Rene Fueloep Miller ILLUSTRATED THE MIND AND FACE OF BOLSHEVISM *& ô*> An Examination of Cultural Life in the Soviet Union With a new Epilogue by the Author LLLluiflUiMiLA^iiU The Academy Library I IB 1188Q / $2.95 The Mind and Face of Bolshevism b^RPCR f UORCbBOORS A reference-list of Harper Torchbooks, classified by subjects, is printed at the end of this volume THE MASS THE MIND AND FACE OF BOLSHEVISM An Examination of Cultural Life in Soviet Russia BY RENE FUELOEP-MILLER With a new Epilogue, "Changes in Soviet Life and Culture During the Last Decades" and a new Bibliography (1962) f H A R P E R T O R C H B O O K S T T / K ? Academy HARPER & ROW, PUBLISHERS, NEW YORK Library T H E M I N D AND FACE O F BOLSHEVISM Epilogue and Bibliography to the Torchbook edition copyright © 1965 by Erika Fueloep-Miller Printed in the United States of America This book was first published in German under the title Geist und Gesicht des Bolschewismus in 1926 by Amalthea-Verlag, Zurich, Leipzig, and Vienna It was translated by F S Flint and D F Tait and published in the United States and England by G P Putnam's Sons, Ltd., in 1927 It is here reprinted by arrangement All rights reserved No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews For information address Harper & Row, Publishers, Incorporated, 49 East 33rd Street, New York, N Y 10016 First HARPER TORCHBOOK edition published 1965 by Harper & Row, Publishers, Incorporated New York, Evanston and London CONTENTS CHAP PAGE LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS vi INTRODUCTION ix NOTE ON THE PRONUNCIATION OF RUSSIAN NAMES I T H E COLLECTIVE MAN i II LENIN 27 III T H E PHILOSOPHY OF BOLSHEVISM IV BOLSHEVISM IN THE LIGHT OF SECTARIANISM V T H E BOLSHEVIK MONUMENTAL STYLE 50 89 VI T H E PROPAGANDIST THEATRE VII 114 THEATRICALIZED LIFE 133 VIII T H E MECHANIZING OF POETRY IX 152 BOLSHEVIK MUSIC 175 X T H E REVOLUTIONIZING OF EVERYDAY LIFE XI XII ILLITERACY AND THE NEW EDUCATION 185 T H E REFORMATION OF THE BYZANTINE CHURCH XIV T H E KATORGA—THEN AND NOW 223 XIII T H E REBIRTH OF RUSSIAN MYSTICISM XV xiii 244 255 265 T H E ETHICS OF BOLSHEVISM 277 EPILOGUE DOSTOEVSKI'S VISION OF BOLSHEVISM Epilogue to the Torchbook edition: Changes in Soviet Life and Culture during the last decades 291 289 Bibliography (December, 1962) 285 326 Bibliography 331 Index 341 LIST OF I L L U S T R A T I O N S Frontispiece: THE MASS (The following illustrations will be found in a group following page 212.,) i THE GIANT TOYS OF THE COLLECTIVE M A N : figures of Lloyd George, Mil- lerand, Kerenski and Milinkov in front of the Kremlin Moscow: The "Red Square" before the Historical Museum, decorated THE MECHANIZED INDIVIDUAL IS REDUCED TO A MERE COMPONENT PART IN THE MASS WHICH HAS BECOME THE MACHINE (Constructivistic-symbolical drawing by Krinski) "LET US TAKE THE STORM OF THE REVOLUTION IN SOVIET RUSSIA, UNITE IT TO THE PULSE OF AMERICAN LIFE, AND DO OUR WORK LIKE A CHRONOMETER!" (Gastev's appeal for Americanization) A TEMPLE OF THE MACHINE-WORSHIPPERS : A Byzantine Dome Instead of angels, figures of Communist agitators have been placed in the spandrels (Drawing by Krinski) PLAN FOR A MONUMENT TO THE COMMUNIST REVOLUTION: "THE COLOSSUS OF IRON." LENIN SPEAKING FROM A PLATFORM ON THE MOSCOW THEATRE SQUARE LENIN IN HIS STUDY LENIN, BUKHARIN AND ZINOV'EV, THE FOUNDERS OF "BOLSHEVIK MARXISM." 10 FESTIVAL TO CELEBRATE THE FRATERNISATION BETWEEN WORKERS, PEASANTS AND SOLDIERS 11 THE "CENTRAL EXECUTIVE OF ALL THE RUSSIAN PROLETARIAT" HOLDS A SESSION IN THE FORMER CORONATION ROOM OF THE MOSCOW KREMLIN 12 TROTSKI IN HIS STUDY 13 LEADERS OF SOVIET RUSSIA: Sokolnikov, Fiatakov, Bukharin, Kamenev, Kurski LENIN'S FUNERAL STALIN AND KALININ PROPAGANDA CHINA PLATE FROM THE FORMER IMPERIAL FACTORY 17 "SUPREMATIST" POTTERY FROM THE FORMER IMPERIAL POTTERY FACTORY 18 BOLSHEVIK "ISMS." 19 ARCHITECTURAL MODEL (by Ladovski) 20 I N A "RED WORKERS' CLUB." Performance of a play by Mayerhold, in which the political questions of the day are discussed 21 STANiSLAVSKi, TAIROV, CHEKHOV (a nephew of the writer), AND EVREINOV 22 THE "CONSTRUCTIVIST" STAGE IN THE MAYERHOLD THEATRE vi Illustrations