they're C Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with a subject pronoun and the affirmative form of to be... Look at the pictures and write sentences using there is or there are
English Language TeaChing
Trang 3Lesson Page Lesson Page
Trang 4Complete the dialogue with these words and phrases
Yes I'm in Class 7C
Trang 5Complete the sentences with
subject pronouns.
1 Matt and Bill are friends
!~~Y are friends
B Complete the table with the affirmative forms of to be.
(6) .~~~Y ~.~~ they're
C Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with a subject pronoun and the affirmative form of to be.
She is/She's a good sisinger.
y~~ ~r.~/~~~~:14 ~years old today
VY.~ ~r :e: ! '!! e: : ~~in the same class
Trang 6Look at the pictures and write the Words.
De,,\V J ""ck,
~y (1)
Y 1 L - \""t's youv f""vouVl te Pyogy","'",e.
1 I'm a big f ~ ~ ofAvr i / Lavigne
2 The b oa - t is in the water.
3 LiZZie and Emily are f r; ! ! ' ~ s : -E .
4 This is an e- '!' E ! J from my cousin.
SS ! E ! ! ' '!' - E ~ r: is my favourite month.
Trang 7C Complete the sentences with these words.
afraid favourite great happy interesting new
1 I ' m < ; ~:.< ; i ~ of dogs!
2 J eremy ISmy favourite COUSin e s coo H' .I1
3 Mum is very ~~p.p Y today It ' s her birthday!
4 Your new boat is g~ ~~~ !
5 Jack is the ~~~ boy at school
6 Gladstone High is an i ~~~~~~! i~9 programme.
Complete the table with the negative forms of to be.
Full form Short form
B Write questions using to be.
1 you / eleven years old ~~~ y.~~ ~ ~~~~ Y.~~~~ ~~~ ?
2 your dad / happy
Trang 8Good luck! Oh dear!
Thank you Wow!
Trang 9C Circlethe correct words.
1 He's an astronaut He's got a(dangerous) brave job
2 The Q-ocket)' space is on the moon
3 The film /~estaurantis very big
4 Mrs Thomas is a very hard (strict teacher
5 I'm a hairdresser I'm(indoors) o tdoors most of the time
Completethe sentenceswith a oran D Thewords in bold arewrong.Writethe correctwords
1 My COUSinIS. an actor 1 Sh 's an strict teacher . a
2 This is ~ good class 2 It's a exciting film an
3 It'Isn't an excl IngT' JOb 3 Isa job dangerous? the
4 Is that ~ restaurant? 4 We're on our way to a moon .the
5 ThiIS IS In eresan t rIng magazin. 5 F rie nd s is the funny programme. a
6 Are you ~ hairdresser? 6 Are a children good? the
Are you (1) 9 hairdresser, Alan?
No, I'm (2) 9 taxi driver in Lo don
Is it (3) ~~ interesting job?
Yes, it is
Are (4) ~~~ taxis in London yellow?
No, they're black But (5) ! ~~ taxis in New York are yellow
Trang 103 bri l liant great (hard)
Trang 11Circle the correct words.
2 Donald is a talented children I(ch i ld ).
C The words in bold are w r ong Write the correct words
3 Jason is a brilliantguitaris t s
Trang 121 A h a m s t e r is a small animal.
-2 A c~ ~ ~ is something to eat
3 A c~ ~ _i r_ is something to sit on
4 A h~ _ t _ ~ _ _ is a place to stay in
5 The sea is the water next to the beach
C Completethe sentenceswith these words
1 I'm on ~~ i.~~y in this picture
2 The ~.~.~~~~ is in my pocket
3 ThiIS IS a ph t0 0 0f J'ane s wedding recep Ion.t'
4 Sally's ~ ~~~?:~ ~ is the man next to Mum
5 There are ten ~.~~~~~~ on the birthday cake
camera candles holiday husband wedding
Trang 13Write these prepositions next to the pic : , tu : , re = - s : -=-~=- - =~: - =-~ \ ~- I
in front of
between next to on
in under
B Circle the correct words.
The words in bold are wrong Look at the picture and write the correct words.
and the dog.
Trang 142 There are lots of princes ( costumes)
3 They are (d i ffe r en V I handsome
4 There is a fun ny @OWii) / cowboy.
5 Th e r e a re lots of d iff erent parties I s i zes )
Trang 15Look at the pictures and write sentences using there is or there are.
