6 Introduction •■ tudents should e i en lenty of r ctice co yin ccur tely i e them co yin t s s in cl ss nd for home or •■ tudents need to m e sure they include the rticle in their ns
Trang 2Pearson Education Limited
© Pearson Education Limited 2012
The right of Rosemary Aravanis to be identified as author of this Work has been
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ISBN: 978-1-4082-9941-8
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The publishers and author would like to thank the following people and institutions
for their feedback and comments during the development of the material:
Drew Hyde and Adrian Castro and the Frances King School of English
Author Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Tessie and Karen for their useful advice and all their hard work It is
much appreciated
Illustrated by Quadrum Solutions
Cover Image reproduced here by permission of Cambridge ESOL This image is drawn
from the CYLE Tests Sample Papers, published by Cambridge ESOL, 2006
Trang 3Introduction 4
Teacher’s Notes Test 1 8
Test 2 36
Test 3 58
Test 4 80
Test 5 102
Photocopiable worksheets 124
Movers grammar and structures list 138
Movers alphabetic vocabulary list 139
Trang 44 Introduction
he oun earners n lish ractice Tests lus
e rners n lish ests t consists of three le els
Starters Mo ers nd lyers
he ests re suit le for le rners of ll
n tion lities hose first l n u e is not n lish
h te er their cultur l c round hey co er
ll four l n u e s ills re din ritin listenin
nd s e in nd include r n e of t s s hich
ssess c ndid tes ility to use nd communic te
effecti ely in n lish ll c ndid tes ho com lete
their test recei e n rd hich focuses not on
h t they can t do ut on h t they can do he
rd certific te h s shield score ound ry hich
oun e rners ests re li ned ith the ommon
uro e n r me or of eferences for n u e t
•■ he Student’s Book hich cont ins fi e r ctice
tests ch test is di ided into three sections
istenin e din ritin nd e in
e chers m y ish to use some of the tests s
cl ssroom r ctice cti ities efore doin the
others under e m conditions
•■ he Teacher’s■Book hich cont ins n o er ie
nd te chin ti s for e ch rt of the test
em edded ns ers in l ce e chin uidelines
for e ch test e in fr me for e ch test
i in rocedures nd l n u e to use in e ch
s e in test hotoco i le or sheets
nd oc ul ry lists est of e ch le el h s
e chers c n choose hen to use these ith
est only or throu hout ll fi e tests
•■ he Multi-ROM hich includes the udio for
the istenin tests the udioscri ts ideo
ideo of the e in test on the multi
to ether ith the e in fr me in the
e cher s oo is desi ned to i e te chers
det iled e m le of ho to o out ro idin
students ith re listic r ctice for the
(25■minutes) What■is■the■ skills■focus? What■does■the■ child■do?
( uestions) istenin for
n mes nd descri tions
r s lines to
m tch n mes
to eo le in icture
for n mes
s ellin s
nd other inform tion
rites ords
or num ers in s
for s ecific inform tion
r s lines from d ys of the ee to correct ictures
for s ecific inform tion
ic s o under the correct icture ( uestions) istenin for
ords colours
nd s ecific inform tion
olours dr s
or rites somethin on the icture
•■ tudents need to no the r n e of children s
n mes they re li ely to encounter in the test
hese include the n mes ne to Mo ers ( oys
red ac im ohn aul eter harlie irls aisy ane Mary Sally ic y ily) nd lso the n mes
from Starters.
•■ hey should loo t the icture(s) efore the
uestions st rt hey should e encour ed to redict ho e ch ch r cter m y e descri ed
•■ hey need to no th t they ill he r
descri tions of eo le s clothes nd hysic l
e r nce s ell s comments on h t the
eo le re doin
•■ tudents find this note t in e ercise
ch llen in i e them s much r ctice
s ossi le
•■ tudents need to no the me nin of the
ords in the Starters nd Mo ers oc ul ry lists
to s ell the ords correctly
•■ tudents need lenty of r ctice ith the
l h et nd s ellin
Trang 5Introduction 5
•■ tudents should re d the instructions c refully
s these set the conte t nd tell students h t
to do
•■ hey need to listen c refully n some c ses the
children on the recordin ill mention thin s
from more th n one icture ut only one icture
is correct
•■ his rt co ers ide r n e of r mm r nd
the oc ul ry nd structures in the Starters nd
Mo ers syll us h e een ell co ered on the
•■ tudents should no th t the ns er m y come
t the e innin of the di lo ue in the middle or
t the end ncour e them to listen to the hole
di lo ue efore choosin n ns er
•■ tudents need to h e their coloured encils
re dy for this
•■ hey need to no the r n e of colours used
( lac lue ro n reen rey oran e pin purple
red yello
•■ hey need to no th t they ill lso rite or
dr somethin on the icture he ords ill e
n e sy ord to s ell nd the icture n e sy one
to dr
•■ tudents need to e re of re ositions of
l ce for this e ercise (e ne t to ehind on
under etc )
them in e ch rt e d the instructions nd
students underst nd
•■ l ys l y the recordin t ice f necess ry
ith the first t o or three tests l y the
recordin third time
udioscri t i e students co y of it nd then
l y the recordin in tudents listen nd
re d to chec their ns ers
■ Movers■Reading■&■Writing■Test
Parts (30■minutes)
skills■focus? What■does■the■ child■do?
