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Testbank chapter 3 organization structure and cultural

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Chapter 03 Organization: Structure and Culture Multiple Choice Questions Organiza Organizational tional cultur culture e is best expla explained ined as organiz organization ational al A B C " $ Personality ierarchy !eporting relationships relationships Bac#ground %anage&ent style ' (hich (hich o) the )ollo*ing )ollo*ing is +O, +O, true o) pro-ect pro-ect &anage& &anage&ent ent structur structures es A ,hey pro/ide pro/ide a )ra&e*or# )ra&e*or# )or launching and i&ple&enting i&ple&enting pro-ects B ,hey appropriately balance the needs o) both the parent organization and the pro-ect C n selecting a &anage&ent structure the culture o) the organization is not a huge consideration " ,he pro-ect itsel) should be considered *hen deter&ining *hich structure is best $ ,hey help deter&ine deter&ine *ho has &ost authority in regard to &anaging the pro-ect pro-ect All o) the )ollo*in )ollo*ing g are disad/ant disad/antages ages o) organizi organizing ng pro-ects pro-ects *ithin *ithin a &atrix &atrix arrange&ent $2C$P, A "ys)unctional conict bet*een bet*een )unctional &anagers and pro-ect pro-ect &anagers B $xpensi/e C n4ghting " Stress)ul $ 5onger pro-ect duration ,he structure structure that &anages pro-ects *ithin the the existing existing organizational organizational structure structure is  7777777777 organization organization A B C " $ 8unctional Balanced &atrix (ea# &atrix Strong &atrix Pro-ectized 3-1 Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education All rights rsr!d "o rproduction or distri#ution without th prior writtn consnt o$  McGraw-Hill Education Bill is *or#in *or#ing g on a pro-ect pro-ect in/ol/in in/ol/ing g the upgrading upgrading o) a &anage&ent &anage&ent in)or&atio in)or&ation n syste& ,he pro-ect is being &anaged by the in)or&ation syste&s depart&ent *ith the coordination o) other depart&ents occurring occurring through nor&al channels e is *or#ing in a 777777777 organization A B C " $ 8unctional Balanced &atrix (ea# &atrix Strong &atrix Pro-ectized  (hich (hich o) the )ollo*ing )ollo*ing is an an ad/antage ad/antage o) a )unctional )unctional pro-ect pro-ect &anage& &anage&ent ent organization A B C " $ %axi&u& exibility exibility in the use o) sta;  (hich o) the )ollo*ing cultural characteristic relates to the degree to *hich rules policies and direct super/ision are used to o/ersee and control e&ployee beha/ior A B C " $ %e&ber identity ,ea& $&phasis %anagerial )ocus Fnit integration Control '? (hich o) the )ollo*ing cultural characteristics relates to the degree to *hich groups *ithin the organization are encouraged to operate in a coordinated or independent &anner A B C " $ %e&ber identity ,ea& e&phasis %anagerial )ocus Fnit integration Control 30 (hich o) the )ollo*ing cultural characteristics relates to the degree to *hich &anage&ent )ocuses on outco&es rather than on techniues and processes used to achie/e those outco&es A B C " $ !is# tolerance !e*ard criteria Conict tolerance %eans /ersus end orientation Open@syste&s )ocus Fill in the Blank Questions 31 ,he personality o) an organization is a si&ple explanation o) 77777777777  7777777777777777777777777777777777777777  3' ,he approach to pro-ect &anage&ent that uses the existing hierarchy o) the organization to &anage pro-ects is 77777777777 organization  7777777777777777777777777777777777777777  33 +o radical alteration in the design or operation o) the parent organization is a &a-or ad/antage o) 7777777777 organization  7777777777777777777777777777777777777777  3-' Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education All rights rsr!d "o rproduction or distri#ution without th prior writtn consnt o$  McGraw-Hill Education 36 ,*o o) the &a-or disad/antages o) the 77777777 organizational approach are that pro-ects &ay lac# )ocus and it can ta#e longer to co&plete pro-ects  7777777777777777777777777777777777777777  39 8ir&s *here pro-ects are the do&inant )or& o) business and the entire organization is designed to support pro-ect