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1001dethi.com,lh mua file nghe 0909265875 Contents Introduction TEST Paper Paper Paper Paper PaperS I Reading Writing Use of English Listening Speaking 14 16 23 27 28 TEST Paper Paper Paper Paper Paper Reading Writing Use 01 English Listening Speaking 28 36 38 45 49 50 TEST Paper Paper r3 per r5 Reading Writing Use of English Lislening Speaking 50 Reading Writing Use of English Listening Speaking 72 58 60 67 71 80 82 89 93 TESTS Paper Paper Paper Paper PaperS Reading Wriling Use 01 English Listening Speaking 94 102 104 111 115 Answer Sheets 116 Paper Visual Material 120 Key 129 Sample Student Answers 140 Tapescripts 145 Intro uction This booIl containS five complete practICe tests Ior the revised Arsl Certlhcate 10 English (FeEl, Cambndge levelJ Developed by expenenced Writers, the tests accurately tenact \he coverage ancllevel of the real eXamination Each 01 the tell!S In Pap8f5 and has been laken from a dlllerenl source In order la Include examples 01 the WICle vartety of text typeS that you may examination '"'Id In the actual Note In Papers 1, and 4, you have 10 write your answers on spec1al anSW8f sheets See pages PART Gappeol text You Wilt read a text from which 018 sentences or paragraphs have been removed The miSSing sentences or paragraphs WIll be pnnted on the oppoSlla page and}'OJ fl\\lst dectcIa where lhey lit In the text There WlII always be one extra sentence or paragraph that does I'IOtllt anywhere You Will be glveflthe first answer as an example PART The five FeE Papers lIfD descnbed 10 DetaIl below Page references to a relevant example 01 each particular task lype are Included altol the symbol Paper Reading (1 hour 15 minutes) In thiS paper there are lour pariS and 35 questions In all ReadIng lexls Ble taken lrom range of sourceS,ll"Ic:llJdlng newspapers, magazines leaflets, broc:tlures, advertisements or books Note tnalln Part the text may also be taken tram a stlort story novel, t»ography or autobiography PART Matching You WlO read a teld that IS dMded IOto or sections and be asked to one of the 101l0wu'lg section -f IS appropnate Ior each 6-7 PART Matching YOu Will read a text ora seoes of short texIS and have to answer between 13 and 15 qUElS1l0ns You Will be asked to 0l1'~ at the tollowmg tasks • match a lIst ot statements, references or oplnooos to the secllOOS of the textlfl whICh they appeal -> 12-t3 • match a list at statements references or 0PlflKlltStO people or things mentioned In the text_ 34·35; 56·57 • match a list ot statemaflts relerences Of optnionS to mlormatlOn given In the text 78· 79 There may be only one correct answeno a questlOf1 However sometimes more than one answer IS required Md this Will be Indlcaled Where thiS IS the C8SfI answers may be given In any orOel You wlIl be I~rven the lust answer as an example OccaslOnB)ly, there may also be one or two mUltiple choice questions ot a genera) type whICh ask about the text aSll whole • choose whICh sentence best summar1les each section 28-29 In elthe' case you will have 10 answer or QuestlOf'lS and you Will be given a list 01 POSSible answers to choose !rom, 1l1(lfe will be ona extra heading or senlence that IS 1'101 the answer to any Question and III not used You Will be grven the answer for the lirsl sec\JOI'I as an example PART Multiple choice You will read a text and be asked 10 answel or mUlbple choice questions about It For each question you must choose A B COlD, - McB\ Q\ \he C\,IJeS\\OI\'!I 'MlllUIIt abooJ\ \he de\a\\$ In me lext 0\TIe1 questIOns may llSl< anou\ mesa • reterences In lhe lext tor example What does 'If' mime IS re!er to? 8·9 • partbllar words ana pl'UBSes used In the lext Ior example W'bal does the wnler mean )udgemental'Jn tha fifth paragraph? ' 30-31 • the text as a wnoIe.1or example WhaIIS fhe purpose of theartJCie? t 52·53 or Paper Writing (1 hour 30 minutes) This paper has !Wo pmts of equal Importance Part IS a compulsory task fOf all candidates, In Pan you must select one task from a choICe o! lour FOf each part you will be expected to wnte between 120 and 180 words rnakmg a tota) of between 240 end 360 words Ior the whole paper PART FOf QuesllOf11 you nave to wnte a '1ransactlOf1al' \e.\\e'l ~\ \';; a Ie\\el 'N1\\\m\ \1\ \e~ \D a slluallon and 1\Self giVIng nse to turther actlOf1 You are asked to rBad up to three shorl texIs, such as tellers adverts, poslCards and extracts lrom d,anes or 81l1cJas Thele are sometimes aCld,lional Visual promplS, sucl, as draWings or photographs All of \illS matenal whICh Is nevel more than 250 words long grves you IIltormahOll about a Situation You lhen h.ave 10 respond by WnlJng a su'table Ielter Your leller should be almost entuely based on the InfOlmat,on goven to you ana you 8/e not expected to draw on YOUlown kt'towledge or Imag,oat,on, Neither are you asked to lake on the characler of ano1het pelson In Older 10 Wf\\e \he leller 'l'ou era given the Sltuatoon and snoold respond to It as you woold m reallr!e • a tormalletler -+14 80 • en IntOlmallener 36; 58 • ml5Smg sentences 10-1 \ • mlSsmg paragraphs ~ 32-33 116·11 Q tor examples 01 Those '''''''' • choose which heltdlng The tYpe 01 language you Will have to use In your lener may Include tor example the language 01 explaining suggeslmg complaining, descflbmg apologiZIng reporting, persuading and giVIng and askrng Ior adVIce and InlormatlOf1 You should wnte In a style that IS appropnate tor !he specified reader 01 the leller The d10Ice of queslJonS In Part sI10uld provide you With an opporlunlty to wnte about something related to your own Interests and experience An Paper tasks stale a context Within which you are expected 10 Writs ana me181s a genuine purpose Ior Wfll1ng You win be gIVen InlormatlOll about the target leader and you should think aOOutlhe effect you WIsh your pleee 01 Wntlng to have on that reader Quesuons 2, and may be WIlling tasks ot the loIlowlng kmds • anmlommlleller 15.81 • a leller 01 appllC8tlOfl -+ 37,59 • • • • anallicle 37; 103 a report ,59;81 a composition 81, 103 ashortstory ,5;59 These tasks ate usually presented through the rubrIC whlChJs never more than 70 wo«ls long QuestIOn COI'lSISts 01 a choICe 01 two tasks related to one 01 frve 'background readIng texts' Both lasks are of a general nature m that \Iley may De related to any at the tive texts The tasks are at SimIlar typeS to those menlloned above, The background reading texts Ior Oecembel 1996 al8: OJf1ofd Bookworm CoIlec1lOfls Cnme Never Pays E M fQrster A Passage 10 Indm Aldous Hu.Jey Brave New WO/Id Oaphne du Maurier Rebect:a G B Shaw PygmaJIOfI MARKING INFORMATION Papar21s marl

Ngày đăng: 18/08/2018, 22:20