Giáo trình hay giúp các bạn làm bài tập anh văn Giáo trình hay giúp các bạn làm bài tập anh văn Giáo trình hay giúp các bạn làm bài tập anh văn Giáo trình hay giúp các bạn làm bài tập anh văn Giáo trình hay giúp các bạn làm bài tập anh văn
Trang 2possess ve adject1vec;:
you·, etc
10 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode l Arriving in London
12 A A writer's room al an, plurals;
this! that I these I those
14 B Stars and Stripes adjectives
15 c After 300 feet, turn right imperatives, let s
20 A Things I love about the US simple present:;:} and 8
22 8 Work and play simple presert :!)
26 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode 2 At a coffee shop
28 A Is she his wife or his sister?
30 8 What a life
32 c Short life, long life?
36 A Are you the next American
38 Love your neighbors
40 Sun and the City
Whose ?possessive 's prepositions of time ( at, m, on) a1 ~ place (at , in, to)
position of adverbs a"ld expressions of frequency
can / can't
present continuous
s mple pres!mt or present
o r
42 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode 3 In a clothing store
44 A Reading in English object pronouns· me , you, him, et
45 B Times we love ltke + (verb + ·mg)
48 c Music is changing their lives review: be or do?
verb phrases jobs question words
family everyday activities
adverbs and expressions of frequency
final -sand -es; th
long and short vowel sounds
understanding connected speech
third person ·s
;ir sentence stress
'""'·the letter o linking and sentence stress
the letter h
verb phrases: buy Cl newspaper, etc sentence stress
the weather and seasons places in New York
phone language the date; ordinal numbers
1a11, ·J,, and/i consonant clusters;
saying the date
Trang 3G r ammar Vocabulary Pronunciation
52 A At the National Portrait Gallery rT"ple past of be: was/ were word formation: paint > painter sentence stress
54 B Chelsea girls 1:-r.ple past: verbs past time expressions -edendings
56 c A night to remember ~-•-- o;t: irregular verbs go, have, get sentence stress
58 PRACTICAL ENGL.ISH Episode 4 Getting lost
60 A A murder story simple past: regular a'ld irregul11 irregular verbs simple past verbs
62 B A house with a history thPre isl there are, some/ any+ the house ti;rl and lirt , sentence
64 c A night in a haunted hotel there was/there were prepositions: place and movement silent letters
68 What I ate yesterday countable / uncountable nouns, food the letters ea
al an, some/ any
how many, a tot of, etc
72 c Quiz night comoarative adjectives high numbers /;'Ir/, sentence stress
74 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode 5 At a restaurant
76 The most dangerous road super lab '°'•Pr :ives places and buildings consonant groups
78 Couch Surf around the world I bt1going a: ), future time vacations sentence stress
80 c What's going to happen? be going to (pred ct1o:is) verb phrases the letters oo
84 A First impressions tldverbs (manner and modifiers) common adverbs word stress
What do you want to do?
Men, women, and the Internet
verbs+ mfimt1ve
90 PRACTICAL ENGLISH Episode 6 Going home
92 A Books and movies
94 B I've never been there!
96 c The American English File
165 Irregular verbs
166 Sound Bank
3 ·
Trang 4-V days of the week, numbers 0-20, greetings
P vowel sounds, word stress
Hi, I'm Mike
What's your name?
a 1 2>)) Look at the picture s Listen and number them 1-4
b Listen again and complete the blanks
1 A Hi, I'm Mike What's your 1 ?
3 A 5 _ _ _ , Mom This is Hannah
B 6 Nice to meet you
c Nice to 1 you, Anna
B 8 name 's Hannah
c Sorry, Hannah
4 A Hi, 9 You're early!
B Hello, Mrs Archer How are io ?
C I'm very well, 11_ _ you, Anna And you?
B i2 thanks
A It's Hannah, Mom
c Fill in the blanks with a word from the list
Fine Hi I'm Thanks Bye Hello = _ _ _
My name's = _ _ _ Very well = _ _ _ Thank yo u = _ _ _ Goodbye= _ _ _
d 1 3 >)) Listen and repeat some phrases from the dial ogue .(:Qpy the ~thm
e 1 4 >)) In groups of three, practice the dialogues with the sound effects Change role s
f Introduce yourself to other st udents
Hello, I'm Antonio._ ')
What's your na~ 0rta Nice to meet you
Trang 52 GRAMMAR verb be r±l, subject pronouns
a Complete the sentences with are, is, or am
b >-p.124 Grammar Bank lA Learn more about the verb
be l±l and subject pronouns, and practice them
c 1 ,.6 l)) Listen and repeat the pronouns and contractions
d 1 71)) Listen Say the contraction 1)) I am ~ m
e In pairs, try to remember the names in your class
Say He ' s/ She ' s _ _ _
f Stand up and speak to other students
Hi, Carla How are yo ~ 0 ne, thanks And you?
vowel sounds, word stress
a 1 8>)) Listen and repeat the words and sounds
b >-p.166 Sound Bank Look at the example words and
spellings for the sounds in a
p Word stress
Multi-syllable words have one stressed syllable
sorr j y good l bye Sa i cur j day
c 1 9>)) Listen and llilderlinc the stressed syllable in
these words
airjport comjpujter ejmail kajrajte
hojtel mujsejum sallad tejnnis
pasjta lnjterlnet baslketjball sandlwich
d Write the words from c in the chart
food technology sports places
e In pairs, write more words that you know in each
column How do you pronounce them?
days of the week, numbers 0 - 20
a Look at the picture Can you remember what Mike and Hannah say?
b >-p.148 Vocabulary Bank Days and numbers Do parts 1 and 2
c 1 12>)) Listen and say the next day or number
>)) Monday, Tuesday 0ednesday
d What's your phone number? What day is it today? And tomorrow?
a 1 13>)) Listen Where are they? Write 1-6 in the boxes
D airport Gate number _ _ _
b Listen again Write a number or a day in each blank
c 1 14>)) Listen and respond
1)) Hello Nice to meet you <;_;! ice to meet you
Online Practice
Trang 6-G ve b be[?' anc g
V the world, numbers 21-100
P fa/, ltfl, If/, ld3/; sentence stress
a Can you name three count r ies in English?
b ~ p.149 Vocabulary Bank The wor l d
c 1 17>)) Lis t e Say the na t iona lit y
») Mexico 0exican
d In pairs, do the quiz
p Use.fut phrases
I think it's in Vietnam
I th i nk it's Japanese, but I ' m not sur e
2 PRONUNCIATION fat , ttft, tft, ict31
p The fol sound
The the most common vowel sound in English The fa/ sound has man
different spellings, e.g., Hello, Cana a , Jrit ai n
a l ·20>)) Listen a n d re p eat the words and
~ c mputer · A meric a n Arg e ntini a n
~ I K o re a P e ru
b 1 21 l)) Listen and repeat the sound pictures
and sentences Practice with a partner
Ru ss ian I'm not s ure
We're German and they're J apanese
c ~ p.166 Sound Bank Look at the exam l e
words and spellings for the sounds in a a~d b
e Tehran
- ~ What country is the money from? '
-6 1 ~g>)) What language is it?
