Determine a the principal stress and b the maximum in-plane shear stress and average normal stress at the point.. Determine a the principal stress and b the maximum in-plane shear stress
Trang 1Stress Transformation Equations: Applying Eqs 9-1 and 9-3 of the text.
(Q.E.D.) sx¿ + sy¿ = sx + sy
9–1. Prove that the sum of the normal stresses
is constant See Figs 9–2a and 9–2b.
sx + sy = sx¿ + sy¿
Trang 2Referring to Fig a, if we assume that the areas of the inclined plane AB is , then
the area of the horizontal and vertical of the triangular element are and
respectively The forces act acting on these two faces indicated on the
FBD of the triangular element, Fig b.
¢Asin 60°
¢Acos 60°
9–2. The state of stress at a point in a member is shown on
the element Determine the stress components acting on
the inclined plane AB Solve the problem using the method
of equilibrium described in Sec 9.1
The negative sign indicates that sx¿, is a compressive stress
tx¿y¿ = lim¢A:0
Trang 3Referring to Fig a, if we assume that the area of the inclined plane AB is , then
the areas of the horizontal and vertical surfaces of the triangular element are
and respectively The force acting on these two faces are
indicated on the FBD of the triangular element, Fig b
¢Acos 60°
¢Asin 60°
9–3. The state of stress at a point in a member is shown on
the element Determine the stress components acting on
the inclined plane AB Solve the problem using the method
of equilibrium described in Sec 9.1
The negative sign indicates that sx¿, is a compressive stress
tx¿y¿ = lim¢A:0
Trang 4•9–5. Solve Prob 9–4 using the stress-transformation
equations developed in Sec 9.2
The negative sign indicates that the sense of sx¿, is opposite to that shown on FBD
sx¿y¿ = lim¢A:0
a + ©Fy¿ = 0 ¢Fy¿ - 650(¢Asin 60°)sin 30° - 400(¢ A cos 60°)sin 60° = 0
¢Fx¿= -387.5¢A
Q + ©Fx¿ = 0 ¢Fx¿ - 400(¢Acos 60°)cos 60° + 650(¢ A sin 60°)cos 30° = 0
*9–4. The state of stress at a point in a member is shown
on the element Determine the stress components acting on
the inclined plane AB Solve the problem using the method
of equilibrium described in Sec 9.1
Trang 5Ans.
The negative sign indicates t acts in y¿direction
= -a90 - 502 bsin(-300°) + (-35) cos (-300°) = -34.8 MPa
tx¿y¿ =
-sx - sy
2 sin 2u + txy cos 2u = 49.7 MPa
sx = 90 MPa sy = 50 MPa txy = -35 MPa u = - 150°
9–7. Solve Prob 9–6 using the stress-transformation
equations developed in Sec 9.2 Show the result on a sketch
-90¢A cos 30° cos 30° + 35¢A cos 30° cos 60° = 0
b + ©Fx¿= 0 ¢Fx¿ - 50¢A sin 30° sin 30° + 35¢A sin 30° sin 60°
¢Fy¿ = -34.82¢A90¢A cos 30° sin 30° + 35¢A cos 30° sin 60° = 0
R + ©Fy¿= 0 ¢Fy¿ - 50¢A sin 30° cos 30° - 35¢A sin 30° cos 60° +
9–6. The state of stress at a point in a member is shown on
the element Determine the stress components acting on
the inclined plane AB Solve the problem using the method
of equilibrium described in Sec 9.1
Trang 6Force Equllibrium: Referring to Fig a, if we assume that the area of the inclined
plane AB is , then the area of the vertical and horizontal faces of the triangular
sectioned element are and , respectively The forces acting on
the free-body diagram of the triangular sectioned element, Fig b, are
¢A cos45°
¢A sin45°
*9–8. Determine the normal stress and shear stress acting
on the inclined plane AB Solve the problem using the
method of equilibrium described in Sec 9.1
The negative sign indicates that sx¿is a compressive stress
tx¿y¿ = lim¢A:0
¢Fx¿ = -5A106B¢A
-c80A106B¢A sin 45°dcos 45° = 0 ©Fx¿ = 0; ¢Fx¿ + c45A106B¢Asin 45°dcos 45° + c45A106B¢Acos 45°dsin 45°
Trang 7Stress Transformation Equations:
we obtain,
The negative sign indicates that is a compressive stress These results are
indicated on the triangular element shown in Fig b.
