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ESSENTIALS OF HORARY ASTROLOGY OR PRASNAPADAV! M RAMAKRISHNA BHAT Assisted by B.P NAIR FOREWORD "No sinner will creep into a place that is sanctified by the presence of a true astrologer No person who studies and divines the course of destiny will ever be found in hell, but will reside permanently in the world of Brahman." —VarAhmihira Astrology, it has been rightly said, is the most systematic attempt to explain natural phenomena The development of astrology at a popular level owes considerably to the new intellectual vitality of the applied sciences Today there is no area of human experience which is not touched upon in some way or the other by astrology Historical evidence supports' the claim that astrology is a valid discipline with vast potential for enriching an understanding of all phases of life The literature of astrology is as vast as the history of man No one scholar can possibly hope to untangle all of its intrinsically woven strands in the course of his life He cannot read the extant works on the subject, let alone resolve its intrinsic patterns of thought Astrology has been described as both a "Science" and an "Art" In short casting and interpreting horoscopes have been, for more than two thousand years, the focus of the science of astrology Though widely discredited, especially in the west, it is an exacting art demanding considerable expertise of its techniques A sophisticated science of astrology that evolved among the Babylonians was taken over and modified by the Greeks and the Romans In the second century a.d the Egyptian astronomer Ptolemy reduced astrology to a clear set of laws—the basis of European Astrology for many centuries to come In India, Nakshatravidya, the science of the stars, has been thought of as an intellectual attainment even in the Vedic literature The vedic as well as pre-vedic literature including purapas contain innumerable references that show astrology to have been held in high esteem and referred to as the 'eye of knowledge' It is an important limb of Hindu religion and philosophy, handed down from great seers Who had amply sanctified the subject with their contributions vi Essentials of Horary Astrology This oldest of sciences has exercised a fascination over mankind, and the romance associated with the stars has inspired poets from all ages Modem research tends to show that it had its origin in stellar worship, for, in ancient times the stars were believed to be the abode of the gods Astrology, as in the case of other ancient arts which possessed the germs of truth, has gradually freed itself from the penumbra of superstitions to emerge as the true science of the heaven The development of this science of the stars however had its own vagaries Some profane accretions and unscrupulous practices crept into the hoary science and probably the baser side of it began to manifest itself It was for this reason, perhaps, Manu and later Kautilya denounced the use of astrology or its practice in ordinary life Similar views have been expressed in Gautama Dharma Sutra and Taittriya Upunished The famous astronomercum-astrologer Varahamihira also characterised a bad astrologer as a sinner and one who defiles society However, he pays extraordinary compliments to a worthy astrologer who, in his view, should know practically all branches of knowledge under the sun, and be a guide, philosopher and teacher to society This hoary lore, according to Prof Bhat, is to be practised not for selfish ends, but to guide the needy and the distressed, to remove the cause of their suffering and to turn their attention towards God Though an astrologer cannot control the powers of the stars, he can harness it through "Elections" and so enhance the prospects of success in any undertaking or for any individual I had the unique privilege of going