short definitions
to ords nd ictures ritin ords
o ies the correct ord
ne t to the definition
sentences out ictureritin oneord ns ers
rites yes or no
di lo ue nd choosin the correct res onse
hooses the correct res onse y circlin letter
for s ecific inform tion
nd ist
o yin ords
hooses nd
co ies missin ords correctly
ic s o
to choose the correct title for the story
om letin sentences
om letes sentences out story
y ritin one
t o or three ords
nd co yin them in the s
•■ tudents need to e i en r ctice in re din
students re f mili r ith the l n u e ty ic l
of definitions or e m le the use of you nd can (e ou can eat this in a o l) rel ti e cl uses nd
the infiniti e of ur ose
Trang 66 Introduction
•■ tudents should e i en lenty of r ctice
co yin ccur tely i e them co yin t s s in
cl ss nd for home or
•■ tudents need to m e sure they include the
rticle in their ns er if there is one
•■ i e students r ctice m tchin true or f lse
sentences ith ictures
•■ ncour e students to re d the sentences
c refully nd to loo ery closely t the icture
efore decidin on n ns er emind them th t
the sentence must e com letely true for the
ns er to e yes
•■ i e students lenty of r ctice re din nd
cre tin short di lo ues
•■ emind them to re d ll the ns er o tions
efore choosin the est one
•■ ell students to re d the hole te t first to et
ener l ide of h t it is out
•■ tudents should re d the hole sentence efore
then re d the com leted sentence to see if it
m es sense
•■ emind students th t the ord they choose
needs to e the ri ht rt of s eech nd in the
ri ht tense
•■ ncour e students to use the ictures to hel
them follo the story
•■ i e students r ctice in underst ndin erson l
ronouns i e h t nd ho they refer to in the
•■ tudents should not use more th n three ords
in e ch
•■ ncour e students to re d the com leted
sentences to m e sure they m e sense
•■ ollo the uid nce for rt
•■ tudents need to underst nd ronouns u ili ry
er s nd re ositions
•■ ocus on different er forms in sentence
(e resent sim le st sim le nd resent
continuous the infiniti e er in )
them in e ch rt e d the instructions nd
the e m le nd chec students underst nd
•■ r s re often lost ec use letters nd or ords re not ritten cle rly tudents should chec th t their h nd ritin is cle r nd they should e i en lenty of h nd ritin r ctice ncour e them to rint r ther th n use oined
u ritin hich c n e uncle r
•■ ell students to rite only s much s is needed
ttem t to rite more th n is necess ry s it often le ds to more mist es ein m de
•■ e ch your youn students to m n e their time
ell et time limits in cl ss so th t they c n
e erience the limited time of the e m his ill hel students concentr te nd e less distr cted
y other thin s
structures nd oc ul ry in the Starters nd
Mo ers syll us (see es )
■ Movers■Speaking■Test
Parts (5-7■minutes)
skills■focus? What■does■the■ child■do?
escri in t o ictures usin short res onses
dentifies four differences
et een t o icturesUnderst ndin
the e innin
of storyontinuin the story usin the icture rom ts
ro ided
escri es e ch icture in turn
u estin hich icture of four is different
nd s yin hy
dentifies the odd one out
nd i es
re sonUnderst ndin
nd res ondin
to erson l uestions
ns ers erson l uestions
•■ he differences in the t o ictures m y e
rel ted to colour si e num er ositions
e r nce or cti ity e This chair is lac ut
this one s hite Here it s sunny ut here it s cloudy
(or here it isn t Here there are t o trees ut here
there are three
Trang 7Introduction 7
•■ im ler ns ers re lso cce t le e Here t o
and here three ( ith the student ointin to the
differences in the ictures)
•■ miners re not loo in for storytellin s ills
fe ords out e ch icture re ll th t is
re uired
•■ t is not necess ry for students to ttem t to
er lly lin the ictures either hey c n oint
to e ch icture s they re descri in them
e They are in the itchen The mother is happy
( icture ) They are playin a ame The children
are happy The mother is not happy ( icture ) The
mother is not happy o the children are sayin
et s play a ame ( icture )
re te ch useful structures There is are the
sim le resent tense of the er s e nd ha e
( ot) the mod ls can could nd must mustn t
nd the resent continuous of common ction
er s e play read loo at rite lau h o ump
clim etc hey should lso e le to descri e
sim le feelin s e (not) happy or sad
•■ tudents re only e ected to i e sim le
re sons for their choices e These are clothes
this isn t These are inside this is outside etc
•■ here re different ys of e ressin re sons
cce t ny lo ic l re son i en y the student
tudents m y lso find n ltern ti e difference
to the one you h e come u ith his is
erfectly cce t le s lon s they i e re son
for their choice
•■ i e students r ctice ns erin uestions
out themsel es their f milies nd friends
their homes their school their free time
cti ities nd their li es nd disli es
•■ tudents should e le to ns er h uestions
e What do you eat for rea fast? Where do you do
eat your rea fast? etc
•■ nly sim le ns ers of et een one to four
ords re e ected
•■ uestions ill norm lly e in the resent
tense ut c ndid te should e re red to t l
out h t they did in the recent st e l st
ee end
them in e ch rt hey should no th t they
re re uired to follo instructions nd to t l in ery sim le y out different ictures nd to
ns er sim le uestions out themsel es
•■ Use n lish in cl ss s much s ossi le
tudents should e f mili r ith e eryd y
cl ssroom instructions e ch them ho to s y
Sorry or don t understand hen ro ri te
•■ et students to do e ch s e in t s in irs
efore s in them to do it in front of the cl ss
•■ i e students lenty of r ctice doin e ch ty e
of t s
structures nd oc ul ry in the Starters nd
Mo ers syll us (see es )
Trang 88 Test 1, Listening Part 1
4 Test 1, Listening Part 1
Part 1
5 questions
Listen and draw lines There is one example.
