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Adams calculus a complete course 9th edition c2018 txtbk

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  • Front Cover

    • About the Cover

  • Title Page

  • Copyright Page

  • Dedication Page

  • CONTENTS (with direct page links)

  • Preface

  • To the Student

  • To the Instructor

  • What Is Calculus?

  • P. Preliminaries

    • P.1. Real Numbers and the Real Line

      • Intervals

      • The Absolute Value

      • Equations and Inequalities Involving Absolute Values

    • P.2. Cartesian Coordinates in the Plane

      • Axis Scales

      • Increments and Distances

      • Graphs

      • Straight Lines

      • Equations of Lines

    • P.3. Graphs of Quadratic Equations

      • Circles and Disks

      • Equations of Parabolas

      • Reflective Properties of Parabolas

      • Scaling a Graph

      • Shifting a Graph

      • Ellipses and Hyperbolas

    • P.4. Functions and Their Graphs

      • The Domain Convention

      • Graphs of Functions

      • Even and Odd Functions; Symmetry and Reflections

      • Reflections in Straight Lines

      • Defining and Graphing Functions with Maple

    • P.5. Combining Functions to Make New Functions

      • Sums, Differences, Products, Quotients, and Multiples

      • Composite Functions

      • Piecewise Defined Functions

    • P.6. Polynomials and Rational Functions

      • Roots, Zeros, and Factors

      • Roots and Factors of Quadratic Polynomials

      • Miscellaneous Factorings

    • P.7. The Trigonometric Functions

      • Some Useful Identities

      • Some Special Angles

      • The Addition Formulas

      • Other Trigonometric Functions

      • Maple Calculations

      • Trigonometry Review

  • 1. Limits and Continuity

    • 1.1. Examples of Velocity, Growth Rate, and Area

      • Average Velocity and Instantaneous Velocity

      • The Growth of an Algal Culture

      • The Area of a Circle

    • 1.2. Limits of Functions

      • One-Sided Limits

      • Rules for Calculating Limits

      • The Squeeze Theorem

    • 1.3. Limits at Infinity and Infinite Limits

      • Limits at Infinity

      • Limits at Infinity for Rational Functions

      • Infinite Limits

      • Using Maple to Calculate Limits

    • 1.4. Continuity

      • Continuity at a Point

      • Continuity on an Interval

      • There Are Lots of Continuous Functions

      • Continuous Extensions and Removable Discontinuities

      • Continuous Functions on Closed, Finite Intervals

      • Finding Roots of Equations

    • 1.5. The Formal Definition of Limit

      • Using the Definition of Limit to Prove Theorems

      • Other Kinds of Limits

    • Chapter Review

  • 2. Differentiation

    • 2.1. Tangent Lines and Their Slopes

      • Normals

    • 2.2. The Derivative

      • Some Important Derivatives

      • Leibniz Notation

      • Differentials

      • Derivatives Have the Intermediate-Value Property

    • 2.3. Differentiation Rules

      • Sums and Constant Multiples

      • The Product Rule

      • The Reciprocal Rule

      • The Quotient Rule

    • 2.4. The Chain Rule

      • Finding Derivatives with Maple

      • Building the Chain Rule into Differentiation Formulas

      • Proof of the Chain Rule (Theorem 6)