vii 23 A GROUP FROM A PROLETARIAN PROCESSION 24 T H E S T O R M I N G OF T H E K R E M L I N ( d r a w i n g b y K r i n s k i ) LENIN ADDRESSES THE CROWD FROM THE FACTORY CHIMNEYS ( d r a w i n g b y Deni) PART OF A GREAT PROCESSION OF INDUSTRY 27 A WALKING EXHIBITION OF THE BOOK TRADE DURING AN INDUSTRIAL FESTIVAL 28 " T H E M A S S O N T H E M A R C H " ( R a d e k , p a i n t i n g b y K u p k a ) 29 GREAT SOVIET GYMNASTIC DISPLAY 30 BIRD'S EYE VIEW OF THE WINTER PALACE WITH THE ALEXANDER COLUMN THE "THEATRICALISED" STORMING OF THE WINTER PALACE 32 P O R T R A I T OF GORKI ( b y I A n n e n k o v ) 33 P O R T R A I T OF S A M I A T I N ( b y I A n n e n k o v ) ; & CONCERT OF FACTORY SIRENS AND STEAM WHISTLES 36 T H E P R I V A T E C H A P E L O F T H E " T R O I T S K O E P O D V O R E " ( C h u r c h of t h e T r i n i t y ) TRANSFORMED INTO AN ATHEIST'S CLUB 37 THE CUPOLA OF A LENINGRAD CHURCH 38 A COMMUNIST SPEAKER AMONG THE PEASANTS 39 A COMMUNIST PARTY CONFERENCE 40 INDESTRUCTIBLE SUPERSTITION IN RUSSIA COMMUNISTIC UNIVERSITY OF THE WESTERN PEOPLES IN MOSCOW READING ROOM 42 A YOUNG HOUSEKEEPER, BEFORE SHOPPING, GOES WITH HER A B C TO THE SCHOOL FOR ILLITERATES 43 SCHOOL FOR ILLITERATES 4 EXTERIOR OF THE "CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INTO HUMAN LABOUR" (GASTEV INSTITUTE) CINE-PHOTOGRAPHY OF THE LABOUR PROCESS 46 THE USPENSKI CATHEDRAL 47 I N A L E X E I TOLSTOI'S H O M E : ( f r o m left t o r i g h t ) TIKHONOV, SCHIPATCHEV, TOLSTOI, TVARDOVSKY, ISAKOVSKY, SURKOV 48 ILYA EHRENBURG ADDRESSING THE PEACE RALLY IN LONDON'S TRAFALGAR SQUARE, I9SO 49 BORIS PASTERNAK AFTER HEARING OF HIS WINNING THE NOBEL PRIZE IN LITERATURE FOR Dr ZktVOgO 50 POET E YEVTUSHENKO, FORMER PREMIER KHRUSHCHEV AT TWO DAY MEETING IN KREMLIN'S SVERDLOVSK H A L L , W I T H ( f r o m left t o r i g h t ) F R O L KOSLOV, K H R U S H C H E V , S M I K - HALKOV, GEORGI CHUKHRAY AND PYRIEV WOODCUT OF VLADIMIR MAIAKOVSKI BY YURI MOGILEVSKY 334 The Mind and Face of Bolshevism VILENSKI, V L Lenin VILENSKI (SIBIRIAKOV) (Katorga i ssylka.) 1924 No Politicians and Writers of the West and the East on V I Lenin (Politiki i pisateVi zapada i vostoka V I Lenine) 1924 VORONSKI, A Lenin and Humanity {Lenin i chelovechestvo) WALLACE, SIR D M Russia 1877 What 58 German Workers Saw in Russia 1925 Whence Comes Crockery ? New Children's Library, Moscow, Petrograd (Gosisdat.) (Otkuda Posuda ? Novaia Detekaia Biblioteka.) 1924 ZINOV'EV, G Comrade Lenin and the National Question (Tov Lenin i natsional'nyi Vopros) 1923 ZINOV'EV, G Five Years of the Communist International 1923 ZINOV'EV, G History of the K.P.R {Bolsheviki) 1923 ZINOV'EV, G Lenin, Genius, Teacher, Leader, and Human Being {Lenin, genii, uchitel', vozhd' i chelovek) Zvezda 1924 ZINOV'EV, G The War and the Crisis of Socialism 1924 ZINOV'EV, G Vladimir Il'ich Lenin (Undated.) ZSCHIMMER, E Phihsophie der Techntk 1914 DAILY PAPERS - Bednota (Communist Peasant Journal) Ekonomicheskaia Zhizn' (Official Organ of the Economic Council) Izvestia (Official Organ of the Central Executive Committee of the Soviet States) Krasnaia Gazeta (Official Organ of the Leningrad Soviet) Krasnaia Zvezda (Official Organ of the Red Army and Fleet) Leningradskaia Pravda Pravda (Central Organ of the Communist Party) Rabochaia Gazeta (Organ of the Communist Party) Rabochaia Moskva (Official Organ of the Moscow Soviet and the Moscow Trade Union Council) Vechernaia Moskva (Moscow Evening News) REPORTS Report on the Work of the Chairman and the Executive Report on the Fourth World Congress of the Communist International Reports on the Second World Congress of the Communist International The Capitalist World and the Communist International (Manifesto of the Second Congress of the Communist International) Guiding Principles and Statutes of the Communist International Bibliography 335 Manifesto: Principles, Resolutions of the First Congress, Appeals, and Public Writings of the Executive Committee of the Communist International Minutes of Proceedings of the First Congress of the Communist International (2nd to 19th March 1919) Minutes of Proceedings of the Second World Congress of the