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' / Gliche* SPIXIAHIA Band 10 1987 Im Selbstverlag der Zoologischen Staatssammlung ISSN 0341-8391 SPIXIflHA ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR ZOOLOGIE herausgegeben von der ZOOLOGISCHEN STAATSSAMMLUNG MÜNCHEN SPIXIANA bringt Originalarbeiten Schwerpunkten in in aus dem Gesamtgebiet der Zoologischen Systematik mit Morphologie, Phylogenie, Tiergeographie und Ưkologie Manuskripte werden Deutsch, Englisch oder Franzưsisch Umfangreiche Beiträge können SPIXIANA publishes original in angenommen Pro Jahr erscheint ein Band zu drei Heften Supplementbänden herausgegeben werden papers on Zoological Systematics, with emphasis on Morphology, Manuscripts will be accepted in German, English or be published annually Extensive contributions may be Phylogeny, Zoogeography and Ecology French edited in A volume of three issues will Supplement volumes Redaktion - Editor-in-chief Prof Dr E J Schriftleitung FITTKAU - Managing Editors BACHMAIER E POPP F TEROFAL Dr F Dr Dr Redaktionsbeirat- Editorial board Dr R FECHTER Dr Dr U GRUBER Dr F Dr BACHMAIER BAEHR E.G BURMEISTER Dr W DIERL Dr J KRAFT REICHHOLF Dr F REISS Dr F Dr M Dr H Dr R FECHTER Manuskripte, Korrekturen und Dr Dr I Manuscripts, galley proofs, commentaries Bespre- and review copies chungsexemplare sind zu senden an die adressed to Redaktion SPIXIANA ZOOLOGISCHE STAATSSAMMLUNG MÜNCHEN Münchhausenstraße 21 D-8000 München SCHERER TEROFAL L TIEFENBACHER WEIGEL G 60, West Germany SPIXIANA - Journal of Zoology published by The State Zoological Collections München Druck: Gebr Geiselberger, 8262 Altötting of books should be INHALT -CONTENTS Seite BAEHR, The Indo-Australian species M.: Agastus Schmidt-Göbel of the Zuphiine genus (Insecta, Coleoptera, Ca1- 11 rabidae) BAEHR, Poecilometis vallicola spec nov and M.: some other species of Poecilometis Dallas from northwestern Australia BAEHR, (Insecta, Clivina demarzi spec nov., a M.: Pentatomidae) Heteroptera, 85- 91 new flightless Clivina from the Northern Territory of Australia (Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae, Scaritinae) BAEHR, A M.: 187-190 review of the Australian Tachyine beetles of the subgenera Tachyura Motschoulsky and Sphaerotachys Müller, with special regard to the tropical fauna (Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae, Bembidii- 225-269 nae) BAKER, G T., A CHANDRAPATYA & H H J NESBITT: Morphology of several types of cuticular suckers on mites (Arach- 131-137 nida, Acarina) BARTSCH, Notes on Ophiuroidea (Echinodermata) from the I.: northeastern Atlantic Ocean BURMEISTER, E.-G., K DETTNER & M HOLMEN: I Ophiacanthidae 115-130 Die Hydradephaga Sardiniens (Insecta, Coleoptera: Gyrinidae, Hali- 157-185 plidae, Noteridae, Hygrobiidae, Dytiscidae) BUSCHINGER,A Teleutomyrmex schneiden Kutter 1950 and other parasitic ants found in the Pyrenees (Hymeno- 81- 83 ptera Formicidae) CARLBERG, CASPERS, Bibliography of Phasmida (Insecta) U N & F VI 980-1 984 REISS: Chironomidae des Lunzer Seengebietes in Niederösterreich (Insecta, Diptera, Nematocera) DOGANLAR, M.: Hypopygia of most Nearctic and cies of Dibrachys Foerster, key to of new species (Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae) K & J A 13- 35 Palearctic spe- most species the genus, and descriptions of three HORSTMANN, 147-156 191-206 KOLAROV: NeueTersilochinen-Arten aus Bul- garien (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) 271-277 JANGOUX, CH de RIDDER & M., of H FECHTNER: Annotated Catalogue Recent Echinoderm Type Specimens lection of the in the Col- Zoologische Staatssammlung Mün- 295-31 chen (Echinodermata) KAHMANN, H & G THOMS: Zur Biometrie und Bionomie des tunesi- schen Gartenschläfers Eliomys quercinus tunetae Thomas, 1903 (Mammalia, Rodentia, CHU XI N KOTTELAT, M & LOU: Two new species of Gliridae) Rasbora Bleeker, 860 from southem Yunnan and northern Thailand 313-318 (Osteichthyes, Cyprinidae) MENDL, Stelzmücken-Fänge aus H.: 97-114 Irland (Diptera Nemato- cera: Limoniidae) Ein Beitrag zur Limoniidenfauna 209-223 der Republik Irland MIKHAILOV, K G.: Contribution to the spider fauna of the genus Micaria Westring, 1851 of the USSR I (Aranei, Gna- phosidae) NICOLAI, 31 Anpassungen rindenbesiedelnder Arthropoden an V.: 139-145 Borkenstruktur und Feinddruck RÖCKEL, Anmerkungen zum Conus stramineus-Komplex D.: mit Beschreibung von Conus zapatosensis spec 285-293 nov (Prosobranchia, Conidae) SIPAHILER, Two new F.: species of Trichoptera from North 93-96 Eastern Anatolia SCHLEICH, 9-334 H H.: Contributions to the Herpetology of Kouf National 37- 80 Park (NE-Libyia) and Adjacent Areas SCHMALFUSS, H.: Revision der Latr Teil: Landisopoden-Gattung P lepineyi Verh und Porcellio P atlanteus 279-283 Verh (Isopoda, Oniscidae) TANASEVITCH, A V.: New species of Lepthyphantes Menge, 1866 from the Soviet Far East, with notes on the berian fauna of this Buchbesprechungen 12, genus Si- (Aranei, Linyphiidae) 36, 84, 92, 138, 146, 186, 335-343 207-208, 224, 270, 278,284,294,312, 344 .