    • 2.5. Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions

      • Some Special Limits

      • The Derivatives of Sine and Cosine

      • The Derivatives of the Other Trigonometric Functions

    • 2.6. Higher-Order Derivatives

    • 2.7. Using Differentials and Derivatives

      • Approximating Small Changes

      • Average and Instantaneous Rates of Change

      • Sensitivity to Change

      • Derivatives in Economics

    • 2.8. The Mean-Value Theorem

      • Increasing and Decreasing Functions

      • Proof of the Mean-Value Theorem

    • 2.9. Implicit Differentiation

      • Higher-Order Derivatives

      • The General Power Rule

    • 2.10. Antiderivatives and Initial-Value Problems

      • Antiderivatives

      • The Indefinite Integral

      • Differential Equations and Initial-Value Problems

    • 2.11. Velocity and Acceleration

      • Velocity and Speed

      • Acceleration

      • Falling Under Gravity

    • Chapter Review

  • 3. Transcendental Functions

    • 3.1. Inverse Functions

      • Inverting Non–One-to-One Functions

      • Derivatives of Inverse Functions

    • 3.2. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

      • Exponentials

      • Logarithms

    • 3.3. The Natural Logarithm and Exponential

      • The Natural Logarithm

      • The Exponential Function

      • General Exponentials and Logarithms

      • Logarithmic Differentiation

    • 3.4. Growth and Decay

      • The Growth of Exponentials and Logarithms

      • Exponential Growth and Decay Models

      • Interest on Investments

      • Logistic Growth

    • 3.5. The Inverse Trigonometric Functions

      • The Inverse Sine (or Arcsine) Function

      • The Inverse Tangent (or Arctangent) Function

      • Other Inverse Trigonometric Functions

    • 3.6. Hyperbolic Functions

      • Inverse Hyperbolic Functions

    • 3.7. Second-Order Linear DEs with Constant Coefficients

      • Recipe for Solving ay” + by’ + cy = 0

      • Simple Harmonic Motion

      • Damped Harmonic Motion

    • Chapter Review

  • 4. More Applications of Differentiation

    • 4.1. Related Rates

      • Procedures for Related-Rates Problems

    • 4.2. Finding Roots of Equations

      • Discrete Maps and Fixed-Point Iteration

      • Newton’s Method

      • “Solve” Routines

    • 4.3. Indeterminate Forms

      • l’H^opital’s Rules

    • 4.4. Extreme Values

      • Maximum and Minimum Values

      • Critical Points, Singular Points, and Endpoints

      • Finding Absolute Extreme Values

      • The First Derivative Test

      • Functions Not Defined on Closed, Finite Intervals

    • 4.5. Concavity and Inflections

      • The Second Derivative Test

    • 4.6. Sketching the Graph of a Function

      • Asymptotes

      • Examples of Formal Curve Sketching

    • 4.7. Graphing with Computers

      • Numerical Monsters and Computer Graphing

      • Floating-Point Representation of Numbers in Computers

      • Machine Epsilon and Its Effect on Figure 4.45

      • Determining Machine Epsilon

    • 4.8. Extreme-Value Problems

      • Procedure for Solving Extreme-Value Problems

    • 4.9. Linear Approximations

      • Approximating Values of Functions

      • Error Analysis

    • 4.10. Taylor Polynomials

      • Taylor’s Formula

      • Big-O Notation

      • Evaluating Limits of Indeterminate Forms

    • 4.11. Roundoff Error, Truncation Error, and Computers

      • Taylor Polynomials in Maple

      • Persistent Roundoff Error

      • Truncation, Roundoff, and Computer Algebra

    • Chapter Review

  • 5. Integration

    • 5.1. Sums and Sigma Notation

      • Evaluating Sums

    • 5.2. Areas as Limits of Sums

      • The Basic Area Problem

      • Some Area Calculations

    • 5.3. The Definite Integral

      • Partitions and Riemann Sums

      • The Definite Integral

      • General Riemann Sums

    • 5.4. Properties of the Definite Integral

      • A Mean-Value Theorem for Integrals

      • Definite Integrals of Piecewise Continuous Functions

    • 5.5. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

    • 5.6. The Method of Substitution

      • Trigonometric Integrals

    • 5.7. Areas of Plane Regions

      • Areas Between Two Curves

    • Chapter Review

  • 6. Techniques of Integration

    • 6.1. Integration by Parts

      • Reduction Formulas

    • 6.2. Integrals of Rational Functions

      • Linear and Quadratic Denominators

      • Partial Fractions

      • Completing the Square

      • Denominators with Repeated Factors

    • 6.3. Inverse Substitutions

      • The Inverse Trigonometric Substitutions

      • Inverse Hyperbolic Substitutions

      • Other Inverse Substitutions

      • The tan( /2) Substitution

    • 6.4. Other Methods for Evaluating Integrals

      • The Method of Undetermined Coefficients

      • Using Maple for Integration

      • Using Integral Tables

      • Special Functions Arising from Integrals

    • 6.5. Improper Integrals

      • Improper Integrals of Type I

      • Improper Integrals of Type II

      • Estimating Convergence and Divergence

    • 6.6. The Trapezoid and Midpoint Rules

      • The Trapezoid Rule

      • The Midpoint Rule

      • Error Estimates

    • 6.7. Simpson’s Rule

    • 6.8. Other Aspects of Approximate Integration

      • Approximating Improper Integrals

      • Using Taylor’s Formula

      • Romberg Integration

      • The Importance of Higher-Order Methods

      • Other Methods

    • Chapter Review

  • 7. Applications of Integration

    • 7.1. Volumes by Slicing—Solids of Revolution

