HB001 - 1000 8/08 ©2008, by WIKA Instrument Corporation All rights reserved WIKA Handbook Pressure & Temperature Measurement U.S Edition WIKA Instrument Corporation 1000 Wiegand Boulevard Lawrenceville, GA 30043 Toll Free 1-888-WIKA-USA (945-2872) Tel (770) 513-8200 Fax (770) 338-5118 info@wika.com • www.wika.com WIKA Handbook Pressure & Temperature Measurement U.S Edition WIKA-Handbook · Pressure and Temperature Measurement U.S Edition I 15494_INTRO.P65 7/18/01, 18:28 II 15494_INTRO.P65 7/18/01, 18:28 WIKA-Handbook Pressure and Temperature Measurement U.S Edition I WIKA Instrument Corporation 1000 Wiegand Boulevard Lawrenceville, GA 30043-5868 USA A wholly owned subsidiary of: WIKA Alexander Wiegand GmbH & Co Alexander Wiegand Straße 63911 Klingenberg Germany Original Authors: Scientific advisers: Editor for U.S Edition: Printing: Beckerath, Alexander von Eberlein, Anselm Julien, Hermann Kersten, Peter Kreutzer, Jochem Prof Dr Fritz Aldinger Johannes Dürr Cameron Reebals Corporate Printers, Cumming, GA 2008 ©1998 WIKA Instrument Corporation All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher Printed in the United States of America IV Foreword For more than fifty years WIKA has been a leading manufacturer of pressure and temperature measurement instruments Today, the name WIKA stands for a broad product range of industrial pressure and temperature measurement instrumentation The more than 300 million measuring instruments made by WIKA so far not only prove the quality of our products, but have also enabled us to gain an extensive knowledge of practical applications requiring the measurement of pressure and temperature The present new edition of the WIKA handbook is intended to provide a reference book for our worldwide customers, dealing not only with the fundamentals, but also important practical aspects of industrial pressure and temperature measurement Additionally, all new developments concerning mechanical and electronic pressure and temperature measurement are considered Alexander Wiegand V 15494_INTRO.P65 7/18/01, 18:28 Introduction Industrial development now faces challenges and opportunities of unprecedented magnitude and diversity Economical manufacturing processes for existing or new products, new technology trends, the internationalization of markets and conditions of competition, new research developments and questions of safety for man and his environment call for innovative and visionary solutions In many cases the optimum utilization of energy and raw materials, the reproducibility of product quality and the operational reliability of plants and equipment depend essentially on being able to control fundamental operations and parameters Parameters of central importance in this respect are pressure and temperature Their simple and exact measurement and control are becoming more and more important for many fields of technology and daily life Indeed, they are already indispensable in heating, air conditioning, energy and vacuum systems, in chemical processing, petrochemicals, paper manufacturing, the food industry and biotechnology, and in automotive, mechanical, apparatus and plant engineering The same appplies to measurement and testing laboratories and to the equipment needed to conduct experiments for research in the natural sciences and technology The success of measurement and control in the above mentioned fields depends greatly on the availability of useful measurement methods and test facilities The WIKA Handbook sets out to present all the measurement methods and equipment now in use in the technical field In addition to reviewing the classical mechanical and electrical methods of measuring pressure and temperature, the book also takes a detailed look at modern electronic sensor principles The measurement ranges of the instruments described extend from fractions of a millibar to 105 x atmospheric pressure, with greatly varying demands on precision As for temperature measurements, the book describes methods for measuring the entire range from just above absolute zero to several thousand degrees Fahrenheit In addition to describing the actual measurement methods and equipment the reader will also find detailed information about the physical fundamentals of pressure and temperature metrology, measurement transducers, influencing