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The north American Sylva V03, Michaux 1819

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, THE NORTH AMERICAN SYLVA, O R A DESCRIPTION OF THE FOREST TREES OF THE UNITED STATES CANADA AND NOVA SCOTIA, , Considered particularly with respect to their use in the Arts, and their introduction into TO -WHICH Commerce ; ADDED IS A DESCRIPTION OF THE MOST USEFUL OF THE EUROPEAN FOREST TREES l56 COLOURED ENGRAVINGS ILLUSTRATED BY Translated from the French of F; MemLer ANDREW MICHAUX, HIO-K^^S" of the American Philosophical Society of Philadelphia the Institute ofjrance; Member Philadelphia and Massachusetts; Honorary Philosophical Societies of ; Correspondent of of the Agricultural Societies of Charleston Member , S C of the Historical, Literary and New York arbore sulcamus maria arbore extedificamus , lerrasque admovemut, tecta Plinii secondi: Nat VOL III PARIS, PRINTED BY C D'HAUTEL 1819 Hist , lib xir -^A«-.< v'^ V /'/ C'abUaoe JVee /// uji/uvroiK^' ^7t>^K' vaJjiWiW THE NORTH AMERICAN SYLP^A v^*v^vvvvvvvvvvwv^)VVV»VVVvvvvvvvvvv»AAwvv^A(v^^^lv^^vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwvvvvvvvvvvv^/vv\v^ CABBAGE TREE Hexandria trigynia Linn ChaM-EROPS PALMETO From its cauh arhoreo ; frondibus pal- C matis, plicaiis, stipitibiis lofty height, it non aculeatis this vegetable is considered in the United States as a tree Ocean, where Palma? Juss grows, and upon the shores of the ; it is called belongs to the genus of the Palms , Cabbage Tree It and is found farther north than any other species in America, being frrst seen about Cape Hatteras, in the 34th degree of latitude, which, in the temperature of the winter, corresponds with the 44th in Europe From Cape to the extremity of East Florida, the Gulf of Mexico in : I have no doubt that Cuba and the Bahama muda, which is Hatleras Isles more than 600 ; it and probably I spreads encircles exists also it have seen it in Ber- miles from the coast of North America Farther south the Cabbage Tree the United States III , to the is immediate not confined vicinity , as in of the seaj I , CABBAGE TREE on the river St Lake George , I John from the tance of 4o or 5o miles A in Florida , , a few miles above caused two stocks to be felled at the dis- trunk from 4^ to 5o shore feet in height , of an uniform diameter, and crowned wdth a regular and tufted sum- mit gives the Cabbage Tree a beautiful and majestic ap, pearance Its leaves and borne by triangular are of a brilliant green petioles and united and breadth from i from at , palmated to 24 inches long, nearly the edges foot to feet, ; they vary in length and are so arranged that the smallest occupy the centre of the summit, and the largest the circumference Before their develope- ment they are folded like a fan outside sticks break off and , and fall, rounded with filaments woven as they open the , leaving the base sur- into a coarse and flimsy russet web The base of the undisclosed bundle of leaves compact and tender; it is eaten with oil and resembles the artichoke and the cabbage whence is derived the name of Cabbage is white, and vinegar, in taste, Tree But to destroy a vegetable which has been a century in grow- ing , to obtain three or four neither richly nutritious palate , ounces of a substance nor peculiarly agreeable to the would be pardonable only in a desert destined to remain uninhabited for ages prodigality of the Kentucky works of Nature, the killed the Buffalo, hundred pounds , which was With