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1207 pro visual studio lightswitch 2011 development

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Cấu trúc

  • Cover

    • Contents at a Glance

    • Contents

    • About the Authors

    • About the Technical Reviewers

    • Acknowledgments

    • Foreword

    • Introduction

  • Forms Over Data and Beyond

    • Who Is LightSwitch For?

    • The 10,000-Foot View

    • Model-Centric Architecture

      • The Data Tier

      • The Logic Tier

      • The Presentation Tier

    • Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)

      • MVVM Applied to LightSwitch

    • The LightSwitch Application Lifecycle

    • Summary

  • Working in Visual Studio

    • Switching to File View

    • Root Folder Contents

      • Folder

    • ApplicationDefinition.lsml File

      • Creating Nested Navigation Groups

    • Server Project

    • ServerGenerated Project

    • Client Project

    • ClientGenerated Project

    • Common Project

    • SQL Server

      • Where Is the Intrinsic Database?

      • Why Do I Need SQL Express?

      • What Is a SQL Server User Instance?

      • Attaching the SQL Server Intrinsic Database by Using Server Explorer

      • Profiling the Intrinsic Database by Using SQL Server Profiler

    • Debugging LightSwitch Code

      • Debugging Concepts

      • Attaching to the Debugger

      • Debugging Queries

      • Debugging Threading Issues

    • Compacting LS Solutions for Backup

    • Summary

  • Working With Data

    • Understanding Entities and Properties

    • Attaching to Existing Data

      • Attaching to an Existing Database

      • Attaching to SharePoint Data

      • Attaching to WCF RIA Services Data

      • Deleting a Data Source

    • Creating a Table in the Intrinsic Database

      • Modifying Table Properties

      • Moving Intrinsic Tables to an External Data Source

    • Working with LightSwitch Data Types

      • Changing Data Types

      • Choosing Field Names

    • Ensuring Unique Values

    • Creating Choice Lists

      • Choice List vs. Related Tables

    • Setting Relationships

    • Using Computed Properties

      • Summary Properties with Computed Fields

      • Formatting Data with Computed Properties

      • Arithmetic Calculations Using Computed Properties

      • Date Calculations Using Computed Properties

      • Rounding and Truncating Numbers

      • Returning Images with Computed Properties

      • Sorting and Filtering on Computed Properties

    • Summary

  • Accessing Data from Code

    • Introducing Data Access

    • Using LightSwitch Data Access Objects

      • Application Object

      • Data Workspace

      • Data Source Object

      • Entity Sets

      • Entities

      • Properties and Nullable Data Types

    • Working with Screen Data

      • Setting Text Box Values

      • Accessing Grid and List Values

      • Setting AutoCompleteBox Values

    • Working with Change Sets

      • Discarding Changes

      • Getting Items That Have Changed

      • Retrieving Original Values

    • Working with the Save Pipeline

      • Calling Server-Side Code from the Client

      • Using the

      • Class

    • Managing Transactions in LightSwitch

      • Understanding Transactions

      • Understanding ACID Principles

      • Reading Data in LightSwitch

      • Implementing Transactions in .NET

      • Implementing Transactions in the Save Pipeline

      • Creating an Ambient Transaction

      • Rolling Back Transactions—A Demonstration

    • Understanding Concurrency

      • Displaying a Data Conflict Screen

      • Handling Conflicts in Code

    • Working with User Data

    • Summary

  • Validating Data

    • Where Is Validation Performed?

    • Predefined Validation

      • Data Length Validation

      • Range Validation

      • Required Field Validation

    • Custom Validation

      • How to Write Client/Server/Common Validation Code

      • Creating Validation Rules and Warnings

    • The Validation Engine

      • Properties Tracked by the Dependency Engine

      • Silverlight Implementation

    • Accessing Validation Results in Code

    • Custom Validation Examples

      • Required Validation Based on Other Conditions

      • Enforcing Uniqueness and Preventing Duplicates

      • Compare Validation

      • Regular Expression Validation

      • Validating File Sizes

      • Checking Against Child Collections

    • Performing Screen Validation

    • Validating Deletions

      • Validating Deletions on the Server

    • Database Validation

    • Summary

  • Querying Data

    • Understanding Query Features

      • The Data Returned from a Query

      • Default Queries Created by LightSwitch

      • Screen Queries

      • Entity Set Queries

    • Filtering and Sorting Data by Using the Designer

      • Filtering Query Data

      • Comparing Values

      • Sorting Query Data

    • Using LINQ

      • Why LINQ?

      • LINQ Syntax

      • Lambda Expressions

    • Where Is the Query Executed?