      • Volumes by Slicing

      • Solids of Revolution

      • Cylindrical Shells

    • 7.2. More Volumes by Slicing

    • 7.3. Arc Length and Surface Area

      • Arc Length

      • The Arc Length of the Graph of a Function

      • Areas of Surfaces of Revolution

    • 7.4. Mass, Moments, and Centre of Mass

      • Mass and Density

      • Moments and Centres of Mass

      • Two- and Three-Dimensional Examples

    • 7.5. Centroids

      • Pappus’s Theorem

    • 7.6. Other Physical Applications

      • Hydrostatic Pressure

      • Work

      • Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy

    • 7.7. Applications in Business, Finance, and Ecology

      • The Present Value of a Stream of Payments

      • The Economics of Exploiting Renewable Resources

    • 7.8. Probability

      • Discrete Random Variables

      • Expectation, Mean, Variance, and Standard Deviation

      • Continuous Random Variables

      • The Normal Distribution

      • Heavy Tails

    • 7.9. First-Order Differential Equations

      • Separable Equations

      • First-Order Linear Equations

    • Chapter Review

  • 8. Conics, Parametric Curves, and Polar Curves

    • 8.1. Conics

      • Parabolas

      • The Focal Property of a Parabola

      • Ellipses

      • The Focal Property of an Ellipse

      • The Directrices of an Ellipse

      • Hyperbolas

      • The Focal Property of a Hyperbola

      • Classifying General Conics

    • 8.2. Parametric Curves

      • General Plane Curves and Parametrizations

      • Some Interesting Plane Curves

    • 8.3. Smooth Parametric Curves and Their Slopes

      • The Slope of a Parametric Curve

      • Sketching Parametric Curves

    • 8.4. Arc Lengths and Areas for Parametric Curves

      • Arc Lengths and Surface Areas

      • Areas Bounded by Parametric Curves

    • 8.5. Polar Coordinates and Polar Curves

      • Some Polar Curves

      • Intersections of Polar Curves

      • Polar Conics

    • 8.6. Slopes, Areas, and Arc Lengths for Polar Curves

      • Areas Bounded by Polar Curves

      • Arc Lengths for Polar Curves

    • Chapter Review

  • 9. Sequences, Series, and Power Series

    • 9.1. Sequences and Convergence

      • Convergence of Sequences

    • 9.2. Infinite Series

      • Geometric Series

      • Telescoping Series and Harmonic Series

      • Some Theorems About Series

    • 9.3. Convergence Tests for Positive Series

      • The Integral Test

      • Using Integral Bounds to Estimate the Sum of a Series

      • Comparison Tests

      • The Ratio and Root Tests

      • Using Geometric Bounds to Estimate the Sum of a Series

    • 9.4. Absolute and Conditional Convergence

      • The Alternating Series Test

      • Rearranging the Terms in a Series

    • 9.5. Power Series

      • Algebraic Operations on Power Series

      • Differentiation and Integration of Power Series

      • Maple Calculations

    • 9.6. Taylor and Maclaurin Series

      • Maclaurin Series for Some Elementary Functions

      • Other Maclaurin and Taylor Series

      • Taylor’s Formula Revisited

    • 9.7. Applications of Taylor and Maclaurin Series

      • Approximating the Values of Functions

      • Functions Defined by Integrals

      • Indeterminate Forms

    • 9.8. The Binomial Theorem and Binomial Series

      • The Binomial Series

      • The Multinomial Theorem

    • 9.9. Fourier Series

      • Periodic Functions

      • Fourier Series

      • Convergence of Fourier Series

      • Fourier Cosine and Sine Series

    • Chapter Review

  • 10. Vectors and Coordinate Geometry in 3-Space

    • 10.1. Analytic Geometry in Three Dimensions

      • Euclidean n-Space

      • Describing Sets in the Plane, 3-Space, and n-Space

    • 10.2. Vectors

      • Vectors in 3-Space

      • Hanging Cables and Chains

      • The Dot Product and Projections

      • Vectors in n-Space

    • 10.3. The Cross Product in 3-Space

      • Determinants

      • The Cross Product as a Determinant

      • Applications of Cross Products

    • 10.4. Planes and Lines

      • Planes in 3-Space

      • Lines in 3-Space

      • Distances

    • 10.5. Quadric Surfaces

    • 10.6. Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates

      • Cylindrical Coordinates

      • Spherical Coordinates

    • 10.7. A Little Linear Algebra

      • Matrices

      • Determinants and Matrix Inverses

      • Linear Transformations

      • Linear Equations

      • Quadratic Forms, Eigenvalues, and Eigenvectors

    • 10.8. Using Maple for Vector and Matrix Calculations

      • Vectors

      • Matrices

      • Linear Equations

      • Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

    • Chapter Review

  • 11. Vector Functions and Curves

    • 11.1. Vector Functions of One Variable

      • Differentiating Combinations of Vectors

    • 11.2. Some Applications of Vector Differentiation

      • Motion Involving Varying Mass

      • Circular Motion

      • Rotating Frames and the Coriolis Effect

    • 11.3. Curves and Parametrizations

      • Parametrizing the Curve of Intersection of Two Surfaces

      • Arc Length

      • Piecewise Smooth Curves

      • The Arc-Length Parametrization

    • 11.4. Curvature, Torsion, and the Frenet Frame

      • The Unit Tangent Vector

      • Curvature and the Unit Normal

      • Torsion and Binormal, the Frenet-Serret Formulas

    • 11.5. Curvature and Torsion for General Parametrizations

      • Tangential and Normal Acceleration

      • Evolutes

      • An Application to Track (or Road) Design

