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SPECIES AVIAN RELATIONSHIPS GENUS IN THE dIAdOPI-llLd BY LARRY L WOLF Museumof VertebrateZoology Universityof California ORNITHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS NO 23 PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION 1977 SPECIES AVIAN RELATIONSHIPS GENUS IN •IZA4tOPZ ZZL•I THE ORNITHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS This series,publishedby the American Ornithologists'Union, has been establishedfor major papers too long for inclusionin the Union's journal, The Auk Publicationhas been made possiblethrough the generosityof Mrs Carll Tucker and the Marcia Brady Tucker Foundation,Inc Correspondence concerningmanuscripts for publicationin the seriesshould be addressed to the Editor, Dr John William Hardy, Departmentof Natural Science,The Florida StateMuseum,Universityof Florida, Gainesville,Florida 32611 Copiesof OrnithologicalMonographsmay be orderedfrom the Assistant to the Treasurerof the AOU, Glen E Woolfender•Departmentof Biology, Universityof SouthFlorida, Tampa, Florida 33620 (See price list on back and inside back cover.) Ornithological MonographsNo 23, viii + 220 pp Editor of A.O.U Monographs,John William Hardy SpecialAssociateEditors of this issue,John P Hubbard, Delaware Museumof Natural History, Greenville,Delaware 19807, and Ralph J Raitt, Departmentof Biology,New Mexico State University,Las Cruces,New Mexico 88001 AssistantEditor, June B Gabaldon Author, Larry L Wolf, Departmentof Biology, SyracuseUniversity, Syracuse,New York 13210 First received, 24 January 1974; accepted,2 February 1976; final revisioncompleted,9 January 1976 Issued February 23, 1977 Price (includeslong-play phono-discalbum) $12.00 prepaid ($10.50 to AOU Members) Library of CongressCatalogueCard Number 77-73658 Primedby the Allen Press,Inc., Lawrence,Kansas66044 Copyright ¸ by American Ornithologists'Union, 1977 ii SPECIES AVIAN RELATIONSHIPS GENUS IN THE •1IMOPHIL•I BY LARRY L WOLF Museum of Vertebrate Zoology Universityof California ORNITHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS PUBLISHED THE AMERICAN BY ORNITHOLOGISTS' 1977 NO UNION 23 TABLE INTRODUCTION AND lqELI• CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS METHODS OF MATERIALS WOR•C MEASUREMENTS NOMENCLATURAL BACKGROUND DISTRIBUTION SPECIES ACCOUNTS AND MOLTS PLUtOAGES 32 37 37 37 DISCUSSION 44 POST JUVENAL MOLT PRENUPTIAL POSTNUPTIAL MOLT MOLT BIOLOGY VOCALIZATIONS 52 60 SPECIES ACCOUNTS DISCUSSION 67 73 80 95 95 123 127 SPECIES ACCOUNTS 127 DISCUSSION 133 NEST SEASONS 52 DISCUSSION BREEDING SPECIES ACCOUNTS MOLT GENERAL DISCUSSION PLUMAGES STRUCTURE 134 SPECIES ACCOUNTS 135 Discussion 140 v EGG COLOR EXTERNAL MORPHOLOGY 141 146 WING LENGTH 147 TAIL LENGTH 155 TARSUS LENGTH 157 TOE LENGTH 160 BILL 160 PROPORTIONS DISCUSSION OF APPENDAGES 162 ANALYSIS OF VARIATION 165 INTERNAL MORPHOLOGY 168 APPENDICULAR SKELETON 170 SQUAMOSALREGION 181 TRANSPALATINE 184 PROCESS MUSCLE SCAR IN TEMPORAL FOSSA 185 SKULL OSSIFICATION 187 DISCUSSION CLASSIFICATION GENERIC SUMMARY AND EVOLUTION CLASSIFICATION LITERATURE PLATES (1-10) CITED 192 199 203 207 209 36, 38, 97, 99, 103, 105, 110, 112, 117, 122 LONG-PLAY PHONO DISC ALBUM Suppl vi LIST Figure FIGURES Geographic distribution of A ruficauda and A quinquestriata Geographic distribution of A sumichrasti,A humeralis, A mystacalis, and A carpalis 12 Geographicdistributionof A ruficeps 15 Geographic distribution of A rufescens and A notosticta 20 Geographic distribution of the botterii complex 23 Molt cycles in four speciesof Aimophila 74 Breeding seasonsof 12 speciesof Aimophila 133 Relationship between mean body weight and equated wing length for 12 speciesof Aimophila 152 Relationship between mean body weight and equated tail length for 12 speciesof Aimophila 154 10 Relationshipbetweenmean