M01_PTP_CYLET_MOVERS_SB_6592_U01.indd 4 12/15/2011 3:33:45 PM
Listening Part 1
In this parts, students draw lines
to match names to people in a
Activity 1
Aim: To familiarise students with
English names that may appear
in the Movers Test
Materials: TB p124 Worksheet 1
1 Give out the worksheets Read
out the n mes in the first
column so that students hear
them as well as read them The
students should put a tick in
the correct column according
to whether it is a girl’s name, a
boy’s name or both
Answer Key
Girl’s name nameBoy’s girl’s & Both
boy’s name
2 Spell out the names in
random order, e.g J-I-M
Students listen and write
the names Check by asking
students to write each name
on the board
3 Drill the names Then ask students to work in pairs, saying the names to each other in turn
Activity 2
Aim: To listen for descriptions (actions and personal pronouns)
Materials: SB page 4Procedure
1 Ask students to turn to
child in the picture a-e
a She’s under the tree
b She’s playing football.
c She’s sleeping.
d He’s sitting He’s reading
a book.
e He’s drawing a picture.
3 Students compare answers
in pairs Check answers with the class
4 In pairs, students test each other: one student says what
a child in the picture is doing, the other student points to the child
Test 1
Trang 9Test 1, Listening Part 1 9
Do the test
Materials: SB page 4, Audio T1P1
1 Ask students to turn to SB page 4 Read the children’s names and ask the students to repeat
2 Ask students to name all the colours and items in the picture Ask them what some
of the people in the picture are doing, e.g
What’s the man doing?
He’s sitting
Is he wearing a green t-shirt?
No, he’s wearing a white t-shirt.
3 l y the first rt of the recording Go through the example
4 Play the rest of the recording and students match the names to the people in the picture
5 Let the students listen to the audio again Check the answers
and look There is one example
doing out here?
Fch Yes, he loves his bike
is an example Now you listen and draw lines
Fch That’s my friend Vicky
I think her dress is nice
R TwoFch Look at my sister!
M What’s she doing?
Fch She’s kicking a ball
M What’s her name?
Fch Oh, that’s my friend, Nick
He’s always reading!
M What’s his name?
Fch It’s Ben Do you like his picture?
M Yes, it’s very good
Answer Key ➤ SB page 4
4 Test 1, Listening Part 1
Part 1
5 questions
Listen and draw lines There is one example.
M01_PTP_CYLET_MOVERS_SB_6592_U01.indd 4 12/15/2011 3:33:45 PM
Trang 1010 Test 1, Listening Part 2
Test 1, Listening Part 2 5
Listening Part 2
In this part, students listen and
answer questions with a name or
a number
Activity 1
Aim: To make students aware
of the type of information the
prompts are asking for
Materials: SB page 5
1 Ask students to turn to
SB page 5
2 Write the following questions
on the board Ask the students
to match them to the prompts
on SB page 5
1 When was sports day?
2 How many sports were there?
3 What food did you eat?
4 How many sports did you play?
5 Where was sports day?
6 What is your favourite sport?
3 Now write the following
answers on the board
Students match the answers
to the questions Point out that
these are not the real answers
to the prompts in Test 1
Colours (e.g purple, brown, blue,
black, green, yellow)
Objects from around the home
(e.g towel, chair, blanket, shower) Animals (e.g dolphin, giraffe,
lion, kangaroo, mouse)
Food and drink (e.g sandwich,
Places (e.g playground, library,
park, school)
Days of the week
Clothes (e.g glasses, shoe,
trousers, shirt)
Family and friends (e.g
daughter, granddaughter, son)
2 Choose one word On the board, draw as many dashes
as there are letters in the word
3 Each student contributes
a letter of the alphabet If
it is contained in the word, write the letter above the appropriate dash If not, draw one line (or part) of a stick
Test 1
Trang 11Test 1, Listening Part 2 11
fi ure of erson on the
o rd our fi ure could e made up of a head, two arms, two legs, a torso (i.e 6 parts)
4 Keep playing until a student guesses the word or until the hole stic fi ure is formed in which case there will be
no winner
Do the test
Materials: SB page 5, Audio T1P2
1 Ask students to turn to SB page 5 Read the notes and check students know what the words mean Encourage them to guess what type of information or word(s) might
be missing and to give some examples
2 l y the first rt of the recording Go through the example
3 Play the rest of the recording and students write the missing word(s) on the lines
4 Let the students listen to the recording again Check the answers
F Oh Was it at school?
Mch No, it was at the sports centre
Mch Yes, that’s right
Now you listen and write
of sports were there?
Mch I think there were eight
erm no, ten
F Ten? That’s a lot
Mch No, City C-I-T-Y
F Oh yes, I know it
Mch I had my favourite food
Mch Yes, that’s right
Trang 1212 Test 1, Listening Part 3
Test 1
Listening Part 3
In this part, students draw lines
from the days of the week to the
correct pictures
Activity 1
Aim: To associate the
pronunciation of each day of the
week with its written form
Materials: TB p125 Worksheet 2
1 Play ‘days of the week’ bingo
with the class
2 Cut Worksheet 2 into four
cards Give out a card to each
student Some students will
have the same bingo card but
that doesn’t matter
3 Call out the days of the week
in random order The student
who crosses out all the days of
the week on his / her card and
shouts in o first ins
4 They can exchange cards and
then play the game again Ask
confident student to come
out and call out the days
1 Give out copies of the
worksheet Ask questions
like What’s this? It’s a
shop / the beach.
2 Write the following sentences
about the picture on the
1 I listened to music.
2 We played with the ball at the
3 I went for a walk along the
beach with my dog.
4 We went shopping.
5 We watched TV and talked.
6 I went swimming with my friends
3 Students should match each event with a picture by writing
a number in the box
4 Students compare answers in pairs Check answers with the class
5 In pairs, students test each other One student describes
a picture, the other must guess which picture it is
1 Ask students to turn to
SB page 6 Read the instructions carefully as
a class
2 Check students know how to read and pronounce all the days of the week Drill them
3 Encourage students to describe the pictures as simply as they can They should say who the people might be, where they are and what they are doing Take this opportunity to pre-teach any
6 Test 1, Listening Part 3
Test 1
Part 3
5 questions
What did John do last week?