      • Maple Calculations

    • 11.6. Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion

      • Ellipses in Polar Coordinates

      • Polar Components of Velocity and Acceleration

      • Central Forces and Kepler’s Second Law

      • Derivation of Kepler’s First and Third Laws

      • Conservation of Energy

    • Chapter Review

  • 12. Partial Differentiation

    • 12.1. Functions of Several Variables

      • Graphs

      • Level Curves

      • Using Maple Graphics

    • 12.2. Limits and Continuity

    • 12.3. Partial Derivatives

      • Tangent Planes and Normal Lines

      • Distance from a Point to a Surface: A Geometric Example

    • 12.4. Higher-Order Derivatives

      • The Laplace and Wave Equations

    • 12.5. The Chain Rule

      • Homogeneous Functions

      • Higher-Order Derivatives

    • 12.6. Linear Approximations, Differentiability, and Differentials

      • Proof of the Chain Rule

      • Differentials

      • Functions from n-Space to m-Space

      • Differentials in Applications

      • Differentials and Legendre Transformations

    • 12.7. Gradients and Directional Derivatives

      • Directional Derivatives

      • Rates Perceived by a Moving Observer

      • The Gradient in Three and More Dimensions

    • 12.8. Implicit Functions

      • Systems of Equations

      • Choosing Dependent and Independent Variables

      • Jacobian Determinants

      • The Implicit Function Theorem

    • 12.9. Taylor’s Formula, Taylor Series, and Approximations

      • Approximating Implicit Functions

    • Chapter Review

  • 13. Applications of Partial Derivatives

    • 13.1. Extreme Values

      • Classifying Critical Points

    • 13.2. Extreme Values of Functions Defined on Restricted Domains

      • Linear Programming

    • 13.3. Lagrange Multipliers

      • The Method of Lagrange Multipliers

      • Problems with More than One Constraint

    • 13.4. Lagrange Multipliers in n-Space

      • Using Maple to Solve Constrained Extremal Problems

      • Significance of Lagrange Multiplier Values

      • Nonlinear Programming

    • 13.5. The Method of Least Squares

      • Linear Regression

      • Applications of the Least Squares Method to Integrals

    • 13.6. Parametric Problems

      • Differentiating Integrals with Parameters

      • Envelopes

      • Equations with Perturbations

    • 13.7. Newton’s Method

      • Implementing Newton’s Method Using a Spreadsheet

    • 13.8. Calculations with Maple

      • Solving Systems of Equations

      • Finding and Classifying Critical Points

    • 13.9. Entropy in Statistical Mechanics and Information Theory

      • Boltzmann Entropy

      • Shannon Entropy

      • Information Theory

    • Chapter Review

  • 14. Multiple Integration

    • 14.1. Double Integrals

      • Double Integrals over More General Domains

      • Properties of the Double Integral

      • Double Integrals by Inspection

    • 14.2. Iteration of Double Integrals in Cartesian Coordinates

    • 14.3. Improper Integrals and a Mean-Value Theorem

      • Improper Integrals of Positive Functions

      • A Mean-Value Theorem for Double Integrals

    • 14.4. Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates

      • Change of Variables in Double Integrals

    • 14.5. Triple Integrals

    • 14.6. Change of Variables in Triple Integrals

      • Cylindrical Coordinates

      • Spherical Coordinates

    • 14.7. Applications of Multiple Integrals

      • The Surface Area of a Graph

      • The Gravitational Attraction of a Disk

      • Moments and Centres of Mass

      • Moment of Inertia

    • Chapter Review

  • 15. Vector Fields

    • 15.1. Vector and Scalar Fields

      • Field Lines (Integral Curves, Trajectories, Streamlines)

      • Vector Fields in Polar Coordinates

      • Nonlinear Systems and Liapunov Functions

    • 15.2. Conservative Fields

      • Equipotential Surfaces and Curves

      • Sources, Sinks, and Dipoles

    • 15.3. Line Integrals

      • Evaluating Line Integrals

    • 15.4. Line Integrals of Vector Fields

      • Connected and Simply Connected Domains

      • Independence of Path

    • 15.5. Surfaces and Surface Integrals

      • Parametric Surfaces

      • Composite Surfaces

      • Surface Integrals

      • Smooth Surfaces, Normals, and Area Elements

      • Evaluating Surface Integrals

      • The Attraction of a Spherical Shell

    • 15.6. Oriented Surfaces and Flux Integrals

      • Oriented Surfaces

      • The Flux of a Vector Field Across a Surface

      • Calculating Flux Integrals

    • Chapter Review

  • 16. Vector Calculus

    • 16.1. Gradient, Divergence, and Curl

      • Interpretation of the Divergence

      • Distributions and Delta Functions

      • Interpretation of the Curl

    • 16.2. Some Identities Involving Grad, Div, and Curl

      • Scalar and Vector Potentials

      • Maple Calculations

    • 16.3. Green’s Theorem in the Plane

      • The Two-Dimensional Divergence Theorem

    • 16.4. The Divergence Theorem in 3-Space

      • Variants of the Divergence Theorem

    • 16.5. Stokes’s Theorem

    • 16.6. Some Physical Applications of Vector Calculus

      • Fluid Dynamics

      • Electromagnetism

      • Electrostatics

      • Magnetostatics

      • Maxwell’s Equations

    • 16.7. Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates

      • Coordinate Surfaces and Coordinate Curves

      • Scale Factors and Differential Elements

      • Grad, Div, and Curl in Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates

