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NLU-01-Quality Management-2018

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1 ! The totality of features and characteristics of products or services (ASQC, 1987) ! Fitness for use (Juran, 1990) ! Conformance to requirements (Cosby, 1979) ! Predictable degree of uniformity and dependability (Demming) ! Best for customer use and selling-price (Feigenbaum) Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) ! The relationship between supplier or companies delivering products that comply with specific expectations of customers or consumers ! ! The relationship between performance of product or services and customer expectations Quality can be quantified as follows: Q = P/E ! Zip model (Van den Berg and Delsing, 1999) Quality Expectations Supplier Product Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) ! Consumer ! Where Q = Quality P = performance E = expectations Q > 1.0 (customer has a good feeling the product or service) Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) Dimensions Meaning and Examples Performance Primary product characteristics Features Secondary characteristics, added features Conformance Meeting specifications or industry standards Reliability Consistency of performance over time Durability Useful life, included repair Service Resolution of problems and complaints Response Human-to-human interface Aesthetics Sensory characteristics Reputation Past performance and other intangibles Features Price Lower deficiencies Cycle time Share Income Warranty Waste Cost Profit Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) ! Interrelationship between Quality of Design, Quality of Conformance, Quality of Performance ! Quality Trilogy : Quality Planning, Quality Control, Quality Improvement ! Legal standards › organization, government, international organization (world bodies) › Federal regulation, FDA, USFDA, CODEX ! Company or Voluntary Labels standards Quality of Conformance › segments of food industry › trademark™ symbol of product quality ! Quality Control Industry standards › organized group industry, Marketing organization › ex Frozen food Stds, Canned foods Stds ! Consumer / Grade standards › consumers’ requirements of products, › experience in use by individual for consumers Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) Quality of Design Quality Planning Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) Quality of Performance Quality Improvement 10 ! The basic processes used in managing for quality ! Quality management QP QC (during(operations) Sporadic3spike 40 › Quality Planning › Quality Control › Quality Improvement Original zone of QC 20 ! The use of techniques and activities to achieve, sustain, and improve the quality QI Time Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) New zone of QC Chronic3waste Lessons learned Aim2:2Zero2defect Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) 11 ! Planning (program, process, systems) to develop product and process for achievement of customer satisfaction Quality strategy and policy Quality3 planning Quality3 Improvement 12 Quality Assurance *New products / Product revision Quality333 Control Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) Establish Quality Goals - List of quality goals Identify the Customers - List of customers Discover Customers’ need Develop Product Features - List of customers’ need (market survey) - Translate (our language) - Product design Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) 14 APPLY MEASUREMENTS APPLY MEASUREMENTS 13 Develop Process Features Establish Process Controls Transfer to Operations - Process control -Process ready to produce -Dry run, Pilot run @Proof3process3capability3(process3 validation) @Proof3process3controllability3 (reproductively/3process3stability) Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) 15 ! ! Quality control : The use of techniques and activities to achieve, sustain, and improve the quality of product or service The following related techniques and activities:› Specifications (what is needs?) › Designs (meet the specifications) › Production or Installation (meet the full intent of specifications) › Inspection (conformance to specifications) › Review of usage (revision of specifications if needed) Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) 16 ! Control or activities of products and processes ! Feed back from customer (quality of performance) › 1.Controlling actual performance › 2.Comparing quality between actual performance and goals › 3.Action taken on the difference from goals Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) 17 ! Choosing the control requirement ! Incoming material control ! In process control ! Finished product control › Base on design requirement Choosing a unit for control ! Setting a goal for control ! › Base on customers’ requirements ! 18 Establishing a measurement › Method/ equipment/calibration/sampling Measuring actual performance Interpreting the difference between actual and goal ! Taking acting on the difference (if any) ! ! Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) 19 ! ! Incoming material control 20 ! Guidelines for incoming material control › Main – raw materials › Minor – Ingredient ; additives, package label › Specification document › Regulation of product Quality control methods › Work instruction › Proper record keeping › Specification / Standard of incoming materials › Planning for purchasing of incoming materials › Updating › Inspection and testing › Keeping / storage Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) 21 ! In process control › › › › ! ! ! ! ! ! 22 ! During processing/ operation Control for stability of quality (specification) Corrective action taken Reduced finished product inspection (recheck) Finished product control › Following quality control program › Physical properties › Chemical properties › Microbiological properties (incubation test) Statistic Process control; SPC Probability Reliability, reproducibility-> calibration Acceptance Sampling plan techniques Experimental design Control chart › Sensory evaluation ! Quality control methods › Specification / Standard of final products › Inspection and testing › Sampling plan techniques Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) 23 ! Physical properties › Outside : Appearance of container, label › Inside : Top appearance " Top appearance " Solid: chunk, flake, shredded, broken " Liquid: clear /cloudy solution, precipitation " Black ring (canned product) " Cleaning defects " Visual check Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) 24 ! Physical properties › Container vacuum check (vacuum gauge) " Concave position " Reduction of oxygen level inside container " Prevention from distortion during thermal process " Bourdon type gauge (0-30 inch) › Headspace measurement " The container volume not occupied by product " Prevent product contacting the seal area /lid " Depth gauge with horizontal bar and vertical rule (32-64th inches) Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) 25 ! 