^U) SPIXIANA SPIXIANA ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR ZOOLOGIE herausgegeben von der ZOOLOGISCHEN STAATS SAMMLUNG MÜNCHEN SPIXIANA dem Gesamtgebiet der Zoologischen Systematik Morphologie, Phylogenie, Tiergeographie und Ökologie MaDeutsch, Englisch oder Französisch angenommen Pro Jahr er- bringt Originalarbeiten aus mit Schwerpunkten nuskripte werden in in Band zu drei Heften mit insgesamt 320 Supplementbänden herausgegeben werden scheint ein nen In SPIXIANA publishes original Seiten Umfangreiche Beiträge kön- papers on Zoologlcal Systematlcs, with emphasis Manuscripts will be accepted phology, Phylogeny, Zoogeography and Ecology In Mor- in Ger- man, English or French A volume of three issues collectively containing 320 pages will be published annually Extensive contributions may be edited in Supplement volumes Redaktion - Editor-in-chief Prof Dr E J Schriftleitung FITTKAU Dr F Redaktionsbeirat Dr BACHMAIER BAEHR E.G BURMEISTER Dr W DIERL Dr F Dr M Dr H FECHTER - - Managing Editors BACHMAIER Editorial board Dr R FECHTER Dr F Dr U GRUBER Dr G KRAFT Dr E POPP Prof Dr.J REICHHOLF Dr R REISS Dr SCHERER TEROFAL L TIEFENBACHER Dr I.WEIGEL Dr F Manuskripte, Korrekturen und Bespre- Manuscripts, galley proofs, commenta- chungsexemplare sind zu senden an die ries and review copies of be adressed to Redaktion SPIXIANA ZOOLOGISCHE STAATSSAMMLUNG MÜNCHEN Münchhausenstraße 21 D-8000 München 60 SPIXIANA - Journal of Zoology published by The State Zoologlcal Collections München Druck: Gebr Geiselberger, 8262 Altötting books should SPIXIANA Since an additional British Museum new species has been discovered in the material received for comparison from (Nat Hist.), the Indo-Australian species of genus Agastus are here treated compre- hensively Acknowledgements For kind loan of types and of specimens for comparison lin), I sincerely thank following persons: Dr F Hieke (BerMr G Kibby (London), Dr G Scherer (München), Dr N E Stork (London), Mr T A Weir (Canberra) Abbreviations of collections cited in text ANIC BM MCSN MNB — Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra — British Museum (Natural History), London — Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genova - Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin Measurements Some measurements at their Body length has been measured from apex of labrum to tip of elytra made with a stereomicroscope using an ocular micrometer with up to are presented in Tab longest part Measurements were 160x magnification Characters unknown, structure of aedeagus can be not used at present Body shape, relative size of eyes, shape and length of antenof pilosity, and to some extent also pattern and colour Since cTcf of most Indo-Australian species are so far Most as diagnostic character nae, shape of useful characters include: pronotum, length and density Classification Tribe Patriziini of subfamily Zuphiinae Patriziini Basilewsky, 1953, p Basilewsky 1962, REICHARDT 266 p 107 1971, p 86; 1972, p 266; 1977, p 448 MATEU 1972, p 50; 1982, p 45 Baehr 1984, p 117; 1985b, p 224 Type genus: Agastus Schmidt-Göbel Genus Agastus Schmidt-Göbel Agastus Schmidt-Göbel, 1846, p 31 Lacordaire 1954, p 87 Gestro 1875, p 867 Bates 1889, Andrewes p 280; 1892, p 388 1923, p 10 Csiki 1932, p 1567 Jedlicka 1963, Mateu p 451 1972, p 49; 1982, p 45 Reichardt 1972, p 265 Baehr 1984, p 117; 1985b, Type D i species: Agastus lineatus agno s moved from i s : p 224 Schmidt-Göbel Head large, Square behind, "neck" eye, near hind border of head narrow Posterior supraorbital seta f ar re- distinct, Mentum with unidentate tooth Glossa elongate, apically membraneous, short, tied to glossa Lacinia bristled Labial palpus small, segment huge, apex Square Antennae moniliform Ist Seglong tactile seta Pronotum cordate, base laterally excised Anterior lateral square, bisetose Paraglossae acute, maxillary palpus very large, terminal ment densely pilose, with seta situated directly lel at posterior angles Elytra elongate, paral- Apex rounded, drawn in to suture Ist to 7th intervals ridge-shaped, much Whole body yellowish pilose Colour yellowish to brown All species winged Shoulders produced narrower than Tab Striae Some measurements and measured, at a behind anterior angles, posterior seta : indices of Indo-Australian species of genus Agastus N: number of specimens length; 2: ratio length/width of elytra; 3: ratio length/width of pronotum; 4: ratio widest part/width of pronotum at posterior angles; 5: ratio widthof pronotum width of head/width of pronotum; 6: ratio width of elytra/width of pronotum; 7: ratio length of temples/length of eye; 9: ratio length of antenna/length of body 8: ratio length/width of 6th antennal segment; - Eyes about of as pronotum rate long as temples or still longer, ratio length of temples/length of eyes 0.88 — 1.15 Lateral border regularly rounded, posterior angles not hook-shaped, nor projecting anteriorly Border less ser- Terminal antennal segments as long as much wide, or longer Pilosity shorter, hairs not longer than width of a Stria Hind border of head at Pronotum not strongly convex Square, temples straight in middle, less strongly cordate, posterior angles far narrower than at widest part Pilosity on elytra irregulär, rather elongate Striae pilose at lineatus bottom — Hind border of head rather convex, temples narrowed and middle, strongly cordate, at posterior angles nearly as wide as a Fig row at widest part Pilosity of elytra regulär, biseriate, of hairs each laterally of each interval Striae without additional hairs Pronotum a Schmidt-Göbel rounded Pronotum strongly convex in slightly Agastus lineatus Schmidt-Göbel; b.A ustulatus Gestro; at c bottom biseriatus spec nov A hirsutusBaehr; d.A biseriatus mm spec nov Scale: 0.5 Agastus lineatus Schmidt-Göbel, 1846 (Fig Schmidt-Göbel, 1846, a) p 31 Lacordaire 1854, p 87 Gestro 1875, p 867 Bates1889, Andrewes 280; 1892, p 388 p 1923, p 10 Csiki 1932, p 1567 Jedlicka 1963, Mateu p 452 1972, p 49 Baehr 1985b, p 226 Types: The holotype is is located in the Museum Prague According to badly damaged Both authors, however, examined