through the manuscript of over five hundred pages of this monumental work—"Essentials of Horary Astrology" Astrology by the deep rooted nature of its origins, spans many centuries, and hence has many sub-disciplines and specialities In general, it has evolved in practice over the years into three broad areas 'Prediction' relates to forecasting an individual's destiny from his nativity—a calculation of the state of the heavens at his birth 'Election' denotes the process of choosing the most propitious moment when the influence of the planets would be most favourable for undertaking any action ranging from matters of State to the weaning of an infant Finally 'Horary' resolves personal problems— Foreword vii medical, moral and very often matrimonial—according to the state of the heavens at the instant the question is posed to the astrologer It is this third branch of astrology that has immensely benefited from Prof Bhat's work This book is intended to provide insights into the laws of consciousness whereby the reader can comprehend that he is but an integral unit of the larger framework of consciousness in which all of us unite I was not only touched by the sensitivity, clarity, precision, and details of Prof Bhat's treatment of the subject, but also enlightened by the vastness of this science and its compass over all human activities with detailed clarifications of their attributes Prof Bhat's earlier work—Fundamentals of Astrology—first published in 1967 has subsequently seen two more editions and the third revision is now available It has found favour with both students and practitioners in the east as well as the west Since then he has authored a number of books, the most important of them being the translation of the Brhatsamhita of Varahamihira—a monumental encyclopaedia in Sanskrit of astrological and other subjects of human interest—with explanatory notes and comments This work in two volumes has already run through two editions with wide appreciation As a Sanskrit poet, he has a number of kdvyas to his credit; to mention a few, the Mahakavya, "Sri Sivananda Vilasab", "Kdvyamanjart" and "Guru-Mahirm-Stotra" (a string of hymns in praise of the life and work of H.H Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham) In this volume Prof Bhat presents his subject in a variety of ways and in different contexts The lucid and clear manner of Prof Bhat's work makes it pleasant to read He has done a great service to Indian astrology in general, and to this branch in particular, by striving to remove the misconceptions about it I am sure that a critical study of this work will greatly benefit the students and practitioners of this science Prof Bhat is a restless scholar always in relentless pursuit of knowledge Even in his eighties now, he strives to disseminate his knowledge and experience through his writings Mere knowledge of this science, however deep and clear, does not take you to the level of predictive astrology and the practice viii Essentials of Horary Astrology there of, unless one has complete faith in God and His supreme grace Thus Prof Bhat has in abundance from Lord Sri Siddhi Vinayaka of Madhupura More than once he has admitted to vain efforts in the realizations of the results of his work; and in many cases with His grace of immediate success Prof Bhat has been my friend, philosopher and guide in the true sense of the term Our friendship spans over the last four decades and has been one of most agreeable and fruitful nature It is a privilege and honour to be able to write a foreword for this excellent work of a unique speciality of astrological science— Horary Astrology or Pra&na-Sastra "May Lord Siddhi Vinayaka shower His grace and give Prof Bhat many years of good health for the benefit of the field of astrology and its ardent students" is my fervant prayer Carbondale IL-62901 USA, Diwali, October 