Spine: 1.20” Computers/Certification Guides • Networks and Cisco devices — learn networking basics, all about ports, and how to configure interfaces and services such as DHCP and NAT • Data routing — explore static routing, dynamic routing protocols, and how to control the routing process with the routing table • Be prepared — learn basic troubleshooting steps and commands you can use on Cisco devices • Introduction to TCP/IP • Hints for using the Cisco IOS • Step-by-step description of the routing process • A guide to basic configuration • Troubleshooting advice • Exam tips for each topic • An exam-objective mapping table • Detailed examples of subnetting • Cast a wider net — become familiar with network security, security best practices, and wide area networks (WANs) Bonus CD Includes Test Engine that simulates the actual CCENT certification exam Demonstration videos showing how to perform tasks you’ll need to know to pass the exam n o i t a c i f i t r e CCENT C ® N E A L L- I N - O 41 BOOKS IN Go to Dummies.com® for videos, step-by-step examples, how-to articles, or to shop! • Networking Basics • Cisco Device Basics • Routing and Switching • Advanced Topics System requirements: Please see the About the CD Appendix for complete system requirements Bonus CD includes Test Engine, demonstration videos, and Lab Manual $34.99 US / $41.99 CN / £24.99 UK Glen E Clarke is an independent trainer and consultant who delivers courses on various certifications, including CCENT, A+, Windows, SQL Server, and others He is coauthor of both editions of the bestselling CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One For Dummies ™ g Easier! Making Everythin đ Discover CCENT certification find out what the certification involves and what to expect on the exam • Basic facts of networking ALL- IN - ONE If you’re preparing for Cisco certification, your road starts with CCENT Exam 640-822 ICND1 This volume covers everything you need to know! You’ll learn networking basics and how to work with Cisco devices, routers, switches, and more With over 600 pages, plus dozens of review questions, this complete guide will help you make the grade Open the book and find: CCENT Certification Get ready for Cisco’s entry-level networking certification CCENT exam 640-822 Hundreds of practice questions on the CD ISBN 978-0-470-64748-6 Glen E Clarke Clarke Coauthor of CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One For Dummies Get More and Do More at Dummies.com® Start with FREE Cheat Sheets Cheat Sheets include • Checklists • Charts • Common Instructions • And Other Good Stuff! 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01_647486-ffirs.indd ii01_647486-ffirs.indd ii 10/15/10 11:16 PM10/15/10 11:16 PM ® CCENT Certification ALL-IN-ONE FOR DUMmIES ‰ by Glen E Clarke 01_647486-ffirs.indd iii01_647486-ffirs.indd iii 10/15/10 11:16 PM10/15/10 11:16 PM CCENT® Certification All-In-One For Dummies® Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc 111 River Street Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774 www.wiley.com Copyright © 2011 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 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INTERNET WEBSITES LISTED IN THIS WORK MAY HAVE CHANGED OR DISAPPEARED BETWEEN WHEN THIS WORK WAS WRITTEN AND WHEN IT IS READ For general information on our other products and services, please contact our Customer Care Department within the U.S at 877-762-2974, outside the U.S at 317-572-3993, or fax 317-572-4002 For technical support, please visit www.wiley.com/techsupport Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books Library of Congress Control Number: 2010937813 ISBN: 978-0-470-64748-6 Manufactured in the United States of America 10 01_647486-ffirs.indd iv01_647486-ffirs.indd iv 10/15/10 11:16 PM10/15/10 11:16 PM About the Author Glen E Clarke (CCENT/MCSE/MCSD/MCDBA/MCT/MCTS/CEH/CHFI/ Security+) is an independent trainer and consultant, focusing on network security and security auditing services Glen spends most of his time delivering certified courses on A+, Network+, Windows Server, SQL Server, Exchange Server, Visual Basic NET, and ASP.NET Glen also teaches a number of security related courses covering topics such as