Wnte a-din the boxes
C Turkish D Russian
D Chinese 0 Spanish
Trang 73 GRAMMAR verb be Ill and El
a 1 22>)) Cover the dialogues Listen to three interviews
in New York City Which countries are the people from?
b Read the dialogues Co mplete them with I'm, I 'm not,
are, aren't, is, or isn't
c Listen and check
1 A Are you Mexican?
8 from Australia, from Darwin
d > p.124 Grammar Bank 18 Learn more about
the verb be rn and 8 and practice it
e 1 2 >)) Li s ten and re s pond with a short answer
>)) /s Sydney the capital of Australia? 00 it isn't
f With a partner, write three questions beginning Is ?
or Are ? Ask them to another pair
sentence stress
p Sentence stress
In sentences, we stress the important words
Where's she from ? She'~ from China
a 1 25 l)) Listen and repeat Copy the Ih}'.thm
I A Where are you from?
B I'm from Boston
2 A A re you American?
B No, I'm not I'm Australian
b Practice the dialogues in 3 with a partner
c > Co mm unication Where are they from?
c 1 27>)) Listen and write the numbers 1
d Write ten numbers from 21-100
Dictate them to a partner
a 1 28>)) Li s ten and repeat the pairs
of numbers What 's the difference?
Trang 8-G possessive adjectives· my, your, etc
your last name?
P /ou/, /u/, far!; the alphabet
classroom language
a Look at the picture of a classroom
1 Match the words and pictures
foul , tu! , !ar1 ; the alphabet
a 1 35>)) Listen and repeat the words and
~ ph o ne cl o se kn o w d! b oo t sch oo l d o
·~ c ar p ar tner ar e
b 1 36 l)) Look at these common
abbreviations Can you say any of them in
English? Listen and check
c 1 37l)) Complete the alphabet chart with B, C, D, K, M, N, 0, S,
T, U, V, W Listen and check
e Practice saying the phrases below with abbreviations ~ PC
a Personal Computer a Very Important Person the United Kingdom the United States
a Sport Utility Vehicle a Portable Document Format
a Disc Jockey the National Basketball Association
a 1 39J)) A student goes to the US to study English Listen to the
interview and complete her form
Cell phone nurnbe
What's your _ _ _ name?
2 _ your last name?
3 do you spell it?
4 Where are you ?
5 old are you?
6 your address?
7 your zip code?
adjectives: my, your, etc
a Complete the sentences with I, you, my,
c 1 42J)) Listen Change the sentences
>)) I'm Richard 0 y name's Richard
> Communication What's his I her real name? A p.100 B p.106 Find out if some actors' and singers' names are their real
> p.111 Writing Completing a form
Complete an application for a student visa and write a paragraph about you
Online Procf ce
Trang 101 VOCABULARY in a hotel
a Match the words and symbol s
l1 re~tion n'-.cpf n
D the ~Jevator / 'davc1t~r '
D a single room /1~11)91 rum/
L a dmlble room /'dAbl rum!
LJ the first floor /fa r st fbr /
(second, third, etc.)
b l 43>)) Listen and check
a l 44>)) Watch or listen ro Jenny and Rob
Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false)
1 Rob lives and works in London
2 He's a writer for a magazine
3 The name of his magazine is London
4 Jenny is British
S She's an assiscanr editor
6 lt's her second time in the UK
b Watch or listen again Say why the F
sentences are false
Arriving in London
a l 45>)) Watch or listen to Jenny checking into a hotel r oom Answer the questions
I Complete Jenny's last name: ZI LI SK _
2 What's her room number ?
b Watch or listen again Complete the You Hear phrases
>))You Hear You Say 0
Good evening, madam Hello I have a reservation
My name's Jennifer Zielinski Can you _ _ _ that please? Z-1-E-L+N-S-K-I
For five nights? Yes, that's right
Can I have your passport, please? Just a second Here you are
Thank you Can you sign
here, ? Thank you
Here's your _ _ _
It's room 306, on the third floor
The is over there The lift? Oh the elevator Yes Enjoy your stay, Ms Zielinski Thank you
0 American and British English
elevator= American English lift= British English
z = /zi/ in American English, /zed/ in British English
Good morning = > 12:00 p.m Good after!1QQ!1 = 12:00 p.m > 6:00 p.m
Good evening= 6:00 p.m > Good night= Goodbye (when you go to bed) Madam= a polite way to greet a woman
Sir= a polite way to greet a man
c 1 46>)) Watch or listen and repeat the You Say phrases
.GQpy the ~thm
Trang 11d Practice the dialogue with a partner
e Work in pairs Read your role and look at the
dialogue in 3b What do you need to change?
A (book open) You are the receptionist It's
11:00 a.m B's room is 207 on the second
floor Begin with Good mornin8 sir/ madam
B (book closed) You arrive at the hotel Use
your first name and last name
f Role - play the dialogue Then change roles
g 1 47>)) Look at the information in the box
Listen and repeat the Can ? phrases
0 Can you ?= Please do it
Can you sign here?
Can you spell that?
Can I have ?= Please give me (your passport,
Can I have your passport, please?
Can I have my key, please?
h You are in a hotel How do you ask the
receptionist to give you ?
• your key • your passport
• a map of London • a pen
a 1 48>)) Watch or listen and mark
the sentences T (true) or F (false)
1 Jenny has a coffee
2 She is in London on business
3 The waitress is German
4 Jenny calls Rob Walker
5 Jenny is tired
6 Their meeting is at I 0:00
b Watch or listen again Say why the F sentences are false
c 1 49>)) Read the information in the box Listen and repeat the
Would you like ? phrases and the responses Practice offering drinks and responding
p Would you like ?
Would you like a coffee?
Would you like another tea?
Yes, please
No, thanks
We use Would you like ?to offer somebody something
We respond Yes, please or No, thanks
d Look at the Social English phrases Who says them: Jenny, Rob, or the waitress?
Social English phrases
I'm here [on business]
I'm from [New York) What about you?
No problem
Is that [Jennifer]?
This is [Rob Rob Walker]
That's perfect
It's time for bed
e 1 SO>)) Watch or listen and check Do you know what they are in your language?
f Watch or listen again and repeat the phrases
• Canyou ?
D check into a hotel and spell your name
D ask somebody to do something/to give you something
D offer somebody a drink, and accept or refuse
Online Practice
Trang 12-rat, tn1c that these those
a Look at a photo ofRoald Dahl,
the author of many famous children's
books and stories for adults
Do you know any of his books?
b Look at the photo of his room
Check (vi') or put an~ next to the
things you can see in the picture
Do you think the room is neat?
c > p 151 Vocabulary Bank Things
a Complete the chart
b > p.126 Grammar Bank 2A part 1
Learn more about a/ an and plurals, and practice them
1 53>)) Listen and repeat the words and sounds
~ nakc [ book lamp s ticket <
"It 1 ebra photo ke y-; pens
L Final -es after glasses, change purses ce, ch, sh, s, ge, and x = Im , .g., watches,
I classes 3 headphones 5 pieces 7 pages
2 files 4 boxes 6 tissues B chairs
- - '
a > Communicat i on What's on the table? p.100
b l 55>)) Listen to three people say what
th in gs they have on the table or desk where
they work Are t h eir tab l es neat?
c Listen again and c h eck (.I) th e t hings they have
d Talk to a pa r tner about the table where you
work or study Say what thi n gs yo u h ave Say
if the tab l e is neat or not
0ave a laptop and a printer I have It isn't neat
e Play What is it? with your partner A close
your eyes B give things to your partner and
ask What is it? What are they?