the type There was ANDREWES a (1923) and JEDLICKA (1963) specimen before it me labelled "Compared with type, H E Andrewes" (BM) Type locality: Diagnosis: pilosity, "Birma" A rather large, wide species with large eyes, long antennae, moderately long, irregulär and rather wide, regularly sinuate pronotum Description Length: 4.3—4.85 mm, width: 1.3 — 1.4 mm Colour light brown, some individuals with a very vague, elongate, light spot on each elytron Legs, mouthparts, and antennae slightly lighter Head wide, square, temples straight, only the very posterior angle rounded what smaller to slightly larger than temples Antennae nearly segments clearly longer than wide Pilosity rather long half as long as off Eyes large, some- body, median and terminal Gembitsky, A — Vestsi G A Efremova S., & E M Akad nauk Byelorus SSR, Zhukovets Ser biyal 1985: [Spiders (Aranei) from bird nests of Byelorussia] nauk, Minsk, — 87 1; 81 Byelorussian] [in KAPLIN, V G 1978 [Complexes of terrestrial invertebrates of sandy deserts of the south subzone (East Karakumy : Ylym taken as an example)] Publ., Ashkhabad; — 160 [in Russian] KARPENKO, N G 1981 [Hygrotermic groups of carnivorous soil-dwelling arthropods of Moldavian agrobiocenoses] — In: Problemy pochvennoy zoologii Tez dokl VII Vses soveshch., Kiev: 94 — 95 [in Russian] & M V LEGOTAY 1980: [Toward a study of thespiders (Aranei) on thefields of vegetable cropsin Moldavia] : — Vestn zool., Kiev, 5: 33 — 36 [in Russian] & KlRILENKO, V A — Ukraine] In: M V LEGOTAY 1981: [Toward a study of the fauna of Aranei in eastern forest-steppe of Fauna ekologiya nasekomykh, Perm: 45 — 54 [in i Russian] KRASNOBAEV, Y P 1983: [To the spider fauna of Zhiguli Reserve] — In: Problemy ratsionalnogo ispolzovaniya okhrany prirodnogo kompleksa Samarskoy Luki, Kuybyshev: 83 — 86 [in Russian] Kroneberg, A 875 [A P Fedchenko's journey in Turkestan Vol IL Zoogeographical researches Part IV Sec- i : tion tab I Spiders Araneae] —V — Izv in Camtschadalia Obshch lyubit estest., antropol etnogr., i Moscow, 19(3): I — IV + 1—55, Russian] [in KuLCZYNSKl, V 1885: Araneae Umiej., Krakow, 11: 1-60 + 1-6, — tab a Dre B Dybowski collectae — Pam Wydz mat.-przyr Akad IX-XI Grafen Eugen Zichy Bd II Zoologische ErXII-XIII 1913: Arachnoidea — In: Velitchkovsky V Fauna du district de Walouyki, Krakow, 10: 1—30 1926: Arachnoidea Camtschadalica — Annu Mus Zool Acad Sei URSS, Leningrad, 27(1): 29—72, 1901 : Arachnoidea gebnisse, Budapest: tab In: Dritte Asiatische Forschungsreise des 313-369, tab II— III KUZNETSOV, G T & V Y Fet 1986: [Materials on the spider fauna of Kopetdagh] - In: PrirodaTsentralnogo Ko- Publ., Ashkhabad: 48 — 67 [in Russian] KUZNETSOV, S F &T A Koblova 1977: [Materials to a study of spiders (Aranei) of OrenburgTown] - Nauch trudy Kuybyshev ped Inst., Kuybyshev, 199: 43 — 51 [in Russian] petdagha Ylym LEGOTAY, M V 1959: [Additional data on the arachnofauna of the Transcarpathian Area] — Dokl soobshch Uzhgorod gos univ., Biol., Uzhgorod: 53 — 56 [in Russian] Mikhailov, K G & V Y Fet 1986: [Contribution to the spider fauna (Aranei) of Turkmenia I Families Anyi phaenidae, Sparassidae, Zoridae, Clubionidae, Micariidae, Oxyopidae] bezpozvonochnykh zhivotnykh Sbornik trudovZool Muz Mosk — In: Fauna, sistematika gos univ, i filogeniya Moscow, 24: 168—186 [in Rus- sian] MlNORANSKlY, V A., V P GRAMOTENKO & A V PONOMAREV 1977: [Some data on the distribution of spiders in Rostov Area] — In: Voprosy arakhnoentomologii, Perm: 92—105 [in Russian] & A V PONOMAREV 1984: [Materials to the spider fauna ofKalmykia] — In: Fauna ekologiya paukoobrazi — nykh, Perm: 82 — 92 , A V PONOMAREV [in & Russianu V P Gramotenko 1980: [Spiders — Vestn zool., Kiev, western part of the European USSR] ÖLIGER, T I 1983: Reserve] Ovcharenko, — - [New I 1: 31—37 poorly-known and new for the south[in Russian] species of the spider families Pholcidae, Clubionidae, Agelenidae Zool Zh., V (Aranei) Moscow, 62(4): 627-629 [in from Lazovsky State Russian] & V Y Fet 1980: [Fauna and ecology of the spiders (Aranei) of Badhkyz (Turkmenian SSR)] Ent Obozr., Leningrad, 59(2): 442 — 447 [in Russian] PAKHORUKOV, N.M lia] — 1985: [Characteristics of spider complexes of forest-steppe biocenoses of southern Transura- Fauna In: i ekologiya paukov SSSR Trudy Zool Inst Akad nauk SSSR, Leningrad, 139: 92 — 98 [in Russian] Panteleeva, N Y 1982: [Towards i a study of spiders of the Reserve "Galichya Gora"] zhivotn mira zapovedn "Galichya Gora", Voronezh: 89—94 [in — In: Issledovaniya rastit Russian] PAVLENKO, T V 1985: [Distribution of spiders in the natural complexes of the Barsakelmes Island (Aral Sea)] — In: Fauna ekologiya paukov SSSR Trudy Zool Inst Akad nauk SSR, Leningrad, 139: 147—155 [in Russian] i Pereleshina, V v Bolshevo, I 2: 1-74, — In: St Fauna ekologiya pau- koobraznykh, Perm: 68-77 [in Russian] 1984 b: [To the fauna and ecology of spiders of Tsentralno-Chernozyomny Reserve] — 332 Zap Biol tab [in Russian] PlCHKA, V E 1984a: [To the spider fauna of Tsentralno-Chernozyomny Reserve] issled — 1928: [Fauna of spiders in the environs of the Biological Station at Bolshevo] Moscow, Tsentr lesostepi evrop chasti SSSR, Moscow: 65-67 [in Russian] i In: Ekologo-faunist & [in K V Skufyin 1981: [Addition to the spider fauna of central forest-steppe] Ponomarev, A & V V A Minoranskiy 1981 : [On Vestn zool., Kiev, 6: from the burrows of the spiders (Aranei) — semidesert zone of the European part of the USSR] Pall in the [in - 7-15 Russian] Citellus pygmaeus Ent Obozr., Leningrad, 60(1): 196 — 200 Russian] Prieditis, A P & M T Sternbergs 