variables and the demands placed on pressure and temperature instruments by process engineering National and international standards and regulations are also covered extensively In its comprehensive treatment of all pressure and temperature measurement aspects this handbook is without equal Details are presented in sufficient depth to grasp even complex subjects Attention is drawn to specialized literature and relevant handbooks on physics and metrology where additional reading is required to answer further questions The WIKA Handbook will not only prove extremely useful for WIKA customers but will certainly also find its way into many measurement and testing laboratories Prof Dr Fritz Aldinger Scientific Member and Director of the Max-Planck-Institute for Metal Research and Full Professor at Stuttgart University VI 15494_INTRO.P65 7/18/01, 18:28 Contents 1.1 Pressure measurement Pressure and its units of measurement 1.1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 Common units Pressure of gases Pressure of liquids 1.2 Types of pressure 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.4 1.4.1 1 3 3 Absolute pressure Atmospheric air pressure Pressure difference, differential pressure Atmospheric pressure difference, overpressure Common methods for measuring pressure Direct pressure measuring instruments Pressure measuring instruments with liquid column • U-tube manometer • lnclined-tube manometer • Multiple liquid manometer • Float-type manometer Pressure balances with liquid separation Piston-type pressure measuring instruments • Piston-type pressure measuring instruments • with spring-loaded piston • Dead-weight pressure measuring instruments Indirect pressure measurement instruments Pressure measuring instruments with flexible elements Electrical pressure sensors and pressure measuring instruments • Sensor types with strain gauges • Strain gauge transmission principles • Diaphragm conversion • Sensor principles with displacement measurement • Other sensor principles • Sensor principles for inspection and calibration systems Pressure measuring instruments with flexible measuring elements Flexible measuring elements Bourdon tubes Diaphragm measuring elements • Diaphragms • Capsules 5 6 7 9 11 11 13 13 21 21 22 25 26 30 31 31 41 42 46 VII 15494_INTRO.P65 7/18/01, 18:28 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.4.4 1.4.5 1.4.6 1.4.7 1.4.8 Bellows Movements Dials and pointers The case Connection positions Design types • Modular design of commercial pressure measuring instruments • Modular design for industrial measuring instruments • Forged cases for liquid filling Vibration damping by liquid filling • Resonant frequencies and amplitudes • Resistance to resonance • Investigation of various instrument types Safety of pressure measuring instruments Electrical and pneumatic accessories Alarm contacts • Direct contacts • Indirect contacts Transmitters • Potentiometric transmitter • Capacitive transmitters Special flexible element pressure measuring instruments Pressure measuring instruments for absolute and differential pressure • Differential pressure measuring instrument with diaphragm • Absolute pressure measuring instrument with diaphragm • Absolute pressure measuring instrument with capsule Pressure measuring instruments with high overload capability Pressure measuring instruments and pressure transducers for ultrapure gases Gas density monitors for SF6 systems Special designs and optional accessories Pressure measuring instruments for oxygen and acetylene Calibration with other pressure media Bourdon tube with tip bleed Bourdon tube with filling Extension of the lower scale range (retard scale) Dual scales Scales for direct measurement of force Temperature scale Scales with compensation for difference in levels Luminous dials Mark pointers Drag pointers Suppressed zero Extended pointer shaft Safety glass Special protection during shipment Measurement data and standards concerning applications Full scale range and maximum operating range VIII 15494_INTRO.P65 7/18/01, 18:28 48 48 52 54 54 55 55 56 57 58 58 59 60 63 66 66 66 68 69 69 69 72 72 73 73 74 75 76 77 79 79 79 79 80 80 80 80 81 82 83 83 83 83 84 84 84 84 84 1.5 1.5.1 Accuracy of the indication Process fluids Environmental conditions Pressure transducers, pressure