The Northern Goshawk THE NORTHERN GOSHAWK: A TECHNICAL ASSESSMENT OF ITS STATUS, ECOLOGY, AND MANAGEMENT MICHAEL L MORRISON, EDITOR Morrison Studies in Avian Biology No 31 Studies in Avian Biology No 31 A Publication of the Cooper Ornithological Society THE NORTHERN GOSHAWK: A TECHNICAL ASSESSMENT OF ITS STATUS, ECOLOGY, AND MANAGEMENT Michael L Morrison, Editor Studies in Avian Biology No 31 A PUBLICATION OF THE COOPER ORNITHOLOGICAL SOCIETY Cover drawing by Joyce V VanDeWater STUDIES IN AVIAN BIOLOGY Edited by Carl D Marti Raptor Research Center Boise State University Boise, ID 83725 Studies in Avian Biology is a series of works too long for The Condor, published at irregular intervals by the Cooper Ornithological Society Manuscripts for consideration should be submitted to the editor Style and format should follow those of previous issues Price $23.00 including postage and handling All orders cash in advance; make checks payable to Cooper Ornithological Society Send orders to Cooper Ornithological Society, c/o Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology, 439 Calle San Pablo, Camarillo, CA 93010 The Cooper Ornithological Society hereby grants permission to copy chapters (in whole or in part) appearing in Studies in Avian Biology for personal use, or educational use within one’s home institution, without payment, provided that the copied material bears the statement “©2006 The Cooper Ornithological Society” and the full citation, including names of all authors Authors may post copies of their chapters on their personal or institutional website, except that whole issues of Studies in Avian Biology may not be posted on websites Any use not specifically granted here, and any use of Studies in Avian Biology articles or portions thereof for advertising, republication, or commercial uses, requires prior consent from the editor ISBN: 0-943610-68-0 Library of Congress Control Number: 2006924902 Printed at Cadmus Professional Communications, Ephrata, Pennsylvania 17522 Issued: 14 June 2006 Copyright © by the Cooper Ornithological Society 2006 DEDICATION This volume is dedicated to the memory of Suzanne Meredith Joy whose passion for life was exemplified in her outstanding contributions to our understanding of the ecology, demography, and habitats of the Northern Goshawk on the Kaibab Plateau in Arizona CONTENTS LIST OF AUTHORS v–vi FOREWORD Putting studies of North American Goshawks in context Robert E Kenward INTRODUCTION Toward a better understanding of the Northern Goshawk Michael L Morrison Northern Goshawk ecology: an assessment of current knowledge and information needs for conservation and management John R Squires and Patricia L Kennedy SECTION I: REGIONAL Demography of Northern Goshawks in Northern Arizona, 1991–1996 Richard T Reynolds and Suzanne M Joy 63 Ecology and habitat of breeding Northern Goshawks in the inland Pacific Northwest: a summary of research in the 1990s .Stephen DeStefano, Michael T McGrath, Sonya K Daw, and Steven M Desimone 75 Prey and weather factors associated with temporal variation in Northern Goshawk reproduction in the Sierra Nevada, California John J Keane, Michael L Morrison, and D Michael Fry 87 Occupancy, productivity, turnover, and dispersal of Northern Goshawks in portions of the northeastern Great Basin Marc J Bechard, Graham D Fairhurst, and Gregory S Kaltenecker 100 Ecology of The Northern Goshawk in the New York-New Jersey Highlands Thomas Bosakowski and Dwight G Smith 109 Habitat, food habits, and productivity of Northern Goshawks nesting in Connecticut Trevor E Becker, Dwight G Smith, and Thomas Bosakowski 119 Northern Goshawk ecology in the western Great Lakes region Clint W Boal, David E Andersen, Patricia L Kennedy, and Aimee M Roberson 126 Goshawks in Canada: population responses to harvesting and the appropriateness of using standard bird monitoring techniques to assess their status Frank I Doyle 135 Ecology of the Northern Goshawk in Fennoscandia Risto Tornberg, Erkki Korpimäki, and Patrik Byholm 141 Population limitation in the Northern Goshawk in Europe: a review with case studies Christian Rutz, Rob G Bijlsma, Mick Marquiss, and Robert E Kenward 158 SECTION II: ECOLOGY Northern Goshawk food habits and goshawk prey species habitats Joseph E Drennan 198 Diet, prey delivery rates, and prey biomass of Northern Goshawks in east-central Arizona Andi S Rogers, Stephen DeStefano, and Michael F Ingraldi 219 Winter movement and habitat use of Northern Goshawks breeding in Utah Jared Underwood, Clayton M White, and Ronald Rodriguez 228 Satellite telemetry of Northern Goshawks breeding in Utah—I Annual movements Sarah A Sonsthagen, Ronald Rodriguez, and Clayton M White 239 Satellite telemetry of Northern Goshawks breeding in Utah—II Annual habitats Sarah A Sonsthagen, Ronald Rodriguez, and Clayton M White 252 A