmight contribute to the overall understandingof molt in birds ScrubJays (Aphelocomacoerulescens)in Florida have a relativelyshortnestingseason,March throughJune, and usually attempt to produce only one brood of fledglingsper year (Woolfenden 1974) In contrast, Blue Jays (Cyanocitta cristata) in Florida regularly nest into August, and probably regularly attempt to producetwo broodsof fledglingsper year (Woolfendenand Rohwer 1969).In addition,Florida ScrubJaysare cooperative breeders,and manypairsare assistedby non-breedinghelpers(Woolfenden1974, 1975).Therefore, the populationincludessomeadult individualsthat have yet to breed Finally, these two closely related speciesexist in populationsthat breed sympatricallyin a subtropicalclimate where, presumably,food is less scarcein winter than in moretemperateregions Pitelka's(1945)carefulstudyof pterylography andmoltin ScrubJaysprovides a firm foundationfor our work Further studyof molt in ScrubJayswasjustified, however, becausefew Florida birds were available to Pitelka, and because neither the breedingchronologyof that population,nor the fact that it exhibits cooperative breedingwith non-breedinghelperswas documentedat the time Because of the existence of a banded population, we describe molt for numerous Scrub Jays of known age, sex, and exact breedingstatus Our age and breedinginformation on Blue Jays is less detailed Remarkably, however, despite extensive bandingat many localities,no study of molt for the specieshas been published previously MATERIALS Detailed molt data were collectedon live Scrub Jaysand Blue Jaysat Archbold Biological Station, HighlandsCounty, Florida (lat 27ø10%where both species are commonpermanentresidents(Woolfenden 1969) A populationof ScrubJays has been studiedintensivelythere since 1969 (Woolfenden 1974, 1975), and all Scrub Jays examinedfor molt already were banded, and most were of known age, sex, and breedingstatus.In 1976and 1977,63 juveniles were examinedone ORNITHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS NO 29 to five times for a total sampleof 112juvenile Scrub Jay observations.During these sametwo years, 94 Scrub Jays, agesone year or older, were examinedone to eight times for a total sampleof 180 observations Blue Jays have not been studiedin detail at Archbold BiologicalStation, and most of the individualscapturedhad not been marked All previouslyunbanded Blue Jays were banded upon capture In 1976 and 1977, 73 juveniles were examined one to five times for a total sampleof 139juvenile observations,and 143 yeafling or older individualswere examinedone to six times for a total sample of 195observations.In 1976,of the 105Blue Jayswe examined,only 12 had been bandedpreviously.One of these 12 was a yearling, and 11 were older In 1977, of the 54 we examined25 hadbeenbandedpreviously;six of thesewere yearlings Remex and rectrix molt data taken by Woolfendenfrom 56 marked ScrubJays captured76 timesduringthe years 1971through1975are usedin certainanalyses Of these 56 individuals,21 were capturedagain during 1976and 1977 In order to acquire data from the spring months prior to concentrated field work, we examined34 ScrubJay specimenscollectedbetweenJanuaryand April near the Archbold BiologicalStation Seven Blue Jays collectedin November and December near Whitfield, Santa Rosa County, Florida, were examinedto provide information from late fall when Blue Jays were difficult to catch at the station These specimensare located in the University of South Florida and Carnegie Museumof NaturalHistorycollections, respectively Thebreeding dataonScrub Jaysthat we use spanthe time of our molt work (Woolfenden1974,unpubl.field notes).The few data on breedingby Blue Jaysobtainedat the stationin 1976also are used METHODS Florida ScrubJaysoften breedin family groupsin whichnon-breeding young from previousyears help to rear later broods(Woolfenden1974, 1975) When analyzingmolt data, we separatedScrubJaysinto sevenclasses:juveniles,male breeders,femalebreeders,oldermalehelpers,olderfemalehelpers,yearlingmale helpers,and yearlingfemale helpers.All breedersand all older helpersexamined were at least two years old Pitelka (1946) describedmethodsfor distinguishingyearlingsfrom older Blue Jaysby plumage.The uppergreatersecondarycovertsare unbarredin thejuvenal plumage,but barred in the definitiveplumage.Young Blue Jaysthat retain these coverts during the first prebasicmolt can be recognizedas yearlings.However, we found that most Blue Jays in Florida molt all the upper greater secondary coverts during the first prebasic molt This made use of these coverts alone unreliablefor ageingFloridabirds The alulaeand uppergreaterprimarycoverts of the juvenal plumagealso are unbarredand grayer on the tip than in the definitive plumage, and thesefeathers are not changedduring the first prebasicmolt of