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THE ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, MORPHOLOGY, AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE BLOW -FLY (CALLIPHORA ERYTHROCEPHALA.) Jt Stoby in the (Eomparatitoe Jtnntomy anfo jHorpholcrgy of Inserts WITH PLA TES AND ILLUSTRATIONS EXECUTED DIRECTLY FROM THE DRAWINGS OF THE AUTHOR BY B THOMPSON LOWNE, F.R.C.S., F.L.S., HUNTER1AN PROFESSOR OF COMPARATIVE ANATOMY IN THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEON'S LECTURER ON PHYSIOLOGY IN THE MIDDLESEX HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL, ETC AUTHOR OF 'THE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE BLOW-FLY (1870) LATE PRESIDENT OF THE QUEKETT MICROSCOPICAL CLUB ; ' ; VOL II LONDON : PUBLISHED FOR THE AUTHOR BY R II PORTER, 18 PRINCES STREET, CAVENDISH SQUARE, W I893-95- CONTENTS CHATTER X 1>AGE THE TRACHEAL SYSTEM OF THE IMAGO SKC I in Insects a General Arrangement b Development - - 351 - - 351 - 353 a b SEC - - Morphological Significance The Tracheal System of the Blow-Fly c 351 General Morphology and Development of the Tracheal System SEC - The Spiracles and Spiracular Sacs Structure of Tracheae and Air Sacs The Development of the - - 358 - - 358 - 364 - Tracheal System in the Blow- Fly The Physiology of Respiration in Insects APPENDIX TO CHAPTER X Calculation of Work done in Flight XI THE ALIMENTARY CANAL OF THE IMAGO SEC i The Mouth and Pharynx The Soft Parts and Mechanism of the Proboscis a The Muscles of the Proboscis b The Oral Lobes and Structure of the Pseudo-tracheae c The Mechanism by which the Proboscis is extended SEC - ,, - and erected Function of Oral Lobes e Nerves and f Salivary SEC - d End Organs Glands The (Esophagus, Stomachs and a b c Accessory Glands The Alimentary Tract- The Malpighian Tubes The Rectal Papillae 355 Intestines, and 368 373 387 389 390 390 391 393 - 395 - 397 - 402 - 404 their - 407 - 407 - 412 - 417 CONTENTS iv IAI.K LIIAPTER SBC 'riieDcvclopmentoftheAlimentaryCan.il In the (i I' - - Embryo After Development - NERVOUS SY>TKM Si.c i Anatomy of the Nerve Centres The Thoracic Nerve Centre of the Blow-Fly Imago - 421 - 21 - 426 XII Tin, 433 433 - 435 - 440 (i b c General Structure of the Brain in the Arthropoda Details of the Structure of the Brain of the Blow-Fly - 45 Imago The Sensory Ganglia 467 Si;c The Physiology of the Nervous System in Arthropods 473 479 The Development of the Nervous System XIII Tm; SENSES AND SENSORY ORGANS 49 - - d - M.C - - i Sensation Organs of Vision The Median Ocelli, Stemmata, or Simple Eyes n in Insects The Stemmata of the Blow-Fly Morphology and Comparative Anatomy Eyes in Arthropods General Remarks on the Compound Eye The Compound Eye b SEC u - in the Blow-Fly Structure of the Dioptron of a - - of the ,, - 526 - 526 533 538 538 in the - - 545 554 Properties of the Compound Eye On 515 - Compound Eye The Theory of Arthropod Vision Further Remarks on the Optical n - - Blow-Fly SEC 510 - In the Arthropoda generally The Development 510 - 512 The Retina and Optic Nerve The Development of the Compound Eye b O1 - Simple b SEC 496 - 572 the Optical Properties of Refractive Cylinders, and the probable Relation of the several Types of Compound Eye in the Arthropoda On the Illumination of the Retinal End Organs under - /' the Dioptric i ,/ Median eyes, position r 121 Median fissure of cerebion 453 Median ganglia of larva, 93 Median segment, 188 Median tooth of larva, 41 Mesolabrum, Mesophragma, Medulla of nerve ganglia, 66 Mesotboracic muscles, 223 Mesothorax, 54 Metabola, metamorphosis in, 23 Metacephalic ring, 122 Metacerebron, 444 of Astacus, 447 Metacranial annuli, 18 Metafurca, 174 Metagenital somite, 728, 743 Metalabrum, M eta mere, Metamorphosis, 18, 23 Metapleuron, 170, 174, 186 Metapneustic larvce, 28 Metapterygium, 163, 203 Metasternum, 174 Metathorax, 155, 186 Metencephalon, 444 Metenteron, 17, 53, 249, 331, 41 Meigen on abdominal i Mesosternum, ganglion, 436 385 219 post-scutellum of, 86 respiration in, 374 wing sclerites of 201 Membrana basilaris of dioptron, 532 development of, 552 Membrana fenestrata Sec Memof, brana basilaris tympani .'v v Tympana, and Tympanic membrane Membrane of Krause, Membranes of egg, 12 167, 187 171 of liombu?, 168 flight of, Membrana 171, 185 Mesopleural syndesmosis, Mesopterygium, 163 Meloe, metamorphosis of, 18, ovary of, 668 Melolontha, dorsal organ of, 255 dorsal vessel of, 650 muscles i 287 i 1 i Methods of embryonic, of Insects, 241 of pro- study, 93, 347 Metschnikoff, or Metschnikow, on causes of immunity from his- on fulcrum, 138 on head discs, 322 on head skeleton of larva, 40 Meroblastic ova, 708 Meroistic ova, 701, 709 Mesencephalon, ^44 S>:e Cerebron tolysis, 310 on development of Simulia, 254 on germinal vesicle, 713 on gonads in Cecidomyia larva, 689 on intracellular digestion, 297 on yelk segmentation in Scor- Mentum, 143 Menzbier on development boscis, 322 Mesenchyme, 235, 333 .sv

Ngày đăng: 02/11/2018, 18:01

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