similar first settlers of an animal weighing 12 or for the pleasure of eating its CABBAGE TREE tongue, and abandoned the carcase to the beasts of the wilderness The Cabbage Tree bears long ish flowers fruit , about the of size extremely porous : its inesculent wood of this tree, though preferred to every other for is , , a pea In the Southern States the wharves chisters of small green- which are succeeded by a black , superiority consists in being secure injury by sea-worms, which, during the from summer com, mit such ravages in structures accessible to their attacks but when exposed to be alternately flowdng and ebbing of the tide , it decays as speedily as other wood This use of the Cabbage Tree minishing distant its when of the United numbers it , ; wet and dry in the is rapidly di- and probably the period will cease to exist within the is not boundaries States In the war of Independance the Cabbage Tree was found eminently proper for constructing on the passage closes without splitting The growth and developement forts , as it of the ball of the Palms have oc- cupied the attention of distinguished botanists, to whose memoirs the reader mation The courage its is referred for more accurate infor- tardy growth of this species will always dis- propagation PLATE \A Cabbage Tree with its fruity CI PRIDE OF INDIA DecanJrlamonogynJa, Linn Melia Azedarach, M This tree is its Upinnatis: foliis a native of Persia, flowers and the elegance of in request in Meliae Juss For the beauty foliage, it of southern climates for embellishing towns and adorning the environs of dwellings propagated It is for this purpose in India, in the Isles of France Bourbon , in Syria , Spain , Portugal , Italy and and the south- New World ern departments of France In the found in its has long been it is towns of the West Indies and of South several America and on the Northern Continent ; so abun- it is dant and so easily multiplied in the maritime parts of the Southern Slates ral productions , as to be ranked among their natu- This claim upon our forced by the valuable properties of attention its is en- bark and of its wood The Pride of India rises to the height of 3o or 4o feet, with a diameter of i5 or 20 inches alone, itself visually rests at a it into a spacious green colour smooth flowers , , , large , which form of the branches , but, when smaller elevation summit Its denticulated , and , diffuses and composed of leaflets axillary clusters at the produce a standing leaves are of a dark doubly pinnate , acuminate ; fine effect, The lilac extremity and exhale a de- PI.102 Pride of Me Tiul ax cf/a/ -at •/ , PRIDE OF INDIA llclous odour lowish The round and ripe seeds are large, particularly by the red-breasts tion to Ihe South which , , in their annual migra- , im- after gorging themselves moderately; are sometimes found stupilied by cotic yel- they are sought with avidity by certain birds ; nar- its power The venomous principle which resides in this tree the itch taken notice of by Avicenna, an Arabian is Physician who , flourished about the year 980 In Persia cured with an ointment is made by pounding leaves with lard its The Pride of India prospers in a dry and sandy soil, and magnificent stocks ton and Savannah flowers, lightful is are seen in the streets of Charles- Its foliage , which , developed early in the spring as well as the , affords a de- refreshment to the eye, and yields a shelter from the fervour of the sun during the intemperate son It grows with such attains the heght