    • Chapter Review

  • 17. Differential Forms and Exterior Calculus

    • Differentials and Vectors

    • Derivatives versus Differentials

    • 17.1. k-Forms

      • Bilinear Forms and 2-Forms

      • k-Forms

      • Forms on a Vector Space

    • 17.2. Differential Forms and the Exterior Derivative

      • The Exterior Derivative

      • 1-Forms and Legendre Transformations

      • Maxwell’s Equations Revisited

      • Closed and Exact Forms

    • 17.3. Integration on Manifolds

      • Smooth Manifolds

      • Integration in n Dimensions

      • Sets of k-Volume Zero

      • Parametrizing and Integrating over a Smooth Manifold

    • 17.4. Orientations, Boundaries, and Integration of Forms

      • Oriented Manifolds

      • Pieces-with-Boundary of a Manifold

      • Integrating a Differential Form over a Manifold

    • 17.5. The Generalized Stokes Theorem

      • Proof of Theorem 4 for a k-Cube

      • Completing the Proof

      • The Classical Theorems of Vector Calculus

  • 18. Ordinary Differential Equations

    • 18.1. Classifying Differential Equations

    • 18.2. Solving First-Order Equations

      • Separable Equations

      • First-Order Linear Equations

      • First-Order Homogeneous Equations

      • Exact Equations

      • Integrating Factors

    • 18.3. Existence, Uniqueness, and Numerical Methods

      • Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions

      • Numerical Methods

    • 18.4. Differential Equations of Second Order

      • Equations Reducible to First Order

      • Second-Order Linear Equations

    • 18.5. Linear Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients

      • Constant-Coefficient Equations of Higher Order

      • Euler (Equidimensional) Equations

    • 18.6. Nonhomogeneous Linear Equations

      • Resonance

      • Variation of Parameters

      • Maple Calculations

    • 18.7. The Laplace Transform

      • Some Basic Laplace Transforms

      • More Properties of Laplace Transforms

      • The Heaviside Function and the Dirac Delta Function

    • 18.8. Series Solutions of Differential Equations

    • 18.9. Dynamical Systems, Phase Space, and the Phase Plane

      • A Differential Equation as a First-Order System

      • Existence, Uniqueness, and Autonomous Systems

      • Second-Order Autonomous Equations and the Phase Plane

      • Fixed Points

      • Linear Systems, Eigenvalues, and Fixed Points

      • Implications for Nonlinear Systems

      • Predator–Prey Models

    • Chapter Review


    • I: Complex Numbers

      • Definition of Complex Numbers

      • Graphical Representation of Complex Numbers

      • Complex Arithmetic

      • Roots of Complex Numbers

    • II: Complex Functions

      • Limits and Continuity

      • The Complex Derivative

      • The Exponential Function

      • The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra

    • III: Continuous Functions

      • Limits of Functions

      • Continuous Functions

      • Completeness and Sequential Limits

      • Continuous Functions on a Closed, Finite Interval

    • IV: The Riemann Integral

      • Uniform Continuity

    • V: Doing Calculus with Maple

      • List of Maple Examples and Discussion

  • ANSWERS to Odd-Numbered Exercises

    • P

      • P.1

      • P.2 - P.3

      • P.4

      • P.5

      • P.6 - P.7

    • 01

      • 1.1 - 1.2

      • 1.3

      • 1.4

      • 1.5 - R

    • 02

      • 2.1

      • 2.2 - 2.3

      • 2.4

      • 2.5

      • 2.6

      • 2.7

      • 2.8

      • 2.9

      • 2.10

      • 2.11

      • R

    • 03

      • 3.1

      • 3.2

      • 3.3

      • 3.4

      • 3.5

      • 3.6

      • 3.7

      • R

    • 04

      • 4.1

      • 4.2 - 4.3

      • 4.4

      • 4.5

      • 4.6

      • 4.7 - 4.8

      • 4.9

      • 4.10 - 4.11 - R

    • 05

      • 5.1

      • 5.2 - 5.3

      • 5.4

      • 5.5

      • 5.6

      • 5.7

      • R

    • 06

      • 6.1

      • 6.2

      • 6.3

      • 6.4

      • 6.5

      • 6.6

      • 6.7

      • 6.8

      • R

      • RO

    • 07

      • 7.1

      • 7.2

      • 7.3

      • 7.4

      • 7.5

      • 7.6

      • 7.7

      • 7.8

      • 7.9

      • R

    • 08

      • 8.1

      • 8.2

      • 8.3

      • 8.4

      • 8.5 - 8.6

      • R

    • 09

      • 9.1

      • 9.2

      • 9.3

      • 9.4

      • 9.5

      • 9.6

      • 9.7

      • 9.8 - 9.9

      • R

    • 10

      • 10.1

      • 10.2

      • 10.3 - 10.4

      • 10.5

      • 10.6 - 10.7

      • 10.8

      • R

    • 11

      • 11.1

      • 11.2

      • 11.3

      • 11.4 - 11.5

      • 11.6

      • R

    • 12

      • 12.1

      • 12.2 - 12.3

      • 12.4

      • 12.5

      • 12.6

      • 12.7

      • 12.8

      • 12.9

      • R

    • 13

      • 13.1

      • 13.2 - 13.3

      • 13.4 - 13.5

      • 13.6

      • 13.7 - 13.8 - R

    • 14

      • 14.1 - 14.2

      • 14.3

      • 14.4 - 14.5 - 14.6 - 14.7

      • R

    • 15

      • 15.1

      • 15.2

      • 15.3

      • 15.4

      • 15.5

      • 15.6 - R

    • 16

      • 16.1 -16.2

      • 16.3

      • 16.4 - 16.5

      • 16.7

      • R

    • 17

      • 17.1

      • 17.2 - 17.3 - 17.4 - 17.5

    • 18

      • 18.1

      • 18.2

      • 18.3 - 18.4

      • 18.5 - 18.6

      • 18.7

      • 18.8 - 18.9 - R

    • app

      • I

      • II

  • INDEX (with direct page links)

    • A

    • B

    • C

    • D

    • E

    • F - G

    • H

    • I

    • J - K - L

    • M

    • N

    • O

    • P

    • Q - R

    • S

    • T

    • U - V

    • W - Z

  • Reference Pages























  • Back Cover

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Adams calculus a complete course 9th edition c2018 txtbk Adams calculus a complete course 9th edition c2018 txtbk Adams calculus a complete course 9th edition c2018 txtbk Adams calculus a complete course 9th edition c2018 txtbk Adams calculus a complete course 9th edition c2018 txtbk Adams calculus a complete course 9th edition c2018 txtbk Adams calculus a complete course 9th edition c2018 txtbk Adams calculus a complete course 9th edition c2018 txtbk