tea&s are usually structured as aGnH 777777777 organization  7777777777777777777777777777777777777777  3 A high le/el o) &oti/ation and the tendency )or pro-ects to get done &ore uic#ly are bene4ts o) using the 77777777 organizational approach to pro-ect &anage&ent  7777777777777777777777777777777777777777  3= igh pro-ect costs and diIcult post@pro-ect transition are t*o e/ident *ea#nesses o) aGnH 7777777777 organization  7777777777777777777777777777777777777777  3> n aGnH 77777777 syste& there are usually t*o chains o) co&&and one along )unctional lines and the other along pro-ect lines  7777777777777777777777777777777777777777  3? ,he 77777777 structure is designed to opti&ally utilize resources by ha/ing indi/iduals *or# on &ultiple pro-ects as *ell as being capable o) per)or&ing nor&al )unctional duties  7777777777777777777777777777777777777777  60 A &atrix in *hich the balance o) authority is strongly on the side o) the pro-ect &anager is described as 7777777777  7777777777777777777777777777777777777777  61 A &atrix in *hich the balance o) authority is strongly on the side o) the )unctional &anager is described as 777777777  7777777777777777777777777777777777777777  6' igh le/els o) stress and dys)unctional conict are disad/antages o) aGnH 777777777 organization  7777777777777777777777777777777777777777  63 ,he 77777777 &atrix )or& o) pro-ect organization is li#ely to enhance pro-ect integration di&inish internal po*er struggles and ulti&ately i&pro/e control o) pro-ect acti/ities and costs  7777777777777777777777777777777777777777  3-( Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education All rights rsr!d "o rproduction or distri#ution without th prior writtn consnt o$  McGraw-Hill Education 66 ,he 77777777 &atrix )or& o) pro-ect organization is li#ely to i&pro/e technical uality as *ell as pro/ide a better syste& )or &anaging conict across pro-ects because the )unctional &anager assigns personnel to di;erent pro-ects  7777777777777777777777777777777777777777  69 ,he 77777777 &atrix )or& o) pro-ect organization can achie/e better euilibriu& bet*een technical and pro-ect reuire&ents but it is a /ery delicate syste& to create and &anage  7777777777777777777777777777777777777777  6 77777777 pro-ect tea&s should be used )or urgent pro-ects in *hich the nature o) the *or# reuires people *or#ing steadily )ro& beginning to end  7777777777777777777777777777777777777777  6= Conict tolerance ris# tolerance re*ard criteria and unit integration are all exa&ples o) cultural 7777777777  7777777777777777777777777777777777777777  6> !esearch suggests that there is a strong connection bet*een pro-ect &anage&ent structure organizational 77777777 and pro-ect success  7777777777777777777777777777777777777777  6? Organization 77777777 re)ers to a syste& o) shared nor&s belie)s /alues and assu&ptions *hich bind people together thereby creating shared &eanings  7777777777777777777777777777777777777777  90 ,he &ore autono&y and authority the pro-ect &anager and pro-ect tea& need to be success)ul the &ore appropriate a dedicated pro-ect tea& or aGnH 77777777 &atrix structure is to &anage the pro-ect  7777777777777777777777777777777777777777  91 (hen &ost o) the pro-ect *or# can be done *ithin a speci4ed depart&ent and any coordination *ith other depart&ents can be done easily through nor&al &anage&ent channels 77777777777 organization is &ost appropriate  7777777777777777777777777777777777777777  9' ,he cultural characteristic that re)ers to the degree to *hich re*ards such as pro&otion and salary increases are allocated according to e&ployee per)or&ance rather than seniority )a/oritis& or other nonper)or&ance )actors is #no*n as  7777777777777  7777777777777777777777777777777777777777  93 ,he cultural characteristic that re)ers to the degree to *hich e&ployees are encouraged to air conicts and criticis&s openly is #no*n as 77777777777  7777777777777777777777777777777777777777  3-) Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education All rights rsr!d "o rproduction or distri#ution without th prior writtn consnt o$  McGraw-Hill Education 66 ,he 77777777 &atrix )or& o) pro-ect organization