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Cấu trúc

  • Cover

    • Contents at a Glance

    • Contents

    • About the Authors

    • About the Technical Reviewer

  • Introducing Spring

    • What Is Spring?

      • Inverting Control or Injecting Dependencies?

      • Evolution of Dependency Injection

      • Beyond Dependency Injection

    • The Spring Project

      • Origins of Spring

      • The Spring Community

      • Spring for Microsoft .NET

      • The SpringSource Tool Suite/Spring IDE

      • The Spring Security Project

      • Spring Batch and Integration

      • Many Other Projects

    • Alternatives to Spring

      • JBoss Seam Framework

      • Google Guice

      • PicoContainer

      • JEE 6 Container

    • Summary

  • Getting Started

    • Obtaining the Spring Framework

      • Downloading a Standard Distribution

      • Checking Spring Out of GitHub

    • Understanding Spring Packaging

      • Spring Modules

      • Choosing Modules for Your Application

      • Spring Modules on the Maven Repository

    • Analyzing Spring Dependencies

    • The Sample Applications

      • Obtaining Spring Samples Source Code

      • The Petclinic Application

      • The Petclinic Groovy Application

      • The jPetStore Application

      • Spring Configuration Basic Application

      • Spring Task and Scheduling Application

      • The Spring MVC Showcase Application

      • The Spring MVC Basic and Ajax Application

      • The Spring Petcare Application

      • Spring Webflow Sample Applications

    • Spring Documentation

    • Putting a Spring into “Hello World!”

      • Building the Sample “Hello World!”Application

      • Create Spring Project in STS

    • Summary

  • The Sample Application

    • Requirements of the SpringBlog Application

      • Security and Authentication

      • Viewing Blog Entries

      • Posting Blog Entries

      • Commenting on a Blog Entry

      • Filtering Out Obscenities

      • Attaching Files to a Blog Entry or Comment

      • Auditing Blog Actions

      • RSS Feed

      • Upload Blog from an XML File

      • Implementing SpringBlog

      • Development Tool and Dependency Management

      • Application Design

      • Application Configuration Management

      • SpringBlog’s Layered Application Architecture

      • Implementing the Persistence Layer

      • Implementing the Service Layer

      • Using AOP for Obscenity Filtering

    • Summary

  • Introducing IoC and DI in Spring

    • Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection

    • Types of Inversion of Control

      • Dependency Pull

      • Contextualized Dependency Lookup

      • Constructor Dependency Injection

      • Setter Dependency Injection

      • Injection vs. Lookup

      • Setter Injection vs. Constructor Injection

    • Inversion of Control in Spring

    • Dependency Injection with Spring

      • Beans and BeanFactories

      • BeanFactory Implementations

      • ApplicationContext

    • Configuring ApplicationContext

      • Spring Configuration Options (XML and Java Annotations)

      • Declare Spring Components

      • Using Setter Injection

      • Using Constructor Injection

      • Injection Parameters

      • Using Method Injection

      • Understanding Bean Naming

      • Bean Instantiation Mode

    • Resolving Dependencies

    • Autowiring Your Bean

      • Different Modes of Autowiring

      • When to Use Autowiring

    • Bean Inheritance

    • Summary

  • Spring Configuration in Detail

    • Spring’s Impact on Application Portability

    • Bean Life-Cycle Management

      • Hooking into Bean Creation

      • Hooking into Bean Destruction

    • Making Your Beans “Spring Aware”

      • Using the BeanNameAware Interface

      • Using the ApplicationContextAware Interface

    • Use FactoryBeans

      • Custom FactoryBean Example: The MessageDigestFactoryBean

      • Accessing a FactoryBean Directly

      • Using the factory-bean and factory-method Attributes

    • JavaBeans PropertyEditors

      • The Built-in PropertyEditors

      • Creating a Custom PropertyEditor

    • More Spring ApplicationContext Configuration

      • Internationalization with MessageSource

      • Using MessageSource in Stand-Alone Applications

      • The MessageSourceResolvable Interface

      • Application Events

      • Accessing Resources

    • Configuration Using Java Classes

      • ApplicationContext Configuration in Java

      • Java or XML Configuration?

