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Your money or your life

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  • Praise

  • About the Authors

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  • Contents

  • Dedication

  • Acknowledgements

  • Introduction















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Table of Contents Title Page Copyright Page Dedication Acknowledgements Introduction Chapter - THE MONEY TRAP: THE OLD ROAD MAP FOR MONEY Chapter - MONEY AIN’T WHAT IT USED TO BE—AND NEVER WAS Chapter - WHERE IS IT ALL GOING? Chapter - HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH? THE NATURE OF FULFILLMENT Chapter - SEEING PROGRESS Chapter - THE AMERICAN DREAM—ON A SHOESTRING Chapter - FOR LOVE OR MONEY: VALUING YOUR LIFE ENERGY—WORK AND INCOME Chapter - THE CROSSOVER POINT: THE POT OF GOLD AT THE END OF THE WALL CHART Chapter - NOW THAT YOU’VE GOT IT, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH IT? EPILOGUE ADDITIONAL RESOURCES NOTES INDEX Praise for Your Money or Your Life “Your Money or Your Life offers everyone—regardless of class, background, or history—a simple and accessible pathway to economic health, recovery, and resilience Robin offers up this antidote for our corporate culture in a style that is easy to read, pleasurable, and life-affirming, helping us translate the idea of frugality into a shift to invest in what we truly value Her prescription offers the payoff of a more meaningful and fulfilling life, while lessening our sense of stress as it relates to money The time could not be more perfect, nor this book more relevant to the changes we’re all facing.” —Nina Simons, president and cofounder, Bioneers “Your Money or Your Life was a 1990s phenomenon that changed the lives of millions and made voluntary simplicity the fastest-growing movement in America My friendship with Vicki and her ideas of financial independence and conscious consumption changed my life, liberated me from the money chase, and unleashed my courage and creativity As the fragility of our casino economy becomes alarmingly evident, this book is now more relevant than ever It could be the single most important book you will ever read.” —David Korten, author of When Corporations Rule the World and The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community, and cofounder and board chair, YES! magazine “Your Money or Your Life has helped millions of Americans lead more frugal, sane, and happier lives If only all Americans—and particularly, the people whose profligacy has gotten us into the current debacle on Wall Street—had read it They certainly need to read it now! Everyone does.” —John de Graaf, coauthor of Affluenza: The All-Consuming Epidemic “For well over a decade, this book has been the blueprint for achieving financial independence You can always recognize those of us who followed its advice: We’re the folks with smiles on our faces and time on our hands, who sleep soundly at night even during troubled economic times This edition was updated to reflect the financial realities of today, and its message and advice have never been more valuable.” —Jeff Yeager, author of The Ultimate Cheapskate’s Road Map to True Riches “Your Money or Your Life is the rare book that is both map and compass As we enter hard economic times, this visionary book provides eminently pragmatic and effective maps to reduce the costs of your life and increase your savings net Of equal importance, it’s a compass that can guide you to your true values—nonmonetary values such as community, friendships, and deeper relationships to your place and nature.” —Kenny Ausubel, CEO and cofounder, Bioneers “This timely and timeless message liberates us from our self-imposed impoverishment and leads us to a genuinely richer and more rewarding life.” —Victoria Castle, author of The Trance of Scarcity “Bless Penguin and Vicki Robin for re-releasing this timeless, exquisite, and classic work on our relationship with money With clarity, incisiveness, and brilliance, Your Money or Your Life gives every reader, no matter what their circumstances, the keys to living a fulfilling and financially free life The distinctions in this book are so empowering, so liberating, and so transformative that the book should be a required text for everyone who has a bank account This is one of the best and most truthful books you will ever read about money.” —Lynne Twist, author of The Soul of Money “The need has never been greater than now, in a time of so much financial turbulence and crisis, for this magnificent book Your Money or Your Life is a personal path to fiscal sanity, stability, and security If you follow its heed, your life will be richer many times over, whatever the stock market does or does not do.” —John Robbins, author of Diet for a New America, Healthy at 100, and The Food Revolution “The best guide for personally navigating the new