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Games for Next Move_teachers resources

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Games Resource Pack COVER © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013 Games Resource Pack Welcome to the Next Move Games Resource Pack Games are often seen as “time fillers” or a peripheral, occasional part of classroom life once the “real” learning has finished However, the truth is that games can be a vital part of the lesson providing stimulation, motivation, fun, and variety At the same time, using games in the classroom needs to be done with care, especially with larger classes or with children who haven’t played games in a learning context before We’ve put together this Games Resource Pack to help you select, set up, and manage games to achieve positive learning outcomes Contents • Games in the Primary Classroom .p3 • How to Manage Games in the Classroom p5 • Games Ideas .p6 • Using the Next Move Games Templates p9 • Next Move Games Templates .p20 © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013 Games Resource Pack Games in the Primary Classroom Why should we play games in the classroom? The advantages that games bring to the English teaching classroom can be divided into three areas: Dynamics Dynamics Games… • inject energy and fun into a lesson • help children contribute with greater confidence – to make a mistake in a game may seem less serious than a mistake in a normal lesson • promote different interaction patterns – teacher-child, child-child, child-group, group-group – and also provide interaction with a genuine purpose and outcome • help develop competencies of cooperation, teamwork, problem solving, and autonomy Language Language Games… • are a good way to recycle and consolidate language • are often multi-skill activities • encourage the use of extra English with procedures and instructions (i.e It’s your turn! Roll! Go back three squares!) Variety Variety Games… • can be both something new and exciting, or familiar and welcome • involve a range of intelligences: movement, tactile materials, visual materials, and an auditory component are common Logical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, and linguistic intelligence are frequently utilized during games, along with other types of intelligence • are usually very student-centered They allow the children to enjoy extended interaction with their peers, and they give the teacher space to observe, assess, and relax! © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013 Games Resource Pack When should we use games? Games can be used at various points in any lesson, but the time to use them should be carefully planned Judicious use of games supports three stages of children’s learning: Supported Independence (SI) Dependence (D) When the language is new and the children depend on the teacher for input When the children have a degree of familiarity with the language and are ready to experiment in a safe environment with the support of their peers and the teacher Independence (I) When the children are confident in the language and are ready to produce more with less help The following parts of a typical lesson plan can incorporate games to support each of the three learning stages: • Presentation of new language (D): games at this stage provide the opportunity to give students extended exposure to the language and build confidence • Controlled Practice (SI): games help keep children’s motivation high to keep using and practicing the language • Freer Practice (I): games require the children to interact in a fun, purposeful way and make use of language to achieve a definite outcome • Warmers (SI/I): a game is an ideal confidence-building activity to start the lesson, and help children remember and show their knowledge of previously learned language • Fillers (SI/I): when a change of pace is needed, or the main aims of the lesson have been achieved, the children’s favorite games provide a platform for more fun production • Recycling / Review (SI/I): games motivate the children to revisit and gain confidence in language previously presented and practiced • Reward (D/SI/I): Some groups need the incentive of a reward later in the lesson in order to remain focused Sometimes you may simply decide that a game is a just reward for good work! © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013 Games Resource Pack How to Manage Games in the Classroom When playing games in the classroom, try to keep the following points and tips in mind: ✔✔ Simple games often work best with big classes, especially if you have limited time to explain and play the game ✔✔ Make sure you know how to play the game before the lesson, and that you are confident of the rules and how you are going to explain them You don’t want to lose the children’s interest before the game has started! ✔✔ Remember that demonstration can be the most effective means of teaching the game ✔✔ Written instructions on the board (for those who need a little extra time or respond better to written language) is useful A written reminder of the procedural language (It’s your turn, etc.) is also a useful technique and stops the temptation to fall back into L1 ✔✔ Before you start the game, check the game’s rules with simple Yes/No questions or two-choice questions: “Do you touch the picture or point to it?” “Point!” / “Can you stand up before I say ‘Go’?” “No!” ✔✔ Remember – you don’t always need to be looking for new games Familiar favorites form the basis of your games resource, and an occasional new one can bring some variety ✔✔ Make sure you have rules in place which can help you govern noise, cooperation, and use of English If these are built in as part of the game and all of the children are aware of them, things will run smoother and the game will be more fun! ✔✔ Your application of rules needs to be consistent, or some children’s sense of competition will lead to a loss of motivation for the game ✔✔ Remember that not all games need to be competitive Sometimes it is fun to just play a game and enjoy the fact that people are doing well! ✔✔ Try to have some kind of reward system for your games This could be with points for correct answers, good effort, or good use of English Or small extra privileges such as being chosen to hand out books or clean the board, to have an extra turn at the computer, or to choose the next game ✔✔ Having a continuous reward system (such as adding marbles to a large jar for good effort, or adding smiley faces to a chart for good use of English) can also be the reward for the whole class for doing well in a game This encourages the children to be cooperative, rather than competitive © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013 Games Resource Pack Games Ideas This section contains a selection of games for use in the classroom, including games which involve moving, listening, visuals, and reading/writing to provide variety for all types of learners The games are given a particular direction or aim below, but they are all adaptable to many different language areas or objectives For extra ideas for games using the Next Move Games Templates, go to page Running Words / Sentences Aim: To practice vocabulary or short sentences Level: Levels 1-6 Time: 10-15 minutes Materials: None Divide the class into two teams and have them line up in front of the board, at least meters away (If you have a large class divide them into four teams and have two teams at a time playing.) Give a board pen to the first child in each team and draw a line down the middle of the board Running Words version: call out a vocabulary item from a recently studied vocabulary set The first child runs to the board and writes the first letter of the word, then runs back and gives the pen to the next child in his/her team, who runs and writes the second letter, etc The round finishes when one team shouts Finished! You can award points for the first to finish or just have a round of applause before going on to the next vocabulary item Running Sentences version: The same as the word version, except you work with short sentences from a recently studied structure, and the children write one word each rather than one letter © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013 Games Resource Pack The Letters Game Aim: To practice/review written form of vocabulary Level: Levels 1-6 Time: 15-20 minutes Materials: You will need envelopes with each letter of the alphabet on a small square of card or paper Prepare envelope per 4-5 students Hand out an envelope to each group and give them a minute or two to put the letters face up on the table They not need to be put in any order Call out items of vocabulary from recent lessons – the groups have to put the letters in the correct order to make the word The first group to finish shouts Finished! Check the word is spelled correctly – if not the game continues Points can be given for correct words, or just applause for the winning team Change Places Aim: To practice/review recently studied grammatical structures Level: 2-6 Time: 10-15 minutes Materials: None Make sure that any unoccupied chairs are turned to face the wall Explain to the children that you will make statements, and if the statement is true for them, they must stand up and move to a different chair Give an easy example to start: I like pizza! After a few rounds led by you, turn another chair to face the wall when the children stand up to change places The student left standing then has to give the next instruction and try to find a place to sit This can be limited to particular structures (I like / I ate last night) and the children can say whatever they think will get everyone to move! e r mor ver fo eas o n r Tu s id game © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013 Games Resource Pack Back/Air Writing Aim: To practice/review vocabulary sets or the alphabet Level: Suitable for all levels Time: 10-15 minutes Materials: None Invite one child to come to the front of the class and with your finger, write a letter on his/her back and ask What’s this letter? Make sure you give the example writing big, bold letters! Repeat with a few more volunteers then put the children in pairs and have them continue the game A level more challenging is to have the children write out whole words on each other’s backs – show them that they should write one big letter at a time, not a whole word across the back – this is too small to feel accurately This version is usually too challenging if you not set a vocabulary set or topic first An easier and quicker version (but no less fun) is for one child to write the