is li#ely to i&pro/e technical uality as *ell as pro/ide a better syste& )or &anaging conict across pro-ects because the )unctional &anager assigns personnel to di;erent pro-ects weak   ,he *ea# &atrix &ost closely rese&bles )unctional organization ,he pro-ect &anager basically acts as a sta; assistant *ho dra*s the schedules and chec#lists collects in)or&ation on status o) *or# and )acilitates pro-ect co&pletion ,his is li#ely to i&pro/e technical uality as *ell as pro/ide a better syste& )or &anaging conict across pro-ects because the )unctional &anager assigns personnel to di;erent pro-ects  AACSB: Refective Thinking Blooms: *nderstand Learning b!ective: "ro!ect #anagement Str$ct$re Level o% &i'c$lty: - #edi$m 69 ,he 77777777 &atrix )or& o) pro-ect organization can achie/e better euilibriu& bet*een technical and pro-ect reuire&ents but it is a /ery delicate syste& to create and &anage $alance!  ,his is the classic &atrix in *hich the pro-ect &anager is responsible )or de4ning *hat needs to be acco&plished *hile the )unctional &anagers are concerned *ith ho* it *ill be acco&plished %ore speci4cally the pro-ect &anager establishes the o/erall plan )or co&pleting the pro-ect integrates the contribution o) the di;erent disciplines sets schedules and &onitors progress  AACSB: Refective Thinking Blooms: *nderstand Learning b!ective: "ro!ect #anagement Str$ct$re Level o% &i'c$lty: + ,ard 6 77777777 pro-ect tea&s should be used )or urgent pro-ects in *hich the nature o) the *or# reuires people *or#ing steadily )ro& beginning to end De!icate! Strong budget and ti&e constraints and high stability o) resource reuire&ents i&ply &ore autono&y and authority that the pro-ect &anager and the pro-ect tea& need to be success)ul ,his translates into using a dedicated pro-ect tea&  AACSB: Refective Thinking Blooms: *nderstand Learning b!ective: hat is the Right "ro!ect #anagement Str$ct$re/ Level o% &i'c$lty: - #edi$m 3-3% Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education All rights rsr!d "o rproduction or distri#ution without th prior writtn consnt o$  McGraw-Hill Education 6= Conict tolerance ris# tolerance re*ard criteria and unit integration are all exa&ples o) cultural 7777777777 characteristics !esearch suggests that there are 10 pri&ary characteristics *hich capture the essence o) an organizationDs culture ,hese include conict tolerance ris# tolerance re*ard criteria and unit integration  AACSB: Refective Thinking Blooms: *nderstand Learning b!ective: rgani0ational C$lt$re Level o% &i'c$lty: ( )asy  6> !esearch suggests that there is a strong connection bet*een pro-ect &anage&ent structure organizational 77777777 and pro-ect success culture Culture reects the personality o) the organization and si&ilar to an indi/idualDs personality can enable us to predict attitudes and beha/iors o) organizational &e&bers  AACSB: Refective Thinking Blooms: *nderstand Learning b!ective: rgani0ational C$lt$re Level o% &i'c$lty: - #edi$m 6? Organization 77777777 re)ers to a syste& o) shared nor&s belie)s /alues and assu&ptions *hich bind people together thereby creating shared &eanings culture Organizational culture re)ers to a syste& o) shared nor&s belie)s /alues and assu&ptions *hich binds people together thereby creating shared &eanings  AACSB: Refective Thinking Blooms: *nderstand Learning b!ective: rgani0ational C$lt$re Level o% &i'c$lty: ( )asy  90 ,he &ore autono&y and authority the pro-ect &anager and pro-ect tea& need to be success)ul the &ore appropriate a dedicated pro-ect tea& or aGnH 77777777 &atrix structure is to &anage the pro-ect strong A dedicated pro-ect tea& or a strong &atrix is &ost appropriate *hen pro-ect consideration )actors such as pro-ect size strategic i&portance and need )or inno/ation are high  AACSB: Refective Thinking Blooms: *nderstand Learning b!ective: hat is the Right "ro!ect #anagement Str$ct$re/ 3-3& Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education All rights rsr!d "o rproduction or distri#ution without th prior writtn consnt o$  McGraw-Hill Education Level o% &i'c$lty: - #edi$m 91 (hen &ost o) the pro-ect *or# can be done *ithin a speci4ed