I this and these
2 this and that
3 these and those
c > p 126 Grammar Bank 2A part 2
Learn more about this/ th at / these/ th ose
and practice t hem
a 1 SB>)) Listen and repeat the words and sounds
~ mo ther th is th at these 1 e th ey
& th umb th anks th ing th irty th ree Th ursday
b 1 59>)) Listen and repea t the p h rases Practice saying them
is ursday
2 irty - 1 ree
3 those th ings
4 rh anks for th at
5 These are t ~ e keys
6 What arc rhose th ings th ere?
7 l'm t l irty- th ree t l iS ·1 h ursday
c Wor k in pai r s Put four of your things on your table (singular or plural) Ask your partner
For the things on your table:
For things in the classroom (point):
Trang 14G jJE'• ,
V colors, adjectives, modifiers: very I really
P long and short vowel sounds
h Complete the ocher colors
_ r _ ng _ br _ wn gr n
c Practice with the flags Ask and answer
0 hat color is it?
d What color is your flag?
e > p.152 Vocabulary Bank Adjectives
Do part I
2 GRAMMAR adjectives
-a What are they? Label the pictures in the
US quiz using an adjective and a noun
from each circle
Adjectives nice yellow AmeFieaA New fast White blue high
N 6 un s
food House
taxis ieans day York
b l 62i)) Listen and check ® the
correct rule
Adjectives go before/ after a noun
• Adjectives chan[Je / do11 ' t chan[Je
before a plural noun
c > p 126 Grammar Bank 28 Learn more
about adjectives and practice them
d Cover the the pictures Can you remember
the eight phrases?
::: :::.··: ·~· ·
· •.:· :
long and short vowel sounds
a 1 64>)) Listen and repeat the words
b Matc h a n adjective from circle A with an
adjective from circle B with t h e same vowel
sound Write them in the chart
calm w(Mg new good
c 1 • 65>)) Listen a n d check
d > p 166 Sound Bank Look at the typical
spellings for these sounds
e A d jec tive r a ce In pairs, in three minutes
make phrases with an adject i ve and a noun
with t he same vowel sound Use a/ an with
f ·1 66>)) Listen and check Practice saying
the phrases
4 VOCABULARY adjectives part 2
a > p 1 2 Vocabulary Bank Adjectives Do part 2
b Work in pairs A say an adjective B say a famous person
sho~ 0om Cruise
a Read the descriptions and look at the photos
Who are the two people?
He's a famous American actor
H e's tall and he's very attractive
He has long hair and brown eyes
I think he's about 50
She's a very beautiful actress She's short and slim ,; and
she has long dark hair She ' s a
H o ll ywood star, but she i sn ' t American , she's Spanish
b Read them again Guess the meaning of the 6 i.ghli gh te words
a Think of a famous person from any country in the world Use the jobs in the box to help you
c Play Guess the famous person
A think of a famous actor/ actress
B ask ten questions using Is ?Try to guess the actor/ actress
/sit a man or a woman _Q 0 woman
Online Practice
Trang 16I p Co ll oc a tion
-Use be+ hungry, thirsty, hot, etc.,
I e.g., NOT 11'teve -;ery 1'ttmgry I'm very hungry
b 1 68>)) Listen and check Repeat the phrases
c Cove r the words and look at the pictures
Make [ij and F se ntence s about how you feel
and tell your partner
I'm really hungry
I'm very tired
I'm not hot
a 1 69>)) The Carter family is on vacation Look at the pictures
Trang 17b Listen again and read Try to guess what the
fbighligluea phrases mean
1 GPS After 100 feet, turn right
z Suzy Dad, this music is terrible
Can you turn it off?
Dad OK
Tim Dad, I'm really hot Turn the air
conditioning on, please
D a d Are you hot, Suzy?
Suzy No, I'm cold
Mom Open your window, Tim
3 Suzy rm thirsty Where's the water?
Mom Here you are
Tim I'm hungry Can we stop soon?
Mom Let's stop at that service station
Da d OK
4 Tim Give me my iPod
Su zy This is my iPod!
Dad Be quiet !
Tim Are we there yet? I'm bored
Da d It's not far now Only 15 mites
Tim Can you turn the radio on please,
Mom OK
Dad Oh, no!
5 Su zy Where are we?
Dad We're here At the hotel
c 1,70>)) Listen to the end of the story What
are the two problems the family has?
a Look at the lhigOiigllted phrases in 2b Then complete the chart
Imperatives 1±1 Turn right! _ here!
El _ _ _ _ _ _ right! Don't park here!
_ _ _ stop at that service station
Come on Let's _ _ _
b > p.126 Grammar Bank 2C Learn more about imperatives and
let's, and practice them
c Look at the pictures in 2 and cover the dialogues Can you
remember the imperatives and suggestions with each picture?
d What do the signs mean? Use a verb phrase from the list in a
1±1 or El imperative
be careful smoke here
turn left
cross the road now
listen to music here
turn off your phone
go in here take photos eat or drink here
with a vowel, they join them together, e.g., Turl\ ,Off the music
a l 72>)) Listen and write six sentences
b Practice saying the sentences
Trang 18-GRAMMAR
I Hello _ _ your name?
a What b What are c What's
2 Maria is Mexican a student
a She's b He's c It's
a isn't b aren't c not are
5 A Are you from Paris?
B Yes, _ _
a I am b I'm c I are
6 She's Brazilian name's Daniela
a His b Her c Your
7 We're from the US _ _ _ last name is Preston
a Your b Their c Our
8 A What are they?
a womans b women c womens
11 A What are _ _ _ in English?
B They're keys
a that b this c these
12 These are very _ _
14 Please _ _ _ in the library
a not eat b don't eat c no eat
15 I'm hungry _ _ _ stop at the cafe
a Let's b We c Don't
a Complete with at,Jrom, in, off, or to
1 I'm _ _ Japan
2 Nice _ meet you
3 What's bonjour _ _ _ English?
4 Look _ _ _ the board
5 Please turn _ _ your cell phone
b Complete the phrases with these verbs
Answer Stand Open Read Work
1 the text 4 _ thedoor
2 _ _ _ in pairs 5 _ _ _ the questions
2 Brazil Chinese Peru
3 Spanish Italian Japanese
4 Africa Asia Ireland
S sixteen forty ninety
6 Wednesday Italy Friday
7 glasses change purse headphones
Iran France Europe eighty Monday scissors school magazine stressed
8 door window wall
9 wallet newspaper book
10 happy tired angry
d Write the opposite adjective
4 ~ J apan G erman g ood pa g e
s ~ d a ngerous st a mps b a d l a ptop
b l!nderline the stressed syllable
1 a l ddress 2 Ijta l ly 3 ex j pen l sive 4 news j pa l per 5 thirlteen
a Read the article once Do you know any more words
that are British English, not American English?