Florida Blue Jays However, after nine months of wear, we found that we were unable to use these features for ageingin the field With existinginformation,only the sex of female Blue Jayscan be determined from externalcharacteristics,and then only when the femaleshave a broodpatch Therefore, for this studywe distinguishonly three classesof Blue Jays,juveniles, breedingfemales, and yearling and older unsexed birds of unknown breeding MOLT OF SCRUB JAYS AND BLUE JAYS 39 scoringsystem,which was basedon the weightas well as the lengthof individual remiges, best fits a sigmoidcurve However, the curve had an extensive linear middle portion The linearity of the scoring system designedfor this study is supportedby several factors The mean number of growing primaries for both jay species remainsfairly constantthroughoutremex molt (Tables 3, 12) Several ScrubJays captured three or more times maintained nearly constant molt rates (Table 7) Regressionanalysisof remex score on date accountsfor 75% to 98% of the variation in remex score (Table 6) Therefore, we conclude that primaries are droppedat nearlyregularintervalsand that our molt scoringsystemis sufficiently linear to permit estimationof the duration of molt from rates of molt exhibited by individualscapturedmore than once and from regressionanalysisof remex scoresfor all jays caught in active molt FIRST PREBASIC MOLT Based on field work at Archbold Biological Station, the patternsof the incomplete first prebasic molt are similar for Scrub Jays and Blue Jays Both species replaced all body feathers, but no primaries, greater primary coverts, or alula feathers Both speciesmolted betweenearly June and November with peak intensity occurringbetween mid-July and late September Both took between 140 and 170 days to complete the first prebasic molt, which is considerablylonger than the 70 to 80 days reported for western Scrub Jays and Steller's Jays (Pitelka 1945, 1958) The major differences are that Blue Jays typically replaced more secondariesand rectricesthan most Scrub Jays, and relative to the molt of other feathers, Blue Jays started capital tract molt later than Scrub Jays Juvenile Scrub Jays and Blue Jays normally replacedall marginaland secondary coverts Certain southern, dry-region races of the Scrub Jay, A c texana, cactophila, and hypoleuca, also replace all secondary coverts, but the more northern races retain a variable number (Pitelka 1945) Some northern Blue Jays also retain juvenal secondarycoverts (Pitelka 1946) A similar direct latitudinal trend in the retention of secondarycoverts occurs in North American shrikes (Lanius excubitor and L ludovicianus, Miller 1928, 1931) and certain northeastern European fringillids (Noskov 1975) A few late-fledgingFlorida Blue Jays retained some upper greater secondary coverts Similarly, Pition Jays (Gymnorhinuscyanocephalus),Bullfinches,and Cardinals(Cardinalis cardinalis) from late broods retain morejuvenal feathers than individualsfrom earlier broods (Ligon and White 1974; Newton 1966; and Wiseman 1977, respectively) Young of both Scrub Jays and Blue Jays molted some proximal secondaries Scrub Jays typically molted secondaries9 and 10 with a few individualsmolting secondary No Scrub Jays molted secondaries 1-7 Most Blue Jays molted secondaries7-10, and two individuals also molted secondary No Blue Jays molted secondaries1-5, and two individuals that we suspect were from late broodsmolted no secondariesat all The only other racesof the ScrubJay known to replace secondariesare the southernA c cactophila and hypoleuca, with 12 of 41 specimensreplacingsome, and eight replacingall of secondaries7 through 10 (Pitelka 1945) 40 ORNITHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS NO 29 All Scrub Jays and Blue Jays from Florida replaced the juvenal central rectrices, and somereplacedthe two rectricesimmediatelylateral to them No Scrub Jaysreplacedadditionalrectrices,but eightof 23 Blue Jaysexaminedlate in molt replacedall their rectrices Pitelka (1945)found only sevenof 41 A c cactophila and hypoleuca replaced any rectrices, and three replaced all the rectrices We suspectthat in the latter casesthe rectrices were accidentallylost Five of nine northernBlue Jaysin the CarnegieMuseumof Natural History moltedthe central rectricesin the first prebasicmolt, and one of thesewas moltingrectrix (K C Parkes, pers comm.) All four not showingrectrix molt may have died before the molt started Molt of the central rectrices probably is the prevailing pattern in Pennsylvania,and molt of rectrix probably is unusual(K C Parkes, pers comm.) Rectrices are excluded from the first prebasicmolt in northern races of the Scrub Jay (Pitelka 1945), in the Steller's Jay (Pitelka 1958),fall-hatchedPition Jays (Ligon and White 1974), Clark's Nutcrackers (Nucifraga columbiana, Mewaldt 1958), and some