    • Profiles

      • An Example of Using the Spring Profiles Feature

      • Considerations for Using Profiles

    • Environment and PropertySource Abstraction

    • Configuration Using JSR-330 Annotations

    • Summary

  • Introducing Spring AOP

    • AOP Concepts

    • Types of AOP

      • Static AOP

      • Dynamic AOP

      • Choosing an AOP Type

    • AOP in Spring

      • The AOP Alliance

      • “Hello World!” in AOP

      • Spring AOP Architecture

      • About the ProxyFactory Class

      • Creating Advice in Spring

    • Advisors and Pointcuts in Spring

      • The Pointcut Interface

    • Understanding Proxies

      • Using JDK Dynamic Proxies

      • Using CGLIB Proxies

      • Comparing Proxy Performance

      • Which Proxy to Use?

    • Summary

  • More Spring AOP and Annotations

    • Advanced Use of Pointcuts

      • Use Control Flow Pointcuts

      • Using Composable Pointcut

      • Composition and the Pointcut Interface

      • Pointcutting Summary

    • Getting Started with Introductions

      • Introduction Basics

      • Object Modification Detection with Introductions

      • Introduction Summary

    • Framework Services for AOP

      • Configuring AOP Declaratively

      • Using ProxyFactoryBean

      • Using the aop Namespace

      • Using @AspectJ-Style Annotations

      • Considerations for Declarative Spring AOP Configuration

    • AspectJ Integration

      • About AspectJ

      • Using Singleton Aspects

    • AOP in the Sample Application

      • Filtering Obscenities in SpringBlog

    • Summary

  • Spring JDBC Support

    • Sample Data Model for Example Code

    • Exploring the JDBC Infrastructure

    • Spring JDBC Infrastructure

      • Overview and Used Packages

      • Database Connections and DataSources

      • Embedded Database Support

    • Using DataSources in DAO Classes

    • Exception Handling

    • The JdbcTemplate Class

      • Initializing JdbcTemplate in a DAO Class

      • Retrieving Single-Value-Use JdbcTemplate Class

      • Using Named Parameters with NamedParameterJdbcTemplate

      • Retrieving Domain Objects with RowMapper<T>

      • Retrieving Nested Domain Objects with ResultSetExtractor

    • Spring Classes That Model JDBC Operations

      • Setting Up JDBC DAO Using Annotations

      • Querying Data Using MappingSqlQuery<T>

      • Updating Data Using SqlUpdate

      • Inserting Data and Retrieving the Generated Key

      • Batching Operations with BatchSqlUpdate

      • Calling Stored Functions Using SqlFunction

    • Using the Java Configuration

    • Spring Data Project: JDBC Extensions

    • Considerations for Using JDBC

    • Summary

  • Using Hibernate in Spring

    • Create a Hibernate Utility Project in STS

    • Sample Data Model for Example Code

    • Configuring Hibernate SessionFactory

    • ORM Mapping Using Hibernate Annotations

      • Simple Mappings

      • One-to-Many Mappings

      • Many-to-Many Mappings

    • The Hibernate Session Interface

    • Database Operations with Hibernate

      • Query Data Using Hibernate Query Language

      • Inserting Data

      • Updating Data

      • Deleting Data

    • Considerations of Using Hibernate

    • Summary

  • Data Access in Spring with JPA2

    • Introducing JPA 2

      • Creating a Simple Spring JPA Utility Project in STS

      • Sample Data Model for Example Code

      • Configuring JPA EntityManagerFactory

      • ORM Mapping Using JPA Annotations

      • Eliminating the DAO Layer

      • Injecting EntityManager into Service Layer Classes

    • Database Operations with JPA

      • Query Data Using the Java Persistence Query Language

      • Inserting Data

      • Updating Data

      • Deleting Data

      • Native Query