word/letter in the air for the other to see and guess Categories Game Aim:To practice/review vocabulary sets Level: Levels 1-6 Time: 10-15 minutes Materials: Pen and paper for each group of 2-4 students Prepare a list of vocabulary sets that the students know with two examples from each set Put the children in groups of 2-4 Explain that you will say two words from one vocabulary set or category – in their group they have to write three more from the same set When finished they shout Finished! Check their answers – if they are not in the same vocabulary set or are incorrectly spelled, say No! Continue! until a group shows you a correct answer Ask the winning group what the category was, and what other words they wrote Elicit more examples from the other groups (they will want to tell you) Call out words from the next category and the game continues Make it clear to the children that they not need to write the words you call out, and they not need to write the category! © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013 Games Resource Pack Using the Next Move Games Templates At the back of this Resource Pack you will find templates for five different games that can be printed for your classes or laminated for reuse The templates cover a range of games from the competitive to the collaborative, and this section gives a starter pack of ideas on how to use each template in different ways for different levels and aims Of course there are many more ways to use each template – it’s all in your head waiting to come out! Bingo Origami Template Hit or Miss Template A My grid B C D E F G H I J 10 A B C D E F G H I J My friend’s grid Folding this template into a “fortune teller“ gives the children a fun craft activity followed by a variety of games to practice vocabulary and grammar tenses d 5x5 grids These 3x3 an r practicing are perfect fo well as numbers, as ts and vocabulary se ctures grammar stru The simple grids allow fo fun guessing game betw een two children as they try to “hit” each other’s words 10 Let’s Go Home Soccer 01 72 11 44 31 23 41 42 14 32 51 33 04 22 43 12 83 53 93 61 EERF RT PO SS PA 71 !LAOG 13 24 52 03 21 62 34 EERF OP AP 81 AP SS PSS TR 91 TRO 63 02 73 This traditional board ga me is adaptable for all levels As children roll a dice and ma ke their way back home, there are lots of opportunities to use and practice languag e This soccer-themed template will encourage fans of the game to use English as they work their way towards a goal! © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013 82 Games Resource Pack Bingo Templates and ids These 3x3 and 5x5 gr ing are perfect for practic numbers, as well as vocabulary sets and grammar structures Aim: To practice vocabulary Level: 1-6 Time: 15-30 minutes Materials: Printed template for each child (3x3 or 5x5) Hand out a printed template to each child and ask them to write a word from a vocabulary set (e.g fruit/relatives/rooms) in each of the squares Check the children have filled in their grids correctly, then call out each word from the vocabulary set or show a flashcard of it if you have them (you can mix flashcards and spoken words in the same game) If the child has this word he/she crosses it off his/her grid (ensure the word is still legible for checking) The first child to complete the grid shouts Bingo! Ask the child to tell you the words he/ she crossed off to see if there are any mistakes The game then continues so others can also get Bingo! You can add stages to this game by adding an extra call for “corners” or “line.” Aim: To practice past tense regular and irregular verbs Level: and Time: 15-30 minutes Materials: Printed template for each child (3x3 or 5x5) Hand out a printed template to each child On the board write all the infinitives of the verbs the children know (regular and irregular) Each child chooses and writes in the grid – verb per space Check the children have filled in their grids correctly, then call out the verbs in their past tense form The first child to complete the grid shouts Bingo! Ask the child to tell you the words he/she crossed off to see if there are any mistakes The game then continues so others can also get Bingo! You can add stages to this game by adding an extra call for “corners” or “line.” © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013 10 Games Resource Pack Aim: To practice vocabulary sets Level: 4-6 Time: 15-30 minutes Materials: Printed template for each child (3x3) Aim: To provide a lead-in/gist task for a listening or song Level: 3-6 Time: 10-15 minutes Materials: Printed template for each child (3x3) Hand out a printed template to each child Have the children refer to the vocabulary set you are practicing in the Student’s Book Each child chooses (or you may choose not to use one line and have only spaces) and writes in his/her grid with one item per space Check the children have filled in their grids correctly, then call out definitions of the words (e.g clothes: You wear these on your feet over your socks or places: you go here to watch a movie) The children cross off the words when they hear the correct definition The first child to complete the grid shouts Bingo! Ask the child to tell you the words he/she crossed off to see if there are any mistakes The game then continues so others can also get Bingo! Hand out a