speciesof Corvus (Witherby 1913; Emlen 1936) Juvenile Scrub Jays began capital tract molt when they were between80 and 100 days old and soon after the onset of molt elsewhereon the body Blue Jays delayed capital tract molt until shortly after 100 days of age, which was about a month after molt beganelsewhere.Some young Scrub Jays began capital tract molt in late June; no Blue Jays were captured that had begun capital tract molt before early August In sharp contrast to young Scrub Jays whose head molt was gradual, young Blue Jays droppedtheir head feathersnearly simultaneouslyresultingin a short period when they appearednearly bald This strikingbald appearancedisappears in about a week becauseof growth of the new head feathers It may be that delayed head molt in juveniles typifiesonly peninusularFlorida populations,as we find no reference to naked-headed Blue Jays from elsewhere No mention is made of near simultaneousheadmolt in the congenericSteller'sJay either; however, Pitelka's(1958)studywas madefar north in the species'range We speculatethat difference in their social systemsmay account for the differenceswe found in the timing of capital tract molt in juvenile Scrub Jays and Blue Jaysin Florida Followinga relatively shortbreedingseason,juvenile Scrub Jays form small troops that wander throughthe permanentterritoriesof neighboring breeders Prior to much prebasic molt, while they retain the overall appearanceof the juvenal plumage,the young Scrub Jaysmeet with less immediate and less severe aggressionfrom their neighborsthan occursonce they take on the overall appearanceof adults (Woolfenden and Fitzpatrick 1977) We assume a similar situationexistsin Blue Jays Furthermore, we assumethat the elaborate and variable (Thompsonand Caputo 1977) head markingsof Blue Jays are important in socialinteractions.In Florida the nestingseasonfor Blue Jaysextends monthslongerthanfor ScrubJays.Juvenilesproducedearly in a nestingseason may reduce the aggressionthey receivefrom late breedersby delayingtheir head molt Once nesting terminates, Blue Jay territoriality also ceases(Hardy 1961), and perhapsthenit is advantageous for Blue Jaysto resembleadultsin orderfor them to establisha positionin the looseaggregationsthey form The soonerthey achievethis appearance,the betteroff they may be Farthernorthwhere nesting is lessprotracted, more time for head molt by juveniles may exist between breeding and flock formation MOLT OF SCRUB JAYS AND BLUE JAYS DEFINITIVE 41 PREBASIC MOLT The renewal of Scrub Jay and Blue Jay primaries follows the descendingsequence of other passerines,proximal to distal, PI throughPI0 (Stresemannand Stresemann1966) The secondariesare molted in two groups,distal (1-6) and proximal (7-10) Typically, the Scrub Jays we sampled began secondarymolt with the lossof secondary8; only occasionallywas secondaryI droppedbefore Blue Jays began secondarymolt with the loss of either secondary1 or Both species began secondary molt about the time primary was dropped, and all were growing secondarieswhen primary was growing The pattern of remex molt for Florida Scrub Jays was the same as that exhibited by western Scrub Jays(Pitelka 1945)and PitionJays(Ligon and White 1974).In contrast,the larger Rook (Corvus frugilegus) and Clark's Nutcracker not begin secondarymolt until primary is growing(Witherby 1913;Mewaldt 1958) About the sametime as primaries4 or were lost, both ScrubJays and Blue Jays began tail molt by loosing the central rectrices Tail molt progressedcentrifugally and was completeat about the sametime as remigialmolt This timing and sequenceof remex and rectrix molt closely follows that of other corvids (Pitelka 1945;Ligon and White 1974;Seel 1976)and passerinesin general(Dwight 1900; Jones 1930; Svensson 1975; Vinogradova et al 1976) Scrub Jays beganbody molt betweenthe loss of primaries3 and Blue Jays beganbody molt relatively earlier, concurrentwith the lossof primariesI and All Blue Jays, but only 10% of the ScrubJays, were in body molt when primary 3, but not 4, was growing.Becauseof the relativedelay in the startof bodymolt for Scrub Jays, both specieswere in full body molt during July and August, the hottestmonthsof the year in Florida Severalother corvidsalsomolt their body plumagein midsummer,even thoughtheir primary molt may occurat someother time [western Scrub Jays, Pitelka 1945; Clark's Nutcracker, Mewaldt 1958; Carrion Crow (Corvus corone), Rook, Jackdaw(C monedula), Black-billed Magpie (Pica pica), and European Jay, Seel 1976] Most of the Scrub Jays and Blue Jays we examined required to months to complete remigial molt and possiblya few additional weeks to finish body tract molt Pitelka (1945) found that various races of Scrub Jays in western North America take to months to complete the entire prebasicmolt whereas Unicolored Jays (Aphelocoma