ethical hacking and countermeasures, vulnerability testing, firewall design, and packet analysis Glen is an experienced author and technical editor who has worked on eighteen certification books Glen designed and coauthored the award nominated A+ Certification Bible and has worked on certification titles involving topics such as Windows certification, CIW certification, Network+ certification, and Security+ certification Glen is also author of The Network+ Certification Study Guide, 4th Edition, and coauthor of CompTIA A+ Certification All-One For Dummies, 2nd Edition When he’s not working, Glen loves to spend quality time with his wife, Tanya, and their four children, Sara, Brendon, Ashlyn, and Rebecca You can visit Glen online at www.gleneclarke.com, or contact him at glenclarke@accesswave.ca 01_647486-ffirs.indd v01_647486-ffirs.indd v 10/15/10 11:16 PM10/15/10 11:16 PM 01_647486-ffirs.indd vi01_647486-ffirs.indd vi 10/15/10 11:16 PM10/15/10 11:16 PM Dedication To Tanya, my beautiful wife and partner in life Author’s Acknowledgments I want to thank the people at Wiley for their hard work and continued support A special thank you to acquisitions editor, Katie Feltman, for her support with this project and her patience as I worked through the chapters I also want to thank project editor Blair Pottenger for his patience and quick responses to any questions I fired his way! Katie and Blair, you are both great people to work for and I always look forward to our next project together! Much appreciation goes to copy editor Heidi Unger for an outstanding job on the editing of the chapters — thank you! I also want to thank Dan Lachance and Ed Tetz for their feedback as technical editors and a job well done! Thanks guys — love working with you both! I also want to thank the folks at Tim Horton’s for not kicking me out when I occupy a table for hours at a time and for keeping the coffee always fresh! I would also like to thank Bob Canning and Dan Tooke for their interest in technology and taking the time to give me a tour of their work environment — it was great, thank you! A special thank you goes to my four children, Sara, Brendon, Ashlyn, and Rebecca, for giving me the time to sit down and participate in kids play with them — it makes me realize what is important in life A needed thank you goes to my wife, Tanya, for all her support — you have made great sacrifices with this project as well Thank you for all that you do! 01_647486-ffirs.indd vii01_647486-ffirs.indd vii 10/15/10 11:16 PM10/15/10 11:16 PM Publisher’s Acknowledgments We’re proud of this book; please send us your comments at http://dummies.custhelp.com For other comments, please contact our Customer Care Department within the U.S at 877-762-2974, outside the U.S at 317-572-3993, or fax 317-572-4002 Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following: Composition Services Acquisitions, Editorial, and Media Development Project Coordinators: Katie Crocker, Patrick Redmond Project Editor: Blair J Pottenger Layout and Graphics: Nikki Gately, Joyce Haughey, Christin Swinford Acquisitions Editor: Katie Feltman Special Art: Rashell Smith Copy Editor: Heidi Unger Technical Editor: Dan Lachance, Ed Tetz Proofreaders: Melissa D Buddendeck, Melanie Hoffman Editorial Manager: Kevin Kirschner Indexer: BIM Indexing & Proofreading Services Media Development Project Manager: Laura Moss-Hollister Media Development Assistant Project Manager: Jenny Swisher Media Development Associate Producer: Marilyn Hummel Editorial Assistant: Amanda Graham Sr Editorial Assistant: Cherie Case Cartoons: Rich Tennant (www.the5thwave.com) Publishing and Editorial for Technology Dummies Richard Swadley, Vice President and Executive Group Publisher Andy Cummings, Vice President and Publisher Mary Bednarek, Executive Acquisitions Director Mary C Corder, Editorial Director Publishing for Consumer Dummies Diane Graves Steele, Vice President and Publisher Composition Services Debbie Stailey, Director of Composition Services 01_647486-ffirs.indd viii01_647486-ffirs.indd viii 10/15/10 11:16 PM10/15/10 11:16 PM 568 CCENT Certification All-In-One For Dummies Remote Access Service (RAS) authentication, 513 Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS), 