Listen and draw a line from the day to the correct picture
There is one example
Trang 13Test 1, Listening Part 3 13
words they may need to know,
e.g swimming, beach, etc.
4 l y the first rt of the recording Go through the example
5 Play the rest of the recording
Students listen and match the days to the pictures
6 Let the students listen to the audio again Check answers
did John do last week?
Listen and look There is one example
holiday last week?
Mch It was very good
Monday was good I went swimming with my friends
Mch No, at the beach
from the word Monday?
On Monday, John went swimming at the beach
Now you listen and draw lines
Mch No, with my sister
Mch No We played ball games
Mch I listened to some music
Mch No, with my dog
Mch o t s difficult ec use there was a lot of wind
R Four
Mch On Thursday my family and I went into town
Mch My family and I had a quiet day at home
Mch We watched TV and talked
Answer Key ➤ SB page 6
6 Test 1, Listening Part 3
Test 1
Part 3
5 questions
What did John do last week?
Listen and draw a line from the day to the correct picture
There is one example
Trang 1414 Test 1, Listening Part 4
Test 1
Listening Part 4
In this part, the students listen
for information and tick the
1 Choose two of the following
topics: Animals, The body and
face, Clothes, Colours, Family
and friends
2 Ask students to work in
groups and think of as many
words as possible for each
theme Set a time limit of
three minutes for this
3 Get each group to read out
their words and either you or
another student writes them
on the board
4 Add a few more words to each
list to help students expand
their thematic vocabulary
Activity 2
Aim: To practise answering
different types of past tense
Materials: TB p127 Worksheet 4
1 Give out copies of the
worksheet Point to some of
the items and ask What’s this?
(a lake / a park / sandwiches).
2 Explain that this happened
last Saturday Write the
following questions on
the board:
1 Where did the children go?
2 Where did they eat their lunch?
3 What did they eat?
4 What game did the boys play?
5 What did the woman do?
6 What did the man buy?
3 The students work in pairs
to write short answers to the questions
4 Compare and go through the answers as a class
Answer Key
1 To the park
2 Next to the tree
3 Sandwiches and grapes
4 (They played) football
5 She read a book
6 He bought an ice cream
Do the test
Materials: SB pages 7 & 8, Audio T1P4
1 Ask students to turn to
SB pages 7 & 8 Read the questions and check students know what they mean
2 Ask students to look at the pictures and to guess what each dialogue will be about
If there are people in the pictures, they could say who they may be, where they are and what they are doing
3 Check students know the names
of the items in the pictures Take this opportunity to pre-teach any words they may need to
know, e.g park, zoo, etc.
Test 1, Listening Part 4 7
Part 4
5 questions
Listen and tick (✓) the box There is one example
Where did Peter have his party?
Trang 15Test 1, Listening Part 4 15
4 l y the first rt of the recording Go through the example
5 Play the rest of the recording and students listen and tick the correct picture
6 Let the students listen to the audio again Check answers
Ask students to describe one
or two of the pictures
Listen and look There is one example Where did Peter have his party?
Mch It was my birthday on Saturday
Mch Yes, I did
Mch No
Mch No, It was at the zoo!
R Can you see the tick?
Now you listen and tick the box One Which animals did Jill see?
M Did you see many animals
at the zoo, Jill?
M Did you see the hippos?
Fch No, but we saw the giraffes
M They’re beautiful animals
M Did you have a birthday cake?
Fch Yes We had that too!
F That’s nice Was that all?
Mch No! Then I bought a robot, and a book
Answer Key ➤ SB pages 7 & 8
Test 1, Listening Part 4 7
Part 4
5 questions
Listen and tick (✓) the box There is one example
Where did Peter have his party?
Trang 1616 Test 1, Listening Part 5
Test 1
Listening Part 5
In this part, students listen to
instructions and colour, draw
or write a word on a picture
Activity 1
Aim: To practise listening to
instructions for colouring a
Materials: TB p128 Worksheet 5
1 Give out copies of the
worksheet to each student
2 Give students oral instructions
for colouring in the picture on
the worksheet, e.g
Can you see the chair next to the
Colour it brown.
Can you see the pen on the table?
Colour it red.
3 Students compare their
finished ictures ith their
4 Go through the answers with
the class, e.g say What colour is
the pen? (It’s red).
Activity 2
Aim: To practise giving and
following instructions for
items in picture A; Student B
colours fi e in icture hey
can use any of the Movers
colours they like
3 Drill the language the students
will need, e.g Can you see the ?
Colour it
4 They take it in turns to give
their partner instructions for
colouring in the other picture, for example:
Colour them green.
5 Students compare their finished ictures ith their partner and then with their classmates
Do the test
Materials: SB page 9, Audio T1P5
1 Ask students to turn to SB page 9 Read the instructions together
2 Check students have all the colours they need by calling out the colours and asking students to lift up the corresponding coloured pencil
Test 1, Listening Part 5 9
Trang 17Test 1, Listening Part 5 17
3 Check students know the names of the items in the picture
4 Ask them to predict what colour they think each item will be and what word or picture they may need to write
or draw
5 l y the first rt of the recording Go through the example
6 Play the rest of the recording and students listen and colour and draw
7 Let the students listen to the audio again Check answers
and look There is one example
M Hello, Sally Do you want to colour this picture?
Fch Yes, please
Fch The rock Yes, I can
Fch OK
rock? This is an example
Now you listen and colour and draw
OneFch OK What now?
Fch here re three flo ers
smaller one next to the rock?
Fch Yes, I can Can I colour it?
Fch Fine
the fishFch I can
Fch The big one?
Fch Oh yes I see it
R ThreeFch Look at the fat bird!
M Yes, it’s very fat
Fch Can I colour it?
Fch The bird?
R Four
wearing the sweater?