u = + 135° (Fig a) sx = 80 MPa sy = 0 txy = 45 MPa
•9–9. Determine the normal stress and shear stress acting
on the inclined plane AB Solve the problem using the
stress transformation equations Show the result on the
45 MPa
Trang 8Normal and Shear Stress: In accordance with the established sign convention,
Stress Transformation Equations: Applying Eqs 9-1 and 9-2.
2 cos2u + txy sin 2u
u = + 60° sx = -3 ksi sy = 2 ksi txy = -4 ksi
9–11. Solve Prob 9–10 using the stress-transformation
equations developed in Sec 9.2 Show the result on a sketch
Force Equllibrium: For the sectioned element,
Normal and Shear Stress: For the inclined plane.
Negative sign indicates that the sense of sx¿, is opposite to that shown on FBD
tx¿y¿ = lim¢A:0
-2(¢A cos 30°)cos 30° + 4(¢A cos 30°) cos 60° = 0
Q + ©Fx¿= 0; ¢Fx¿ + 3(¢A sin 30°)cos 60° + 4(¢ A sin 30°)cos 30°
¢Fy¿= 4.165 ¢A
-2(¢A cos 30°)sin 30° - 4(¢A cos 30°) sin 60° = 0
a + ©Fy¿= 0; ¢Fy¿- 3(¢A sin 30°)sin 60° + 4(¢ A sin 30°)sin 30°
9–10. The state of stress at a point in a member is shown
on the element Determine the stress components acting on
the inclined plane AB Solve the problem using the method
of equilibrium described in Sec 9.1
Trang 92 bsin 100° + ( - 16)cos 100° = 7.70 ksi
tx¿y¿ = -asx -2 sybsin 2u + txycos 2u
*9–12. Determine the equivalent state of stress on an
element if it is oriented 50° counterclockwise from the
element shown Use the stress-transformation equations
16 ksi
10 ksi
Trang 10In accordance to the established sign covention,
Applying Eqs 9-1, 9-2 and 9-3,
Negative sign indicates that is a compressive stress These result, can be
represented by the element shown in Fig b.
2 cos 2u + txy sin 2u
u = - 60° (Fig a) sx = 200 psi sy = -350 psi txy = 75 psi
•9–13. Determine the equivalent state of stress on an
element if the element is oriented 60° clockwise from the
element shown Show the result on a sketch
200 psi
350 psi
75 psi
Trang 11Ans.
Orientation of principal stress:
Use Eq 9-1 to determine the principal plane of and
By observation, in order to preserve equllibrium along AB, has to act in the
direction shown in the figure
-12( - 30 - 0)>2 = 0.8
9–14. The state of stress at a point is shown on the element
Determine (a) the principal stress and (b) the maximum
in-plane shear stress and average normal stress at the point
Specify the orientation of the element in each case Show
the results on each element
30 ksi
12 ksi
Trang 12In accordance to the established sign convention,
[ - 60 - ( - 80)]>2 = 5
s1 = -19.0 MPa s2 = -121 MPa = - 70 ; 22600
sx = -60 MPa sy = -80 MPa txy = 50 MPa
9–15. The state of stress at a point is shown on the element
Determine (a) the principal stress and (b) the maximum
in-plane shear stress and average normal stress at the point
Specify the orientation of the element in each case Show
the results on each element
80 MPa
60 MPa
50 MPa
Trang 139–15 Continued
Trang 14Ans.