depart&ent and any coordination *ith other depart&ents can be done easily through nor&al &anage&ent channels 77777777777 organization is &ost appropriate functional  ,he )unctional organization is also co&&only used *hen gi/en the nature o) the pro-ect one )unctional area plays a do&inant role in co&pleting the pro-ect or has a do&inant interest in the success o) the pro-ect  AACSB: Refective Thinking Blooms: *nderstand Learning b!ective: hat is the Right "ro!ect #anagement Str$ct$re/ Level o% &i'c$lty: - #edi$m 9' ,he cultural characteristic that re)ers to the degree to *hich re*ards such as pro&otion and salary increases are allocated according to e&ployee per)or&ance rather than seniority )a/oritis& or other nonper)or&ance )actors is #no*n as  7777777777777 rewar! criteria !e*ard criteria reect the degree to *hich re*ards such as pro&otion and salary increases are allocated according to e&ployee per)or&ance rather than seniority )a/oritis& or other nonper)or&ance )actors  AACSB: Refective Thinking Blooms: *nderstand Learning b!ective: rgani0ational C$lt$re Level o% &i'c$lty: - #edi$m 93 ,he cultural characteristic that re)ers to the degree to *hich e&ployees are encouraged to air conicts and criticis&s openly is #no*n as 77777777777 con%ict tolerance Conict tolerance is the degree to *hich e&ployees are encouraged to air conicts and criticis&s openly  AACSB: Refective Thinking Blooms: *nderstand Learning b!ective: rgani0ational C$lt$re Level o% &i'c$lty: - #edi$m 3-3' Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education All rights rsr!d "o rproduction or distri#ution without th prior writtn consnt o$  McGraw-Hill Education 96 ,he cultural characteristic that re)ers to the degree to *hich the organization &onitors and responds to changes in the external en/iron&ent is #no*n as  77777777777 open&s'ste"s focus Open@syste&s )ocus is the degree to *hich the organization &onitors and responds to changes in the external en/iron&ent  AACSB: Refective Thinking Blooms: *nderstand Learning b!ective: rgani0ational C$lt$re Level o% &i'c$lty: - #edi$m 99 ,he cultural characteristic that re)ers to the degree to *hich e&ployees are encouraged to be aggressi/e inno/ati/e and ris# see#ing is #no*n as  7777777777777 risk tolerance !is# tolerance is the degree to *hich e&ployees are encouraged to be aggressi/e inno/ati/e and ris# see#ing  AACSB: Refective Thinking Blooms: *nderstand Learning b!ective: rgani0ational C$lt$re Level o% &i'c$lty: - #edi$m True / False Questions 9 (hile organization culture is i&portant to the o/erall )unction o) an organization it has &inor inuence on its pro-ect &anage&ent FA(SE Culture reects the personality o) the organization and si&ilar to an indi/idualDs personality can enable us to predict attitudes and beha/iors o) organizational &e&bers  AACSB: Refective Thinking  Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Blooms: *nderstand Learning b!ective: rgani0ational C$lt$re Level o% &i'c$lty: ( )asy  3-3( Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education All rights rsr!d "o rproduction or distri#ution without th prior writtn consnt o$  McGraw-Hill Education 9= ,here are o)ten considerable di;erences in ho* pro-ects are &anaged *ithin certain 4r&s e/en *hen si&ilar pro-ect &anage&ent structures are being used T)*E 8or exa&ple *or#ing in a &atrix at A,N, is di;erent )ro& *or#ing in a &atrix en/iron&ent at e*lett@Pac#ard  AACSB: Refective Thinking  Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Blooms: *nderstand Learning b!ective: "ro!ect #anagement Str$ct$re Level o% &i'c$lty: - #edi$m 9> ,he pro-ectized )or& o) pro-ect &anage&ent structure is co&&only used *hen one )unctional area plays a do&inant role in co&pleting the pro-ect or has a do&inant interest in the success o) the pro-ect FA(SE  ,he )unctional organization is co&&only used *hen gi/en the nature o) the pro-ect one )unctional area plays a do&inant role in co&pleting the pro-ect or has a do&inant interest in the success o) the pro-ect  AACSB: Refective Thinking  Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Blooms: *nderstand Learning b!ective: "ro!ect #anagement Str$ct$re