Calculus A Complete Course NINTH EDITION 9780134154367_Calculus 05/12/16 3:09 pm This page intentionally left blank A01_LO5943_03_SE_FM.indd iv 04/12/15 4:22 PM ROBERT A ADAMS University of British Columbia CHRISTOPHER ESSEX University of Western Ontario Calculus A Complete Course NINTH EDITION 9780134154367_Calculus 05/12/16 3:09 pm ADAM Editorial dirEctor: Claudine O’Donnell acquisitions Editor: Claudine O’Donnell MarkEting ManagEr: Euan White PrograM ManagEr: Kamilah Reid-Burrell ProjEct ManagEr: Susan Johnson Production Editor: Leanne Rancourt ManagEr of contEnt dEvEloPMEnt: Suzanne Schaan dEvEloPMEntal Editor: Charlotte Morrison-Reed MEdia Editor: Charlotte Morrison-Reed MEdia dEvEloPEr: Kelli Cadet coMPositor: Robert Adams PrEflight sErvicEs: Cenveo® Publisher Services PErMissions ProjEct ManagEr: Joanne Tang intErior dEsignEr: Anthony Leung covEr dEsignEr: Anthony Leung covEr iMagE: © Hiroshi Watanabe / Getty Images vicE-PrEsidEnt, Cross Media and Publishing Services: Gary Bennett Pearson Canada Inc., 26 Prince Andrew Place, Don Mills, Ontario M3C 2T8 Copyright © 2018, 2013, 2010 Pearson Canada Inc All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America This publication is protected by copyright, and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise For information regarding permissions, request forms, and the appropriate contacts, please contact Pearson Canada’s Rights and Permissions Department by visiting www pearsoncanada.ca/contact-information/permissions-requests Attributions of third-party content appear on the appropriate page within the text PEARSON is an exclusive trademark owned by Pearson Canada Inc or its affiliates in Canada and/or other countries Unless otherwise indicated herein, any third party trademarks that may appear in this work are the property of their respective owners and any references to third party trademarks, logos, or other trade dress are for demonstrative or descriptive purposes only Such references are not intended to imply any sponsorship, endorsement, authorization, or promotion of Pearson Canada products by the owners of such marks, or any relationship between the owner and Pearson Canada or its affiliates, authors, licensees, or distributors ISBN 978-0-13-415436-7 10 Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Adams, Robert A (Robert Alexander), 1940-, author Calculus : a complete course / Robert A Adams, Christopher Essex Ninth edition Includes index ISBN 978-0-13-415436-7 (hardback) Calculus Textbooks I Essex, Christopher, author II Title QA303.2.A33 2017 Complete Course_text_cp_template_8-25x10-875.indd 9780134154367_Calculus 515 C2016-904267-7 16/12/16 pmpm 16/12/162:21 2:53 ADAMS & ESSEX: Calculus: a Complete Course, 8th Edition Front – page v October 14, 2016 To Noreen and Sheran 9780134154367_Calculus 05/12/16 3:09 pm This page intentionally left blank A01_LO5943_03_SE_FM.indd iv 04/12/15 4:22 PM ADAMS & ESSEX: Calculus: a Complete Course, 8th Edition Front – page vii October 14, 2016 vii Contents Preface To the Student To the Instructor Acknowledgments What Is Calculus? P Preliminaries P.1 Real Numbers and the Real Line Intervals The Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities Involving Absolute Values P.2 Cartesian Coordinates in the Plane xv xvii xviii xix 3 11 11 12 13 13 15 P.3 Graphs of Quadratic Equations 17 P.4 Functions and Their Graphs The Domain Convention Graphs of Functions Even and Odd Functions; Symmetry and Reflections Reflections in Straight Lines Defining and Graphing Functions with Maple P.5 Combining Functions to Make New Functions Sums, Differences, Products, Quotients, and Multiples Composite Functions Piecewise Defined Functions 17 19 20 20 20 21 23 25 26 28 33 33 39 Roots, Zeros, and Factors Roots and Factors of Quadratic Polynomials Miscellaneous Factorings 41 42 Some Useful Identities Some Special Angles The Addition Formulas Other Trigonometric Functions 9780134154367_Calculus 44 46 48 49 51 53 59 59 Average Velocity and Instantaneous Velocity The Growth