body weight and equated tarsal length for 12 speciesof Aimophila 158 11 Relationship between equated wing length and equated tarsal length for 12 species of Aimophila 163 12 Relationships between carpus, wing length, and body weight 169 13 Relationshipsbetween tarsus, leg length, and body weight 171 14 Two types of squamosal region 182 15 Three shape categories of posterior border of transpalatine 184 16 Development of fully ossified skull 188 17 Hypothetical phylogeny for 11 speciesof Aimophila 200 LIST Table OF OF TABLES Occurrence of Some Juvenal and First Winter Plumage Characteristics among the Speciesof Aimophila 44 Occurrence of Certain Adult Plumage Characteristics among the Species of Aimophila 45 Postjuvenal Body Molt of A cassinii 53 Numerical Scoring for Prenuptial Molt in Aimophila 60 Average Numerical Values of Prenuptial Molt 61 Percent Distribution of Individuals of Haemophila Group in Categories of Prenuptial Molt 62 Stages of Postnuptial Molt in A ruficeps 68 Summary of Molt Extent for All Speciesof Aimophila 75 Summary of Extent of Postjuvenal Molt in Selected Emberizines 76 10 Egg Characteristics of Some Emberizines 142 11 Measurementsof Wing Length (mm) in 13 Forms of Aimophila 144 12 Measurementsof Tail Length (mm) in 13 Forms of Aimophila 145 13 Tarsal Length Measurements(mm) in 13 Forms of Aimophila 146 14 Measurementsof Hallux (mm) in 13 Forms of Aimophila 147 15 Measurementsof Middle Toe (mm) in 13 Forms of Aimophila 148 16 Measurementsof Bill Length (mm) in 13 Forms of Aimophila 149 17 Measurementsof Bill Width (mm) in 13 Forms of Aimophila 150 18 Measurementsof Bill Depth (mm) in 13 Forms of Aimophila 151 19 Aimophila Body Weight 153 vii 20 Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficients (rs) and Probability Levels for Various Combinations of Characters 155 21 Appendage Ratios for Several Genera of Emberizines 164 22 Rank and Numerical Value of Coefficientsof Variation of Several Species and Genera 23 24 25 26 27 of Birds 166 Measurementsof the Humerus in 13 Forms of Aimophila (in mm) Measurementsof the Ulna in 13 Forms of Airnophila (in mm) Measurementsof the Carpus in 13 Forms of Aimophila (in mm) Measurementsof the Femur in 13 Forms of Aimophila (in mm) Measurements of the Tibiotarsus (Tibia) in 13 Forms of Aimophila 172 173 174 175 (in mm) 176 28 Measurementsof Tarsometatarsus(Tarsus) in 13 Forms of Airnophila (in mm) 177 29 Relation of Various Elementsof the Wing and Leg to the Sam, Elements in A ru[iceps 178 30 Intramembral Ratios Percentagesof the Total Length of the Appendage Occupiedby Each Element (Based on Male Values Only) 178 31 Wing as Percentageof Leg (Total Skeletal Length) 179 32 IntraspecificRatios (Expressedas %) of Females to Males for Equated Values of Elements within the Wing and Leg 181 33 Occurrenceof Two Types of SquamosalInflation in Aimophila 181 34 Relative Development of the Posterior Border of the Transpalatine in Aimophila and other Genera of Emberizines 183 35 Relative Size of the Temporal Fossa Indicative of the Size of M adductor mandibularissuperficialis 186 36 Summary of Some Characteristics of Aimophila Investigated during the Present Study 193 VIII INTRODUCTION Although there is some disagreementregardingthe application of the biologic species concept to classification,taxonomistsand evolutionists generallyagreeas to what constitutes species.Genera,on the other hand, are subjectivetaxa set up by us to aid in categorizingspecies,to facilitate studyof their biology,and to further showtheir possibleevolutionarypathways The genusas a categorydependsto a large extent on differences betweengroupsof organismsthat arise through evolutionarydivergence and extinctionof intermediateforms (Mayr et al 1953) Gaps between groupsof speciescan be defined in terms of charactersfrom the cellular to