measuring converters and pressure transmitters with analog and digital circuits Definition of a pressure transducer Pressure transducers and their specifications Pressure measuring converters Technical data and their definition • Measuring range / measuring span • Overload pressure range • Burst pressure • Power supply • Output signal (analog, digital) • Response time • Accuracy and conformity error • Hysteresis • Temperature ranges • Compensated temperature range • Types of electrical connection Pressure transmitters Differential pressure transmitter 1.6 Diaphragm seals 1.7 Selection, installation and initial operation 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.3 1.6.4 1.6.5 1.6.6 1.6.7 1.7.1 1.7.2 Diaphragm seal characteristic Displacement volume and control volume Practical applications Response time Computer-aided selection of diaphragm seals WIKA diaphragm seal systems Diaphragm seals INLINE SEAL™ diaphragm seals Capsule diaphragm seals Summary 85 86 87 90 90 92 92 93 93 93 93 93 94 94 95 95 96 96 96 96 97 100 101 102 102 102 103 104 104 105 106 106 107 Checklist for selecting a pressure measuring instrument 107 Installation and operating instructions for pressure measuring instruments 111 Accessories for the measuring point and attachments for pressure measuring instruments 109 Shut-off devices 110 Mounting the measuring instrument in position 110 Damping the measuring system 110 Temperature considerations 110 IX Appendix and tables 4.4 Abbreviations AD AEF AFM AFNOR AGR AIF AISI ANS ANS ANSI ASA ASHRAE ASME AUMA AVI AWF API BAM BDI BSI BVS BMA CEI CEE CEN CENELEC CIPM DAMG DBGM DBP DECHEMA DGWK DIN DK DKD DVGW DVM DVS EC EN GS GVT IEC IFAC German working commission for pressure vessels Committee for units and dimensions in DIN German working commission for measurement in production French standards organization German working commission for rationalization German working commission of industrial research associations American Iron and Steel Institute 150 East 42nd Street, New York, N.Y 10017, USA American National Standard (formerly: USAS [see ANSI]) American Nuclear Society, 244 East Ogden Avenue, Hinsdale, Ill 60521, USA American National Standards Institute, Inc 1430 Broadway, New York, N.Y 10018, USA (formerly: USASI) American Standards Association (now: ANSI) American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc American Society of Mechanical Engineers Exhibitions and trade fairs committee of the German industry Association of German iron and metal working industries German committee for efficient production American Petroleum Institute German materials testing institute Federation of German industry British Standards Institution German mining test laboratory (Dortmund) German ministry of labour and social affairs International electrical engineering commission International commission for conformity certification of electrical equipment European committee for the co-ordination of standards European committee for electrotechnical standardization International committee for weights and measures German bureau of weights and measures German utility model German patent German association of chemical process equipment German society for product marking German standards institute Universal decimal classification German calibration service German association of gas and water specialists German materials testing association German welding association European Community European standard Stamp of approval: "Tested for safety" German process engineering research association International electrotechnical commission International Association of Automatic Control 409 15494_397-424.P65 409 7/18/01, 18:26 Appendix and tables IP ISO KTA LN MKSA system NAMUR NIST OECD OIML ÖNORM PTB RAL REFA RKW SI SNV SUN TEWI TRAC UL UVVEN VBG VDE VDI VDPG VdTÜV VDS VG-Norm VSM International protection code International Organization for Standardization German nuclear technology committee German aviation standard Metre-kilogram-second-ampere system German working commission for measurement and control in the chemical industry National Institute of Standards & Technologies Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development International organization for legal measurement Austrian standard German physical and technical test institute German committee for terms of delivery and quality assurance (part of the German standards committee) German association for time and motion studies Rationalization board of the German industry International units system Swiss standards association International Committee of Symbols, Units and Nomenclature Total equivalent warming impact Technical rules for acetylene systems and calcium carbide stocks Underwriters Laboratories Inc.