Communist International (19th July to 7th August 1920) Minutes of Proceedings of the Third Congress of the Communist International (22nd June to 12th July 1921) Minutes of Proceedings of the Fourth World Congress of the Communist International (5th November to 5th December 1922) Minutes of Proceedings of the Conference of the Enlarged Executive of the Communist International (Moscow, 12th to 23rd June i9 3)Minutes of Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress of the Communist International (17th June to 8th July 1924) The Tactics of the Communist International against the Capitalist Offensive (Report on the Conference of the Enlarged Executive of the Communist International, Moscow, 24th February to 2nd March 1924) Theses and Resolutions of the Third World Congress of the Communist International Theses and Resolutions of the Fourth World Congress of the Communist International Theses and Resolutions of the Enlarged Executive B ART, LITERATURE, MUSIC, AND THE DRAMA ABBATOV, B Art and Class 1923 BEDNYI,D The Highroad Poem German by J R Becher 1924 BERDIAEV, N The Crisis for Art 1917 BLOK, A The Downfall of Humanity 1922 BOGDANOV, A The Red Star 1923 BOGDANOV, A The Elements of Proletarian Culture {Element proletarski kulturi) 1920 The Problem of the Stage (Problema teatraVnostii) 1923 BULGAKOV, M The White Guard(Belaia Gvardia) 1925 CICAGOVKA.A Constructivism 1923 DOROKHOV, PAVEL Golgotha 1924 DYBENKO, P E The Rebels 1924 Easter Egg (Paskhal'noe Iaitso) Caricatures BRUCKSOHN 336 The Mind and Face of Bolshevism EFROS, A The Spirit of Classicism 1922 EHRENBURG, J Revolutionary Poetry (Poestia revolutsionnoi) 1921 EHRENBURG, J Bolshevik Poetry { 1921 ESENIN Collected Works 192? Expressionism The Charter of the Expressionists 1919 EVGENEV-MAXIMOV, W From Symbolism to October 1923 Green Birdies, The (Zelenaia Ptichka) 1922 IAKOVLEV, A Man and the Desert (Chelovek i pustin'ia) IAKOVLEV, A With the Old (So staroiu) Imagism 1919 IVANOV, VSEVOLOD Coloured Winds 1923 IVANOV, VSEVOLOD Armoured Train 14-69 1923 KERSHENTSEV, P M The Creative Theatre 1922 KIRILOV, GERASIMOV, KOVILEV Three Walls Poems KOLLONTAI, A Ways of Love 1925 Lev Art Journal of the Left Front, April, May, 1923 (Zhurnal Levogo fronta iskusstva) Edited by Maiakovski Lev-Lev Art Journal of the Left Front 1924 LIBEDINSKI, IURII A Week LUNACHARSKI, A In the World of Art (V mire iskusstva) 1923 LUNACHARSKI, A The Poison (Play) LVOV-ROGACHEVSKI Sketches for the History of Recent Russian Literature 1923 LVOV-ROGACHEVSKI The Poetry of the New Russia 1919 LVOV-ROGACHEVSKI The Imagists and the Ikon Bearers MAIAKOVSKI, V 150 Million German version by J R Becher 1924 MAIAKOVSKI, V Mysterium Buff 1923 MANDELSTAMM, R L Belles Lettres on the Judgment of RussoMarxist Criticism (Khudozhestvennaia literatura v tsenke russoimarxistskoi kritiki) 1923 MARTOV, B Art and Proletarian Vocation 1921 Messenger of the Workers in Art, The Vestnik robotnikov iskusstva x Neoclassicism (The Declaration of the Neoclassicists Eighteen signatures.) 1923 Nichevoists, The Manifesto of the 1923 October (Oktiabr) 1924 (The Journal of the Mapp.) Lelevich: Ways of Proletarian Literature (Puti proletarskogo Iskusstva) Semen Rodov: The Front of Proletariat Art (Front proletarskogo iskusstva) PEREVERSEV On the Fronts of Present-day Belles Lettres (Nafrontakh Tekushchei belletristiki) Pechat' i revolutsia 1923 Vol iv PLEKHANOV,G Articles on Art 1923 PROKOVEV, S The Love for the Three Oranges (Opera.) Bibliography 337 S The Rogue who Outwitted Seven Other Rogues (Opera.) PUNIN, N Tatlin's Design for the Monument of the Third International PUNIN Contemporary Art (Sovremennoie iskusstvo) 1923 RUSSNER, LARISA The Front R.K.P in Artistic Literature, The Question of the (K voprosu R.K.P v Khudozhestvennoi literature) 1924 Russia Russian Number of the Dawn 1925 Russian Tales First Series Four Tales t>y Nikitin, Malishkin, Serafimovich Russian Tales Second Series Four Tales by Seifulina, Tamarin, Iakovlev, and Ivanov SALAEVSKI, K Art and the Proletariat (Iskusstvo i proletariat) SHEVCHENKO, A Cubism 1916 SOSNOVSKI, L Russia 1919 STAVRINSKI Mavra (Opera.) SVIATOGOV, A Biocosmic