Fch Yes Can I colour it?
M No, don’t colour it Can you draw something on it?
Answer Key ➤ SB page 9
Test 1, Listening Part 5 9
Trang 1818 Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 1
Test 1
Reading & Writing
Part 1
In this part, students match
ords to their correct definition
2 Ask the students to guess
what place they think this is
(a library) Ask students what
words helped them decided
Elicit place, school and books
Underline these words in the
3 Give out the top part of the
worksheets Ask students to
work in pairs They should
read the descriptions and
underline all the key words
They should try to guess what
the words might be Elicit
uesses ut don t confirm
or refute the student’s
4 Write the following words in
random order on the board
Ask students to match the
words to the descriptions on
the worksheet Tell them to
be careful to copy the words
1 Write the following misspelt words on the board
pineapel dogg mustash watermellon stomak tee nek parot
10 Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 1
Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 1 11
Reading & Writing
This animal has four legs Many people
1 This is a part of your body above your legs
3 This animal can fl y and it often lives in
4 This hair is on your face It is above your
6 People have this between their head and
a dog
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Trang 19Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 1 19
Reading & Writing
2 Tell students that each word contains a spelling mistake
Give them a few minutes
to try to guess the correct
s ellin on their o n first
3 Ask students to compare their answers in pairs
4 Get students to check their answers by turning to page 10
of the Student’s Book
Do the test
Materials: SB pages 10 & 11
1 Ask students to turn to SB pages 10 & 11 Read the instructions together
2 Write the example description
on the board Elicit and underline the key words that hel you find the ns er
e.g animal, four legs.
3 Ask students to underline the key words in the rest of the descriptions (i.e the words that help them decide on the answer)
4 Give them some time to do the task on their own
5 Ask students to compare answers in pairs
10 Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 1
Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 1 11
Reading & Writing
This animal has four legs Many people
1 This is a part of your body above your legs
3 This animal can fl y and it often lives in
4 This hair is on your face It is above your
6 People have this between their head and
a dog
M01_PTP_CYLET_MOVERS_SB_6592_U01.indd 11 12/15/2011 3:34:10 PM
a stomach tea
Answer Key ➤ SB page 11
Trang 2020 Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 2
Test 1
Reading & Writing
Part 2
In this part, students read
sentences about a picture and
decide if they are correct or not
1 Give out the worksheets
2 Write three true sentences
about the picture and three
false ones on the board
The sentences should be
descriptive (e.g There are two
people in the park, A woman is
reading a book in a café, etc.)
3 The students work alone They
read silently and decide if they
are true or false They should
then compare their answers in
pairs Check the answers
4 Students then work in pairs
to say true or false sentences
about the picture to each
You could also do this activity
using a picture from the course
book you are using The picture
should have a number of
different items and also contain
a few people doing things
1 Divide the students into As
and Bs Give each student
their version of the pictures
on the worksheet Explain that
they will be working in pairs
and that they should not show
their picture to their partner
Tell them that their pictures are very similar but there are
a few differences Pre-teach any words the students will need to describe the pictures,
e.g bear, hat, clock, picture,
sleeping, sitting, eating, cooking,
o ers etc.
2 In pairs, the students say simple sentences describing their picture The aim is to find s m ny differences
as possible, e.g Three bears
are eating The cat is sleeping
The cat is under the table etc
i e students fi e minutes
to do this
3 The students compare their pictures and see if they can find ny other differences
4 Elicit the differences from the students and write them up
on the board
Do the test
Materials: SB pages 12 & 13
1 Ask students to turn to SB pages 12 & 13 Ask them some questions about the picture,
e.g How many robots can you
see? What colour are they? Where are they?
2 Discuss the examples together
s students to find e idence
12 Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 2
There are two cats and they are sleeping
The small robot is on the floor
M01_PTP_CYLET_MOVERS_SB_6592_U01.indd 12 12/15/2011 3:34:10 PM
Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 2 13
Reading & Writing
1 The orange fish are bigger than the yellow fish
2 The boy with brown hair is reading a book
3 There are four drawings on the wall
4 There is one robot on the bed and it’s red
5 There’s a box in the cupboard with books in it
6 There are three glasses of water in the room
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Trang 21Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 2 21
Reading & Writing
in the picture to justify the answers Ask them to correct
the false sentence, e.g The
small robot is on the bed / The
i ro ot is on the oor
3 Give students some time to read the descriptions and to check that they match what is happening in the picture They
then write yes if it is true and
no if the sentence is false.
4 Ask students to compare answers in pairs
5 Check answers Ask students
to correct the false sentences
(2 The boy with brown hair
is drawing 3 There are fi e
12 Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 2
There are two cats and they are sleeping
The small robot is on the floor
M01_PTP_CYLET_MOVERS_SB_6592_U01.indd 12 12/15/2011 3:34:10 PM
Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 2 13
Reading & Writing
1 The orange fish are bigger than the yellow fish
2 The boy with brown hair is reading a book
3 There are four drawings on the wall
4 There is one robot on the bed and it’s red
5 There’s a box in the cupboard with books in it
6 There are three glasses of water in the room
M01_PTP_CYLET_MOVERS_SB_6592_U01.indd 13 12/15/2011 3:34:10 PM
yes no no yes no no
drawings on the wall 5 There’s
a box in the cupboard with toys
in it 6 There are two glasses of water in the room.)