® (USA) German accident prevention regulations Federation of German employers' liability insurance associations Association of German electrical engineers Association of German engineers Association of German physics societies Association of German technical inspectorates Address: Rottstr 17, 45127 Essen Association of property insurance companies German defense equipment standard Standards published by the standards office of the association of Swiss machines 410 15494_397-424.P65 410 7/18/01, 18:26 Appendix and tables 4.5 Literature, sources Section 1: Pressure measurement 1.1 Gielessen J., Schoppa G.: 1.2 Julien H.: "Zur Pr fung der berdruckmessger te mit elastischem Messglied (Manometer) mit einem Kolbenmanometer" (PTB Bulletins, 1966) "Federelastische Druckmessger te" (WIKA publication, 1980) 1.3 Rohrbach Ch.: "Handbuch fur elektrisches Messen mechanischer Gr ssen" (VDI-Verlag, 1967) 1.4 Hartmann & Braun Frankfurt "CMR-Messumformer TGE 4, TGE 4-Ex" (works publication, 1980) 1.5 Rosemount, Wessling "Elektrischer Messumformer f r Dif ferenzdruck Typ G 1151 DP" (works publication) 1.6 Wuest W.: "Die Berechnung von Bourdonfedern" (VDl research report 489,1962) 1.7 Wuest W.: "Die Bewegungslehre von R hrenfedern" (Z instrumentenkunde) 1.8 Haringx, J.A.: "Design of Corrugated Diaphragms" (ASME, 1957) 1.9 Shochowski M K.: "Druck- und Vakuummessger te" (Fachbuchverlag Leipzig, 1957) 1.10 Hirte W.: "Druckmessung" (Messen, Steuern und Regeln in der chem Technik, Volume 1, Part 2, Springer verlag, 1980) 1.11 Julien H.: "Druckmessunq mit federelastischen Messgliedern in der Chemie" (Techn Mitteilungen, 1976) 1.12 WlKA Alexander Wiegand GmbH & Co "Die Druckmittler" (brochure 09/90) 411 15494_397-424.P65 411 7/18/01, 18:26 Appendix and tables 1.13 Pepper & Fuchs, Mannheim "Kontex-System" (works publication 1/79) 1.14 Tichy J., Gautschi G.: "Grundbegriffe der piezoelektrischen Messtechnik (Messen und Pr fen 1980) 1.15 Gieles A.C.M., Somers G.H.J "Miniaturdruckwandler mit einer Siliziummembrane (Philips tech Rundschau 33,1973/74) 1.16 Pepperm ller A.: "Druckmessger te aus einkristallinem Silizium" (RTP, 1977) 1.17 Bretschi J.: "Messumformer mit integrierten Halbleiter-DMS (ATM issue 6,1976/7) 1.18 Dr Gielessen, Dr J ger , Schoppa G.: PTB-Pr fregeln Fl ssigkeitsmanometer 1.19 Julien H., Sch fer K "Standfest" Special reprint from CAV 04/93 Section 2: Thermometry 2.1 Lieneweg F Handbuch der technischen Temperaturmessung (Vieweg-Veriag, 1976) 2.2 M.K Juchheim, Fulda Elektrische Temperaturmessung (2nd edition 1991) 2.3 Hengstenberg J., Sturm B., Winkler Messen, Steuern und Regeln in der Chemiachen Industrie (Springer Verlag, 3rd Vol 1,1980) 2.4 Beckmann Prof P Quantenphysik und Statisohe Physik Intern European Editions B.V 2.5 G Rau GmbH & Co., Pforzheim Thermobimetalle (works publication Sept 1989) 412 15494_397-424.P65 412 7/18/01, 18:26 Appendix and tables 2.6 Vakuumschmelze GmbH, Hanau Handbuch Thermobimetall VACOFLEX (works publication 1970) 2.7 Kammerer GmbH, Pforzheim Thermoflex Thermobimetalle (works publication March 1984) 2.8 KANTAHL Bimetals and Controls Hallstahamar/Sweden Das Kanthal Thermobimetall Handbuch (works publication 1987) 2.9 Jeschek M Neubert W Grundlagen der elektrischen Temperaturmessung (1989) 2.10 Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Die SI-Basiseinheiten Definition Entwicklung Realisierung (1987) 2.11 Bureau International des Poids et Mesures Supplementary Information for the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (Dec 1990) 2.12 Bureau International des Poids et Mesures Techniques for Approximating the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (June 1990) 2.13 Weichert L Temperaturmessung in der Technik (Expert Verlag 5th edition/1992) 2.14 VDl Bildungswerk Technische Temperaturmessung (November 1988) 2.15 Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Die