rapidity, that from the seed is chiefly remarked in stocks less than ten years of age, in which the concentrical it more circles distant than in any other tree Like the Locust, possesses the valuable property of converting into perfect w ood in the earliest stages of its consequently may be employed almost of a reddish colour that of the the Red Ash Bay, the : , and is entire sap its growth stock inches in diameter has only an inch of sap is it of 12 or i5feet in four years This surprising vegetation are sea- , ; a and The wood similarly organized it receives a less brilliant polish with than Wild Cherry, the Maple and the Sweet , GENERAL TABLE 272 Vol Black ash Fraxlrms sambucifolia Black alder Alnus Black birch Black » Nyssa syhatica Robinia pseudo-acacia locust Black jack oak Quercus ferruginea Black oak Quercus tinctoria Quercus hanisterl Black scnih oak Black or double spruce II - I, 79 1, 91 , 82 • , Juglans nigra., , 1, Salix nigra • Ill Blue ash Fraxinus quadrangulata Ill Cornus Jlorida I, I;> Boisjaune Bouleau a canot Box elder Lyriodendrum Box oak Box white Quercus obtusiloba I, Quercus obtusiloba Pinus australis • I, Pada lutea • Quercus macrocarpa Juglans cathartica : Button wood Platanus Cabbage tree Chamcerops palmeto, Callicoe tree Kalmia „ Canoe birch Carolinian poplar Catalpa Laurus camphora Populus angulata Bignonia catalpa , , Bctula papyrifera Fraxinus plaiicaipa Carolinian ash occidentalis latifolia I, t, Juglans porcina Buck eje Bur oak , tulipifera II, Acernegundo oalc tree i55 , II, Broom pine Broom hickory Camphire 175 2^7 Ill, Black willow Butternut 1:7 , Black walnut 106 Abies nigra 70 197 Ill, 55 Acer nigrum , III, Black sugar tree Bois de fleche bdtard Pag II, Cupressus disticha gum III II, 112 glaiica Betiila lenta , Black cypress Black , II 78 73 255 3/ 85 249 56 GENERAL TABLE Cataivbaw tree Cedar of Lebanon Cedre blanc Champlaiii willow Chene blanc Chene a latle Chene noir Cliesnut white oak • 275 Cliinrapin Coffee tree II, Larix cednis 111,217 Thuya occidentaUs Sallx llgustrina Quercus alba , Quercus laurifolia Quercus tinctorla hickoiy Cotonier Populus argentea Cypress Devil Cupressus disticha wood Doi^ wood Olea americana , Double spruce Cornus Jlorida Abies nigra III, 67 II, 90 92 11,245 I, , Malus coronaria Magnolia acuminata , no Crab apple Cypresses II, Populus canadensis tree 263 III, Cotton wood Cucumber i5 I, , Platanus occidentaUs Cotton tree Ill, regia Juglans tomentosa 46 265 Quercus suber • 80 11,114 Quercus pedunculata Common european walnut Juglans 207 HI, 69 Common III, Quercus piinus palustris Cork oak 63 Common American alder Alnus serndata Common European alder Alnus glutinosa Common European ash Fraxinus excelsior Common European birch Belula alba Common European ehn Ulmus campestfis Common European poplar, Populus canescens Common European oak Quercus robuT Common European white oak Pag Bignonla catalpa Gymnocladus canadensis Castanea pumila Gymnocladus canadensis, Chicot Vol 28 I, 3o I, 143 I, 176 I, 62 II, 55 II, 255 II, 227 II, 67 II, 12 III, 195 ni, 197 , II, 16's I, 111,175 255 GENERAL TABLE 2y/( Vol Downy lime TiUa pubescens tree Ulmus suberosa RhododendirimmaximumW Dutch elm Dwarf rose bay Epineite , blanche Abies alba Abies nigra Epinelte noire giguierc Erable plaine Erable sucre Franklinia Larix americana Epinette rouge Erahle a • Jeer negiindo Acer rubnim Acer saccharinum Gordonia pubescens , Pinckneya puhens Georgia bark Piniis australis Gloucester- nut hickory Juglans laciniosa Green ash Fraocinus