review and evaluation of factors limiting Northern Goshawk populations Richard T Reynolds, J David Wiens, and Susan R Salafsky 260 SECTION III: MANAGEMENT A design for monitoring Northern Goshawks at the bioregional scale Christina D Hargis and Brian Woodbridge 274 Resource selection function models as tools for regional conservation planning for Northern Goshawk in Utah Carlos Carroll, Ronald L Rodriguez, Clinton McCarthy, and Kathleen M Paulin 288 An ecosystem-based conservation strategy for the Northern Goshawk Richard T Reynolds, Russell T Graham, and Douglas A Boyce, Jr 299 Goshawk status and management: what we know, what have we done, where are we going? Douglas A Boyce, Jr., Richard T Reynolds, and Russell T Graham 312 LITERATURE CITED 326 LIST OF AUTHORS DAVID E ANDERSEN USGS Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology University of Minnesota St Paul, MN 55108 STEPHEN DESTEFANO USGS Massachusetts Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Holdsworth Natural Resource Center University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA 01003 MARC J BECHARD Department of Biology Boise State University Boise, ID 83725 FRANK I DOYLE Wildlife Dynamics Consulting Box 129 Telkwa, BC, V0J 2X0, Canada TREVOR E BECKER Biology Department Southern Connecticut State University New Haven, CT 06515 (Current address: 1481 Georges Hill Road, Southbury, CT 06488) JOSEPH E DRENNAN 479 Bartlett Street San Francisco, CA 94110 CLINT W BOAL U.S Geological Survey Texas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Department of Range, Wildlife, and Fisheries Management Texas Tech University Lubbock, TX 79409-2120 THOMAS BOSAKOWSKI 24 Third Street Worcester, MA 01602 DOUGLAS A BOYCE, JR USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station 2770 Sherwood Lane, Suite 2A Juneau, AK 99801-8545 ROB G BIJLSMA Doldersummerweg 7983 LD Wapse The Netherlands PATRIK BYHOLM Bird Ecology Unit Department of Ecology and Systematics Division of Population Biology University of Helsinki, P.O.Box 65 FIN-00014, Helsinki, Finland CARLOS CARROLL Klamath Center for Conservation Research P O Box 104 Orleans, CA 95556 SONYA K DAW Southeast Utah Group National Park Service 2282 SW Resource Boulevard Moab, UT 84532 STEVEN M DESIMONE Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Forest Wildlife Unit, Wildlife Program 600 Capitol Way North Olympia, WA 98501 GRAHAM D FAIRHURST Department of Biology Boise State University Boise, ID 83725 (Current address: D MICHAEL FRY Department of Animal Sciences University of California Davis, CA 95616 RUSSELL T GRAHAM USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station 1221 South Main Street Moscow, ID 83843 CHRISTINA HARGIS USDA Forest Service 2500 S Pine Knoll Flagstaff, AZ 86001 (Present name: Christina Vojta) MICHAEL F INGRALDI Research Branch Arizona Game and Fish Department 2221 West Greenway Road Phoenix, AZ 85023 SUZANNE M JOY deceased GREGORY S KALTENECKER Idaho Bird Observatory Department of Biology Boise State University Boise, ID 83725 JOHN J KEANE Graduate Group in Ecology and Department of Animal Sciences, University of California Davis, CA 95616 (Current address: Sierra Nevada Research Center, Pacific Southwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service, 2121 Second Street, Suite A101, Davis, CA 95616) PATRICIA L KENNEDY Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center and Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Oregon State University P.O Box E, 372 South 10th Street Union, OR 97883 ROBERT E KENWARD Natural Environment Research Council Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Winfrith Technology Centre, Dorchester DT2 8ZD, United Kingdom ERKKI KORPIMÄKI Section of Ecology Department of Biology University of Turku FIN-20014 Turku, Finland MICK MARQUISS Centre for Ecology and Hydrology Banchory Kincardineshire AB31 4BY, UK CLINTON MCCARTHY USDA Forest Service Intermountain Region Ogden, UT 84401 MICHAEL T MCGRATH Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation Southwestern Land Office 1401 27th Avenue Missoula, MT 59804 MICHAEL L MORRISON Great Basin Institute University of Nevada Reno, NV 89557 (Current address: Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-2258) KATHLEEN M PAULIN USDA Forest Service Ashley National Forest Vernal, UT 84078 ANDI S ROGERS Arizona Game and Fish Department, Region II 3500 South Lake Mary Road Flagstaff, AZ 86001 CHRISTIAN RUTZ Department of Zoology University of Oxford South Parks Road Oxford OX1 3PS, UK SUSAN R SALAFSKY USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station 2150 Centre Avenue, Suite 350, Building A Fort Collins, CO 80526-1891 DWIGHT G SMITH Biology Department Southern Connecticut State University New Haven, CT 06515 JOHN R SQUIRES USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station