Orientation of principal stress:
Use Eq 9-1 to determine the principal plane of and :
sx = 45 MPa sy = -60 MPa txy = 30 MPa
*9–16. The state of stress at a point is shown on the
element Determine (a) the principal stress and (b) the
maximum in-plane shear stress and average normal stress at
the point Specify the orientation of the element in each case
Sketch the results on each element
60 MPa
45 MPa
30 MPa
Trang 15Normal and Shear Stress:
In - Plane Principal Stresses:
The element that represents the state of principal stress is shown in Fig a.
Maximum In - Plane Shear Stress:
sx = 125 MPa sy = -75 MPa txy = -50 MPa
•9–17. Determine the equivalent state of stress on an
element at the same point which represents (a) the principal
stress, and (b) the maximum in-plane shear stress and the
associated average normal stress Also, for each case,
determine the corresponding orientation of the element
with respect to the element shown Sketch the results on
each element
50 MPa
125 MPa
75 MPa
Trang 17Stress Transformation Equations: Applying Eqs 9-1, 9-2, and 9-3
Combining the stress components of two elements yields
9–18. A point on a thin plate is subjected to the two
successive states of stress shown Determine the resultant
state of stress represented on the element oriented as
shown on the right
Trang 18In accordance to the established sign Convention,
-120(0 - 160)>2 = 1.5
s1 = 224 MPa s2= -64.2 MPa = 80 ; 220800
9–19. The state of stress at a point is shown on the element
Determine (a) the principal stress and (b) the maximum
in-plane shear stress and average normal stress at the point
Specify the orientation of the element in each case Sketch
the results on each element
120 MPa
160 MPa
Trang 199–19 Continued
Trang 20Stress Transformation Equations: Applying Eqs 9-2 and 9-1 with ,
*9–20. The stress acting on two planes at a point is
indicated Determine the normal stress and the principal
stresses at the point
Trang 21ta= -asx -2 sybsin 2u + txy cos u
•9–21. The stress acting on two planes at a point is
indicated Determine the shear stress on plane a–a and the
principal stresses at the point
a b
Trang 22The location of the centroid c of the T cross-section, Fig a, is
The shear stress is contributed by the transverse shear stress only Thus,
The state of stress of point A can be represented by the element shown in Fig c.
s1 = 4.93 MPa s2 = -111 MPa = - 53.10 ; 58.02
9–22. The T-beam is subjected to the distributed loading
that is applied along its centerline Determine the principal
stress at point A and show the results on an element located
Trang 23( - 106.19 - 0)>2 = -0.4406
9–22 Continued
Trang 24•9–23. The wood beam is subjected to a load of 12 kN If a
grain of wood in the beam at point A makes an angle of 25°
with the horizontal as shown, determine the normal and
shear stress that act perpendicular and parallel to the grain
due to the loading
Trang 25-0.1286(2.2857 - 0)>2
*9–24. The wood beam is subjected to a load of 12 kN
Determine the principal stress at point A and specify the
orientation of the element
Trang 26Using the method of sections and consider the FBD of the rod’s left cut segment,
Fig a.
The normal stress developed is the combination of axial and bending stress Thus,
Since no torque and transverse shear acting on the cross - section,
The state of stress at point A can be represented by the element shown in Fig b
100(0.01)2.5(10- 9)p
-y = C = 0.01 m
s = N
A ;
I = p
4 (0.01
4) = 2.5(10- 9)p m4
A = p(0.012) = 0.1(10- 3) p m2+ ©MC = 0; 400(0.25) - M = 0 M = 100 N#m
©Fx = 0; N - 400 = 0 N = 400 N
•9–25. The bent rod has a diameter of 20 mm and is
subjected to the force of 400 N Determine the principal
stress and the maximum in-plane shear stress that is
developed at point A Show the results on a properly
oriented element located at this point
Trang 28Internal Loadings: Consider the equilibrium of the free - body diagram from the
bracket’s left cut segment, Fig a.