Georgia pitch pine • viridis Robinia pseudo-acacia Green locust Grey oak Quercus ambigua Grey pine Pinus Hackberry Celtis crassifolia Hacmatack Hagbenj Larix americana Hard maple Acer sachannum rupestris Celtis crassifolia , Heart-leaved balsam poplar Po;f?7i/M5 candicans Heart-leaved cncxxWihevivee.Magnolia cordata Hemlock spruce Hognut hickory Honey locust Iron wood • • Juglans porcina Gleditsia triacanthos Carpinus ostrya, Magnolia Indian physic Jaclc Abies canadensis oak Quercus auriculata laurifolia Jersey pine Pinus inops June berry Mespilus arborea Juniper Cupressus thidides Kiskythomas nut Juglans squamosa 71 , GENERAL TABLE 27b Vol Oaks Ohio buck eye JEsculus ohioensis Oil nut , • Oklfeld birch Betula populifolia Olive tree Olea curopea Over-cup oak Over-cup Quercus lyrata • Quercus macrocarpa oak Pacane nut hickory -vvliite Juglans cathartica Pacanier Juglans olivceformis Juglans olivceformis Annona Papav^ triloba Betula papyrifera Peperidge JSyssa aquatic a Persimon Diospiros virginiana Paper birch Abies canadensis Perusse Pignut hickory Juglans Pinus Pin blanc Pin rouge poj'cina strobus I , Queicus palustris Pistacia vera Pinus rubra Pin oak Pines -Pistacia tree Pinus ngida Pitch pine Pitch pine{southern states) Pinus australis Planer tree Planera ulmifolia Pond pine Poplar, or Tulip Post oak tree , , Ill, i5o Ill, i33 Pinus serotina Ill, 148 Lyriodendmm tulipifera II, Quercus obtusiloba Pride of India Melia azedarach Ill Pinus strobus Ill, Quercitron Quercus tinctoria Recapitulation of the Walnuts and Hickories Fraxinus tomentosa Launis caroliniensis Fagus femiginea Betula mbra 5G , Pumplin pine Red ash Red bay Red beech Red birch 00 Ill, , I, I , i59 91 200 , Ill, 63 II, i5o HI, H 99 ^ GENERAL TABLE 277 Vol Pag Red cedar Red cherry tree Red elm Red -flowering maple Red mulberry Red oak Red oak Juniperns virginiana Ill, 221 Cerasus borealis II, 212 III, 89 y4cer rubnim I, Ulmus rubra Moms rubra 217 III, 5o Quercus rubra I {southern states) Quercus falcata Red or Norway pine Rock chcsnut oak Rock maple Rocky oaJc Pinus rubra Quercus prinus monticola I, Quercus pumila Sap pine Pinus 49 225 I, Quercus prinus monticola I, Robinia viscosa Running oak Sopinette noire 87 112 III, Acer sachannum Rose-flowering locust Sapinette blanche io5 , I, rigida Abies alba Abies nigra 49 I, 217 I, III, 73 i5o 182 III, III, 175 i5o Sapling pine Pinus rigida iir, Sa,ssafras Laurus sassafras Quercus coccinea II, 144 I, 95 Juglans squamosa I, 181 Scarlet oak Scaly-bark hickory Shag-bark hickory Scotch fir Scrub oak Juglans squamosa Pinus Quercus banisteri Kalmia latifolia Sheep laurel Shell-bark hickory Shining willow syhestris Ibid Ill, I, II, Juglans squamosa I, Salixlucida III, Short-leaved pine Pinus Silver 125 82 7G 181 81 111,120 mitis Abies balsamijera 111,191 Single spruce Abies alba 111,182 Slippery elm Ulmus fir Small chesnut oak Small magnolia bay Soft maple , , rubra III, Quercus prinus chine apin I, Magnolia glauca Acer rubium ir, 89 65 or white I, 217 GENERAL TABLE 278 Andromeda Sorel tree Sour gum Sour lupelo , Southern pine Nfssa syhatica Nyssa capitata Pinus Spanish oak arhorea australis Quercus falcata Spring-field hickory Ill Juglans laciniosa , Pag 160 Ill Vol II, 35 , , Ill, 43 i33 I, 87 I, 188 120 Spruce pine Pinus milis Ill, Stone pine Pinus pinea Ill, 116 Acer striatum Acer saccharinum Acer nigrum I, 1, 245 225 I, 287 Quercus prinus palustris I, Juglans amara .1, 170 Striped maple Sugar maple Sugar tree Swamp cliesnut oak Swamp liickory Swamp laurel