neue Temperaturskala von 1990 (PTB-Mitteilungen 99) 2.16 Sensor-Report Temperatursensoren (February 1991) 2.17 Technisches Messen, 52/issue Optoelektronische Temperaturmesstechnik mit Pyrosen Special reprint from Technisches Messen" (1985) 413 15494_397-424.P65 413 7/18/01, 18:26 Appendix and tables 2.18 Elektronik issue 20 Temperatursonden mit mikroprozessorlesbarem Ausgangssignal Special reprint from Elektronik (Franzis Verlag, 1987) 2.19 Sensor Magazin Digitale Temperatursensoren (January 1986) 2.20 SENSOR 88 Charakteristische Eigenscahaften von Quarz-Temperatursensoren Wissenschaftliche Vortr ge und ihre Eignung also Normal in der Temperaturmesstechnik (1988) 2.21 Bach C Elastizit t und Festigkeit (1920) 2.22 Dittrich P Berechnung von Schutzrohren f r Thermometer zum Einbau in Leitungen und geschlossene Beh lter Allgemeine W rmetechnik (edition 1954) 2.23 Vanvor H., Haberstrohr A., Weber H Vibrationsfestigkeit und Vibrationspr fung von Temperaturf hlern (Maschinenmarkt, Vogel Verlag, issue 12/1977) 2.24 Murdock J.W Power test code for thermometer wells (ASME, series A, 1959) 2.25 Henning F., Moser H Temperaturmessung (Spring Verlag) 2.26 FWI Fernw rme International - FWl (volume 16, issue 4,1987) 2.27 Bonfig, Barth, Wolff Handbuch f r Ingenieure, Sensoren und Messaufnehmer (Prof On Bonfig, Expert Verlag, 2nd edition) 2.28 Beckerath A v Elektrische Temperaturmesstechnik heute, klassische Verfahren und digitale Messtechnik in der Ber hrungsthermometrie, Sensor-Report 02/89 P Keppler Verlags GmbH 2.29 Hutcheon I MSR-Magazin 11-12/1993 (1st edition) 414 15494_397-424.P65 414 7/18/01, 18:26 Appendix and tables 2.30 Team of authors Tabellenbuch Metall (Europa-LehrmitteI, 33rd edition (1984) 2.31 Team of authors Taschenbuch Elektrotechnick, Volume 2; Grundlagen der Informationstechnik (VEB Technik, 3rd edition/1987) 2.32 N hrmann D Das grosse Werkbuch Elektronik (Franzis Verlag, 5th edition/1989) 2.33 Stoppok C., Sturm H Vergleichende Studie von verf gbaren und in Entwicklung befindlichen Feldbussen f r Sensor- und Aktorsysteme (VDI/VDE Technologiezentrum Berlin, 1990) 2.34 Vanvor H Cannes pyrom triques Techniques de l ingenieur 7-1986 Section 3: Process engineering requirements for the measurement of pressure and temperature 3.1 WiKA Alexander Wiegand GmbH & Co 3.2 Bureau International des Poids et Mesures Kalibrier- und Pr ftechnik f r Thermometer (1990) Supplementary information for the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (Dec 1990) 3.3 Bureau international des Poids et Mesures Techniques for Approximating the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (June 1990) 3.4 Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Die neue Temperaturskala von 1990 (PTB-Mitteilungen 99) 3.5 Nicholas J.V White D.R Traceable Temperatures An introduction to Temperature Measurement and Calibration (2nd edition, 1994) 415 15494_397-424.P65 415 7/18/01, 18:26 Appendix and tables 3.6 Magnum B.W Furokawa G.T NlST Technical Note 1265 Guidelines for realizing the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS 90) NIST-National Institute of Standards and Technology 3.7 Fuhrmann B Wechselstromverfahren f r die Pr zisions-W iderstandsthermometrie, from "technisches Messen, tm", 53rd volume, issue 12 (Prof Dr Joachim Hesse, Oldenbourg Verlag) 3.8 Beckerath A v Praktische Durchf hrung der Kalibrierung von Widerstandsthermometern in Fl ssigkeitsb dern, Temperatur 92, VDl report 1982 3.9 Stahl, K nzelsau Einf hrung in den Explosionsschutz (works publication) 3.10 Schebsdat F (PTB) Course 3301 "Eigensicherheit in explosionsgesch tzten elektrischen Anlagen" (edition 1977) 3.11 MTL Instruments GmbH, Neuss "Z ndende Fakten" (works publication) 3.12 Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Merkblatt (Ex) (1986) 3.13 Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) Merkblatt (Ex) (May 1987) 3.14 Pepperl u Fuchs, Mannheim Elektromagnetische Vertr glichkeit Handbuch (works publication) 3.15 Fischer, Balzer, Lutz EMV St rtestigkeitspr fungen (Franzis, 1st edition/1992) 3.16 Team of authors EMV 94 Congress Papers (EMV 94, VDE, 1st edition/1994) 3.17 Preuss, L Computerschnittstellen (Hanser-Verlag, 1st edition/1989) 416 15494_397-424.P65 416 7/18/01, 18:26 Appendix and tables 3.18 Best R Digitale Signalverarbeitung und Simulation (AT-Verlag, 1st edition/1991) 3.19 Tietze U., Schenck Ch Halbleiter-Schaltungstechnik (Springer Verlag, 9th edition/1990) 3.20 Keithley Low Level Measurements (works publication) (4th edition/1992) 3.21 Aziz S.A Entwurf und Realisierung digitaler Filter (Oldenbourg Verlag, 5th edition/1990) 3.22 Philippow E Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik (H thig V erlag, 8th edition/1989) 3.23 Team of authors Taschenbuch Elektrotechnik, Volume 3; Bauelemente und Bausteine der lnformationstheorie (VEB Technik, 3rd edition/1989) 3.24 Spickermann D Werkstoffe und Bauelemente der Elektrotechnik und Elektronik (Vogel Verlag, 1st edition/1978) 3.25 Germer H., Wefers N Messelektronik, Volume I (H thig V erlag, 2nd edition/1988) 3.26 Josefsson Analog Dialogue 28-1; Using Sigma-Delta Converters (works publication, Analog Devices, 1994) 3.27 Rundel B Elektronik Industrie 10/1992, "F r jeden Anwendungsbereich den richtigen AD-Wandler" (Franzis Verlag, 1992) 3.28 Phoenix Contakt, Plomberg INTERBUS-S-Spezifikationen (Phoenix Contakt, 1994) 3.29 Ultrakust, Gotteszell Feldbus P-NET (works publication) (1990) 417 15494_397-424.P65 417 7/18/01, 18:26 Appendix and tables 3.30 Phllips Semiconductors, Frankfurt CAN-Spezifikation, 2.0 (works publication, 1991) 3.31 Profibus-Nutzerorganisation Profibus; Produkte, Dienstleistungen (5th edition/1993) 3.32 Honeywell, Offenbach USER INTERFACE MANUALTDC 3000 (Rev 1/1992) 3.33 Siemens, Munich Instabus EIB (works publication) (1993) 3.34 lSP-Foundation Karlsruhe lSP-Mappe (works publication) (1994) 3.35 Stoppok C., Sturm H Vergleichende Studien von verf gbaren und in Entwicklung befindlichen Feldbussen f r Sensor- und Aktorsystem (VDl/VDE Technologiezentrum Berlin, 1990) 3.36 Tilli Th Fuzzy-Logik (Franzis 1991,1st edition) 3.37 Clarke J SQUIDS Spektrum der Wissenschaft October 1994 418 15494_397-424.P65 418 7/18/01, 18:26 Appendix and tables 4.6 Index absolute pressure absorber halls AC resistance measuring bridges accessories for pressure gauges accuracy grades accuracy of indication accuracy of pressure transducers acoustic temperature measuring methods active length of a thermometer adjustable thermometers aging of resistance thermometers alarm contacts analog transmitters aneroid barometers annular diaphragms atmospheric pressure audio-frequency transmission 282 267 109 86 85 95 balloon effect basic value set bayonet ring bellows bending beam links bimetallic strip bimetallic thermometers Bourdon tube pressure gauge Bourdon tube tip travel curve Bourdon tubes brazing burst pressure of pressure transducers 19 208 56 48 72 193 192 30 39 31 40 calibrating at fixed points calibrating pressure measuring instruments calibrating temperature measuring instruments calibration by measurement comparison calibration error limit calibration of the movement calibration traceability capacitive sensor capacitive temperature sensors capacitive transmitters 263 143 175 187 217 66 236 46 19 247 93 258 capsule chemical seals capsule measuring elements cases CE conformity symbol Celsius scale Centronics interface ceramic measuring cells ceramic RTD’s certifcates of calibration and materials characteristic values for the time response of various thermometers chemical resistance chemical seal characteristic chemical seals chemical seals as protective buffers clinical thermometers cold conductor column error of glass thermometers column thermometers common mode interference compensated measuring bridges compensated temperature range compensating cables compensation of temperature effects compression gauge connection heads (standardized) contact protection relays contact thermometers control volume of chemical seals controller conventional error limit creeping currents creeping distance crystal oscillator temperature sensors current limitation current sources current transmission cylindrical pressure balance 106 46 54 289 121 248 23 210 114 181 155 101 100 110 187 135 188 187 280 232 96 221 201 25 161 67 187 102 253 86 302 302 142 301 280 243 263 263 86 49 256 22 145 69 damping damping the measuring system dead-weight tester devitrification of quartz glass dial dial thermometers diaphragm bed diaphragm chemical seals 52, 62 110 265 31, 52 190 45 104 419 15494_397-424.P65 419 7/18/01, 18:26 Appendix and tables diaphragm measuring elements