1981 [Fauna of spiders (Aranei) : Zashchita rasteniy ot vredit an apple orchard agrobiocenosis] in bolezney Trudy Latv Selskokhoz Akad., Elgava, 188: — 12 i Savelieva, L G 1970: [Fauna and zoogeographical connections of spiders of East-Kazakhstan Area] giya i - In: Russian] [in — In: Biolo- geografiya, Alma-Ata, 6: 78 — 88 [in Russian] 1979: [Zoogeographical complexes of spiders (Aranei) from East Kazakhstan] — In: Priroda khozyaystvo Vostochnogo Kazakhstana, Alma-Ata: 139—148 [in Russian] SPASSKY, S A 1914: [Spiders of Don Area 2.] - Izv Donsk politekhn Inst., Sect 2, Novocherkassk, 3(2): 85-97 i [in Russian] 1919: Die Spinnen des Dongebietes IL 1925: [Identification book of 1927: [Materials to the fauna of spiders Rostov-on-Don, 7:66 — 80 1940: [Spiders] — - Zool Anz., Leipzig, 58(5-7): 147-159 Don Area] — Novocherkassk: 1—62, tab [in Russian] of Taurian Gouvernement] — Izv Donsk Inst, selsk khoz spiders of [in In: Priroda i melior., Russian] Rostovskoy oblasti Rostizdat Publ., 1952: [Spiders of the Turanian zoogeographical province] — Ent Rostov-on-Don: 193—202 [in Russian] Obozr Leningrad, 32: 192—205 [in Rus- sian] & S D Lavrov 1928: [Materials to the spider fauna of westernSiberia and Kazakstan] selsk khoz i lesovodstva, Omsk, 10(2): 203—213 [in — Trudy Sibirsk Inst Russian] & V N SHNITNIKOV1937: [Materials to the spider fauna of Kazakstan] - In: O vrediteliakh zhivotnovodstva v Kazakstane Trudy Kazakh Fil Akad Nauk SSSR, Moscow— Leningrad, 2: 264 — 300 Krasnoyarsk, 11: 87—90 1981 V : [in Dzimta Clubionidae] Review of 56—59 [Materiali par Latvijas zirneklu faunu V the spider fauna of Latvia Latv Entomologs, Riga, 24: 1983: [Spiders (Chelicerata, Aranei)] [in zapov "Stolby", Russian] The family Clubionidae — 41-47 Russian] [in - Trudy Sternbergs, M T 1977: [Materials to the spider fauna (Aranei) of "Stolby" Reserve] — In: Prirodniy rezervat Moritssala Flora i fauna Avots Publ., Riga: Russian] SYTSHEVSKAJA, V 1935 Etüde sur les Araignees de : la Kamtchatka - Folia zool hydrobiol., Riga, (1) TANASEVITCH, A V 1985: [A study on the spiders (Aranei) of the Polar Urals] — In: Fauna i : 80- 103 ekologiya paukov SSSR Trudy Zool Inst Akad nauk SSSR, Leningrad, 139: 52—62 [in Russian] Tarabaev, C K 1979: [Spiders as inhabitants of apple tree crowns in piedmont Zailiysky Alatau] — In: Novosti entomologii kazakhstana Trudy Kazakh ot d VEO, Alma-Ata: 117—118 (deposited in VINITIno 3415 — 1979) [in Russian] Thorell, T 1875a: Verzeichniss Südrussischer Spinnen — Horae 39-122 Soc Entomol Ross., St.-Peterbourg, 11: 1875 b: Description of several European and North-African spiders — Kungl Svenska Vet.-Akad Handl., Stockholm, 13(5): 1-204 [A newgenus and newspeciesof spiders (Aranei) from Kazakhstan] - 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Eesti NSVTead Akad toim., Biol., Tallin, 29(4): 313-327 SYTCHEVSKAYA 1937: [The Spiders in the environs of Ashkhabad] - In: Problemy parazitol fauny Turkmenii Trudy Soveta po izuch proizvodit sil, ser turkmen., Moscow— Leningrad, 9: 247—258 1980: VLASOV, J i - [in The P spider fauna of Estonian mires & V I Russian] Wunderlich, J 1980: Revision der europäischen Arten der Gattung Micaria Westring, 1851, mit zu den übrigen paläarktischen Arten (Arachnida: Araneina: Gnaphosidae) 25(2): — Anmerkungen Zool Beitr., N F., West Berlin, 233-341 Zonstein, S L 1984: [To the fauna and ecology of spiders (Aranei) of the lower strata of walnut-fruit forests of South Kirghizia] — In: Entomol issled v Kirghizii Ihm Publ., Frunze, 17: 144—151 [in Russian] KirillG Mikhailov Museum Moscow State University Moscow USSR Zoological 334 SPIXIANA Lepthyphantes cymbialis spec nov.; 0" holotype& $ paratype - 1) left male palp; 2) cymbium (dorsal & 6) epigyne (ventral and lateral views, respectively) Figs 1—6 view); 3) embolic division; 4) lamella characteristica; and emarginate Radix with tica large, apically serrate men: a long, narrow, stylet-shaped process Abdo- 1.75 long, 1.10 wide, dorsally pale, with a gray pattern consisting of a narrowing caudad and flanked by Female row a median stripe gradually of spots connected to the axial stripe with narrow bands Total length 2.95 Carapace: 1.30 long, 0.95 wide, pale brown, with a dark broad margin : Chelicerae 0.60 long Legs pale brown, sometimes leg joints with vague grey rings Leg spines mostly broken + 1.50 Leg off + gitudinal row I - 6.45 long (1.70 Abdomen: 0.90) + + 0.40 1.60 + 1.70 + 1.05), IV - 5.80 long (1.60 + 0.35 1.75 long, 1.20 wide, dorsally pale, with a dark axial stripe flanked + 1.45 by a lon- of spots connected to the stripe with narrow bands; caudally this pattern turns into transverse bands Epigyne as in Figs — Diagnosis The new : species joins the incestns-group (s & Eskov, Tanasevitch 1987) and is per- haps particularly similar to L kochiellus Strand, 1901, but differs well in the structure of the genitalia in both sexes Lepthyphantes marusiki Figs Material examined: Holotype of Kolyma River, (Y Marusik, Male: ö\ paratypes Cf 20 $, , bank of Detrin River, 56 ZMMU); (s II: Fig 7) Chelicerae 0.43 long 2-0-1-0, III— VI: 2-0-0-0; + 1.03 + 1.00 + 0.70), IV — 9): Patella with a very large 0.28 Palp (Figs 3.93 long (1.05 seta Chosenia reaches thicket, 29 VII 1986 at Legs pale greyish-brown Chaeto- Mtl-IV: 0.23 + 1.00 a conical Paracymbium + 1-0-0-0 1.00 - Leg I 0.65) - 4.04 long Tml - 0.25 knob and both broadening and toothless Radix with a long, po- Abdomen: 1.13 long, 0.75 wide, dorsally pale, with 1— 2pairsof rounded anterior half and wavy transverse bands at posterior half inted, stylet-shaped process