Answer Key ➤ SB page 13
Trang 2222 Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 3
Test 1
Reading & Writing
Part 3
In this part, students read a
dialogue and choose the correct
1 Cut up the two-line dialogues
on the top part of the
worksheet Ask the students to
work in pairs
2 i e e ch ir the first line of
each dialogue (A) They work
together to write a response
for each Elicit ideas from the
different pairs
3 Hand out the second lines of
the dialogues (B) for students
to match them with the
first lines hec ns ers y
getting different pairs to read
out the dialogues
4 For more practice, write
more dialogues for students
to match Alternatively, you
could ask the students to
write some
Give each student in the class
one half of a dialogue from the
worksheet They get up and walk
around the room, saying their
sentence hey must find the
other half of their dialogue
1 Read out the following
beginnings of dialogues The
students supply the next line
of the dialogue, e.g
Hello (Hello)
What’s your name? (It’s …)
Ho are you? m fine than
Where are you? (I’m in class.)
What are you doing?
(I’m drawing.)
2 Divide the students into two groups Each group should rite the first line of fi e short dialogues They should then
s their first lines ith the other group Each group should complete the dialogues
by writing a one line response
They should then give them back to the other group The
groups should say whether
or not the other group’s responses are appropriate
Do the test
Materials: SB pages 14 & 15
1 Ask students to turn to
SB pages 14 & 15 Read the instructions carefully
2 Discuss the examples together
3 e d the first rt of e ch conversation extract to the
class (e.g Do you like eggs?)
and ask students to respond
to them without looking at the available options
14 Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 3
Test 1
Part 3
6 questions
Read the text and choose the best answer.
Mary is talking to her friend Jack.
Example Mary: Hello, Jim What are you doing?
Jack: A I’m going to the shop.
Jack: A I like eggs.
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Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 3 15
Reading & Writing
Jack: A Yes, I do.
Jack: A I’d like a cake.
Jack: A Yes, I like it.
Jack: A You came last week.
Jack: A Thanks Bye.
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Trang 23Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 3 23
Reading & Writing
4 Give students some time to read the conversation and to choose the best answer from the options given
5 Ask students to compare answers in pairs
6 Check answers Explain why the other options are wrong
Answer Key ➤ SB pages 14 & 15
14 Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 3
Test 1
Part 3
6 questions
Read the text and choose the best answer.
Mary is talking to her friend Jack.
Mary: Hello, Jim What are you doing?
Jack: A I’m going to the shop.
Jack: A I like eggs.
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Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 3 15
Reading & Writing
Jack: A Yes, I do.
Jack: A I’d like a cake.
Jack: A Yes, I like it.
Jack: A You came last week.
Jack: A Thanks Bye.
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Trang 2424 Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 4
Test 1
Reading & Writing
Part 4
In this part, students copy words
to complete a story and then
choose the best title
1 Cut out the pictures from
Worksheet 9 Show each one
to the class and get them
to say the word (the verbs
should be in the past tense)
Stick them on the board in a
random order
2 Give out the worksheet gapped
3 Students work in pairs to
decide which of the words
in the o rd fits in e ch
Check the answers
4 Ask students to suggest other
ords hich could fit in e ch
2 Ask them to read the
instructions to the task and
to answer these questions:
How many words do you write in
each gap? (one)
Where can you find the ords?
(in the box)
Can you write a word that isn’t in
the box? (no)
How many words are there in the
box? (nine)
How many gaps are there in the
text? (six, plus one example)
How many extra words are there?
3 Now ask them to fold their books so that they can’t see the word box or to cover up that page Get them to read the first t o sentences of the text and to say what it is
about (a boy called Fred).
4 The students should read the whole text carefully For each gap, they should decide
what type of word is missing
Encourage them to use the words that come before and the words that come after the
gap to help them (e.g I like
computers, comic books and … In
this sentence, computers and
comic books are nouns so the
missing word is probably a noun The noun is something that Fred likes.) Discuss the example in this way and ask them to predict what word it could be
5 Students do the same for the rest of the gaps
16 Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 4
Test 1
Part 4
7 questions
Read the story Choose a word from the box Write the correct word next
to numbers 1–6 There is one example.
My name is Fred I like computers, comic books and
At the weekend, I like to play sport I also like to do things with my family and friends Yesterday, my sister and I (1) to the park and played with Dan, our (2) At the park,
there were other children that we knew We played games with them, too
Today, my friend, John, and I (3) our bikes down by the beach We went for swim and then came home to (4) something because we were hungry My mother made us some lunch
We had a (5) and some chips It was very nice but my favourite food is chicken and potatoes Tomorrow is Monday
so I must do my (6) tonight
Yes, I work and I play at the weekend!
M01_PTP_CYLET_MOVERS_SB_6592_U01.indd 16 12/15/2011 3:34:11 PM
Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 4 17
Reading & Writing
(7) Now choose the best name for the story.
Tick one box.
Fred’s friends Fred’s weekend Fred’s favourite food
M01_PTP_CYLET_MOVERS_SB_6592_U01.indd 17 12/15/2011 3:34:13 PM
walked dog
eat burger
Trang 25Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 4 25
Reading & Writing
Do the test
Materials: SB pages 16 & 17
1 Ask students to turn to SB pages 16 & 17 Give them
a minute to read the text quickly for the gist, ignoring the gaps for now
2 Ask some simple comprehension questions
to check understanding (e.g
What is the boy’s name? What does he like doing?)
3 Read the instructions carefully and discuss the example together (NB if you did Activity 2 above they will already have done this.)
4 Give students some time to read the text carefully and
to try to guess which word (or type of word) could go in each gap They should do this without looking at the words and pictures in the box This will help them choose the right word when they do see the options in the box
5 Students choose the best word for each gap from the box
6 Ask students to compare answers in pairs
7 Check answers If you did Activity 2 above see if the answers match any of their suggestions
8 Students choose the best name for the story Check the answers
Answer Key ➤ SB pages 16 & 17
16 Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 4
Test 1
Part 4
7 questions
Read the story Choose a word from the box Write the correct word next
to numbers 1–6 There is one example.