of an Algal Culture The Area of a Circle 59 One-Sided Limits Rules for Calculating Limits The Squeeze Theorem 1.3 Limits at Infinity and Infinite Limits Limits at Infinity Limits at Infinity for Rational Functions Infinite Limits Using Maple to Calculate Limits 1.4 Continuity Continuity at a Point Continuity on an Interval There Are Lots of Continuous Functions Continuous Extensions and Removable Discontinuities Continuous Functions on Closed, Finite Intervals Finding Roots of Equations 61 62 64 68 69 69 73 73 74 75 77 79 79 81 81 82 83 85 88 Using the Definition of Limit to Prove Theorems Other Kinds of Limits 90 Chapter Review 93 Differentiation 2.1 Tangent Lines and Their Slopes 35 36 54 55 1.1 Examples of Velocity, Growth Rate, and Area 1.5 The Formal Definition of Limit 29 30 P.6 Polynomials and Rational Functions P.7 The Trigonometric Functions Limits and Continuity 1.2 Limits of Functions Axis Scales Increments and Distances Graphs Straight Lines Equations of Lines Circles and Disks Equations of Parabolas Reflective Properties of Parabolas Scaling a Graph Shifting a Graph Ellipses and Hyperbolas Maple Calculations Trigonometry Review Normals 2.2 The Derivative Some Important Derivatives Leibniz Notation Differentials Derivatives Have the Intermediate-Value Property 2.3 Differentiation Rules Sums and Constant Multiples The Product Rule The Reciprocal Rule The Quotient Rule 90 95 95 99 100 102 104 106 107 108 109 110 112 113 05/12/16 3:09 pm ADAMS & ESSEX: Calculus: a Complete Course, 8th Edition Front – page viii October 14, 2016 ADAM viii 2.4 The Chain Rule Finding Derivatives with Maple Building the Chain Rule into Differentiation Formulas Proof of the Chain Rule (Theorem 6) 2.5 Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions Some Special Limits The Derivatives of Sine and Cosine The Derivatives of the Other Trigonometric Functions 116 119 119 120 121 121 123 125 2.6 Higher-Order Derivatives 127 2.7 Using Differentials and Derivatives 131 Approximating Small Changes Average and Instantaneous Rates of Change Sensitivity to Change Derivatives in Economics 2.8 The Mean-Value Theorem Increasing and Decreasing Functions Proof of the Mean-Value Theorem 2.9 Implicit Differentiation Higher-Order Derivatives The General Power Rule 2.10 Antiderivatives and Initial-Value Problems Antiderivatives The Indefinite Integral Differential Equations and Initial-Value Problems 2.11 Velocity and Acceleration 131 133 134 135 138 140 142 145 148 149 150 150 151 153 156 156 157 160 Chapter Review 163 3.1 Inverse Functions Inverting Non–One-to-One Functions Derivatives of Inverse Functions 3.2 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Exponentials Logarithms 3.3 The Natural Logarithm and Exponential The Natural Logarithm The Exponential Function General Exponentials and Logarithms Logarithmic Differentiation 3.4 Growth and Decay The Growth of Exponentials and Logarithms Exponential Growth and Decay Models 9780134154367_Calculus 3.5 The Inverse Trigonometric Functions The Inverse Sine (or Arcsine) Function The Inverse Tangent (or Arctangent) Function Other Inverse Trigonometric Functions 3.6 Hyperbolic Functions Inverse Hyperbolic Functions 3.7 Second-Order Linear DEs with Constant Coefficients 166 166 170 170 172 172 173 176 176 179 181 182 185 185 186 188 190 192 192 195 197 200 203 206 Recipe for Solving ay” + by’ + cy = Simple Harmonic Motion Damped Harmonic Motion 206 209 212 Chapter Review 213 More Applications of Differentiation 4.1 Related Rates Procedures for Related-Rates Problems 4.2 Finding Roots of Equations Discrete Maps and Fixed-Point Iteration Newton’s Method “Solve” Routines 216 216 217 222 223 225 229 4.3 Indeterminate Forms 230 l’H^opital’s Rules 231 4.4 Extreme Values Velocity and Speed Acceleration Falling Under Gravity Transcendental Functions Interest on Investments Logistic Growth Maximum and Minimum Values Critical Points, Singular Points, and Endpoints Finding Absolute Extreme Values The First Derivative Test Functions Not Defined on