      • Criteria Query Using the JPA 2 Criteria API

    • Introducing Spring Data JPA

      • Adding Spring Data JPA Library Dependencies

      • Database Operations Using Spring Data JPA Repository Abstraction

      • Keeping Track of Changes on the Entity Class

    • Keeping Entity Versions by Using Hibernate Envers

      • Adding Hibernate Envers Dependencies

      • Adding Tables for Entity Versioning

      • Configuring EntityManagerFactory for Entity Versioning

      • Coding Changes for Entity Versioning and History Retrieval

      • Testing Entity Versioning

    • Considerations When Using JPA

    • Using JPA in the Sample Application

      • Database Backend

      • Using JPA for Persistence Layer Implementation

      • Auditing and Entity Versioning

    • Summary

  • Using MyBatis in Spring

    • Getting Started with MyBatis in Spring

      • Introducing MyBatis

      • Creating a Simple Utility Project with MyBatis Support in STS

      • Sample Data Model for Example Code

      • Configuring MyBatis SqlSessionFactory and MapperScannerConfigurer

    • SQL Mapping in MyBatis

      • Mapper Interfaces and SQL Mapping Files

      • SQL Mapping XML Configuration

    • Database Operations with MyBatis

      • Querying Data

      • Inserting Data

      • Updating Data

      • Deleting Data

    • Considerations When Using MyBatis

    • Using MyBatis in the Sample Application

      • Database Backend

      • Using MyBatis for Persistence Layer Implementation

      • Auditing and Entity Versioning

    • Summary

  • Designing and Implementing Spring-Based Applications

    • Designing to Interfaces

      • Why Design to Interfaces

      • The Factory Pattern

      • Impact of Spring on Interface-Based Design

    • Building a Domain Object Model

      • Spring and the Domain Object Model

      • The DOM Is Not the Same As a Value Object

      • Why Create a Domain Object Model

      • Modeling Domain Objects

      • To Encapsulate Behavior or Not?

    • The SpringBlog Domain Object Model

      • Domain Object Model Summary

    • Designing and Building the Data Access Layer

      • Practical Design Considerations

      • Data Access Layer Summary

    • Designing the Service Layer

      • Why Have a Service Layer

      • Designing Business Interfaces

      • Service Layer Summary

    • Summary

  • Transaction Management

    • Exploring the Spring Transaction Abstraction Layer

      • Transaction Types

      • Implementations of the PlatformTransactionManager

    • Analyzing Transaction Properties

      • The TransactionDefinition Interface

      • The TransactionStatus Interface

    • Sample Data Model and Infrastructure for Example Code

      • Creating a Simple Spring JPA Utility Project with Dependencies

      • Sample Data Model and Common Classes

    • Declarative and Programmatic Transactions with Spring

      • Using Annotations for Transaction Management

      • Using XML Configuration for Transaction Management

      • Using Programmatic Transactions

      • Considerations on Transaction Management

    • Global Transactions with Spring

      • Infrastructure for Implementing the JTA Sample

      • Implementing Global Transactions with JTA

      • Considerations on Using JTA Transaction Manager

    • Summary

  • Validation with Type Conversion and Formatting

    • Creating a Project in STS for Samples

    • Spring Type Conversion System

      • Conversion from a String Using PropertyEditors

      • Introducing Spring 3 Type Conversion

    • Field Formatting in Spring 3

      • Implementing a Custom Formatter

      • Configuring ConversionServiceFactoryBean

    • Validation in Spring

      • Using Spring Validator Interface

      • Using JSR-303 Bean Validation

      • Which Validation API to Use?

