Lively stories will capture your pupils’ imagination and help them prepare for the Cambridge Young Learners English (YLE) Starters, Movers and Flyers Tests. Followup activities present YLE tasks in a motivating and easytouse way. Activities include a special focus on areas most likely to cause problems for young learners at these levels. Unitbyunit wordlists provide an easy reference for vocabulary learning. Each Teacher’s Book includes creative teaching tips and photocopiable activities for extra practice
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chuyên sách cambridge,bán sách,file pdf,audio ,có đủ bộ lh.0909265875,100k mua đủ bộ 9 quyển,gồm file pdf +audio+answer booklet.a phúc
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chuyên sách cambridge,bán sách,file pdf,audio ,có đủ bộ lh.0909265875,100k mua đủ bộ 9 quyển,gồm file pdf +audio+answer booklet.a phúc
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chuyên sách cambridge,bán sách,file pdf,audio ,có đủ bộ lh.0909265875,100k mua đủ bộ 9 quyển,gồm file pdf +audio+answer booklet.a phúc