A m er ic a n and B riti sh Eng
American and British people speak the same
language - English, but with some small differences
Some words are different in British English, for ~xample,
British people say postcode, not zip code, holiday, not vacation ,
and mobile phone, not cell phone Some words have different
meanings, for example in American English, a purse is a
woman's bag In British English, a purse is a small thing (like a
wallet) where women have their moQgy and credit cards
Color.favor, and other words that end in -or in American
• English end with -our in British English, e.g., colour.favour
Center, theater, and other words that end in - ter in American
""II English end with -tre in British English, e.g., centre, theatre
British grammar is very simila to American grammar,
but with some small differences, especially prepositions
For example, British people say See you on Friday, but
Americans say See you Friday
The most important difference between American and
British English is pronunciation American accents and
British accents are very different, and when a British person
starts speaking, American people know he or she is British,
and vice verg
b Look at the ~ighlighted words in the text and guess
2 Holiday and postcode are the same in British
and American English
3 Purse has different meanings in American and
British English
4 NeiBhbor is British spelling
5 British and American grammar are not very different
6 It's difficult to know from their accent if a person is
a Jenna b Jeana c Jeanna
2 Andy's from Newcastle in the of England
a northeast b northwest c southeast
a German b Brazilian c Russian
Do the tasks with a partner Check(.") the box if you can do them
Can you ?
1 D count from 0-20
2 D count from 20- 100 (20, 30, etc.)
3 D say the days of the w~ek
4 D give three instructions: two[±) and one El
5 D introduce yourself and another person
6 D answer the questions below
• What's your first name/ last name?
• How do you spell it?
• Where are you from?
j m Sh~;t mo~;~- H~ltyw~~ct7o-;Angeles I
j VIDEO Watch and enjoy the movie
Online Practice
Trang 20G simple prP"l>n ] and F
V verb phrases
P third person -s
1 VOCABULARY verb phrases
a Complete the phrases with a verb from the list
go read work have listen
b > p.153 Vocabulary Bank Verb phrases
c 2 3>)) Listen Say the phrase >))TV ~atch TV
2 GRAMMAR simpl e p r esent[±] and B
a Look at four things people say about the US and Americans
Do you think they are true or not true? Then read the text and
check your answers
;.:_,~- 4 ·,,
; ~ > • •
Four foreigne r s , who live in the US talk about the things
people say about Americans
Americans eat fast food every day Pei from China
It's true that Americans eat a lot of fast food, but they don't eat fast food
every day I share an apartment with an American woman, and she cooks
all the time She only eats fast food on some days-with me!
The sun shines a lot in Southern California Alberto from Mexico
The weather changes quickly in many places in the US, but not in Southern
California The sun shines a lot there It doesn't shineievery day, but be careful
when it shines It gets very hot! I always~r sunglasses when I go outl
Americans like animals Naomi from Japan
I have a lot of friends here and many of them have a dog, a cat or a
bird One American family that I know has a dog, a cat and two birds
American people love animals!
Americans are always loud Gianni from Italy
Some Americans are very loud, but I work with an American man at a coffee shop,
and he's really quiet and polite He doesn't~ very much But he's a very nice guy!
b Answer the questions with a partner Look at the llig hlig h tea verbs Why do
some verbs end in -s?
2 Write the he/ she/ it form of these verbs
change _ _ _ have talk_ go _ _ _
cook _ _ _ eat
3 Find two negative El verbs How are they different from affirmative 1±1 verbs a) for
he/ she/ it b) for all other persons?
c > p.128 Grammar Bank 3A
Learn more about simple present(±] and l=J, and practice it
3 PRONUNCIATION third person -s
a How do you pronounce these plural nc~uns?
books keys watches
b 2 S>)) Listen and repeat the third person verb forms
Isl She speak s Spanish
The movie finish es in a minute
The weather chang es a lot
c 2 6>)) Listen Change the sentence
))) I live in an apartment She
0 he lives in an apartment
d Tell your partner six true things about you: three 1±1 and three G Choose verb phrases from p 153 Vocabulary Bank Verb phrases
0 1ay the guitar I don't wear glasses
e Change partners Tell your new partner the
six things about your old partner
~ va plays the guitar She doesn't wear glasses
Trang 21State Parks, freeways,
and other things I love about the US
J enny Cla r k an Australian mom and college student who lives in California, says the
US isn't just OK-it's paradise These are some of her reasons
American cups of coffee are very big! A small cup of coffee in the US is like a large cup ofcoffoe in Australia If you're in a hurry, you go to a drive-through and buy coffee from your car It's so easy!
State Parks
California has 278 state parks, and they are beautiful On the weekends, I bring my family to a state park in my area We explore
the forest, find small animals, and enjoy the tall redwood trees
I love shopping, and in the
US, the malls are very big
People walk around and shop for hours US malls have many different stores, and the salespeople are friendly and help you find things
I love the fall weather in the US A good fall day in California is cool, but not too cold I also love the trees
They change from green to yellow, red, and brown
a Look at the photos In which one can you see ?
I prefer the roads in the US The freeways are very fast, and in California they have a lot of car lanes It's really easy to drive from one place to another
Theme Parks
Theme parks are very popular in the
US, and we live near the Great America
Theme Park
My children like the rides and water slides
Sometimes the
I ines for the rides are long, but that's OK
We need rest!
Red Robin
Red Robin is
a restaurant that has great hamburgers
I don't eat meat, but I like the french fries and lemonade at Red Robin I think the fried cheese sticks are fantastic, but sometimes they aren't on the menu Maybe that's because they aren't very healthy!
c Underline these verbs in the text What
do they mean? Compare your ideas with
a partner
buy bring explore find enjoy walk help prefer drive need think
D a drive - through LJ a ride LJ a theme park
[J a car lane 0 a redwood forest D a hamburger
D a cup of coffee 0 a driver
b 2 7>)) Read and listen to the article Mark the sentence T (true) or
F (false) Say why the Fones are false
d Look at each paragraph again Say if it's the same or different in your country or city
1 A large cup of coffee in Australia is the same as a small cup of
coffee in the US
2 California doesn't have a lot of state parks
3 Jenny doesn't like the salespeople in shopping malls
4 The fall is very cold in California
5 It's easy to drive in the US
6 Jenny doesn't like the long lines for rides at theme parks
7 Jenny eats hamburgers and French fries at Red Robin
( ;_~e coffee in Brazil is very good We have
~e - throughs and good coffee shops
C Useful words: Why ? and be c ause J
Use because to answer the question Why?
Why are the freeways good? they are very fast
Online Practice
Trang 22b > p.154 Vocabulary Bank Jobs
c What do you do? Ask five other students in the class
a 2 10, 11>)) Listen to a game show called His job, her job
A team of three people ask Wayne questions about his job and his wife Tanya's job Write W next to the questions they ask Wayne about his job, and T next to the questions they ask about Tanya's job
b Listen again What are Wayne's answers? Write
./(yes), X (no), or D (it depends) after each question
c Look at the answers What do you think his job is?
