ISSN No:-2456-2165 TheImpactofFactorsonCreditRiskManagementinKienLongBank - VungTauBranch Lê Sĩ Trí, Trần Nha Ghi, Nguyễn Thị Phương Anh, Nguyễn Thị Hồng Hạnh Abstract:- This study was conducted to explore factors affecting creditriskmanagementinKienLong Bank, VungTauBranch With a sample size of 180, the results shown that there are three factors that influence creditriskmanagementinKienLong Bank: Credit Policy (P = 0.238); Customer factor (P = 0.252); Credit rating (p = 0.437) Key words:- Creditrisk management, KienLong I INTRODUCTION In Vietnam, thecreditriskmanagementof commercial banks is concerned, but creditriskmanagement has not been identified, measured, assessed and controlled accurately, strict and in accordance with international practice Hypothesis H3: objective factor that positively affects creditriskmanagement III RESEARCH RESULTS The results of CFA analysis with the critical measurement model show statistical significance X2 [98] = 132 (p = 0.000) Other indicators such as GFI = 0.925; TLI = 0.972; CFI = 0.977; RMSEA = 0.042