Swamp post oak Swamp white oak Quercus lyrata Quercus prinus Sweet birch Betulalenta • leaf Sweet locust Sycamore Tacamahaca Tamarack Liquidambarstyracijlua II, Ill tinctoria Wahoo , 49 54 II, 157 I, 242 Pinus pungens Ill, i3i Populus balsamifera II, 257 Ill, 21 laciniosa Nyssa aquatica Magnolia tnpetala Upland willow oak Acer pseudo-platanus Larioc americana Umbrella tree II, Hopea Thick shell-bark hickory Juglans Tupelo 40 45 II, 106 Glediisia triacanthos Table mountain pine , I, discolor I, Magnolia glauca Sweet 46 Rhododendrumma.ximum.lI Sweet bay Sweet gum Quercus cinerea .1, 188 Ill II, lil Walnuts H, TT^ater ash Fraxinus samhucifolia .II, Water Water bitter-nut hickory Juglans aquatica locust Gleditsia monosperma , 56 18 1, Ulmus alata , 71 , 87 157 70 174 11, 141 GENERAL TABLE 27Q Pag Vol Water oak White ash White beech White birch • While cedar While cedar {northern St) White lime White maple White oak White or single spruce Fagus 77 Ill syheslris , Ill II, Cupressus • Ill, 111,226 , Thuya thiu'ides occidentalis Cupressus disiicha 97 207 111, 97 Ulmus amerlcana Juglanstomentosa .1, 17G Juglanstomentosa Ill, 85 Ibid Tilia alba Ill, io5 Acer cjiocarpum 1, 2i3 Quercus alba I, Abies alba Ill, White poplar Lyriodendrum tulipifera 11, White pine White scrub oak White spruce VThite wood Pinus strobus TFhite walnut 69 18 , .••• Fraxinus amcricana I, BctulapopulifoUa Ff^hite hickory FF^hite-heart hickory , VFhite cypress Wliite elm Quercus aquatica • Ill, 17 182 37 iSg Quercus prinus chincapin I, Abies alba Lyriodendrum tulipifera Juglans cathaiiica Cerasusvirginiana Wild cherry Wild orange Cerasus caroliniana Wild pine, or Scotch fir Pinus syhestrls IH^ 126 • 67 Willow oak Queixus phellos Virginian poplar Populus monilifera Yellow birch Betula lutea Yellow locust Robinia pseudo-acacia .II, 117 53 Quercus prinus acuminata! , Yellow oak .,••• Yellow pine Yellow pine (southern st.) 11, 252 II,io5 120 Pinus mitis Ill, Pinus australis HI, i35 Yellow poplar Ijyriodendrum Yellow wood Kirgilia lutea Recapitulation I, tulipifera II, 57 II, i34 Ill, 25i vwwvww VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVIVVVVVVVVVA(VVVVVVVVW»A*VVV\.VVVV»>*VV^AIVVVV^ GENERAL TABLE OF THE LATIN AND ENGLISH NAMES Abies alba ^hife or single spruce Abies balsamifera .Silver fir Abies canadensis - Hemlock Abies picea Acer eriocarpum Acer montanum Acer nigrum Black sugar tree Norcvay maple Sycamore VFhite maple Mountain maple Box Pag Ill, 182 HI, i85 Acernegundo Acer pseudo-platanus Acer rubrum Vol, HI, 191 spruce Black or double spruce Nonvay spmce Abies nigra Acer platanoides elder • Ill, 172 I, 21 c , 255 , 1, 249 I, 237 I, 240 I, 242 217 Red-flowering maple Ill, , Sugar maple I, 225 Acer striatum Moose wood 245 Alnus glauca Black alder II, 112 Common european alder Common american alder II, 114 II, iio Acer saccharinum Alnus glutinosa Alnus serrulata Andromeda arborea Annona triloba Soreltree Papaw , BlacJc birch Betula lutea Yellow birch Betula populifolia .II, 160 birch II 34 II, 90 106 II , , io3 Canoe birch II, 85 White II, 97 II, 99 63 3o Bed Betula rubra Carpinus ostrya II, Betula lenta Bignonia catalpa Common european Betula alba Betula papyrifera , birch birch • Catalpa II Iron wood HI , ;, GEN EBAL TABLE 281 Vol Carpinus americana Ameiican hornbeam Castanea pnmila Chincapin Caslanea vesca 28 111, i5 Chesnut Pag , Ill Ill, HacJi berry • Ill, 4? Ctltis occidentalis American Ill, Cerasus borealis Red 4^ 212 Celtis crassifolia Jiettle tree cherry II, Cerasus caioliniensis TVild