Level o% &i'c$lty: - #edi$m 9? ,he &atrix )or& o) pro-ect &anage&ent structure is a good choice *hen resource usage needs to be opti&ized by ha/ing indi/iduals *or# on &ultiple pro-ects *hile still per)or&ing )unctional duties T)*E  ,he &atrix structure is designed to opti&ally utilize resources by ha/ing indi/iduals *or# on &ultiple pro-ects as *ell as being capable o) per)or&ing nor&al )unctional duties  AACSB: Refective Thinking  Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Blooms: *nderstand Learning b!ective: "ro!ect #anagement Str$ct$re Level o% &i'c$lty: - #edi$m 3-3) Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education All rights rsr!d "o rproduction or distri#ution without th prior writtn consnt o$  McGraw-Hill Education 0 A disad/antage o) using the )unctional )or& o) pro-ect &anage&ent structure is that pro-ects generally ta#e longer to co&plete T)*E t generally ta#es longer to co&plete pro-ects through this )unctional arrange&ent  ,his is in part attributable to slo* response ti&e Pro-ect in)or&ation and decisions ha/e to be circulated through nor&al &anage&ent channels  AACSB: Refective Thinking  Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Blooms: *nderstand Learning b!ective: "ro!ect #anagement Str$ct$re Level o% &i'c$lty: - #edi$m 1 ,he )unctional pro-ect tea& is usually physically separated )ro& the parent organization and gi/en the pri&ary directi/e o) acco&plishing the ob-ecti/es o) the pro-ect FA(SE "edicated pro-ect tea&s are tea&s *hich operate as separate units )ro& the rest o) the parent organization Fsually a )ull@ti&e pro-ect &anager is designated to pull together a core group o) specialists *ho *or# )ull ti&e on the pro-ect  AACSB: Refective Thinking  Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Blooms: *nderstand Learning b!ective: "ro!ect #anagement Str$ct$re Level o% &i'c$lty: ( )asy  ' n the pro-ectized )or& o) pro-ect &anage&ent structure there is li&ited technological expertise *hen co&pared to the )unctional or &atrix organization T)*E Creating sel)@contained tea&s inhibits &axi&u& technological expertise t is li&ited so&e*hat to the talents and experience o) the specialists assigned to the pro-ect  AACSB: Refective Thinking  Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Blooms: *nderstand Learning b!ective: "ro!ect #anagement Str$ct$re Level o% &i'c$lty: - #edi$m 3-40 Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education All rights rsr!d "o rproduction or distri#ution without th prior writtn consnt o$  McGraw-Hill Education 3 ,he pro-ectized )or& o) pro-ect &anage&ent structure is a good choice *hen speed o) co&pletion is i&portant and the pro-ect needs to be i&ple&ented *ithout directly disrupting ongoing operations T)*E Pro-ects tend to get done &ore uic#ly *hen participants de/ote their )ull attention to the pro-ect and are not distracted by ot her obligations and duties  AACSB: Refective Thinking  Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Blooms: *nderstand Learning b!ective: "ro!ect #anagement Str$ct$re Level o% &i'c$lty: - #edi$m 6 One o) the &a-or disad/antages o) the pro-ectized )or& o) pro-ect &anage&ent structure is that it tends to be &ore expensi/e than other )or&s o) organization T)*E  ,he pro-ectized )or& is expensi/e +ot only ha/e you created a ne* &anage&ent position Gpro-ect &anagerH but resources are also assigned on a )ull@ti&e basis  ,his can result in duplication o) e;orts across pro-ects and a loss o) econo&ies o) scale  AACSB: Refective Thinking  Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Blooms: *nderstand Learning b!ective: "ro!ect #anagement Str$ct$re Level o% &i'c$lty: ( )asy  9 One ad/antage o) a &atrix pro-ect &anage&ent structure is that it is )ast and easy to i&ple&ent FA(SE A &atrix structure cannot be installed o/ernight $xperts argue that it ta#es 3@9 years )or a &atrix structure to )ully &ature  AACSB: Refective Thinking  Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Blooms: *nderstand Learning b!ective: "ro!ect #anagement Str$ct$re Level o% &i'c$lty: - #edi$m 3-41 Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education All rights