      • Query Pipeline

      • Executing Queries on the Client

      • Executing Queries on the Server

    • Exploring Query Examples

      • Filtering by Related Child Items

      • Creating Exists/In Queries

      • Creating Not Exists/Not In Queries

      • Filtering by Date Elements

      • Top

      • Records

    • Using Advanced Sorting Techniques

      • Sorting the Data Shown in Grids

      • Sorting by Related Parent Records

      • Sorting by Related Child Records

    • Creating User-Defined Global Values

      • Editing the LSML

      • Creating the Class

    • Summary

  • Creating and Using RIA Services

    • Why Would I Need a RIA Service?

      • To Aggregate Data

      • To Simulate a SQL View

      • To Attach to an External Data Source

    • Creating a RIA Service

      • Step 1: Add a Class Library to the Solution

      • Step 2: Add Some References

      • Step 3: Add a Domain Service Class

      • Step 4: Connect to the Data

    • Writing the RIA Service Code

      • Creating a RIA Service to Aggregate Data

      • Creating a RIA Service to Update Data

    • Using a RIA Service

    • Summary

  • Creating and Using Screens

    • Designing Screens

      • Adding a Screen

      • Common Screen Elements

      • Choosing a Screen Template Type

      • Understanding the Screen Designer

      • Designing Screens at Runtime

    • User Interface Settings

      • Screen Navigation

    • Writing Screen Code

      • Working with Screen Events

      • Displaying Messages

      • Setting the Screen Title in Code

      • Changing the Save Behavior of New Data Screens

      • Opening Screens from Code

      • Passing Argument Values into Screens

      • Setting Control Values in Code

      • Finding Controls Using

      • Reference the Underlying Silverlight Control

      • Reacting to Data Changes Using Property Changed

    • Working with Built-In Data Controls

      • Introducing the Modal Window Control

      • Creating a Modal Window Helper Class

      • Using the

      • Control

    • Custom Screens and Scenarios

      • Adding a Home Page

      • Creating a Custom Search Screen

      • Designing an Add/Edit Screen

      • Many-to-Many Screen

      • Creating a Multiselect Data Grid

    • Working with Files

      • How to Upload a File

      • How to Download a File

      • Opening Files in Their Application

    • Summary

  • Creating and Using Custom Controls

    • Using Custom Controls vs. Control Extensions

    • Directly Using Silverlight Controls

      • The

      • Control

      • The

      • Control

      • The

      • Control

    • Creating a Custom Silverlight Class

      • Creating a New Class and Control

      • Data Binding in XAML

      • Consuming the Control

      • Understanding Dependency Properties

      • Binding Dependency Properties to the Data Context

      • Using Dependency Properties to Call Methods

    • Calling Screen Code from a Custom Control

    • Summary

  • Creating and Using Extensions

    • Understanding the Need for Extensions

      • Enhanced Look and Feel

      • Advanced Data Entry

      • External Data Access

    • Finding Extensions

      • Visual Studio Gallery

      • Visual Studio Extension Manager

      • LightSwitch Community Extensions

      • Third-Party Vendors

    • Installing Extensions

    • Creating Extensions

      • What You’ll Need

      • Installing the Extensibility Toolkit

    • Creating the Extension Library Project

      • The

      • Project

      • The

      • Project

      • The

      • Project

      • The

      • Project

      • The

      • Project

      • The

      • Project

      • The

      • Project

    • Understanding Extensions

    • Understanding Theme Extensions

      • Creating a Theme Extension

      • Using Theme Extension Attributes

      • Using Theme Extension Interfaces

      • Theme Extension Implementation

      • Activating LightSwitch’s “Hidden” Theme

      • Renaming a Theme

      • Microsoft’s Theme Extension Sample

    • Understanding Shell Extensions

      • Creating a Shell Extension

      • Using Shell Extension Attributes

      • Using the Shell Extension Interface

      • Shell Extension Implementation

      • Microsoft’s Shell Extension Sample

    • Understanding Screen Template Extensions

      • Creating a Screen Template Extension

      • Using Screen Template Extension Attributes

      • Using Screen Template Interfaces

      • Screen Template Extension Implementation

      • Microsoft’s Screen Template Sample

    • Understanding Control Extensions

      • Creating a Control Extension

      • Using Control Extension Attributes

      • Using Control Extension Interfaces

      • Control Extension Implementation

      • Control Extension Element Mapping

      • Microsoft’s Control Extension Samples

    • Understanding Business Type Extensions

      • Creating a Business Type Extension

      • Using Business Type Extension Attributes

      • Using Business Type Extension Interfaces

      • Business Type Extension Implementation