orange Cerasus virginiana TVlld cherry Chamoerops palmeto Cabbage Conius T)og florida • • , 11 Ill tree wood 209 2o5 , 11, , 255 Ill, Ill, 197 207 219 Cupressus disticha Cypress Cupressus thuyoides Ff^hite cedar Diospiros virginiana Persimon 11, Fagus ferruginea Red Ill, Fagus sjlvestris • Fraxinus americana • beech White beech White ash I, 21 Ill, 18 W> ^9 Ill Fraxinus excelsior, Common , 67 Fraxinus quadrangulata Bhie ash Ill, 75 Fraxinus piaticarpa Carolinian ash Ill, 76 Fraxinus sambucifolia Black ash WI , 70 Fraxinus tomenlosa Red ash Ill, 65 Fraxinus viridis Green ash Ill, 65 Gleditsia monosperma Water locust n,i4i Gleditsia triacanthos Sweet locust II, 157 Gordonia Loblolly bay II, Frankiinia H, 29 52 lasyantlius Gordonia pubescens european ash Gymnocladus canadensis Coffee tree I, liopea tinctoria Sweet Ill, Ilex opaca American Juglans amara leaf 54 i56 1, 170 174 Water Juglans Butternut Juglans laciniosa II, bittemut hickojy I, Bittemut hickory Jugians aquatica catliartica holly 265 I, 160 Thick shell-bark hickory I, 188 GENE RAL TABLE l82 Vol Juglansmyristicisformis Juglans nigra Pag Nutmeg hickory • • Black walnut , 1, i55 67 194 , 1, 98 Juglans olivseformis Pacane nut Juglans porcina Pignut hickory Common european walnut.l , Shell-hark hickory , 181 Juglans tomentosa Mockernut hickory , 1, Juniperus virginiana Kalmia • • Juglans regia Juglans squamosa latifolia Larix americana , carolinieasis Laurus campliora Laurus sassafras , • I, cedar Mountain laurel American larch Cedar of Lebanon Larix cedrus Laurus Red hickory Red bay Camphor tree • Sassafras , 45 176 Ill, 221 II Ill, 76 2i4 Ill, 216 II , , 5o II, i55 II , 144 Magnolia auriculata gum II, 49 Poplar or tulip tire II , 87 Cucumber tree 12 II Long-leaoed cucumber tree.ll , Magnolia cor data Heart-leaded cucumbertree.il Liquidambar Lyriodendrum styraciflua Siveet tulipifera Magnolia acuminata , , 16 Magnolia grandiflora Small magnolia, or white bay Large magnolia, or big II , Magnolia macro phy Ha Large-leaved umbrella tree.ll , 25 Magnolia tripctala Umbrella tree Crab apple II, 18 II , 67 Magnolia glauca laurel Malus coronaria II, Melia azedaracli Pride of India Ill , Mespilus arborca June 11,70 Morus rubra Redmulbeny Ill, 5o Nyssa aquatica Tupelo Ill, 56 4^^ Nyssa capitala berry Sour tupelo Ill, Nyssa grandidentata Large tupelo Ill, 4^* Nyssa Blachgum HI, 55 sylvatica GENERAL TABLE 283 Vol Dcdl wood Olea americana Olea europea , P;,g 11^ i63 II, i66 II, • Ohio buckeye Olive tree Buckeye Pavlalulea Pa via ohioensis Pinckneja pubescens 214 H, 217 Georgia bark I^ 260 Ill, i53 Jersey pine Ill, 129 Pinus mills Yellow pine Ill, 120 Pinus pinea Stone pine Ill, 116 Pinusaustralis Long-leaved pine Pinus inops Pinus pungens Pinus rigida Pilch pine Red sjlvestris or Grey pine Pond pine Wild pine Ill, i3i Norway pine Pinus serotina Pinus Table-mountain pine Pinus rubra Pinus rupestiis .Ill, i5o Ill, 112 Ill, 118 Ill, i/jS or Scotch fir Ill, 25 , Pinus strobus ypHiitepine III,i59 Pinus toeda Loblolly pine Ill, Pistacia vera Pistacia tree Ill, Button wood II, Platanus occidentalis Planera ulmifolia Planer Populus angulata Carolinian poplar Populus argentea, tree Cotton Populus balsamifera Balsam poplar Populus candicans Heart-leaved poplar Populus canadensis Populus canescens tree y 55 Ill, , i55 100 11,224 11,255 11,237 II, 259 Cotton TVhite or grey poplar ,11,255 Populus grandidentata Populus hudsonica Populus monilifcra Populus tremuloides Quercusalba wood II, Large American aspen American black poplar