64, 513 remote communication, 378, 380–382 remotely connecting, 163 repeaters, 55 request phase, 64 Reserved field, 103 resting before exam, 15 restrict action, 399 resume command, 258 RG-8 grade cabling, 27 RG-58 grade coax cables, 26 ring topology, 23 RIP (Routing Information Protocol) configuring SDM, 300–301 RIPv1 (RIP version 1), 349, 352–353 RIPv2 (Routing Information Protocol v2), 349–350, 353–354 troubleshooting, 354–357 RJ-45 connector, 27 rollover cables, 33–34, 163 ROM (read-only memory), 176 ROM Monitor (ROMMON), 176 router command, 350 Router Properties node, 299 router rip command, 352 router simulations, 12 router> prompt, 183 RouterA(config) prompt, 351 routers 2500-series, 288–289 2600-series, 289–290 banners configuring, 219–220 types of, 218–219 Cisco changing hostname, 203–204 connecting to devices, 200–203 configuring passwords auxiliary port, 215–216 console, 215 Telnet, 216–217 console timeout, 224 creating users, 217–218 deleting configuration, 221–222 domain lookups, 223 dynamic routing protocols 28_647486-bindex.indd 56828_647486-bindex.indd 568 Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP), 350–351 Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP), 350 Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), 351 Routing Information Protocol (RIP), 349, 352–357 Routing Information Protocol v2 (RIPv2), 349–350 types of, 345–348 Ethernet interfaces description for, 205–206 enabling and disabling interfaces, 206–207 IP settings, 204–205 other settings, 206 router R2, 207–208 lab exercises configuring DHCP, 305–306 configuring hostname resolution, 304–305 configuring passwords, 231–232 configuring router interfaces, 230–231 recovering passwords, 306–310 viewing configurations, 232–236 looking at most recently used commands, 222–223 network services configuring DHCP services, 276–278 hostname resolutions, 272–276 implementing Network Address Translation (NAT), 278–283 overview, 60–61 ports of auxiliary port, 163–164 Cisco Ethernet ports, 165–167 console port, 163 identifying 1604 router ports, 169–170 identifying 2811 router ports, 170 serial ports, 167–169 R1, 203 R2, 204 recovering passwords on 2500-series routers, 288–289 on 2600-series routers, 289–290 configuration registers, 283–287 routing by rumor, 345 saving configuration changes, 220–221 Security Device Manager (SDM) 10/15/10 11:29 PM10/15/10 11:29 PM Index configuring, 290–293 configuring DHCP using SDM, 299 configuring Ethernet interfaces, 295–297 configuring hostnames, 298–299 configuring NAT using SDM, 301–304 configuring RIP using SDM, 300–301 configuring serial interfaces, 293–295 viewing interface status, 297–298 security of auxiliary port password, 480 configuring banners, 483–485 configuring SSH, 486–487 configuring user accounts, 482–483 console port password, 479 encrypting passwords, 480–482 Telnet password, 480 serial interfaces description for, 209 IP settings, 208 other settings, 209–213 static routing adding, 326–329 configuring gateway of last resort (GWLR), 329–332 deleting, 329 overview, 316–319, 325–326 routing process, 319–321 viewing routing tables, 321–325 statically assign IP addresses to, 91 troubleshooting layer-1 and layer-2, 427–429 layer-1 and layer-2 troubleshooting, 427–429 layer-3, 429–431 layer-3 troubleshooting, 429–431 show controllers serial 0/0 command, 429 show interface serial 0/0 command, 428 show interfaces command, 427–428 show ip interface brief command, 428–429 viewing configuration files, 224–225 viewing interface configurations show controller command, 228–229 show interface f0/0 command, 227 show interfaces command, 226–227 show ip interface brief command, 228 show ip interface command, 227–228 Routing Information Protocol (RIP) configuring SDM, 300–301 RIPv1 (RIP version 1), 349, 352–353 28_647486-bindex.indd 56928_647486-bindex.indd 569 569 RIPv2 (Routing Information Protocol v2), 349–350, 353–354 troubleshooting, 354–357 routing tables connected routes, 322–323 link state routing protocols, 347 overview, 424–425 static routes, 323–325 update message, 343 RPS LED, 368–369 running configuration, 177 running-config file, 220, 221 RX (receive pins), 31 RX-Boot, 249 RX-boot mini-IOS, 176 S S (static), 322 SCNP (Security