post–Wall Street financial world Tried and true common sense for redefining success on your own terms and refocusing your American Dream.” —Hazel Henderson, author of Ethical Markets: Growing the Green Economy “Can you save your life? Yes, and Joe and Vicki’s approach offers even more [Those] who use their money carefully generate incredible benefits beyond the obvious gains in and security for themselves First, their use of natural resources drops, since they consume far more thoughtfully: bonus point for the world’s ecosystems Second, they may be able to work less: bonus point for other people’s employment opportunities Third, they spend their money on necessary, worthwhile products: bonus point for the economy of goods, rather than that of bads Fourth, they are freeing their time and are now able to spend time volunteering with non profits, playing with their own and others’ children, running for office, or just helping out where people are in need: bonus point for our communities Fifth, they now have time to bring their dreams alive: bonus point for creativity, vibrancy, and joy What are you waiting for?” —Mathis Wackernagel, executive director, Global Footprint Network PENGUIN BOOKS YOUR MONEY OR YOUR LIFE Vicki Robin is a renowned innovator, writer, and speaker In addition to coauthoring the bestselling Your Money or Your Life with Joe Dominguez, Robin has been at the forefront of the sustainable living movement She has received awards from Co-op America and Sustainable Northwest for her pioneering work while being featured in Utne magazine’s book Visionaries: People and Ideas to Change Your Life She was instrumental in creating the Conversation Cafes, Sustainable Seattle, and the New Road Map Foundation as well as serving on the board of Transition US She lives on Whidbey Island in Washington’s Puget Sound Her latest book, Blessing the Hands That Feed Us: What Eating Closer to Home Can Teach Us About Food, Community and Our Place on Earth, will be available from Viking in 2014 Joe Dominguez (1938–1997) was a successful financial analyst on Wall Street before retiring at the age of thirty-one by following the nine-step program he formulated for himself, taught for many years, and is presented here in Your Money or Your Life His teaching also lives on through his audio course, Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence (Sounds True) From 1969 on, he was a full-time volunteer and donated all proceeds from his teaching to transformational projects Monique Tilford has worked for nearly twenty years on sustainable consumption and related environmental issues For ten years, she worked with the Center for a New American Dream, a national nonprofit that helps Americans change the way they consume, serving most recently as the organization’s deputy director Prior to joining New Dream, Monique was executive director for Wild Earth and for the Carrying Capacity Network Monique has been promoting the principles outlined in Your Money or Your Life for over seventeen years, as a public speaker, study guide group leader, and member of the New Road Map Foundation’s board of directors She lives outside Washington, DC, with her husband and two young daughters PENGUIN BOOKS Published by the Penguin Group Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, U.S.A Penguin Group (Canada), 90 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 700, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4P 2Y3 (a division of Pearson Penguin Canada Inc.) • Penguin Books Ltd, 80 Strand, London WC2R 0RL, England • Penguin Ireland, 25 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2, Ireland (a division of Penguin Books Ltd) • Penguin Group (Australia), 250 Camberwell Road, Camberwell, Victoria 3124, Australia (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) • Penguin Books India Pvt Ltd, 11 Community Centre, Panchsheel Park, New Delhi - 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Treasured mentor and companion on the great adventure And to all he loved Gandhi, Mahatma garbage, American production of gazingus pins Getting a Life (Blix and Heitmiller) Gibran, Kahlil gifts Givens, Charles gleaning Global Bond Funds Graaf, John de greed as market driving force money addiction and green consumption Groening, Matt Gross Domestic Product growth See economic growth guilt, as market driving force Haebig, Ann happiness Hardin, Garret Harman, Willis health care costs See medical costs hedonism Heitmiller, David Herbert Hoover Commission on Recent Economic Change hobbies See also leisure Hochschild, Arlie homeowner insurance hourly wage, computing real hours in work week house swaps household maintenance, subcategories list housing saving money on subcategories list Hundred Dollar Holiday (McKibben) Hunnicutt, Benjamin Kline illness, job-related impeccability impulse buying income calculating lifetime earnings categories of daily money log growing