Poetry 1921 Towards the New Shores of Art (K novym beregam iskusstvo) 1923 TROTSKI, L Literature and Revolution 1924 Union, The First Collection of Poems by the Moscow Poets' Guild VERESAEV, V In the Blind Alky WAGNER, R The Art of the Proletariat (Iskusstvo proletariata) 1918 Weekly Journal (EzhenedeVnik) Drama, Literature, Music, Ballet, Design, Painting, Cinema (Teatr, Literatura, Musika, Balet, Grafika, Shivopts, Kino.) November 1922 PROKOVEV, PERIODICALS To-day Petersburg 1919 Moscow 1919 Art 1919 The Flame 1919 The Book-Corner 1919 The Serapion Brothers 1919 The Future Proletarian Culture 1919 Creation 1919 C PHILOSOPHY, ETHICS, AND SCIENCE G Idealism on the Road to Self-Annihilation Idealism naputii samouprazdneniiu (Pechat'i revolutsia.) 1924 No iv BAUMY, ETIENNE Somme des peches 1653 BAMMEL, 338 The Mind and Face of Bolshevism BAZAROV, W The Russian Orthodox Church 1879 BERDIAEV, N Political and Philosophical Truth (Vekhi) 1909 BERDIAEV, N Dostoevski's Weltanschauung, 1925 BOGDANOV, A Empiriomonism I l l Parts, 1904-1906 BOGDANOV, BAZAROV, LUNACHARSKI, and GORKI Outlines of the Philosophy of Collectivism, 1909 BONCH, VLADIMIR (BRUEVICH) The World of the Sectarians (Iz mira sektantov) 1922 BUKHARIN, N Theory of Historic Materialism 1922 BULGAKOV, S On the Psychology of Political Heroism (Vekhi) 1909 BUSEMBAUM, HERMANN Medulla theologiae moralis 1653 CASNEDI, CAROLUS ANTONIUS Crisis theologica 1711 CUNOW, H Die Marxistische Geschichts-Gesellschafts-und Staatstheorie 1921 DEBORIN Lenin, Militant Materialist 1924 DICASTILLO, JOHANNES DE Dejustitiaetjure 1641 FLORENSKI, PAUL Hypothesis in Geometry (Mnimostii v geometrii) 1922 FRANK, S The Ethics of Nihilism (Vekhi) 1909 GERLICH, F Der Kommunismus als Lehre vom Tausendjahrigen Reich 1920 GORKI, MAXIM The Destruction of Personality GUISMENIUS, AMADIUS Opusculum 1664 ILSUNG, JACOPUS Arbor Scientiae 1693 KIRIEVSKI, J Essays 1921 KLIBANSKI, H Bolshevik Legislation 1920 KOLTSOV, N The Progress of Experimental 1921 Biology (Uspekhi experimental'noi biologii) 1922 No I Vol i Nos 2, 3, and Komsomol Easter 1924 (Komsomolskaia Paskha.) Komsomol Christmas 1923 (Komsomolskoie rozhdestvo.) LEROY, BEAULIEU, A L'Empire des Tsars 1897 LUNACHARSKI, A Culture in the Capitalist Epoch (Kultura v kapitalisticheskoi epokhe) 1923 MASARYK, T H G On Russian History and Philosophy of Religion I9I3NATORP, PAUL Sozial-Idealismus 1920 NEVSKI, W., and RAVICH, S Workers' and Peasants' Universities in Soviet Russia 1920 N.N (LUNACHARSKI) Proletarian Ethics (Proletarian Creativeness from the Point of View of Realist Philosophy) 1920 NOTZEL, J Grundlagen des geistigen Russlands 1917 OSSIP-LOURIE, N La Philosophic Russe Contemporaine 1902 PASCAL, P Die ethischen Ergebnisse der russischen Sovjetmacht 1921 PREOBRASHENSKI, E Morality and Class Standards 1923 Bibliography 339 Disputationes theologicae scholasticae 1671 Soviet justice (Periodical.) Sovetskoie pravo 1924 Nos 1, 2, and STEKLOV, G N Chernichevski 1913 STUCHKA, P The Problem of Class Law and Class Justice 1922 TIMIRIAZEV, A K Philosophy of Science (Filosofia Nauki) 1923 No I The Scientific Bases of Materialism Part I Physics (Estestvenno nauchniie osnovy materialisma Chast' I Fisika.) TSAITSEV, L Penal Law in Soviet Russia 1922 Under the Banner of Marxism Nos and 1925 ZOLOVEV, V Russia and Europe Translated into German by Harry Kohler 1917 RHODES, GEORGIUS DE INDEX ABRAMOV, K., 97 / \ Academy for Social Education, L A 242 Academy for Social Training, 124 Adamists, 168 AVENADIUS, 56 AXELROD, P., s s , 57 BABEL, I., 300, 319 BACH, 178 ADLER, M A X , 18 Baku, 184 Adventists, 78, 86 African Nights (Komsomol), 83, 200 Aika, Aeroplane factory, 138 B A K U N I N , M., 95, 282 BAKUSHINSKI, A., 97 BALANCHINE, G., 323 AKHMADULINA, B., 313, 315 AKHMATOV, A., 301, 304, AKSAKOV, S., 315 AKSENOV, V., 319, 324 ALEXANDER II, 268 Baptism, ceremonies of, 193-194 Alexandria, 252 BEETHOVEN, 176, 178 ALEXANDROV, ANATOL, 180 ALEXANDROVSKI, 166 ALIGER, M., 294, 296 Beguny (or Stranniki) sect, 79 B E K , A., 293 BAUMAN,91 BAUNY, E T I E N N E , 281 BEDNYI, D E M ' I A N , 5, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 163, 164, 