What do you think her job is?
d 2~12>)) Listen to the end of the game show What do
Wayne and his wife do?
3 GRAMMAR simple present [1]
a '2 13>)) Complete the questions Listen and check
Why are questions 3 and 4 different?
_ _ _ you work with other people?
b > p.128 Grammar Bank 38 Learn more about
the simple present [1] and practice it
c In groups of four, play His job, her job Choose jobs
from p 154 Vocabulary Bank Jobs Ask questions to guess the jobs
What do you do?
His job, her job
in an office D
in the evening D
atnight D
on the weekend D with computers D with other people D
we r a uniform or special clothes DJ :·
Trang 23~ ur, ir, and er usually= /<Jr/ when they are stressed
b 2 16>)) Listen Which word doesn't have the /<ir/ sound?
th ir sty d i rt y th i rt een t ir ed
2 ea rn h er e pref er s er vice
3 Th ur sday s ur e t u rn T ur key
c Practice saying the sentences
I pref er T ur kish coffee
Journalists w or k all over the w or ld
Sh i rl ey is th ir ty on Th ur sday
a Complete the phrases with a verb from the list
do (x3) eat go listen read use ~ watch
During the u · J
walk to work / school
_ _ a computer at work / school
A Ask B the questions
B Answer the questions Give more information
if you can
A Do you walk to schoo!!.2 ~ No, I don't I go by bus
c Change pairs Ask your new partner about his/ her
old partner
C Does Akita _ ,,., ) ( A ~o, he doesn't
walk to sch~ ~e goes by bus
Three people say what they think
1 Our uniform is OK I like the colors, gray and red The only things I don't like are the tie, because it's difficult to put on and the skirt, because I prefer pants I think uniforms are
a good idea Everybody looks the same, and it's easy to get dressed in the morning - I don't need to think about what
to wear
::Z Our uniform is dark pants and a white nylon top kind of like a nurse's uniform We can't wear anything over the uniform so it's cold in the winter and it gets dirty very easily because it's white I'm not against uniforms, but my
uniform just isn't practical!
3 Our uniform is very simple - a dark blue jacket and pants and a white Shirt and tie I like it it's nice and com orta~
I so I'm happy to wear it And I think it's important that people see where we are when they need help
b With a partner, say what the h ig light 1.!.d words mean Check with your teacher or a dictionary
c Read the article again Who ?
1 thinks uniforms are a good idea, but doesn't like his/ her uniform?
2 likes his/ her uniform, but doesn't say anything about uniforms in general?
3 thinks uniforms are a good idea and likes his/ her uniform?
d Do you wear a uniform at work/ school? Do you like it? Why (not)? Do you think uniforms are a good idea?
Online Practice
Trang 24'
a Kevin and Samantha want to meet a partner on the Internet
Read their profiles and look at their photos Then cover them and say what you can remember Do you think they are a good match?
<;;;, evin is 28 He lives in New Jersey
Uves in: New Jersey Ukes: movies, music Doesn't like: soc ce r
", ,.,., , ,.tha I • L
Age: 26
Lives in: New Jersey Likes: the movies, good food Doesn ' t like: sports
What kind of movies
do you like?
d 2 1 >)) Look at the hi gfi Tiglit E:I phrases in the conversation Listen and repeat them
Practice the conversation with a partner
p Showing interest When you have a conversation, react to what J
your partner says Use Me too Really? How
in t er e s t in g W h at abo u you? etc
e 2 1 >)) Listen to the second part of the
meet again?
or F (false) Say why the Fones are false
l Samantha likes science fiction movies
2 They like the same kind of music
3 Their weekends ar e ver y different
4 Samantha pays for their lunch
g Do you think the Internet is a good place to make friends or meet a partner? Why (not)?
b 2 17>)) Kevin and Samantha meet in a restaurant for lunch ~ ~ • • •
-Cover the conversation and listen What does Kevin say about ?.~ ,
1 where he lives 2 his job 3 movies he likes
c Listen again Complete the missing verbs
S Hi Are you Kevin?
K Yes Are you Samantha?
S Yes, I am, but call me Sam Nice to _ _ you Sorry I'm late
IC No problem You look different from your photo
S Let's _ _ something to drink Coffee? Tea?
K No, thanks Water for me I don't _ _ caffeine after 9:00 a.m
K I _ _ this place
S Me too Where do you _ _ in New Jersey?
K In Edison Near the mall _ _ with my mother
S Really? What do you _ _ ?
K I'm a teacher I teach chemistry
S Chemistry? How interesting
K Yes, it's a very interesting job What about yJ)Ul
S I'm a journalist You _ _ the movies, Kevin
What kind of movies do you _ _ ?
K Science-fiction movies _ _ Star Wars
S Oh
K Do you _ _ Star Wars?
Trang 252 GRAMMAR word order in questions
a Cover the conversation Put the words in order to make
order in questions and practice it
a 2 21 >)) Listen and repeat the question words and
phrases How is Wh- pronounced in Who? How is it
pronounced in the other question words?
How? How many? Whitt:? What kind?
When? Where? Which? Who? Why?
b Complete the questions with a question word or phrase
from the list in a
What phone do you have?
I have an iPhone
2 old are you?
3 brothers and sisters do you have?
I have two sisters
4 do you prefer, Saturdays or Sundays?
S do you have English classes?
On Mondays and Wednesdays
6 _ of movies do you like?
r like old Japanese movies
7 do you live?
8 's your favorite actor?
Tom Hanks
9 _ do you like him?
Because he's very good-looking!
c 2 22>)) Listen and check
d Listen again and repeat the questions !:.Qpy the
~hat phone do you have?
e Work in pairs A ask B the questions B give your own
answers Then change roles
a Imagine you meet a new friend online, and you go out for coffee together Look at che prompts and write eight questions
Where do you work?
Who is your favorite sinBer?
watch magazines
b Work in pairs with a student you don't know very well
A Ask B your first question
B Answer the question Give more information if you can
A React to B's answer
B Ask A your first question
A What kind of~
music do you like? ( B I like classical music,
Trang 26~11!::'.LZ.mli~~~ :!:. ~~~~~ ~ ;·' f': a coffee shop
a Look at the clock What time is it?
> p 157 Vocabulary Bank Time Do Part t
b Communication What's the time? A p.101 B p 107
Jenny meet What do the y decide to do?
b Watch or listen again Mark the sentences T (true) or F
(false) Say why the F sentences are false
I Jenny's full name is Jennifer
2 Rob is early
3 Jenny likes the hotel
4 She doesn't like the hotel coffee
5 She ha s a meeting with Daniel at 9:15
6 The office isn't very far from the hotel
a Look at the coffee shop menu Do you know what all the things are?
Espresso s i ngle 2.45 dooble ·
Americano regular 3.15 large 3.95
Cappuccino regular 3.45 large 3.65
Teo regular 2.65 large 3.10
Trang 27b 2 26l)) Watch or listen to Rob and Jenny buying coffee
What kind of coffee do Rob and Jenny have?