diaphragm pressure gauges dielectric constant differential capacitor differential pressure differential pressure transmitters differential transformer digital indicators digital transmitters direct-contact thermometers disappearing-filament pyrometers displacement volume of chemical seals distribution of pressure drag pointers dry block calibrators dual slope analog-digital conversion dynamic life 41 30 23 70 97 24 252 237 148 140 101 83 272 239 36 electromagnetic compatibility EMC EMC emission EMC susceptibility encapsulation path environmental conditions equal phase weights errors of indication ESD (electro-static discharge) estimation analog-digital conversion expansion thermometers extended diaphragm connections extended pointer shaft extension cables extension for expansion 278 278 278 302 87 266 85 284 238 184 105 84 221 185 Fahrenheit scale fiber-optic thermometers film RTD’s fixed insulation fixed-point calibration flange connections float manometer flue gas ducts force-compensation principle forged brass case four-wire circuits frequency analog-digital conversion friction pressure gauge friction ring 121 141 211 302 253 105 151 28 57 212 237 25 55 front flange full scale value (fsv) FUZZY technology 55 85 254 galvanic element gas expansion gas pressure spring thermometers gauge pressure glass RTD’s glass thermometers green rot GTEM cells 226 203 210 184 225 282 Hall effect sensor handheld service manometers HART protocol hazardous location ratings (Germany) hazardous location ratings (U.S.) heat capacity heat flow heat resistance heat transfer coefficient heat transfer coefficient (effective) heat transfer resistance heat treatment heat-sensitive colors holder thermometers homogeneous circuits hot conductor hum (overhead power frequency interference) hydrostatic pressure hysteresis characteristic hysteresis of pressure transducers ideal gas law IEEE 488.2 interface ignition probability immersed bell pressure measuring instrument immersed segment pressure measuring instrument immersion depth immersion depth of a thermometer inclined tube manometers inductive proximity switches inductive sensors inductive temperature sensors inhomogeneties in thermoelements 22 261 247 296 293 177 177 164 165 173 165 37 140 186 134 135 420 15494_397-424.P65 420 7/18/01, 18:26 286 36 95 249 293 8 185 174 68 24 146 225 Appendix and tables INLINE SEAL® chemical seals 105 instability of resistance thermometer 217 installation and start-up 112 installation error of a thermometer 173 insulating layers 20 insulation resistance 217 integrated temperature sensors 135 integrative analog-digital conversion 239 International Temperature Scale ITS-90 121, 125 intrinsic safety 291 ionization pressure gauge 25 ITS-90 reference points 126 karman vortex street Kelvin scale 153 124 law of thermodynamics leakage rate linear expansion of a bar linearity linearity of a bimetal strip linearity of pressure transducers liquid columns lliquid crystals liquid spring thermometers live zero loop controllers luminescence thermometers luminous dials 148 75 130 51 195 92 2, 141 199 243 154 141 83 machine glass thermometers 186 magnetically assisted alarm contacts 67 mark pointers 83 material combinations for thermocouples 134 maximum thermometers 187 measuring cartridges 223 measuring elements 12, 31, 213 meniscus mercury columns 259 metal bellows links 72 metal resistance thermometers 131 mineral-insulated cables 214 minimum immersion depth of a thermometer 175 minimum thermometers 187 mirrored dials 52 modulus of elasticity mounting pressure measuring instruments movement multiple liquid manometer 37 110 12, 31, 48 NAMUR Newton NTC resistors 290 135 optical measuring methods oscillating circuit OSI reference model output signal of pressure transducers overload protection 140 23 249 92 84 pancake connections 105 parallax errors 5, 52 parallel analog-digital conversion 238 Pascal PCS system from WIKA 261 PECVD process 20 peripheral shape (diaphragm) 44 permanent deformation 37 physically pure platinum 265 piezoelectric effect 25 piezoresistive effect 13 Pirani vacuum gauge 25 piston-type pressure measuring instrument platinum (Pt) resistance thermometers 208 pneumatic alarm contacts 69 pocket glass thermometers 186 potentiometric sensor 24 potentiometric transmitters 69 pounds per square