organismal level of organization.The characteristics usedto definegenera may exist at almostany level of organization.In most casesvarious gross morphologicalcharacters,both internal and external, are used to classify vertebratesat this level Recentattemptshave beenmade to use cytological, behavioral,and biochemicalevidencein vertebrateclassification (Mayr 1958; $ibley 1960, 1962, 1970; Gorman 1965) Our greaterknowledgeof processes and factors affectingpatternsand rates of evolutionplacesincreasingemphasison studiesof directionsand effectsof evolutionarychangesin populationsand on selectiveforcesproducing such changes These populationsprovide natural experimentsfor our theoriesof evolution Among the vertebrategroups,birds are perhaps the bestknowntaxonomically,as well as morphologically, ecologically,and behaviorally With this backgroundit shouldbe possibleto assesspossible significanceof these data in classificationabove the specieslevel and to beginto formulatemore preciseideason genericclassification One of the most recently diversifiedgroups of birds is the emberizine finchesof the familyFringillidae($torer 1959) Within this groupI studied the genusAirnophila, a taxon that some taxonomistsfeel is an unnatural assemblage of speciesand probablyrepresentsseveralgroupsor even rather widely divergentforms (Ridgway 1901, Dickey and van Rossem 1938, Storer 1955) Marshall (1964), in studiesof speciesthoughtto be relatedto Airnophila, statedthat "the ground-dwelling fringillidsshouldbe studiedfrom all standpointsof their biologybefore genericrealignment."Such is the aim of this study, althoughit will necessarilybe more limited in scopethan Marshall idealized Nevertheless,it may provide a basis for future work and information leading toward generic classificationof most of the emberizines and reflectingsomethingof their biologicattributes By assemblingas many data as possiblefrom zoogeography,general biology,and morphology,I have tried to showthe evolutionwithin the genus, as presentlyconstituted,particularlyin establishing groupsof speciesthat 208 ORNITHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS NO 23 units Other studiesof bird generahave at least two importantunits: feeding unitsand habitatunits Type of unit is relatedto spaceavailableto an evolving group Island genera are often feeding units, while continental genera,faced with increasedcompetitionfrom existingspecies,are frequentlyof the habitat type Both typesprobablyoccur in either situation depending on relativeavailabilityof diversehabitatsandpresence or absence of competitors Most charactersexaminedfall into two arbitrary categoriesbased on continuityamongthe species.Most that are usefulat the genericlevel are qualitativeand apparentlyare related to the evolutionarysuccessof the particulargroup Mensuralcharactersand thosethat show slight changes throughoutthe groupsare primarilyconcernedwith adaptationsto minor variationsin the environmentfollowing occupationof the generic space or withtheevolutionof theprogenitor of theecologic unit The speciesof Aimophilahave been dividedinto three speciesgroups-the Haemophilacomplex,the ruIicepscomplex,and the botterii complex-whichhad separateevolutionaryhistoriesand probablyare not as closely related to each other as someearlier authorsthought A quinquestriatais set off as a singlespeciesof unknownaffinities I made no attemptto presentother genericclassifications for thesespecies,but left them as distinct units, at least until further analysescan be made on related species.I includeda discussion of possiblelinesof evolutionwithin the groups I concludedthat the groupsin Aimophila representthe habitat type of ecologicunit The Haemophilacomplex A ru[icauda,A sumichrasti, A humerails,A mystacalis,and A carpalis radiated in the lowland thorn scrub forests of western Mexico and