unicolor) and Mexican Jays (A ultramarina) take to and to months, respectively Arnold (in Mewaldt 1958)found Blue Jays in New York in molt from June to October but gave no estimate of the time required for an individual to completemolt Steller's Jays complete all molt in to 2.5 months (Pitelka 1958), while Clark's Nutcrackers take 4.5 to monthsto complete remigial molt, and from to months to complete all molt (Mewaldt 1958) We calculatedfrom Ligon and White's (1974) work that Pition Jays take 3.5 to 4.5 monthsto complete remigial molt Based on typical corvid molt patterns, we calculate that various speciesof Corvusin Englandtake 3.5 to monthsand Black-billedMagpies,EuropeanJays and Choughs(Pyrrhocoraxpyrrhocorax) take to monthsto completeremigial molt All molt is completed or monthslater (Holyoak 1974; Seel 1976) Most corvids take more time than other passerinesto complete the definitive prebasic molt (Mewaldt 1958) However, certain non-migratorynorth-temperate 42 ORNITHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS NO 29 passerinesrequire about the same amountof time as Scrub Jays and Blue Jays (e.g., Great Tit, months in Belgium, Dhondt 1973; Loggerhead Shrike, months in western United States, Miller 1928; House Finch, Carpodacusmexicanus, to monthsin California, Michener and Michener 1940), whereas some migratorypasserinescompletemolt in muchless time White-crownedSparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys)take lessthan monthsin Alaska and California (Morton et al 1969;Morton and Welton 1973), and some European finchestake only 1.5 to months(Evans 1966;Newton 1968a).Dolnik and Blyumental (1967) have shown a reduction in duration of molt with increasingmigration distance in l0 eastern European species.A similar trend has been shown for sedentaryand migratory subspeciesof the Chaffinch(Fringilla coelebs)and House Sparrow (Passer domesticus; Dolnik and Gavrilov 1975) and latitudinal populationsof Great Tits (Blyumental et al 1967) ScrubJays begantheir definitiveprebasicmolt sometime duringa two-month period from mid-April to mid-June.Most Blue Jays beganmoltingwithin a onemonth period, mid-Juneto mid-July.The first Florida ScrubJaysto begin molting were non-breeding yearling jays of both sexes, which were starting their first complete molt Older helpersand breedingmales generallybegan molting during May; late-nestingfemalesbeganmoltinglast Yearling Blue Jays began molting earlier than many older Blue Jays Female Blue Jays appearedto begin molting at the same time as other Blue Jays, although some late-nesting females had remex scoresconsiderablybelow averagefor the population,suggestingdelayed or protracted molt Yearling corvidsof other speciesalso tend to begin moltingearlier than older birds (Pitelka 1945, 1958; Mewaldt 1958; Holyoak 1974;Ligon and White 1974; Seel 1976).The generalexplanationis that yearlingbirds may not breed and that non-breeders can start molt earlier than breeders (Mewaldt 1958; Pitelka 1958; Holyoak 1974; Samson 1976; Seel 1976), possibly becauseof less inhibition of molt by reproductive hormones(Payne 1972; Ligon and White 1974) It may be that at least someBlue Jays breed in their first year in Florida, as two yearling females we caughthad well-developedbrood patches.Yearling Blue Jays have been reportedbreedingelsewherein North America (Hickey 1952;Laskey 1958; Hardy 1961) In Cassin's Finch (Carpodacus cassinii), first-year males not breed, and they beginmoltingearlier and take longerthanbreedingbirds, whereas first-year females breed, and they molt at the same time as older breeders (Samson 1976) Data are insufficientto determineif yearlingBlue Jays that breed begin molting earlier than older, breedingBlue Jays Although most birds begin prebasicmolt at the end of the breeding season when reproductiveactivities are completed(Payne 1972), Scrub Jays show variation related to breeding status and sex The non-breedinghelpers, including individuals several years old, began molting from late April through late May regardlessof the nesting status of the pair with which they were associated Breeding males followed the same schedule,althoughthey did protract molt if still nesting(see also Snow and Snow 1964).In contrast,breedingfemalesbegan moltingin late May only if they were finishednesting,and delayedmolt if nesting still was in progress.Only extremely late-breedingfemalesbegan molting before their nests were empty MOLT OF SCRUB JAYS AND BLUE JAYS 43 Blue Jaysbeganmolt in mid-Juneor early July after mostnestingactivity had stopped.Some breedingfemale Blue Jays apparentlydelayed the onset of molt and perhapsprotractedmolt while still nesting.We did not determinethe effect, if any, of late nestingon molt of breedingmales.Two femaleswith well-developed brood patcheshad started molt, suggestingmolt and nestingdo overlap