1 There are two angels.
2 There is a/one fairy .
3 There are three witches.
There is a/one monster
5 There are three queens.
B Look at the table below and complete the sentences with is, isn't, are or aren't
Co~·hu1\e Shop 1 There ~ . r : '~~ 'seven clown costumes, there ~ . ~:.~ only two.
3 There ~ r : '~~'~eight witch costumes, there . ~~.~ only seven
4 There ~~ ~ :only one cowboy costume, there c;t:.~ two
6 There ~ r : '~~'~nine fairy costumes, there c;t \~ only five
C Look at the answers and write the questions.
Yes, there is a girl
No, there aren't seven fairies
Yes, there are two witches
No, there isn't a prince
No, there aren't three queens
Yes, there is a cowboy
Trang 16I am interested in a (1)(part)' talent in your new film.
My name is James and-I'm thirteen years old I'm handsome and I've got
a (2)@ !@! ) sh rt face I've got dark hair and (3) fair /~ eyes I've
(4) (also) too got a small nose and small ears I'm a (5)(gOOd)' large actor
My phone number is 689002
James Hewton
Trang 17Complete the tab l e with the affir m at i ve f o r ms
of ha v e got
B W rite f i ve sente n ces about Oa ph ne usi n ha s g t
C The words in bold are wrong Wr i te the co r rect words.
2 They's got big moustaches.
3 Alice've got acting talent Alice has
4 You and George has got a part in the film have
5 Jennifer have got a pretty face.
Trang 18Students' own drawings.
Great shot, Bob! You're r:' good!
2 Well ~ ~~~ ! Your costume is beautiful
3 I' ve go an t idea IL e savet' h a ancy f d ress pa y rt I
4 She isn't tall but it doesn't ~~~t~: She's a good basketball player.
S Come on, it's ~!~ ~ to go to the basketball match!
B Read the description and draw Bod.
Bod has got two heads He's got three
arms, three hands and nine fingers.
He's also got two legs, four feet and
eight toes He's a happy monster!
C Complete the sentences with these words.
really time
Trang 19Complete the table wit h the negative forms of have got
you have no t go t
(3 ) ~~ ~~~ ~~! 9~! she has no t got
a skirt 6
b boots 5 .
c shirt 1
d top 2
e jeans 4
f jacket 3
C Circle the correct words B Put the letters in the correct order to find clothes. 1 volegs gloves 2 tah hat ,
3 oeshs shoes 4 carts scarf 5 rosths shorts .
1 Yellow is a ( bright ) 1 tight colour.
2 These trainers are nice They're very ( comfortable ) horrible.
3 Ben's got trousers ( trainers ) on his feet
4 The dog has got a new ( colla U I dress.
5 That hat is€1000 It's cheap I ( expensive ) !
Trang 211 This ( These ) shoes are comfortable.
2 Is ( t hat ) / those T-shirt baggy?
3 ( This ) / These jacket is expensive.
4 Are that ( those ) skirts new?
5 ( !§ D/ Those hat is great
B Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with this, that, these or those
!h~~~ shorts are horrible.
Ih~~ top is lovely!
is the wrong size
Write sentences using this, that, these or those.
This colour is .These anoraks
Trang 221 I've got a lovely p.c; i.r: of new shoes.
2 There are different ~i ~ 9~ of museums
3 Britn ney Spears rsn't an ordinary' person - s e sash' tar.I
4 She's got a lot of r.t)~~~~ ~ clothes They're very nice!
5 Museums are very In eres Ing t ti p'laces to vi0 VISI.'tl
C Circle the correct words.
1 Let's (take)/ see a look at those boots
2 There are twenty (rooms)! tours in the museum
3 These clothes come (rom)/ in Hawaii
4 What (else)/ other isthere in the shop?
5 Museums areOnteresting)/ old
Trang 23ramma f
1 ( Whose ) / Who's shoes are big?
2 Whose / @ ho's ) a clothes designer?
3 Whose / ( Who's ) got a black dress?
4 ( Whose ) / Who's hair is long in your class?
5 Whose / ( Who's ) got red boots?
Put the words in the correct order to make questions.
1 coat / this / whose / is
Whose coat is this
2 shoes / are / these / whose
Whose shoes are these
3 these / are / jeans / whose
W.h~~ ~ l~ c ; t!}~ ~ ~~ t ~ ~~~
4 this / watch / whose / is
Whose watch is this
C Complete the answers t o the questions in B
1 I t is the ~ ?~i.~ coat
2 They are t he ~~?~~ '~ shoes.
3 T hey are the m~!'f2 jean s
Trang 24-1 My ~ ~~~ 7 is big It's got 15 rooms.