the Pacific lowlands of Central America They have simplesongs,chatterduetsthat usuallyseemto be derivedfrom primary songs,prenuptialmolt, elevatednests,bright adult plumages,juvenal plumagesmore similar to the adult pattern than in the other groups,and heavybills Maturation of the skull is delayedin most The ruIiceps complex A ruIiceps, A ruIescens,and A notosticta is set off from the other speciesby its radiation in pine-oak woodland of Mexico and CentralAmerica The three specieshave similarprimarysongs, probably similar chatter duetsnot derivedfrom primary song, and similar plumagepatternswith rusty head stripesthat fuse into a cap in A ruIiceps and sometimesin A ruIescens Membersof the botterii complex A aestivalis,A botterii, and A cassinii from weedy, open country of Middle America and United States-havedull plumages,usuallyhaveyellowat the bendof the wing, are migratory, havemore pointedwingsthan the other species,and spottedfirst-year plumagesin someindividuals A quinquestriata is retainedapart becauseof peculiaritiesof plumage, 1977 WOLF: AIMOPHILA SPECIES RELATIONSHIPS 209 uniquesong,yellowish,heavilyblotched,but lightly streakedjuvenalplumage, and lack of a prenuptialmolt The nature of its relationshipis left openfor the present LITERATURE AMADON,D 1943 Bird weights as an aid in taxonomy Wilson Bull 55: 164-177 AMADON, D., AND D R ECKELBERRY 1955 57: CITED Observations on Mexican birds Condor 65-80 AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION 1957 Check-list of North American birds, fifth ed Baltimore, Amer Ornithol Union ANDERSON,A H 1965 Notes on the behavior of the Rufous-winged Sparrow Condor 67: 188-190 ANDREWn•THA,H 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Washington D.C., U.S Government HERSHEY, L J., AND R B ROCKWELL 1907 A new breeding bird for Colorado: the Cassin Sparrow (Peucaea cassinii) nesting near Denver Condor 9: 191-194 HESPENHEmE,H A 1966 The selection of seed size by finches Wilson Bull 78: 191-197 HOLMES, R.T 1966 Breeding ecology and annual cycle adaptationsof the Redbacked Sandpiper (Calidris alpina) in northern Alaska Condor 68: 3-46 HOWELL, T R 1965 New subspeciesof birds from the lowland pine savanna of northeastern Nicaragua Auk 82: 438-464 HUBBaRV, J.P 1970 Check-list of the birds of New Mexico New Mexico Ornithol Soc Publ No 1977 WOLF: HUBBARD, J.P AIMOPHILA SPECIES RELATIONSHIPS 213 1971 The avifaunaof the SouthernAppalachianspast and present In The distributional history of the biota of the Southern Appalachians,part (P C Holt, Ed.) 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New Haven, Yale Univ Press MAxr•, E 1963 Animal speciesand evolution Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard Univ MAYR, E., AND J BOND 1943 Notes on the generic classificationof the swallows, Hirundinidae Ibis 85: 334-341 MAYR, E., E.G LINSLEY, AND R L USINGER 1953 Methods and principles of systematiczoology New York, McGraw-Hill MEANLEY,B 1959 Notes on Bachman's Sparrow in central Louisiana Auk 76: 232-234 MENGEL,R.M 1951 A flight song of Bachman's Sparrow Wilson Bull 63: 208 MENGEL,R M 1965 The birds of Kentucky Amer Ornithol Union Monogr No MERRILL, J C 1878 Notes on the ornithology of southern Texas, being a list of birds observedin the vicinity of Fort Brown, Texas from February, 1876, to June, 1878 Proc U.S Natl Mus 1: 118-173 MICHENER,H., ANDJ R MICHENER 1940 The molt of House Finches of the Pasadena region, California Condor 42: 140-153 MILLER, A H 1928 The molts of the Loggerhead Shrike Lanius ludovicianus Linnaeus Univ California Publ Zool 30: 393-417 MILLER,A.H 1931 Systematicrevisionand natural history of the American shrikes (Lanius) Univ California Publ Zool 38: 11-212 MILLER, A.H 1932 Observationson some breeding birds of El Salvador Condor 34: 8-17 M•LLER, A H 1933 Postjuvenalmolt and the