at least occasionally.Holyoak(1974)and Seel(1976)postulatethat differentdatesfor the onset of molt in British corvids reflect their different breeding schedules Our datafor the two Floridajays supporttheir conclusion.IndividualScrubJaysthat finishednestingbetweenlate April andlateJunebeganmoltingbetweenlateApril and mid-June.Blue Jay nestingin Florida often extendsbeyondJune, and the jays did not beginmoltinguntil June or early July Most corvids begin molt after breeding (Pitelka 1945, 1958; Holyoak 1974; Ligon and White 1974;Seel 1976).Late-breedingindividuals,however, may start molt while still attending active nests (Seel 1976) Exceptions are Clark's Nutcracker and the CommonRaven (Corvus corax) which begin moltingearly in the breedingseasonand continuethroughoutthe nestingcycle (Mewaldt 1958,Gwinner 1966) Typically, Pition Jays breed in the spring(Balda and Bateman 1971, 1972)and molt thereafter(Ligon and White 1974) However, breedingalso may occur during late summeror fall in responseto food abundance(Ligon 1971, 1974).If breedingbeginswhile molt is in progress,featherlossstopsuntil breeding terminates(Ligon and White 1974) INTERACTIONS OF MOLT AND BREEDING Relationshipsbetweenmolt and breedinghave beenthe subjectof muchrecent discussion(Ricklefs 1974, and references therein) In most temperate zone small passerines,molt followsbreedingwith little overlapbetweenthem.Jaysin Florida basicallymatch this pattern, but with someintriguingvariationassociatedwith age and sex Reproductivehormonelevels are known to inhibit the onsetof molt in many birds (Payne 1972) However, many passerines,including several corvids, molt and breed simultaneously(Mewaldt 1958;Gwinner 1966;Dolnik 1975).Endocrine control of molt appearsto be a proximate mechanismfor integratingthe annual cycle Several evolutionaryhypothesesare available to explain why endocrinesact to separatemolt and breedingin temperatebirds.Thoughnot entirely exclusive, these explanationsemphasizeenergy requirements,flying efficiency, temperatureregulation,and water balance We examinedour data on molt and breedingin Florida Scrub Jays with knowledgeof these hypothesesand the assumptionthat the timingis adaptive.Our data for ScrubJaysare extensive,but our data for Blue Jays are limited and therefore, unfortunately, have relevance to only some of this discussion The energyhypothesisis basedon the assumptionthat both molt and breeding require large amountsof energy and that their concurrencestressesenergy budgets(Payne 1972;Foster 1974, 1975).Differencesin the timingof molt by different age and sex classeswithin the samespeciesare explainedby their differentroles during reproduction For many of the speciesin which yearlings not breed, these young birds begin molt earlier than the breeders(Pitelka 1958; Samson 1976).For speciesin which one sex is free of reproductiveresponsibilitiesbefore 44 ORNITHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS NO 29 the other, the emancipatedsex regularly begins molt earlier and during the species' breeding season(e.g., tetraonidsand anatids, King 1974) The usual explanationis that the energysavedby curtailingreproductivedutiescan be used for molting Information on activities during nestingby Scrub Jays performing differentreproductiveroles permitsan evaluationof this hypothesisas an explanation for the timing of molt in this population The subtropicalbreedinghabitatof Florida ScrubJaysoften is hot; rarely is it cold Breedingfemalesdo all of the incubatingand brooding,and they are very attentive(Stallcupand Woolfenden1978).Femalesoften standover their nests, manyof whichare mostlyexposedto the sun,and provideshadeinsteadof heat Even in more temperateclimatesincubatingand broodingneednot be particularly energydemanding.Recently, Walsbergand King (1978a, 1978b)showedfor three speciesthat the energydemandsof the incubatingfemaleswere lessthanfor their mates who did not use the insulatingbenefitsof their nests However, several authorshave suggested that someincubatingbirdsincreasetheir metabolicrates 25% to 30% above that used by a non-incubatingbird in a nest (Drent 1973; Mertens 1977, 1980; Biebach 1981) While breedingfemale Scrub Jays remain at their nests, their mates and any helpersthat are presentexpendtime (DeGange1976),and thereforeenergy,foragingfor food for the nestlings,and to some extent for the breedingfemales From 57% to 100% of the food brought to nestlingsis obtained by the breeding males and their helpers(Stallcup and Woolfenden 1978) These observationssuggestthat in Florida Scrub Jaysit is the breedingmales and perhapseven the helpers,and not the breedingfemales,who are expending the greatestamountof energyduringnesting.Regardless,we know that it is the breedingmalesand the helperswho regularlyoverlapmolt with breeding,and the females who delay molt and reduce