My name is Fred I like computers, comic books and
At the weekend, I like to play sport I also like to do things with my family
and friends Yesterday, my sister and I (1) to the park
and played with Dan, our (2) At the park,
there were other children that we knew We played games with them, too
Today, my friend, John, and I (3) our bikes down by
the beach We went for swim and then came home to (4)
something because we were hungry My mother made us some lunch
We had a (5) and some chips It was very nice
but my favourite food is chicken and potatoes Tomorrow is Monday
so I must do my (6) tonight
Yes, I work and I play at the weekend!
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Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 4 17
Reading & Writing
(7) Now choose the best name for the story.
Tick one box.
Fred’s friends Fred’s weekend Fred’s favourite food
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Trang 2626 Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 5
Test 1
Reading & Writing
Part 5
In this part, students complete
sentences about a story using
one, two or three words
1 Cut out the sentences on the
bottom half of the worksheet
Divide the students into small
groups Give each group a set
of the cut-up sentences
2 The students take it in turns
to pick up a sentence and to
read it out, e.g I like burgers
They then have a few seconds
to say the same (or similar)
thing a different way, e.g I love
burgers They can change any
part of the sentence as long as
the meaning is similar If they
can transform the sentence
successfully, they keep the
strip The student with the most
strips wins Demonstrate with
the students, so that they are
clear what is required of them
3 Alternatively, this can also be
played as a team game Divide
the students into two teams
Read out a sentence The
team that puts their hand up
first ets o t tr nsformin
the sentence If they are
successful, they win the point
Continue until you’ve run out
My cousin is my best friend
I hate doing homework
li ed the film he film s good
It didn’t stop raining yesterday
We went to the beach by car
I want a pet / I’d like to have
a dog
I’m hungry / I want to eat
I’d like something to drink
18 Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 5
Daisy’s family lives in Daisy and her family went to the for their holiday.
1 Daisy and her family had a holiday last .
2 The girls walked on the first day.
Where can you find the ords?
(in the text)
How many gaps are there? (six,
plus two examples)
Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 5 19
Reading & Writing
They walked slowly and quietly for two hours They saw birds and they saw some fi sh which were swimming in the river Then, they saw a big brown bear
The children shouted, “Help!”, and started to run They were very frightened
Jane stopped and looked back “Stop!” she shouted loudly and all the girls stopped “What’s the matter?” they asked Jane When they looked again, they couldn’t see the bear
3 The girls walked for
4 They saw birds, and a bear
5 All the children and started to run when they saw the bear
6 told her sisters to stop running
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two hours (some) fish shouted Jane
Trang 27Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 5 27
Reading & Writing
18 Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 5
Test 1
Part 5
10 questions
Look at the pictures and read the story Write some words to complete the
sentences about the story You can use 1, 2 or 3 words.
Daisy lives with her parents and three sisters, Vicky, Sally and Jane, in the city Last
month, they went on holiday in the mountains On the first day, the girls went for a
walk in the forest
Daisy’s family lives in .
Daisy and her family went to the for their holiday.
1 Daisy and her family had a holiday last .
2 The girls walked on the first day.
Where does Daisy live? (in the city) Who does Daisy live with?
(her parents and three sisters) Where did they go on their holiday? (to the mountains), etc.
3 Read through the examples
to ether s students to find the information in the text
Ask them if the missing words are different to the words
in the text (they’re not, but the sentences are expressed differently.)
with the class Ask them to underline the information in the text that help them with the answers
Do the test
Materials: SB pages 18, 19 & 20
1 Ask students to turn to SB pages 18, 19 & 20 Ask them
to predict the content of the story from the pictures
2 Read the instructions carefully and discuss the examples together
3 Give students some time to read the extracts of the story carefully and to complete the sentences
4 Check answers after each section Ask students to com re ns ers in irs first When checking answers, ask students to read the part of the story that helped them with their answers
Answer Key ➤ SB pages 18, 19
& 20
Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 5 19
Reading & Writing
They walked slowly and quietly for two hours They saw birds and they saw some fi sh which were swimming in the river Then, they saw a big brown bear
The children shouted, “Help!”, and started to run They were very frightened
Jane stopped and looked back “Stop!” she shouted loudly and all the girls stopped “What’s the matter?” they asked Jane When they looked again, they couldn’t see the bear
3 The girls walked for
4 They saw birds, and a bear
5 All the children and started to run when they saw the bear
6 told her sisters to stop running
M01_PTP_CYLET_MOVERS_SB_6592_U01.indd 19 12/15/2011 3:34:15 PM
two hours (some) fish shouted Jane
Trang 2828 Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 5
The sandwich a food which many people enjoy You eat
it anywhere, for example, outside or at home
In many countries, people eat sandwiches
lunch at work or at school
They are very easy to You can make them with cheese, meat, tomato or any food you like But you must use bread to make
_ sandwich
But who ate sandwiches first? There are many stories sandwiches and the first people who ate them
Today people all over the world make them at home or buy them from the supermarket!
20 Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 5
Test 1
The girls walked to the river again When they got there, they saw the bear It had
a fi sh “It’s eating its dinner”, Jane said They started to laugh “I’m hungry, too”
said Daisy “Come on! Let’s go home!” And they went back to the house to have their supper
7 The girls saw at the river
8 The bear had for its dinner
9 All four went back to the house
10 They ate their when they got home
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the bear
a fish sisters supper
Trang 29Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 6 29
Reading & Writing
Reading & Writing Part 6
In this part, students complete
a text by selecting and copying words
■ Activity 1
Aim: To practise identifying different types of words
Materials: None
1 Write the following
headings on the board: verbs,
prepositions, determiners, pronouns.
22 Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 6
The sandwich a food which many people enjoy You eat
it anywhere, for example, outside or at home
In many countries, people eat sandwiches
lunch at work or at school
They are very easy to You can make them with cheese, meat, tomato or any food you like But you must use bread to make
_ sandwich
But who ate sandwiches first? There are many stories sandwiches and the first people who ate them
Today people all over the world make them at home or buy them from the supermarket!