rsr!d "o rproduction or distri#ution without th prior writtn consnt o$  McGraw-Hill Education  A &atrix pro-ect &anage&ent structure is a hybrid organizational )or& in *hich a horizontal pro-ect &anage&ent structure is o/erlaid on the nor&al )unctional hierarchy T)*E %atrix &anage&ent is a hybrid organizational )or& in *hich a horizontal pro-ect &anage&ent structure is o/erlaid on the nor&al )unctional hierarchy  AACSB: Refective Thinking  Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Blooms: *nderstand Learning b!ective: "ro!ect #anagement Str$ct$re Level o% &i'c$lty: ( )asy  = (hen three )or&s o) the &atrix pro-ect &anage&ent structure are considered all share the sa&e ad/antages and disad/antages and at an eual le/el FA(SE (hen the /ariant )or&s o) the &atrix approach are considered *e can see that ad/antages and disad/antages are not necessarily true )or all three )or&s ,he strong &atrix is li#ely to enhance pro-ect integration di&inish internal po*er struggles and ulti&ately i&pro/e control o) pro-ect acti/ities and costs On the do*nside technical uality &ay su;er because )unctional areas ha/e less control o/er their contributions  AACSB: Refective Thinking  Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Blooms: *nderstand Learning b!ective: "ro!ect #anagement Str$ct$re Level o% &i'c$lty: + ,ard > (hen deter&ining the &ost appropriate pro-ect &anage&ent structure considerations need to be &ade at the organizational le/el and at the pro-ect le/el T)*E At the organizational le/el the i&portance o) pro-ect &anage&ent to the success o) the 4r& needs to be considered as *ell as resource a/ailability At the pro-ect le/el things such as pro-ect size strategic i&portance and need )or inno/ation need to be considered  AACSB: Refective Thinking  Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Blooms: *nderstand Learning b!ective: hat is the Right "ro!ect #anagement Str$ct$re/ Level o% &i'c$lty: - #edi$m 3-42 Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education All rights rsr!d "o rproduction or distri#ution without th prior writtn consnt o$  McGraw-Hill Education ? 0 ,here are o)ten considerable di;erences in ho* pro-ects are &anaged *ithin certain 4r&s e/en i) the sa&e pro-ect &anage&ent structure is being used $xplain Ans*er *ill /ary 8eedbac#: %any researchers attribute these di;erences to the organizational culture ,he organizational culture reects the personality o) the organization  AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Analy0e Learning b!ective: "ro!ect #anagement Str$ct$re Level o% &i'c$lty: - #edi$m 3-4& Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education All rights rsr!d "o rproduction or distri#ution without th prior writtn consnt o$  McGraw-Hill Education >1 (hat is &ore i&portant )or pro-ect success the )or&al pro-ect &anage&ent structure or the culture o) the parent organization Ans*er *ill /ary 8eedbac#: ,he culture o) the parent organization is &ore i&portant than the )or&al pro-ect &anage&ent structure ,he pro-ect &anage&ent structure should deri/e )ro& the culture o) the organization ,he culture should re/eal *hat types o) pro-ects the organization *ill and in turn *ill be reected by the pro-ect &anage&ent structure  AACSB: Analytic Blooms: Analy0e Learning b!ective: "ro!ect #anagement Str$ct$re Level o% &i'c$lty: + ,ard >' denti)y and briey describe at least t*o ad/antages and t*o disad/antages o) organizing pro-ects *ithin the )unctional organization Ans*er *ill /ary 8eedbac#: Ad/antages include no alteration in the design or operation o) the parent organization exibility in use o) sta; in@depth expertise and easy post@pro-ect transition "isad/antages include lac# o) )ocus poor integration longer pro-ect duration and lac# o) &oti/ation and o*nership  AACSB: Refective Thinking Blooms: *nderstand Learning b!ective: "ro!ect #anagement Str$ct$re Level o% &i'c$lty: - #edi$m >3 denti)y and briey describe at least t*o ad/antages and t*o disad/antages o) organizing pro-ect tea&s as dedicated pro-ect tea&s Ans*er *ill /ary 8eedbac#: Ad/antages include si&plicity shorter pro-ect duration strong cohesi/eness o) pro-ect