overlap Fragmentary data suggestthat yearling Blue Jays molt earlier than older individuals,and that female breeders with late nests molt last Considerableenergy is needed to replace the entire feather coat (King and Famer 1961;Dolnik 1971;Kendeighet al 1977), but a long molt probablyis not energeticallyexpensiveon a daily basis(Payne 1972) The molt cost curves we obtained for Florida jays (Fig 15) show that synthesisof new feathers does not reach a maximum until months after the onset of molt and at least month after breedinghas stopped.At the maximum,daily metabolismmighthave to increase only as little as 15%in orderto accountfor feathersynthesis.If feathersynthesis is mostrapid duringthe first stagesof feathergrowth(Dolnik and Gavrilov 1979), the peak in the cost curve would be shifted only slightlyearlier-in the season We suspectthat the energyhypothesisdoesnot explainwhat we have foundfor Scrub Jays, especially,and for Blue Jays Therefore, examinationof other hypotheses seems warranted Maintenance of peak flying ability during certain seasonsmay select for the timing of molt (Stresemannand Stresemann1966, Woolfenden1974, Seel 1976) Assuminglossof flightfeathersincreaseswing loadingand decreasesflyingability, we examinewhen in their annualcycle ScrubJaysfly most often and when they molt Territorial defense,dispersalforays, and acorn harvestingappearto requirethe mostflying (DeGange1976;Woolfenden,pers obs.) Defense(Bar- MOLT OF SCRUB JAYS AND BLUE JAYS 45 bour 1977) and dispersalpeak biannually in early spring and early fall Acorn harvestingalsooccursin the fall Molt, andespeciallyremigialmolt, occurswhen theseevents are not taking place (Figs 7, 14) Althoughthesefactorsmay have selectedfor the generaltimingof Florida ScrubJay molt, we not seethat they are related to the differencesexhibitedby the sex and age classes.Blue Jays, which have a longerbreedingseason,molt later than ScrubJays.Blue Jaysalso harvestacorns.However, they alsohave a lighterwing loadingthan ScrubJays (Woolfenden1974)and alsomay lack winter territories(Hardy 1961).Thesedifferencesmay allowfor greateroverlapbetweenmolt andacornharvestingin this species Ability to regulatebody temperaturecould selectfor timingof molt Molting birdshavemorebloodnearthe surfacein the highlyvascularizedgrowingfeathers (Payne 1972),and this can causeeithergreaterheat lossor increasedheat load dependingon environmental conditions.Comparedwith non-molting birds,those in molt increasetheir metabolicrate in the thermoneutralrangeand increasethe rate more at lower temperatures(Blackmore 1969; Lustick 1970; Dolnik and Gavrilov 1975,1979).High solarradiationand hightemperaturescanlead quickly to hyperthermiaand deathfor nestlings(Morton and Carey 1971;Ricklefs 1974) Furthermore, under hyperthermicconditions,growth rates of young may be reducedbecauseenergyis beingdivertedfrom growthto heat dissipation Late in the nestingseasonfemale ScrubJays often standover their nestlings with their feathers ruffled, their sparselyfeathered carpals and shanksexposed, and panting.Femalesalso face away from any breeze that may exist, which further ruffles their dorsal feather coat The naked or partially feathered young often assumea neck-stretchedcoolingstance(Woolfenden1978, color frontis) and pant By not moltingwhile breeding,femaleScrubJayshavetheir entirefeathercoat for protectionfrom intensesolarradiation,a functionit is knownto servein other birds (Marder 1973;Thomas and Robin 1977) Loss of feathersdecreasesinsulation, and growthof new feathersincreasesblood flow near the body surface Blood heated at the surface and carried to the body core would increase further the possibilityof hyperthermia(Calder and King 1974).Direct solarradiationcan lower the uppercriticaltemperaturethat can causeheat stress(Porterand Gates 1969).Duringmolt, metabolicratesincrease238 kJ/gof feathergrown(Kendeigh et al 1977).Only 21.7 kJ of this is storedin eachgramof new feathers.The differencebetweenthesetwo figuresis the amountof energythat mustbe used in orderto preventincreasedheatloadandpossiblyhighertemperatures(Newton 1968b).Breedingmalesand helpers,who are not restrictedto a nest, can move about more freely and use microhabitatsand coolingbehaviorsunavailableto the broodingfemale and nestlings.Thus, selectionmay favor a separationof molt and breedingin femaleFlorida ScrubJaysin order to decreaseheat load Some of the same environmentalfactors that affect temperatureregulation in birds also affect water balance Birds pant in order to lower body temperature, and pantingresultsin water loss (Calder and King 1974) During molt, water needsincreasebecauseblood volume increasesand becauserelatively more blood is near the body surfacewhere water lossis more rapid (Chilgren 1975;Chilgren and deGraw 1977;Dolnik and Gavrilov 1979) Florida ScrubJayslive