Normal and Shear Stresses: The normal stress is the combination of axial and
bending stress Thus,
The cross - sectional area and the moment of inertia about the z axis of the bracket’s
cross section is
For point A, Then
Since no shear force is acting on the section,
The state of stress at point A can be represented on the element shown in Fig b.
In - Plane Principal Stress: , , and Since no shear
stress acts on the element,
The state of principal stresses can also be represented by the elements shown in Fig b
Maximum In - Plane Shear Stress:
( - 12)(1)0.45573 = 29.76 ksi
©MO = 0; 3(4) - M = 0 M = 12 kip#in
©Fx = 0; N - 3 = 0 N = 3 kip
9–26. The bracket is subjected to the force of 3 kip
Determine the principal stress and maximum in-plane
shear stress at point A on the cross section at section a–a.
Specify the orientation of this state of stress and show the
Trang 29Substituting into
This indicates that is directed in the positive sense of the axes on the ace
of the element defined by
Average Normal Stress:
Trang 30Internal Loadings: Consider the equilibrium of the free - body diagram of the
bracket’s left cut segment, Fig a.
Normal and Shear Stresses: The normal stress is the combination of axial and
bending stress Thus,
The cross - sectional area and the moment of inertia about the z axis of the bracket’s
cross section is
For point B, Then
Since no shear force is acting on the section,
The state of stress at point A can be represented on the element shown in Fig b.
In - Plane Principal Stress: , , and Since no shear
stress acts on the element,
The state of principal stresses can also be represented by the elements shown in Fig b.
Maximum In - Plane Shear Stress:
( - 12)( - 1)0.45573 = -22.90 ksi
©MO = 0;3(4) - M = 0 M = 12 kip#in
©Fx = 0; N - 3 = 0 N = 3kip
9–27. The bracket is subjected to the force of 3 kip
Determine the principal stress and maximum in-plane
shear stress at point B on the cross section at section a–a.
Specify the orientation of this state of stress and show the
Trang 31= 11.5 ksi = t
max in-plane
Trang 32Internal Forces and Moment: As shown on FBD(a).
Section Properties:
Normal Stress:
Shear Stress: Applying the shear formula
point A Applying Eq 9-5.
, , and for point B Applying Eq 9-5.
s1 = 1.60 MPa s2 = -143 MPa = - 70.538 ; 72.134
= 15.09 MPa
t = VQIt
sB= 3.608 - 144.685 = - 141.1 MPa
sA= 3.608 + 144.685 = 148.3 MPa
= 21.65(10
3)6.00(10- 3) ;
73.5(103)(0.1)50.8(10- 6)
s = N
A ;
*9–28. The wide-flange beam is subjected to the loading
shown Determine the principal stress in the beam at point A
and at point B These points are located at the top and
bottom of the web, respectively Although it is not very
accurate, use the shear formula to determine the shear stress
Trang 33Using the method of sections and consider the FBD of the left cut segment of the
(59.71 - 0)>2 = 0.6122
s1= 64.9 MPa s2 = -5.15 MPa = 29.86 ; 35.01
= 18.28(106)Pa = 18.28 MPa
s = My
I =
39.15(103)(0.075)49.175(10- 6)
•9–29. The wide-flange beam is subjected to the loading
shown Determine the principal stress in the beam at
point A, which is located at the top of the web Although
it is not very accurate, use the shear formula to determine
the shear stress Show the result on an element located at
Trang 359–30. The cantilevered rectangular bar is subjected to the
force of 5 kip Determine the principal stress at points A
Trang 36Support Reactions: Referring to the free - body diagram of the entire arm shown
in Fig a,
Internal Loadings: Consider the equilibrium of the free - body diagram of the
arm’s left segment, Fig b.