Certified Network Professional), screened-host firewall, 463 screened-subnet, 463 screening, 463 SDM See Security Device Manager (SDM) Secure Shell (SSH), 486–487 security authentication smart card, 450–451 strong passwords, 451 authorization, 451 availability, 452–453 confidentiality, 452 devices firewalls, 461–463 intrusion detection system (IDS), 463–464 physical premises, 476 routers, 478–487 secure facility, 477 switches, 464–465, 487–490 virtual private networks (VPN), 465–466 windows and lighting, 476–477 workstations and servers, 477 exploits, 452 integrity, 452 of ports configuring, 397–400 viewing, 400–401 10/15/10 11:29 PM10/15/10 11:29 PM 570 CCENT Certification All-In-One For Dummies security (continued) social engineering attacks, 454–455 terminology of, 450–453 threats to network, 467–468 servers, 466–467 workstations, 466 vulnerability, 451–452 wireless changing SSID, 511 disabling SSID broadcasting, 511 enabling encryption, 511–512 encryption protocols, 512–517 restrict by MAC, 511 Security Certified Network Professional (SCNP), Security Device Manager (SDM) configuring, 290–293 configuring DHCP using, 299 configuring DHCP using SDM, 299 configuring Ethernet interfaces, 295–297 configuring hostnames, 298–299 configuring NAT using, 301–304 configuring NAT using SDM, 301–304 configuring RIP using, 300–301 configuring RIP using SDM, 300–301 configuring serial interfaces, 293–295 overview, 173–174 viewing interface status, 297–298 security violation count, 401 segments, 43 Select Installation Type screen, 241 self-replicating, 460 Sequence Number field, 103 sequence numbers, 98 Serial 0/2/0 is administratively down status, 226 serial interfaces configuring, 293–295 description for, 209 IP settings, 208 other settings bandwidth, 212–213 clock rate, 211–212 encapsulation protocol, 209–211 serial links High Data Link Control (HDLC), 529 Point-To-Point Protocol (PPP), 529–531 28_647486-bindex.indd 57028_647486-bindex.indd 570 protocols, 529–531 setting clock rate, 531–532 serial ports, 167–169, 525–527 Serial0/2/0 is down status, 226 Serial0/2/0 is up status, 226 servers authentication, 64 domain name system (DNS), 62–64 e-mail, 62 security of, 477 statically assign IP addresses to, 91 threats to, 466–467 Web, 61 service dhcp command, 278 service password-encryption command, 217, 481 service provider, 167 service set identifier (SSID), 511 services authentication servers, 64 domain name system (DNS) servers, 62–64 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) servers, 64–65 e-mail servers, 62 Network Address Translation (NAT), 65–67 Web servers, 61 sessions hijacking attacks, 459 layers, 42 suspending and disconnecting, 258–259 Setup cannot continue message, 542 setup command, 180, 182 setup mode, 182 Sharing Internet Connection screen, 302 shielded twisted pair (STP) cables, 27 show arp command, 419 show cdp commands, 249, 251 show cdp entry * command, 254 show cdp entry command, 254–255 show cdp entry device_ID command, 431 show cdp neighbors command, 252–254, 431 show cdp neighbors detail command, 253–254, 431 10/15/10 11:29 PM10/15/10 11:29 PM Index show commands, 206, 426 show controller command, 228–229 show controllers serial 0/0 command, 429 show controllers serial slot/ port command, 429 show flash command, 245, 247 show history command, 222 show hosts command, 274, 275, 425 show interface f0/0 command, 227 show interface serial 0/0 command, 428 show interface type command, 428 show interfaces command, 226–227, 427–428 show ip arp command, 419 show ip dhcp binding command, 278 show ip dhcp server statistics command, 278 show ip interface brief command, 228, 428–429 show ip interface command, 227–228 show ip protocols command, 354, 356, 430 show ip route command, 322, 326, 329, 430 show mac-address-table command, 373, 400 show port-security address command, 400 show port-security interface command, 400 show running-config command, 208, 214, 216 show sessions command, 258, 259 show startup-config command, 225, 426 show terminal command, 222 show users command, 260 show version command, 186–187, 286 show vlan command, 404, 405 shutdown action, 399 shutdown command, 207, 396–397 simlets, 12, 225 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), 