dark spots + surmounting flattened distad Tibia with a pointed apical tubercle 336 & Total length 1.90 Carapace: 0.85 long, 0.75 wide, pale brown Cephalic part of carapace taxy: Fei: 0-1-0-0; Til: 2-1-1-0, + USSR, Magadan Area, Kolyma Upland, upper upstream off mouth, Populus 3cf, $, same locality, together with holotype, 29 VII 1986 (Y Marusik, ZSM) bears a thick seta directed forward (1.03 km spec nov 7- 11 Figs 7—11 Lepthyphantes marusiki spec nov.; cf & palp; 9) lamella characteristica; 10 Female: (1.03 + 1) & $ — paratypes epigyne (ventral and 7) male carapace (lateral view); 8) + 0.93 + 0.90 + 0.65), Epigyne IV - 3.82 long as in Figs Diagnosis The presence left male lateral views, respectively) Total length 2.15 Carapace: 0.90 long, 0.75 wide Chelicerae 0.40 long Leg 0.28 1.30 long, 0.90 wide (1.08 10—11 Body and + 0.28 + 0.90 + 0.93 + I 0.63) — 3.79 long Abdomen: leg coloration, chaetotaxy as in male of a large and conspicuous seta, situated on a knob, of the palpal patella : in male brings L marusiki spec nov particularly close to L unicornis (O Pickard-Cambridge, 1873) S-Siberia and Mongolia, but the former species differs well from the latter one by the known from shape of both lamella characteristica and epigyne Derivatio nominis: This species gladly is named after its collector, Lepthyphantes flagellifer spec Material examined: Holotype stones, 23 VII 1986 (Y Marusik, paratype $, same locality, ö\ USSR, Magadan m a s 1., Kolyma Upland, upper Area, reaches of Kolyma River, near Sibit-Tyellakh, Betula platyphyla thicket, southern slope, under ZMMU); paratypes summer 1986 nov 12-15 Figs Bolshoi Annachag Mt Ridge, 700 Mr Y M Marusik (Magadan) (Y Marusik, C?, $, same locality, summer 1986 (Y Marusik, ZMMU); ZSM) TA Figs 12-15 racteristica Lepthyphantes flagellifer spec nov.; cf holotype and terminal apophysis; 14 & 15) epigyne (ventral & and $ paratype - 12) left male palp; 13) lamella cha- lateral views, respectively) 337 Male: pale Total length 1.83 Carapace: 0.78 long, 0.68 wide, pale brown Chelicerae 0.33 long Legs brown, II: 2-0-1-0, III — IV: - 4.18 long (1.13 + 0.25 + 1.05 + 1.00 + 0.75), IV - 4.06 long (1.10 + 65) Tml - 15 Palp(Figs 12-13): Patellarspineflagelliform,itsthickhand relatively long and slender Chaetotaxy: Fei: 0-1-0-0; Til: 2-1-1-0, 2-0-0-0; Mtl-III: 1-0-0-0 Leg + 0.23 + + 1.08 1.00 I abruptly followed by a flagellum Lameila characteristica ribbon-shaped, apically abruptly broadened, serrate Terminal apophysis large, elongate, covered with numerous small teeth over the surface Abdomen: 1.05 long, 0.65 wide, pale grey Female: Total length 1.90 Carapace: 0.75 long, 0.65 wide Chelicerae 0.38 long Leg I — 4.01 long (1.03 + 0.30 + 1.05 + 0.95 + 0.68), IV - 3.86 long (1.05 + 0.25 + 1.03 + 0.95 + 0.58) Abdomen: 1.25 long, 0.80 wide Epigyne as in Figs 14—15 Body and leg coloration, chaetotaxy as in male Diagnosis The new species is very closely related to L bergstroemi Schenkel, 1930, but differs in the distally broadened lamella characteristica, shape of the paracymbium, and more rounded scape : of the epigyne Lepthyphantes sachalinensis Figs Material examined Holotype Cf paratypes : , ver, 4.-5 VIII 1984 (A Basarukin, (A Basarukin, ZSM) Male: $ USSR, , ZMMU); paratype spec nov 16-19 Sakhalin Island, near Chekhov, bank of Chekhovka Ri- $, same locality, together with holotype, 4.-5 VIII 1984 Total length 2.60 Carapace: 1.20 long, 0.95 wide, brown Chelicerae 0.55 long Legs red- dish-brown Chaetotaxy: Fei: 0-l(2)-0-0; Til — II: 2-1-1-2, timesMtlll: 1-0-0-1) Leg 1-6.60 long (1.55 (Figs 16 — 18): Paracymbium + 0.35 + — IV: 2-1-1-1; Mtl-III: 1-0-0-0 (sorae+ 1.80+ 1.15), IV- ? Tml - 0.21 Palp III 1.75 toothless Lamella characteristica very small, thin, pointed Abdomen: 1.35 long, 0.90 wide, dark grey Female: (1.85 + 0.40 Figs 16-21 Total length 3.00 Carapace: 1.30 long, 1.00 wide Chelicerae 0.60 long Leg + 1.75 + 1.75 + IV - 5.45 long (1.55 + 0.35 + Lepthyphantes sachalinensis spec nov (16-19); cf holotype (20—21); cf holotype — 16) right 19) epigyne (ventral view); 20) left 338 1.10), 1.30 & + + I 0.80) — 6.85 long Abdomen: paratype; L hirsutus spec nov male palp; 17) radix and lamella characteristica; 18 male palp 1.45 & 21) lamella characteristica; 1.80 long, 1.20 wide Diagnosis By : Epigyne Body and as in Fig 19 leg coloration, chaetotaxy as in male the shape of both epigyne and male palp, the the Japanese L azumiensis Oi, 1980, but particularly the absence of a dorsal spine tural details of the genitalia in both sexes Male: stripes V.- ö\ USSR, Maritime Prov., VI 1978 (V Bakurov, spec nov 20-21 Figs Material examined: Holotype species seems closely related to well distinguishable by the lesser Lepthyphantes hirsutus leaved forest, 28 new body size, chaetotaxy (in on Fell- IV and of a trichobothrium IV), and certain struc- is Sikhote Alin Mts., near Anuchino, coniferous-broad- ZMMU) Total length 2.30 Carapace: 1.10 long, 0.90 wide, reddish-brown, with vague grey radial and a dark margin Chelicerae 0.35 long Legs reddish-brown, relatively short and thick ChaeII: 2-0-1-0, III-IV: 2-0-0-0; Mtl-IV: 1-0-0-0 Leg I - 3.56 long totaxy: Fei: 0-1-0-0, Til: 2-1-1-0, (1.00 + + 0.30 0.95 + 0.73 + 0.58), IV - 3.78 long (1.05 + 0.25 + 1.05 + 0.83 + 0.60) Tml - 0.27 Palp (Figs 20-21): Tibia with a strong dorsal spine Paracymbium toothless Lamella characteristica as a long and narrow ribbon narrowing toward apex Abdomen: 1.35 long, 0.80 wide, dark grey, dorsally densely pubescent F e m a e unknown Diagnosis: The new : tibia in male, species is characterized by the presence