printed template to each child Write on the board 10-12 key words from the listening text or the song you are going to next Each child chooses (or you may choose not to use one line and have only spaces) and writes in one word in each space of the grid Check the children have filled in their grids correctly, then play the audio The children cross off the words when they hear them The first child to complete the grid shouts Bingo! Ask the child to tell you the words he/she crossed off to see if there are any mistakes Play the rest of the audio so the other children can also get Bingo! Games Resource Pack Bingo © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013 socks T-shirt skirt sweater sneakers shirt shorts shoes dress 11 Games Resource Pack Aim: To practice is/are in the + place Level: Level Time: 20-30 minutes Materials: Printed template for each child te Hit or Miss Templa C B A My grid D F E G H J I Hand out a printed template to each child Write on the board the list of parts of the house or places in the town each with a number 1-10 Have the children write these next to the numbers on the top grid Then decide with the class for a name to write next to each letter on the top grid (names of the children’s classmates are easiest) All children have to write the same places and names in the same order! Have the children color in blocks of squares (4 in a row horizontally or vertically) These represent the ships! There must be one clear space all around the ships unless they are in an edge row or column Check the children have filled in their grids correctly, then pair the children and have them place an open book upright between them to hide the grids Student A gives a grid reference by using the name and place: Julio is in the living room / Luis is in the park If Student B does not have part of a ship in that square, then he/she says Miss! and Student A crosses out that square on the bottom grid If there is part of a ship, Student B says Hit! and Student A colors in that square on the bottom grid Then it is Student B’s turn to guess The game continues until one child has found all the ships on their partner’s grid 10 A B C D F E G I H J My friend’s grid Template w for a The simple grids allo tween fun guessing game be try to two children as they ds “hit” each other’s wor 10 Games Resource Pack - Template Hit or Miss A My grid living room B C D E F G H I J kitchen yard bedroom bathroom park movie theatre beach market school 10 A B C D E F G H I J My friend’s grid 10 © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013 e r mor ver fo eas o n r Tu s id game 12 Games Resource Pack Aim: To practice Yes/No questions, all tenses Level: Levels 1-6 Time: 20-30 minutes Materials: Printed template for each child Aim: To practice vocabulary sets Level: 1-6 Time: 20-30 minutes Materials: Printed template for each child Follow instructions as in the previous game, but this time use verbs instead of parts of the house Elicit an example of a Y/N question in the tense you want them to use Write it on the board: E.g Does Madonna play football? / Did Maria go to the cinema? To play the game, Student A gives a grid reference by making a Yes/No question using a name and verb If Student B does not have part of a ship in the square that the name and verb correspond to, he/she says No, he/she doesn’t/didn’t, etc and Student A crosses out that square on the bottom grid If there is part of a ship, Student B says Yes, he/she does/did, etc., and Student A crosses out that square on the bottom grid Then it is Student B’s turn to guess The game continues until one child has found all the ships on their partner’s grid Hand out a printed template to each child Write the vocabulary set on the board or direct the students to the vocabulary lesson in their Student’s Book Each child chooses words and writes them in the top grid – letter per space There needs to be at least one clear space all around each word (unless they are at the edge of the grid) Check the children have filled in their grids correctly, then pair the children and have them place an open book upright between them to hide the grids Student A says a grid reference (e.g F-7) If Student B has no letter written in that square, then he/she says Miss! and Student A crosses out that square on the bottom grid If there is a letter, Student B says Hit! and says the letter, which Student A writes on the bottom grid Then it is Student B’s turn to guess The game continues until one child has found all the vocabulary items on their partner’s grid © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013 13 Games Resource Pack Origami Template Step 1: fold Template into Folding this template s the a “fortune teller“ give tivity children a fun craft ac of followed by a variety bulary ca vo games to practice and grammar tenses Step 2: turn over Step 3: fold Step 4: fold in half © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013 Step 5: open 14 Games Resource Pack Aim: To practice will for future predictions Level: Level Time: 20-30 minutes Materials: Printed template for each child Aim: To practice classroom language Level: Level Time: 20-30 minutes Materials: Printed template for each child Hand out a printed template to each child Have the children write numbers between and 30 in the small square corner spaces