Forestry Sciences Laboratory P.O Box 8089 Missoula, MT 59807 SARAH A SONSTHAGEN Department of Integrative Biology Brigham Young University Provo, UT 84602 (Current address: Department of Biology and Wildlife, Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Alaska 99775) RISTO TORNBERG Department of Biology University of Oulu, P.O.Box 3000 FIN-90014 Oulu, Finland JARED UNDERWOOD Department of Integrative Biology Brigham Young University Provo, UT 84602 (Current address: School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe AZ, 85287) RICHARD T REYNOLDS USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station 2150 Centre Avenue, Suite 350, Building A Fort Collins, CO 80526-1891 CLAYTON M WHITE Department of Integrative Biology Brigham Young University Provo, UT 84602 AIMEE M ROBERSON USDI Fish and Wildlife Service New Mexico Ecological Services Field Office 2105 Osuna Road NE Albuquerque, NM 87113-1001 J DAVID WIENS USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station 2150 Centre Avenue, Suite 350, Building A Fort Collins, CO 80526-1891 RONALD L RODRIGUEZ USDA Forest Service Dixie and Fish Lake National Forests Cedar City, UT 84720 BRIAN WOODBRIDGE USDI Fish and Wildlife Service 1829 South Oregon Street Yreka, CA 96097 Studies in Avian Biology No 31:1–4 PUTTING STUDIES OF NORTH AMERICAN GOSHAWKS IN CONTEXT ROBERT E KENWARD reports, and conference proceedings tend to be biased towards work in particular geographic areas I searched the Raptor Information System (RIS) ( [24 February 2005]) for papers in scientific journals with Northern Goshawk in the title or keywords Results were filtered for work in the wild (either in Europe or North America), to exclude conference proceedings and into two 15-yr periods to seek trends In the 15 yr of forest interest since 1990, 147 journal papers included 85 (58%) from Europe, compared with 74 publications including 41 (55%) from Europe in the 1975–1989 period (Fig 1a) Papers on goshawks doubled both in Europe and North America A new database of goshawk demography and feeding habits (Rutz et al., this volume) that traced citations from recent publications without using the RIS, suggests that the RIS may slightly underestimate European publications In August 2004, the database included 174 references from 1975 onward with 108 (62%) from Europe For North American work, 49 of 66 references (74%) were also in the RIS, compared with 36 of 108 (33%) for Europe (Fig 1b) So, research on goshawks remains very healthy east of the Atlantic, and it is good for the research in Europe to continue informing researchers in America, as Mike Morrison understood when he sought two review papers from Europe for this volume It is also worth noting that the 972 citations for Northern Goshawk (title + keyword) in the RIS in July 2004 were not greatly exceeded by the 1,082 for Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), which was beaten only by Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) (2,563) and Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) (1,442) A perfect bibliography might well give a citation bronze medal to studies of the Northern Goshawk In the 22 papers of this volume, the focus of research is more holistic than a decade earlier Among 23 papers in Block et al (1994), 10 had habitat issues in the title and were extensively concerned with where goshawks nest Research now tends to emphasize how goshawks are performing in different situations rather than where they nest In this volume, only four of the 22 papers have habitat in the title, and one of the four actually concentrates on habitats of goshawk prey Joseph Drennan uses Writing the foreword for this collection of papers provides an opportunity to take stock of how research on the Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) has developed on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean The first period of international overview of the Northern Goshawk was in 1980–1981 An early monograph on goshawks (Fischer 1980) was not easily accessible to western biologists, because it came from what was then East Germany Moreover, the only English language text was in 60 of its 250 references Most of the early quantitative studies of this species were published in German and Scandinavian languages (Hagen 1942, Holstein 1942, Brüll 1964; Höglund 1964a, b; Sulkava 1964) However, by the late 1970s quantitative studies also originated from Britain and North America (McGowan 1975), including the first radio tracking of free-living hawks (Bendock 1975, Kenward 1976) These studies, and a need to make European material accessible in English, stimulated the collection of 21 papers for a symposium in Oxford titled Understanding the Goshawk (Kenward and Lindsay 1981a) The main topics were population trends (four papers), wild and