T^irglnian poplar 227 II, II, 243 23o II, 232 II 24 American aspen White oalc I, 17 , Quercusambigua Grey oak I, g8 Quercus aqualica TVater oak I, 77 III 37 ,, ,, ,,, GENERAL TABLE 284 Vol Quercus banisteri Bear oak Quercus catesbaei Barrens Quercus coccinea Quercus 82 I, 85 oak I, 71 I, 95 Spanish oak I 87 Black jack oak I I 79 75 I 69 scixib Upland Quercus cinerea falcata Quercus ferruginea Quercus heterophylla Bartram Quercus imbricaria Laurel oak Quercus lyrata Quercus olivseformis Quercus palustris Quercus pedunculata , oak Euj'opean white oak Quercus prinuscbincapin Small chesnut oak disco^ior Swamp white oak Quercus prinus monticola 7?orA chesnut oak Quercus prinus palustris Chesnut white oak Quercus pbellos TVillow oak Quercus pumila Punning oak Quercus robur Quercus rubra Common Red oak Quercus suber • Quercus tinctoria Quercus virens 34 36 100 I 3o I^ 53 J 55 43 49 46 66 I ••• , 52 I european oak Cork oak 40 I I, Quercus prinus acuminata Yellow oak Quercus prinus I, I Mossy-cup oak Pin oak Post oak , Over-cup white oak Quercus obtusiloba Over- cup oak Quercus nwcrocarpa oak xvilloiv Scarlet oak Pag I I I , ^ , 75 28 io5 62 Black oak I, 91 Live oak I, 67 II, 73 Rliododendrum maximum />«?«;/' 7-05^ 5flj Robinia pseudo-acacia Locust Robinia viscosa Rose-Jlowering locust IT, Salix Ho^ustrina Champlain in, 80 Salix lucida Shining willow UT, 81 Salix nigra Tbuja occidentalis .11,117 willow Black willow American arbor vitce i3i IH, 78 111,226 ENERAL TABLE ^85 Vol Bass wood Tilia americana, Tilia alba TJ^hite lime tree Tilia pubesccns Downy lime tree Ulmus americana Ulmus alata Ulmus campestris Ulmus rubra Ulmus suberosa Virgilia lutea Pag Ill, io:i Ill, io5 Ill, 107 FThite elm Ill, 85 J^Kahoo Ill, 87 elm, Ill, 92 89 • Common European Redelm Ill, Dutch elm Yelloxvwood HI, 98 II_, i54 END or THE TABLES WV^\»/V\V\^iV»•WWVVVW/VWVWWWW MIVVVVVVM/VV\A>VVVV'\luyed, reacZ used io,pomtb reappoint 5, instruments, nud implements 7, free fo'm.s, /-enrftiees form l43, 1- 18, be presented, readsh^W be pre1 11, center, read centre sented ; — readu^oar 181,1.6, dele of the;— I 17, 175, 5, rijjours, Mohawk read river Mohawk read not 182, i83, 24, sessil, read sessile read peduncle petiole, 184, 2, iqS, I 2, accompa^ny, read accompany, 24, Jhe, /YadThr^y six 198, ig, four, read four or 2i4, 19, inclosed, read enclosed 222, 8, woodman, read forester 226,1 1, in rec/dby 277, 3, making, read obtaining 233, 25, in greatest, read in the greatriver, 3, nor, — , est;— I 26, '\X,read in 234, 3, Alleghany Monongbahela nnd Ohio rivers, reac? rivers Alleghany, Mononghahela and Ohio 235, 20, break through their enclosures, read break into enclosures 238, 7, exibit , read exhibit : dele the , note 251,1.28, dele if 265, 28, dele ///e/c arc 266, 6, pictoresque, read picturesque, VOL 17, , , congenial 85, 16, 17 and 18 , read The surface of these regions in general very irregular and diversified in every direction , with hills and - vallies, is occupied, etc 88, 2, soals, read soles 92, 15, soals of shoes, read soles of the shoes 16, in94,1 4, wood, rearZ woods; — chantment, read enchantment 95, 108, 127, 1 dele an 17, after sofas, dele the g, dele a 129, 14, this variety, 1 1.3, 23, unfold, read unfold themselves .irt, read process 22-23, but they not afford it in, read but not in i6i, I 9, dele and glabrom ; I.21 , the acidity of its leaves has procured this read from the acidity of the tree leaves is derived 166, 21, aside from, read besides — , j6q, 25, are, re

Ngày đăng: 02/11/2018, 18:05