appearanceof sexual charactersof plumage in Phainopepla nitens Univ California Publ Zool 38: 425-446 MILLER, A H 1941 Speciation in the avian genus Junco Univ California Publ Zool 44: 173-434 MILLER, A.H Condor 57: 1955 154-178 The avifauna of the Sierra del Carmen of Coahuila, Mexico 1977 WOLF: MILLER, A H A1MOPH1LA SPECIES RELATIONSHIPS 215 1961 Molt cycles in equatorial Andean sparrows Condor 63: 143-161 MILLER, A.H 1963 Seasonalactivity and ecologyof the avifauna of an American equatorial cloud forest Univ California PubL Zool 66: 1-78 MILLER, A H., H FRIEDMANN,L GRISCOM,AND R T MOORE 1957 Distributional check-listof the birds of Mexico, part Pacific Coast Avifauna No 33 MILLER, A H., AND V D MILLER 1968 The behavioral ecology and breeding biologyof the Andean Sparrow,Zonotrichiacapensis.Caldesia10: 83-154 MILLER, A H., AND R C STE•m•S 1964 The lives of desert animals in Joshua Tree National Monument Berkeley and Los Angeles, Univ California Press MILLER, W DEW of new forms MILLS, W.J 17: 1925 Amer 1905 Further notes on central American birds, with descriptions Mus Novitates No 184: 1-16 Some breeding records from East Point, Georgia Wilson Bull 115-116 MONROE,B L., JR 1968 A distributional survey of the birds of Honduras Amer Ornithol Union Monogr No MONSON,G 1947 Botteri's Sparrow in Arizona Auk 64: 139-140 MONSON,G 1968 Airnophila botterii (Sclater), Botteri's Sparrow In Life histories of North American cardinals, grosbeaks, buntings, towhees, finches, sparrows, and allies (O L Austin, Jr., Ed.) U.S Natl Mus Bull 237: 975-981 MOORE,R.T 1946 The Rufous-wingedSparrow, its legendsand taxonomic status Condor 48: 117-123 MOREAU, R.E 1950 The breeding seasonsof African birds•l Land birds Ibis 92: 223-267 MOREAU, R E 1960 Conspectus and classification of the ploceine weaver-birds Ibis 102: 298-321, 443-471 MO•q•mAN, M 1963 Display patterns of tropical American "nine-primaried" songbirds, The Green-backedSparrow Auk 80: 116-144 MOYNIHAN,M 1968 Social mimicry; character convergenceversus character displacement Evolution 22: 315-331 MULLmAN, J 1963 A description of song sparrow song based on instrumental analysis Proc 13th Intern Ornithol Congr.: 272-284 MYERS, H.W 1909 Nesting habits of the Rufous-crowned Sparrow Condor 11: 131-134 NAVAS,J R 1965 Notas sobre Airnophila strigicepsy su distribuci6n geogrifica E1 Hornero 10: 215-224 NERO, R.W 1951 Wilson Bull NICE, M.M Pattern and rate of cranial ossification in the House Sparrow 63: 84-88 1931 The birds of Oklahoma Publ Univ Oklahoma Biol Surv 3: 1- 224 NUXXING, C C 1883 On a collection of birds from Nicaragua Proc U.S Natl Mus 6: 372-384 O•MARX, R D in Arizona 1966 Breeding record of the Cassin Sparrow (Airnophila cassinii) Condor O•MARX, R D zona Condor 68: 400 1968 Breeding of Botteri's Sparrow (Airnophila botterii) in Ari70: 277 OR,NS, G H., ANDM F WILLSON 1964 Interspecificterritories of birds Ecology 45: 736-745 Om•, R.T 1963 Comments on the classificationof swifts of the subfamily Chaeturinae Proc 13th Intern OrnithoL Congr.: 126-134 216 ORNITHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS NO 23 PARKES, K.C 1957 The juvenal plumagesof the finch genera Atlapetes and Pipilo Auk 74: 499-502 PAYNE,R B 1969 Unpneumatizedskull conditionin adult Scaly-frontedWeavers, Sporopipesfrontalis Auk 86: 570 PAYNE,R B., ANDN.J SKINNER 1970 Temporal patternsof duetting in African barbets Ibis 112: 173-183 PAYNTER,R A., JR 1955 The ornithogeographyof the Yucatan Peninsula Bull Peabody Mus 9: 1-347 PAYNTER,R A., JR 1964 Generic limits of Zonotrichia Condor 66: 277-281 PAYNTER,R A., JR 1970 Emberizidae In Check-list of the birds of the World, vol 13 Worcester, Massachusetts, Heffernan Press PEMBERTON,J.R 1910 Notes on the Rufous-crowned Sparrow Condor 12: 123- 125 PETERSON, R.T Mifflin 1961 A field guide to western birds, seconded