2 There are three ~~~:.~.~~~'" in my home
bedrooms city house kitchen living room river
4 There's a lot of food in my ~~~.~~~~
5 We live in London It's a very big ~~~x
Trang 25Subject pronouns Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns
B Complete the sentences with C Circ l e t he correct wo r ds.
3 We ' ve got a n old cottage.
<? ~ : cot t age is old.
4 You've got a small bedroom.
Trang 27Complete the table with the correct form of the Present Simple.
(4) f.i ~ tidy
(6) p.I <:ty .
(5) !!~!~~ plays
B Complete the sentences with the Present S i mple.
2 Joanna and I ~:~~y. (study) in our bedroom
3 Dad : ~ ~~~~ (relax) on Saturdays
4 Helen and Jane p.I ~y (play) in the park
5 MY SISer t watches (twa ch) TV every evening.
6 George lives (I·rve).In on on.L d
C Circle the correct words.
1 Grandma goes to the shops ®' on one o'clock
2 We often go to the park @ / on the summer
3 Janet and Bob eat at a restaurant in / @ Sundays
4 Henry and I go out in/ @ night
5 We paint the house @ / on April
Trang 281 You eat in ad_i_~_~l r~~~
2 You put food in a f_r i_~~~
3 You find clothes in a war d rob e
4 You wash dishes in a sin k
-5 The a _t_ ~ _i_ ~ is the room at the top of a house
B Write t h e n u mbers nex t t o t he words.
C Complete the sentences with these words.
Put your books on my ?~ ~~
Le spat' in t the IVI " lng room walls '" green.
I don't lI e myk room. Ineed a change .
4 Oliver wants to use your ~.~~~~~ to make some food
Iwantt0 buy a so a anf d 0ther new furniture for my ivmqI' room.
1 2
furniture walls
Trang 29Complete the sentences with don't or doesn't
S Maria and I ~?~ : ~want bright colours in our bedroom
6 Jessica ~ ?~~~ ' ~ know what colour to paint her kitchen
B Write sentences using the negative short form of the Present Simple.
1 Libby / like / her mum's sofa
~!~ ~x ~ ?~~~' ' i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~'~.~~f.~ r : :
4 my sisters / cook / on Saturdays
0Y ~!~~.~.~~.~~~' ~~~~.~~.~.~:':~:.~.<;t)'~ :
2 the room / look / nice
The room doesn't look nice
Gemma and her brother
don't like school
Modernfurniture ishorrible
Grandma and Grandpa
don't like modern
Trang 30-~ ~ -_ r ,
1 What do you do in your ~/ fun time?
2 My home is in Paris, the (capital)' country of France
3 I live in a very big city /~illage) in the countryside
4 My mum speaks two fashionable /Qoreign) languages
5 In my country, (young)/ small people love clothes
dancing Dutch Japan parents town
B Complete the sentences with the names of these countries.
Hello I speak English.
I come from ~~ 9J~~~
Hallo I speak German.
I come from ~~~m~~Y
Ciao I speak Italian.
I come from It~I'y
Bonjour I speak French.
My SISer an t d I Iove nsI h danci ng .
2 I live in a flat with my P~ ~~~~ ~and my brother
Trang 31{
Complete the questions with do or does. B Write questions using the Present Simple.
Does she come from Germany ?
3 ~~~~ Max speak Italian?
4 ~~~~ this village have schools?
4 the dog / sleep / in the kennel
~~~~ ~~~ ~?~ ~!~~~ i ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~I ?
5 they / live / in a city
~~ ~ ~X i !!:-:~ ~ ~ ~~:X ?
C Look at the pictures and write short answers to the questions in B.
No, she doesn't Yes, it does
Yes, he does No, they don't
Yes, they do
Trang 32li e/ping
ae ho I De
1 Dad reads / ( cooks ) a meal every day.
2 Mary often lays the G able ) / bed
3 We don't often ( t idy ) ; help our bedroom.
4 I ( tak ~ / go the dog for a walk after school
S My aunt does our shopping every day She's very boring i ( helpfu D
-Complete the sentences with do or make ~
. -~ -~
1 I don ' t ~~ jobs at home.
2 D o you a l ways ~~ the washing-up?
3 P l ease ~~~~ your bed.
4 e a cup 0 co ee every morning.