    • Validation with Type Conversion and Formatting in the Sample Application

    • Summary

  • Task Scheduling in Spring

    • Create a Project in STS for the Sample Projects

    • Task Scheduling in Spring

      • Introducing Spring TaskScheduler Abstraction

      • Sample Task

      • Task Scheduling Using task-namespace

      • Task Scheduling Using Annotation

    • Asynchronous Task Execution in Spring

    • Task Scheduling in the Sample Application

    • Summary

  • Using Spring Remoting

    • Creating the Project in STS for the Samples

    • Implementing the Service Layer for the Samples

      • Adding Required Dependencies for the JPA Backend

      • Verifying the Project

      • Data Model for Samples

      • Implementing and Configuring ContactService

    • Using the Spring HTTP Invoker

      • Exposing the Service

      • Invoking the Service

    • Using JMS in Spring

      • Setting Up ActiveMQ

      • Implementing a JMS Listener in Spring

      • Sending JMS Messages in Spring

    • Using RESTful-WS in Spring

      • Introducing RESTful Web Services

      • Adding Required Dependencies for Samples

      • The Contact RESTful Web Service

      • Using Spring MVC to Expose RESTful Web Services

      • Using curl to Test RESTful-WS

      • Using RestTemplate to Access RESTful-WS

      • Securing RESTful-WS with Spring Security

      • Using JSR-303 with RESTful Web Services

    • Remoting in the Sample Application

    • Summary

  • Web Applications with Spring

    • Create Project in STS for Samples

    • Implement the Service Layer for Samples

      • Data Model for Samples

      • Implementing and Configuring ContactService

    • Introducing MVC and Spring MVC

      • Introducing MVC

      • Introducing Spring MVC

    • Create the First View in Spring MVC

      • Configure the DispatcherServlet

      • Implement the ContactController

      • Implement the Contact List View

      • Testing the Contact List View

    • Spring MVC Project Structure Overview

    • i18n (Internationalization)