Closed, Finite Intervals 4.5 Concavity and Inflections The Second Derivative Test 4.6 Sketching the Graph of a Function Asymptotes Examples of Formal Curve Sketching 4.7 Graphing with Computers Numerical Monsters and Computer Graphing Floating-Point Representation of Numbers in Computers Machine Epsilon and Its Effect on Figure 4.45 Determining Machine Epsilon 4.8 Extreme-Value Problems Procedure for Solving Extreme-Value Problems 236 236 237 238 238 240 242 245 248 247 251 256 256 257 259 260 261 263 05/12/16 3:09 pm ADAMS & ESSEX: Calculus: a Complete Course, 8th Edition Front – page ix October 14, 2016 ix 4.9 Linear Approximations Approximating Values of Functions Error Analysis 4.10 Taylor Polynomials Taylor’s Formula Big-O Notation Evaluating Limits of Indeterminate Forms 269 270 271 275 277 280 282 4.11 Roundoff Error, Truncation Error, and Computers 284 Taylor Polynomials in Maple Persistent Roundoff Error Truncation, Roundoff, and Computer Algebra 284 285 286 Chapter Review 287 Integration 5.1 Sums and Sigma Notation Evaluating Sums 291 291 293 5.2 Areas as Limits of Sums 296 The Basic Area Problem Some Area Calculations 297 298 5.3 The Definite Integral 302 Partitions and Riemann Sums The Definite Integral General Riemann Sums 302 303 305 5.4 Properties of the Definite Integral 307 A Mean-Value Theorem for Integrals Definite Integrals of Piecewise Continuous Functions 5.5 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus 310 311 313 5.6 The Method of Substitution 319 Trigonometric Integrals 323 5.7 Areas of Plane Regions 327 Areas Between Two Curves 328 Chapter Review 331 Techniques of Integration 334 6.1 Integration by Parts 334 Reduction Formulas 338 6.2 Integrals of Rational Functions Linear and Quadratic Denominators Partial Fractions Completing the Square Denominators with Repeated Factors 6.3 Inverse Substitutions The Inverse Trigonometric Substitutions Inverse Hyperbolic Substitutions 9780134154367_Calculus 340 341 343 345 346 349 349 352 Other Inverse Substitutions The tan(/2) Substitution 6.4 Other Methods for Evaluating Integrals The Method of Undetermined Coefficients Using Maple for Integration Using Integral Tables Special Functions Arising from Integrals 6.5 Improper Integrals Improper Integrals of Type I Improper Integrals of Type II Estimating Convergence and Divergence 6.6 The Trapezoid and Midpoint Rules The Trapezoid Rule The Midpoint Rule Error Estimates 353 354 356 357 359 360 361 363 363 365 368 371 372 374 375 6.7 Simpson’s Rule 378 6.8 Other Aspects of Approximate Integration 382 Approximating Improper Integrals Using Taylor’s Formula Romberg Integration The Importance of Higher-Order Methods Other Methods 383 383 384 387 388 Chapter Review 389 Applications of Integration 393 7.1 Volumes by Slicing—Solids of Revolution 393 Volumes by Slicing Solids of Revolution Cylindrical Shells 394 395 398 7.2 More Volumes by Slicing 402 7.3 Arc Length and Surface Area 406 Arc Length The Arc Length of the Graph of a Function Areas of Surfaces of Revolution 7.4 Mass, Moments, and Centre of Mass Mass and Density Moments and Centres of Mass Two- and Three-Dimensional Examples 7.5 Centroids Pappus’s Theorem 7.6 Other Physical Applications Hydrostatic Pressure Work Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy 7.7 Applications in Business, Finance, and Ecology 406 407 410 413 413 416 417 420 423 425 426 427 430 432 05/12/16 3:09 pm ... (catalogue.pearsoned.ca) Navigate to this book’s catalogue page to view a list of those supplements that are available Speak to your local Pearson sales representative for details and access Also... ADAMS & ESSEX: Calculus: a Complete Course, 9th Edition Chapter – page October 15, 2016 What Is Calculus? Early in the seventeenth century, the German mathematician Johannes Kepler analyzed a. .. Surfaces and Surface Integrals 896 Parametric Surfaces Composite Surfaces Surface Integrals Smooth Surfaces, Normals, and Area Elements Evaluating Surface Integrals The Attraction of a Spherical

Ngày đăng: 16/08/2018, 17:06