in a xeric 46 ORNITHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS NO 29 environment; however, molt occurs during summer when rainfall and humidity reach their peaks Even under conditionsof ample water, maintainingproper water balance in a hot environmentcan be stressing.The breedingfemale may use evaporative coolingmore than her mate and helpersbecauseshe is restricted to the nest to shadeher youngfrom high solarradiation.Althoughwater to drink may be available,the breedingfemale may not be able to drink regularlybecause she needs to remain at the nest to protect her young Sometimes,even short absencescould cause hyperthermia in the young (Morton and Carey 1971) By separatingmolt and breeding,nestingfemalesmay reducetheir water stress.This argumentis basedon the assumptionthat either water or opportunitiesto obtain water are limited Assumingselectionhas determinedthe integrationof molt in the annualcycle of the Florida Scrub Jay, it may be that the maintenanceof good flying ability during peak times of territory defense,dispersal,and acorn harvesting,as well as breeding, determinedthe timing and duration of molt Thermoregulatoryor water balance problemsor both may have determinedthe timing of molt among the different classesof jays ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The facilities of the Archbold Biological Station were made available through the generosityof the late Richard Archbold and Dr JamesN Layne, Executive Director Bancroft's field work was supportedby a grant from the Frank M Chapman Fund of the American Museum of Natural History, and through the kindnessof his parents Barbara and George Bancroft Ann M Bancroft gave GTB invaluableencouragement, support,and help with all aspectsof the project This paperfulfilledpart of the requirementsfor the Masterof Arts in Zoologyfor GTB Kenneth C Parkes made available specimensand informationon specimens in the CarnegieMuseumof Natural History JohnW Fitzpatrick, Fred E Lohrer, and Chester E Winegarnerkindly helped with field work Discussionswith Warren G Abrahamson,Mary H Clench, Wayne Hoffman, Roy W McDiarmid, Kenneth C Parkes, G Bruce Williamson, and numerouscolleaguesat the University of SouthFlorida improvedvariousaspectsof this study J Steve Godley, Roy W McDiarmid, Susan C White-Schuler, and G Bruce Williamson read and improved early drafts of the manuscript.Mary H Clench, Mercedes S Foster, JamesR King, Martin L Morton, KennethC Parkes,and Frank A Pitelkagave invaluableinsightinto improvementsof later versions.V R Dolnik pointedout many Russianpapers on molt and heloed us immenselywith our understanding of the energeticsof molt To all the above people and institutions we are extremely grateful SUMMARY The pattern of molt by Scrub Jays and Blue Jays in Florida is similar to that exhibitedby otherpasserines.Duringthe first prebasicmolt both speciesreplace all the body feathers,but no primaries,greaterprimary coverts,or alula feathers Both speciesmolt betweenearly Juneand November with peak intensityoccurring between mid-Julyand late September.Both take between 140 and 170days to complete molt Scrub Jays typically replace secondaries9 and 10 and occa- MOLT OF SCRUB JAYS AND BLUE JAYS 47 sionallysecondary8 Blue Jays usuallyreplace secondaries through10 Both typicallyreplacethe centralpair of rectrices.ScrubJaysfrequentlyreplacethe pair of rectricesimmediatelylateralto the centralpair Blue Jaysoccasionally replaceall rectrices.ScrubJaysbegincapitaltract molt soonafter the onsetof molt, but Blue Jaysdelay it for approximatelyone month Blue Jaysdrop all their capitaltract feathersat once, resultingin a shortperiodwhen they appear bald We speculatethat this differencein the timingof capitaltract molt may be related to differencesin their social systems The definitiveprebasicmolt startswith the lossof primary 1, and the primaries are molted in sequence,P1 throughPI0 Secondaryand rectrix molt beginsbetween the loss of primaries3 and The secondariesare molted in two groups: 1-6, and 7-10 Tail molt startswith the central pair and progressescentrifugally ScrubJaysbeginbodymoltbetweenthe lossof primaries3 and5, whereasBlue Jays begin body molt when primaries I and are lost Body molt occurs duringthe hottestmonths,July and August.ScrubJaysbeginremex molt between late April and June, but Blue Jays delay the onset of remex molt until June or July The duration of Scrub Jay and Blue Jay remigial molt in Florida is relatively long, usually requiring 90 to 120 days A few individualsmay completeremigial molt in less than 90 days, and somemay take longerthan 120 days Completion of growth of the body plumagemay extendfor severalweeksbeyondcompletion of remigial molt Individual Scrub Jays finish nestingắomlate April to mid-June.In Pinelias Co., Florida, Blue Jaystypically nest into Junewith