167, 191, 192 All Russian Congress of the Living Church, 249, 250, 251, 253, 254 BELAEV, VIKTOR, 180 BELINSKY, V., 301, Belovzevsk, district, 218 BERDIAEV, N., 14, 86, 88, 280-281 ALTMANN, N., 149 ALYOSHIN, A., 306, 311, 3215 AMBROSIUS, 256 BERETSOV, V., 313 BERG, A., 300, 323 BERGELSON, 301 BERGHOLZ, O., 296, 304 America, 21, 63, 189, 205, 210 mechanization in, 20-24 the "promised land," 22 Anabaptists, 82 BESYLMENSKI, 167 ANDREEV, L., 145 ANNENKOV, I U N I I , 96, 142 Bezbozhnik (the Godless), 187 Bim and Bom, 274-276 Anti-religious festivals, 83, 191, 192 propaganda, effects of, 217-220 BLONSKI, 230 BOGDANOV, N., 55, 56, 57, 161, 256 BOIS-REYMOND, D U , 58 ANTONIN, THE METROPOLITAN, Berlin, 206 251, Bolshevism, Ethics of, 277-284; in the light of sectarianism, 71-88; music, 175-184; philosophy of, 50-70 253, 254 ANTON i u s , 187 ARISTOTLE, 66, 214 Armenians, 264 Artemiev, 323 ARZHAK, N., 318 ASAFYEV, B., 299 ASCHENBRENNER, 268 Association for Chemical Defense, 131 of Chemists, 138 Astrakhan, 142 Atheist Theatre, Moscow, 192 AUGUSTINE, 14 AURIC, G., 300 Austria, 197 3* BONDAREV, Y., 311 BONDARTCHUK, S., BORISOVA, M., 313, 315 BORODIN, S., 297 Boundary Posts See Vekhi BRIBASHEV, N., 314 BRITTEN, B., 300 Briusov Institute, 154, 155 BRIUSSOVA, NADEZHDA, 180 BRUSILOV, A., 298 BUCHER, KARL, 177 BUDANTSEV, Index 342 Bukhara, 93, 97 BUKHARIN, N., 6, 13, 53-54, 56, 61, 76- 77 89, 176, 177 241 246-247 291 300 BULATOVICH, A N T O N , 260 BULGAKOV, SERGEI, 15-16 BULGANIN, N., 304 B U N I N , I., 320 BUSEMAUM, HERMANN, 281 Collectivism, economic, salvation of humanity, 15 Colonial Office, 139 Communist Union of Youth See Komsomol Universities, 236-241 Community of the White Dove (the Skoptsy) COMTE, AUGUSTE, 1$ Constantinople, 252 Council of People's Commissars, 47 Bykhov, 206 Byzantium, 77; Chiliast controversy at, 258; Church Council, 259 CROMWELL, O., 44 CASNEDI, CAR A N T , 281 Cubo-Futurism, true proletarian art, 94 Customs and Manners, 197-199 Caspian Fleet, 184 Central Atheistic Association, 191; Employment Exchange Office, 268; Institute for Physical Culture, 231; Naphtha Syndicate, Collegium, 38 Chafchushski, 136 CHAGALL, M., 311 CHAIKOVSKI, P., 180 CHEISHVEILI, A., 307 Dead, Ceremonies for burial of, 195-196 DEBORIN, 53, 55, 57 63, 64, 65, 66 DEBUTOV, 123 DEMOCRITUS, 52 DERIANOVSKI, VLADIMIR, 18b DERZHAVIN, G., 121 DICASTILLO, JOHANNES DE, 281-282 Divorce, 199-200 Cheka, 164, 269-270, 276, 279 DODONOVA, MADAME, 166 CHEKHONIN, S V., 92 CHEKHOTIN, MADAME, 92 CHEKHOV, A., 319, 320, 321 CHEKRIGIN, 97 CHERNISHEVSKI, N., 91, 105 Don, Monastery, 254 Chicago, veneration for, 22-23 CHICHERIN, B., 252 DOSTOEVSKI, 9, 88, 97, Dukhoboriia, 81 Dukhobortsy, 81, 84 CHRYSANTHOS, 260 CHUKHRAY, G., 321 DZERZHINSKI, F., 279 DZERZHINSKI, I., 3 CLAUDEL, R., 129 COHEN, H E R M A N N , 18 Collective Man, 1-26, 133 the ideal, 13 255, DUDINTSEV, V., 307, 308, 310 DUHRING, 59 / Children's Town, San Gallen, Leningrad, 229 Church, Bolsheviks, 253; Byzantine, reformation of, 244-254; Byzantium, 77, 258, 259; Congress, Moscow, 249, 253; Former economic position of, 248; Greek, hesychiasts, 259-260; Greek, orthodox, 248; Holy Synod, 254; Innocent the Third, 252; Living, 249, 250, 251, 253 254; Old Apostolic, 253, 254; Oriental, 252; Patriarchate, 248, 252; Reformists, 254; Renaissance, 253, 254; Tikhonists, 254; Vatican, 252 Circle, 167 152, 196, 256, 264, 265, 280, 281, 283, 284, «85-287y 298 Down with Illiteracy Association, 226 ECKSTEIN, FRIEDRICH, 84 Education, 257; Act, national schools, 233; and illiteracy, 223-243; Experimental schools, 227-229; Labour faculties, 235-236, 237, 240, 241, 242; Main Committee for National, 55; National Commissariat for, 229; Universities, 236242 EFROS, ABRAM, 98, 107 Ego-Futurists, 154 EHRENBURG, IL'A, 131, 297, 304, 305, 306, 310 X EICHENWALD, N., 285 ElSENSTEIN, S., 132, , ENGELS, F., 17, 59, 67, 91, 289, 3°S England, 38, 137, 138 Index 343 Enlightenment Commission, 224 GlNZBURG, A., 3:18 ERDMANN, 153 E S E N I N , S., 173 GLABOV, IGOR, 180 GLADKOV, F., 292, 293, 303 GLAZUNOV, 310 GLEBOV, A., 292 GNESSIN, MIKHAEL, 180 GOETHE, F., 214 GOGOL', N., 152, 256, 319 Eskimo, 149, 150 Eurasia