28, 1989 R.K Rangan CONTENTS Foreword Abbreviations Preface I II III IV V VI Introductory Astrologer and Querist Planets and Signs Astamangala Prasna Deva-PraSna Matrimony VII Progeny VIII Diseases IX Fructification of Karma X Span of Life XI Demise XII Travel XIII Rainfall XIV Water Resources XV Lost Articles XVI Lost Horoscopes XVII Decanates and Stars XVIII Transits XIX Miscellaneous Page V xi, xiii 15 31 77 95 117 155 187 221 233 245 285 315 327 339 367 377 389 401 Appendix 425 Bibliography 429 Index 431 ABBREVIATIONS A.K A.L.S A.V Ba S B.D BS C.A C.G C.K C.V D.A K.C K.H M.A MJ M.N N Asct N.G N.P.D N.S P.G P.J P.M R.S.C s.c s.c.s SJ S.K.C S.R.S S.S Sa §a S.T S.T.S S.Y.S T.S Ak§arakosa Abhila§a-Sphuta A$takavarga Badha-Sthana Benefic Dots Brhat Samhita Candravastha Coragraha Candra-Kriya Candra-Vela Dasadhyayl Kala-Cakra Kalahora Mahabhicara Markaijtfeya Jyauti§a Maha-Nak§atra Natal Ascendant Nak$atra-Gocara Na§taprasna-Dipika Natal Sign Pramana-Gulika PraSna-Jfiana Pra^na-Marga Ravi-Sula Cakra Surya-Cakra Santana-Candra-Sphuta Santana-Jiva SuryarKalagni-Cakra Santana-Ravi-Sphuta Santana-Sukra Sapta-Salaka Santana-Tithi Santana-Trisphuta Santana-Yoga-Sphuta Trisphuta Essentials of Horary Astrology xii V.S.A Y.K Y.S Y.S Virasiriihavaloka Yamakaijtaka Yama-Sukra Yoga-Sphuta PREFACE Boundless and spontaneous indeed is the grace of the Supreme Lord i&f Siddhi- Vinayaka that has provided me, the humblest devotee of His, with inspiration to write this book on Horary Astrology I am quite aware of my severe limitations to write a book of such magnitude and reputation as this at the fag end of my life I, therefore, consider this as an opportunity granted to me by the Lord to serve the cause of astrology which reveals the subtle laws or powers of the Almighty in the form of the divine planets appointed to administer justice and bestow the fruits of Karma (action) on all beings living on this earth I have been consistently maintaining that the purpose of astrology is to wean humanity away from the path of adharma (evil deeds) resulting in misery and destruction, and to lead them towards the path ©flight and glorious life The reader, I am sure, will find in this work enough opportunity to remind himself of the fact that he is suffering in his present existence, which is a continuation of the soul's journey (sojourn) towards the abode of perfection or self-realization, as a result of his own past misdeeds or sins, and that he can improve his lot and get over his infirmities by taking appropriate remedial measures through mind, word and deed Ultimately, as Swami Vivekananda has declared, it would dawn on men that there is divinity in every one of them and it is their bounden duty to draw out that divinity and manifest it in all their thoughts, words and deeds I have tried to answer in this work the question regarding the relevance of this horary branch of astrology, which has been developed into a reputed branch of predictive astrology in Kerala, where there are some renowned families that practise this science with uncanny powers of foretelling, giving, especially the Atfamangala Prasna system which has attained unusual celebrity and acceptance in the West Coast of India Sessions of this type of horary astrology are largely resorted to in cases of temple construction or renovation, calamities in a family or village etc The Pra§na~$astra (Query Science) is made use of in xiv Essentials of Horary Astrology cases of theft, missing persons, lost horoscopes, serious diseases, suspected divine displeasure, black magic etc It is also found useful in the case of Mu$p-pra§na (query about what is held in the closed fist) In fact, the work Kisniya of Kfjpacarya, which is also called Hora&Sstra, is otherwise known as Cintajfianam, meaning Knowledge of what is in the querist's mind, "Science of Thought-reading" While