2 What do they have to eat?
3 How much is it?
l))You He r You Say( , ) Can I you? What would you like, Jenny?
take away? To take away
Anything else? No, thanks
A brownie for me, please
and a croissant
OK How much is that?
That's £12.45, please Sorry, how much?
a 2 -28>)) Watch or listen and answer the questions
1 What's Karen's job?
4 Does Karen have family in New York?
Social English phrases
Here we are
Is this your first time in [the UK]?
Would you like something to drink?
Talk to you later
2 291)) Watch or listen and check Do you know what they are in your language?
Can you ?
D tell the time
D order food and drink in a cafe
D meet and introduce people
Online Practice
Trang 28- P IA!, the letter o
1 GRAMMAR Whose ?, possessive's
a How interested are people in your country in the private
lives of celebrities? What kind of celebrities? Number the
people 1-3 (3 =very interested, 2 = interested, 1 = not very
b Look at the celebrities in the photos In pairs, answer the
questions for each celebrity
What does he/ she do? Where is he/ she from?
2 Do you know anything about his/ her family or private life?
3 Are you interested in these people? Why (not)?
c With a partner, guess who the other person in each photo
is Choose a orb in sentences 1 - 5
e )>-p.130 Grammar Bank 4A Learn more about Whose ?
and possessive 'sand practice them
f Look at some things from the photos Whose are they?
Whose is the wristband ! l
·"mtha:ndi bow tie
a )>-p 155 Vocabulary Bank The f amity
b In pairs, answer the questions
Who's ?
your mother ' s mother Myarandmother
2 your father's brother
3 your brother's/ sister's daughter
4 your aunt's children _ _ _
5 your husband's/ wife ' s brother
6 your niece's brother
,, ,,, >
Who are they with? You know the celebrity - but who is the other person?
a sister b mother He's Carla Bruni's
a brother b father
aw;: ''* 4t;;
Trang 29I
,.-;-,, ,,, •••••••·""~.,.,.,,.,, ,.,.,., , v-.•• • •,.·•··-.· '" l"r·~~·'"'· • ••'"••••••••••
a 2 33>)) Listen and repeat the words and sou nd
II 1} JI u p m o ther brother s o n h u sband u ncle c uu sin
b > p 166 Sound Bank Look at the different spellings for
d 2 34 >)) Liscen and check Practice saying the words
e Practice t he dialogu es with a partner
B That's my bro ther and his se
A D e they live in L ondon?
B N · , they don't
a 2 35>)) Listen to Isabel showing a friend photos on her phone
Who are the people in the photos
in relation co I sabel?
b Listen again Write down more
information about the people
in che photos, e.g., their names,
ages, jobs, eLc
c Work with a partner
A Show B some photos of family or friends on your phone or write their names on a piece of paper
B Ask three questions about each person
Who's that~ 0 , he's my sister Yolanda How old is sh~
-Online Procf
Trang 30
-G prepoflions oft rie (at in on) and place (at in, to)
morning? Tell your partner
<;_:! rst , get up Then I
c > p.156 Vocabulary Bank Everyday
bored happy stressed sad tired worried relaxed
c >Communicat i on Nico's day A p.101 B p 107
A Ask B q es t io n s
ico is a chef and has his own restaurant, the Blue Jar
He lives in Chile with his wife and her three children, aged 16, 12, and 9
6:30 a.m I get up and make breakfast for the ch ildre n Then I
have breakfast - a coffee and cereal - and I r ea d t he sports section of t h e p aper
7:15 a.m I go to the market to buy fruit and ve g etab les for
When I get to the restaurant, I che c k the re s r vation s
and my emails and plan the special menu of the day I
have my second cup of co ff ee
I start cooking T he radio is on , a nd w e a r e ousy wi th
breakfast orders, but we also have to prepare t h e
food fo r l u ch
I check the table s and hav e my third c offee
Suddenly everyone ar r ives at t he same time a n d the restau r ant is full (on a good day) I start t o s h out instruct i ons at th e c hefs a n d wa i ter s We make lun c h for 85 people in about an hour and a h a l f
I c ome into the re s tau r ant and talk to the customers and ask if they ar e happy w i th the food I ' m r eally hungry now
Finally , I have lunch I don't enjoy 1t very much because
I don ' t have tim e t o relax
Trang 31d 2.40>)) Listen to Amelia, Nico's 16 -year-old
stepdaughter, talking about her day Fill in
the blanks with a word, a number, or a time
-She has or classes
She has lunch She only has
minutes for lunch
She has or classes
She finishes school
On Mondays and she has extra classes to
prepare for the college entrance exam
On Tuesdays and she has practice
She does and studies until dinner
After dinner, she studies until _ _ _
l _ She goe _ s_~o b~~ ~ -_ _
e Look back at the text and the information in d Whose day do you
think is more stressful, Nico's or Amelia's? Why?
4:00 p.lh After lunch, I go back to the kitchen and plan the food
for the evening menu
5:30 p.m I go home to be with the family for a couple of hours
The children do their homework and I make their dinner
7:30 p.m I _go back to the restaurant, which is full again, and I
check that everythi119 is OK
10:00 p.m I go home and take a shower Then I collapse on the
sofa with a sandwich
11:00 p.m I go to bed, reaoy to start again the next day
- ' .-"'"':"~~~-;~~~~·l;~1'~~~~"'~~~,~~-,- ,~,-'-<:
4 GRAMMAR prepositions of time
a Look at some sentences from Amelia's day
Complete them with in, on, at, or to
I get up _ six thirty
2 _ the morning we usually have five classes, sometimes six
3 We have lunch school in the cafeteria
4 _Mondays and Wednesdays I go _ extra classes
b 2 41 >)) Listen and check
c )>-p.130 Grammar Bank 48 Learn more about prepositions and practice them
d 2 44>)) Listen and say the time phrases with the right preposition
> ))th e we e e nd ~ n the weekend
a Work in pairs Interview your partner about
a typical weekday with the questions
What time I get up?
I have breakfast i n_ th~.m.Qming?
How I go to work or school?
What time I start work or school?
I have a long lunch break? How long?
What time I finis work or ~ chool?
What r do after work or school?
I relax in the evening? What I do?
When I do English homework?
What time I go to bed?
How I feel at the end of the day?
-· - -- - - - - - ] : p When you can't be exact
What time do you get up? At about 7:15
What do you have for breakfast? It depends
1 If I have time, I have toast or cereal
Trang 32' G poc; 1 ~10 o -idv<>rbs an· e) or· -;s1 is of frequency
V adverbs and expressions of frequency Ho w ofte n do
you eat fruit?