Movement, 262-264 EUSTACHIUS, 187 FADEYEV, A., 294, 296, I > 3°4, FALILEEV, V D., 97 FAVORSKI, N F., 97 FEDIN, K., 296, 301, 303, 310, 311 FEDOROV, F F., 97, 261, 262 FEFER, 301 FEINBERG, SAMUEL, 180 GONCHAROV, I., 49, 319 GORBATOV, B., 304 Festivals, anti-religious, 83, 191, 192 GRANIN, D., 307, 311 GRANOVSKI, A., 149 GROSSMAN, V., 296 FEUERBACH, L., 64, 246 FICHTE, Y., 25 FIGNER, VERA, 268 Fire Baptists, 82, 84, 85 First International, 27, 146 Flagellant sects, 82-85 FLAUBERT, G., 118 FLORENSKI, 261 FONIN, SEMEON, 173 FORD, HENRY, 20 Foreign Office, 206 FORREGGER, IIS, I J *&* Foundling Hospital, 200 France, 48, 205 FRANK, N., 16, 86, 88 FREUD, SIEGMUND, 5, 70, 312 FRIEDBERG, M., 319' Friends of the Proletarian Students, 226 FURTSEVA, Y., 307 G.P.U., 270-271, 272 GABO, P., 311 GORKI (locality), 38, 39 MAXIM 9-10, 35, 73, 176, 291,300, 320 Gozzi, C , 117 Group of Fourteen Poets, 161 Twenty-three, 161 GUDZI, N., 298 GUIMENIUS, AMADIUS, 282 GUMILIOV, N., 320 Habima Company, Moscow Theatre, 118-119 Jewish HEGEL, F., 53, 66 HEIFITZ, J., 321 HERACLITUS, 66 HERZEN, ALEXANDER, 40, 72, 91 Hesychiasts, 259-260 HILARION, 258-259, 260 HlNDEMITH, P., 299 Holy Israel (People of God) sect, 80 H U L L , D., 321 Humanistic Pedagogic Institute, 242 Hussites, 82 GASTEV, A., 163, 166,183, 206-208, 209210, 211-213, 216 General Association of Proletarian Authors (the Vapp), 167 Genoa, Cardinal of, 252 Congress of, 252 Georgians, 264 GEORGIUS OF RHODES, 282 GERASIMOV, A., 292, 303, 310, 319 GERASIMOV, M., 166 GERLICH, FRITZ, 72 German Idealism, 52 Reformation, 250 Workers' delegation, 271-272 Germany, 33, 48, 205 GILELS, E., 322 IAKOVLOV, 181 IAKULOV, 153 IAROSLAV, 32 IL'IN, N S., Captain, 80 Illiteracy and the new education, 223243; statistics, 1897 and 1918, 225, 227 ILSUNG, J A C , 281 Imiaborchestvo Movement, 260 Imiaslaviia (Onomatodoxy) Movement, 258, 260, 261 Imperial Government, 86; Pottery Manufactory, 92 INBER, V., 296 Individuality, farce of, 9-10, 11 Index 344 INNOCENT III, Khlysty (Scourgers), 74, 82, 83, 84 252 Inspectorate of Workers and Peasants, 205 Institute for Psychotechnical Research into Human Labour Force, 49; Red University Lecturers, 242; the Scientific Organization of Work and the Mechanization of Man, 210-211 International, 144-149; First, 27, 146; Second, 145, 146; Third, 28, 100, 101-102, 148, 149 IOGANSON, B., 310 KHMELIK, 320 KHRENNIKOV, T., 311, 322 KHRUSHCHEV, N., 289, 304, 305, 306, 3°7, , , i o , r i 315, 3i6, 321, 322, 323>324 Kiev, 186 KIREEVSKI BROTHERS, 40, 256 KntiLOv, V., 166, 319 KIRSANOV, S., 296, 307,1,310 KIRSHON, V., 319 Kitezh,84 Irkutsk, Nerchin Katorga, 266 KOCHETOV, V , , 1 , ISAKOVSKY, M., 294, 296 IUDENICH, GENERAL, 163, 203, IVANOV, V., 296, 297, 310 KOLLONTAI, MADAME ALEXANDRA, 201, IVANOVO-VOZNESENSK, 203, IVANTER, 306 IVINSKAYA, O., 309 20 202 Komfut group, 172 Kompart (Communist Party), 209 Komsomol, 187, 209, 231-232, 233; African Nights, 83, 200; Clubs, 190 Komsomoltsy, 160, 196, 200, 232 KONCHALOVSKI, 96 KOPTYAEVA, A., 306 KORNECHUK, A., 296 KORENEV, 167 303 Jehovists sect, 80 Jerusalem, 252 Jewish Theatre, Moscow, 118-119 JOHANNES, 187 KOROLEV, BORIS, 95 KOSHANOVA, MADAME, 203-204 KOSHCHENKO, DR., 229 Kabbala, 258 KOSHICH, N., 313 KABALEVSKY, D., 322 KAFLAN, DORA, 30 KAKHKHAR, A., 304 KALATOZOV, M., 321 KALINOVSKI, 251 Kostroma Government, 157 KOSTYLEV, V., 298 KRASNITSKI, 251, 253 Krasnye Krestinnye sect, 84 KRENEK, E., Kaluga, Government of, 228 KRON, A., 3071 KROPOTKIN, P., KRUPSKAIA, NADEZHDA, s s Krylov's Fables, 34, 158 Karl Marx Children's Home, 229 Kastrama, Government of, 84 KUPRIN, A., Katorga Club, 267, 268, 269; Then and now, 265-276, 277 KAUTSKY, K., 62 KAZAKEVICH, E., 296 KAZAKOV, I., 306, 315 Kazan Government, 218 KELLERMANN, BERNARD, 131 KERENSKI, A., 39, 124, 127, 147, 148 Provisional Government, 267 KHLEBNIKOV, V., 154 320 KUPRIYANOV, I., 310 KUZNETSOV, A., 324 KATAYEV, V., 290, 293, 319, 324 KATHERINE II, 91 Kheremiss, tribe, 218 300 Krest'ianov, 139 KAMENEV, L., 174 KANDINSKY, V., 311 K A N T , I., 14, 55 KAPP, ERNST, 61 KHACHATURYAN, A., 302, 307, 322, 313,,324 324 KUZNETSOV, P., 97, 167 Kuznitsa (The Smithy), 167, 168, 170 Labour