    • Understanding Data Source Extensions

      • Creating a Data Source Extension

      • Data Source Extension Implementation

    • Debugging Extensions

    • Distributing Extensions

      • Sharing the Setup File

      • Publishing to the Visual Studio Gallery

    • Summary

  • Creating and Displaying Reports

    • Using ASP.NET to Create Reports

      • Creating an ASP.NET Project

      • Creating a New Page

      • Creating Charts

      • Securing Reports

    • Using Microsoft Reporting Services

      • Installing Reporting Services

      • Creating Reports

    • Linking Reports to LightSwitch

      • Opening Reports in a New Browser Window

      • Displaying Reports Inside a LightSwitch Screen

    • Creating Reports with Microsoft Word

      • Performing Simple Automation

      • Performing Mail Merges with Word

    • Creating Adobe PDF Documents

    • Using Other Third-Party Solutions

      • DevExpress XtraReports

      • Infragistics NetAdvantage

    • Summary

  • Creating and Sending Emails

    • Sending Email by Using Server-Side Code

      • Sending Email When Data Changes

      • Writing an Email Helper Class

      • Setting SMTP

      • Object Properties

      • Triggering Server Email from an Onscreen Button on the Client

      • Including Email Attachments

    • Creating Mail in a Pickup Folder

    • Sending Mail via Outlook by Using COM Automation

    • Creating mailto Hyperlinks

    • Using mailto in a Screen Button

    • Summary

  • Authenticating Your Users

    • Choosing an Authentication Method

    • Using No Authentication

    • Using Windows Authentication—Allow Any Authenticated Windows User

    • Using Windows Authentication—Allow Specified Users

    • Using Forms Authentication

    • Membership Provider Settings

      • Changing Password-Complexity Rules

      • Changing Password-Encryption Settings

      • Sharing Forms Authentication Data with ASP.NET

    • Summary

  • Authorization

    • Understanding Authorization

    • Setting Permissions

      • Defining Permissions

      • Setting the Security Administration Permission

      • Debugging Permissions

      • Setting Entity Set (Table) Permissions

      • Setting Screen Permissions

      • Setting Query Permissions

    • Specifying the Application Administrator

    • Creating Roles

    • Adding Users

    • Filtering Data Based on User

      • Helper Methods

      • The Table

      • The Query

    • Creating a Log Out Option

      • Adding an ASPX Page

      • Including the ASPX Page in the Project’s Build Output

      • Exposing the

      • Functionality

    • Summary

  • Auditing What Your Users Do

    • Basic Table Properties

    • The General Approach

      • General Approach Pros

      • General Approach Cons

      • The General Changes Table

      • The General Changes Code

    • The Specific Approach

      • Specific Approach Pros

      • Specific Approach Cons

      • The Specific Changes Table

      • The Specific Changes Code

    • Summary

  • Deploying Your Application

    • Deployment Fundamentals

      • Application Topologies

      • Publishing vs. Packaging

      • Client Requirements

    • Setting Up Your Web Server

      • Setting Up IIS7

      • Setting Up IIS6

      • Setting Up IIS Application Pools

      • Configuring SQL Server Windows Authentication

      • Configuring Secure Sockets Layer

      • ASP.NET Configuration

      • LightSwitch Prerequisites

    • Deployment Wizard

      • Database Connections Page

      • Database Configuration Page

      • Prerequisites Page

      • Authentication Page

      • Certificate Page

    • Installing the Packages

      • Two-Tier Desktop Installation

      • Three-Tier Desktop

      • Three-Tier Browser Application

    • Three-Tier Manual Deployment

      • Deploying ASP.Net Web Site

      • SQL Server Connection String

    • IIS7 ZIP File Deployment

    • Deploying Data

    • Updating an Application

    • Deploying to Azure

      • Setting Up Azure in the Web Portal

      • Publishing Steps

    • Summary

  • When Things Don’t Go Quite Right

    • Troubleshooting Installations

    • Troubleshooting the SQL Server

      • Failed to Generate a User Instance of SQL Server

      • SQL Express Instances That Are Not Named SQLEXPRESS

      • Errors Relating to Non-English Versions of SQL Express at Design Time

      • Errors Relating to User Instances

      • SQL Server Log File

    • Tracing LightSwitch Applications

      • Creating Trace Messages

      • Viewing Trace Messages at Debug Time

      • Tracing a Deployed Application

      • Fiddler

    • SQL Server Connection Problems

      • Resolving SQL Server Connection Issues

      • ASP.NET Settings (Three-Tier Setup)

    • Troubleshooting Publishing

    • Summary

  • Culture Names

  • LINQ Query Operators

  • Index

    • A

    • B

    • C

    • D

    • E

    • F

    • G

    • H

    • I, J, K

    • L

    • M

    • N

    • O

    • P

    • Q

    • R

    • S

    • T

    • U

    • V

    • W, X, Y, Z

Nội dung

Ngày đăng: 11/07/2018, 16:12