2 Give an example for each one,
e.g liked, on, every, their.
3 Put the students into small teams and give them three minutes to think of as many examples as possible for each category
4 Get a representative from each team to come up and write their answers under the correct heading on the board
Check answers by seeing if other groups agree
Activity 2
Aim: To practise completing gapped texts
Materials: TB p133 Worksheet 10 (top part)
2 Get feedback by asking students to come up and write their answers on the board
The class should decide if the answers are acceptable or not (some gaps may have more than one correct answer)
Find a text the students have already read in their course book Blank out six–eight grammar words (e.g prepositions, pronouns,
the verb ‘to be’, auxiliary verbs,
conjunctions, simple action verbs, etc.) In pairs, students read the text and attempt to fill in the s f this is ro in difficult ut the missin grammar words on the board
in a random order for them to choose from when completing the gaps Get feedback Help them by guiding them to the correct ns er if they find it difficult
Do the test
Materials: SB pages 22 & 23
1 Ask students to turn to SB pages 22 & 23 Ask them to predict the content of the text from the pictures and the title
2 Read the instructions carefully and discuss the example together
20 Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 5
Test 1
The girls walked to the river again When they got there, they saw the bear It had
a fi sh “It’s eating its dinner”, Jane said They started to laugh “I’m hungry, too”
said Daisy “Come on! Let’s go home!” And they went back to the house to have
their supper
7 The girls saw at the river
8 The bear had for its dinner
9 All four went back to the house
10 They ate their when they got home
M01_PTP_CYLET_MOVERS_SB_6592_U01.indd 20 12/15/2011 3:34:15 PM
the bear
a fish sisters
Trang 3030 Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 6
Test 1
3 Give students some time to
read the text carefully and
to try to guess which word
or type of word could go in
each gap They should do this
without looking at the answer
options This will help them
choose the right word for each
gap when they do see the
4 Students choose the best word
for each gap from the options
5 Ask students to compare
answers in pairs
6 Check the answers
Answer Key ➤ SB page 22
Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 6 23
Reading & Writing
am can
in make
the about
from made
an after
for making
a above
Trang 31Test 1, Speaking Part 1 31
Aim: To practise describing what’s happening in a picture.
Materials: TB p128 Worksheet 5 Procedure
1 Write the following language up
2 Give out the worksheets
Pre-teach any useful vocabulary items
3 Ask the students to work in pairs
to describe the picture using the language on the board Elicit sentences from the students
4 At the end of the activity, you could ask students to write their sentences using the language models on the board.
Extension You can do this activity with other pictures, e.g a photo where things are happening or a picture from the course book you are using with your students.
Activity 2
Aim: To practise describing and comparing pictures.
Materials: TB p134 Worksheet 11 Procedure
1 Write the following language up
on the board:
Here, there is / there are … It’s in this picture, but … The woman / man / girl / boy is
Here, He / She is wearing …
2 Give out Picture A on the worksheet Pre-teach any relevant vocabulary that students will need to use to describe the pictures Ask students to work
in pairs They should use the language on the board to describe what they can see in the picture
Ask them to point to the things in the picture as they are describing them Elicit sentences from the students
3 Hand out Picture B They should describe this picture too When they h e finished s them to compare the pictures Encourage
them to use but to link their ideas, e.g Here there are two birds but here there are four birds or In this picture there are two birds but in this picture there are four birds Tell them to
point to the differences as they are describing them.
4 Check the answers.
Answer Key
Picture A: two birds, it’s sunny, boy
is wearing a shirt and shorts, boy has got glasses, man is wearing a hat, girl is drinking, big dog.
Picture B: four birds, it’s cloudy, boy is wearing a t-shirt and trousers, boy hasn’t got glasses, man isn’t wearing a hat, girl is eating, small dog.
e.g Who’s in the picture? Where is
he / she? What is he / she doing? etc
Elicit the names of any objects in the pictures
Test 1, Reading & Writing Part 6 23
Reading & Writing
in make
the about
from made
an after
for making
a above
Trang 3232 Test 1, Speaking Part 2
Test 1
2 Encourage the students to
describe four differences Give an
example if necessary.
Answer Key
1 In this picture, it’s sunny but
in this picture it’s cloudy / not
2 The girl is wearing a green
sweater but here she is wearing
Acceptable answers (with child
pointing to the items in picture):
sunny / cloudy, green (sweater) /
yellow (sweater), big dog / small
dog, one tree two / trees, bird / cat.
Speaking Part 2
In this part, students continue
a story by describing a series of
1 Hand out the pictures from the
worksheet Ask students these
How many pictures are there?
Are the pictures connected?
2 Then ask students to work in
pairs to put the pictures in the
correct order by writing 1–4 in the
boxes Check the answers
Answer Key
1 B 2 D 3 C 4 A
3 Pre-teach any relevant vocabulary
by pointing to the objects in the
pictures and asking What’s this?
4 Write the following questions on
the board:
What / Who can you see?
Where is she / she?
What is he / she doing?
What has she / he got?
Test 1, Speaking Part 2 25
What can / can’t he / she do?
What must / mustn’t he / she do?
How is he / she feeling?
What are they saying?
5 Read the introduction to the story
to the students:
t s the first day of Tom s school holidays He’s going to the beach with his parents He’s very happy
6 Ask the students to work in pairs The students describe each picture by answering the questions that are applicable
to each picture (usually a few questions will be applicable each time).
7 Ask the students to tell their story
to the class.
Possible Answer Key
Picture 2: Tom is swimming He’s very happy His parents can see a shark They are frightened They are shouting at Tom They are saying ‘Tom, get out of the water!’
Picture 3: Tom is swimming fast
He wants to get out of the water
He’s afraid.
Picture 4: It isn’t a shark in the water It’s a boy Tom and his parents are very angry!