Boston, Houghton Co PETERSON,R T., AND E L CHALIF 1973 A field guide to Mexican birds Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co PHILLIPS, A R 1944 Statusof Cassin'sSparrow in Arizona Auk 61: 409-412 PHILLIPS, A R 1951a The molts of the Rufous-winged Sparrow Wilson Bull 63: 323-326 1951b Complexities of migration: a review Wilson Bull 63: PHILLIPS, A R 129-136 1961 Notas sobre la chuparosaThalurania y ciertos plumajes de PHILLIPS, A R otras aves Mexicanas Ann Inst Biol 32: 383-390 PHILLIPS,A.R 1968 Accountsof Airnophilaruficeps.Pp 919-930 in Life histories of North American cardinals, grosbeaks,buntings, towbees, finches, sparrows, and allies,part U.S Natl Mus Bull No 237 PHILLIPS, A., J MARSHALL,AND G MONSON 1964 Univ Arizona PITELKA,F.A The birds of Arizona Tucson, Press 1945 Pterylography,molt, and age determinationof American jays of the genusAphelocoma Condor 47: 229-261 PITELK& F A 1951a Generic placement of the Rufous-wingedSparrow Wilson Bull 63: 41 PITELKA,F.A 1951b Speciationand ecologicdistribution in American jays of the genusAphelocoma Univ California Publ Zool 50: 195-464 PITELK& F.A 1958 British Columbia POOLE,E L Timing of molt in Stellar jays of the Queen Charlotte Islands, Condor 60: 38-49 1938 Weights and wing areas in North American birds Auk 55: 511-517 QUILLIN, R W., AND R HOLLEMAN 1918 Texas Condor RAaSDALE,G H Texas Auk RmawA¾, R The breeding birds of Bexar County, 20: 37-44 1892 Distribution of the species of Peucaea in Cook County, 9: 73 1873 On some new forms of American birds Amer Naturalist 7: 602-619 Rm•WAY, R 1883 Notes upon some rare speciesof neotropical birds Ibis l(5th ser.): 399-401 RmawAY, R States 1885 On Peucaea mexicana (Lawr.), a sparrow new to the United Proc U.S Natl Mus 8: 98-99 1977 WOLF: AIMOPHILA SPECIES RELATIONSHIPS 217 Rnmwn¾, R 1898 Descriptionsof supposednew genera, species,and subspecies of Americanbirds I Fringillidae Auk 15: 223-230 RnmwA¾,R 1899 On the genericname Aimophila versusPeucaea Auk 16: 8081 RmawA¾, R 1901 The birds of North and Middle America U.S Natl Mus Bull 50 R'LEắ, S.D 1949 Texas habitat of Botteri's Sparrow and Gulf coast recordsof wintering sparrows Wilson Bull 61: 112-113 RowLE¾, J.S 1962 Nesting birds of Morelos, Mexico Condor 64: 253-272 RusseLl, S.M 1964 A distributional study of the birds of British Honduras Amer Ornithol Union Monogr No SA[v•, O., Am) F D GOX)MA• 1886 Biologia Centrail-Americana Aves, vol London SAv•[E, D B O 1957 Adaptive evolution in the arian wing Evolution 11: 212- 224 SCHA[X)ACH, W J., JR 1963 The avifauna of Colima and adjacent Jalisco, Mexico Proc Western Found Vert Zool 1: 1-100 SCHOE•R, T.W 1965 The evolution of bill size differences among sympatric congeneric speciesof birds Evolution 19: 189-213 SCLATER,P L 1857 On a collection of birds made by Signor Matteo Botteri in the vicinity of Orizaba in southern Mexico Proc Zool Soc London 25: 210-215 SCI•AXeR,P L., A•qx)O SA•v• 1868 Descriptions of new or little-known American birds of the families Fringillidae, Oxyrhamphidae,Bucconidae,and Strigidae Pp 322-329 in Proc Zool SCOa'T,W E D 1886 Soc London On the breeding habits of some Arizona birds Auk 3: 81-86 SCOa'T,W E D 1887 On the avi-fauna of Pinal County, with remarks on some birdsof Pima and Gila counties,Arizona Auk 4:196-205 passim SEI•AN•)•R, R K Condor 1958 Age determination and molt in the Boat-tailed Grackle 60: 355-376 Se[AmmR, R.K 1962 Review of morphologicaldifferentiation and adaptation in the Galapagos finches by R I Bowman Evolution 16: 391-393 Se[nN•)eR,R K 1964 Speciationin wrens of the genus Campylorhynchus.Univ California S•Am)•a, Publ Zool 74: 1-259 R.K Condor 1966 Sexual dimorphism and differential niche utilization in birds 68: 113-151 SELAm)eR,R K., Am) D R G•[[eR Jalisco, Mexico 1959 The avifauna of the Barranca de Oblatos, Condor 61: 210-222 