gap between expenses and life energy/earnings ratio maximizing monthly tabulation quality of life correlated to See also investment income; investment program index funds Industrial Revolution inflation fear of frugality and and investment returns insurance integration, personal integrity See financial integrity interest income interest paid and bank charges internal yardstick for fulfillment Internet Intervac investment income See also investment program investment program asset allocation bonds cache capital investment criteria emergency cushion experts fees index funds lifestyle funds mutual funds no-load funds options real estate risk tolerance safety of socially responsible investing (SRI) stocks three pillars of treasury bonds It’s Not About the Money (Kessel) job See employment; right livelihood; work Job Charming, finding job-hunting checklist job-sharing jobism joy-to-stuff ratio judgment Kaplan, Roy keeping track of every cent Kessel, Brent kids See children King, Tricia LaBier, Douglas Lapham, Lewis Layoffs Lebow, Victor leisure after crossover point as commodity escape entertainment as opportunity for increased consumption and redefining work subcategories list LETS (Local Exchange Trading System) liabilities life energy defined and earnings ratio evaluating expenditures in terms of money as monthly tabulation formula tracking total expenditures valuing life expectancy life insurance life purpose as component of enough defined finding test using wall chart to realign with Life Rating Scale LifeStrategy Conservative Growth Fund LifeStrategy Income Fund LifeStrategy Moderate Growth Fund lifestyle funds lifetime earnings, calculating liquid assets living skills Local Exchange Trading System (LETS) losses, as expense category lottery winners Lynch, Peter Macy, Joanna making a dying making a living See work managing finances See financial management Man’s Search for Meaning (Frankl) mantra maturity date Max-Neef, Manfred McKibben, Bill Meadows, Donella meals, job-related means of exchange medical costs health as spending category and inflation job-related illness saving money on subcategories list medical tourism Mellan, Olivia Mill, John Stuart Millionaire Next Door, The (Stanley and Danko) minimum daily requirement of work Modern Madness (LaBier) money addiction to aloofness from contemplating defining equals life energy as evil family attitudes about log making it real management of myths new road map for old road map for personality types perspectives of as power as security as social acceptance See also saving money Money Coaching Institute Money Harmony (Mellan) monthly investment income formula monthly tabulations more, better and different solutions more-is-better myth Morris, Desmond mortgage, paying off multiple use purchases mutual funds Myers, David G myths about money evil more-is-better mentality power security social acceptance National Opinion Research Center needs anticipating universal net worth, calculating New Road Map Foundation New Testament New World, New Mind (Ornstein and Ehrlich) 9/11 terrorist attacks nine circles puzzle nine steps See steps no-load funds no shame, no blame attitude Noyes, John Humphrey online shopping Ornstein, Robert part-time jobs personal balance sheet personality types perspectives of money cultural realm emotional/psychological realm personal responsibility and transformation practical, physical realm Phillips, Michael physical perspective of money planet earth prosperity and saving money and play See leisure Pogonomics Principle Portland Fruit Tree Project possessions enjoying saving money on Poverty of Affluence, The (Wachtel) power, money as price book progress, measuring See wall charts Protestant ethic psychological/emotional perspective of money psychological freedom purge and splurge cycle purpose in life See life purpose Pursuit of Happiness, The (Myers) puzzle, nine circles quality, in purchases questions See Three Questions Quinn, Jane Bryant Ramsey, Dave rate re-gifting real estate recession, fear of recreation See leisure recrimination vs discrimination recycling redefining work allows working from the inside out enjoying leisure more honors unpaid activity improves retirement increases choices makes life whole again provides opportunity to discover real work reunites work and play right livelihood and relationships financial independence and money as social acceptance researching purchases responsibility and the definition of money and having enough retirement riches, not equal to financial independence right livelihood right to buy road map, financial creating your own new old safety net (cushion) for emergencies Sahlins, Marshall Saltzman, Amy satisfaction and life energy spent satyagraha (soul power) saving money 1,001 sure ways anticipating needs bargain hunting being conscious of desires and thoughts buying used children comparison shopping it yourself don’t go shopping finance