inch (PSI) power limitation 301 power supply 93 pressure limit for static loads 39 pressure measuring instruments with flexible elements 11 pressure rise method 75 pressure sensor 13 pressure transducers 90, 93, 96 pressure transmitters 96 pressure units - Customary (inch based) pressure units - MKSA 421 15494_397-424.P65 421 7/18/01, 18:26 Appendix and tables pressure units - SI pressure-wave ignition process fluids process measurement chain process pressure effects profile ring protection during shipment protection of users protective devices PTC resistors pulse interval modulation pyrometers 293 86 231 202 55 84 12, 54 110 135 248 139 quartz Bourdon tube controllers quartz helix sensor 260 26 radiation thermometers Rankine scale ratio pyrometers rear flange reference capacitance reference point thermostat relative error resistance sensors resistance thermometers resistance to resonance resistive sensors resistors resonant measuring methods response time of chemical seals response time of pressure transducers ripple control systems RS485 interfaces 139 125 140 55 23 221 85 232 213 59 24 232 143 102 94 286 246 safety barriers safety glass Seger cones self-heating error self-heating error of a thermometer semiconductor sensors semiconductor strain gauges sensor element of a bimetallic thermometer SF6 gas density monitors short-range order effect shut-off devices sigma-delta analog-digital conversion silicone measuring resistors 301 84 144 217 175 135 13 192 77 225 110 239 138 silicone sensors sliding alarm contacts slot initiators SMART protocol soldering solid front safety cases solid-state sensors (non-resonant) SPC specific heat conduction resistance specific thermal bending of a bimetal strip specific weights spectral pyrometers spring thermometers sputtering process SQUID stain gauge (metallic) standard resistances steam temperature stem thermometers stem-type expansion thermometers stick thermometers stopcocks strain foil gauges strain gauge transmission principles strength calculations for thermowells supply units suppressed zero surface contact thermometers surface effect of thermometers surface ignition surface tension of a liquid surge currents TEM cells temperature calibrators temperature characteristic bodies temperature class TX temperature compensation temperature considerations temperature indicators temperature scales thermal conductivity thermal effects of the thermometer glass thermal expansion of liquids thermal noise thermometers thermal output 422 15494_397-424.P65 422 7/18/01, 18:26 14 66 68 247 40 63 143 253 164 193 259 140 198 20 229 16 267 150 185 190 186 110 16 21 151 245 84 197 179 293 284 282 263, 274 144 296 51 110 144 81 164 188 130 144 177 Appendix and tables thermal radiation thermcouple pairings thermocouples thermodynamic equilibrium thermodynamic temperature scale thermoelectrlcity thermographic equipment thermometer scales thermometers (standardized) thermometric liquids thermometry thermostatic bath liquid thermowells thick-film strain gauges thin-film RTD’s thin-film strain gauges three-wire circuits torsional links traceability two-wire circuits U-tube manometer ultra-high purity gauges 171 219 132, 218 126 123 132 140 185 157 185, 199 119 268 151, 158 17 211 18 212 72 256 212 76 V.24/RS232C interfaces vacuum Van der Waal’s equation of state vapor pressure curves vapor pressure of liquids vapor pressure spring thermometers vibrating cylinder vibrating quartz sensor voltage voltage bursting voltage limitation voltage sources voltage transmission 246 203 202 130 202 27 27 232 283 301 280 243 wafers water triple point wetted parts Wheatstone bridge 14 266 86 15 zero correction zone grading 52 296 423 15494_397-424.P65 423 7/18/01, 18:26 .. .WIKA- Handbook · Pressure and Temperature Measurement U.S Edition I 15494_INTRO.P65 7/18/01, 18:28 II 15494_INTRO.P65 7/18/01, 18:28 WIKA- Handbook Pressure and Temperature... where additional reading is required to answer further questions The WIKA Handbook will not only prove extremely useful for WIKA customers but will certainly also find its way into many measurement... America IV Foreword For more than fifty years WIKA has been a leading manufacturer of pressure and temperature measurement instruments Today, the name WIKA stands for a broad product range of industrial