S•Am)•R, R K., AN•) D R GI[LER 1963 Specieslimits in the woodpeckergenus Centurus (Aves) Bull Amer Mus Nat Hist 124: 213-274 SeL•m)eR, R K., Am) L L Kum, 1963 Hormonal control and development of the incubation patch in icterids, with notes on behavior of cowbirds Condor 65: 73-90 SERVENTY,D L., C A NICHOLLS, AND D S FnRNER 1967 Pneumatization of the cranium of the Zebra Finch Taeniopygia castanotis Ibis 109: 570-578 SinicY, C G California SinicY, C.G birds 1950 Speciesformation in the Red-eyed Towbees of Mexico Univ Publ Zool 50: 109-194 1955 Behavioral mimicry in the titmice (Paridae) and certain other Wilson Bull 67: 128-132 218 ORNITHOLOGICAL SIBLEY, C G taxonomic MONOGRAPHS NO 23 1960 The electrophoretic patterns of avian egg-white proteins as characters Ibis 102: 215-284 SIBLEY, C G 1962 The comparative morphology of protein molecules as data for classification.Syst.ZooL 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Ibis 91: 430-455 SKUTCH,A.F 1950 The nesting seasonsof Central American birds in relation to climateand food supply Ibis 92: 185-222, SLLa), P 1964 The birds of Costa Rica Bull Amer Mus Nat Hist 128: 1-430 SMITH, A.P 1909 Observations on some birds found in southern Mexico Condor 11: 57-64 SMITH, W J 1963 Vocal communication of information in birds Amer Natu- ralist 97: 117-125 SPRUNT,A 1954 Florida bird life New York, Coward, McCann, Inc SPRUNT, A., AND E B CHAMBERLAIN 1949 South Carolina bird life Univ South Carolina Columbia, Press STAGER,K E 1954 Birds of the Barranca de Cobre region of southwesternChihuahua, Mexico Condor 56: 21-32 STEIN, R C 1958 The behavioral, ecological,and morphologicalcharacteristicsof two populations of the Alder Flycatcher, Empidonax traillii (Audubon) New York State Mus Sci Serv Bull 371: STORER,R.W Condor 57: STORER,R.W 1-63 1955 A preliminary study of the sparrowsof the genusAimophila 193-201 1959 The arrangement of songbird families Condor 61: 152-153 SUMICHRAST, F 1869 The geographical distribution of the native birds of the Department of Veracruz, with a list of the migratory species MeT Boston Soc Nat Hist 1: 542-563 SUTTON,G.M 1934 Notes on the birds of the western panhandle of Oklahoma Ann Carnegie Mus 24: 1-50 SUTTON,G.M 1935 The juvenal plumageand postjuvenalmolt in severalspecies of Michigan sparrows CranbrookInst Sci Bull SUTTON, G M Bull 1952 New birds from the state of Michoacan, Mexico Wilson 64: 221-223 SUTTON,G.M 1967 Oklahoma birds Norman, Univ Oklahoma Press, SUTTON,G M., O S PETTINGILL,JR., AND R B LEA 1942 Notes on the birds of the Montetrey districtof Nuevo Leon, Mexico Wilson Bull 54: 199-203 SUTTON,G M., ANDA e PHILLIPS 1942 June bird life of the Papago Indian Reservation, Arizona Condor 44: 57-65 SWAINSON,W 1837 On the natural history and classification of birds, vol London, Longman, Brown, Green and LongTans SWARTH,H, S 129-130 1917 Observations on some Fresno County birds Condor 19: 1977 WOLF: AIMOPHILA SWYNNERTON, C F.M SPECIES RELATIONSHIPS 219 1916 On the colorationof the mouthsand eggsof birds On the coloration of eggs.Ibis 4: 529-606 TASHInN, R E 1953 The birds of southeastern Guatemala Condor 55: 198-210 THORPE,W H 1972 Duetting and antiphonal song in birds, its extent and significance BehaviourSuppl 18 THORPE,W H., AND B I LADE 1961 The songsof some families of the Passeriformes.2 The songsof the buntings(Emberizidae) Ibis 103a: 246-259 TODD,W E.C 1940 Birds of Western Pennsylvania Pittsburgh, Univ Pittsburgh Press TOIl.DOFF,H B 1954 A systematicstudy of the avian family Fringillidae based on the structure of the skull Misc Publ Mus Zool Univ Mich 81: 1-42 URBAN,E K 1959 Birds from Coahuila, Mexico Univ Kansas Publ Mus Nat Hist 11: 443-516 VAN ROSSEM,A J 1945 A distributional survey of the birds of Sonora, Mexico Occ Pap., Mus Zool Louisiana 21: 1-379 VAN TYNE, J 1935 The birds of