62, 96 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), 97 simplex communication, 67, 396 simulators, 334 28_647486-bindex.indd 57128_647486-bindex.indd 571 571 single-mode fiber (SMF) cables, 30 1604 router ports, 169–170 slot/port syntax, 166, 172 small routed networks, 13 small switch networks, 13 smart cards, 450–451 SMF (single-mode fiber) cables, 30 SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), 62, 96 smurf attack, 457 sniffers, 55 SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), 97, 105 social engineering attacks, 454–455 software-based attacks SQL injection, 460 viruses, 460–461 logic bombs, 461 Trojan horses, 460 worms, 460–461 Source Address field, 107 Source Port field, 103, 105 sources, 57 Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), 376 special addresses Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA), 89–90 public versus private addresses, 89–90 speed command, 206, 395 speed mode, 371 Speed mode LED, 369 spoofing attack, 457–458 SQL injection attack, 460 SSH (Secure Shell), 486–487 SSID (service set identifier), 511 standards 10 Gigabit Ethernet, 39–40 802.11a, 506 802.11b, 507 802.11g, 507 802.11n, 507 Fast Ethernet, 38 Gigabit Ethernet, 39 star topology, 24 star-bus topology, 24 Starting IP and Ending IP address field, 299 startup configuration, 178 startup operations, 176 startup-config file, 220, 221, 225 10/15/10 11:29 PM10/15/10 11:29 PM 572 CCENT Certification All-In-One For Dummies stateful packet inspection firewall, 462 states, 84–85 static, 91, 327 static (S), 322 static addressing, 91 static NAT, 281 static routing adding, 326–329 configuring gateway of last resort (GWLR), 329–332 deleting, 329 lab exercises configuring gateway of last resort (GWLR), 334–337 configuring static routes, 334 planning routes, 332–333 overview, 316–319, 323–326 routing process, 319–321 viewing routing tables connected routes, 322–323 static routes, 323–325 Statically Set IP Address option, 93 status mode, 370 Status mode LED, 369 sticky option, 398, 399, 400, 488 store-and-forward switch operation mode, 377 STP (shielded twisted pair) cables, 27 STP (Spanning Tree Protocol), 376 straight-through cables, 31–32 streaming applications, 105 strong passwords, 451 subnet bits, 125, 126 subnet mask, 82–83, 127, 133 Subnet Mask column, 146 Subnet mask field, 299 subnet mask option, 327 Subnet Size column, 146 subnets, 126 subnetting class A network broadcast address, 130–131 first valid addresses, 129–130 last valid addresses, 131–132 network IDs, 128–129 overview, 124–128 class B network, 132–137 28_647486-bindex.indd 57228_647486-bindex.indd 572 class C network, 137–141 fast subnetting, 141–143 IP Subnet Zero, 143–144 lab exercises, 151–156 reasons for, 122–124 variable-length subnet masks (VLSM), 144–151 suites, 80 suspending sessions, 258–259 switches basic configurations configuring default gateway setting, 383–385 configuring device name, 382 configuring IP address, 382–383 circuits, 523 Cisco switches RPS LED, 368–369 switch display modes, 369–371 system LED, 368 configuring switch ports adding port descriptions, 394 adjusting duplex setting, 395–396 choosing port speed, 394–395 disabling and enabling ports, 396–397 port security, 397–401 viewing port configuration, 397 core switch services address learning, 373–374 filtering and forwarding, 374–375 loop avoidance, 375–377 data flow local communication, 378–379 remote communication, 380–382 lab exercises configuring port security, 406–407 configuring ports, 406 configuring VLANs, 408–412 overview, 58–60, 372–373 packets, 524–525 ports Console, 171 Ethernet, 172 security of configuring port security, 487–488 disabling ports, 488–490 overview, 464–465 10/15/10 11:29 PM10/15/10 11:29 PM Index statically assign IP addresses to, 91 switch operation modes cut-through, 377–378 fragment-free, 378 store-and-forward, 377 VLANs basic configurations, 403–406 concepts of, 401–403 switchport command, 404 switchport port-security command, 398, 488 synchronization (SYN) flood, 457 synchronization (SYN) phase, 101 system LED, 368 systems, 54 T T1 links, 524 T3 links, 524 tables configuring hostname, 272–274 MAC address, 372 neighbors, 347 routing connected routes, 322–325 link state routing