P the letter h
adverbs and expressions of frequency
a 2 45l)) Fill in the blanks with a "time" word
Listen and check
I sixty seconds =
2 thirty minutes =
3 sixty minutes =
a zni.ntili half an
b > p.157 Vocabulary Bank Time Do parts 2 and 3
expressions of frequency
a Read the text about teenagers Is it the same in
your country?
a 2 5 0 l)) Listen and repeat the words and sound
~ h ouse h ow h ardly h ealthy h igh
h ave h ungry h appy
H arry's a air stylist
H e h ardly ever h as breakfast
H e only h as h alf an h our for lunch
H e often h as a h amburger for dinner
H arry isn't very h ealthy
c Practice saying the sentences
d > p 166 Sound Bank Look at the typi c al spellings for this sound
-b Look at the p~n of the highlighted words and
expressions.~the correct rule
1 Adverbs of frequency (e.g., usually) go
before/ after a main verb
before/ after the verb be
2 Expressions of frequency (e.g., every week) go
at the beBinning /at the end of a phrase or sentence
c > p.130 Grammar Bank 4C Learn more about adverbs
and expressions of frequency and practice them
d Make true sentences about you with the verb phrases
below and an adverb or expression of frequency
Compare with a partner
be l ate for w ork/ school
go to the hair sa lon
be tired in the m orni ng
do housework
~ m often late for work
watch the news on TV
check your email
go to the mov i es chat online
0 heck my emails five times a day
~ ·· o octors are worried that today's teenagers have a very unhealthy lifestyle, and may not live as long
as their parents' generation Research shows:
~ :·
I ;:
I: •
303 of teenagers never have breakfast
They eat fast food at least two or three times a week
and 75% hardly ever eat fruit or green vegetables They don't usually sleep 8 hours a day (303 sleep
on ly 4-Thours.) They are often tired In the morn ing
~ They spend about 31 hours online every week A lot
of teenagers never play sports or exercise
a Work in pairs Check (.I) five things that
you think help people to li ve to be a
hundred Then read the article to check
D They have a big family
D They aren't in a hurry
n They sleep eight hours
D They have pets
0 They hardly ever eat meat
0 They hardly ever take medicine
0 They often go to the doctor
0 They work outs id e
[] They often see friends
b Read the ar ticle again In which places are
these things important?
a special kind of water
2 a special kind offood
3 the weather
4 being positive
c Underline new words or phrases in the texts
and compare with a partner Try to guess
their meaning Choose two words to l earn
from eac h text
d Look at t h e five things in a that are in
the texts Are they true for people in
your cou n try? Do you think they have
a healthy lifestyle?
e > Communication Short life, long life?
questionnaire Then c hang e ro l es
5 2 s2 >)) SONG Who Wants to
Live Forever Jj
Vilcabamba, a small village in the Andes, is often called "the Valley
of long life." What's its secret? Firstly, Vilcabamba is not very hot
or very cold - the temperature is usually between 64 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (18 and 27 degrees Celsius), and the air is very clean, Secondly, people work hard in the fields and exercise a lot Thirdly, their diet is very healthy They eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, and they hardly ever eat meat or fish The water they drink, from the river in Vilcabamba, is very rich in minerals They also have a good social life
In Vilcabamba people say, "The left leg and the right leg help you to be healthy, because they take you to your friends' homes."
In Ogliastra, a mountain region of Sardinia,
one out of every 200 people lives to be 100, and they are usually very healthy, too Most of the people in the villages work outside in their fields and with their animals They havE! a healthy diet
with a lot of vegetables and not much meat or fish They hardly ever take any medicine "Life is hard," says Fortunato, who is a shepherd, "but
I am never stressed I never read the newspaper because I can't read very well."
People in Okinawa in Japan do not have big meals They usually just have vegetables and fish, and often eat soy Okinawans are very active, and they often work until they are 80 or more But they also relax every day- they see friends and they meditate Ushi, from Okinawa,
is 107 In the evening, she often dances with her daughter "I want to have a boyfriend," she says When journalists ask people from Okinawa
"What is your secret?" they answer, "We are happy, we are always positive, and we are never in a hurry."
I soy a kind of be n ty ical in Asia I
Online Practi c e
Trang 34-GRAMMAR
Q a , b , o r c
a not b don't c doesn't
a has b have c haves
a in b on c at
a never is b is never c never does
1 _ _ _ Saturday night I go to the movies
do get go have listen play read take watch wear
or Where
I _ do you live?
2 _ _ _ does your father do?
2 den j tist 4 re J cep j tio j nist
a Read the text and fill in the blanks with these verbs in
the correct form
do (x2) drink drive earn eat have (x2)
live read spend travel work
b Read the text again Is a typical man from your country
similar to the typical American man?
c Look at the liig iligbr_e_u words or phrases in the text
and guess their meaning
Is this the typical
Atnerican tnan?
typical American man is
34 years old, 1 lives in a
house that costs $175,400, and is
married with two children
He 2 _ _ more than 40 hours a
The typical American man is overweight (he weighs
hours of exercise a week He usually sleeps betwcenl
He 9 _ _ two cups of coffee a day, and he 10 _ _ _
approximately 23 pounds of pizza a year
The typical American man learns 14 new words and
11 _ _ less than one book a year He has five close
friends and more than 200 friends
James Anya Yuri Wells Stacey
I James works between hours a week
a 20and30 b 30and40 c 40and50
2 Anya's sister is _ _ _
a 20 b 15 c 16
3 Yuri usually gets up at about _ _ _ on the weekend
a 6:30 b 8:00 c 8:30
4 Wells plays sports
a hardly ever b sometimes c often
S Stacey _ _ _
a has a cat b has two cats c doesn't like cats
Do the tasks with a partner Check (.I) the box if you can do them
Can you ?
I D say where you live and what you do
2 0 say what time you usually get up and go to bed
3 D say what you do on a typical Monday morning
4 D ask your parmer questions with the words below
• Whatsports ? • Whatlanguages ?
• Whatkindofmusic ? • WhatTVshows ?
~ -Short movies -an Americ<1n police officer - -]
DEO Watch and enjoy the movie
~-· ·· - _ - · -
-Online P f
Trang 36-'
V verb phrases: buy a ne w s pa per, etc
P sentence stress
a Can you r e membe r the verbs for things
peop l e do in their free time?
a Read about G ary 's audition for a n American
TV show wh e r e people try to beco m e
profe ss ional s ing e r s Complete the dialogue
c 2 56l)) Now li s t e n to Gary a n d two othe r
people (Ju s t n and Naomi) sing Vote for the
person you want to be on the show
d 2 57>}) Li s ten to the judges W h at do t h ey
say about e c h s inger? How does Gary feel?
e Look at four se ntences with can/ can ' t
Match se nt e ces 1 - 4 with a - d
f > p 132 Grammar Bank SA Learn more
about c an / c an ' t and practice it
s:;I 7:30 a.m I arrive in San Diego and drive to
U Petco Park The traffic is terrible I'm late!
Guard Heyl You can't park here
Gary l Where can I park?
Guard In the parking lot over there Gary OK Where's the main entrance? Guard The entrance? It's on the other street Gary Thanks!
Organizer You can practice your
songs here, and 2 _ _ _ _ Good luck!
• «
n 6 : 15p.m :- , -walk onto the stage
IJI I can see a table and three judges
Judge What's your song?
Organizer 3 _ _ lt's your turn now
Gary House of the Rising Sun by The Animals Judge Sorry, 4 Can you speak up?
Gary House of the Rising Sun
Judge You can start when you're ready Can you start, please?
Trang 373 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress
a 2,5 >)) Listen and repeat the dialogues
Copy the ~thm
A Can you come tomorrow?