admitting the prevalence of horary astrology in all parts of our ancient land right from Vedic times and that of Varahamihira, his famous commentator and others, I should like to mention some of the special features of this Kerala system: (1) AtfamangalapraSna; (2) DevapraSna; (3) Karmavipaka (ripening of past deeds); (4) Vlthi, and Chatra Ra§i', (5) Bhutodaya (rise of elements); (6) Duration of Yama (watch); (7) Lordship of asterisms as per the VimSottartda&a system; (8) Tastes allotted to planets in different contexts e.g Venus rules over sweet, the Sun over salt and astringent, at a query about food eaten; (9) Letters of the alphabet are assigned to the elements; (10) Cora (thief) Grahas, (11) Vittaya, Tlrtha etc in A.V.\ (12) Candragupti chart for water-divination', (13) All planets exercise all the four types of aspect; (14) Significators of relatives, e.g Mars stands for paternal cousin, Saturn for paternal uncle, Jupiter for maternal uncle; (15) Time represented by fixed, movable and dual signs as years, days and months respectively; (16) Kywtya makes Mars a friend of Venus; (17) Badhasthanas (Houses of affliction); (18) Jupiter's number is 3, and the Moon's as in modern numerology; (19) Mdndi's greatest importance among minor planets; (20) Analysis of the nature of Pretas (Discarnate spirits); (21) Rqanubandha (Antenatal bonds) between bride and groom; (22) Navdmsa calculation of the Ariujiha; (23) The Sutras such as Samdnya and Adhipa; (24) Yama §akra\ (25) Abhilasa Sphufa of the Moon; (26) Mdndi's Caturvarga; (27) Nava-NavdthSa and NavdmSa-DvadaidmSa; (28) Kdla-Cakra-DaSd; (29) High and Low Tide signs; (30) Pramdm-Gulika\ (31) Suryakdldgni-Cakra; (32) Thief's movements from village to forest etc; (33) Many alternatives for arriving at the querist's natal Star; and (34) Da&d based on Mdndi's Star Another feature of this science is that the authors clinch an issue by means of many an argument and example I have drawn materials for this work from the PraSnamdrga 432 n., 157 n., 243, 245 n., 274 n., 420, 429 astronomy, ancient systems of 11 Astronomy, Gola or Astronomy A Asadha 316 Astabandha 103 Astaksan232 AstMgahrdaya 197 Asta-Dravya 180 Astaka 180 Astaka, Sraddhas called 178 Astaka vargayuh 246 Astaka-varga 6, 420 Astakavarga, Samudaya 421 Astamahgala 77, 84 Astottan246 A^vagati (House's Movement) 251 A tma vidama tma Attalakas 193 Auguries, Nimitta or Aurobindo, Sri Avarga 335 A.V., Saturn in 422 A.V., Venus in Astakavarga 422 Ayur-Bhava 32 Ayurveda 2, 3, 191, 221, 265, 335 Ayurvedasara 429 Badha, Significators of 74 badha-\oT& 72, 73 6a month, Solar 153, 369 Moon, transits of the 393 moon, Mandi and the 83 Mooh24,38,43,45,47,85,178, 335,409 Mfgaiiras 135, 385 MfgasSl Mrkandu Mftiiin,., 213 Mrtyu 13, 91 Mftyubhagas 243 Mftyufijayahoma 75 Mftyufijaya, Kala 194 Mftyuftjaya, Lord 194 Mftyusphuta 90,91,92,93,263, 264 Mftyusthanas 251 MdlSdhSra 19 n 439 MQla-Dhatu 109 MOla 13, 135, 386 Mfl/a-planet 109 mu/a-signs 109 Mula-Jiva 109 MOla-Raiim MQlatrikona 59, 61, 89, 99, 135, 260 Matra-hrcchra 225 Muhurtaiastra 10, 12 Muhurtas 13, 30 Mukhametova, Dr 426 mundala 101 Nadi, Ida 19 NadI, Pingala 19 Nadi, SusumnS 19 nagagrahas 193 Nagakesara 186 Narayana, Lord 176,177,327 Narada, sage 12 Nasik 176 Nagana 24 Nagas (serpents) 194 Naksatra 87^ 215 Nambddiri, Sri Mahadeva Na&a (destruction) 340 NastaprafaadTpika 59, 339, 429 Nasta-Praina 88 Navaka-kalah 104 Navamila 212 Ned 111 Nidhana (death) 398 Nilakantha 207, 269 Nidra 196 Nirukta NirySna-Da&a 246 Nisarga-daia 246 Nisargadasa (natural Dasa) 374 Number, Group 367 440 Obesity 225 Ocean, Milky 327 omens, importance of 344 omens, inauspicious 79 Oniyani, Prof 425, 426 organs, planets and sense 61 P AsadhS 30 Pada-Vedha 145, 146 Pandu-Roga 222 PSndavas265 Parijata 133 n Parvana 179 PSrvatl Patala 184 Payasa 176, 177 Padma, Sahasradala 19 n Paitamaha 11 paksabala 208 