protocols, 347 overview, 424–425 update message, 343 translation, 279 TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) application layer protocols, 96–97 assigning IP addresses configuring TCP/IP on clients, 91–93 identifying invalid addresses, 90–93 static addressing versus dynamic addressing, 91 converting decimal to binary, 83–85 data encapsulation, 95 four layer models, 93–94 IP address classes A, 85–87 B, 87–88 C, 88 D and E, 88–89 28_647486-bindex.indd 57328_647486-bindex.indd 573 573 IP addressing default gateway, 83 IP address, 80–81 subnet mask, 82–83 lab exercises converting binary to decimal, 114 converting decimal to binary, 113 identifying address classes, 113 identifying invalid addresses, 114 match protocol, 115–118 special addresses Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA), 89–90 public versus private addresses, 89–90 three-way handshake, 100–102 transport layer protocols Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), 98–104 User Datagram Protocol (UDP), 104–105 User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), 110–112 Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), 107–110 Internet Protocol (IP), 105–107 TCP flags, 102 TCP header, 102–104 TCP/ IP Internet model, 94 TCP ports, 98–100 TCP/IP option, 92 TCP/IP settings, 424 telcos, 167 Telnet application protocol, 96 monitoring connections, 260–261 overview, 256–257 passwords, 216–217, 480 suspending and disconnecting sessions, 258–259 telnet command, 257, 419 Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP), 512 temporary entry, 273–274 10 Gigabit Ethernet standards, 39–40 10 Gigabit port, 166 10Base2, 38 10/15/10 11:29 PM10/15/10 11:29 PM 574 CCENT Certification All-In-One For Dummies 10Base5, 38 10BaseT, 38 terminal history command, 223 terminal monitor command, 434 Test Engine tab, 540–541 test site, 15 testlets, 12 TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) installing software, 240–243 servers, 240 TFTP Server Manager option, 242 Thicknet cables, 26 Thinnet cables, 26 threats to networks, 467–468 to servers, 466–467 to workstations, 466 three-way handshake, 100–102 Time to Live (TTL) field, 107 timer parameter, 251 TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol), 512 token passing, 36 Token Ring architecture, 40–41 tokens, 36 topology ad hoc wireless network, 506 bus, 22–23, 24 hybrid, 24–25 networks, 22 of networks, 431–432 ring, 23 star, 24 star-bus, 24 table of, 347 Total Length field, 106 traceroute command, 418, 420, 421 tracert command, 420–421 traffic management broadcast domain, 68–70 collision domain, 70 duplexing, 67 overview, 70–71 types of communication, 67–68 trailers, 57 Transact SQL statements, 460 28_647486-bindex.indd 57428_647486-bindex.indd 574 translated IP, 280 translated ports, 280 translation table, 279 Transmission Control Protocol See TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), 80 transmit pins (TX), 31 transport input ssh command, 487 transport layer, 42, 94 transport layer protocols Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) TCP flags, 102 TCP header, 102–104 TCP ports, 98–100 three-way handshake, 100–102 User Datagram Protocol (UDP), 104–105 Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server, 240 Trojan horses, 460 troubleshooting CD-ROM, 541–542 Cisco commands ARP cache, 419 Packet InterNet Groper (PING) command, 417–418 telnet command, 419 traceroute command, 418 connectivity cables and connectors, 422–423 LED indicators, 423 name resolution, 425 routing table, 424–425 TCP/IP settings, 424 debug commands disabling debugging, 435–436 example of, 433–434 overview, 432 lab exercises enabling debugging, 439–443 identifying connectivity issues, 436–437 troubleshooting configuration, 439 using show commands, 437–438 Routing Information Protocol (RIP), 354–357 viewing configuration files, 426 10/15/10 11:29 PM10/15/10 11:29 PM Index viewing network topology, 431–432 viewing router configuration layer-1 and layer-2 troubleshooting, 427–429 layer-3 troubleshooting, 429–431 show controllers serial 0/0 command, 429 show interface serial 0/0 command, 428 show interfaces command, 427–428 show ip interface brief command, 428–429 Windows commands ARP cache, 421 ipconfig command, 