B Yes 1 can come in the morning
A Can you play a musical instrume nt?
e Yes.lean
A What can you play? ··
B I can play the guitar
A Can we park here?
B No, you can't You can't park here
b 2 60>)) Listen Can you hear the difference?
I a I can sing
b I can't sing
2 a She can exercise very well
b She can't exercise very well
3 a He can cook
b He can't cook
4 a I can come to the meeting
b I can't come to the meeting
5 a You can park here
b You can't park here
6 a [ can drive
b I can't drive
c 2,61 >)) Listen.@or b
a > Commu ication Do you want to be famous? p.102
Are you musical, artistic, sporty, or good with words?
Interview your partner and complete the survey
b Change partners and tell your new partner what your
first partner can and can't do
a American Idol is an American TV show Look at the
title of the article and the photos With a partner, guess
which two of the singers are "winners" today Then
read the article and check
b Look at the lli1g li I1g!i teCI words and phrases related to
pop music With a partner, guess their meaning Are
the words similar in your language?
c Do you have similar shows to American Idol in your
country? Can you remember the names of some of the
winners? Where are they now?
6 2 62>)) SONG Famous ~
"In the future, everyone will be
world-famous for fifteen minutes." A n dy Warhol
WINNER, SEASON 1 And then? Number 1 hits in the
US and top ten records in the UK
and Australia Appearances in a US movie and several US TV shows, and two Grammy awards
Today? She has an album called
in 2003 and a number 2 single,
Flying Without Wings Later a singer in the play Ain't Misbehavin'
And today? A new recording contract at a small record company
And then? Over seven million copies
sold of her album Some Hearts
Winner of seven Grammies and sixteen Billboard Music Awards
And today? She has a recording contract She gives concerts to audiences around the world She is also the face of Olay skin products
WINNER, SEASON 9 And then? A recording contract with 19 Entertainment and RCA Records His version of U2's
Beautiful Day sold about 100,000
And today? He gives concerts in South East Asia and China but he doesn't have a recording contract
Trang 38a 3 2 i)) Read the article about neighbors Then
listen to eight sounds, and write a - h in the boxes
Noisy neighbors
Sometimes it is difficult to love your neighbors,
especially when they make a lot of noise These
are some things people do that cause problems
D I heir bd01e c.ry
0 Thev olav muc, c tr n t
b Which do you think arc the top three for
your class?
c Do the questionnaire with a partner
Are you a noisy neighbor?
Do you live in a house or an apartment?
Do you have neighbors ?
a upstairs
b downstairs
c next door Are your neighbors ?
a very noisy
b noisy
c not very noisy
Which of the things in a do they do? Do
they make any other noises?
Are you a noisy neighbor? Which of the
things in a do you or your family do?
What are they doing?
They're having a party
Trang 392 GRAMMAR present con t inuous
a 3 3l)) Look at the picture of the apartment
building Why do you think the couple in
apartment 5 can't s l eep? Listen and check
b Listen again and complete the dialogues
with verbs from the list
arguing crying doing getting going
happening having saying shouting (x2}
Man Are you awake?
Woman Yes What's that noise?
M They're _ _ a party downstairs
W Again! What time is it?
M 12:00
W Who's ?
M People on the street From the party
W What's _ _ ? Why are they _ _ _ ?
M I can't hear
W Are they _
M No they aren't They're _ _ _ goodbye
Excuse me! We're trying to sleep It's 1:00
in the morning!
M Oh, no Now the baby next door is _ _ !
W What's the time?
M It's 5:00
W What are you _ ? Where are
you _ _ ?
M I'm _ _ up I can't steep with that noise
c Complete the sentences
GJ They _ _ having a party in apartment 8
(I) _ _ they arguing?
3 No, they _ _ arguing They're saying
d Read the rule and ~~~) he right word
We use the present continuous (be+ verb+ - ina)
to talk about now/ every day
e >-p.132 Grammar Bank SB Learn more
about the present continuous and practice it
f 3 5>)) Listen to the sounds What ' s
happening? Write six sentences
a · 3 6 Listen and repeat the words and sound
si ng er
si ng i ng danci ng goi ng doi ng studyi ng la ng uage wro ng you ng thi n k ba n k pi n k tha n ks
b In pairs, point and ask and answer about the people in the apartment building
What's he doing? ) ( ~:_·~playing the guitar
c >-Communication Spot the differences A p.102 B p.107
Describe the pictures and find eight differences
a 3 7>)) Look at the photo and read about Rebecca Flint Then listen to her talking about noise rules where she lives Does she think they are a good thing or a bad thing?
I She can't _ _ _ _ _ be t ween 12:30 and 2:00 p.m
2 Sh e can't without headphones
6 She can ' t _ _ _ _ _ the washing machine
c Do you think these are good or bad rules? Why (not)? Do you have any similar rules in your country? What happens if you make a lot of noise late at night?
Online Practice
Trang 40-V the weather and seasons
P places in New York City
the weather and seasons
a Look at the photo and answer the questions
l What city is it?
2 What monument can you see?
c 3 , 10 >)) Listen to a travel guide ta l king about the
weather in New York City Mark the sentences T
(true) or F (false)
l It's never very hot or very cold
2 The normal temperature in the summe r is 95° F
3 It often snows in the winter
4 In the spring and the fall, the weather changes a lot
5 It's often foggy in New York City
d What's the weather li k e where you live in the
different seasons?
a Read the guidebook extract about things to do in
New York City, and find the answers to the "Where can
you ?" questions Answer with B P (Bryant Park), CL
(The Cloisters), or H L (the High Line)
b Read the text again Underline three new words in
each paragraph Compare with a partner
c Talk to a partner
• Which of the three places would you prefer to go to?
• Where is a good place to go in your town ?
- when it's very co l d
- when it's raining
- when the sun is shining
• What can you do in these p l aces?
Look I
It's raining!
It always rains here
Go Ice skating at Bryant Park Bryant Park is a beautiful park in midtown Manhattan, behind the New York Public
Library on Sixth Avenue In the winter, the area behind the library is made into an ice-skating rink There is a skating school where you can take lessons, and there is a
cafe where you can enjoy lunch or dinner after you skate From October to January, Bryant Park's walking paths
Shops at Bryant Park
Go to Fort Tryon Park and visit The Cloisters ' You can take a subway or a bus from midtown Manhattan
and visit The Cloisters (part of the Metropolitan Museum
of Art) in Fort Tryon Park in the north of Manhattan The
Cloisters is very popular with adults and children Adults
like this museum because it is full of interesting old art
and architecture Children like this museum because the building Looks Like a castle! If the sun comes out, walk
outside and Look at the amazing views of the George
Washington Bridge or the New Jersey Palisades across
the Hudson River
Go to the High Line, New York City ' s newest park
On the west side of Manhattan between Gansevoort Street and West 34th Street, the High Line is a I mile public park
on old train tracks The High Line has flower gardens with
chairs so you can sit and enjoy the sun It has beautiful
views of the Hudson River and interesting art It's a perfect
place for a picnic in the afternoon or a walk in the evening It's a beautiful place and you can't believe that you are in the middle of a busy city
2 D take a walk in the evening
3 D D have a very good view
see a very interesting building