of the template – one in each space Have them write months – one in each of the small triangles either side of the corner squares Now in the four squares that form the inner part of the template, have them write will future predictions (e.g You will be rich! You will marry a monkey! etc.) Turn the template over and show the class how to fold it into the final shape (if some children are ready to this before others, they can color or decorate their words and questions) Now demonstrate how to use the origami shape: ask a child to choose a number on the outside flaps Open and close the shape while counting up to the number chosen The child then chooses a month from the inside flaps and the process is repeated, naming the months up to the one chosen Finally the child chooses another month from the inside flaps and that flap is opened to reveal the prediction, which you tell the child: On (month chosen) (ordinal of number chosen), you will…! Have the children the same with their own origami shapes with their neighbors and other children in the class Hand out a printed template to each child Have the children write numbers between and 20 in the small square corner spaces of the template – one in each space Have them write classroom objects – one in each of the small triangles either side of the corner squares Now in the four squares that form the inner part of the template, have them write classroom instructions (e.g Stand up / Sit down / Clean up / Please don’t shout!) Follow the instructions as for the previous game, but after folding instead of choosing a month, the child then chooses an object from the inside flaps and the process is repeated, spelling out the object chosen Finally the child chooses another object from the inside flaps and that flap is opened to reveal the instruction, which you tell the child Encourage the child to or mime that action! © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013 Games Resource Pac k - Template Origami You will marry a film star! 15 Games Resource Pack Soccer EERF © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013 !LAOG EERF Template mplate This soccer-themed te the will encourage fans of as they game to use English ds a work their way towar goal! Aim: To practice simple present questions and affirmatives Level: Level 1-6 Time: 20-30 minutes Materials: Printed template for each group of 4-6 children, cut out soccer ball, cards with 1015 verb phrases (e.g go to the cinema / eat a burger / play computer games, etc.) Hand out a printed template to each group and have them put the verb cards on the spaces around the outside of the soccer field Have them decide two equal teams and which goal they are defending Toss a coin to see which team starts Place the soccer ball in the middle One child from the first team to play takes a verb card which he/she shows to his/ her teammates, but not to the other team The other team can ask four questions to find out what the phrase is – each time substituting the verb with the word BLUB: Where you BLUB? How often you BLUB? Why you BLUB? When you BLUB? etc For each question the ball is moved one space nearer the goal When the last question has been asked (AND NOT BEFORE!), the guessing team can make three guesses at the verb phrase If they guess correctly, the goal is saved, and the ball returns to the middle with no score If they not guess correctly, the ball moves to the goal, and it counts as a score for the first team The ball returns to the middle and the process is then repeated in the other direction Set a time limit for the end of the game and ask for the final score 16 Games Resource Pack Aim: To practice vocabulary and/or spelling Level: Starter - Time: 15-20 minutes Materials: Printed template for each group of 4-6 children, cut out ball, cards with 2025 pictures of recently covered vocabulary and/or vocabulary word cards Aim: To practice verb tenses (affirmative, negative, questions) Level: Level 4-6 Time: 20-25 minutes Materials: Printed template for each group of 4-6 children, cut out soccer ball, 15-20 cards each with an infinitive verb and a + , – , or Q and the same number of cards with time phrases – last night / every day / next week, etc Set up the game as per the previous example One child from the first team to play takes a card If it’s a picture card he/ she shows it to the other team and asks What’s this? If it’s a word card it is not shown to the other team, and the question is How you spell…? (For children at Starter level, use picture cards only.) For every correct answer the ball is moved one space nearer the goal and the same team plays again An incorrect answer means the teams swap roles and the ball moves in the other direction If the ball moves all the way to the goal, it counts as a score for the team The ball returns to the middle and the process starts again in the other direction Set a time limit for the end of the game and ask for the final score © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013 Set up the game as per the previous example One child from the attacking team takes a verb card and shows everyone A child from the defending team takes a time phrase card and shows everyone The attacking team now has 10 seconds to decide a complete and correct sentence using the words on both cards If all agree it is correct the