of a strong dorsal spine on the palpal as well as pubescent abdomen shape of both paracymbium and lamella characteristica, Lepthyphantes amurensis Figs spec nov 22-26 ö\ paratypes 2$, USSR, Amur Area, near Arkhara, Pinus forest, in grass, ZMMU);paratype $, same locality, together with holotype, 24 VIII 1983 (Y Maru- Material examined: Holotype 24 VIII 1983 (Y Marusik, sik, ZSM) Figs 22—26 & $ paratype — 22) right male palp; 23) paracym& 26) epigyne (ventral and lateral views, respectively) Lepthyphantes amurensis spec nov.; cf holotype bium; 24) lamella characteristica; 25 339 Male : Total length 3.15 Carapace: 1.30 long, 1.05 wide, pale yellow, with a broad dark median and darker margin Cephalic part of carapace slightly elevated and projecting anteriad, bears short and curved spines Chelicerae 0.50 long Legs pale yellow Chaetotaxy Fei: 0-1-0-0; Til — II: 2stripe : Mtl — IV: 1-1-1-1 Spines very long and strong Leg I - 7.40 long (1.90 + 0.35 + 1.95 + 1.95 + 1.25), IV - 6.35 long (1.75 + 0.30 + 1.55 + 1.75 + 1.80) Tml - 0.18 Palp (Figs 22 — 24): Cymbium with an elongated proximal process Paracymbium complex Lamella characteris1-1-2, III — IV: 2-1-1-1; tica deeply emarginate, both apical branches pointed Abdomen: 1.80 long, 1.05 wide, dorsally pale, with two longitudinal rows of large dark spots coalescing on posterior half into transverse bands Female Total length 3.10 Carapace: 1.50 long, 1.10 wide Chelicerae 0.55 long Leg I — 6.80 long : IV - 6.10 long (1.70 + 0.30 + 1.50 + 1.60 + 1.00) Abdomen: 1.95 long, 1.20 wide Epigyne as in Figs 25—26 Body and leg coloration, chaetotaxy as in male Diagnosis The new species is characterized by the peculiar shape of both epigyne and male lamella characteristica and paracymbium (1.75 + 0.35 + 1.75 + 1.75 + 1.20), : Lepthyphantes nenilini Figs 27-31 Lepthyphantes alpinus (Emerton, 1882) sensu Tanasevitch spec nov & Eskov, 1987 - Zool Zh., 66(2): 192, Figs (ö\ $) In a recently published paper treating the Lepthyphantes of Siberia and the Soviet Far East (Tanasevitch & Eskov, 1987), this new species has erroneously been referred to as the Nearctic L alpinus However, a restudy of the latter's type kept at the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass (MCZ), has revealed that, being indeed very close to L alpinus, the Siberian form is still distinct from it and Warrants thereby the Status of a separate, new species Material examined: Holotype d\ paratypes $, USSR, Magadan Area, Kolyma Upland, upper reaches of Kolyma River, Bolshoi Annachag Mt Ridge, near Sibit-Tyellakh, Alnus fruticosa thicket, 24 VIII -1 IX 1984 (Y Marusik & K Eskov ZMMU); paratypes Ö\ $, same locality, 24 VIII.- IX 1984 (Y Marusik& K Es- /^^^V^E^: Figs 27—33 Lepthyphantes nenilini spec nov (27-31); cf & $$ paratypes from Kolyma;/ alpinus (Emerton, New Hampshire - 27, 32) right palp; 28, 33) lamella characteristica; 29, 30) epigyne 1882) (32-33); Ö" type from (ventral view); 31) epigyne (lateral view) 340 lix ö\ 9, Taimyr Autonomous Region, Plateau Putorana, Lake Ayan, Alnus fruticosa & Sa-21 VIII 1983 (K Eskov, ZMMU); paratypes , same locality, 20 VI -21 VIII 1983 (K Es- ZSM); paratypes kov, thicket, 24 VI kov, ZSM); paratype $, Khabarovsk Prov., Djugdjur Mt Ridge, Ul'ya River Basin, Khetana River, Larix forest, Sphagnum, 19 VIII 1985 (V Zherikhin, ZMMU) Male Total length 2.30 Carapace: 1.00 long, 0.90 wide, brown, with a darker margin Chelicerae : 0.48 long Legs pale brown, without dark rings Chaetotaxy: Fei: 0-1-0-0; Til: 2-1-1-0, Mtl-IV: III-IV: 2-0-0-0; long (1 20 + 0.33 + 1.084-1.13 II: 2-0-1-0, - 4.54 long (1.15 + 0.33 + 1.13 + 1.13 + 0.80), IV - 4.44 + 0.70) Tml - 0.24 Palp (Figs 27-28) Patellar spine serrate distally 1-0-0-0 Leg I : Tibia with a large prolateral outgrowth directed at a right angle to the main axis, as well as a retrolateral tubercle nal, Paracymbium with two teeth Abdomen: stripe flanked by a row of spots 1.40 long, 0.85 wide, dorsally pale, with a dark, cli- median Female: (1.08 + 0.33 Total length 2.48 Carapace: 1.00 long, 0.80 wide Chelicerae 0.50 long Leg + + 1.05 1.75 long, 1.10 wide 1.10 + Epigyne IV - 4.15 long 0.80), (1.15 + + 0.30 1.00 + 1.03 + I 0.70) — 4.36 long Abdomen: 29 — 31 as in Figs The new species is very closely related to L alpinus (Emerton, 1882), restricted to North America The differences between them, at least in C? (unfortunately, I have been unable to see Diagnosis a $ : of L alpinus), are as follows: projects beyond clypeal margin Cephalic part of carapace in L alpinus extends far forwards and 1) (in lateral view), L nenilini spec nov.; 2) Patellar spine of palp while it is tenuate in L nenilini spec nov.; 3) Palpal tibial outgrowth whereas inL nenilini spec nov is conspicuous in both species Remarks L alpinus itis (cp Figs 27—28 mountain Systems Perhaps Derivatio nominis: away at The new species is this pair named 4) in third in L alpinus, but at- not broadened proximally in L alpinus, Shapeof lamellacharacteristica & 32 — 33) the mountainous part of Southern Alaska: see Zorsch, 1937; Chamberlin Siberian is at distal broadened and better rounded; known from is only slightly hanging over the margin somewhat thicker is is & Ivie, North America (New Hampshire, from East 1947), while L nenilini spec nov another example of trans-Beringian vicariance after the late friend of mine, and collegue arachnologist, passed an age of 26, Mr A Nenilin (Tashkent) Notes on the Siberian fauna of Lepthyphantes Menge, 1866 A recent revision of the Siberian and Soviet Far Eastern fauna of Lepthyphantes (s Tanasevitch & Eskov, 