domestic breeding (six), hunting behavior and predation (seven) Not one paper focused on features of the habitat Around 1980, rather little knowledge of Goshawks was crossing the Atlantic in either direction In 1982, a remarkable raptor enthusiast, the late Richard Olendorff, provided search findings from a pioneering raptor management information system that he had just established Among 139 references that mentioned goshawks in the text, including 23 that Olendorff considered substantially about goshawks, only six were also among the 250 in Fischer (1980) Since about 1990, great interest in habitat requirements has developed in North America, as a result of attempts to use the Northern Goshawk as a flagship species for preserving old-growth forest Useful reviews of the politics and resulting work were published by Reynolds et al (1992), Squires and Reynolds (1997), Bosakowski (1999), Kennedy (2003) and in the proceedings of a goshawk symposium (Block et al 1994) So is most work on Northern Goshawks now done west of the Atlantic? This question can be best answered by examining publications in scientific journals, because books, STUDIES IN AVIAN BIOLOGY NO 31 FIGURE The Raptor Information System (RIS) shows a parallel increase in goshawk publications in Europe and America (a) with European papers represented less than in a new database on demography and diet (b) the diet of goshawks in the southwestern US and elsewhere to illustrate the converging requirements of predator and prey species His prey-based approach illustrates why habitat use remains an important theme throughout this volume Two papers, one by Sarah Sonsthagen and the other by Jared Underwood, in each case with Ronald Rodriguez and Clayton White as co-authors, give data on habitats used by 42 adult female goshawks that were tracked by satellite in Utah between 2000 and 2003 Another paper by Carlos Carroll, Ronald Rodriguez, Clinton McCarthy, and Kathleen Paulin, is linked to these two by location (Utah) and use of remote sensing These authors model the distribution of goshawk nests from satellite-mapped data on spatial resources, with reasonable out-of-area predictive ability and similarity to resource requirements of bears and wolves.These three papers from Utah, with a fourth, by Sonsthagen, Rodriguez, and White on annual movements of the same satellite-tracked goshawks, will for many readers be the most remarkable in the volume Goshawks seem not to have previously been tracked by satellite and certainly not in such numbers In view of low tracking accuracy from the ARGOS system, differences in habitat use between seasons and between resident and migrant hawks are likely to be even more robust than results suggest, because significance levels are probably reduced by noise However, the low accuracy will have overestimated home ranges Moreover, 21 of the adult female hawks produced stationary, coldtransmitter readings before the following April and none among 11 survivors tracked the following summer reproduced successfully, which indicates a high impact of tags; such an impact may have biased movements and survival STUDIES OF NORTH AMERICAN GOSHAWKS—Kenward Another North American paper with a focus on habitat is by Stephen DeStefano, Michael McGrath, Steven Desimone, and Sonya Daw, on goshawks in inland Washington and Oregon There they found weak tendencies for greatest persistence of nesting in areas that retained most forest with mid- and late seral stages, and productivity was lowest in one of three areas with least mammals in the diet Moving further north, into Canada, Frank Doyle reviews evidence that mainland goshawks coexisting with abundant lagomorph populations may be little impacted by timber harvest, compared with hawks on islands with few lagomorphs Another theme of this paper is that collection of robust data on nest density and productivity is likely to be more useful for monitoring goshawks than observing hawks in migration or in winter Similar comments on the need for robust reproductive data that are comparable across studies, and also on winter diet and foraging, are found in the paper by Clint Boal, David Andersen, Pat Kennedy, and Aimee Roberson As well as reviewing nesting habitats, diet, and productivity in the Great Lakes region, these authors include data on home range, residency, and mortality for 28 breeding adult goshawks Further eastward, the theme of describing nest habitat, productivity and diet is continued by Trevor Becker, Dwight Smith, and Thomas Bosakowski for 16 nests in Connecticut Bosakowski and Smith provide similar data for goshawks in the nearby East Coast states of New York and New Jersey, which have been re-colonized following reafforestation In addition, the latter paper includes comments on migratory movements of goshawks in the eastern US Habitat change is