26 ! Physical properties › Texture " Firmness/ tenderness/hardness/crispy " Magness-Taylor Fruit Pressure tester " Christel Texturometer " Instron " Texture Analyzer › Viscosity " Bostwick Consistometer " Adams Consistometer " Brook field " Kramer Shear Press " Rotovisco Rheometer ! ! ! ! ! Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) Don’t have directly responsibility for quality Support / continually evaluate the effectiveness of quality system Determines quality problems Assistance, correction, minimization the quality problems Improve quality 2nd layer of protection Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) 27 ! Pre-requisite program : › GMP, GHP, PAS 220 (ISO/TS 22002-1) HACCP (Food safety system) ! ISO (Quality management system) ! › › › › ISO 9001: 2015 ISO 22000: 2005 (FSMS) ISO 14000, ISO 18000 ISO 50001 28 ! ! ! ! ! UK: BRC (British Retailer Consortium) German/France : IFS (International Food Standard) Australia : SQF (Safe Quality Food) USA : HACCP USA : FSSC (Food Safety System Certification) ! BRC, SQF, IFS, FSSC (FSMS) ! TQM (Total Quality Management) Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) 29 Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) 30 Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) 31 1930 32 Statistical2approach2 of2quality 1950 Statistical2 reliability Quality2 instead2of2cost 1970 Quality2assurance2 (QA) Improvement 1980 ISO 1960 Prevention ISO 1990 HACCPP Total2Quality2 Management2 (TQM) 2000 Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) 33 34 Headspace Guidelines : ! Leave 1-inch headspace for low-acid foods, vegetables and meats ! Leave 1/2-inch headspace for high-acid foods, fruits and tomatoes ! Leave 1/4-inch headspace for juicers, jams, jellies, pickles, and relishes Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) 35 ! 36 Physical properties › Vacuum › Headspace › Gross weight " The total weight (including contents, packing material, labels) › Net weight/content " The weight of goods (not include the weight of wrapping material, container, or other packaging) › Drained weight/content " The weight of a canned product without the liquid › Container weight/content › Meat /Flake /broken pieces weight › Medium (solution/sauce/ brine/ oil/ broth) › TSS, pH, salt content › Aw (water activity)/ moisture content Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) ! Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) The weight of solid or semisolid product representing the contents of a package obtained after removal of the liquid has been employed 37 ! Chemical properties 38 ! Microbiological properties › Proper sterilization/ pasteurization › Incubation test (acidified and Low acid food) " Incubator " Incubation temperature: 35OC± 2.8OC (95F± 5F) " Incubation time : 10 days (240hrs) " Incubation samples: at least one per batch or 1:1000 for continuous process " Visual check : abnormal/normal container › Total titratable acidity (TA) and pH › Salt content (NaCl) and salinometer › Total soluble solid (TSS) and sugar content › Defect and contaminants " Biogenic compound ; histamine " Heavy metal " Pesticide, antibiotic " Food additives (antimicrobial, antioxidant, colorant) Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) 39 ! 40 Sensory properties › Well-trained panelist (expert) › Appearance › Color › Taste › Odor › Defects " Cleaning defects " Foreign matter Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) 41 Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) 42 Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) 43 Sieve3(83mesh) 44 ! Can out side (external condition) › Code › Body dents, scratches, leakage around seam Vacuum3 gauge Countersink depth gauge Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) › Condition of ends " Flat (ends concave) " Flipper (low vacuum) " Springer (one end is flat/ the other end is convex) " Swell (both ends are convex) Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) 45 ! Gross weight or total weight (g) 46 ! Vacuum › Anaerobe condition › In-Hg › Can + content wt ! Net weight (net content) › Flat (concave) › Gross wt – Container wt (can+end) Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) 47 ! Headspace › the space from the top of the can/jar to the food or liquid in the jar › 1/16, 1/32 inches Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) 48 ! Product inside › Top appearance › Flake on top › Clear/cloudy solution › Black ring › Cover scratch Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) 49 ! 50 ! Drained weight Drained weight › Content weight (after drained for minutes) – container weight › Content weight after liquid was removed (drained ) for minutes through standard sieve (diameter 8”or 20 cm, 2.8x2.8 mm opening area) Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) 51 ! 52 Checking the quality › Syrup/ brine › Separate solid /liquid content ! › Broken pieces › Defects › › › › › › › Foreign matters › Filth Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) Checking the quality Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) Syrup/ brine Separate solid /liquid content Broken pieces Defects Foreign matters Filth 53 ! Sensory evaluation ! Chemical/ physical evaluation › pH › Total acidity (by titration with NaOH) › Taste › Color › Total Soluble Solid (refractometer, Obrix) › Water activity (Aw) › Odor › Texture › Viscosity (paste, sauce product) › Salt content (by titration with AgNO3) › Etc Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) 55 Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthat Surawang (QA-NLU-2018) 54

Ngày đăng: 04/08/2018, 21:31

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