Pala&a 184,186 Pancamjta 104, 107 Parfcaksari232 Paficamita 105,176 Padcagavya 96, 104 Paficartgas (almanacs) 150 Paficasiddhantika Panicker, Dr N Gopala 429 Parahra 5, 308 Paramahamsa, Sri Ramakrsna 2, Patafijali 2, 266 Paulisa 11 Pavarga (Labial) 335 pelf, king's power and 301 PhSlgunI, Uttara 386 pierces, VedhaJca that which 396 piles (dumama) 222 Pinda-yurdasa 246 Pinda, Sodhya 422 Pinda-Pradana 176 pisacas 113 Pisces 326 Pitta (Bile) 189 Index Pittonmida, Symptoms of 192 place, distance of bride's 131 places, NiiySna 255 places, 7/itMrazja-Pilgiimage to holy 285 planet, BSdhaka 69 planet, Dhatu 109 planet, watery 325 planets, afficted 197 planets, ages of 59 Planets, Animals represented by 48 planets, diseases that pertain to 262 planets, divine 42 planets, effects of the 85 Planets, Elements and 54, 355 planets, exaltation signs of the seven 52 planets, medicines (herbal) prescribed for the 395 planets, physical features 351 planets, places of the body assigned to the 189 planets, rays or Radmis of the different 58 planets, semi-watery 332 planets, seven 45 planets, Vedha places of the 397 Planets 82 Planets, Mula-Trikonas of SO Planets, Qualities of 57 Poor degestion (Agnimandya) 230 Posture, Querist's Stance or 25 Posaka 421 Power, Serpent 19 n Pragjyotisa 38 Pranayama 80 Prana 91 Prana-Sphuta 264 Index PrSQa-Sphufa 90, 91, 92 PrSya&dtta 221 prSyaicitta, KarmavipSka 201 Pradosa 30 PrajSpati S PramSpI-Gulika, longitude of 254 Prameha-diabeX.es 197 Prahia-Bhairya 22 Pra&ia-bhQfaga 30 Praina 328 PraJna, AsfamaAgala 77 Praina, SvanfUrudha 211 PrainajBSaam 207, 339, 405, 429 PrainamSiga 8, 15, 16, 63, 77, 93, 126 n., 144, 150, 178, 258,326,358,405,420 Pradna-isstra 7, 10, 77 Pradnasindhu 17 Pradna-tantra 29 PratTpavedha 396 Pratipat 316 pratisthS, nSga 112 Pratyak(obstruction) 398 pregnancy, detection of 169 pregnancy, Yogas which reveal 170 progeny 155 progeny, hurdles in the way of 158 progeny, query relating to 27 progeny, two or more marriages for 163 prospects, determining the conjugal 121 prosperity, couple's 122 Protection, Moon's 330 Prfthodaya 53, 200 Pfjtodaya 74 PlthuyaSas 77 Pfthvi213 POrvSbhSdra 387 441 PurvasSdha 317, 386 PQrva-Phalgunl3&6 Purna santSna (full progeny) 161 Punarvasu 385 Purapas3, 105, 176, 265 purification, seven ways of 96 Purusa, Samkranti 325 Purusa-Sukta 111 PuspMjali 105 Pusya 29, 385 Putra-Bhava 31 Rahu 42,43 Rahu, Mandi and 84 Rahu-Ketu 85 rain, conditions for 318 Rama, Sri 68, 98, 272 Ramacandra, Sri 170 RamSyana 3, 12 Ramadasa, Samartha Rame&varam 176 Radi-Cakra 78 Radial Radi, Adhomukha (downward looking) 175 Radi, Vedhya 396 Radimrtyu 13 Radis, AstamaBgala 86 RSdis, Colours of 56 Radis, Creation 216 RSdis, destruction 216 Radis, Qualities of 57 Ravana 266,272 Ragana 24 Raghuvamda 117 Rajas (active) 67, 98 RaksSbandhana 194 Raktabl Rakta-Camunda 98 Raktasthuna 13 Raktedvarlbl, 98 Ramakrishnaiya, P 429 Raman, B.V 429 442 Rantukamas 115 Rao, Prof P Deva 426, 429n recitations, PurSnic 106 recitations, SSstraic 95 relations, Maternal 60 relations, Paternal 60 Relationship, Planetary 50 remarriage 120,129 remarriage, Yogas for 130 Remedies, Efficacy of 74 Republic, Georgia 425 resources, water 27 results, Mercury produces the following 391 retinue, king's 301 Revat/30, 90, 387 RlDlRGHA 138 RiktS (empty) 205 Rista 237 rituals, propitiatory 104 rod, Parighaodanda: obstructive 286 RodanI 196 Roga 82 n., 214 RohinT2>0, 385 Romaka 11 Rose-wood 186 Rudra, Lord 179 Rudrabhiseka 75, 176 Rudra-Ganas 193 Rudra, 5/738, 193 Rudra-sukta 230, 231, 232 Rannubandha 130 Santi-sQktas 229 SastrS, Sn97 Sastras, Agama 95, 105 Sakti, KundalinI 19 n i&faz'-deities 262 Sankara 177 SantSna-Ravi (Sun) 178 SarmS, Nfiakantha 333 Sastara, Lord 68 Index Satabhi$ak 29 SatatSrS 135 SaiTra-gana 23 SSkta 68 SSnt/s 399 SSrSvalT6, 377, 379, 381, 384, 429 SSrasvata 328 SSth, SS

Ngày đăng: 01/11/2018, 17:41