1987) has yielded, with regard to both available synonymies and earlier misidentifications, no less than 32 species However, two important mistakes are present in the above paper, which highly opportune to be corrected here: 1) ferred to as L alpinus (Emerton, 1882) (s bridge, 1894 in Siberia 1875) Therefore, L also erroneous is I think was misidentified and erroneously reThe record of L whymperiF O Pickard-Cam- L nenilini spec nov above); 2) refers to L expunctus (O and actually whymperi has not been found Pickard-Cambridge, in Asia Taking into consideration the above corrigenda and new descriptions, altogether 37 Lepthyphantes known in the Siberian and Soviet Far Eastern fauna All of them are presented in species are currently a list below, and to L abiscoensis L alacris many Holm, of 1945: them new faunistic records are also provided: Magadan Area, Sibit-Tyellakh & near Magadan (Y M.) (Blackw., 1853): Lake Baikal Reserve (V Sh.) L amurensis spec nov.: see description L bergstroemi Schenk., 1930: Yenisei River, Mirnoye (62°20' N L.); Evenk Autonomous Region, Taimura River; Norilsk (K E.) L bipilis Kulcz., 1885: Kamchatka, near Klyuchi (V S.) Koch, 1879): Yenisei River, Alinskoye (A Vo.); Krasnoyarsk, "Stolby" Reserve (K E.); Lake Baikal, Khamar-Daban Mt Ridge (D.); W-Sayan Mts., Ermakovo (A B R.); Altai Mts., Lake Teletskoye (S G.); L cerinus (L Kemerovo Area, Mezhdurechenskiy (S S.) 341 Lake Ayan (K nyi Island E.); (S P.) L cymbialis spec nov.: see description Koch, 1879): Yamal Peninsula, Shchuchye (A T & E V.); Tyumen Area, Novy Urengoi Mirnoye; Krasnoyarsk, "Stolby" Reserve; Norilsk (K E.) disticbus Tan., 1986: Krasnoyarsk, "Stolby" Reserve (K E.); Lake Baikal, Khamar-Daban Mt Ridge (D.) L decipiens (L (N Yamal Peninsula, Shchuchye (A T & E V.); Yenisei River, Mirnoye; Plateau PuMagadan Area, Sibit-Tyellakh & nearMagadan (Y M.); Komandorskiye Islands, Med- L complicatus (Em., 1882): torana, P.); Yenisei River, 10 L 11 L dybowskii(0 P.-Cambr., 1873): Yenisei River, Mirnoye & Turukhansk; Krasnoyarsk, "Stolby" Reserve; Evenk Autonomous Region, Taimura River (K E.) Evenk A R., Kochechum River (A V.) Magadan Area, SibitTyellakh & near Magadan (Y M.); Khabarovsk Prov., Djugdjur Mt Ridge (V Zh.) 12 L expunctus (O P.-Cambr., 1875): Yamal Peninsula, Shchuchye (A T & E V.); Taimyr Peninsula, Kresty (V Zh.); Tuva ASSR, Torgalyk (N F.); Magadan Area, near Magadan & Taigonos Peninsula (Y M & A M.) ; ; 13 L flagellij er spec nov.: see description 14 L.flexilisTan., 1986: Yenisei River, Mirnoye; Krasnoyarsk, "Stolby" Reserve; Plateau Putorana, Lake Ayan; Evenk Autonomous Region, Taimura River (K E.); Magadan Area, Sibit-Tyellakh (Y M.) geminus Tan., 1982: Tyumen Area, Malaya Sosva Reserve (N 15 L E V.); Yenisei River, Mirnoye; Norilsk (K E.); Lake P.); Yamal Peninsula, Shchuchya (A T & Baikal, Baikalsk (V P.) 16 L hirsutus spec nov.: see description & Esk., Tanasevitch & Eskov, 1987 Tanasevitch & Eskov, 1987 19 L karpinskü (O P.-Cambr., 1873): Amur River, Pashkovo (S T.) & Slavyanka (N R.); Vladivostok (S G & L R.); Magadan Area, Sibit-Tyellakh & near Magadan (K E & Y M.) 20 L kochiellus Str., 1901 Yenisei, Mirnoye & Turukhansk; Krasnoyarsk, "Stolby" Reserve; Norilsk; Plateau Putorana, Lake Ayan; Evenk Autonomous Region, Tura & Taimura River (K E.); Magadan Area, Sibit-Tyellakh & near Magadan (Y M.) 21 L kolymensis Tan & Esk., 1987: see Tanasevitch & Eskov, 1987 22 L lancetorum Tan & Esk., 1987: see TANASEVITCH & ESKOV, 1987 23 L leprosus (Ohl., 1867): Magadan Area, near Magadan (Y M.); Komandorskiye Islands, Mednyi Island 17 L incestoides Tan 1987: see Koch, 1879): 18 L incestus (L see : (S.P.) 24 L luteipes (L serve (K E.); & PodkamennayaTunguska; Krasnoyarsk, "Stolby" Re& near Magadan (Y M.) Koch, 1879): Yenisei River, Mirnoye Magadan Area, Sibit-Tyellakh 25 L marusiki spec nov.: see description E.); Lake Baikal, Khamar-Daban Mt Ridge (D.) Turukhansk (K E.); Amur River, Arkhara; Magadan Area, near mengei Kulcz., 1887: Yenisei River, Mirnoye (K 26 L 27 L nebulosus (Sund., 1830): Yenisei River, Magadan (Y M.) 28 L nenilini spec nov.: see description 29 L nigriventris (L Tarko-Sale (N Koch, 1879): Yamal Peninsula, Shchuchye (A T & E V.); Tyumen Area, Tazovsky & Mirnoye & Turukhansk; Norilsk (K E.); Lake Baikal, Khamar-Daban Mt P.); Yenisei River, Ridge (D.); Magadan Area, near Magadan (Y M Islands, Bering Island (V Z.); Amur River, 30 L obscurus (Blackw., 1841): Yenisei River, Tura & & N D.); Kamchatka, Ust-Kamchatsk (L C); Komandorskiye Khingan Reserve (Y M.) & Turukhansk; Norilsk; Evenk Autonomous Region, (K E.); Magadan Area, Sibit-Tyellakh & near Magadan Mirnoye Taimura River; Plateau Putorana, Lake Ayan (Y.M.) 31 L punctulatus Holm, 1939: Magadan Area, Kulu River (Y M.) 32 L sachalinensis spec nov.: see description Mirnoye 33 L Sibiriens Tan., 1986: Yenisei River, 34 L Wrangel Island, & Ragozinka River (Y Ch.); Yakut ASSR, Tiksi (V B.); Gulf Somnitelnaya (O Kh.) 35 L suffusus Str., 1901 rana, (K E.) sobnus (Thor., 1872): Taimyr Peninsula, Tarea Lake Ayan (K E.); : Yenisei River, Turukhansk; Taimyr Peninsula, Kresty chatka, Lashutsky Pass (V 36 L taezanowskii (O Evenk Autonomous Region, Taimura River; Plateau PutoMagadan Area, Sibit-Tyellakh (K E & Y M.); Kam- (V Zh.); S.) P.-Cambr., 1873): Tyumen Area, Tarko-Sale (N P.); Yenisei River, Mirnoye; Plateau Autonomous Region, Tura & Taimura River (K E.) & Lake Essei (O Ch.); Taimyr Peninsula, Maimecha River (A R & V Zh.) Magadan Area, Sibit-Tyellakh & near Magadan (Y M.), Talon & ChePutorana, Lake Ayan; Evenk ; lomdja River (N D.); Khabarovsk Prov., Djugdjur Mt Ridge (V Zh.) 342 37 L unicorms (O P.