charges follow nine steps food gifts housing insurance interest payments living within your means medical costs researching purchases and saving the planet as source of cache stop trying to impress other people substitution take care of what you have transportation costs vacations wearing it out savings as expense category and financial independence rates and salary chart vs capital vs consuming Schumacher, E F Schwartz, Bob security, money as Seid, Alan Seven Laws of Money, The (Phillips) sharing/bartering Shaw, George Bernard shelter, as expense category shopping as national pastime weaknesses See gazingus pins See also saving money Simple Living Investments for Old Age (Phillips and Campbell) skills, learning basic Slow Food movement social acceptance, money as Social Investment Forum Social Security Administration socially responsible investing (SRI) sound clutter spending See expenses spiritual discipline splurge and purge cycle standard of living, concept of Stanley, Thomas J Statman, Meir steps #1 making peace with the past #2 tracking your life energy #3 monthly tabulation #4 three questions that will transform your life #5 making life energy visible (wall chart) #6 minimizing spending #7 maximizing income #8 capital and the crossover point #9 managing your finances review of stocks Stone Age Economics (Sahlins) store of value student loans subcategories of income and expenses substitution, principle of survival skills sustainability swapping possessions Swedroe, Larry synergy Tao Te Ching Terkel, Studs Theobald, Robert Theory of the Leisure Class, The (Veblen) Three Questions assessing fulfillment question job expenditures question and saving the planet values and life purpose question thrift See frugality Thurow, Lester Tightwad Gazette, The (Dacyczyn) Time Bind, The (Hochschild) Time Dollars System tool sharing trading possessions transportation costs auto insurance consumer price index and expense category saving money on subcategories list trash treasury bonds Treasury Direct Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) Trimbath, Tom unconscious spending unemployment United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development unpaid jobs U.S treasury bonds used items, buying utilities, subcategories list utopian communities vacations value, researching purchases valuing life energy aligning values and behavior evaluating expenditures joy-to-stuff ratio by maximizing income by minimizing spending Vanguard Funds Veblen, Thorstein venture capital victim mentality volunteer vacations volunteerism activism and advocacy after crossover point finding projects and causes freedom of helping and caring redefined Wachtel, Paul wages, disconnecting from work See work, redefining wall charts adding investment income to awareness from hanging recording income and expenses Wall Street (movie) Wall Street Journal, The, bond information Wampler, Dave wealth, not equal to financial independence What Color Is Your Parachute? (Bolles) what-if worries What Wall Street Doesn’t Want You to Know (Swedroe) Wikipedia Wood, Vincent Woodman, Josef work characteristics of modern workplace defining expenses finite period of history of hours in work week identity and self-worth from Job Charming, finding job-hunting checklist jobism life energy/earnings ratio life without making a dying minimum daily requirement of part-time purpose of real hourly wage computation redefining right to second career two functions of unpaid jobs See also employment; income Work Without End (Hunnicutt) Working (Terkel) workplace, characteristics of modern yield to maturity Yogananda, Paramahansa YouTube Zaifman, Mark Zen Buddhism Contents Praise About the Authors Title Page Copyright Page Dedication Acknowledgements Introduction - THE MONEY TRAP: THE OLD ROAD MAP FOR MONEY - MONEY AIN’T WHAT IT USED TO BE—AND NEVER WAS - WHERE IS IT ALL GOING? - HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH? THE NATURE OF FULFILLMENT - SEEING PROGRESS - THE AMERICAN DREAM—ON A SHOESTRING - FOR LOVE OR MONEY: VALUING YOUR LIFE ENERGY— WORK AND INCOME - THE CROSSOVER POINT: THE POT OF GOLD AT THE END OF THE WALL CHART - NOW THAT YOU’VE GOT IT, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH IT? EPILOGUE EXCERPT FROM BLESSING THE HANDS THAT FEED US ADDITIONAL RESOURCES NOTES INDEX ... ADDITIONAL RESOURCES NOTES INDEX Praise for Your Money or Your Life Your Money or Your Life offers everyone—regardless of class, background, or history—a simple and accessible pathway to economic... the authors’ fervent hope that this book will increase your freedom to contribute to your world 1 THE MONEY TRAP: THE OLD ROAD MAP FOR MONEY MONEY: THE TENDER TRAP? Your money or your life. ”... this book is for you INTRODUCTION Welcome to Your Money or Your Life: Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence, now updated and revised for the twenty-first

Ngày đăng: 22/06/2018, 11:06