ball is moved one space nearer the goal and the same team plays again An incorrect answer means the teams swap roles and the ball moves in the other direction If the ball moves all the way to the goal, it counts as a score for the team The ball returns to the middle and the process starts again in the other direction Set a time limit for the end of the game and ask for the final score 17 Games Resource Pack Let’s Go Home 21 31 41 42 TR OP SS A P 61 TROP SSAP 73 63 TRO 91 PSS AP 83 53 12 93 43 22 33 32 04 71 14 51 13 52 24 23 34 03 62 72 44 82 11 54 01 Aim: To revise recently studied language Level: Level 3-6 Time: 25 minutes Materials: Printed template for each group of or children, 20 sentence cards for correction per group, dice (one per group) Template game This traditional board vels As is adaptable for all le d make children roll a dice an there their way back home, ties to are lots of opportuni uage use and practice lang © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013 Hand out a printed template to each group and a set of correction cards (each correction card has a sentence on it that the children have studied – they should be approximately half correct and half with a mistake) Place the correction cards face down next to the template The first child rolls the die and moves a counter forward from the starter square If he/she stops on a blank square, he/she takes a correction card, reads it to the group, and says if it’s correct or not If the group members agree, the child moves his/her counter forward to the next suitcase square If the group does not agree he/she moves the counter back to the nearest suitcase square If he/she stops on a transportation square, move forward as follows: bus – square; train – squares; boat – squares; submarine – squares; hot air balloon – squares; helicopter – squares! If he/she stops on a suitcase square, the child must say the item missing from that image, or he/she goes back to the square he/she moved from The next child then rolls the die and the game continues The game finishes when the first child reaches the Home square at the end of the board 18 Games Resource Pack Aim: To practice verb forms Level: Level 2-6 Time: 25 minutes Materials: Printed template for each group of or children; 15 verb cards per group, affirmative/negative/question cards per group, dice (one per group) Aim: To practice questions and answers Level: Level 1-6 Time: 25 minutes Materials: Printed template for each group of or children; 20 question cards per group, dice (one per group) Hand out a printed template to each group and a set of question cards (each card has a question on it for children to answer based on recently studied areas) Place the question cards face down next to the template The first child rolls the die and moves a counter forward from the starter square If he/she stops on a blank square, one of the other group members takes a card and asks the player the question on it If the groups agrees that the player gave an appropriate and correct answer, he/she moves the counter forward to the next suitcase square If not, he/she moves back to the nearest suitcase square For instructions on suitcase and transportation squares, see the previous game explanation The next child then rolls the die and the game continues The game finishes when the first child reaches the Home square at the end of the board © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013 Hand out a printed template to each group, a set of verb cards (each card with an infinitive verb the children are familiar with) and a set of Aff/Neg/Q cards (each card has on it the words Affirmative, Negative, or Question – of each) Place the question cards and Aff/Neg/Q cards face down next to the template The first child rolls the die and moves a counter forward from the starter square If he/she stops on a blank square, he/she takes a verb card and Aff/Neg/Q card and shows them to the group He/she must then make a short sentence using that verb in the form on the card If the groups accepts the sentence, the player moves the counter forward to the next suitcase square If not, he/she moves back to the nearest suitcase square For instructions on suitcase and transportation squares, see the first game explanation The next child then rolls the die and the game continues The game finishes when the first child reaches the Home square at the end of the board 19 Games Resource Pack - Template Bingo Photocopiable © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013 Games Resource Pack - Template Photocopiable © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013 Games Resource Pack - Template Hit or Miss A My grid B C D E F G H 10 A B C D E 10 Photocopiable © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013 F G H I J My friend’s grid I J Games Resource Pack - Template Origami Photocopiable © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013 Games Resource Pack - Template Soccer GOAL! FREE Photocopiable © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013 FREE Games Resource Pack - Template Let’s Go Home PA T POR PASS T OR P SS 10 14 13 12 16 17 RT PO SS PA 11 15 19 23 22 21 25 24 26 27 28 33 30 31 34 35 32 36 37 38 45 39 Photocopiable © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2013 40 41 42 43 44

Ngày đăng: 07/08/2018, 16:27