northern Pet•n, Guatemala Misc Publ Mus Zool Univ Mich 27: 1-46 VAN VALEN, L Naturalist 1965 Morphological variation and width of ecological niche Amer 99: 377-390 VAURIE,C 1951 Adaptive differencesbetween two sympatric speciesof nuthatches (Sitta) Proc 10th Intern Ornithol Congr.: 163-166 VERNER,J., AND M F WILLSON 1969 Mating systems, sexual dimorphism, and the role of male North American passerinebirds in the nesting cycle Amer Ornithol Union Monogr No VON HAARTMAN,L 1963 The nesting times of Finnish birds Proc 13th Intern Ornithol Congr.: 611-619 WAUEI•,R H 1965 Wintering Rufous-crowned Sparrowsfound in Utah Condor 67: 447 WEBSTER,J.D 1958 Further ornithologicalnotes from Zacatecas,Mexico Wilson Bull 70: 243-256 WEBSTER,J.D WEaSTER,J D 1959a A revision of the Botteri Sparrow Condor 61: 136-146 1959b Another collection from Zacatecas, Mexico Auk 76: 365- 367 WEaSTE•, J D., ANDR T ORR 1954a Summeringbirds of Zacatecas,Mexico, with a descriptionof a new race of Worthen Sparrow Condor 56: 155-160 WEaSTE•, J D., AND R T O• 1954b Miscellaneous notes on Mexican birds Wilson Bull 66: 267-269 WETMORE,A 1944 A collection of birds from northern Guanacaste,Costa Rica Proc U.S Natl WILLARD,F C WILLETT, G 1933 Coast Avifauna WILLIAMS,L.P Mus 95: 25-80 1912 Breeding of the Scott Sparrow Condor 14: 195-196 A revised list of the birds of southwestern California No Pacific 21 1897 Notes on the nestingof the Rufous-crowned Sparrow.Osprey 2: 27-28 WOODHOUSE, S.W 1852 Descriptionsof new speciesof birds of the genera Vireo Vieill., and Zonotrichia,Swainson.Proc Acad Nat Sci Philadelphia6: 60-61 WOOLFEN•)EN, G.E 1956 Comparativebreedingbehaviorof Ammospizacaudacuta and ,'t maritima Univ Kansas Mus Nat Hist Publ 10: 45-75 220 ORNITHOLOGICAL ZIMMERMAN,D 59: MONOGRAPHS NO 23 1957 Spotted-tailed Nightjar nesting in Veracruz, Mexico Condor 124-127 ZIMMERMAN, D A., AND G B HARRY 1951 Summer birds of Autlan, Jalisco Wilson Bull 63: 302-314 No 15 Functional Anatomy andAdaptive Evolution of theFeeding Apparatus in theHawaiianHoneycreeper GenusLoxops (Drepanididae), byLawrenceP Richards andWalterJ Bock.vii + 173pp.,14 textfigures + 26 plates.1973.Price$9.00($7.50to AOUmembers) No 16 TheRed-tailed Tropicbird onKureAtoll,byRobert R Fleet.vii+ 64 pp.,34textfigures, tables 1974.Price $5.50($4.50 toAOUmembers) No 17 Comparative Behavior of theAmerican Avocet andtheBlack-necked Stilt (Recurvirostridae), byRobert Bruce Hamilton, vi + 98 pp.,18text figures 1975.Price$7.50($6.00toAOUmembers) No 18 Breeding Biology andBehavior oftheOldsquaw (Clangula hyemalis L.), byRobert M Alison, vi + 52pp.,13textfigures 1975.Price $3.50($2.50 to AOU members) No 19 BirdPopulations of Aspen Forests in Western NorthAmerica, byJ.A Douglas Flack, viii-t-97pp.,frontis., 56textfigures, appendix 1976.Price $7.50 ($6.00 to AOU members) No 20 SexualSizeDimorphism in HawksandOwlsof NorthAmerica, by NoelF R Snyder andJames W Wiley,vi + 95 pp.,frontis., 14textfigures, appendix 1976 Price$7.50($6.00to AOUmembers) No 21 Social Organization andBehavior oftheAcorn Woodpecker in Central Coastal 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Tampa, Florida 33620 (See price list on back and inside back cover.) Ornithological MonographsNo 23, viii + 220 pp Editor of A.O.U Monographs, John William Hardy SpecialAssociateEditors of this issue,John... WOLF Museum of Vertebrate Zoology Universityof California ORNITHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS PUBLISHED THE AMERICAN BY ORNITHOLOGISTS' 1977 NO UNION 23 TABLE INTRODUCTION AND lqELI• CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS... the genus, as presentlyconstituted,particularlyin establishing groupsof speciesthat ORNITHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS NO 23 might be thoughtof as evolutionaryunits In addition,I have attempted to contributeto