A VARIETY OF COMPREHENSIVE QUESTIONS ON MODERN DAY ISSUES Answered by the Shaykh Mash hoor Hasan Salmaan © www.troid.org Date Published: February 27th 2005 Question: What is the ruling for the one who is fasting and has relations with his wife whilst he is fasting ‘an optional fast’? Answer: The one who is fasting and has relations with his wife whilst he is fasting the optional fast, as is the case with the one who is fasting the optional fast and eats, is a matter in which the scholars have differed regarding The madhhab of Imaam Maalik and Imaam Aboo Haneefah state that it is waajib upon that person to make up the fast, for they say that he was doing an act of obedience however he invalidated it, hence he must make up for it on another day They cite His (