S I don' t want to ~~ my homework.
clean difficult lazy messy useful
C Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with these words I
Trang 33usually I
Complete the table with these adverbs.
always never often sometimes
1 Paula ~~ ~ ~~~y. does the washing-up.
2 Paula ~!~ ~y ~ takes the dog for a walk.
3 Paula ~~~ ~: cleans the fridge.
4 Paula ~?~~~ i ~~~ cooks a meal
Answer the questions.
1 What do you usually do to help at home?
Students' own answers
4 What do you never do at home on Sunday?
2 What do you sometimes do at the weekend? 5 What do you often do after school?
3 What do you always do in the evenings?
Trang 34-~ -~~ -=~~
- - ," T
o P
Trang 35B Circle the correct words.
The cat wakes up ( early ) ! easy.
The tortoise climbs the hill slow l ( s lowly )
I fg - ccc- 3
~ "
The hare runs quick I ( quickly )
Tonic cooks bad I ~
The dog works ( hard ) good
C Match.
1 Do tortoises walk fast?
3 Do monkeys eat messily?
4 Do parrots talk loudly?
5 Is the forest small?
a Yes, they aren't quiet enough.
~-~ b No, he's too stupid.
c No, it's big enough for all the animals.
d No, their legs are too short.
e Yes, they aren't careful enough.
Trang 37Complete the table with the full or short forms of the Present Contin ous.
(1) . ~~ ~!~~J l)g
you are winning
(3) ~ ~ i~.~.i!}~i.~9 she is winning
(4) ~~~ · ~ ~ in~!~ it's winning
(6) ~~.':'~.~! you're winning
(8) ~~~Y ':'~ ~!~~ in9 .
B Complete the dialogue with the Present Continuous.
Char l otte : What are you doing, Barry?
Barry: Sssh! I (1) ~~ ~~~i.~~ (take) photographs
Ch arI tt0 e : L00k t th t ia a msecntl An arurna I (2) is eating (eat) 'tea I.
Barry: Yes And those birds (3) ~: ~ ~~~.i.l)g (make) a nest
Char l otte: What about that snake?
Barry: I t (4) i.~ Iy.!~~ (lie) under the rock
Charlotte: Yes It (5 ) !~ ~ I~~p.~~ (sleep) And look! There's a ~
hare behind that tree
Barry: What's it doing?
Ch ar otte:I I (6)t . is sitting (sit)SI quie y tl . It'isn't a rajf id 0f us.I
C Look at the pictures and write sentences using the Present Continuous.
Trang 38Look at the picturesand write the words.
My dad s a (1) He takes (2) I ~ """"""""""" " ' " to people s
e ,
dad's (4) - < ••• • •••• ? ~: ? i.~ of dogs My mum works for the (5) : p.~~~ ~f ~!~~ ,
too, but her job isn't dangerous!
B Completethe words
1 Postmen d e v e r letters
2 Alan Benton's cat is having sL ~ ~ _i ~ _ _ lessons
3 The s_ ' ~ ~ on the wall says Be careful.
4 Naughty cats sometimes s ~ _r_ ~ t ~ ~ people
5 I love kittens! They are very s~ ~ ~ ~ !
Trang 39Complete the table w ith the full or short fo rm s of t he Present Continuous negative
Full form Short form
(3) ~~ i.~~'.~.~!~~.~.i~~ she isn't climbing
( 7) Y ~~ ~~ ~~ ' ~ ~!~~ ~i ~~
they aren't climbing
B Comp l ete the sen t ences w i t h t hese verbs Use the negative form o f t h e Present Cont i nuous.
Th are not/aren't playing h b II Th' I' swim
Th kl is not/isn't sitting h hai I' I h b d
C Look at the pict u re and wr i te se n te n ces U se t he negative fo r m of the P r esent Conti n uous.
!~~ P.':l:': ?:t:~ ':l:'~ ~?:t:(':l ~~~~ f,l)I!~~
Trang 401 The cat isn't eating It's not serious / ( hungry )
3 Give this vet / ( medicine ) to your pet
4 ( Goats ) / Chickens have got four legs.
5 The vet is giving Roxy ( an injection ) a toothache now.
Good boy!
Let's see what's wrong.
B Look at the pictures and write these words and phrases.
You brought it back.
What's wrong?
It's good news!
We've got three new rabbits!