also addressed by one of the two papers from Europe Risto Tornberg, Erkki Korpimäki, and Patrik Byholm review 12 multiyear studies of breeding and winter ecology in Fennoscandia From the nationwide counts of prey populations, there are indications that Goshawks may have subtle impacts on populations of their main prey, woodland grouse, especially because extensive radio tagging shows that healthy populations may contain many non-breeders There is evidence of converse effects too, with variation in goshawk numbers and body-size linked to impacts on prey of recent changes in forest management Returning to the southwest of North America, four papers concentrate on seasonal and spatial variation in breeding biology Andi Rogers, Michael Ingraldi, and Stephen DeStefano use video recording to show that although prey deliveries at 10 nest sites in Arizona declined after a peak at a nestling age of 15–20 d, an increase in size of prey caused biomass per day to increase throughout the season Marc Bechard, Graham Fairhurst, and Gregory Kaltenecker analyze 11 yr of data on occupancy and productivity for a study area in Nevada, compared to 10 yr of similar data from Idaho They also provide records of natal dispersal movements and adult turnover These are the longest data sets from North America in this volume From another multi-year study in the southwest US, Richard Reynolds and the late Suzanne Joy provide data on productivity, turnover, and survival of adult goshawks of both sexes on the Kaibab Plateau Useful analytic techniques are introduced, including Mayfield estimates to correct late-finding bias, and distance thresholds to increase information from nearest-neighbor-distance analyses of nest spacing In the fourth site-specific study, John Keane, Michael Morrison, and Michael Fry use yr of data to indicate that large brood size in the California Sierra Nevada correlated with early laying and high pre-laying mean temperature, while abundance and frequency in goshawk diet of Douglas squirrels (Tamiasciurus douglasii) correlated with cone crops The remaining six papers are essentially reviews At the end of the Regional section of the volume, Christian Rutz, Mick Marquiss, Rob Bijlsma, and I consider factors that may limit goshawk populations across Europe We discuss why goshawks are more focussed on woodland and eating mammals in North America and note that goshawk colonization of European towns shows how well this species can adapt to habitat change The creation of a database for the inter-continental comparisons raised issues of data standards Such meta-analyses would be most robust if biologists always (1) climbed trees to assess productivity, (2) collected individualunique prey remains in diet studies, (3) adopted in Europe the habitat measures used in North America (e.g canopy cover in nest stands), (4) recorded nest density and percentage of forest in North American study areas, and (5) estimated mean nearest-neighbor nest distances in case these prove better than density for investigations of population variation in strongly heterogeneous landscapes In the last paper in the Ecology section of the volume, Richard Reynolds, Susan Salafsky, and David Wiens consider how goshawk populations are affected by predators, competitors, weather, and habitats for nesting, provisioning, and winter foraging They concur, from the many recent studies of goshawks in North America, with results obtained earlier by studying goshawks in European habitats, namely that goshawks can be quite flexible in breeding habitat but LITERATURE CITED (Accipiter striatus) and Cooper’s Hawks (Accipiter cooperii) captured during spring migration in northern New York Journal of Wildlife Diseases 31:216–222 PHILLIPS, A., J MARSHALL, AND G MONSON 1964 The birds of Arizona University of Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ PIANKA, E R 1983 Evolutionary ecology, 3rd edition Harper and Row Publishers, Inc New York, NY PIELOU, E C 1960 A single mechanism to account for regular, random and aggregated populations Journal of Ecology 48:575–584 PIELOWSKI, Z 1961 Über den Unifikationseinfluss der selektiven Nahrungswahl des Habichts, Accipiter gentilis L., auf 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Their interest in maintaining prey populations benefits other species than goshawks, including humans in that initiation of low-intensity NO 31 ground fires is recommended to clear in ammable debris... hereby grants permission to copy chapters (in whole or in part) appearing in Studies in Avian Biology for personal use, or educational use within one’s home institution, without payment, provided... CA 96097 Studies in Avian Biology No 31: 1–4 PUTTING STUDIES OF NORTH AMERICAN GOSHAWKS IN CONTEXT ROBERT E KENWARD reports, and conference proceedings tend to be biased towards work in particular