somenestingextendinginto August; the scheduleappearsto be the same at Archbold BiologicalStation in HighlandsCo., Florida Yearling Scrub Jays, regardlessof sex, beginmoltingin late April to mid-May Older helpersand breedingmalesbegin molting in May Breeding females begin molting between mid-May and late June Helpers and breedingmalesbeginmoltingregardlessof the stageof their family nestingcycle, but breedingmalesmay protractremigialmolt Breedingfemalesdelay molt until they are finishednesting,althoughextremelate-nestingfemaleswill beginmolting beforeyoungfledge.Blue Jaysbeginmoltingin Juneto early July Someevidence suggeststhat late-nestingfemale Blue Jays delay the onsetof molt and probably protract remigialmolt Relationshipsbetweenmolt and breedinghave beenthe subjectof muchrecent discussion.The pattern for most temperate-zone small passefinesis breeding followedby molt with little overlapbetweenthem Jaysin Floridabasicallymatch this pattern, but with some intriguingvariation associatedwith age and sex Severalhypothesesare availableto explainwhy molt and breedingare separate in temperatebirds Thoughnot entirely exclusive,theseexplanationsemphasize energyrequirements,flyingefficiency,temperatureregulation,andwater balance We examined our data on molt and breeding in Florida jays in light of these hypothesesand the assumptionthat the timing is adaptive Our estimatesof the direct cost of feather replacement,albeit crude, and informationon time budgetscauseus to questionenergyrequirementsas the direct explanationfor the separationof molt and breedingin thesejays, and especially the Florida ScrubJay A combinationof temperatureand water regulationand perhapsflying efficiency seemsmore logical 48 ORNITHOLOGICAL LITERATURE MONOGRAPHS NO 29 CITED AINLEY, D G., T J LEWIS, AND S MORRELL 1976 Molt in Leach's and Ashy Storm-Petrels Wilson Bull 88:76-95 ASHMOLE,N P 1962 The Black Noddy Anous tenuirostrison AscensionIsland Ibis 103:235-273 BAILEY, R E 1952 The incubationpatch of passerincbirds Condor 54:121-126 BAILEY, R E 1955 The incubationpatch in tinamous Condor 57:301-303 BALDA,R P., ANDG C BATEMAN 1971 Flockingand annualcycle of the PitionJay, Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus.Condor 73:287-302 BALDA,R P., AND G C BATEMAN 1972 The breedingbiology of the PitionJay Living Bird 11 5-42 BA•OUR, D B 1977 Vocal communicationin the Florida ScrubJay Unpubl Master's Thesis Univ South Florida, Tampa BENT, A C 1946 Life historiesof North Americanjays, crows, and titmice U.S Natl Mus Bull 191:1-495 BIEBACH,H 1981 Energetic costs of incubationon different clutch sizes in Starlings(Sturnus vulgaris) Ardea 69:141-142 BLACKMORE,F a 1969 The effect of temperature, photoperiodand molt on the energy requirements of the House Sparrow, Passer domesticus.Comp Biochem Physiol 30:433-444 BLYUMENTAL,T I 1973 The developmentof the fall migratorystate in somewild passefinebirds (bioenergeticaspects).Pp 125-218, In B E Bykhovskii(ed.) 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helpers at the nest Auk 92:1-15 WOOLFENDEN,O E 1978 Growth and survival of young Florida ScrubJays Wilson Bull 90:1-18 WOOLFENDEN,O E., AND J W FITZPATRICK.1977 Dominancein the Florida Scrub Jay Condor 79:1-12 WOOLFENDEN,O E., AND S A ROHWER 1969 Breedingbirds in a Florida suburb.Bull Fla State Mus 13:1-83 No 21 SocialOrganization andBehaviorof the AcornWoodpecker in Central CoastalCalifornia,by MichaelH MacRobertsand BarbaraR MacRoberts 1976 $7.50 ($6.00 to AOU members) Maintenance Behavior and Communication in the Brown Pelican, by No 22 No 23 Species Relationships in theArianGenus •4imophila, byLarryL Wolf No 24 Land Bird Communities of Grand Bahama Island: The Structure and RalphW Schreiber.1977.Price$6.50 ($5.00to AOU members) 1977 Price $12.00 ($10.50 to AOU members) Dynamics of an Avifauna, byJohnT Emlcn.1977.Price$9.00($8.00 to AOU members) 25 Systematics of SmallerAsianNight BirdsBasedon Voice,by JoeT No 26 appendices I-III 1978.Price$7.00($6.00to AOU members) Ecology 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Tampa, Florida 33620.(See price list on back and inside back cover.) OrnithologicalMonographs,No 29, viii + 51 pp Editor of AOU Monographs, Mercedes S Foster Special Reviewers for this issue, Victor... University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida 33620 ORNITHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS PUBLISHED THE AMERICAN BY ORNITHOLOGISTS' WASHINGTON, 1982 NO D.C UNION 29 TABLE INTRODUCTION MATERIALS METHODS OF CONTENTS... known age, sex, and breedingstatus.In 1976and 1977,63 juveniles were examinedone ORNITHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS NO 29 to five times for a total sampleof 112juvenile Scrub Jay observations.During these

Ngày đăng: 04/11/2018, 17:20


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