      • Configure i18n in DispatcherServlet Configuration

      • Modify the Contact List View for i18n Support

    • Theming and Templating

      • Theming Support

      • View Templating with Apache Tiles

    • Implement the Views for Contact Information

      • Mapping of URLs to the Views

      • Implementing the Show Contact View

      • Implementing the Edit Contact View

      • Implementing the Add Contact View

      • Enable JSR-303 Bean Validation

    • Using jQuery and jQuery UI

      • Introducing jQuery and jQuery UI

      • Enable jQuery and jQuery UI in a View

      • Rich-Text Editing with CKEditor

      • Data Grid with Pagination using jqGrid

    • File Upload Handling

      • Configuring File Upload Support

      • Modify Views for File Upload Support

      • Modify Controller for File Upload Support

    • Securing a Web Application with Spring Security

      • Configuring Spring Security

      • Adding Login Functions to the Application

      • Using Annotations to Secure Controller Methods

    • Support for Servlet 3 Code-Based Configuration

    • Spring MVC in the Sample Application

      • MVC Implementation for SpringBlog

      • Rich User Interface and Ajax

      • Security Support

      • Servlet 3.0 Support

    • Summary

  • Spring Web Flow and JSF

    • Project for Sample Backend

      • The Sample Backend Service Layer

      • Import the Sample Backend in STS

    • Introducing Spring Web Flow

      • Spring Web Flow Modules

      • Spring Web Flow Features

    • Introducing JSF

      • View

      • Model Interaction

      • Navigation

      • Application Life Cycle

    • The Sample Spring Web Flow Application

      • Design of the Sample Flow

      • Project Structure

    • Spring Web Flow and JSF Configuration

      • Adding Required Dependencies

      • Configuring JSF

      • Configuring Web Deployment Descriptor

      • Configuring Spring Web Flow and Spring MVC

    • Implementing the Sample Flow

      • Define the Flow Definition

      • Implementing the Template Page

      • Implementing a Custom Converter

      • Implementing the Controller and Backing Bean

      • Implementing the Show Contact View

    • Implement the Add Contact Flow

      • Step 1: Enter Basic Information

      • Step 2: Select Hobbies

      • Step 3: Review Information

      • Step 4: Add Contact Complete

    • Summary

  • Spring Testing

    • Project for Sample Web Application

      • Import the Sample Backend in STS

    • Introducing an Enterprise Testing Framework

    • Implementing Logic Unit Test

      • Adding Required Dependencies

      • Unit Testing Spring MVC Controller

    • Implementing an Integration Unit Test

      • Adding Required Dependencies

      • Configuring the Profile for Service Layer Testing

      • Implementing the Infrastructure Classes

      • Unit Testing Service Layer

    • Implementing a Frontend Unit Test

      • Adding Required Dependencies

      • Introducing Selenium

      • Implementing a Test Case for a Frontend UI

    • Verifying Test Case Code Coverage

    • Summary

  • Spring Projects: Batch, Integration, and Roo

    • Project for Chapter Samples

      • Import the Sample Backend in STS

    • Introducing Spring Batch

      • Batch Job Flow and Process

      • Spring Batch Infrastructure Components

      • Spring Batch Metadata

      • Job Execution Policies

    • Implementing a Batch Job

      • Adding Required Dependencies

      • Spring Batch Infrastructure Configuration

      • Implementing the Import Contact Job

    • Using Spring Batch with Spring Integration

      • Introducing Spring Integration

      • Adding Required Dependencies

      • Implementing the File Polling Mechanism

    • Introducing Spring Roo

      • Configure Spring Roo in STS

      • Create a Spring Roo Project

      • Set Up the Persistence Layer and Entity Class

      • Set Up the Service Layer

      • Set Up the Presentation Layer

      • Spring Roo Add-on

      • Conclusion on Spring Roo

    • Spring Batch and Spring Integration in the Sample Application

    • Summary

  • Sample Application in Detail

    • Setting Up the Sample Application

      • Project Setup

      • Switching Between the MySQL and H2 Databases

      • Switching Between the JPA and MyBatis Implementations

    • Application Design

      • The Data Model

      • Domain Object Model

      • The UML Model

    • Configuration Details

    • Implementation Details

      • Service Layer Implementation

      • Obscenity Filter Using AOP

      • Scheduling the Job for Purging Audit Data

      • Presentation Layer

    • Summary

  • Scripting Support in Spring

    • Project for Chapter Samples

      • Create a Simple Spring Utility Project

      • Installing the Groovy Plug-in for Eclipse

    • Scripting Support in Java

    • Introducing Groovy

      • Dynamic Typing

      • Simplified Syntax

      • Closure

    • Using Groovy with Spring

      • Adding Required Dependencies

      • The Contact Domain

      • Implementing the Rule Engine

      • Implement the Rule Factory as a Spring Refreshable Bean

      • Testing the Age Category Rule

    • Summary

  • Spring Application Monitoring

    • Project for Chapter Samples

    • JMX Support in Spring

      • Exporting a Spring Bean to JMX

      • Setting Up VisualVM for JMX Monitoring

      • Monitoring Logged-In Users

      • Monitoring Hibernate Statistics

      • Monitoring Spring Batch Jobs

    • Monitoring an Application with Spring Insight

      • Introducing Spring Insight

      • Configuring Spring Insight

      • Using Spring Insight

    • Summary

  • SpringSource Tool Suite

    • Introducing STS

    • STS Installation

      • Installing the Stand-Alone Version of STS

      • Installing STS to an Existing Eclipse Environment

    • Project Setup and Dependency Management

      • Create a Simple Spring Utility Project

      • Dependency Management for a Project

    • Using STS

      • Installing STS Extensions

      • Configuring VMware tc Server in STS

    • Summary

  • Index

    • A

    • B

    • C

    • D

    • E

    • F

    • G

    • H

    • I

    • J

    • K

    • L

    • M, N

    • O

    • P, Q

    • R

    • S

    • T, U

    • V

    • W, X, Y, Z

Nội dung

Ngày đăng: 11/07/2018, 16:12