Section Properties: The cross - sectional area and the moment of inertia about the z
axis of the arm’s cross section are
Referring to Fig b,
Normal and Shear Stress: The normal stress is a combination of axial and bending
stress Thus,
The shear stress is caused by transverse shear stress
The share of stress at point A can be represented on the element shown in Fig d.
It =
583.33C3.1875A10- 6B D0.16367A10- 6B(0.0075)
= 1.515 MPa
= -1876.390.5625A10- 3B +
87.5(0.0175)0.16367A10- 6B = 6.020 MPa
sA = N
A +
+ ©MO = 0;
V = 583.33 N
V - 583.33 = 0+ c ©Fy = 0;
N = 1876.39N1876.39 - N = 0
©Fx = 0;
By = 583.33N2166.67 sin 30° - 500 - By = 0
+ c ©Fy = 0;
Bx = 1876.39N
Bx - 2166.67 cos 30° = 0:+
©Fx = 0;
©MB = 0; FCD sin 30°(0.3) - 500(0.65) = 0 FCD = 2166.67N
9–31. Determine the principal stress at point A on the
cross section of the arm at section a–a Specify the
orientation of this state of stress and indicate the results on
an element at the point
Section a – a
a a
Trang 38Support Reactions: Referring to the free - body diagram of the entire arm shown
in Fig a,
Internal Loadings: Considering the equilibrium of the free - body diagram of the
arm’s left cut segment, Fig b,
Section Properties: The cross - sectional area and the moment of inertia about the z
axis of the arm’s cross section are
Referring to Fig b,
Normal and Shear Stress: The normal stress is a combination of axial and bending
stress Thus,
The shear stress is contributed only by transverse shear stress
It =
583.33C3.1875A10- 6B D0.16367A10- 6B(0.0075)
= 1.515 MPa
= -1876.390.5625A10- 3B +
87.5(0.0175)0.16367A10- 6B = 6.020 MPa
sA = N
A +
+ ©MO = 0;
V = 583.33 N
V - 583.33 = 0+ c ©Fy = 0;
N = 1876.39 N1876.39 - N = 0
©Fx = 0;
By = 583.33 N2166.67 sin 30° - 500 - By = 0
+ c ©Fy = 0;
Bx = 1876.39 N
Bx - 2166.67 cos 30° = 0:+
©Fx = 0;
©MB = 0; FCD sin 30°(0.3) - 500(0.65) = 0 FCD = 2166.67N
*9–32. Determine the maximum in-plane shear stress
developed at point A on the cross section of the arm at
section a–a Specify the orientation of this state of stress and
indicate the results on an element at the point
Section a – a
a a
Trang 39Orientation of the Plane of Maximum In - Plane Shear Stress:
Substituting into
This indicates that is directed in the positive sense of the axis on the face
of the element defined by
Average Normal Stress:
9–32 Continued
Trang 40Support Reactions: As shown on FBD(a).
Internal Forces and Moment: As shown on FBD(b).
Section Properties:
Normal Stress: Applying the flexure formula
Shear Stress: Applying the shear formula
Since no shear stress acts on the element
= 24.0 MPa
tA =
24.0(103)(0)0.3125(10- 6)(0.03)
= 0
t = VQIt
sB = 2.40(103)(0)0.3125(10- 6)
-= 0
sA= 2.40(103)(0.025)0.3125(10- 6)
-= -192 MPa
s = -MyI
QB= y¿A¿ = 0.0125(0.025)(0.03) = 9.375A10- 6B m3
QA= 0
I = 1
12 (0.03) A0.053B = 0.3125 A10- 6B m4
•9–33. The clamp bears down on the smooth surface at E
by tightening the bolt If the tensile force in the bolt is 40
kN, determine the principal stress at points A and B and
show the results on elements located at each of these
points The cross-sectional area at A and B is shown in the
adjacent figure
100 mm
50 mm