Faculties, 200, 235-236, 237, 240, 241, 242 Labour Palace See Moscow, Palace of Labour LADOVSKI, 108 LAM, PAVEL, 180 LANDAU-ALDANOV, M A., 28, LAPSHIN, 104 LAVRENEV, B., 299 56 Index 346 MOLINA, TIRSO DE, 123 Molokany (Milk 84 Monasteries, 255-258, 260 Elders, 255-256, 257, 258 Optina Pustin', 256 Saint Panteleimon, Mount Athos, 258, 259, 260, 261 Monumental style, 89-113 Morel'shchiki (Self-Sacrificers) Moscow, 38, 48, 82, 91, 95, 96, 97, 120, i23> 134, 136, 140, 142, 178, 181, 184, 186, 187, 202, 206, 209, 215, 216, 218, 221, 252, 261, 267-268, 271, 272, 273, 274; Academy, 108; Agricultural Exhibition, 240; Association for Modern Music, 180; Association of Russian Authors ("Mapp"), 192; Central Atheistic Association, 191; Church Congress, 249, 253; Experimental Schools, 227, 228, 229; Humanistic Pedagogic Institute, 242; Jewish Theatre, 118-119; Lenin Institute, 38; Machine Worshippers, 183; Palace of Labour, 101, 102-103, I ! Perzimfants, 179; Pioneers, 232; Projection Theatre, 132; Revolutionary Museum, 265-266; Revolutionary Tribunal, 250, 251; Theatre, 124, 125; Trade Union Palace, 183; Universities, 236-240, 241; Government, Insurance Office, 209 Mosgubstrakh (Insurance cow Government), 209 Mount Athos See St Panteleimon MOZART, W., 178 Mstera (Vladimir 229 MUKHATOV, V., 322 NATORP, PAUL, 18 NECHAEV, 282 NEGUS OF ABYSSINIA, 150 NEKRASOV, V., 311 Nemoliakhi (The NEMTSOV, V., 294 Nep, 115, 126,156, 169, 270, 271 Neplatel'shchiki (The NEVESOV, ALEXANDER, 173 NEVSKI, 239 New Adventists, 78, 79 Village, 139 Nicaea, 252 NIETZSCHE, F., 55 NlKITIN, N., 167 NlKITIN, I., 292 NIKON,263 Nizhni-Novgorod, NonNonNOTZEL, P., 18 Novgorod, 220, 221 Novo-Romanovska, 219 Oblomov, character novel, 49 OBRAZTSOV, S., in Goncharov's 320 October Theatre, 114 Octobrists, 166, 167 OGNEV, N., 167 OlSTRAKH, D., 322 OKHLOPKOV, N., 320 OKHOTNIKOV, V., 294 Okhrana, 269, 272 Munich, 122 MUSADELI, V., Napostovtsy (The 167, 168, 172, 173 Napostu (P Napostu (On Guard periodical), 167 Narodniki, 40, 41 National Commissariat for Education, 229 302 Museum of National Hygiene, 186 Music, 175-184 "Machine," 183 OKUDZHAVA, B., 315 Old Believers See Staroobriadtsy OLESHA, I., 293, 319 N.N N.O.T Sections, 205, 206 On Guard group See Napostovsty Onomatodoxy See Imiaslaviia Optina Pustin' Monastery, 256 Orel Government, 83 Orenburg, 163 Orphanage institution, 81 NAGIBIN, Y., 315 OSTROVSKI, A., 131, 132, 320 MUSSOLINI, B., 138 Mysticism, Rebirth of, 255-264 Index 348 SCRIABDJ, A., 180 SOLOGOB, THEODORE, 168 SOLOV'EV, V., 97, 145, 262, 301 SOLZHENITSYN, A , SOPHOCLES, 120, 123 SOREL, G., 302, 304 SORIN, S., 307 Second International, 145, 146 Sorokumov fur factory, 138 SEIFULINA, L., 29, 167 SELIVANOV, 83 SCHWARTZ, Y., 320 SELVINSKY, I., 296 SEMPER, GOTTFRIED, 104 SOSHCHENKO, M , 167 SOSNOVSKI, 2 , , - , SCHILLER, F., 123 SCHOENBERG, A., 299, 324 SCHOPENHAUER, G., 55 Scientific materialism, 18 Scourgers See Khlysty Sovnarkom (Council of People's Commissars), 209 SPENCER, HERBERT, 13, 55 SPINOZA, B., 72 Serapion Brotherhood, 167, 168 Serapion Brothers, 296 Serfdom in Russia, 8, SERGEYEV-TSENSKY, S., Spring of Labour, 167 STETSKY, A., 291 STANISLAVSKI, K., 297 Sexes, relations of, 195, 199-202, 216217 SHAKESPEARE, 123 SHAPORTN, Y., 323 SHATSKI, S T., 228, 230 Shatur peat electricity works, 228 SHCHEGLOV, D., 293, 297 SHCHIPACHEV, S., 306 SHEBALIN, V., 322 SHERSHEN'EVICH, 153, 154 SHESTAKOV, 130 SHEVSTENKO, 91 209 STOCKHAUSEN, R., 323 STRAKHOV, D., 312 Stranniki sect, 79 311, STRAVINSKI, I., 125, 300, 302, STROEV, V., 244, 25O 302, 303, 307, SURIKOVTSY, 173 SURKOV, A., 296, 297, 305, 322 Siberia, 48, 86, 197, 265, 266, 267, 269, 271, 272 SIDELNIKOV, 322 SIMONOV, K., 296, 299, 301, 305, 319, 320 Skoptsy, 74, 82, 83, 85 Slavophils, 40, 43, 263, 264 SLUTSKY, B., 313 SMIDOVICH, MADAME, 200-201 SMIRNOV, S., 310 Smithy See Kuznitsa Socialism, Collectivist theories of, ignored, 15 Socialist Academy for Social Sciences, 242 Society of Jesus, 283 303, 3°5, 3°6, 3°7, Stettin, 221 Sto (Council of Labour and Defence), 307, 3i4> 319 SHOSTAKOVICH, D., 297, Staroobriadtsy (Old Believers), 79, 80, 263 State Publishing Office, 169, 170, 226; Theatre—See