-Cambr., 1873): Tuva ASSR, Turan (A B R.); Krasnoyarsk Area, Shushenskoye (V Magadan Area, Sibit-Tyellakh (K E & Y M.) & near Magadan (Y I.); M.) Acknowledgements I all am very to grateful to all the abovementioned persons Mr Y Marusik (Magadan) Besides, I who kindly loaned/donated to the distribution of a lot of Lepthyphantes species in Siberia, Dr the type of Lepthyphantes alpinus, well as Dr Mr K Mikhailov, of the H Levi, of the MCZ, for the opportunity to restudy ZMMU, for his help in obtaining certain material, as Golovatch (Moscow) for checking the English of the S me their collections, first of wish to thank particularly Dr K Eskov (Moscow) for Information on final manuscript References Chamberlin, R Ol, R 1980: & Ivie, W New 1947: The spiders of Alaska linyphiid spiders of Japan I - Univ Utah 37(10): 1-103 Bull (Linyphiidae) - Ess Hon 15th Anniv Baika Women's College, 325-341 Tanasevitch, A V rian & Eskov, K Y 1987: [Spiders of the genus Lepthyphantes (Aranei, Linyphiidae) in the Sibe- and Far-Eastern fauna] — Zool Zh 66(2): 185—197 Zorsch, H 1937: The spider genus Lepthyphantes in the [in United Russian] States - Amer Midi Nat 18: 856-897 Andrei V Tanasevitch All-Union Research Institute of Nature Conservation and Reserves 13628, P O Vilar, Moscow M-628 USSR 343 Buchbesprechungen 41 NlKANOVOR, A M., A V ZHULIDOV & A D POKARZHEVSKY: Biomonitoring von Schwermetallen — Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad, 1985 144 Seiten (in Russisch) in Süßwas- serưkosystemen Methoden der Abschätzung von Schwermetallgehalten sind besonders wichtig, weil KonzentratioKompartment des Ökosystems gefunden werden, nichts über die Risiken für die Ưkosystemfunktionen aussagen Aerdem genügen die klassischen biologischen Methoden nicht, die auf einer Analyse der Artengemeinschaften beruhen; vielmehr müssen die Konzentrationen in den Organismen gemessen werden, wenn man etwas über die Risiken für das Ökosystem aussagen will Bei diesen Grundvoraussetzungen ist es notwendig, daß man frühere mit heutigen Verschmutzungen vergleichen kann Hier bieten die Autoren eine breite Datenbasis in zwei Flüssen (Ivnitsa und Usman) in dem Voronezh Schutzgebiet Damit ist dieses Buch die erste Monographie, welches Änderungen in der Konzentration von Schwermetallen (vorwiegend Blei und Quecksilber) in Süßwassertieren zeigt, die im europäischen Teil der UdSSR zwischen den 30iger und 80iger Jahren unseres Jahrhunderts leben Der Text beschreibt die Methoden (Spektrofotometrie und Atomabsorptions-Spektroskopie) und die erzielten Ergebnisse Die Konzentrationen von Blei und Quecksilber im Gewebe von Limnea stagnalis und Ilyocoris cimicoides betrugen in den 30iger Jahren nur Vio der heutigen Werte In diesem Sinn geben die Autoren nun viele Daten über Eisen, Mangan, Kupfer, Zink, Kobalt, Molybdän, Blei, Quecksilber, Chrom und Selen sowohl in den Sedimenten wie im Gewebe der Invertebraten des Untersuchungsgebietes Sie zeigen, daß insbesondere Blei sehr verschiedene KonBiologische nen, die im abiotischen zentrationen in verschiedenen Taxa aufweist Für derartige Studien betrachten coides, Sympetrum sanguineum, chamaeleon als Acileus canaliculatus, sie Asellus aquaticus, Ilyocoris cimi- Sphaerium corneum, Anodonta cygnea, Stratiomys besonders geeignet Diese Arten werden im Licht des möglichen Schwermetalltransports durch und im Licht der Pufferkapazität des Ökosystems genauer besprochen alle, die sich mit Umwelt und Naturschutz und Bioindikatoren beschäftigen Leider fehlen im Literaturverzeichnis eine Fülle von im Text zitierten Arbeiten Der Referent dankt Dr Gabriela Bujalska und Dr Leszek Grüm für Hilfe beim Lesen des Buches H Remmert Tiere zwischen verschiedenen Habitaten Das Buch 42 ist Usher, M eine wichtige Referenz für B.(ed.): Wildlife Conservation Evaluation - Chapman and Hall, London und New York 1986 394 Seiten mit zahlreichen Abbildungen, broschiert Der Erfolg von Naturschutzbemühungen hängt in starkem Maße davon ab, ob von den richtigen Voraussetzun- gen ausgegangen und ob die adäquaten Methoden ergriffen werden Die Intuition führt dabei erfahrungsgemäß nicht immer zum Methoden der Bewertung von Naturräumen und -geBand versuchen erfahrene Praktiker, die Ansatzmöglichkeiten für eine ob- erstrebten Ziel Es bedarf daher geeigneter bieten, um voran zu kommen jektive und objektivierbare Bewertung auszuloten Einführend behandelt der Herausgeber, In diesem selbst ein prominenter Vertreter des internationalen Naturschutzes, die traditionell benutzten Kriterien, wie Beliebtheit eines Gebietes, Naturnähe und Repräsentanz, in einem Überblicksbeitrag, dem dann spezielmehr regions- bzw gebietsbezogen sind Der australische CSIRO ist genauso vertreten wie der British Trust for Ornithology, The Nature Conservancy Council oder das niederländische Institute for Environmental Studies der Freien Universität von Amsterdam In einer dritten Themengruppe behandeln vier Übersichtsreferate die Anforderungen, die sich für spezifische Typen von Lebensräumen und für einzelne Arten erge- Diversität, Flächengrưße, Seltenheit, lere Studien folgen, die um Originalbeiträge von hohem Niveau Sie repräsentieren wissenschaftlivon emotionalen oder politischen Ambitionen, auch wenn, wie im Falle der Niederlande, ben Bei allen Kapiteln handelt es sich chen Naturschutz frei Kontroverses nicht verschwiegen wird Insgesamt ein wichtiger Beitrag und -Management 344 zum wissenschaftlichen Wildlife-Schutz J o i 45 Reichholf ; 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