420 ping command, 420 tracert command, 420–421 wireless networking designing multi-access point WLAN, 508–509 overview, 508, 510 trunk port, 398 trunks, 22 TTL (Time to Live) field, 107 2811 router ports, 170 2500-series routers, 288–289 2600-series routers, 289–290 twisted-pair cabling, 27–29 TX (transmit pins), 31 type message, 108 type message, 108 Type field, 109 Type of Service field, 106 U UDP (User Datagram Protocol) See User Datagram Protocol (UDP) unicast communication, 68 unreliable delivery, 42–43, 94, 97 unreliable UDP protocols, 104 unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cables, 27, 29 update timer, 355 update.exe file, 454 upgrading Cisco IOS, 247–249 Urgent Pointer field, 103 user accounts, configuring, 482–483 28_647486-bindex.indd 57528_647486-bindex.indd 575 575 User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), 110–112 Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), 107–110 Internet Protocol (IP), 105–107 overview, 104–105 user exec banner, 219 user exec mode, 183 username command, 217 users, 217–218 utilization mode, 370–371 Utilization mode LED, 369 UTP (unshielded twisted pair) cables, 27, 29 V values, 84–85 vampire tap, 27 variable length field, 104 variable-length subnet masks (VLSM), 144–151 vector, 345 version command, 354 Version field, 106 Videos tab, 541 virtual interfaces, 383 virtual private networks (VPN), 465–466 virtual teletype (VTY), 216, 480 viruses attacks, 460–461 logic bombs, 461 Trojan horses, 460 worms, 460–461 VLANs basic configurations, 403–406 concepts of, 401–403 VLSM (variable-length subnet masks), 144–151 Voice over IP (VoIP) technology, 71 Volatile RAM (VRAM), 177 VPN (virtual private networks), 465–466 VRAM (Volatile RAM), 177 VTY (virtual teletype), 216, 480 vulnerability, 451–452 10/15/10 11:29 PM10/15/10 11:29 PM 576 CCENT Certification All-In-One For Dummies W WAN (wide area networks) configuring serial links High Data Link Control (HDLC), 529 Point-To-Point Protocol (PPP), 529–531 serial link protocols, 529–531 setting clock rate, 531–532 connecting to integrated CSU/DSU port, 527 ISDN ports, 527–528 serial ports, 525–527 lab exercises configuring High Data Link Control (HDLC) encapsulation, 532–533 configuring Point-To-Point Protocol (PPP) encapsulation, 534–537 overview, 21–22 terminology circuit switching, 523 leased lines, 523–524 packet switching, 524–525 WAN switch, 168 Web browsers, 61 Web servers, 61 WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) protocol, 512 white-hat hackers, 453 wide area networks See WAN (wide area networks) Wi-Fi Alliance, 502 Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) protocol, 512 wildcard mask, 281 WinAgents TFTP Server software, 240 Window Size field, 103 Windows commands ARP cache, 421 ipconfig command, 420 ping command, 420 tracert command, 420–421 28_647486-bindex.indd 57628_647486-bindex.indd 576 Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) protocol, 512 wireless networking agencies, 502–503 equipment, 505 LAN frequencies, 503–504 standards 802.11a, 506 802.11b, 507 802.11g, 507 802.11n, 507 types of, 506 wireless configuration and troubleshooting designing multi-access point WLAN, 508–509 overview, 508 troubleshooting wireless networks, 510 wireless security changing SSID, 511 disabling SSID broadcasting, 511 enabling encryption, 511–512 encryption protocols, 512–517 restrict by MAC, 511 Wireshark network sniffer, 55 work area, 125 workstation security, 466, 477 worms, 460–461 WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) protocol, 512 write command, 221 X X.25 packet switch network technology, 525 10/15/10 11:29 PM10/15/10 11:29 PM Wiley Publishing, Inc End-User License Agreement READ THIS You should carefully read these terms and conditions before opening the software packet(s) included with this book “Book” This is a license agreement “Agreement” between you and Wiley Publishing, Inc “WPI” By opening the accompanying software packet(s), you acknowledge that you have read and accept the following terms and conditions If you not agree and not want to be bound by such terms and conditions, promptly return the Book and the unopened software packet(s) to 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