Theatre, Propagandist; Theatrical Department, 133; University, 241 STEPNOI, 163 STALIN, J., 291, 293, 295, 296, 302, Shigalev, character in Dostoevski, 284, 285-286 SHKLOVSKY, VICTOR, 167 SHISHKOVA, Z., 296 SHOLOKHOV, M., 290, 304, 115, 116, 117, 118, , 121 323 o8„ SVELTOV, 167 Sverdlov University, 236-237, 238-240, 241 Sverdlovsk Prison, 271 Sviatodukhovtsy sect, 80, 81 Switzerland, 48 Tabor, Hill of, 259 TAIROV, A., 120, 300 T A N , BOGARAS, 218 TATAR, 142, 263, 264 TATLIN, V., 98, 99, 100, 101, 104, 300,3" Taylor System, 21 210 Teachers' College, San Gallen, 229 TENDRYAKOV, V., 311 no, Index TERTZ, A., 318 Theatre, Octobrists, 114 Propagandist, 114-132 Theatricalized Life, 133-151 THESSALONIA, BISHOP OF See Palama, Gregorius Third International, 28, 147, 148, 149 Monument to, 100, 101-102 Tifiis, 81 TIKHON, 199, 216, 249, 250, 251, 253, 254 Tikhon Desert, 186 TIKHONOV, N., 296, 297, 303, , Time League, 49, 206-208, 216 All Russian Council of the Association of the, 207 TIMIHIAZEV, K A., 62, 63, 228 TOLSTOI, A., 294, 297, 302, 321 TOLSTOI, L., 61, 81, 152, 175, 176, University for Eastern Workers, 237; Institute for Red, Lectures, 242; State, 241; Sverdlov, 236-237, 238240, 241; Zinov'ev, 236, 241 Urals, 79, 225 USTIMENKO, 219 VAKHTANGOV, E., 117, 120 the Habima Company, 118-119 Vapp See General Association of Proletarian Authors VASDIN, 172, 173 VASILEVSKAYA, V., 296, VEDENSKI, 250 304 Vekhi (Boundary Posts), 15-16, 86-87, 88, 263 VERHAEREN, E., 123 300, 319, 320 Verkhovenski, Peter, character in Dostoevski, 288 VETROV, 124 TRET'IAKOV, S., 127, 167, 191 TROTSKI, L., 27, 32, 69, 7°, Vienna, 122 I2 3, 157, 158, 194-195, 196, 198, 240; Antireligious propaganda, 190, 193; Comparison between Marx and Lenin, 27-28; Creating paradise on earth, 76; Criticizes the Press, 188; Dram shops into State cinemas, 196 Education, 223-224 Mechanized man, 213-214 Monumental style, 89, 100, 109, 112, "3 On Lenin, 27-28, 30, 34-35, 37, 46-47 Treatment of art, 173-174 Trudoviki, 86 Tsapp See Tsaritsy Association of Proletarian Authors Tsar and the Church, 245, 248, 250 Tsaritsy Association of Proletarian Authors (Tsapp), 167, 171 TSERETELLI, 268 TURGENEV, I., 319 Turkestan, 93, 97 Turks, 264 TVAKDOVSKY, A., 305, 308, 3", 319,324 TYSBfN, V., 313, 315 Tver Government, 218 ULANOVA, G., 349 322 Union of the Russian People, 266 Universities, Communist, 236-241 315, VINOKUROV, E., 307, 313 VISHNEVSKY, V., 294, 303 Vladivostok, 272 Vogranka, group of poets, 167 VOGT, KARL, 58 VOINOVA, 299 Voniakh (Periodical), 169 VORLANDER, KARL, l8 VOROVSKI, 35, 36, 38, 42, 168, 169, 173 VOZNESENSKY, A., 307, 313, 314 Vtsik (All Russian Central Executive), 209 Vznkh (Supreme Council for National Economy), 209 WAGNER, RICHARD, 115 WEBERN, A V O N , 300, 323 WEILL, K., 300 W E L L S , H G., 47, no Western European Socialists, 280 Westerners, 40, 43 White Army, 140 Guards, 203 Women, 202-204; Aid Commissions, 203; Military service, 203; Moscow Conference, 202 WRANGEL, 140 Y A S H I N , A., 3I11 YEFREMOV, I., 294 YESMILOV, 298 Index 347 PALAMA, GREGORIUS, 259 PREOBRASHENSKI, E., 278-279, 282 Palestine, 272 PROKOF'EV, SERGEI, 181, 297, 302 PANOVA, V., 293 Proletcults, 132, 166, 173 poets, 172 Propagandist Theatre, 114-132 PARAMONOV, 230 PARETO, V., 302 PASTERNAK, B., 309, PAUSTOVSKY, K., 305, 310, 315 PAVLOV, J P., 58,152 People of God sect See Holy Israel People's Commissariat for the Interior, 270 PEREVERSEY, 169 PKRVENTSEV, 303 PETER THE GREAT, , , 248, 263, 273 Petersburg, 58, 86, 95, 98, 134,179,183, 221, 273; Experimental schools, 229; Schlusselburg Fortress, 266, 267; Third International in, monument to, 100, 101-102 Petrograd, 40, 203, 209 Insurance Office, 209 Petrogubstrakh, Insurance Office, Petrograd, 209 PETROV, S., 145, 296 PETROVSKI, 145 PETROV-VODKIN, 96 PHILO, 66 Philosophy of Bolshevism, 50-70 PICASSO, P., 312, 322 Pilgrims sect See Beguny PIL'NIAK, B., 163, 292, 293, 300 Pioneers, Federation of, 231, 232 PISSAREV, D., 94 PlSTRAK, M., 228, 230 PLATO, 55 PLEKHANOV, G., 55, 56, 57 PLENEV, 166 Pochep, 219 Poetry, mechanizing of, 152-174 Poets' Circle of the Village of Riasan, 161 P U S H K I N , A., 123, 152, 319 PYRIEV, I