tea& &e&bers and cross@)unctional integration "isad/antages include high cost internal stri)e li&ited technological expertise and diIcult post@pro-ect transition  AACSB: Refective Thinking Blooms: *nderstand Learning b!ective: "ro!ect #anagement Str$ct$re Level o% &i'c$lty: - #edi$m 3-4' Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education All rights rsr!d "o rproduction or distri#ution without th prior writtn consnt o$  McGraw-Hill Education >6 denti)y and briey describe at least t*o ad/antages and t*o disad/antages o) organizing pro-ect tea&s using the &atrix &anage&ent approach Ans*er *ill /ary 8eedbac#: Ad/antages include high eIciency strong pro-ect )ocus easier post@ pro-ect transition and exibility "isad/antages include dys)unctional conict in4ghting high le/els o) stress and longer pro-ect duration  AACSB: Refective Thinking Blooms: *nderstand Learning b!ective: "ro!ect #anagement Str$ct$re Level o% &i'c$lty: - #edi$m >9 denti)y and briey describe the three )or&s o) organizing pro-ects using the &atrix &anage&ent approach Ans*er *ill /ary 8eedbac#: G1H (ea# &atrixK G'H Balanced &atrixK G3H Strong &atrix  AACSB: Refective Thinking Blooms: *nderstand Learning b!ective: "ro!ect #anagement Str$ct$re Level o% &i'c$lty: - #edi$m > Co&pare and contrast the ad/antages and disad/antage o) a *ea# pro-ect &anage&ent structure and a strong pro-ect &anage&ent structure Ans*er *ill /ary 8eedbac#: ,he strong &atrix is li#ely to enhance pro-ect integration di&inish internal po*er struggles and i&pro/e control o*e/er technical uality &ay su;er ,he *ea# &atrix is li#ely to i&pro/e technical uality and pro/ide better conict &anage&entK ho*e/er there &ay be poor pro-ect integration  AACSB: Analytic Blooms: A22ly  Learning b!ective: "ro!ect #anagement Str$ct$re Level o% &i'c$lty: + ,ard 3-4( Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education All rights rsr!d "o rproduction or distri#ution without th prior writtn consnt o$  McGraw-Hill Education >= denti)y and briey describe three o) the 10 pri&ary characteristics o) organization culture Ans*er *ill /ary 8eedbac#: %e&ber identity tea& e&phasis &anage&ent )ocus unit integration unit integration control ris# tolerance re*ard criteria conict tolerance &eans /s end orientation and open syste& )ocus  AACSB: Refective Thinking Blooms: *nderstand Learning b!ective: rgani0ational C$lt$re Level o% &i'c$lty: - #edi$m >> Culture per)or&s se/eral i&portant )unctions in organizations Clari)ying and rein)orcing standards o) beha/ior is one o) these $xplain and pro/ide an exa&ple Ans*er *ill /ary 8eedbac#: Culture de4nes *hat is per&issible and *hat inappropriate beha/ior is  ,hese standards span a *ide range o) beha/ior )ro& dress code and *or#ing hours to challenging the -udg&ent o) superiors  AACSB: Refective Thinking Blooms: *nderstand Learning b!ective: rgani0ational C$lt$re Level o% &i'c$lty: - #edi$m >? "escribe the di;erence bet*een a strong or thic# culture and a thin or *ea# culture Ans*er *ill /ary 8eedbac#: Strong or thic# are ad-ecti/es used to denote a culture in *hich the organizationDs core /alues and custo&s are *idely shared *ithin the entire organization Con/ersely a thin or *ea# culture is one that is not *idely shared or practiced *ithin a 4r&  AACSB: Refective Thinking Blooms: *nderstand Learning b!ective: rgani0ational C$lt$re Level o% &i'c$lty: - #edi$m 3-4) Copyright © 2014 McGraw-Hill Education All rights rsr!d "o rproduction or distri#ution without th prior writtn consnt o$  McGraw-Hill Education ... pro-ect organization organization A B C " $ Strong &atrix and balanced &atrix 8unctional and pro-ectized Pro-ectized and balanced &atrix Pro-ectized Pro-ectized and strong &atrix Strong &atrix and. .. consnt o$  McGraw-Hill Education Chapter 03 Organization: Structure and Culture Ans*er Jey Multiple Choice Questions Organizational culture is best explained as organizational A.  B.  C ".  $ Personality... &anage&ent approach > Co&pare and contrast the ad/antages and disad/antage o) a *ea# pro-ect &anage&ent structure and a strong pro-ect &anage&ent structure >= denti)y and briey describe three o)

Ngày đăng: 04/06/2018, 15:18